The elements of design give us an objective way to analyze and critique design. They make up a language for us to communicate what is working and waht is not in a price. How confusing would it be to try to talk about something without this language, and especially without being able to point to it, and have the other person understand? “Oh, this little thing here needs to be, um, fatter, but thinner sometimes, too, and make it stand out more... somehow.” Much simpler and clearer to say, “This line should to vary in weight and it needs more space around it.” This language also helps us describe the affect of different aspects of design on our audience. Last time, one of the things we looked at was how line can create a mood or a feeling. Just from a simple line, one of the elements of design, oyu can cause a viewer to feel angst and tension. Using the Elements Design by definition is planne. Design is created to be useful. How do we know what will be useful? By thinking about the elements of design and how each element contributes to the delivery of the message. The elements give us as designers guidelines when creating our work. They can remind us what’s missing or how we can use something more effectively and they give us a way to talk about our work with others.
Color Color has the great ability to influence our impressions of a design and this is probably the way color is used most often. If it is mostly composed of cool colors—green, blue and purple—we can feel calm or depressed, depending on how they are used. Warm colors—red, orange and yellow—make us feel strong, passionate emotions like anger or desire. 1) What is a Shape? Shapes convey meaning, aid in creating direction and can be used quite effectively for drawing attention to a particular section of the design. There are three basic categories to put shapes into: geometric, natural and abstract. Geometric shapes are what you probably thought of when you read “Shape:” circles, rectangles, octagons, etc. Geometric shapes are also considered pure form, the absolute basic underlying visual representation of an object. Natural shapes are organic shapes, which are often irregular, as opposed to shapes that are more mechanical in nature, like geometric shapes. These are things that can be found in nature, like a blade of grass, or they can be man-made, like a dab of paint. 2) What is Size? Other ways to say size are scale and proportion. It is the relative largeness or smallness of an object in the context of composition. 3) What is Space? In its most general definition, space is mass; it is height and width. Space also indicates depth and the location of objects; it creates the illusion of dimension.
4) What is a Line? A line connects two points. Lines come in every shape and size. They are one way to define space and shape, and they can give the illusion of dimension. 5) What is Value? Value is the relative lightness or darkness of an object. It is the difference between shadow and highlight, and all the midtones in between. Value is not the same as color, though value can be used to “color” an image. Black and white photography is a perfect example. It’s not any less appealing because there is no color!
6) What is texture? Texture is the surface quality of a form or shape. It is a good way to add details to your design. Notice I didn’t say an easy way! Texture can be a complicated element to use effectively, and it exists in many forms, from stripes to rust to typography.
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jack johnson “concert by the sea”
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By Arthur Visconti
a further look into her multiple personalities Ni cki Mi n a j mi g ht hav e b een b o r n in
Tri n i d a d a n d r a i s ed i n J amai ca, Q ueens , b ut the 25 - y e a r -o l d r a p p er and o ne-wo man s ty l e tornado m a k e s m u s i c li ke s he co mes fro m ano ther planet. M i n aj ’ s H a r a j u ku Barb i e aes theti c and p enchant f or a u t o g r a p h i n g the b reas ts o f her d ev o ted fem a l e f a n s n o t w i t hs tand i ng , s he i s arg uab l y on e o f t h e s t r o n ges t femal e v o i ces to eme r g e i n h i p -h op i n the l as t d ecad e. “ I d o n ’ t m i n d b e i ng cal l ed a wei rd o , ” s a y s M i n a j . “ T h ere are a l o t o f peo p l e i n h i p -h o p who are prob a b l y n e ve r g o i ng to g et what I do . B u t , b y j u s t b ei ng my s el f, I en d u p t o u c h i n g a l o t mo re p eo p l e w h o m i g h t n e ve r hav e p ai d much a tte n t i o n t o a f e mal e rap p er. ” M i n a j h a s wo rk ed hard to es tab l i s h h er o wn vo i c e , wri ti ng al l her o wn materi al and n ot l e a n i n g o n s e x ap p eal . “ I mad e a co ns cious dec is i o n t o t r y t o to ne d o wn the s exi nes s , ” she sa ys. “I w a n t p e o p l e—es p eci al l y y o ung g i rl s— to k n ow t h a t i n li f e , no thi ng i s g o i ng to b e b ased on sex ap p e a l . Y o u ’ v e g o t to hav e s o methi ng e lse to go w i t h t h a t . ”
i am who
It was Minaj’s oversiz e personalit y and kaleidoscopic raps that drew the attention o f he r new friend and mentor Lil Wayne, who signe d he r to his Young Money label in 20 0 9. Since then, Minaj’s progress on he r ho t l y anticipated debut album, Massive Attack ( due o ut this fall), has been slowed ony by he r popularity as a collaborator. S he ’s popped up on tracks for a r t ist s suc h as Usher, Robin T hicke, a nd Mar iah Carrey. “One of the bigge st high lights of this year was be ing onstage with Jeez y, Wa y e , and D rake in the middle of J ay - Z ’s set at Madison Square Gar de n, ” says Minaj. “And not onl y did w e do a song together, but i w as in a video with Mariah Carey! I st il l haven’t gotten over that!” N icki Minaj has topped the chart s in 2 01 1 and continues to do so in 20 12. Working o n he r second album, inc luding hit radio single “S t ar ships”, Minaj hopes to broaden her horizo ns, o n her world take-over. T his is definitely not t he l ast we will be hearing of the self proclaimed “F e m al e Weez y”.
they couldn’t dare to be.