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Legacy Club

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Fellows Program

If Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts is an important part of your life, consider joining the Legacy Club by including the Festival and the Center in your estate plan. Many of our Legacy Club members have made long-term commitments by adding a codicil to their existing will or by naming us as a beneficiary of an IRA or insurance policy. If you have included us in your estate plan, please let us know so we can honor you as a member of our Legacy Club. We gratefully acknowledge support from:

Estate of Jane Beard Estate of Wanee Butler Estate of Allene Mae Odom Cash Estate of Jean Crawford Estate of Dr. Joop de Heer Estate of David Ericson Estate of Marilyn Fead Estate of Joanne Flock Estate of Reuben & Ruth Fuchs Gerald Hickman Memorial Fund Marion Higman Memorial Fund Estate of Madeleine and Hans Holland Curt Johnson Memorial Fund Estate of Patricia L. Johnson William Johnson Memorial Fund Estate of Patricia Magette Jack Major Memorial Fund Estate of Ted Manning Estate of Dorothy “Happy” Martin Estate of Edith Morris Estate of Marianne Pfaff Harold Pyle Memorial Fund Daniel Raizman Memorial Fund Maggie Schoechle Memorial Fund Estate of Kay & Alan Shapley Kay & Alan Shapley Memorial Fund Estate of Helen & Peter Weil Estate of Edwin L. Wolff


The following members of the Legacy Club are helping to ensure a healthy future by including Colorado Music Festival and Center for Musical Arts in their estate plans.

Jane Allen Anonymous Donor John Bernhard Susan and Larry Boothby Christopher and Margot Brauchli David Brunel Jan Burton Joe Butler Tom Campbell Dennis and Marie Channer JoAnn and Richard Crandall Roger and Barbara Davidson Kitty and Fred Dawson Pete and Joan Dawson Gale and Sandy Dunlap Gordon Gamm Lloyd and Mary Gelman Doree Hickman Constance Holden Caryl Fuchs Kassoy and David R. Kassoy Joan and Paul Lavell Jane and John Lippmann Melissa Mahaney Sacha Millstone Kathy and Charles Minter Brian Morgan Christopher B. Mueller Lucretia Paddock Paul Repetto Mark and Christine Ringer Janet Robertson Maryann Ruck Alan Rudy Tim Schoechle Walter Sharp Nancy J. Simon TK Smith Art Smoot Susan Swaeby Harris Tannenbaum Joyce Thurmer Sophie and Jack Walker Jim and Candy Williams Mary Wolff


In Memory of Polly Addison JoAnn and Richard Crandall In Honor of Anne Beer Larry & Helayne Jones Family Fund In Memory of Michael D. Blum Lilli Chavez Barbara Cherry Beth and Peter Ornstein In Memory of Thomas Bohlinger Neil Fishman In Honor of Anne Beer and David

Brunel Cody Douglas Oreck In Memory of Frank Buckley Ellen Buckley In Honor of Parker Cerna Cerna Family In Honor of Colorado Music

Festival and Center for Musical

Arts Staff Nancy Grimes In Honor of Diane Cullinan Kathleen and Robert Kenney In Memory of William Patrick

Cullinan Diane Cullinan Kathleen and Robert Kenney In Memory of Carmelita Dunham Beth Manitsky In Memory of Robert and

Lita Dunham John Dunham In Memory of Judith Engelstad Don Engelstad In Memory of Leone and

Nellie Franco Alida L. Franco In Memory of Earl and

Ginny Geiger Jane Salland, daughter In Honor of Liza Getches David and Ann Getches In Honor of Joan Leinbach Lori and Mark McAllister In Honor of Harold Leinbach Lori and Mark McAllister In Memory of Peggy Hamm

Lemmon Kimberly and James Brody In Memory of Rosemary Hauge Herbert Poppe In Memory of Mel Holzman Tom Campbell Norma Ekstrand In Memory of Dorothy Huff Anonymous In Memory of Kathryn Husted Jens Husted In Memory of John John Meghan Bach In Honor of Caryl Kassoy Erin Kassoy Falquier and

Dario Falquier In Honor of Caryl and

David Kassoy Arthur J. Lieb In Memory of Christina Kertesz Ann and William Duncan Jr. Peter Kertesz In Honor of Kathy Kucsan Wrenn Combs In Memory of Hans Liebe Roswita Liebe In Memory of Nate Lord Andrew and Sofia Niemeyer In Memory of Patricia Magette Jane Allen Tom Campbell JoAnn and Richard Crandall Norma Ekstrand Laura and Stephen Sanford In Honor of Elizabeth McGuire and

Kathy Kucsan Wrenn Combs In Honor of Christina Naughton Carol Jacobs In Honor of Faye Nepon Anonymous Christine Arden and

David Newman Elaine Schwenker In Memory of George Oetzel Martha Oetzel In Honor of Susan Olenwine Anonymous In Honor of Peter Oundjian Patricia Thompson In Honor of Susan Patton Jill Hunter In Memory of Eric Poehlmann Eleanor and Harry Poehlmann In Memory of Bill Roberts Irene Roberts In Honor of Alan Rudy Stephanie Rudy In Honor of Coates Samuelson Polly Donald In Memory of Kay and

Alan Shapley David and Laura Skaggs In Memory of Theresa Shields Diane Cullinan In Memory of Marcy Shykula Thomas Shykula In Memory of Ray Steege Hattie Steege In Honor of Kit Van Winkle Katherine Krol In Memory of Ronald E. West Marlies West0 In Memory of Kenneth Ziebarth Charlotte Ziebarth

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