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Scarabeo gets greener and greener

After three months of construction works, Scarabeo Ceramiche has announced the inauguration of its new ceramic kiln. It is a state-of-the-art kiln equipped with100% Made in Italy technology.

Without any limitation of product type, it can accommodate sanitary ware and washbasins of all shapes and sizes and can fire ceramics not only in the classic white finish, but also in all coloured variants.

With a total length of 90 m, fully automated in continuous cycle, the last generation kiln operates continuously seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, with a production capacity of half a million pieces.

This new step conveys an additional value to Scarabeo's increasingly sustainable philosophy. In fact, it completes a renewal process aimed at reducing consumption and respecting the environment.

In addition to significantly increasing the production in line with the market demands, the new kiln substantially reduces energy consumption, which has recently been a critical issue for all ceramic manufacturers.

Currently running on gas, the new kiln is already set up for operation with a gas/hydrogen mixture in order to achieve increasingly green goals.

For a few years now, the company has been promoting sustainable initiatives in the field of production, such as the installation of a photovoltaic system that has doubled the existing power with an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 300 tons; the provision of new co-generator systems that have significantly increased the production of energy for heating and product drying; the replacement of the lighting system, both in the production area and in the offices, with last generation LED lamps with an energy saving of 105,000 kWh/year and a CO2/year reduction of 35 tons.

In addition, an innovative purification plant ensures the total recycling and reuse of the water resulting from the various processing stages.

In short: today Scarabeo is one of the most innovative and sustainable companies in the industry. ◆

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