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WWelcome to the theatre! On March 15, the National Endowment for the Arts released a new study about the economic activity of the arts and cultural sector in 2021 (www.arts.gov). While conducted as many organizations were reopening following COVID-19, the report was encouraging. In fact, the total economic value added by arts and cultural industries grew by 13.7 percent from 2020 to 2021.
While the rebound for the performing arts specifically was not as strong as other disciplines, the overall arts economy in 2021 represented 4.4 percent of the gross domestic product, or just over $1 trillion — a new record. And 4.9 million workers were employed in the sector, which is up from 2020.

Looking more specifically at Colorado, the results are also positive. The US Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that arts and cultural production accounts for nearly $16.9 billion or roughly 3.9% of the Colorado economy and represents 102,383 jobs. This places the arts and culture sector third behind retail and construction in the total market value of goods and services as a contribution to gross state product.
I share this with you because your presence here today is reflected in the gaining strength of these numbers. It illustrates the importance that this community places on arts and culture, which is also at the heart of our critical Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).
We thank you for your active engagement with the programming on our stages and we look forward to building on this momentum. With your help, the health and vibrancy of this arts community will once again be unsurpassed in the nation.
Warm regards,
Janice Sinden

President & CEO, Denver Center for the Performing Arts