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– In association with –
CONTENTS Colorado Ballet Publication 2014-2015 Sanya Andersen-Vie Colorado Ballet Editor
Colorado Ballet Publication is produced for Colorado Ballet by The Publishing House, Westminster, CO.
Angie Flachman Johnson Publisher Annette Allen Art Director and Production Coordinator Stacey Krull Graphic Designer
View, the magazine of the Lone Tree Arts Center, features performing arts highlights and information about the state-of-the-art facility that serves the south metro community.
Letter from the Director 8 Letter from the Board of Trustees 9 2013/2014 highlights For advertising information, Colorado Ballet’s New Home South Pacific in Concert • 14 Big River please call Yesterday Today, the All-Request What Colorado Ballet Means& to Denver 42 Beatles Tribute 303.428.9529 COVER PHOTOS: Fancy Free Photo by Allen Birnbach Peter and the Wolf Photo by Allen Birnbach CONTENTS PHOTOS:
Target your marketing with advertising in View Magazine. Tracy Jones, Francisco Estevez, Jesse Marks and Kevin Gaël Thomas Angie Flachman, Publisher Kevin Gaël Thomas and Joshua Allenback 303.428.9529 Ext. 237 angie@pub-house.com www.coloradoartspubs.com
Feet Don’t Me Now, TheFailNutcracker A Rhythmic Circus Production
Photo by Mike Watson
Artists of Colorado Ballet
Ballet MasterWorks (In Pieces) Photo by Mike Watson
Artists of Colorado Ballet
Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 Photo by David Andrews
Artists of Colorado Ballet
6 Colorado Ballet
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FROM THE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Welcome to Colorado Ballet’s spectacular late winter/early spring productions! If you joined us for our season opener A Midsummer Night’s Dream, our special Halloween presentation of Dracula, or the 54th annual production of our holiday classic The Nutcracker, we thank you. In 2015, we transition from storybook ballets to a different kind of production—one that showcases the Company’s raw talent, artistry and athleticism. Ballet MasterWorks is a collection of three works from the masters of music and dance with powerful live music performed by the Colorado Ballet Orchestra. The production includes George Balanchine’s Concerto Barocco, Jerome Robbins’ Fancy Free, and Val Caniparoli’s In Pieces. George Balanchine is widely regarded as the foremost neo-classical ballet choreographer and has been credited for the successful fusion of contemporary concepts with the vocabulary of classical ballet. According to Balanchine, the ballerinas in Concerto Barocco personify the violins in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Concerto in D minor for Two Violins. World-renowned not only for choreographing more than 60 ballets, Jerome Robbins is also known for his choreography for theater, movies and television. Fancy Free is a comical and romantic ballet set during World War II that features three sailors on leave in New York City, with an original score by Leonard Bernstein. Rounding out Ballet MasterWorks is the triumphant return of the extremely popular In Pieces, which made its world premiere with Colorado Ballet in 2013. San Francisco Ballet choreographer Val Caniparoli has contributed to the repertories of more than 35 dance companies and is one of the most sought after choreographers in the United States and abroad. Featuring dramatic lighting and costumes, the ballet is set to Poul Ruders’ Concerto in Pieces. Our performers have tremendous talent and that is why it was so important for me to present another collection of challenging works like this again. You don’t need to go to New York or San Francisco to see ballet of this caliber, you can see it right here in Denver with Colorado Ballet. This masterpiece of innovative ballets will showcase the talent that Colorado Ballet has to offer. In March, we will close the 2014-2015 season with the irresistible family adventure Peter and the Wolf, choreographed by Michael Smuin. This ballet features Prokofiev’s familiar music, vibrant costumes, lively dancing and a spirited narration of the classic children’s story that demonstrates true bravery and imagination. The production will open with a special performance of Bruch Violin Concerto No.1, choreographed by Clark Tippet featuring music by Max Bruch. Don’t forget to visit us in our new home, The Armstrong Center for Dance, at the north end of Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe! Join us for a tour, special event or Academy class. Our new location at 11th and Santa Fe Drive is moving Colorado Ballet into the future by allowing us to expand our Company, Academy and Education and Outreach programs. Our winter/spring performances will demonstrate the passion that Colorado Ballet offers to the performing arts community in Colorado. Don’t miss the exciting 2015-2016 season! Gil Boggs Artistic Director
8 Colorado Ballet
Welcome to our spring productions, which highlight our dancers’ artistry and athleticism. As board co-chairs, we are honored to be a part of Colorado Ballet’s ongoing momentum. Last year, Colorado Ballet had its most successful performance season in the history of the organization, breaking attendance and revenue records. We are pleased to announce that in 2014, Colorado Ballet moved into our new state-of-the-art dance training and rehearsal studio in Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe. The Armstrong Center for Dance puts Colorado Ballet on the map as a world-class ballet company. Our black box theater is available for rental to provide a unique performance space and for a wide variety of events. Consider hosting a corporate meeting, fundraiser or wedding in the Armstrong! The Armstrong Center for Dance is home to our nationally-renowned Academy. We encourage the love of dance in students of every age. The Academy offers classes for children as young as 1 ½ as well as a wide range of adult dance classes and a pre-professional ballet program. Our Summer Intensive Program, taught by instructors from around the U.S., is currently accepting applications. Academy students have the opportunity to audition for roles in several professional productions each year—including The Nutcracker. The Academy not only teaches dance, it encourages the love of dance in every student. Not all Coloradans have the opportunity to experience the magic of excellence in dance. That’s why Colorado Ballet’s outreach programs provide opportunities for in-need and underserved students, teachers, family and individuals with disabilities to take dance classes and attend performances. We impact nearly 60,000 individuals every year. Did you realize that ticket sales only covers 50% of our annual budget? The generous support of our patrons helps us continue producing high-quality productions and programing every year. During the giving season could you please consider a gift? You can accomplish this in one of the following ways: either go to the website at www.coloradoballet.org, contact Heather McCallin, Assistant Director of Development at 303-339-1714 or heather.mccallin@coloradoballet.org, or pick up one of the donation envelopes at our Colorado Ballet table in the lobby at today’s performance! Thank you for attending the performance and we hope you enjoy your time with Colorado Ballet! Holly Baroway and Henny Lasley Board Co-Chairs
JoAnne Zboyan
Merry Logan
Susan Struna
Raydean Acevedo
Joanne Posner-Mayer Harry M. Sterling
Kathryn Albright Lisa Appel Michelle Moorman Applegate Jean Armstrong Lacee Artist Brent L. Backes Craig Brown Sarah Semple Brown Ginger White Brunetti Sandy Elliott Kaye Ferry Stephanie Foote Ann Frick Anne M. Hillary Auna Jornayvaz Gail K. Kassan Shea Kauffman Mary Lou Blackledge Kortz Kathy Barrett Lee Cindy Meany M. Sean Murphy Marc Musyl
Dave Ramsay Barbara R. Reed, MD Cheri Rubin Rebel Saffold III Denise Sanderson Suzan Schlatter Brad Sonnenberg Nancy Stevens Adrienne L. Toon, Esq. Cinamon Watson Risa L. Wolf-Smith
CHAIRMEN EMERITI Anna Bates Ruth Silver
LIFETIME TRUSTEES Dick Saunders Raydean Acevedo
Colorado Ballet 9
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12 Colorado Ballet
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COLORADO BALLET HAS MOVED INTO THE FUTURE Company and Academy moved into The Armstrong Center for Dance this summer In August 2014, Colorado Ballet moved into its new home, The Armstrong Center for Dance in Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe, 1075 Santa Fe Drive. The renovated 30,000 square foot building gives the professional Company and the Academy room to grow. Colorado Ballet will continue to present performances in the Ellie Caulkins Opera House and the Newman Center for the Performing Arts but its new rehearsal and training facility: n encourage world-class dance to flourish in Colorado n enhance the training of the next generation of dancers n bring dance and movement to thousands of school-kids and people with disabilities n host smaller in-house performances in the black box theater The Armstrong Center for Dance has eight state-of-the-art professional dance studios and improved amenities for the professional Company. Colorado Ballet now has its own black box theater performance space, with telescoping seats to present small performances and host outside events. We encourage you to come visit us in our new space! Call us at 303-339-1714 or e-mail development@coloradoballet.org to schedule a tour. Please consider supporting Colorado Ballet’s new home by buying a brick, naming a seat in the black box theater, or making a gift to help this dream for Colorado Ballet come true. Visit out www.coloradoballet.org/newhome for photos and to donate.
14 Colorado Ballet
Fan Club Pre-Sale Ticketing begins on Tuesday, March 17 & public tickets go on sale Tuesday, March 24.
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18 Colorado Ballet
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Founders Lillian Covillo and Freidann Parker Artistic Director Gil Boggs Ballet Mistresses Sandra Brown and Lorita Travaglia Musical Director and Principal Conductor Adam Flatt Associate Conductor Catherine Sailer THE COMPANY Principals Dana Benton, Viacheslav Buchkovskiy, Chandra Kuykendall, Domenico Luciano, Maria Mosina, Dmitry Trubchanov, Alexei Tyukov, Sharon Wehner Soloists Shelby Dyer, Jesse Marks, Asuka Sasaki Corps de Ballet Joshua Allenback, Ariel Breitman, Morgan Buchanan, Casey Dalton, Emily Dixon, Francisco Estevez, Kevin Hale, Klara Houdet, Tracy Jones, Christophor Moulton, Fernanda Oliveira, Sean Omandam, Alexandra Pullen, Emily Speed, Kevin GaĂŤl Thomas, Luis Valdes, Kevin Wilson, Benjamin Winegar, Melissa Zoebisch Studio Company Abigail Cotter, Kelly Dornan, Mackenzie Fey, Bryton Foster, Tracy Fuller, Molly Huempfner, Kurtis Irwin, Molly Klug, Regan Kucera, Ryan Lee, Bryce Lee, Michelle Ludwig, Phoebe Magna, Toni Martin, Melissa Meng, Raul Orozco, Kristine Padgett, Tyler Rhoads, Zoe Stein, Siobhan Stocks-Lyons, Hannah Stolrow, Amanda Townley
Colorado Ballet | 1075 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204 | 303-837-8888 | www.coloradoballet.org Out of courtesy to the dancers and musicians, the taking of photographs of any nature is strictly prohibited during performances. Please silence all cellular telephones, pagers and audible devices. Colorado Ballet productions are made possible in part by funding from the citizens of the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District. The Artists of Colorado Ballet are represented by The American Guild of Musical Artists, AFL-CIO.
Peter and the Wolf Opening with Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 March 27-29, 2015 June Swaner Gates Concert Hall at the Newman Center for the Performing Arts Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 Choreography by Clark Tippet Music by Max Bruch Costumes by American Ballet Theatre Lighting Designer Lloyd Sobel Staged by David Richardson Costumes executed by Bruch Violin Concerto No.1 was created by American Ballet Theatre and was given its world premiere on December 1, 1987 at Sugarston Hall in the Orange County Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, California. The costumes for Bruch Violin Concerto have been restored with support from the Ellen Tracy Costume Fund.
Chandra Kuykendall Jesse Marks (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29)
Sharon Wehner Francisco Estevez (3/28 mat)
Cast: First Movement
Asuka Sasaki Domenico Luciano (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Shelby Dyer Christophor Moulton (3/28 mat)
Morgan Buchanan, Casey Dalton, Emily Dixon, Tracy Jones, Fernanda Oliveira, Alexandra Pullen, Emily Speed, Melissa Zoebisch Joshua Allenback (3/28 mat), Ariel Breitman, Kevin Hale, Christophor Moulton (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29), Sean Omandam, Kevin GaÍl Thomas, Luis Valdes, Kevin Wilson, Ben Winegar Second Movement Maria Mosina Alexei Tyukov (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Chandra Kuykendall Domenico Luciano (3/28 mat) and Company Third Movement Dana Benton Francisco Estevez (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Asuka Sasaki Jesse Marks (3/28 mat) and Company 2 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
Peter and the Wolf Music by Sergei Prokofiev Choreography by Michael Smuin Scenery by Tony Walton Costumes by American Ballet Theatre Lighting Designer Lloyd Sobel World Premiere: San Francisco Opera House, San Francisco, January 18, 1992 Musician Peter Bird Duck Cat Wolf Grandfather Hunters Narrator
Cast: Francisco Estevez (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Ariel Breitman (3/28 mat) Kevin Gaël Thomas (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Sean Omandam (3/28 mat) Dana Benton (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Asuka Sasaki (3/28 mat) Morgan Buchanan (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Casey Dalton (3/28 mat) Tracy Jones (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Shelby Dyer (3/28 mat) Christophor Moulton (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Kevin Hale (3/28 mat) Jesse Marks (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29) Joshua Allenback (3/28 mat) Ariel Breitman (3/27, 3/28 eve, 3/29), Kurtis Irwin, Bryce Lee (3/28 mat), Raul Orozco, Luis Valdes, Kevin Wilson, Ben Winegar Joey Wishnia
Artistic Staff Gil Boggs, Artistic Director
Sandra Brown, Ballet Mistress
Gil Boggs began his dance career with the Atlanta Ballet. He joined American Ballet Theatre in New York in 1982 and was promoted to soloist dancer in 1984 and principal dancer in 1991. Boggs was a member of the company for 17 years. Boggs also performed with the Twyla Tharp Dance Company, Baryshnikov and Company, Nureyev and Friends, and made several guest appearances around the world. During his career with ABT, he was recognized as both an accomplished virtuoso and one of the company’s most popular performers. Boggs has worked with numerous noted choreographers, including Agnes de Mille, Sir Kenneth MacMillan, Paul Taylor, Mark Morris, Jerome Robbins and Merce Cunningham and has an extensive performance repertoire of both classical and contemporary works. Boggs accepted the position of Artistic Director with Colorado Ballet in the Spring of 2006. In Boggs’ tenure with Colorado Ballet he has restaged full-length productions of Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Don Quixote and Coppelia along with adding new full-length productions of Romeo & Juliet, Cinderella, Le Corsaire, Beauty and the Beast and Peter Pan. Boggs has also presented 15 world premieres and 12 Colorado Ballet premieres by such renowned choreographers as Twyla Tharp, Lar Lubovitch, Antony Tudor, Val Caniparoli, Dwight Rhoden and Lynne TaylorCorbett.
Sandra Brown joined the corps de ballet of American Ballet Theatre in 1987 under the directorship of Mikhail Baryshnikov and was promoted to soloist in 1992 where she remained until 2003. During that time, she danced not only numerous classical full length principal roles, but gained recognition for her leading contemporary roles as well. Most notably, she created and danced the world premiere role of Desdemona in Lar Lubovitch’s full-length Othello in 1997 and appears in ABT’s film productions of Romeo and Juliet, Le Corsaire, and the documentary Ballet. In 2000, Brown was featured in the movie Center Stage and appears in the film The Company. Brown also holds the honor of appearing on Broadway as the original Louise Bigelow in the Tony Award-winning 1994 revival of Carousel, directed by Nicholas Hytner and choreographed by Sir Kenneth MacMillan at the Lincoln Center Theater. In 2003, Brown left ABT to pursue work as a freelance artist with Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Stiefel and Stars, Vladimir Malakhov, Peter Boal and Company, Chamber Dance Project, Dancers Patrelle, Ballet Hawaii and Madison Ballet. During this time, she also was asked to perform as a guest artist at the Vail International Festival, became certified to teach Pilates, taught for the ABT Summer Intensive, and choreographed the ballet Synchronicity. In 2006, she joined her husband, Gil Boggs, to work with Colorado Ballet. Since then, she has assisted
Colorado Ballet • Peter and the Wolf 3
Artistic Staff staging the full-length productions of Giselle, Don Quixote, and Christopher Wheeldon’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Brown has also assisted with choreographing and staging of The Nutcracker, Coppélia, The Sleeping Beauty, and Swan Lake. In addition, she assisted staging Lar Lubovitch’s Smile With my Heart, Dwight Rhoden’s Ave Maria, Twyla Tharp’s In The Upper Room, Clark Tippet’s Bruch Violin Concerto No. 2, and Edwaard Liang’s Feast of the Gods. Brown restaged her ballet, Synchronicity, for Colorado Ballet’s Studio Company. In 2007, she was asked to stage Smile with my Heart for the Joffrey Ballet. In 2013, she staged Lynne Taylor-Corbett’s Great Galloping Gottschalk at the University of South Carolina and in 2014 at NBA of Japan. In 1989 and 1990, she was chosen by Mikhail Baryshnikov to choreograph for the American Ballet Theatre Choreographic Workshop. During her tenure, she has choreographed for the Bal de Ballet, an event hosted by the Denver Ballet Guild. Her creations are From Within, Crimson Surges, Unforgettable, Grand Pas Fantastique, Heart Strings, One by One, Set Fire to the Rain, The Secret Garden, Young and Beautiful, and The Charleston. In 2014, she gained critical acclaim for the ballet The Last Beat, which she created on the dancers of Colorado Ballet to the music of DeVotchKa.
Lorita Travaglia, Ballet Mistress Lorita Travaglia is originally from New Zealand. She received her ballet training at the National School of Ballet and later the Royal Ballet School in London. Lorita made her debut as a professional dancer with the Berlin Ballet. After six years with the Company, she moved to the United States where she worked with Princeton Ballet, Boston Ballet, Atlanta Ballet and International Ballet Rotaru, dancing solo and principal roles in a wide range of repertoire. Her favorite roles include Odette/Odile in Swan Lake, Swanhilda in Coppelia, Cinderella, Sugarplum Fairy in The Nutcracker and Paquita. In 1992, Lorita returned to New Zealand, but continued to perform as a guest artist with companies in the United States as well as Company Z, a contemporary dance company in New Zealand. Lorita began teaching in 1988 while still performing and studied the Vaganova methodology. She was the principal teacher for a professional training program in Auckland, New Zealand and later, as artistic director of Canyon Concert Ballet in Fort Collins, Colorado, she set up a similar aspirant program. In 1999, Lorita joined Colorado Ballet as director of the Apprentice Program and company repetiteur, and has been ballet mistress since 2006. Her choreography includes Equanimity, Aspects, Pictures at an Exhibition and Piazzolla for Colorado Ballet and a full-length The Nutcracker for
4 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
Canyon Concert Ballet. Lorita graduated from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000 and has a private practice in Denver. She is an avid tango dancer and is the Creative Director of Parasol Arts.
Adam Flatt, Music Director & Principal Conductor After making his company debut in 2006, Adam Flatt was invited to become Music Director of Colorado Ballet beginning in the fall of 2007. He has been part of the musical scene in Denver since 2001 when he joined the Colorado Symphony as Associate Conductor. At the CSO, he led over 250 concerts in an acclaimed five-year tenure. Adam also served a seven-year tenure at the helm of the Denver Young Artists Orchestra, leading the orchestra at home in Denver, on international tours, and at special events including the opening festivities of both the Ellie Caulkins Opera House and the Newman Center at the University of Denver. In addition to his work here at Colorado Ballet, Adam is also music director of regional orchestras in Oregon and Alabama. Also a busy guest conductor, he has led performances with orchestras all over the United States and productions for the major ballet companies of Portland and Salt Lake City. Adam Flatt has his bachelor’s degree with honors in music from the University of California at Berkeley and his master’s degree in instrumental and opera conducting from the Indiana University School of Music.
Catherine Sailer, Associate Conductor Catherine Sailer, Director of Choral Studies at the University of Denver, conducts the Lamont Chorale, Lamont Women’s Chorus and the Evans Choir. She is also the Associate Conductor of the Colorado Ballet Orchestra. Conducting credits include the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Northeastern Pennsylvania Philharmonic, Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra, Beijing Symphony, National Symphony, Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra, National Opera of China, Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, National Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of St. Luke’s, Central City Opera Chorus, Dale Warland Singers, Kansas City Chorale, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Oregon Bach Festival. She was the winner of Chorus America’s Robert Shaw Conducting Fellowship.
Dana Benton Dana Benton was born in Hamilton, Ontario in Canada, where she began her training with Lou and Pauline Zamprogna at The Dance Centre. At the age of 9, she was accepted to the National Ballet School in Toronto where she trained for eight years. Dana graduated from the National Ballet School with Honors in Academics and was awarded the Peter Dwyer Award for Excellence in Dance. Upon graduating in 2000, Dana received a contract with the Alberta Ballet Company in Canada. She spent one year with the company as an apprentice. In 2001, she joined Colorado Ballet as a Corps de Ballet member. In 2007, she was promoted to Soloist and in 2014, she was promoted to Principal. With Colorado Ballet, Dana has worked with many well-known choreographers and repetiteurs including Val Caniparoli, Bronwen Curry, Judith Fugate, John Gardner, Thierry Michel, Darrell Grand Moultrie, Jessica Lang, Edwaard Liang, Donald Mahler, Amanda McKerrow, Michael Pink, Brian Reeder, Domy Reiter-Soffer, Dwight Rhoden, Amy Seiwert, Paul Sutherland, Lynn Taylor-Corbett, Doug Varone, Shelly Washington, Septime Webre, Christopher Wheeldon and Lila York. Since joining Colorado Ballet, she has performed many Soloist and Principal roles. Her notable roles include Belle in Beauty and the Beast, Swanilda in Coppélia, Cow Girl in Rodeo, Ave Maria Pas de Deux, Sugar Plum and Clara in The Nutcracker, Gulnara in Le Corsaire, Tinker Bell in Peter Pan, Pink and Aqua in Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1, Red Girl in Celts, Lucy in Dracula, Princess Florine and Diamond Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty, Pas de Trois in Swan Lake, Peasant Pas in Giselle, Flower Girl and Cupid in Don Quixote, Hermia and Peaseblossom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Flames of Paris Pas de Deux, Bomb Squad in In The Upper Room, Lead Souvenir Lady in the Great Galloping Gottschalk, and the featured role in Amy Seiwert’s Traveling Alone. This is Dana’s 14th season with Colorado Ballet.
Generously sponsored by Montine Hansl and Jane and Skip Netzorg Viacheslav Buchkovskiy Viacheslav Buchkovskiy was born in Ukraine. He began his training at Kharkov State Choreography School in 1990. In 1995, Buchkovskiy entered into the Choreography school in Kiev. Upon graduating in 1999, Buchkovskiy was invited to join the Kiev\Musical Theater as a Principal dancer, where he danced under the direction of People’s Artist of the U.S.S.R. Valeriy Kovtun. In 2000, he was invited to the 17th Fresh Ballerina Festival in Japan, along with world ballet stars. In 2001, Buchkovskiy was invited to Stanislavskiy and Nemirovish-Danchenko Academic Music Theater in Moscow where he danced numerous leading roles. During his working career in Kiev and Moscow Music Theaters, Buchkovskiy toured the world including the United States, England, Spain, France, Germany, Japan,
China, and Thailand. Buchkovskiy began as a Soloist at Colorado Ballet in 2007 and was promoted to Principal in the 2011-2012 season. During his career with Colorado Ballet, Buchkovskiy has danced leading roles such as the Prince in The Nutcracker, Franz in Coppélia, Harker in Dracula and Lankendem in Le Corsaire, as well as others.
Generously sponsored by Patty Lorie and Peggy Goldman Chandra Kuykendall Chandra Kuykendall is from Parker, Colorado and trained at the Academy of Colorado Ballet from 1988 until graduating in 1997. In 1996, she won the Denver Ballet Guild Competition and received the prestigious Florence Rustin Award. She also attended summer programs at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Vail (under full scholarship), Kirov Academy of Ballet, San Francisco Ballet Academy and School of American Ballet. After graduating from the Academy in 1997, Ms. Kuykendall joined Colorado Ballet. She spent the 1998-1999 season with Leipzig Ballet in Leipzig, Germany under the direction of the brilliant choreographer Uwe Scholz. She returned to Colorado Ballet in the fall of 1999. With Colorado Ballet, Ms. Kuykendall has danced numerous principal roles including Princess Aurora and Lilac Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty, Odette/Odile in Swan Lake, Giselle and Myrta in Giselle, Medora in Le Corsaire, Sugar Plum Fairy and Clara in The Nutcracker, Cinderella in Cinderella, Dryad Queen in Don Quixote, Lucy in Dracula, Titania and Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the principal role in Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1, the Crossover Girl in Twyla Tharp’s In The Upper Room, the Mother in Glen Tetley’s The Rite of Spring, the Brown Girl in Celts, the Kick Girl in George Balanchine’s Rubies and principal role in Theme and Variations. Her favorite of these roles was the tragic Odette/Odile in Swan Lake. She has also been featured in Antony Tudor’s Leaves Are Fading, Stanton Welch’s Of Blessed Memory, Twyla Tharp’s Nine Sinatra Songs, S. Webre’s Where the Wild Things Are, Edwaard Liang’s Feast of the Gods, Jodie Gates’ Embellish, Emery LeCrone’s Archetypes, Val Caniparoli’s In Pieces, Jessica Lang’s From Foreign Lands and People and De Profundis, Mathew Neenan’s The Faraway, Amy Seiwert’s Traveling Alone and Things Left Unsaid, Carmina Burana, Great Galloping Gottschalk, Yes, Virginia, Another Piano Ballet and Martin Fredmann’s A Little Love as well as his Dreamspace shown on PBS. Ms. Kuykendall was featured in the August 2013 issue of 5280 Magazine highlighting seven of Colorado’s athletes. This is Ms. Kuykendall’s 16th season with Colorado Ballet.
Generously sponsored by Joanne Posner-Mayer
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Domenico Luciano
Domenico Luciano was born in Naples, Italy and graduated from Royal Teatro di San Carlo Ballet School in Naples in 1999. In the same year, Mr. Luciano was invited to join the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Dusseldorf, Germany. After dancing with several companies in Europe including Europadance in France, Maggio Danza in Florence, Teatro Dell’Opera in Rome and Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, in 2004 Mr. Luciano joined Tulsa Ballet as a Demi-Soloist. In 2005, he joined Dominic Walsh Dance Theater in Houston as Principal Dancer. His repertoire includes many of the classical principal leads such as Romeo, Paris, and Benvolio in both Sir Kenneth MacMillan and John Cranko’s Romeo & Juliet; Romeo and Paris in Amedeo Amodio’s Romeo & Juliet with Eleonora Abbagnato, Etoile with Paris Opera Ballet; Solor in La Bayadere, The Prince in The Nutcracker, and Albrecht in Giselle, all by Derek Dean; In the Night by Jerome Robbins; Onegin in John Cranko’s Onegin; Roland Petit’s Ma Pavlova with international ballerina Lucia Lacarra; and Don Jose with the National Ballet of China in Carmen. Mr. Luciano also excels in his contemporary repertoire, which includes George Balanchine’s La Valse; Nacho Duato’s Jardi Tancat and Without Words; and Orfeo in Carole Armitage’s Orfeo and Eurydice. With Dominic Walsh Dance Theater, he performed Matz Ek’s Pas de Dans, Jirí Kylián’s Double You and 27’52’’, and the role of the White Swan in the White Swan pas de deux from Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake, Le Spectre de la Rose, Desire in Sleeping Beauty, Tybalt in Romeo & Juliet, The Firebird with Paris Opera Ballet Étoile Marie-Agnès Gillot. As an international Principal Guest Artist, Mr. Luciano danced in production with Tulsa Ballet, Ballet Quad Cities, The Sarasota Ballet of Florida, Atlanta Ballet, Grand Rapids Ballet, National Ballet of China and The New National Theater in Tokyo. Mr. Luciano is also invited to various national and International Galas and Dance Festivals. In 2003, he received the Leonide Massine award in Positano, Italy as Best Male Dancer of the Year. In October 2008, the Houston Press named Luciano as “Best Dancer.” He was also named in Pointe Magazine “Standouts: Our 12 favorite performances of 2009” and in 2010 he received the “Young Talent Award” in Florence, Italy at DANZAINFIERA. He joined Colorado Ballet as a soloist in 2013 and was promoted to principal in 2014.
Generously sponsored by Lawrence French and Gregory Sargowicki
Maria Mosina Maria Mosina was born in Moscow and graduated from the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Russia. Upon graduation, Ms. Mosina joined the Bolshoi Ballet Grigorovich Company and (immediately) was chosen for principal roles. Mosina had toured the world appearing on all major European, American, African and Asian stages. In 1995, Ms. Mosina was invited by Colorado Ballet to join as a leading principal dancer. Ms. Mosina performed all major parts in classical productions such as Clara and Sugarplum Fairy in The Nutcracker, Sylphide in La Sylphide, Odette-Odille in Swan Lake, Aurora and Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle in Giselle, Swanhilda in Coppelia, Kitri in Don Quixote, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Talioni in Pas de Quatre, The Dying Swan, Le Spectre de La Rose and pas de deux from Le Corsaire, Talisman, Paquita, Les Sylphides. Ms. Mosina also had the chance to show her talent in neoclassical, modern and contemporary choreographed master pieces such as Balanchine’s Apollo, Rubies, Theme and Variations, Western Symphony, Serenade, Concerto Barocco, Stars and Stripes and Who Cares?, as well as Christopher Weeldon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Peter Pucci’s Size Nine Spirit (as seen on PBS). She has also performed Alvin Ailey’s River, Martha Graham’s monumental Appalachian Spring, Agnes de Mille’s Rodeo, Paul Taylor’s Company B, F.Ashton’s Facade, Antony Tudor’s Leaves are Fading and Echoing of Trumpets, Twyla Tharp’s Nine Sinatra Songs and In The Upper Room, Glen Tetley’s The Rite of Spring, Michael Pink’s Dracula and Hunchback of Notre Dame, S.Welch’s Of Blessed Memory, Val Caniparoli’s In Pieces, Martin Fredmann and Alun Jones’ Romeo and Juliet, and Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella, A Little Love, Mon Dieu, Sechertorte, Silent Woods and Dreamspace (as seen on PBS), Vebre’s Where the Wild Things Are, Clark Tippet’s Bruch Violin Concerto No.1, Matthew Neenan’s The Faraway, Lynn Taylor-Corbett’s Great Galloping Gottschalk, Lar Lubovitch’s ...smile with my heart, Emery LeCrone’s Archetypes, Jodie Gates’ Embellish, Sandra Brown’s The Last Beat, and many more. Ms. Mosina was a featured dancer on the cover of Dance Magazine. She holds a master’s degree in methodology and pedagogy from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography. Ms. Mosina is also an active ballet instructor throughout the United States. She participated as a master teacher and judge for the Youth American Grand Prix. Ms. Mosina performed leading roles in all major productions as a member of the Company, as well as a guest artist with many other festivals, galas, and companies. She is now in her 19th year with Colorado Ballet.
Generously sponsored by Pam and Duke Hartman
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Dancers Dmitry Trubchanov
Sharon Wehner
Dmitry Trubchanov is from St. Petersburg, Russia. He began his dance training at the age of 8 at the Academy of Russian Ballet (the school of the Kirov Ballet). Upon his graduation Mr. Trubchanov danced with the Kirov Ballet Company for five years. With the Kirov Ballet Company he traveled to places around the world including France, Holland, Korea, Turkey and Taiwan. Mr. Trubchanov has performed at the Kirov Ballet Gala performances in Innsbruck, Austria and Syracuse, Sicily. He has danced at the International Ballet Festival of Miami, Florida and the International Dance Festival in Vail, Colorado. Mr. Trubchanov was a guest artist with Universal Ballet Company in Seoul, Korea during their tour to Taiwan. He was also a guest artist at two gala performances held in Fukuoka, Japan. Throughout his career Mr. Trubchanov has danced numerous classical and contemporary ballets and has won acclaim from critics worldwide. Most recently, Mr. Trubchanov was with the Cincinnati Ballet. Mr. Trubchanov joined Colorado Ballet in 2009 as a Soloist and was promoted to Principal in 2010.
Sharon Wehner is originally from San Jose, California. She trained with Jody White and David Roxander, San Jose Dance Theatre, San Francisco Ballet and San Jose/ Cleveland Ballet. Ms. Wehner joined Colorado Ballet in 1995 and was promoted to Principal in 1999, and in the last 18 years, has performed many lead roles with the Company. These include Kitri in Don Quixote, Giselle in Giselle, Odette/Odile in Swan Lake, Medora in Le Corsaire, Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, Swanilda in Coppelia, Mina in Dracula, Juliet in Romeo & Juliet, the Cowgirl in Rodeo, the Sugarplum Fairy in The Nutcracker, Cinderella in Cinderella, Esmerelda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Principal couple in Balanchine’s Stars and Stripes, Rubies, and Theme and Variations, Antony Tudor’s Leaves are Fading, and Twyla Tharpe’s In The Upper Room. She has been honored to have solos and pas de deauxs created on her by choreographers Val Caniparoli, Edwaard Liang, Mathew Neenan, Christopher Wheeldon, Darrel Grand Moultrie, Dwight Rhoden, Jessica Lang, Brian Reeder and Toru Shimazaki. In addition to Colorado Ballet, Ms. Wehner has also performed with The Washington Ballet, Oakland Ballet and Amy Seiwert’s Imagery. She has also been a guest artist at the Vail International Dance Festival, and in Japan in the Aoyama Ballet Festival, and the National Ballet of Japan’s Golden Ballet Co-star. Sharon enjoys teaching dance to all ages and abilities, particularly Dance For Parkinson’s Disease.
Generously sponsored by Mary Poole and Paul Goodspeed Alexei Tyukov At age 10, he enrolled in Perm State Ballet Academy and in 1995, he graduated with a red diploma. He started dancing with The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre. In 1998, he won a gold medal in the Senior Men’s division at the Arabesque competition of Perm and received the Mikhail Arnapolskiy prize for the most talented participant of the competition. During the next four years, Mr. Tyukov performed leading roles and traveled throughout the world. In 1999, he became a Principal dancer with Ballet Internationale and performed leading roles in full-length ballets including Carmen, Phaedra, Creation of The World, Thousand and One Nights, La Fille Mal Garde’, Cinderella, Fire Bird and Napoli. With Ballet Internationale, he danced throughout the United States and in Taiwan, China, Canada, Germany and France. In 2006, he joined Cincinnati Ballet as a Principal and performed classical and contemporary works. Mr. Tyukov has also participated in numerous galas including La Gala Des Etoiles in Montreal, Stars of Mariinskiy in Germany, International Gala in South Korea, and Russian Stars in memory of Galina Ulanova. He has been a guest artist in Amsterdam, Croatia, Japan and several American ballet companies. Mr. Tyukov has received many great reviews from The New York Times, Le Figaro, Los Angeles Times and Financial Times UK. He is a candidate of Master of Sports for Figure Skating. This is his 19th season performing with ballet companies and 7th season with Colorado Ballet.
Generously sponsored by Raydean Acevedo SOLOISTS
Shelby Dyer Shelby Dyer is a soloist with Colorado Ballet. She joined the company in 2006 after working professionally with Ballet Internationale Indianapolis, Tulsa Ballet and Cincinnati Ballet. She has had the pleasure of performing in the Florida International Ballet Gala, the Stars of the Russian National Ballet Gala in Chicago and the Vail International Dance Festival. Some of Dyer’s most notable roles include Lisa in La Fille Mal Gardee, Wendy in Peter Pan, Myrtha in Giselle, Lilac Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty, Fairy Godmother in Cinderella, Dryad Queen in Don Quixote, Gulnara and Third Odalisque in Le Corsaire, Big Swan and Pas de Trois in Swan Lake and Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker.
Generously sponsored by Katherine and Michael Whitcomb
Generously sponsored by Sandy Elliott Colorado Ballet • Peter and the Wolf 7
Dancers Jesse Marks
Jesse Marks is from Bloomington, Indiana. An aspiring cellist from the age of 6, he studied at the IU School of Music and was the awarded the first chair of the Paris Youth Symphony in 1996. Mr. Marks also began his dancing at Indiana University under the tutelage of Violette Verdy. In 2000 he was awarded a full scholarship at San Francisco Ballet School where he studied primarily with Jorge Esquivel. Mr. Marks joined Colorado Ballet in 2002, and was promoted to Soloist in 2008. During his time with the Company he has performed works by George Balanchine, Antony Tudor, Paul Taylor, Twyla Tharp, Christopher Wheeldon and Lar Lubovich, among others. He has also had the privilege of working with and performing world premieres by many choreographers including Dwight Rhoden, Edwaard Liang, Rennie Harris, Amy Seiwert and Jessica Lang. His notable roles include ‘The Chosen One’ in The Right of Spring, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, the Jester in Cinderella, the Nutcracker Prince in The Nutcracker, Lankendem in Le Corsaire, Bluebird in The Sleeping Beauty, and Blue Boy in Yes, Virginia, Another Piano Ballet. In 2009, Mr. Marks took leave from Colorado Ballet and moved to New York City. While there, he was given the opportunity to join the Metropolitan Opera and dance the principal role of Rinaldo in its production of Armida. During his year away, he also danced with Ballet X and made guest appearances with Delta Festival Ballet, Neglia Ballet and Lydia Johnson Dance. For the past three seasons, Marks has also had the opportunity to join Dances Patrelle during its spring season in New York.
Joshua Allenback
Generously sponsored by Janis and Jim Brewster Asuka Sasaki Asuka Sasaki was born in Nagano, Japan where she started training with Emiko Kojima at the Emiko Kojima Ballet School. She also received training from Yoshimi Yo, before training at the Beijing Dance Academy in China. After two years of training in China, Sasaki joined Canada’s prestigious Royal Winnipeg Ballet as an Apprentice. In 2004, she became an Apprentice with Colorado Ballet, and formally joined the Company in 2005. With Colorado Ballet, she has worked with accomplished choreographers such as Eldar Aliev, Michael Pink, Martin Fredmann, Lila York, Shelly Washington, Jessica Lang, Dwight Rhoden, Edwaard Liang and Amy Seiwert. Sasaki has danced many soloist roles with the Company. Her notable roles include, Clara and Dew Drop in The Nutcracker, Mercedes and Flower Girl in Don Quixote, Gulnara in Le Corsaire, Pas de Trois in Swan Lake, Peasant Pas de Deux and Molina in Giselle, Fleur de Farine, Miettis Fairy and Jewells in The Sleeping Beauty and Autumn Fairy in Cinderella. In 2006, Sasaki guest danced the Pas de Deux of Le Corsaire in Tokyo, Japan.
Generously sponsored by Debby Herz 8 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
Josh Allenback, a native of Colorado, has been dancing since he was 4 years old. He has studied, on scholarship, with American Ballet Theatre, The Rock School, and Joffrey Ballet. He is also a former member of Houston Ballet II as well as Ballet San Antonio. Josh has performed many principal roles including Firebird’s Katchi, Giselle’s Prince Albrecht, Cavalier and Snow King in The Nutcracker, and Prince Florimund in The Sleeping Beauty.
Ariel Breitman Ariel Breitman of Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, began his dance training at the age of eight with the Boys Scholarship Program of Metropolitan Ballet Academy directed by Lisa Collins. At sixteen, Ariel moved to New York City to train with Edward Ellison, director of Ellison BalletProfessional Training Program. While in New York, Ariel performed roles such as Jerome from Flames of Paris, Basilio’s Variation from Don Quixote, the Poet’s Variation from Chopiniana, James’ Variation from La Sylphide, and Cavalier from The Nutcracker. In 2012 and 2013, Ariel earned three gold medals from the Youth America Grand Prix competition and one silver medal in 2013 from the Tanzolymp International Ballet Competition in Berlin. After graduating from Ellison Ballet, Ariel joined The Washington Ballet Studio Company for one season, performing roles such as Liza in George Balanchine’s Who Cares and John Darling in Septime Webre’s Peter Pan. His repertory also includes the Grand Pas de Deux from La Esmeralda, Flames of Paris, and The Nutcracker, as well as the Diana and Acteon Pas de Deux from La Esmeralda, the Pas de Trois from Swan Lake, and the Pas de Quatre from Raymonda. Most recently, Ariel was invited to compete in the 2014 USA International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi, where he performed with his partner in the final round and galas. Ariel is beginning his first season with Colorado Ballet.
Morgan Buchanan Morgan Buchanan is from Houston, Texas. She trained at the Ballet Center of Houston under the direction of Victoria Vittum and Gilbert Rome. Ms. Buchanan also trained at Houston Ballet’s Ben Stevenson Academy for two years, under the direction of Sally Rojas and Sabrina Lenzi, where she earned the highest final evaluation variation score in her class. Before joining the Colorado Ballet Studio Company in 2009, Ms. Buchanan attended summer programs with American Ballet Theatre, Orlando Ballet and Houston Ballet. In 2011, she performed in Emery LeCrone’s Archetypes at the Vail International Dance Festival.
Dancers Her notable roles with Colorado Ballet include Wendy in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan, Vitality Fairy and Jewels in The Sleeping Beauty, Moyna in Giselle, and Autumn Fairy and Fairy Godmother in Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella.
Casey Dalton Casey Dalton is from Boston, Massachusetts and studied with Rudolph Kharatian at the School of Washington Ballet and with Alla Sizova at the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washington, D.C. She joined Colorado Ballet in 2004. Some of her favorite roles have included the Dumpy Stepsister in Cinderella, Doll in The Nutcracker, Two Ladies in Leaves are Fading, Max’s Toys in Where the Wild Things Are, lead Czardas and Mazurka in Coppélia, the White Cat and Happiness Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty, a soloist in Le Sacre du Printemps, Little Swans in Swan Lake, Amor in Don Quixote, one of the Trio Ladies in Great Galloping Gottschalk, Michael in Peter Pan, Gypsy in Romeo and Juliet, the Spring Fairy in Cinderella and original roles in ballets by choreographers such as Matthew Neenan, Dwight Rhoden, Jodie Gates, and many more.
Emily Dixon Emily was born in Lubbock, Texas, and she was raised in Colleyville, Texas. She received her training at the Ballet Academy of Texas under the direction of Lisa Slagle. Upon graduating high school, Emily joined Tulsa Ballet II where she danced for two seasons. In 2009, Emily accepted a corps de ballet contract with The Sarasota Ballet. During her five seasons in Sarasota, Emily had the opportunity to perform a wide variety of repertoire including works by Sir Frederick Ashton, George Balanchine, Christopher Wheeldon, Antony Tudor, Paul Taylor, Sir Peter Wright, Will Tuckett, Matthew Bourne, Dominic Walsh, Peter Darrell, Agnes De Mille, Johan Kobborg, among others. Some highlights in her career include performing in Ashton’s Monotones II; 5 girls in Balanchine’s Who Cares?; Surabaya Johnny in Christopher Wheeldon’s There Where She Loved; Emilia in Peter Darrell’s Othello; The Violetta Elvin Solo in Ashton’s Birthday Offering; and the pas de deux in Will Tuckett’s Speilende Kinder. Other favorite ballets in Emily’s repertoire include Balanchine’s Donizetti Variations, The Four Temperaments, Diamonds, and Serenade; Ashton’s Les Patineurs, La Fille Mal Gardee, and The Two Pigeons. Emily also had the opportunity to perform both Diamonds and Les Patineurs at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. with the Sarasota Ballet. This is Emily’s first season with Colorado Ballet.
Francisco Estevez Born in Quito, Ecuador, Francisco moved to the USA in 1995. He began his ballet training in Louisville, Kentucky and at the age of 16 moved to New York to study at the School of American Ballet where he graduated in 2008. In 2008, Francisco joined Boston Ballet under the direction of Mikko Nissinen. In 2010, Francisco joined the Barcelona Ballet (previously Corella Ballet) under the direction of Angel Corella. As a member of this company, he toured internationally, performing in various U.S. cities including Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, New York, as well as many international venues in Europe, Africa, and Central America. In 2011, Francisco won 1st Place at the Premio Internacional de Danza Roseta Mauri. He has also modeled for Intermezzo dancewear’s 2013 and 2014 line. He has also performed soloist and principal roles with the New York City Ballet on various occasions. His featured roles includes George Balanchine’s 1st and 2nd themes from The Four Temperaments, Balanchine’s Tarantella and Valse Fantasie, Jorma Elo’s Carmen Illusions, Jerome Robbins’ Fancy Free and 2 & 3 Part Inventions, Peter Martin’s Les Gentilhommes, Christopher Wheeldon’s For Four, DGV, Polyphonia and VIII, Clark Tippet’s Bruch Violin Concerto, Twyla Tharp’s In the Upper Room, Stanton Welch’s Clear, the wedding pas de deux and jewels from Sleeping Beauty, Franz in Coppelia, the Ali variation from Le Corsaire, Benno and Neopolitan in Swan Lake, the peasant pas de deux from Giselle, and the pas de six from Napoli, the role of Nutcracker Prince in The Nutcracker, and Jester in Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella. Francisco is also a professional photographer and a student at Harvard University. Francisco joined Colorado Ballet in 2013.
Kevin Hale Born in Warren, New Jersey but raised in England, Kevin began dancing at the age of 5. At the age of 11, he was accepted into The Royal Ballet School where he graduated from in July 2013. Kevin has won the Kenneth McMillan Choreographic Competition twice and had one of his ballets performed at the school’s annual show at the Royal Opera House. During his graduate year, Kevin performed with The Royal Ballet in various ballets including Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, La Valse and The Sleeping Beauty. His repertoire also includes Jirˇí Bubenícˇek’s Canon in D Major, Bejart’s 7 Greek Dances and Ashley Page’s Larina Waltz. He has also been featured as a dancer on the BBC. Kevin joined the Colorado Ballet in 2013. During the 2013-2014 season, Kevin performed as one of the Stepsisters in Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella. This is Kevin’s second season with Company.
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Dancers Klara Houdet A native of Réunion, France, Klara Houdet trained at the Paris Opéra Ballet School. When she turned 17, Jean-Christophe Maillot invited her to join Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, where she was promoted to second soloist. In 2007, Klara joined the National Ballet of Canada, where she danced the majority of the classical repertoire and also Balanchine’ s The Four Temperaments and Symphony in C, Robbins’ Glass Pieces and Forsythe’ s Second Detail. She also worked with choreographers, namely John Neumeier, Reid Anderson, Crystal Pite, James Kudelka, Aszure Barton, Davide Bombana, Christopher Bruce and Ronald Hynd. Klara was sponsored by Mrs. Lucy White, through the “Dancer’s First” program and in 2009 she was awarded the William Marrie Award for Dramatic Achievement from the National Ballet of Canada. In 2010, she won the gold medal at the International Ballet Competition in Sibiu, Romania, and the first contemporary prize at the Shanghai International Ballet Competition in 2001. From 2010 to 2011, she was invited as a guest artist to perform various pas de deux such as Don Quixote, Grand Pas Classique, Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, Nutcracker Grand Pas and the Bluebird Pas de Deux. More recently, the American Ballet Theatre invited her to dance in their production of La Bayadere at the Kennedy Center, Washington. Klara joined Colorado Ballet in July 2012. Since then, Klara was given the opportunity to perform the Vitality Fairy, Blue Bird Pas de Deux and Jewel Silver in The Sleeping Beauty and the Spanish and Marzipan dance in The Nutcracker. She also danced in Theme and Variations, The Rite of Spring and Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project. She also took part in Val Caniparoli’s world premiere, In Pieces.
Tracy Jones Born in Cork, Ireland, Tracy began to dance at the age of 5 with Ballet Theatre Ireland. From the age of 11, she trained at The Royal Ballet School where she graduated from in 2007. In 2006, Tracy was a winner of the Ursula Moreton choreographic competition and a finalist of the Young British Dancer of the Year. During her graduate year, Tracy performed with the Royal Ballet in various ballets and joined them on their 2007 International tour to Mexico and the USA. Upon graduating, Tracy joined the English National Ballet as an Artist where she performed all over the UK and toured to Beijing, China. From 2008 to 2012, Tracy was a member of the Barcelona Ballet (previously Corella Ballet) under the direction of Angel Corella. With this company, Tracy had the opportunity to dance various soloist and principal roles including the 3rd principal couple in Christopher Wheeldon’s DGV, the 3rd Shade variation in Natalia Makarova’s La Bayadere, Pas de Trois and Big Swans in Swan Lake, Twyla Tharp’s In the Upper Room and Jerome Robbins’ Fancy Free, among others. She also created a role in Russell Ducker’s Epimitheus for New York City Center in 2010. Tracy has modeled for Wear Moi’s 2011 dance catalog and Intermezzo’s 2013 & 2014 catalogs. She also designs and makes her own line of ballet skirts under
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the name Tulips by Tracy. Tracy joined Colorado Ballet during the 2012-13 season. In June 2013, she was named as one of 10 “Stars in the Corps” by Pointe Magazine. Since joining the company, Tracy has enjoyed performing the Arabian divertissement in The Nutcracker, Summer Fairy in Cinderella and the principal couple in Sandra Brown’s The Last Beat.
Christophor Moulton Christophor Moulton is from Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a graduate of the Harid Conservatory in Florida, where he trained under Svetlana Osiyeva, Olivier Pardina and Victoria Schnider. During his years at Harid, Moulton performed numerous roles including Siegfried in Swan Lake and Cavalier in The Nutcracker. He also studied for a year at the Jacquelyn Kennedy Onassis School under Franco Devita. Moulton is a recipient of the 2007 Rudolph Nureyev Education Fellowship. Moulton joined Colorado Ballet’s Studio Company in 2009 and was promoted into the Company in 2010. During that time he has danced several roles including Toreador in Don Quixote, God of the Wind in Beauty and the Beast and The Old Man in Eventually.
Fernanda Oliveira Fernanda Oliveira, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is in her first season with Colorado Ballet. She trained at the Escola Estadual de Danca Maria Olenewa, and with teachers Tadheo de Carvalho and Silvana Andrade, then was awarded a full scholarship to The Washington School of Ballet, where she trained with Kee Juan Han, Carlos Varcárcel, Monique Meunier, Vladimir Djouloukhadze, Kristy Windom and Elaine Kudo. Ms. Oliveira was a third prize recipient in the regionals of the Youth America Grand Prix has been invited to perform in Miami Youth Ballet’s The Nutcracker, in the role of Dew Drop. She later joined The Washington Ballet under Septime Webre as a Studio Company member, and performed in Le Corsaire, Twyla Tharp’s Push Comes to Shove, Giselle, Balanchine’s Stars and Stripes and Theme and Variations, the role of doll in The Nutcracker and in Webre’s Sympathique, for which she received honorable mention in the DC Metro Theater Arts’ review as “a commanding presence […], she is in control, is perfectly poised, and […] lets the entire audience know she was born to perform.”
Sean Omandam Sean Omandam is from Fresno, California, where he began his training with Shirley Winters. He later went on to train on full scholarship at the Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, Florida under the instruction of Victoria Schneider, Olivier Pardina and Svetlana Osiyeva. Upon his graduation in 2004, he joined Colorado Ballet’s Studio Company, and was promoted into
Dancers the Company in 2005. With Colorado Ballet, Mr. Omandam has performed a variety of featured roles including Puck in Christopher Wheeldon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Whip Boy in Glen Tetley’s The Rite of Spring, John Darling in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan, Green Man in Lila York’s Celts, Champion Roper in Agnes de Mille’s Rodeo, Max in Septime Webre’s Where the Wild Things Are and Russian in Martin Freedman’s The Nutcracker. His repertory also includes works by Lar Lubovitch, Amy Seiwert, Edwaard Liang, Jodie Gates, Matthew Neenan, Dwight Rhoden, Darrell Grand Moultire, and Jessica Lang, among others. In 2007, he was a competitor and gala performer at the New York International Ballet Competition. In the summer of 2013, Mr. Omandam was featured as a contestant on the premiere season of the South Korean television show, Dancing 9.
Alexandra Pullen Alexandra Pullen was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and was raised in Chicago, Illinois, where she began her initial ballet training at a local community center. Pullen studied at Dance Center Evanston, Evanston School of Ballet, and Chicago Ballet Arts, and the Ruth Page School of Dance, where she joined their company, the Civic Ballet of Chicago. She trained on scholarship at the Joffrey Academy of Ballet in Chicago under Anna Reznik and Alexei Kremnev. She toured with the Joffrey Trainees to perform as Clara in The Nutcracker Suite. She studied on scholarship at summer programs of the San Francisco Ballet School, School of American Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and American Ballet Theatre. In 2012, Pullen competed in the Youth America Grand Prix Chicago Semi-Finals and received a gold medal in the classical category and a silver medal in the contemporary category. She was a Finalist in New York City. In September 2012, Pullen was awarded the Shoot for Change Scholarship to attend the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School at American Ballet Theatre, and joined ABT Studio Company two weeks later. Pullen joined ABT as an apprentice 2013 and was promoted to the corps de ballet in 2014. With ABT, Pullen’s rep included Don Quixote, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Swan Lake, Coppelia, Ashton’s The Dream, Manon, Cinderella, Gaite Parisienne, La Bayadere, and Twyla Tharp’s Bach Partita. She went on tour with ABT to Abu Dhabi, Australia, Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis. This is her first season with The Colorado Ballet.
Emily Speed Emily Speed is originally from Argyle, TX and began her professional training under Marina Almayeva. In 2006, she was a Finalist at World Ballet Competition, in Orlando, Florida. Ms. Speed won first place in the classical division at the 2007 Youth American Grand Prix Regionals. Emily was one out of a hundred participants worldwide who qualified and competed in the 2010 Varna International Ballet Competition in Varna, Bulgaria and this past summer went to the USA IBC in Jackson, MS. During her career, she has danced professionally with Alabama Ballet, Ballet Tucson and Boulder Ballet. Ms. Speed has performed
multiple principle and soloist roles including, Flower Girl and Mercedes in Don Quixote, roles in George Balanchine’s Serenade and The Nutcracker, Anthony Tudor’s Lilac Garden and Continuo, Daniel Precup’s Bolero, Third Act Raymonda, The Wedding Pas de Duex from Don Quixote, The Fairy Doll Pas de Trios staged by Amanda McKerrow and John Gardner and most recently Clara in The Nutcracker. She has been invited to guest with various schools and companies around the U.S. as well as international festivals and gala performances. Emily is very excited about joining Colorado Ballet for the 2014-2015 season.
Kevin Gaël Thomas Kevin Gaël Thomas is from France and studied at Rosella Hightower’s International Ballet Center and at Canada’s National Ballet School, where he received a full scholarship and graduated in 2006, with honors. Mr. Thomas also graduated with honors from the Music Conservatory in France for piano. He then danced for a year with Houston Ballet II. Mr. Thomas joined Colorado Ballet in 2007. During his first season, he performed wellknown roles such as Fritz and Russian in The Nutcracker. He then performed Soloist roles in Colorado Ballet productions including Blue Bird and Jewels in The Sleeping Beauty, the Whip Boy in Glen Tetley’s The Rite of Spring, Demi Soloist in Theme and Variations, the Jester in Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella and Puck in Christopher Wheeldon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In 2012, he received his first principal role as Peter in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan. Mr. Thomas was chosen to represent France at the New York International Ballet Competition in 2009 and at the USA Jackson International Ballet Competition in 2010.
Luis Valdes Luis Valdes was born in Matanzas, Cuba, and joined Colorado Ballet in 2005. Previously, he performed with the National Ballet of Cuba and Cincinnati Ballet. Mr. Valdes’ favorite role with Colorado Ballet is Espada in Don Quixote. Since joining Colorado Ballet, Valdes has had the opportunity to dance as a guest in modern dance pieces in Florida, New York, and Iowa. He has had the chance to perform in new works by Val Caniparoli and Amy Seiwert. Mr. Valdes also enjoyed the opportunity to perform The Rite of Spring in Colorado Ballet’s Ballet MasterWorks during the 2012-2013 season. Some of his favorite choreography includes Twyla Tharp’s In The Upper Room, Paul Taylor’s Company B and Antony Tudor’s Echoing of Trumpets.
Colorado Ballet • Peter and the Wolf 11
Dancers Kevin Wilson
Melissa Zoebisch
Kevin Wilson was born in Durango, Colorado. He is a graduate of the Harid Conservatory in Florida, where he trained under Svetlana Osiyeva, Olivier Pardina and Victoria Schnider. He received the Dance Achievement Award for two consecutive years. Kevin has been a member of Colorado Ballet for six years. He had the pleasure of dancing in the Corps for Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 and the wedding scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Melissa grew up in Mexico and studied at the Chamber Ballet of Jalisco. She was awarded a scholarship to attend for a year at the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Mme. Sizova’s class, and returned to Mexico to graduate in 2004. Throughout her school years, she participated in many workshops around the world including: Cuba, Canada, Austria, Spain and the United States. In 2005, Ms. Zoebisch joined the National Dance Company, where she obtained soloist roles in her first year in ballets including Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty and Carmen. Her other repertoire includes principal roles in Giselle, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Pas de Deux from Le Corsaire, original contemporary choreographies, and many others. She was a finalist at the Korea International Ballet Competition, 2010; recipient of a Special Award KIBC. Before joining the Colorado Ballet in 2014, she had been freelancing with her husband around the country.
Ben Winegar Ben Winegar is from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He began his training at the School of the Grand Rapids Ballet at the age of 11. There he was trained by Attila Mosolygo, Gaiane Akopian, and Akop Akopian, and was given the opportunity to perform in several ballets with the Grand Rapids Ballet Company. In 2010, Ben spent a year training at the School of American Ballet. Upon graduating, he danced one season with the Los Angeles Ballet under the direction of Thordal Christensen and Colleen Neary. This is Ben’s third season as a member of Colorado Ballet.
Headshots by Allen Birnbach Klara Houdet and Casey Dalton headshots by Francisco Estevez
Farewell to Colorado Ballet dancers
Dmitry Trubchanov 7 seasons
Viacheslav Buchkovskiy 8 seasons
Jesse Marks 12 seasons
As Colorado Ballet brings to a close its 54th season, we also say goodbye to some men dear to our organization, Soloist Jesse Marks and Principals Dmitry Trubchanov and Viacheslav Buchkovskiy. These company members have chosen to retire making this weekend their last with the company. These men have been leaders to our company and for that we could never thank them enough. Everyone at Colorado Ballet wishes Jesse, Dmitry and Viacheslav and their families all the best on the next steps in their lives. You will be greatly missed. - Gil Boggs, Artistic Director 12 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
Colorado Ballet Studio Company From top (left to right): 1st Row: Bryton Foster, Toni Martin, Raul Orozco, Tyler Rhoads 2nd Row: Michelle Ludwig, Melissa Meng, Kelly Dornan, Molly Huempfner 3rd Row: Tracy Fuller, Abigail Cotter, Bryce Lee Row 4: Kurtis Irwin, Mackenzie Fey, Kristine Padgett, Phoebe Magna Row 5: Molly Klug, Hannah Stolrow, Ryan Lee Row 6: Zoe Stein, Siobhan Stocks-Lyons, Regan Kucera Front: Amanda Townley
Akira Endo 1938-2014 With sadness, Colorado Ballet notes the passing of former Music Director Akira Endo on April 3, 2014. Maestro Endo joined our company in 2001, conducting most of Colorado Ballet’s performances until his retirement 2006. Maestro Endo was concurrently director of orchestral studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. In a distinguished career prior to his work in Colorado he had served a highly acclaimed, decade-long tenure as Music Director of American Ballet Theatre from 1969-79 where he conducted the American debuts of Mikhail Baryshnikov and Natalia Makarova and worked with most of the other notable
dancers of the day including Nureyev and Fonteyn. He also had been Music Director of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Miami City Ballet, and the symphony orchestras of Louisville, Austin, San Antonio, Long Beach, and Hamilton (Ontario). He was guest conductor of major orchestras all over the world. His conducting was characterized by a distinctive elegance and a quiet but highly focused economy of gesture. He was superbly attuned to choreography and the needs of individual dancers, who repaid him with esteem and affection. Orchestra musicians and conducting colleagues who had known him here and in the many other places he performed respected his musicianship highly and treasured his quirky humor and generosity. –Adam Flatt
David Jaramillo 1934-2014 David Jaramillo, the longtime Property Master of Colorado Ballet passed away on June 24. 2014. David had worked for the ballet for the last 25 years. David’s love of the opera and the stage led him to join the ranks of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Union (IATSE) at the age of 18. David met his wife, Bobby, during a tour of Hello Dolly! and they both moved to New York City. In New York, David was a part of the original productions of many shows including Jesus Christ Superstar, Company, Peter Pan and worked with legendary performers such as Mary Martin, Ethel Merman, Robert Preston and many more.
After the birth of their three daughters, David and Bobby moved back to Denver where he continued to work as a stagehand. David fought various forms of cancer for the past 15 years and yet he never missed a performance due to his illness. He is possibly the only property master to know all his prop cues to The Nutcracker by the music alone. He also loved opera, particularly Rigoletto, Carmen and La Boheme. David’s passion for the arts has kept him strong and he will be missed not only by his family but all the dancers, production crew and artistic staff of Colorado Ballet as well as his fellow IATSE union members. –Pete Nielson
Colorado Ballet • Peter and the Wolf 13
Supporters of Colorado Ballet As of February 27, 2015 Leadership Circle $100,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Colorado Ballet Auxiliary SCFD Individual Donors Raydean Acevedo Joanne Posner Mayer Ovation Circle $50,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Gates Family Foundation KeyBank Corporation The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Individual Donors Sandy Elliott Founders Circle $20,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Anna and John J. Sie Foundation Avenir Foundation Denver Ballet Guild Individual Donors Holly Baroway and Erik Cederlund Janis and Jim Brewster Paul E. Goodspeed Pam and Duke Hartman Nancy Stevens Directors Circle $10,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Accenture, LLP Anadarko Petroleum The Armstrong Foundation Chambers Family Fund Colorado Creative Industries Inclusive Solutions, Inc. PB and K Family Foundation Price Waterhouse Coopers Saunders Construction, Inc. Individual Donors Jean and Hugh Armstrong Brent and Melanie Kopperud Backes Ellen Balaguer and Mark Chase Anne and Jim Hillary Dr. Barbara Reed Rita and Brad M. Sonnenberg Choreographers Circle $5,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Bayswater Exploration and Production, LLC Colorado Health Foundation
The Denver Foundation The Denver Post Community Foundation ECA Foundation, Inc. Jeannette Smith Eppler Charitable Trust Ready Foods, Inc./The Abarca Family The Kenneth King Foundation Virginia W. Hill Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation Individual Donors Anonymous Lisa Appel Lori and Grady Durham Lawrence French and Gregory Sargowicki Tamara and Thomas E. Jorden Diana and Michael Kinsey Henny and Bert Lasley Kathy Barrett Lee Merry and Steven D. Logan Cindy and Michael Meany Jane and Gordon Netzorg The Ponzio Family David and Carole Ramsay Cheri and Alan Rubin Denise and James Sanderson Dr. David J. Scanavino and Ms. Ivelisse Torres Ellen Scott Susan and Stephen Struna Debbi and Bill Tryon Julie C. Van Camp Ballet Mistress Circle $2,500+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Cannon and Lyndia Harvey Family Foundation Community First Foundation Holland and Hart LLP Kanter Kallman Foundation, Inc. Linford and Co, LLP Read Foundation Shamos Family Foundation Twelve Twenty-One Fund Individual Donors Virginia Danna John Fitzgerald and Maureen Tarrant-Fitzgerald Robert S. Graham Peggy Goldman Peggy Hale Mary Meade and David Hammond Montine Hansl Carl Hartman Debby Herz Jan and Gordon Holfelder Dr. Stuart and Mrs. Gail Kassan
14 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
Elizabeth Katkin Waryn and Richard Waryn Patty Lorie Alexander and Cynthia Read Sharon Rouse Suzan and Gary Schlatter Ruth S. Silver Dr. Carol A. Stamm Katherine and Michael Whitcomb Sanford Zisman and Janis Frame Principal Circle $1,000+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies The April Fund Berkshire-Hudson, Inc. Caulkins Family Foundation Corrigan Rice Educational Fund Fuller Family Fund Gilman Family Foundation Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation Ralph and Florence Burgess Trust Rose Community Foundation Individual Donors Christa and Stuart Absolom Sarah and Todd Alijani Peggy A. Battalora, M.D. Dr. William Beamgard and Mrs. Belinda Lofton Mia and Kevin Bearley Renate and Horst Bergmann Amy and Mark Birner Julie and Michael Bock Angelee and Bob Bouchard Gleneen and Joseph Brienza Joseph J. Bronesky and Jaquelin A. Medina Karla Brown and Joseph Demmler Katy and Brian Brown Jenna and John Burstein Brett Childs Cristen and Peter Calamari Daniel and Aimee Sporer Caplis Devon and John Carr Karen and James Carr Liz and Malcom Carr Christina and George Caulkins Rowena Cipriano-Reyes and Greg Reyes Dr. and Mrs. Alan Como Donna and Ted Connolly Tammy and Wesley Cooper Meredith and Peter Coors Ann Corrigan and Kent Rice Karen and William Curtis JoMarie and George Dancik Carolyn E. Daniels Joseph M. Demmler
Monica and John Denler Amy and Tal Diamant Dr. Robert Doebele & Dr. Joyce Aycock Lynn Bolinske Dolven Erin and Matthew Dollarhide John M. Fox Dr. Donald Frei and Mrs. Debbie Frei Shannon and Brian Furgason Marissa and David Garcia Melissa and Mark Garland Pamela and Barry Gatz V. Gene and V. Arlone Child Marla and Richard Gentry Charlotte and Guy Geoly Hilary and Graham Gerlach Marsha and Mark Giordano Ashley and David Goldberg Dr. Ross A. Goldstein & Dr. Cory A. Dunnick Laura Goodman Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Carol Grover Celeste and Jack Grynberg Sally C. Haas Dr. Gary and Mrs. Ellen Hahn Ronette and David Hall Margaret S. Hansson Melissa and Armand Hatzidakis Courtney and Shawn Henry Nancy and Clifford Hickey Serena and Michael Highum Meralee and Michael Hoffelt Kim and Christopher Jacoby Kirby and Jeffrey Joseph Amber Ju and Sangwook Jennifer Gilbert-Kaufmann and Robert Kaufman Dr. Peter Kennealey and Dr. Colleen Murphy Laura and Christopher Lagudis Anne and Peter Larsen Margaret and Edward Leede Diane and Steve Levine Bonnie and Steven List Janet and John MacFarlane Elspeth MacHattie Awilda Marquez Julie and Steven Maxey Janalee and Morris McDonald Margaret R. Jurado and V.W. McKnab Caroline and Justin McMorrow Carol McMurry and Patrick Spieles Britta and Marc Miles Dee and Gene Milstein Rene Moore and Thomas Krueger Caitlin and Joe Morris Elizabeth and Dudley Morton Jocelyn and Sean Murphy
Supporters of Colorado Ballet Melissa and Steve Nelligan Lyz and Matt Olmstead Susan and Dan Paulien Sue Pawlik Harry Peisach Alli and Nelson Perkins Bonnie C. Perkins Dr. Ed Prasthofer and Mrs. Nooshin Prasthofer Gretchen and Mark Roberts Jennifer and Terrel Robinson Daryl A. Russell Julie and Ron Sachs Luda and Brian Savage Arthur L. Seiden Eileen Sharkey and James Darling Suzanna and Michael Shaw Laura and Russ Shipman Nancy Silverstone and Jason Miller Nina and Tom Sisk Phoebe Smedley Kelly and Mathew Stava Fran and Keith Sterling Valerie and Scott Thisted John Trueblood Leslie and Martin Twarogowski John Uppendahl Kacy and Patrick Vahey Elizabeth Katkin Waryn and Richard Waryn Blair and David Watts Rosemary and Christopher Wiedenmayer Annie and Jason Wissner Tia and Seth Wolkov Christy and William Wynne Linda Roberts Zinn Soloist Circle $500+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies Bliss Family Foundation Frederick G. Fish Foundation IBM International Foundation Janus Foundation Records-Johnston Family Foundation, Inc. UBS Matching Gift Program Individual Donors Patricia Baca Peggy A. Battalora, M.D. Sharon and Steven Birnbaum Susanne and James Buchanan Heather Callahan Carol and Alan Caniglia Casey Cortese Anthony and Cheryl Cotter Alicia and Jim Deters Patricia and Christopher Elliott Stephanie and John Flanigan Jennifer and Adam Flatt
Ann and Ford Frick Julie and Richard George Naji J. Ghorayeb Laura Goodman Jim Harvey and Bob Greene Dr. Wendell and Mrs. Charlotte Hatfield William Hohnhorst Kathy and Derek Konopka Dr. Sherill Ladwig Awilda Marquez Lisa Maury Anne Mead Pamela Merrill Margaret Morrissey Judi and Robert Newman Richard Newton Dr. Bruce C. Paton Cynthia Polhemus Melinda Quiat Ron and Mary Ann Raab Linda and John Roberts Lawrence Robins Timothy and Kathryn Records Ryan Andrea and Timothy Sayles Connie and Michael Schingle Ruth Schoening Marlene and Arnold Siegel Holly and Norm Steiner Dr. John and Julie Strain Mary and Stephen True Larry Underwood Kerry and Gary Vickers Sandra Vinnik Patricia and Edward Wahtera Melissa and Eric Weisenstein Donna Whittington Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Bernice Yost Artist Circle $250+ Corporations, Foundations, and Government Agencies American Endowment Foundation Andrews Photography Brighton Retail Diecidue Family Foundation Halvorson-Freese 21st Century Fund Kroenke Sports Enterprises RSVP Williams Family Fund Individual Donors Lisa and Rob Adams Mimi Affeld Dr. Frank and Mrs. Celia Anderson Ross Barnhart Brady Behrendt Kathy and Bjorn Borgen David and Rachel Bondelevitch Virginia and Stan Boucher Elizabeth Bradley Michael Breed and Cheryl Ristig
Joan and Lawrence Brennan Karen Bruggenthies Cynthia Chapman Dr. Toby and Mrs. Paulene Cole Dana and Rick Cooksey Scott and Christin Crampton Day Beth and Paul Deboer Wendy and Marcus Divita Janet Erickson Joan and John Feek Sigrid H. Freese Dr. Fran and Mr. Craig Gander Alan Getz Rebecca Givens Elizabeth Grinevics Julie and Richard Gunlikson, Jr. Diane D. Henry Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld Lyman R. Ho Crystine Hodges Sally and Kenneth Hooks Andrew Hornbrook Karen Howland Judeth Jensen Jaiun Kim Heidi and Randy Keogh Edwin and Donna Kornfeld Jennifer Krueger Cheryl L. Solich and John W. Kure George Langworthy, Sr. Drs. Charles and Gretchen Lobitz Michael Mallett Margaretha Maloney and Robert Palaich Nancy Marsden MaryKate and Timothy McCutcheon Melba and Steve McDanal Anne Meade Ray Merenstein Marilyn Sundt and Andrew Mirdik Drs. Harold and Sarah Nelson Leslie Nelson Don Oppliger Richard Pacheco Debra Piazza Mr. and Mrs. George W. Quinby Mark and Martha Graves Reese Richard Replin and Elissa Stein Carolyn and John Riedlin Paula and David Roney Dr. Richard and Mrs. Jo Sanders Andrea and Timothy Sayles Lisa and Bill Snider Arthur and Stephanie Strasburger Irene and Joseph Szyliowicz
Klasina Vanderwerf Bobby Vargas Sandra and Michael Wilson Kathy and Jon Zeschin In memory of Meg Fonda Barb and Stu Fonda In memory of David Jaramillo Charles A. Wilson, Jr. In memory of Katharyn Jenkins Stephan and Debra Whitman In honor of Sally Murray Nancy Huston Schulein In honor of Dick Saunders Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld In honor of Dr. Barbara Reed Terry Amicone Susan and Paul Anderson Margaret Bane Sandra Barnett and Mark Siegel Marilyn and Roland Bernier Barbara Breslin Charles Crowley Noreen and David Dahl Denver Skin Clinic Corrine and Philip Doty Virginia and John Freyer Lawrence and Nancy Kueter Verna Lovato Kurt and Gina Melstrom Nyia Jane Tikker Nielsen and Wayne Nielsen Susan Richardson Richard and Barbara Simons Ronald and Mary Shoemaker Betty and Lloyd Steinmann Brooke and Gordon Thomas Gaynell F. Van Buhler Marilyn and Jim Wilson Moving into the Future Capital Campaign Leaders Anonymous Annie Achee Annemarie and Ryan Anderson David Andrews The Anschutz Foundation Lisa Levin Appel The Armstrong Foundation Hugh and Jean Armstrong Liz and Bill Armstrong Rick and Marcia Ashton Bob Bach Brent and Melanie Backes Leslie Martel Baer and Matthew Lee Arnold Susan and Steve Bailey
Colorado Ballet • Peter and the Wolf 15
Supporters of Colorado Ballet Ellen Balaguer and Mark Chase The Bardsley Foundation Frank and Cheryl Van-Hoose Barone Holly Baroway and Erik Cederlund Dennis Barrett Katherine Barrett Lee Bayswater Exploration and Production, LLC Brian and Colleen Becker Craig Benes John and Marjorie Berman The Boettcher Foundation Borgen Family Foundation Priscilla Brookens Gil Boggs and Sandra Brown Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Melissa Bragg Martha Brassel Janis and Jim Brewster Gleneen and Joe Brienza Craig Brown, in memory of Sarah Alice Brown Sarah Semple Brown James and Susanne Buchanan Ellen Bywaters Daniel and Aimee Sporer Caplis Carson Pfafflin Family Foundation Chambers Family Fund Brett and Crystal Childs Stephen and Lia Clarke Craig Clayton Deborah Clendenning Terry and Patricia Colip Jennifer Collins and Brian Sherman Community First Foundation Cami Cooper Lawrence Corff Casey Cortese Scott and Christine Crase Wendee and Michael Crowley Scott and Christin Crampton Day Virginia Danna Vernis and Mary Deming Bruce and Dee Douglas Louise Douglass Richard and Debra Duke Patricia Duncan El Pomar Foundation Christopher and Patricia Elliott
Sandy Elliott Rosemary Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Steven Ellstrom ExxonMobil Foundation Kaye Ferry John Fitzgerald and Maureen Tarrant-Fitzgerald Jennifer and Adam Flatt Stu and Barb Fonda Jayne Ford Cynthia Frandsen Sigrid H. Freese Ann and Ford Frick Viriginia E. and Robert K. Fuller Melissa and Mark Garland Gates Family Foundation Barry and Pamela Gatz Guy and Charlotte Geoly Laura Goodman Karen Goodson Paul Goodspeed Robert Graham Mary Groote Dr. Gary Hahn Peggy Hale Mary Meade and David Hammond Phyllis and Robert Hanfling Joshua Hanfling Margaret Hansson Anna Hartman Pam and Duke Hartman Helen and Matthew Hayes Noel and Terry Hefty Janet Helberg Krystal Hicks Orville Hinerman III Christine Honnen Sonny and Mary Anna Hutchinson Vernon and Kaye Isaacs Pam Jadlos Bobbie Jaramillo Alice and Steve Jennison Ken Jones Auna Jornayvez Charlot Karesh Dr. Stuart and Mrs. Gail Kassan Kevin Kauffman Shea Kauffman Pam and Doug Kelsall Dr. Peter Kennealey and Dr. Colleen Murphy Mary Lou Blackledge Kortz and Don Kortz Jennifer Krueger
Chandra and Robert Kuykendall Henny and Bert Lasley Patricia E. Laverty Peggy Lehmann Libby Anschutz Brown Foundation Christopher Little and Christy Jorden Merry and Steven D. Logan Gina and Jim Lorenzen Brooks Luby MDC Holdings Inc./ Richmond American Homes Foundation Elspeth A. MacHattie John Madden Machiko and Michael Mangham Claire and Mike Margolf Theodore McCombs Nancy and C. Michael McKeever Michael and Cindy Meany Kenneth and Maria Mendelsberg Jordan Metzel Gina Miccio Don and Rebecca Mills Morgan Stanley Gregory Morrison Morse Family Foundation Teresa and Paul Mueller Michael and Debbie Murdock Sean and Jocelyn Murphy Sally and (estate of) Mark Murray Ron and Judie Neel Frank and Janet Nessinger Jane and Skip Netzorg Richard Neustedter Noble Energy Robin and Stuart Pack Janet Pasterkamp PB and K Family Foundation Daniel and Pamela Piro Mary Poole Joanne Posner Mayer Shannon Ramer David and Carole Ramsay Dr. Barbara R. Reed Rosemarie and James Regan Natalie Rekstad-Lynn and Scott Lynn Dennis Rodgers and Robert Gomez Cheri and Alan Rubin Luana Rubin Rebel Saffold
Denise and James Sanderson Jeanne and Dick Saunders Dr. David J. Scanavino and Ms. Ivelisse Torres Suzan and Gary Schlatter Scott and Patricia Schmid The Schramm Foundation Arthur L. Seiden Semple Brown Design, PC Marlene Siegel Jeff Smith Lisa and Bill Snider Steve and Ryta Sondergard Brad and Rita Sonnenberg Harry and Vicki Sterling Holly Stevens Nancy and Tom Stevens Daryl and Kari Stewart Michelle Stinnett Susan and Steve Struna Mary Studlick Michael and Eleanor Sullivan Sonja Talley Tango Gigolo Jocelyn Terwilliger Brad and Norma Townley Debbi and Bill Tryon John Uppendahl The Ushers of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House Julie Van Camp Lydia Vanderburg Kerry and Gary Vickers Arthur and Georgeann Victor Jennie Virgilio Dr. Clyde E. Waggoner Edward and Patricia Wahtera Cinamon Watson Linda Weiler Wells Fargo Foundation Wells Fargo Private Bank Blair and Salina Whitaker Michael and Katherine Whitcomb Beth and Dan Whittemore Marla Williams Work Place Resources/ Carla Dore Robert and Susan Wright Stacy Wright Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Bernice Yost Linda and Eugene Young Janis Frame and Sandy Zisman
Gifts In Kind $10,000+ Eide Bailly LLP Lifestyles Catering
$2,500+ Carole Atkins High Noon Entertainment Metropolitain Building Maintenance, Inc.
16 Peter and the Wolf • Colorado Ballet
$1,000+ Raydean Acevedo Sandy Elliott Lifestyles Catering
$250+ Allie R. Coppeak Corner Boutique Framing Corner Office Restaurant Francisco Estevez Richard S. Newton
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The Armstrong Center for Dance Thank you to everyone who helped make our dream come true!
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32 Colorado Ballet
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Colorado Ballet 33
Ticketing Representatives Shaneah Alvarado Jo Marie Hazelton
Company Photographers Allen Birnbach Mike Watson
Ballet Mistress Lorita Travaglia
Company Videographer David Andrews
Ballet Mistress Sandra Brown
Music Director & Principal Conductor Adam Flatt Associate Conductor Catherine Sailer Company Pianist Natalia Arefieva
Managing Director Mark Chase Accounting Manager Janina Blue
Technical Director and Production Manager Pete Nielson Production Stage Manager/ Facilities Manager Vitali Prokhnitski Company Manager Brandi Glass Wardrobe Supervisor Shirin Lankarani Wardrobe Assistant Elijah Meader Master Carpenter Emeritus David Jackson
Director of Development Mark Hough
Property Master Emeritus David Jaramillo
Assistant Development Director Heather McCallin
Assistant Carpenter/Fly Man Mark Duran
Senior Major Gifts Officer Allie Coppeak Grant Writer Tricia Schmuki
Public Relations and Marketing Manager Sanya Andersen-Vie Marketing Associate Mary Pettit
TICKETING AND DATABASE Ticketing and Database Manager Taylor Clark Box Office Supervisor Kailyn Lamb Group Sales Manager Molly Epstein
34 Colorado Ballet
Lighting Director Patrick “Red” Howard Master Electrician Susan Osborne Property Master Toni Steelmon Wigs and Makeup Amanda Clark Drivers/Production Assistants Robert J. Harris David MacEachen Acupuncturist Lorita Travaglia, L.Ac, Dipl. CHM Physical Therapist Susie Smith, PT, LMT, NCMT Chiropractor Dr. David S. Shapiro Massage Therapist Mike Dahlie
Academy Director Valerie Madonia Academy Business Manager Julia Patterson Academy Receptionist Jo Marie Hazelton Faculty Dana Benton Lillian Brace Malerie Bycura Kathi Crum Chris Harris Roberto Munoz Carolina Pahde Jayne Persch Heather Prokhnitski Sayaka Ruggles Mieke Scripps Jacob Taylor Summer Templin Kevin Gaël Thomas Igor Vassine Sharon Wehner John Williams, “Mr. Tap” Lisa Wolf
EDUCATION & OUTREACH Director of Education and Community Partnerships Anne O’Connor
Education Programs Manager Samantha Hyde Outreach Faculty Julie Anderson Kayla Xavier, LMT Renu Gupta Jordan Hazelton Molly Huempfner Samantha Hyde Alison Rhoades Emily Speed Siobhan Stocks-Lyons Whitney Waugh
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Colorado Ballet 35
IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE SPOTLIGHT PERFORMANCE! Our Education & Outreach Programs reach thousands of children every year! Your donations make the following programs possible: Student Matinee Performances Be Beautiful Be Yourself Program School Performances Warren Village Dance Classes 5x5 Program Dance Renaissance Classes Rhythm & Grace Parkinson Classes Photo: Dance Renaissance Outreach Class
To find out more about these programs or donate today, visit us at:
Photo: outreach performance at Children’s Hospital of Denver, photo courtesy of Children’s Hospital staff
• Private Piano Lessons
Playing Piano by Learning to Read the Music Learn to Listen and Analyze the Music
• Private Voice Lessons Classical Bel Canto Training
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• Pre School Singing with Mary, the 3’s and 4’s Voice Training with Kodaly Process Singing • Games • Instruments • Movement
Mary Martin 303-795-0845 • www.soundsofchildren.org 36 Colorado Ballet
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THE IMPORTANCE OF GIVING As Colorado Ballet’s new Director of Development, I would like to introduce myself and express my delight about joining such a thriving cultural institution. I would like to thank all of the supporters who make Colorado Ballet such an outstanding organization. You make it possible for Colorado Ballet to present world-class ballet performances and dance education in Denver. Your generosity has also helped us reach 90 percent of our capital campaign goal for our new home at The Armstrong Center for Dance. The 2014 production of The Nutcracker broke attendance and income records and coincided with a fundraising record of almost $1,000,000 received in the month of December. This record-breaking month follows a trend of positive news from Colorado Ballet, including our new home in Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe, and last season being the most successful in our 54 year history. Even though our productions have been very successful, ticketing revenue only covers about 50 percent of our operating costs. As a non-profit organization, we depend heavily on donations from our generous supporters to continue to bring the joy of dance to thousands of patrons, students and individuals in Colorado. Your contributions support Colorado Ballet’s extremely talented dancers; train the next generation of dancers through the Academy; and provide outstanding outreach programs to over 60,000 people in underserved communities, lifelong learners, and people with disabilities. Please consider expanding your support of Colorado Ballet. For more information how you can donate, visit www.coloradoballet.org/donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity and I hope you enjoy the performance! Sincerely, Mark Hough Director of Development
38 Colorado Ballet
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40 Colorado Ballet
Dancer: Amy Fogarty. Photo by Keith Bobo
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Colorado Ballet 41
WHAT COLORADO BALLET MEANS TO DENVER From Difficult Times to Full Steam Ahead When the economic recession hit in 2008, cultural institutions were impacted especially hard. Colorado Ballet was not immune to the downturn, but under the leadership of our board of trustees and management team, we reacted quickly and aggressively with a keen eye on fiscal responsibility across all areas of the organization. We are pleased to report that Colorado Ballet has bounced back and emerged as a stronger organization with numerous successes to celebrate. In 2014, Artistic Director Gil Boggs signed a five-year contract to continue as Colorado Ballet’s artistic leader. In addition, Mark Hough, a nationally-recognized development professional joined Colorado Ballet as the Director of Development to further cultivate donors and promote stewardship with our diverse business community. Audiences, education, outreach and fundraising continue to grow and we are no longer just surviving, we are thriving. Record Ticket Sales Colorado Ballet just had the most successful run of The Nutcracker in our 54-year history. We broke attendance and revenue records during the 2014 Nutcracker, with more than 50,000 people attending the production. Our 2013-2014 season was the most successful in our Company’s history, exceeding budget goals and breaking revenue records for three of its productions and attendance records for two of its productions. In addition to the record-breaking single ticket sales, we have seen steady growth in the number of subscribers during the last few seasons. Colorado Ballet’s New Home In August 2014, Colorado Ballet moved into its new state-of-the-art studios at The Armstrong Center for Dance in Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe. After 54 years of renting space, we finally own our home. This new home puts our professional Company in the national spotlight and will enable our organization to grow. The Armstrong includes a black box theater available to performing arts organizations and community and corporate groups for performances and events suitable for the unique size of the black box. Social Media and Online Growth During the last few years, we have streamlined how we market productions to our customers and social media has played a big part in that. Our followers on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Blog have access to behind-the-scenes photos, videos and interviews with our dancers, artistic staff and visiting choreographers. This improved communication allows patrons to experience Colorado Ballet in a new way, beyond just performances on the stage. The dancers even make their own videos and have received national attention for their creative YouTube videos. Be sure to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter Pointes of Interest on the homepage of coloradoballet.org. Overall Impact Arts are important in Denver because they not only enhance the cultural vitality of our city, but they also have a significant economic impact. Denver Arts and Venues recently conducted a study that determined the annual economic impact of the Denver Performing Arts Complex topped $141 million. According to a recent Associated Press article, a report by the National Endowment for the Arts and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis showed that arts and culture contributed more than $698 billion to the economy in 2012. The report determined that Colorado was one of eight states with higher than average performing arts attendance and Denver was one of four cities with especially high performing arts attendance. We are honored to perform in such a culturally vibrant city and state. What does the future hold for Colorado Ballet? In our new home at The Armstrong Center for Dance, our Professional Company, Studio Company, Academy and Education and Outreach programs will continue to grow. During the 2015-2016 season, we look forward to performing premieres of new and innovative ballets in Denver along with classical masterpieces and of course, the 55th annual production of The Nutcracker. The future looks very bright for us and we want to thank you for making us successful. We could not have done it without you. 42 Colorado Ballet
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