Remote Working Policy

ISO/IEC 27001 Toolkit: Version 13
ISO/IEC 27001 Toolkit: Version 13
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This document sets out the organization’s policy with respect to remote working.
The following areas of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard are addressed by this document:
• A.5 Organizational controls
o A.5.1 Policies for information security
• A.6 People controls
o A.6.7 Remote working
• A.7 Physical controls
o A.7.9 Security of assets off-premises
This policy should tie in with your human resources policies regarding remote or home working. There may also be implications with current employment contracts that need to be reviewed. Remote working (or home working) can be a controversial subject and one which requires careful management with some organizations choosing not to allow it.
You may need to add additional detail to this document depending on your technical environment. You will also need to update it as technology changes.
We would recommend that this document is reviewed annually and upon significant change to the organization.
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Remote Working Policy [Insert classification]
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION [Insert classification]
DATED [Insert date]
DOCUMENT OWNER [Insert name/role]
A remote working arrangement is a voluntary agreement between the organization and the employee. It usually involves the employee working from home in a separate area of their living accommodation, whether this is a house, apartment, or other type of domestic residence.
The introduction of a remote working arrangement, when managed effectively, has the potential to benefit both the individual and the organization. The individual will gain greater flexibility in working arrangements and possibly avoid a lengthy commute to and from an office. The organization can retain skilled and experienced staff whose circumstances suit remote working and possibly save money on the rental, lease or purchase of office space.
This policy sets out the key information security-related elements that must be considered in agreeing a remote working arrangement. It ensures that all the necessary issues are addressed and that the organization’s information assets are protected.
This policy does not address the human resources aspects of remote working such as health and safety, absence monitoring, job performance and contractual issues. These will be handled by the HR department and must also be in place before the remote working arrangement begins.
This policy applies to all systems, people and processes that constitute the organization’s information systems, including board members, directors, employees, suppliers and other third parties who have access to [Organization Name] systems.
The intended audience for this policy is management and employees involved in setting up and maintaining a remote working site [Organization Name].
Failure to comply with the contents of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken by [Organization Name] against the individual(s) concerned.
Terms used in this policy are defined as follows:
• Information security means the processes and methodologies designed to protect data whether in transit, processing, or storage from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
• Risk assessment is a process used to identify, analyse, and evaluate risks associated with a specific activity, process, or situation.
• Information classification is the process of categorizing data within an organization based on its level of sensitivity and the impact to the organization should that data be disclosed, altered, or destroyed.
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet.
The following ISMS documents and external references are relevant to this document:
• Access Control Policy
• Mobile Device Policy
• User Access Management Process
• Cryptographic Policy
From an information security point of view there are various aspects that need to be considered in each remote working arrangement and the policy of the organization in these areas is set out in the following sections.
Before a remote working arrangement can commence there will be an initial risk assessment of the proposed environment and nature of the work to be carried out.
A major part of the risk assessment concerns the type of activities that are to be carried out as part of the arrangement. A full understanding needs to be gained of:
• The classification of the information that will be stored and processed as part of the role
• The method of access of the information
• Whether the role requires that classified information is printed locally
• The business criticality of the role and the consequences if it were unavailable
The risk assessment will also consider the physical security of the proposed work location:
• Is there enough room to house the required equipment safely?
• Is it in a separate area of the living accommodation?
• Can the work area be secured e.g. via a locked door when not in use?
• Who else has access to the work area?
• Will the equipment be visible from outside the accommodation e.g. through a window?
• What is the likelihood of theft in the surrounding area?
• Can paper documents be locked away securely?
• Is there adequate and reliable power supply to the work area?
The impact of remote working on the individual’s home insurance must be investigated to ensure that any policies currently in place remain valid. Additional insurance may be required and if so, it should be agreed in advance how this will be funded.
The organization’s policy regarding the provision of facilities to enable remote working is detailed below.
Note that all of the provisions in the [Organization Name] Mobile Device Policy also apply to the remote working environment and this document must be read and understood by all parties involved.
Only client equipment provided by [Organization Name] for the purpose of remote working must be used to access company networks. The individual’s own devices such as laptops or PCs must not be used for this purpose.
According to requirements, the remote worker may be provided with:
• A laptop, tablet or desktop PC with keyboard and mouse
• A printer
• Desk and chair
• Secure storage e.g. drawers or a cupboard
• Other items as required for the role
This equipment always remains the property of the organization.
In addition to client equipment the remote worker will, wherever possible, be provided with a physically separate communications link which is not connected in any way to existing domestic broadband or similar. This is to ensure that:
• Network performance is not affected by other activities in the household
• The configuration of the router can be security-hardened according to organization policy
• The ability for other devices to connect to this link can be prevented through the protection of network keys etc.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) will be used to ensure that all network traffic from the remote worker client to organization servers is encrypted to organization standards.
Where public cloud services are accessed directly by the remote worker, appropriate endto-end encryption must be in place, in accordance with the Cryptographic Policy.
Where possible, no data will be stored on the client machine. If this is unavoidable it is the responsibility of the remote worker to ensure it is backed up to the corporate network as soon as possible.
Virus protection will be provided on all relevant equipment and configured to update automatically on connection to the corporate network.
Technical support of all supplied equipment will be provided by the [IT Support Desk]
If the remote working agreement is terminated for any reason, all equipment that was supplied as part of the arrangement must be returned to the [IT Support Desk] as soon as possible.