3 minute read
uray is centrally located in Southwest Colorado, making it the perfect basecamp for a variety of activities and adventures. Those visiting Ouray will experience an incredible scenic journey which leads to one of the most distinctive destinations in America.
BY PLANE: The closest airport is a 45-minute drive from Ouray in Montrose, Colorado. Other regional airports nearby are located in Telluride, Durango and Grand Junction. Cities including Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, Utah and Albuquerque, New Mexico also have airports within a 6-hour drive from Ouray.
BY TRAIN: Passengers can ride the Amtrak and disembark at the train depot in Grand Junction to continue their journey to Ouray. The train depot does not have any vehicle rental services, but visitors can take a cab to the airport and rent a vehicle there.
BY CAR: Highway 550 is the route to Ouray. Visitors can approach their destination only from the north or the south thanks to a rugged box canyon that surrounds the charming town. The drive is characterized by steep grades and hairpin curves, so use caution and heed all posted speed limits and warnings.
COME PREPARED: Technology is great, but it can fail you. Cell reception is spotty in the wilderness, so bring or buy maps to help you navigate. It is also a good idea to let someone know where you will be and when you expect to return. 3 tips for driving
Red Mountain Pass
Red Mountain Pass is a narrow, winding road with no shoulder or guardrails. It sits at the summit of the stretch of road dubbed “Million Dollar Highway” between Silverton and Ouray. It is a spectacular byway, and drivers should use caution.
Confirm road conditions
Weather can affect travel, especially across Red Mountain Pass. During heavy periods of snowfall, the roadway will occasionally be closed for maintenance and avalanche mitigation. Be sure to confirm road conditions before making the journey over the pass.
Follow posted speed limits
Because the road is filled with twists and turns, it is best to adhere to posted speed limits at all times. This also allows some time for passengers to enjoy the jawdropping views from 11,000 feet.
Stay on your side
Though it can be comforting for drivers to hug the canyon wall, the roadway is narrow and filled with turns. Be respectful of other drivers and stay on your side for the safety of everyone on the road.

ya’ll Come see us! In Beautiful Ouray, Colorado 512 Main Street
Oleta Smith and Patty Lewis have been blazing the cowgirl trail together for over 40 years! These Texas cowgirls havefollowedtheirbigdreamstoa5,000sq.ft.storeinthebeautifulmountaintownofOuray,Colorado.Whether they are cussin’ or cryin’ their store is a one of a kind experience and worth the trip to the San Juan Mountains. My daughter, “You are the one I laugh with and love, the one who has grown up to be my best friend, you make me so proud every day! You make my heart smile.” My mother, “Thank you for making all my dreams come true.”
It is not every cowgirl that gets to work side by side with their mother for 41 years. Patty Lewis has been this blessed! Her mother,
Oleta Smith, (let’s just call her the General) with her infectious smile and positive attitude has led them down this retail road.
Sometimes it was a dirt road but a road nonetheless! Oleta has pushed Patty to be fearless and passionate, held her up as they stood tall together through the tough times and in 41 years there have been some! But with love, tears and a lot of laughter these two hard working cowgirls continue their journey. From a cotton patch in west Texas to a 5,000 square foot store in Ouray, Colorado this tough as nails farm girl can still out work and sell her daughter, but Patty keeps trying for that top spot. Come see these two colorful personalities in downtown Ouray, Colorado. And yes the General will be there!
YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD EVERYDAYWe asked Patty, “BEST DAY...” “THIS MORNING AT WORK WHEN SHE SMILED AT ME” I LOVE YOU“I LOVE YOU MOTHER” ....... and then they cried! and then they cried!