Work in Progress with Bibliography

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Gardener: Ralph Irving

Project Manager: Future City

Commissioner: Cambridge City Council & Berkeley Homes

Architect: Page & Park

Commissioner: Scottish Sculpture Trust

Little Sparta: 1966 — Hunter Square: 1995

Location: Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh Funder: Year of Architecture and Design

Key Artists projects Collaborators (Architects, engineers...) gi= glasgow international festival of visual arts eaf= edinburgh arts festival

Location: Edinburgh

Shirley MacWilliam Commissioner: Pavilion

Ian Hamilton Finlay

Toby Paterson

Turner prize nominee: 1985

Engineers: Jane Wernick Associates

Jane Brettle

Future City Cambridge: 2012

Swift: Three Artists' projects in the City: 1999

Location: Cambridge

Location: Glasgow

Employer: DO Architecture

A Forest: 2010

Film for an abandoned projector: 2011

Location: Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh

Location: Leeds Commissioner: Visual Art Projects (VAP)

Collaborator / commissioner: Collective Architecture An American Conversation: 2003

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Location: Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh

Turner prize nominee: 2005


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Commissioner: Collective Gallery

Commissioner: BBC Scotland

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Funders: Creative Scotland

Poised Array: 2007

Fabricator: Scott Associates

Lucy Skaer Turner prize nominee: 2009

Client: Glasgow City Council

Location: Glasgow

Funders: Scottish Arts Council & BBC Scotland

Location: Fettes College, Edinburgh

Venice Biennale: 2005

Access Engineers: Geckotech Solutions Ltd. Funders: GI

Commissioner: Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art

Location: Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh

Funders: Henry Moore Foundation, Arts Council England, Essex County Council

Architect: Judith Wylie Macleod

Martin Boyce Turner Prize winner: 2011


Turner prize nominee: 2011

Project Manager: Platform

Group show: Alex Pollard Jardins Publics: 2007

Lowlands: 2010

Location: Edinburgh

Glasgow School of Art: MFA

Cathy Wilkes Richard Wright

Location: Essex

Surround Me: 2010

Turner prize nominee: 2008

Turner Prize winner: 2009

Callum Innes Edinburgh College of Art: MA in Fine Art

Commissioner: Edinburgh Art Festival & National Galleries of Scotland

Changing Glenburn Park: 2011 Location: Glasgow Partners: Glasgow East Arts Company, Easthall Housing Co-operative, Easthall Residents Association.

Turner Prize nominee: 2007

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Funders: University of Glasgow

Location: Folkestone

Location: Edinburgh

Funders: Scottish Government Expo Fund

Timeline: 2012

Martin Creed

Commissioner: Folkestone Triennial

Location: Scotsman Steps, Edinburgh

Commissioner: Deveron Arts

Empire: 1998 Location: Glasgow

Structural Engineers: Price and Myers LLP

Award: Civic Trust Award Funder: Expo Fund via EAF

Simon Starling

Turner Prize nominee: 1997

Stonemason: Forth Stone

Commissioner: Edinburgh Art Festival

Ross Sinclair

Artists Flags for Scotland: 1997 Location: Stirling

Conservation Architect: McGregor Bowes

Work No. 1059: 2011

Location: Edinburgh

Project Manager: Ginkgo Projects

Douglas Gordon

Funder: Scottish Arts Council, Glasgow Development Agency

DJCAD: BA in Sculpture

Architect: Reiach & Hall

Turner Prize winner: 2005 The Dead Teach the Living: 1997

The Stairwell Project: 2010

Commissioner: Stills Gallery

Location: Edinburgh

Christine Borland

Work No. 1196: 2011

Slade School of Art: BA in Fine Art

Turner Prize winner: 2001

Nottingham Trent University: BA in Fine Art

Commissioner: Visual Art Projects (VAP) & Merchant City Civic Society

Susan Phillipsz Turner Prize winner: 2010

Urban Sanctuary: 2007

To be set and sown in the garden: 2002

Slade School of Art

Turner prize winner: 1996

Glasgow School of Art: MA in Fine Art

Nathan Coley

Represented by: The Common Guild

Glasgow School of Art: Environmental Art

Turner prize nominee: 1995

Gray's School of Art: MA in Drawing & Painting

Location: City of London

University of Ulster: MFA

Location: Münster

Commi– ssioner: Glasgow University


Curator: Katrina Brown at The Common Guild

We are still and reflective: 2007

Karla Black

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Location: Glasgow

Model-maker: Nigel SchofIeld at MDM Props

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Commissioner: Artangel

Commissioner: Firstsite

46 Brooklands Gardens: 2008


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Audio Engineer: RNSS Ltd.

In Memory: 2010

Location: Venice & Dundee

Location: Dundee

Turner prize nominee: 2012

Group show: Joanne Tatham & Tom O'Sullivan

No Reflections: 2009 Argyle Street Upgrade: 2011

Elizabeth Price

The Indirect Exchange of Uncertain Value: 2011

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Commissioner: Jupiter Artland

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Turner prize winner: 2004

Jim Lambie

Commissioner: DCA & Scotland in Venice

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Jeremy Deller

Only Connect, Temple of Apollo, Xth Muse, Beehives: various

David Shrigley

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Commissioner: SKOR & De Appel

Location: Edinburgh

Location: Münster

Funder: Stirling Council

Commissioner: Nicola Atkinson Does Fly DJCAD: Printmaking

Master Humphrey's Clock: 2007/8 Location: Netherlands

Burning Devil: 2011


David Mach

Commissioner: Sculpture Projects Münster

Funders: Argyll & Bute Council, Craignish Trust, Henry Moore Foundation

R.A.D.A.R.: 2007 Location: Abbeyview, Dunfermline

Royal College of Art: MA

Big Heids: 1988 Location: M8 between Glasgow & Edinburgh

Commissioner: Lanarkshire Development Agency Commissioner: Cove Park

Fabricator: Simon Hopkins at Scott Associates

Turner prize nominee: 2012

Turner prize nominee: 1988

Autoxylopyrocycloboros: 2006 Location: Loch Long

Luke Fowler

Project Manager: Art in Partnership

Work in Progress: Bibliography Borland, Christine and Bradley, Fiona (ed.), Preserves (Fruitmarket Gallery, 2006). Bradley, Fiona and Cole, Alex, Martin Creed: Down Over Up (Fruitmarket Gallery, 2010). Bradley, Fiona, Callum Innes (Hatje Cantz, 2006). Bradley, Will and Comer, Stuart with Ruf, Beatrix; Peyton-Jones, Julia and Obrist, Hans-Ulrich (eds.), Luke Fowler (Jrp Ringier, 2009). Bradley, Will and Rives, Amelie, Martin Boyce: No Reflections (Dundee Contemporary Arts, 2009). Brown, Katrina, Simon Starling: Djungel (Dundee Contemporary Arts, 2002). Brown, Katrina, Douglas Gordon (Tate Modern Artists) (Tate Publishing 2004). Cork, Richard, David Mach: Temple at Tyre (City of Edinburgh Council Recreation Dept., 1995) Fer, Briony, Karla Black: Brains Are Really Everything (Fruitmarket Gallery, 2011). Frei, Luca, Cross Section: Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art (Centre for Contemporary Art, 2008). Little, Helen and Stout, Katharine, Turner Prize 2010 (Tate Publications, 2010). Michael, Stanley and Dean, Emma (ed.), Cathy Wilkes (Milton Keynes Gallery, 2009). Sheeler, Jessie and Lawson, Andrew (photographer), Little Sparta: The Garden of Ian Hamilton Finlay (Frances Lincoln 2003). Skaer, Lucy and Bradley, Fiona (ed.), Lucy Skaer (Fruitmarket Gallery, 2008). Wright, Richard, Richard Wright: Gagosian Gallery (Rizzoli International Publications, 2010).

28 May 2012

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