5 minute read
Thank you to our donors
Thank you to our supporters
Dedicated to celebrating and exploring Shakespeare and his continuing influences, the Colorado Shakespeare Festival endures thanks to the tremendous support we receive from community members throughout the year. Your generosity, combined with smart business practices and a commitment to superior artistic quality, allows this great summer tradition to reach new heights of success season after season. The individuals and families listed here have demonstrated their passion for Shakespeare, live theatre and nationally renowned educational outreach programs through generous contributions. As the second oldest Shakespeare festival in the country, CSF's legacy is made possible through our compassionate and philanthropic community of supporters. Thank you!
Those who contribute to the Colorado Shakespeare Festival as members of our Advisory Board, our Executive Committee and the Shakespeare Gardens are truly devoted volunteers. We wish to share our gratitude for their chivalrous spirit, generous gifts of time and commitment to advocacy on behalf of our beloved festival. Thank you!
Jennifer and Alan Aboaf Micah Abram and Andy Maass Cheryl and Michael Adams Sarah and Bryan Adderholt Jody Alderman Candy Allen and Bob Woodward Alpine Hospital for Animals Nina and Joseph Amabile Sue and Jim Baldwin Allison Betley and Joshua Firestone Kurt and Laura Bittner Judith and Allan Bock Brad Bolon Kathy and Jay Bourland Catherine and Sean Bowman Greta Brandstetter and Martin McCabe Claire-Maria Broaddus Deborah Broaddus Brenda and Gregory Bruening Nancy and Gerry Bunce Gregory Bundy Susan and Robert Burton John and Melanie Calvert Donna Casey and Michael Friedman Sue and Stephen Catterall City of Boulder Norman Close Marty Coffin Evans and Robert Trembly Stacey Crease and Matthew Cole Catherine and Stephen Collins John and Anne Blair Pam and Michael Copp Randal Culver Laurie Cushing Joan and Michael Dardis David R. Ericson Trust Sandra and William Davis Carleen and Bruce Dierking Mary Dimand and Sheeyun Park Sally and Joseph Dischinger Martha and Robert Drake Driscoll Foundation Elevations Credit Union Lucinda and Daniel Ellerhorst Adam Engle Twig Ertl and Nancy Grimes Bev and Bruce Fest Jeanne and Jim Fetterman Marilyn and William Fitzsimmons Bill and Chelsea Flagg Elizabeth and Sidney Fox Michael Francis Marguerite and Richard Franklin Wendy Franz Alli and Gil Fronzaglia Ken Gamauf Lissy Garrison Carol and Jack Gathright Mary and David Giese Alex Goetz Virginia McGowan and Mike Goss Sue and Gino Grampp Elaine Granata Roe Green Mark Gyetvay Kristi Hafner Marian Hamlen Rebecca Hammond Albert and Betsy Hand Allyn and Eric Harker Christopher Harrison Duke and Pam Hartman Patty and Jerry Hauptman Lin and Matthew Hawkins Katie Hayes and Andrew Neal Hazel’s Beverage World Edna and Hugh Heckman Karen and Bob Herz Alison and Joel Hirsh Jean Hodges Integrity Retail Partners, LLC Ruth and Richard Irvin Christine Yoshinaga-Itano and Wayne Itano Mary Jarchow Jesse and Tyler Jenner
Maria and Robert Jennett Peter and Christine Jensen Susan Jones Marilyn and Stephen Kaminski Bob and Mikee Kapelke Deborah Kauffman and Jonathan Bellman Bob and Theresa Keatings Peggy Driscoll and
Robert Keeley Carla and Richard Kem David Kennedy Diana and Mike Kinsey Julie and Paul Koehler Rita Kotter Lenna and Jon Kottke Sharon Kouba Jeanne and Gene Kratus Buddy Kring Lagios Family Charitable Trust The Rude Mechanicals Artist Fund MaryAnn and Steven Langer Amy and Trevor Lavens Richard Leaman Left Hand Brewing Company Sarah and Mark Leonard Lois and Mark Levinson Judy and Harrie Lewis Tom and Miriam Lindahl Jeff and Lois Linsky Juli and Eric Loch Lisa Lund-Brown Ellen Morris and Stefan Magnusson Nancy and Ralph Mann II Mark D. Masters Attorney Theodora and Jeffrey Martin Martin/Martin Cindy Marvell Kathleen and Mark Masters Carol Mather Karen and Lowell McBride Cathy and Byron McCalmon Kathleen and Gerald McIntosh Jennifer McNabb Carol Mellinger Kurt Menning Jan and Jas Mercer-Smith Christopher Merrell Susan Moffson Dan and Amanda Mones Janice Moore Patricia and Alexander Muckle Sandy and John Myers Betsy Shumaker and Edgar Neel Ben and Pattie Nelson Christine Arden and David Newman Sofia and Andrew Niemeyer Margaret and Charles Norton Jean and Chuck Orr Tim Orr and Laurie Keith Rionda Osman-Jouchoux and Alain Jouchoux Chris and Linda Paris Carolyn Paul and Alex Paul Kathryn and David Penzkover Dee Perry Dave and Ann Phillips Marilyn and Gerald Pinsker Martha Piper Leslie and Bill Pizzi Ly Poe Julie Pogachefsky Christy and Daniel Pratt Michael Ransom Susan Raymond Kimberly and Christopher Riddle Dorothy Riddle Robert Ridgeway Mikhy and Mike Ritter Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Brian Curtiss and Stephany Roscoe Becky Roser and Ron Stewart Tony Ruckel Anne Sandoe Sam Sandoe Dan Schachtner Ray Schoch Liz Schoeberlein Tana Schultz Rose and Thomas Selnau Jamie Shaak Laura and David Skaggs Robin and Robert Slover II Judith Gonnell and Edmond Smith Betsy Phelan and Paul Smith Zdenka Smith Kathleen and Brian Spear Carol Stamm Amanda and Jebb Stewart Fredric and Julia Stoffel The Active Network, Inc. The Hazel’s Foundation The Shubert Foundation, Inc Leslie and Jason Trow Mary and Michael Tully Charles and Debbie Turner Heather Van Dusen Greta Von Bernuth Bridget and Stephen Voss Clare-Marie Wall Eric and Cinzia Wallace Robert Wester Karen and Christopher Wilke Clyde Wilson Joyce and James Wilson Mollie Mitchell and John Wilson Kate Wilson Mary Winston Wayne Wohler Gregory Robl and Phillip Wong Michelle and Lynn Wood Wright Water Engineers, Inc. Ken and Ruth Wright Karen and Scott Yarberry Ann and Gary Yost Michael Yourshaw Barbara Zumfelde
Festival Endowments
Colorado Shakespeare Festival Education Outreach Endowment Fund Colorado Shakespeare Festival Endowment Fund Colorado Shakespeare Festival Guild Endowment David A. Busse Endowed Scholarship Fund Dorothy and Anthony Riddle Endowment for the Shakespeare Education Fund Dorothy & Carl Nelson Shakespeare Acting Intern Endowed Scholarship Fund Jensen Family Will Power Endowment Ken and Ruth Wright Colorado Shakespeare Festival Distinguished Directorship Kenneth J. Gamauf Flatirons Fund for the Colorado Shakespeare Gardens Max Dixon Acting Intern Endowed Award Midsummer Endowed Fund for Choreography and Movement in CSF Midsummer Night Acting Intern Endowed Award Richard M. Devin Endowed Fund for the Colorado Shakespeare Festival Rude Mechanicals CSF Fund Sandoe Family Shakespeare Endowed Award Clara M. Smith Memorial Endowed Shakespeare Fund 60th Season Commemorative Acting Intern Endowed Award
Foundations and Grants
Anonymous Boulder Arts Commission Colorado Creative Industries Community Foundation Boulder County CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement National Endowment for the Arts Shakespeare in American Communities: National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest The Shubert Foundation
Gifts to the Colorado Shakespeare Festival support and sustain us, helping us share the magic of Shakespeare on stage and in our community. To make your gift, please visit giving.cu.edu/csf or call 303-492-3054. This list includes CSF donors of $100+ between 1/1/2021 and 4/15/2022. Every effort has been made to present this list as accurately as possible. If you have any questions, please contact 303-492-3054.