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Aries (March 20-April 19) When you look back, you will see that these years of Chiron in your birth sign or ascendant were an unusual and even marvelous time of advancement and growth, of evolution and becoming. Yet do you see this time that way now? Chiron can feel like the shoe that does not fit — until you walk in it for a while, and notice where you are, as contrasted with where you were. Chiron is a utility that will keep calling your attention to all that is not resolved.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) You may feel on top of the world, as if you possess some unusual power, influence or control over your destiny. However, be cool and relax: one pitfall of of Saturn in the 10th house is arrogance. While you may possess a modicum of superiority to certain others, you still need them. And while your commanding presence is capable of being used as a tool to get people in line, remember that you are either not tolerating others telling you what to do, or are doing a good impression.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) The forthcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra (exact Sept. 27 - Oct. 18, with a three-week margin on either side) may dredge up some old material you thought you were done with. Yet you will discover that it's excellent fodder for both healing and creativity. Be grateful for what you learn, and for what you discover was unresolved. Your ruling planet Mercury's passage through Libra, now underway will help you see the ways in which you have given up your power and provide opportunities to claim it back.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Beware of people and situations that undermine your confidence. I don't mean avoid; I mean, be aware, and see if you can figure out how and why certain circumstances lead you to doubt your confidence. They are likely to be the same kinds of situations where you will not stop and check the facts and viewpoints when you truly need to. All month long, planets will be buzzing around Libra, your 4th solar house.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) It's essential that you be aware of situations that are defined by hazy or foggy agreements. They are where misunderstanding can slip in, along with more nefarious kinds of problems. Follow any misunderstanding, no matter how small, as evidence of a potential problem with an agreement. Planets are now moving into position that will tend to make you more decisive and self-assertive, then after that, you may find that you're doubting yourself.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) You are your own person. Anyone who tries to tell you or sell you otherwise is a con artist, religious huckster or politician. Presently there are many looming about, though they will not be wearing a friendly ID sticker. This matters much less as long as you are willing to assert yourself in any situation where you are personally challenged to go against your own morals, ethics, or self-interest.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) One question I would ask you: are you indebted to the past, or the future? The answer may be neither, though I doubt it. Your heritage is calling you; so too is our current experience of history-in-the-making. Your ancestors are speaking to you, and so too is your responsibility to your children, grandchildren and all the young people on Earth.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) There is plenty you don't know about yourself. You may not think so, though how can you be sure? It will help if you are open to discovery, and reassess your policy of keeping secrets from yourself. I have a theory about that: you may feel that what you fully acknowledge about yourself, others will have a way of seeing into. So if you throw a scrim over your innermost feelings, you will be have some distance and some privacy from others.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Make a list of everything you're certain about; all that you've made up your mind about; all that seems settled the way that it is — the important things, and the ordinary ones. Since there are likely to be a few, maybe just take a sample of the ones that stand out, or that you think about often. This is your list of what would benefit from rethinking, revision, reworking and reassessment.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) It may seem like some unseen force is guiding you or instructing you. This is always the case, though you may be noticing something different is influencing you, guiding you, or providing some unusual sense of motivation. What would that be? Well, whatever it seems to be, it's not outside yourself. You contain all those organs and facets of consciousness, if only by being aware of them. However, at the moment, it would be wholesome to practice some uncertainty, and to keep open your process of both observation and decision-making.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) You may be wondering when it will all change, or when the challenges will let up. I don't blame you, though that is not the thing to count on. You are at the point where you must count on yourself and rise to the confrontation, revelation or situation in the most affirmative frame of mind that you can muster. Saturn in your sign can feel like the presence of total responsibility. This is true for everyone, though Saturn connects to Capricorn, your 12th house, which can give its presence a much larger feeling, with greater pressure, sense of limits or sense of potential.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) There are days when your whole life feels like you're gazing through a fog, and cannot make out any recognizable shapes. Other times you may feel like you're in the dark, which you might trust more than someone in the 18th century being handed night-vision goggles. In foggy conditions, the tendency is to focus in the zone of what would be immediately before you. What if you use the method of the Magic Eye books and rest your gaze further out, behind the book, and behind where the air is too dense to see through?