3 minute read
Ecclesiology and Sacraments
Primary Resources:
§ Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics. Edited and Translated by G.W. Bromiley, T.F. Torrance, et al. 13 vols. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1956-1975. CALL #: BT75.3 .B28 or https://tinyurl.com/69bwy5mb IV.2, §67 – The Holy Spirit and the Upbuilding of the Christian Community, 614-726. IV.2, §68 – The Holy Spirit and Christian Love, 727-840. IV.3.1, §72 – The Holy Spirit and the Sending of the Christian Community, 681-901.
§ _______. God Here and Now. Translated by Paul M. van Buren. London: Routledge, 2003. CALL #: BT80 .B3722 1964 or https://tinyurl.com/ctbzmhr7 “The Church: The Living Congregation of the Living Lord Jesus Christ,” 75-104.
§ _______. The Church and the Churches. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2005. CALL #: BV600.3 .B378 2005 or https://tinyurl.com/akbru2rn
§ _______. The Teaching of the Church Regarding Baptism. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2006. CALL #: BV811 .B28 or https://tinyurl.com/3y96zzyb
§ _______. Theology and Church: Shorter Writings 1920-1928. Translated by Louise Pettibone Smith. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2015. CALL #: BT15 .B353 2015 or https://tinyurl.com/ez4w7x3h
Secondary Resources:
§ Bender, Kimlyn. “Barth on the Church.” In Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, edited by George Hunsinger and Keith L. Johnson, 241-252. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2019. CALL #: (REF) BX4827.B3 W528 2019 (2 volumes) or https://tinyurl.com/4th5yp25
§ Bender, Kimlyn. Karl Barth’s Christological Ecclesiology. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013. CALL #: BX4827.B2 B385 2013 or https://tinyurl.com/2sr6ht6b
§ Buckley, James J. “Christian Community, Baptism, and Lord’s Supper.” In The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth. Edited by John Webster, 195-211. New York: Cambridge
University Press: 2000. CALL #: BX4827.B3 C35 2000 or https://tinyurl.com/ysksdevx
§ Cocksworth, Ashley J. “Revisiting Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Baptism from a Perspective on Prayer.” Scottish Journal of Theology 68, no. 3 (August 2015): 255-272.
§ Coutts, Jon. A Shared Mercy: Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016. CALL #: BT795 .C68 2016 or https://tinyurl.com/u568pzd7
§ Flett, John G. The Witness of God: The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth, and the Nature of Christian Community. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2010. CALL #: BV2063 .F58 2010 or https://tinyurl.com/kjydbs3b
§ Guder, Darrell L. “Mining Barth’s Dogmatics for a Missional Ecclesiology.” In Dogmatics After Barth: Facing Challenges in Church, Society and the Academy, edited by Günter Thomas, Rinse H. Reeling Brouwer, and Bruce L. McCormack, 133-141. Leipzig: CreateSpace, 2012. CALL #: BT75.3 .D64 2012 or https://tinyurl.com/2tefs5jt
§ Healy, Nicolas. “The Logic of Karl Barth’s Ecclesiology: Analysis, Assessment and Proposed Modifications.” Modern Theology 10, no. 3 (1994/1995): 253-270.
§ _______. “Karl Barth’s Ecclesiology Reconsidered.” Scottish Journal of Theology 25, no. 3 (2004): 287-299.
§ Hunsinger, George. “Karl Barth on the Lord’s Supper: An Ecumenical Appraisal.” In What Does it Mean to “Do This”?: Supper, Mass, Eucharist, edited by Michael Root and James Joseph, 24-46. Buckley, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books 2014. CALL #: BV825.3 W43 2014 or https://tinyurl.com/45w6fht7
§ McCormack, Bruce L., ed. “The Church as ‘Coming Community’.” Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie Supplement Series 5 (2011): 208 pages.
§ McMaken, W. Travis. The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2013. CALL #: BV818.3 .M36 2013 or https://tinyurl.com/hk29hbrn
§ Moore-Keish, Martha L. “Barth on the Lord’s Supper.” In In Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, edited by George Hunsinger and Keith L. Johnson, 277-289. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2019. CALL #: (REF) BX4827.B3 W528 2019 (2 volumes) or https://tinyurl.com/4th5yp25
§ Nimmo, Paul. “Church.” In The Oxford Handbook of Karl Barth, edited by Paul Dafydd Jones and Paul T. Nimmo, 435-450. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. CALL #: BX4827.B3 O94 2019 or https://tinyurl.com/452c8w23
§ Osmer, Richard Robert. The Invitation: A Theology of Evangelism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2021. CALL #: BV3790 .O78 2021 or https://tinyurl.com/3tpzbrsh
§ Reichel, Hanna. “Barth on the Church in Mission.” In Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, edited by George Hunsinger and Keith L. Johnson, 241-252. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2019. CALL #: (REF) BX4827.B3 W528 2019 (2 volumes) or https://tinyurl.com/4th5yp25
§ Tshaka, Rothney S. and Tshepo Lephakga. “Karl Barth’s Understanding of Baptism as a Basis for Conversation on the Praxis of Sacraments in the Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa.” Hervormde Teologiese Studies 69, no. 1 (May 2013): 1-8. Available online: https://hts.org.za/index.php/HTS/article/view/1330
§ Yocum, John. Ecclesial Mediation in Karl Barth. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004. CALL #: BV800 .Y63 2004 or https://tinyurl.com/s7bmh768
§ Welker, Michael. “Karl Barth: From Fighter Against the ‘Roman Heresy’ to Leading Thinker for the Ecumenical Movement.” Scottish Journal of Theology 57, no. 4 (2004): 434-450.