In favour of public space_Exhibition dossier

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In Favour of Public Space European Prize for Urban Public Space 2010




1. The European Prize for Urban Public Space

Presentation The city exists as a space where many of society’s most pressing problems are concentrated and expressed in radical ways. Bound by its origins to notions of equality, plurality and progress, the contemporary city faces new challenges rooted in exponential growth as well as increasing social and cultural complexity. Segregation, uncontrolled urbanization, homogenization and privatization of urban spaces are some of the phenomena endangering the ideal of democratic open society that characterizes the European city. However, in spite of all this the city continues to be synonymous with creation, with peaceful coexistence, with social transformation and with the ideal of utopia. Reflection about the city and public space is one of the key areas of concern of the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB). With exhibitions, festivals, conferences and a wide range of other cultural activities, the CCCB has fostered a multidisciplinary approach to the urban phenomenon, which, trapped in permanent tension between exclusion and citizenship, fear and freedom, risk and utopia, has become a privileged space for trying to make sense of contemporary society. The essential tools of architecture and urbanism not only determine the collective life of the city, but also shape the political and social relations of those within it. Because of this, it is necessary to promote cross-fertilization among disciplines that study, interpret and transform the urban phenomenon. In this spirit, the CCCB and the French Institute of Architecture decided in 2000 to create the European Prize for Urban Public Space

(, with the aim of recognizing and encouraging urban interventions that promote the public character of the city and its capacity for social integration across the continent. Now, the prize is an initiative spearheaded by the CCCB and jointly organized by The Architecture Foundation (Londres), the Architekturzentrum Wien (Viena), the Cité de l’Architecture (París), the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (Rotterdam), the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki) and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt). The Prize is the only architectural award within Europe that has as its goal the defense, recognition and promotion of an essentially public space- one which is open, universally accessible, and urban. Leaving behind the significance of the architect, building, or landscape, the Prize accentuates the uses and social impact of the architectural intervention, underlining and prioritizing the relational and civic character of a typically urban space. In spite of the increasingly blurred limits of the city and the challenges that cities must now face, the Prize continues to support the model of the dense, compact and sustainable European city- one which promotes collective use and favors interaction and social cohesion. The Prize is honorary and is jointly awarded to both the architect and the public institution that encouraged and financed the project. Ultimately, the Prize highlights the benefits of a strong alliance between politics and architecture in favor of the principles of equality, pluralism and freedom of expression- qualities that public space promotes and protects.

Results of the Sixth Edition of the Prize (2010) JOINT WINNERS Open-Air-Library Magdeburg [Germany], 2009 AUTHORS: KARO* with Architektur+Netzwerk DEVELOPERS: Bürgerverein Salbke-Fermersleben-Westerhüsen e.V., City of Magdeburg Department of Building and Construction The residents of a socially depressed neighborhood have organised to collect and share books in an open-air library that they have constructed, after a participative process, with prefabricated pieces from a demolished building.

Den Norske Opera & Ballett Oslo [Norway], 2008 AUTHORS: Snøhetta DEVELOPERS: Statsbygg The roof of the opera house gently emerges from the waters of the port of Bjørvika to offer people who walk on it splendid views over the city and the fjord.

SPECIAL MENTIONS Urban Activators: theater podium & brug Grotekerkplein Rotterdam [The Netherlands], 2009 AUTHORS: Atelier Kempe Thill architecs and planners DEVELOPERS: Rotary Club Rotterdam Noord, foundation ‘Grotekerkplein’, OBR Rotterdam The insertion of a pavilion-cum-theatre programmatically revitalises the Laurenskerk cathedral square and articulates its relationship with the Delftsevaart canal.

Paseo Marítimo de la Playa Poniente Benidorm [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: Office of Architecture in Barcelona DEVELOPERS: Generalitat Valenciana - Ajuntament de Benidorm The complex strip of transition between the city and beach unfolds in a colorful repertoire of sinuous forms that is sufficiently powerful to order the seafront facade and confer on it a unitary character.

Passage 56 / espace culturel écologique París [France], 2009 AUTHORS: atelier d’architecture autogérée DEVELOPERS: atelier d’architecture autogérée Popular initiative has transformed an abandoned passageway of rue Saint Blaise into a collectively-managed ecological garden

Casetas de pescadores en el puerto Cangas do Morrazo [Spain], 2008 AUTHORS: Irisarri + Piñera DEVELOPERS: Puertos de Galicia A row of fishermen’s huts dynamises the breakwater of the port with an activity that is deep-rooted in the place and attractive to the eyes of passers-by

FINALISTS MadridRío Madrid [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: Burgos Rubio Garrido Porras y Lacasta DEVELOPERS: Coordinación General de Proyectos Singulares, Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Jardí del Museu Can Framis Barcelona [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: BAAS, Jordi Badia y EMF, Martí Franch DEVELOPERS: Fundació Vila Casas. Layetana

Eichbaumoper Mülheim and der Ruhr [Germany], 2009 AUTHORS: raumlaborberlin DEVELOPERS: raumlaborberlin

Riverside Masterplan Castleford [United Kingdom], 2008 AUTHORS: McDowell+Benedetti DEVELOPERS: City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council

Ulap-Platz Berlin [Germany], 2008 AUTHORS: Till Rehwaldt DEVELOPERS: Abt. Städtebau und Projekte, Hauptstadtreferat, Berlin

Vabaduse väljak Tallinn [Estonia], 2009 AUTHORS: Andres Alver, Veljo Kaasik, Tiit Trummal DEVELOPERS: Tallinn City Government Klaus Wailzer, Bulant & Wailzer /Wagner/ Fritsch

Jardín vertical y plaza pública Delicias Zaragoza [Spain] , 2008 AUTHORS: Sicilia y Asociados DEVELOPERS: Asociación de Vecinos Delicias “Manuel Viola”

Campus des Comtes de Champagne Troyes [France], 2009 AUTHORS: Intégral Lipsky+Rollet architectes DEVELOPERS: Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne

Lanternen/ Norwegian Wood Sandnes [Norway], 2008 AUTHORS: AWP+ Atelier Oslo DEVELOPERS: Sandnes Kommune, Norwegian wood steering group

NLA Skywalk London [United Kingdom], 2008 AUTHORS: Carmody Groarke DEVELOPERS: New London Architecture / London Festival of Architecture

Rehabilitación de la Alameda de Hércules Sevilla [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Elías Torres Tur, arquitectos DEVELOPERS: Gerencia de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

Neubau der Domtreppe – Neugestaltung des Bahnhofvorplatzes Köln [Germany], 2008 AUTHORS: Schaller/Theodor Architekten BDA DEVELOPERS: Stadt Köln, Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik

Remodelación del puerto Malpica [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: CreuseCarrasco arquitectos DEVELOPERS: Xunta de Galicia, Ente Público Portos de Galicia

Redesign of main square Maria Saal [Austria], 2008 AUTHORS: nonconform architektur vor ort DEVELOPERS: Maria Saal Beteiligungs und Infrastruktur GmbH

Furtwänglergarten Salzburg [Austria], 2009 AUTHORS: Auböck + Kárász DEVELOPERS: Municipality of Salzburg

Parque Verde do Mondego Coimbra [Portugal] , 2008 AUTHORS: MVCC - Mercês Vieira e Camilo Cortesão DEVELOPERS: MVCC - Mercês Vieira e Camilo Cortesão

Paisatgisme de la línea 1 del TRAM Alicante [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: Eduardo de Miguel Arbonés, José Mª Urzelai Fernández DEVELOPERS: Ente Gestor de la Red de Transporte y de Puertos de la Generalitat. Consejería de Infraestructuras y Transporte Square and open air altar Brezje [Slovenia], 2008 AUTHORS: Zorec, Tepina DEVELOPERS: Franciscan monastery Brezje

Reabilitari urbane centru istoric, faza1 – Piata Muzeului si strazi adiacente Cluj-Napoca [Romania], 2008 AUTHORS: Cluj-napoca Municipality, Tirrena-garboli DEVELOPERS: Cluj-napoca Municipality

Aménagements paysagers des quais Rive Gauche de la Garone Bordeaux [France], 2009 AUTHORS: Atelier Corajoud DEVELOPERS: Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux

Entre catedrales Cádiz [Spain], 2009 AUTHORS: Alberto Campo Baeza DEVELOPERS: Ayuntamiento de Cádiz

Total of submitted projects to the Prize (2000-2010) COUNTRY 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 ALBANIA 0 0 0 1 2 ANDORRA 0 0 0 0 1 AUSTRIA 1 2 7 16 10 BELGIUM 0 2 3 6 4 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 0 0 0 0 2 BULGARIA 2 0 0 0 0 CZECH REPUBLIC 0 0 3 2 3 CROACIA 0 0 1 1 2 CYPRUS 0 0 0 4 0 DENMARK 1 0 2 2 4 ESTONIA 0 0 0 4 1 FINLAND 0 2 0 3 3 FRANCE 2 7 9 10 11 GERMANY 6 24 28 35 18 GREECE 0 1 1 4 0 HUNGARY 0 1 3 3 2 IRELAND 1 1 1 6 0 ITALY 4 9 13 12 17 LATVIA 0 0 0 0 0 LITHUANIA 0 0 0 3 0 LUXEMBOURG 0 0 0 1 1 MALTA 0 0 0 1 1 MONTENEGRO 0 0 0 0 0 NETHERLANDS 2 3 7 13 8 NORWAY 1 1 2 0 1 POLAND 0 0 6 1 2 PORTUGAL 2 3 7 7 4 ROMANIA 0 0 0 1 0 RUSSIA 1 0 0 0 0 SERBIA 0 0 0 3 0 SLOVAQUIA 0 0 0 1 0 SLOVENIA 0 0 1 3 1 SPAIN 51 16 61 40 55 SWEDEN 0 1 2 2 2 SWITZERLAND 4 4 4 7 7 TURKEY 0 0 0 2 1 URKAINE 0 0 0 0 0 UNITED KINGDOM 1 18 8 10 11 79 95 169 204 174

2010 1 0 18 9 2 0 0 6 1 8 2 0 11 21 3 2 7 22 2 2 0 2 16 4 4 13 2 0 2 1 7 94 5 10 8 1 17 303

2. The exhibition “In Favour of Public Space”

Presentation “In Favour of Public Space” is the result of work carried out to date by the CCCB in the field of reflection on the contemporary city, understood as urban planning and architecture, but also seen in political, social and philosophical terms. The space features a selection of materials about projects presented in the 2010 European Prize for Urban Public Space, with a particular emphasis on the two winning projects and the four special mentions. For supplementary materials, visitors can consult the European Archive of Urban Public Space as well as a selection of papers, books and audiovisual files from the CCCB’s documentary archives on public space and the contemporary city.

The European Prize for Urban Public Space is an initiative of the CCCB that aims to acknowledge and promote the public nature of urban spaces and their capacity for social integration. The Prize is jointly organized with five European institutions: The Architecture Foundation (London), the ArchitekturZentrum (Vienna), the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Paris), the Nederlands Architectuurinstitut (Rotterdam) and the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki) and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt). In 2010, the Prize attracted 303 projects from 225 cities in 34 European countries, offering a good overview of the transformation of Europe’s public spaces over the last two years. The best projects submitted for the Prize since its origins are are accessible in the European Archive of Urban Public Space (www.publicspace. org /en/archive).

Description of the exhibition AXES OF THE SHOW The show is designed as a space for consultation, where through photographs, videos, original materials from the winning projects and multimedia consulting points, the visitor can acquire information about the European Prize for Urban Public Space. The show is articulated on three axes: The European Prize for Urban Public Space 2010 In the central area of the show, the two winning projects of this award and the four special mentions are displayed in large-scale photographic reproductions. The intention behind this is to create the impression to the visitor of entering into these regained public spaces. Also reproduced on a smaller scale are the twenty-one final projects which have been selected by the jury. In addition, the visitor can consult the original placards of the 303 projects that competed for the Prize this year. All the editions of the Prize In this section, a large map of Europe labelled with the 523 cities who have competed for the Prize throughout its history is an evidence of the geographic range of the award. Alongside it, a video that screens the 29 winning projects of all awards testifies that the Prize has become a gauge of the main areas of interest and driving forces in European city planning. Recovering memory, integrating peripheral areas into urban centres, great projects to improve mobility, and the increasing role of citizens in projects to improve public space are some of the shared concerns to be found all over Europe. The public space in the CCCB This section brings to light the CCCB’s documentary archives of material on the city and public space. The visitor can watch videos of the more significant conferences on urban themes that the CCCB has held, and consult a large selection of bibliographic material on public space. The space also provides two connection points to the Public Space portal which

includes the websites of the European Urban Public Space Prize and Archive and the Public Space Library. The European Archive of Urban Public Space provides information about some of the most outstanding initiatives to regenerate public spaces in European cities over the last twenty years. The Archive, comprising projects submitted for the European Urban Public Space Prize, currently contains over 400 projects from more than 250 cities all over the continent. The Urban Library features a selection of the best texts on the city generated from CCCB catalogues and lectures.

Technical data PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS - The exhibition is envisaged for a showroom of approximately 200m2. - All material for producing the exhibition will be sent from the CCCB in digital format and the exhibition will be mounted and dismantled in situ. EXHIBITION MATERIALS Photographs The photographs and texts of the winning projects have to be mounted on Forex. The following sizes are approximate since they have to be adapted to the needs of the venue: - 2 panels of the winning projects: 300 cm x 165 cm each - 4 panel of the ‘special mention’ projects: 200cm x 165cm each - panel of the 21 finalist projects: 300cm x 165 cm - 1460 foam placards sized DIN A 3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm) and alphabetically ordered by 225 forex separators labelled according to the 225 European cities which competed. Map of Europe Map of Europe with text and graphic showing the cities that have historically participated in the Prize with statistics of participation by countries and years. Approximateive size: 500 cm x 165 cm, also produced in forex material.

Videos - Video of the 29 award-winning prizes in all the years the Prize has been offered (photographic montage with background music) - Video of the declarations of jury members for the 2010 Prize on the six award-winning projects (in English) - Video showing the work of the jury and the award-giving ceremony for the 2010 Prize (video with background music) The titles of the videos are in English. Multimedia consulting points Three computers: 1. Restricted access to the website, for consultation of the website in general 2. Restricted access to the Public Space Prize Archive 3. Access to the compilation of the most significant lectures on city and public space to have been given in the CCCB: Tzvetan Todorov, Zygmunt Bauman, Giorgio Agamben, Peter Hall, Richard Senneth, Ulrich Beck, Olivier Mongin, etc.. Original version without traslation. Library The place (shelves, arm-chairs, tables, lamps) where a bibliographic selection of books on public space will be available. The CCCB will contribute a small part. The organisers will be responsible for the selection of the rest.

Quotations Reproduced in vinyl on the walls of the exhibition space/s are 14 statements made by different authors of reference in their lectures on the city and public space at the CCCB. Other items - A panel or vinyl plates with the exhibition title at the entrance. - A panel with an introduction to the exhibition (approximately 150 cm x 165 cm) - A panel showing the exhibition credits (approximately 100 cm x 165 cm) - A panel with the words “Europe, Urban Geographies� (approximately 150 cm x 165 cm) FURNITURE - 9 tables of approximately 220 cm x 100 cm x 75 cm and 15-20 chairs for consulting the original A3 panels of the submitted projects - 31 wooden boxes, painted white and measuring 50 cm x 30 cm, containing the original A3 panels (see detailed drawing apart) - 1 table for the 3 computers used for consultation: round table of 150 cm in diameter, especially designed for the exhibition (see detailed drawing apart) - shelwes, 3-4 armchairs, 2 coffee tables and two standard lamps for the space made available for consulting books COMPUTER AND AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT - 3 flat-screen TVs - 3 DVD players - 3 computers

QUOTATIONS ABOUT CITY AND PUBLIC SPACE JÜRGEN HABERMAS «In order for the European Union to work, we need a European public space. And even though the public space is becoming more and more virtual, it seems to me important that we should not lose its material roots. I am referring here not only to architecture, but also to people just like you who fill the public space with activities.» ORIOL BOHIGAS « If the city is heading towards death, it is because democracy is dying.» TERESA CALDEIRA «Modern cities have always been spaces for the affirmation of democracy and, simultaneously, for the reproduction of social inequality and practices of exclusion.» OLIVIER MONGIN «A city is a place where you can find refuge, a place where the law prevails, a place that is not defined solely on the basis of what it contains within it, its sense of identity or belonging, but by the carefully cultivated relationship between the inside and the outside.» MANUEL DE SOLÀ-MORALES «In its most profound sense, a city is the effort to collectivise what was once private and so make it public. And this is not a state but an ongoing process. » ZYGMUNT BAUMAN «This is in fact the definition of the city: a place where strangers live together permanently, while retaining their differences and without ceasing to be strangers.» EDUARD BRU «It is the force of society that occasionally turns the most unlikely places into public spaces.»

DOMINIQUE SCHNAPPER «How can we reconcile citizens’ freedom to remain faithful to their historical references, their cultures and private beliefs, with the legitimacy of the principle of citizenry, which underpins the unified, neutral and universal public space?» MANUEL DELGADO «The general heterogeneity on which every urban society depends has turned life in cities into a colossal kaleidoscope in which it is difficult to find areas that are hermetic and completely closed to outsiders and outside influences, or forms of society that are fixed and unchanging.» LILA LEONTIDOU «The City State remained a very important focus of life around the Mediterranean Sea, and the collective memories of its specific and glorious spatialities have never faded.» ZYGMUNT BAUMAN «The city is a laboratory where the art of daily and peaceful living with difference is practised and developed.» TZVETAN TODOROV «Europe is defined by its joint project, which includes its political and moral values, rather than by a single cultural substrate. The ability to absorb outsiders has become the hallmark of European culture.» ULRICH BECK « If there is a single idea capable of uniting Europeans, then it is the notion of cosmopolitan Europe, according to which diversity is not the problem but the solution.» JOSEP MARIA MONTANER «Urban and territorial forms are never unalloyed: they always have some connection with ideological, political, economic, philosophical and artistic issues.»





Exhibition: from 15 October to 25 November 2007 at the Gallery of the Faculty of Visual Arts of the Tirana Academy of Arts Debate on public space, 15 October 2007 Participants: Olivier Mongin, French philosopher and director of the review Esprit, Artan Fuga, Albanian philosopher, Manuel Montobbio, Spanish ambassador in Albania, Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana, Josep Ramoneda, director of the CCCB, Piro Misha, director of The Institute for Communication and Dialogue in Tirana, Elías Torres, Barcelona-based architect, Artan Shkreli, Tirana-based architect, Carme Ribes, Barcelonabased architect, Besnik Aliaj, president Tirana Urban Forum, and Dritan Shutina, Albanian architect and director of Co-Plan.

Exhibition: from 3 to 26 September at the Belgrade Museum of Applied Arts Debate on public space: 23 September 2008 Participants: Manuel de Solà Morales, Barcelona-based architect and president of the Jury 2008, Josep Ramoneda, director of the CCCB, Judit Carrera, director of the Prize, and Zaklina Gligorijevic, director of the Institute of Urbanism, Belgrade

MILAN Exhibition: from 14 to 30 January 2008 in the Leonardo Milano exhibition space at the Polytechnic University of Milan. Debate on public space: 16 January 2008 Participants: Carme Ribas Seix, Barcelona-based architect and secretary of the Jury 2006, Chiara Toscani, architect and lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Piotr Lewicki, Special Mention in the 2006 Prize, and Franco Tagliabue, lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Milan and Special Mention in the 2006 Prize.

NOVI SAD Exhibition: from 22 April to 9 May 2009 at the Novi Sad Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad Debate on public space: 25 April in the Manual Forgotten Arts Museum Participants: organisers (JP"Urbanizam" Novi Sad) of the exhibition and local experts

BUCHAREST Exhibition: From 14 to 28 May in the Sala Dalles Gallery of Bucharest under the auspices of the Seventh Architecture Symposium of Bucharest. Debate on public space: 22 and 23 May 2009 Participants: Josep Ramoneda, director of the CCCB, Augustin Ioan, architect and lecturer at the Bucharest School of Architecture, Lluís

Ortega, Barcelona-based architect, Mircea Ochinciuc, president of the Architects’ Order of Romania, Itzíar González, Councillor for the Ciutat Vella District of Barcelona, Jordi Puntí, Barcelona-based writer, Andrei Taranu, Bucharest-based political analyst, and Bashkim Shehu, Albanianborn writer now resident in Barcelona.

LOUVAIN Exhibition: From 16 November 2009 to 6 January 2010 at the M Museum of Louvain Debate on public space: 16 November 2009 to 6 January 2010 Participants: Dietmar Steiner, director of AzW, member of the Prize Jury, Judit Carrera, director of the Prize, and Koen Van Synghel, Louvain-based urban planner

IN FAVOUR OF PUBLIC SPACE. EUROPEAN PRIZE OF URBAN PUBLIC SPACE 2010 FRANKFURT In preparation. From 16 April to 3 July 2011 in the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM).

Created by CCCB With the cooperation of The Architecture Foundation (London) Architekturzentrum Wien (Wien) CitÊ de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Paris) Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (Rotterdam) Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki) Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt) Graphic Design Judit Prat

European Prize for Urban Public Space

CCCB / Montalegre, 5 / 08001 Barcelona /

In Favour of Public Space European Prize for Urban Public Space 2010

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