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Aries (March 20-April 19) Among the many things you can do to nurture your health and wellbeing is to be more open. Most people keep quite a few secrets, and do not often reveal what matters the most to them. Your astrology is leaning in the other direction, emphasizing the benefits of living openly and with a clear conscience. There are many, including your physical health, which is directly connected to how you feel about yourself. There is also a spiritual benefit, which is about making the personality structure (what some call the ego) more transparent.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) The radical nature of your astrology has a way of making you nervous. There are times when you feel pressure to change in ways you never imagined. This is not like a reasoning process; there are times you may be seized by panic. Yet you can relax; what is within you and trying to emerge is something you've always been. It's not emerging or becoming that sends the shockwaves through your psyche. Rather, it is your attempt to hold down your inner truth, your creativity and your need to dare.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) Whatever you think is irritating you, consider that it may be something else. There is some incident or sensation lingering from the past, and you may be latching onto this thinking that it's the source of your annoyance or insecurity. If you take a circumspect approach, you will see that there are many other possibilities. You are free to hold as true anything you want. You do not need to accept what others try to impose on you, whether it be beliefs, mental restrictions or a view of what this world is about.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) You can trust your aspiration and your drive for success. Ambition is rarely trustworthy, and can often lead to the goal justifying how someone gets there. For you, your aspiration and motivation are all about the journey for its own sake. One important element of this is the ongoing discovery of who you are. There have been moments lately when you feel the magnificent benefits of what you have learned, and are learning. Let the light shine on your gratitude for who you are, and the happy truth that you don't have to be anyone else.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) The more real you are about who you are and what you want, the more you will experience the people around you as enlightened beings. You may not feel like you're in a position to reveal much, as you seem to be struggling with what feels like a profound insecurity. That is known as your soul. Any sense that something is 'off' or 'imperfect' is evidence that you are human. You won't have validation if you hide your fears and your deepest questions in the dark. Let them out into the light, into the environment of your most intimate relationships.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) I suggest you work with the power of habituation and get into a routine. Virgo is designed for success based on steady, intentional, incremental progress. You don’t need to push the river. I would suggest this, however: be cautious of people who have negative opinions about what you're doing. There are sure to be some; one of them might be close to you, but is it really what you want that's doing so, or is it about the opinions and past history of another person that have nothing to do with you?
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) You seem to be in one of those moments when you are living an inner life and an outer life in quite different fashions. Note carefully how you respond to any statement made by another, whether you think it has substance or not. I know how annoying the theory that "relationships are a mirror" can be. There is, however, important feedback coming from what seems to be your outer environment, which will help you figure out what you're experiencing inwardly. Take it slowly; take nothing for granted. Slowly, a complete picture will emerge.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You may feel like you have too many unresolved personal concerns to be out in the open too much. I would propose that you're ready to explain where you're coming from, particularly to your friends. You seem to be driven by an opinion, or point of view, that you must express. Here's the thing: when you say what you think or believe, you are going to be challenged. You then have two choices. One is to rebuff the person challenging you without listening to his or her ideas. The other is to listen carefully and critique your position. One clue is that if your viewpoint is fixed and not moving, it's probably not valid.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) One of the many contradictions of Sagittarius is that it's about the big picture, don't bother me with the details — until Virgo is invoked in your chart. Then suddenly you want total creative control, and you're not happy until everything is micromanaged to sheer perfection. This is where you've been for a while, as Mercury and Mars in Virgo have been powering up the ambition/aspiration angle of your chart. I suggest a change of strategy: ease off on the burn and coast a little. Keep working, of course, but enlist others to help. And then focus on being seen and noticed, mostly in oneon-one situations with people who may support your cause or your enterprise.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Events of the past 18 months are likely to have kept you focused on major personal changes, and taking care of business. You are one of the people more adaptable to the call of duty. I am here to inform you that you can slowly let go of that. By all indications, you have stabilized your situation and can allocate more energy to your personal desires and priorities. You might experiment with something outside any prior interest, talent, career or vocation. You will know you're in the zone when you feel a bit insecure and uncertain about what you're doing. This is about finding the confidence to actually be who you are, without any need to live up to the expectations of others.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Personal transparency is the only way to spiritual and psychological growth. To emerge into yourself, there can be no secrets. This will seem terrifying to many people who are currently getting along by keeping mum about what they are observing and know to be true. It will shake to the core those who fear their own power, and the profound influence that sincerity bestows. You are emerging into a new state of being, and that calls for being more open about who you are, including that which you would never consider revealing voluntarily. The reason this is so potent is because concealing yourself consumes tremendous energy and resources, and at the same time blocks the flow of your creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Emphasis is placed, now, on relationships and partnerships of all kinds. You can be as bold as you wish when it comes to interpersonal contacts. If someone is interested, you will figure it out pretty quickly, and if they are not, politely withdraw your energy and move onto where someone wants to engage your many interesting personal gifts. Your encounters can have special purposes, so when you're with someone or considering being with them, know what you have in mind. Then test the waters to see whether there is a point of contact. Just remember: your options are open, and any sense of isolation is an illusion.