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Fit Five: broomstick workout
Fit Five Broomsticks can improve coordination
itness is important to maintain health and well-being. Taking steps to stay in shape contributes to a better mood and balanced weight. However, coordination is key to safe and effective workouts.
Working out with everyday items can improve coordination, flexibility and posture. For example, broomsticks can be a beneficial tool for simple stretching and strengthening exercises. Here are a few ways to use a broomstick in your next sweat session. Up and Over
Hold the broomstick horizontally in front of you with both hands and a wide grip. Keeping the elbows straight, lift the broomstick up and over your head. Stretch as far as you can while keeping elbows straight, aiming for the lower back. This easy exercise is a fantastic warmup that improves range of motion and muscle mobility in the arms and chest. Core Twist
As the name implies, this exercise engages muscles in the abdomen and lower back. Place the broomstick on the back of the shoulders and grab each side of the stick with elbows bent. While keeping arms in place, rotate your torso as far to the right as possible, then to the left. Continue twisting from side to side for 60 repetitions.
With one hand, hold the broomstick level at your side at waist height and outstretched in front of you. Keeping the arms and legs straight, raise one leg over the broom, switch hands and bring the other leg over the broom and repeat. This exercise stretches shoulders, arms, abs, hips and legs, while strengthening balance and grip. Side Circle
Stand with feet together. With one hand, hold the stick about two feet to your side. With the opposite hand, reach overhead and lean to extend the same leg with toes pointed. With the lifted leg, make 20 circles and then repeat with the opposite side. This exercise stretches muscles in the
Stick Hurdle
shoulders, hips, legs and abdomen. Flutterkick
Lie on your stomach with arms and legs extended, holding the broomstick with both hands shoulder-width apart. Raise arms and legs about six inches from the floor. Without touching the floor, alternate kicking the left leg, then right leg. After 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds and repeat. Broomstick flutterkicks assist in strengthening muscles in the arms, chest, core and butt. l