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12 Appendix B: Incident command centre
12.1 Location map
The location of the incident command centre is shown below [replace with map of your command centre].
12.2 Floor plan
The layout of the incident command centre is shown below [replace with layout of your command centre].
13 Appendix C: The Phonetic Alphabet
In order to ensure that messages are understood correctly, the phonetic alphabet should be used when spelling out words and numbers.
A: Alpha B: Bravo C: Charlie D: Delta E: Echo F: Foxtrot G: Golf H: Hotel I: India J: Juliet K: Kilo L: Lima M: Mike N: November O: Oscar P: Papa Q: Quebec R: Romeo S: Sierra T: Tango U: Uniform V: Victor W: Whiskey X: X-ray Y: Yankee Z: Zulu
0: Zero 1: Wun 2: Two 3: Tree 4: Fower 5: Fife 6: Six 7: Seven 8: Ait 9: Niner