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Concurrent Events
Week of April 5
CU Artist-In-Residence: LaMont Hamilton: To Hear the Earth Before the End of the World
To Hear the Earth Before the End of the World is a light and sound installation organized around the five elements of earth, air, water, fire and aether. In the installation, Hamilton aims to induce emotional, contemplative, even hypnotic responses in visitors . A concentric ring of speakers will play long-form compositions of modulated noises found in nature and contemporary society interwoven with digital and instrumental sounds . LaMont Hamilton is the CU Art Museum’s 2022 artist-in-residence. On view February 3 – July 16, 2022 at the CU Art Museum . https://www.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum/exhibitions/upcoming/ lamont-hamilton-hear-earth-end-world
Wednesday, April 6
Clock Tower Project Dome Show: A New Perspective to Coordinate Climate Action (+Coffee)
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ∙ The Fiske Planetarium, 2414 Regent Drive, Boulder CO 80309 Join us for a short dome show and discussion about creating a shared map of the future. Followed up with coffee and networking. https://theclocktowerproject.org/cwa
Thursday, April 7
In-Person Deep Listening Workshop
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. ∙ CU Art Museum, 1085 18th St, Boulder, CO 80309 Join us for an in-person Deep Listening workshop led by artist Brittney Hofer inspired by LaMont Hamilton’s light and sound installation, To Hear the Earth Before the End of the World . https://www.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum/programs-virtualactivities/deep-listening-workshop
30th Annual Ira C. Rothgerber Conference Kick-Off Event with Motus Theater
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. ∙ Dairy Arts Center, 2590 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80302 Motus Theater will present the JustUs Project, which supports community leaders who are impacted by carceral systems . Register at: https://cu.law/RegisterRothgerberConference
Friday, April 8
30th Annual Ira C. Rothgerber Conference Looking Back to Move Forward: Exploring the Legacy of U.S. Slavery
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ∙ Hybrid (in-person and virtual via Zoom) Wolf Law Building, 2450 Kittredge Loop Road Boulder CO 80309 The conference will focus on Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss’ book, The Princeton Fugitive Slave: The Trials of James Collins Johnson . Register at: https://cu.law/RegisterRothgerberConference
Art and Art History Open House & King Exhibition Finalists award ceremony
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ∙ Visual Arts Complex, CU Boulder, 1085 18th Street AAH Student Open house and the 2022 King Exhibition https:// www.colorado.edu/artandarthistory/news-events
Clock Tower Project Dome Show: A New Perspective to Coordinate Climate Action (+Coffee)
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ∙ The Fiske Planetarium, 2414 Regent Drive, Boulder CO 80309 Join us for a short dome show and discussion about creating a shared map of the future. Followed up with coffee and networking. https://theclocktowerproject.org/cwa
Think global, act local: how can we support regenerative agriculture? A community call to action...
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ∙ Norlin Library Lawn (if inclimate weather) 7th Floor of Norlin1720 Pleasant St, Boulder, CO 80309 Put your new regenerative agriculture insights into motion with CWA speakers, farmers, CU students, the City of Boulder Climate division, local solutions-based groups, and community attendees . How can we champion regenerative practices in our own yards, source better food, and promote regenerative agriculture before it is too late?
Saturday, April 9
CWA Regenerative Agriculture Urban and Farm Tours
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ∙ Location TBA See what responsible food production looks like from the ground up, right in Boulder County! Join CWA Regenerative Agriculture theme speakers on a tour of some of Boulder’s best examples of regenerative agriculture . Registration link in the CWA App schedule . Email james .cunninghamiv@colorado .edu with questions and for more information .