this belongs to
Toronto • Vancouver Canada
Congratulations on taking this step in the direction of your dream life! One that brings you bliss and joy on a regular basis and is effortless after putting in the work to manifest it. It’s the simple, little, quality efforts, done consistently that end up shaping our most incredible lives! Master Habits is a combination of support to direct your compass to the success you desire. 1. We have studied the Masters of the world that are both successful and happy and derived there most potent practices – their habits. 2. What are the Master Habits that ensure this successful happy outcome? 3. And finally – how can YOU Master your Habits? It’s all here in these pages. To top it off, we have multiplied the support and coaching to ensure your progress and consistency. Within these pages we have included an interaction and daily scan code for the meditations, stretches, fitness moves, and random tips to keep your interest piqued and to have fun along the process. You have a choice of just using pen to paper or to have the site guide and archive as well as our Reward points that can be used towards services as you are improving and checking in. We are so excited to share this journey with you, keep you accountable, entertained and Master Your Habits!
Michele Drake and Peter Twist
his past year, I began my first workout at 12:01 a.m., one minute after midnight, at a time I anticipated most people were either
sleeping or drunk. This gave me the mindset I was stepping ahead while symbolizing what I titled with intention to be the “Year of the Build�. The previous few years were very tough, with set backs personally and professionally. I lost my health, almost lost my life, lost my relationship and had a massive financial loss, to name a few. I managed to somehow accomplish some good things along the way but really, given the scope of my challenges and set backs, just staying in the game was a win. Previous to that chapter of impositions, I lived a life of significant success and performance excellence intermixed with difficulty and failure. Those were not necessarily imposed on me, but more accurately attributed to mistakes I made. We all need to learn and grow (our knowledge and how we ourselves show up to a situation) and refine how we engage in the process of stepping through each day. While I have experienced a lot of success, I have not overcome challenges nor elevated my performance in any area of life without making notes and recording my progress. Anytime I need to get on track or significantly improve, journaling was always a fundamental part of making it happen and sustaining results.
This past Year Of The Build was massive. I found myself highly motivated and driven yet at the same time peaceful and chill. It was a powerful combination. I’ve never travelled so much so far and never tackled so many things so successfully. Big goals big accomplishments can feel overwhelming and in their sheer scope looking only at the end result, they are. Yet my path to consistent success was much more achievable. Approaching each day well with the right actions and mindset hour by hour allowed me to literally just step through my year, feel relaxed, purposeful and on track. Always onto a big goal yet truly just present in the moment at the particular step I was at. Being mindful to enjoy and engage in that moment well while deciding to do things that were in my favour, broke my year down into a system. Each goal into steps. Each step into an on-the-day positive action. I write this introduction on December 31rst as the final accomplishment of the Year of the Build and, again, symbolic. This time of my coaching instincts to share, teach and mentor to impact positively. As a coach and motivator I often believe in people more than they believe in themselves. I think they are already capable to achieve the change they desire in their lives. They just do not have the daily habits ingrained.
The opportunity to improve is a wonderful life journey of personal enrichment, not one of deprivation and restriction. Think of becoming more, not less. Seek personal expansion and empowerment. Our mindset for this approach is “Better Every Day” which states an intention to try and improve how we do things each and every day, to commit to the habits that help us ramp up, not wind down. Simply put, your glory days are ahead, not an old story you tell. Let’s get busy writing your next great chapter. This is also a great opportunity not only for you but for me. I get to team up with Michele Drake, the brains behind the concept for Master Habits and primary business driver. This is a natural for Michele who has been a leader and teacher of people in several capacities, her mind and heart are always behind people helping them get to where they desire to go. To whom they desire to be. I was invited to team up with Michele and bring my experience creating teaching systems shared globally to set trainers and coaches up for success leading their clients, and, following a long career personally coaching over 700 professional and Olympic athletes in addition to 1000’s of youth athletes and active adults who value health, wellness, fitness and an active vibrant lifestyle. 5
That snapshot of my career suggests I have helped a lot of top end athletes and every day people achieve high performance living. I have. This I am careful to mention because you are also aware that sometimes I rock and sometimes I stumble. Everyone needs coaching, mentoring, and a good system to get into the habitual groove of positive constructive actions that lead to success. The top people in the world come to us for coaching because they understand the value of it and recognize there is a best process to improvement. Master Habits will help point your compass. There are three primary reasons I became passionate about Master Habits. 1. Everyone I have coached requires a system, a process and a process log to be held accountable and be recognized. Graduating thousands improved in ways they desire, the teacher and coach in me was inspired to get the Master Habits Journal into more hands like yours. 2. My personal experience demonstrated that there is an ebb and flow to life. Sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I faltered and fell away from my goals. I realized that every one needs coaching. All of us. The pages of Master Habits keep us on track. Some areas of our lives we do not have the knowledge or experience to 6
make constructive gains and may do actions that actually set us back. Relationships and financial management are two common areas people falter, despite good intentions, our habits may be counter productive. 3. Other areas we already know what’s best, such as the difference between healthy food and junk food, and just need a process to help us get on track. This focusses on daily behavioral change, the key gap between knowledge and success. Recognizing this critical gap needs to be bridged was my third motivation for joining the Master Habits team. Look, for those who aim to lose weight and improve fitness, everyone in the world knows that an apple is healthier than a bag of Doritos and that doing any kind of movement is better than laying around sedentary watching another reality show. What trips people up is not lack of knowledge. Want to be leaner stronger fitter think clearer and have more energy? Eat real food, move more and lift. Feed ourselves health, get in motion and build up strength. It’s incredible that the formula to achieve such comprehensive goals is so simple. What often trips people up is not lack of knowledge, but what we put into action each day. What is it that makes successful people successful?
You’ll have an opportunity to interplay between the written journal and the website which allows you to assess 8 Key Areas Of Your Life. After journaling your way to better habits and the resultant improvement they accumulate into, you may see the power of sticking with habit journaling to power you to stay on track and power other areas of your life. The number one thing successful people do is master the habits of improvement and top performance. The second thing they do which profoundly impacts their sustainable success is they stick with what works. Stick with what works. Utilize a system that keeps you on track. Let’s help each other grow and enjoy long term success. So hearty welcome to day one. Much respect for acting on your desire and stepping into the process of going after your goals. We are here for you page by page and 365 via our home on Keep turning the page keep feeding success we wish you all the very best!
Welcome. We’ve been waiting quite a few Mondays for you! SUCCESS IS PROVEN TO HAPPEN WHEN YOU IMPLEMENT MASTER HABITS! Let’s lay the groundwork. The foundation to your success depends on your preparation and clarity! Give yourself about one hour to complete steps
A TO G — THE FOUNDATION Groundwork This is the glue that allows you to connect to your WHY and keeps you focussed on moving forward, brings you back if you stray and motivates you to stay aligned with daily practices. Trust us—words and techniques from the Masters Worldwide that are living their best lives NOW and continue to share and raise other’s vibrations On this journey we will touch on the following learning styles:
Auditory: which we have provided MP3 downloads in the scan codes. Kinaesthetic: the act of writing - pen to paper and
“doing� what you contract yourself to. Visual: scan codes lead you to regular videos for stretch, movement, and inspiration. We cover ALL those bases with this interactive journal. Pen to paper is proven to have a 70-90% more effective rate at attaining your goals.
This and consistency with constant
accountability, rewards and celebration will bring you to the life you deserve to be living RIGHT NOW!
Self Growth & Self Care
Fun & Recreation
Physical Environment
Money & Finances
Work & Career
The MASTER HABITS SUCCESS AND VITALITY WHEEL!! There is a phrase “birds eye view� - this is symbolic of a clear perspective of a situation or at least an unobstructed view. Sometimes when we are caught up in our day to days and our habitual patterns cloud our broader view, change can seem elusive. Lets take one minute to really focus on eight areas of our life. G
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in a n
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self growth & self care fun & recreation physical environment money & finances nutrition work & career fitness relationships
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there are 8 areas of your life that you will attempt to assess for clarity.
& th row
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rk 0 (zero) &C aree being totally r disappointed with that area and 10 (ten) being extremely happy.
and you can tell us if it shifts your consciousness! In the journal there is an area to label which DAY you are on in the new habit - if you miss ONE, you must start from zero again. Sorry but this is the key. Tania Kotsos of Mind Your Reality quoted, “after some serious research, I am compelled to conclude 40 days as the minimum effective standard that brings definite manifestation into our physical lives.�
Focus on the things that matter!
We recommend you focus on ONE habit for the first 40 days!! Archive each Wheel to look back at as you improve. Our hope for you is to first have your Wheel look like a wheel!! 21
Then we are going to strive to have your wheel expand to your outer limits and full potential. Now it’s time to get Laser Focussed—Clarity. The best way to get to where you want to go, is to know where you are going!!! With the wheels filled out here, use it as a guide to look back on once you have completed the journal. Fill in the wheel at the back of the book to compare the shifts and changes you were able to make at the end of 80 days.
ACTION STEPS By looking at the wheel, an area may jump out at you as needing attention. If there is a tie with a few, choose where you may want to start first. There is also numerical percentages to assist you on the site. Once you have found an area to work on, look through the list of suggestions. For those of you doing it only through the journal 22
we will place a list of suggestions for each area here.
Choose one from the area of the wheel you fared lowest in.
Nutrition •
Lemon water first thing in the morning
Meal prep
No sugar - only fruits (maximum 2 day)
Self Growth and Self Care •
Read something - at least 5 pages
Feet up the wall with pillow under bottom for 10 mins before bed
Meditation 10 mins
Physical Environment •
Make my bed
Always pick up things on your way from room to room and put in correct spot
Have kitchen spotless before retiring daily
Relationships •
Say something nice daily
Do a random act of kindness daily ie: open doors, compliment, buy a coffee, help load groceries etc
Spend time listening attentively daily
times for the same thought to get deeper and deeper - it really isn’t a surface answer. Example: “I want to loose 30 pounds.” •
Why? Because I want to be in a bikini this summer
Why? Because it makes me feel better and happy
Why? Because I can share time with my family and friends without being self conscious
Why? Because I want to enjoy what life presents without hesitation and be an integral part of my children’s, families and friends lives with joy.
See how it can get clearer and deeper with each layer?
ACTION STEP Think about what you want to work on first. We recommend to work on one habit every 40 days (that is up to 9 improved habits in a year). Some people feel like working on more than one in different areas, which you are welcome to do. Whatever habit(s) you have chosen, outline them here and ask “Why?” until you can’t ask it again. Get clear and write your goal and your why on a piece of paper and have it visible (bathroom mirror, fridge door, or car) to reference daily.
what is your why?
STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO USING YOUR JOURNAL do what feels right for you, we just ask that you’re consistent.
place the today’s date here THIS AWESOME DAY IS: MONTH
Inspirations from my
jot down thoughts and feelings that
INTENTIONS and/or tasks of the
you had after your meditation
day in order of priority:
important things you need to do or accomplish. try to aim at least one to relate to your why.
Things I Am Grateful For & WHY
take a moment this will help you
this vibration.
get deeper into
Dawn of Greatness
make someone’s day, random acts of kindness, or remind someone that you love them, etc.
make your home, office, or car more functional or comfortable
did you put into your financial freedom account. maybe you are saving towards a special item.
read quote? blog post? what gem did you take away from a workshop?
every day, fun and recreation is not only for kids
What Went Well Today?
Looking Ahead:
DOODLES & cheats share your cheats, disappointments or barrieres you faced that day. you will notice this area decrease over time and then you can use it as a creative doodle outlet later
Inspired Evening
MASTER HABIT SUCCESS TICKER For those that love a quick checkmark to acknowledge completion, write your new habit(s) you are working on. Each day, consistently check off completed habit(s). There is room to jot down a few other goals or intentions you want to stay consistent with.
check off each day that you’ve been consistent. write your habit(s), goal(s) or intention(s) that you want to stay consitent with.
HABIT drink 3 litres of water/day
practise ukulele
HABIT continue them here into the next 20 days to reach 40 days total!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
walking drink 3 litres of water/day
practise ukulele
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Thank You for this DAY. ~Peter Twist
Inspirations from my
INTENTIONS and/or tasks of the
day in order of priority:
Things I Am Grateful For & WHY
Dawn of Greatness
What Went Well Today?
DOODLES & cheats
Looking Ahead:
Inspired Evening
WINS this week
nothing is too small to celebrate
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
release... i can now breathe easier because:
i release and surrender:
what barriers do you anticipate this week? how can you overcome these barriers?
are you on track towards the habit or goal that you set?
what steps have been taken towards your 40 DAY habit or goal?
towards your goal
set your intentions for this week
what is your
priority to complete this week?
what actions or ideas do i have to make this coming week great?
week #
YOU DID IT! congratulations Congratulations on graduating your Master Habits Journal. Whether you were 100% successful or partially completed your intent, you got in motion and pointed your compass. That differentiates you from most and puts your desires into action. Time to revisit our wheel After completion of this journal we hope you A) have had beautiful shifts and changes in your life B) instilled at least one new improved habit, maybe two?! Re-do your wheel here and compare how it started. Keep these somewhere for your reference as you continue to grow and flourish. Aiming to create balance!
Initial 1st wheel lf
re elf Ca
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Date: _____________
&S th row
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in a n
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Car eer
Today’s Date: __________ Where did you shift? lf
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& th row
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in a n
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Tomorrow is an important day. The more we can automate habits the more sustainable our results. The more you improve, you will notice positive chnage ongoing and longterm. This is a really important time to “stay in the game”. Momentum is much easier to build from once you are in motion! Keep working on the same habits until they are ingrained, or, add in new goals for other parts of your life. Just keep after it. The habit of laying down habits is what ignites change. Now that you understand no goal is overwhelming when we break it down to the habits we need and make those achievable on a day to day approach, it’s time to really think openly and honestly what is most important to you. What are changes you have long wished to see in your life, what accomplishments are important to you, which would most help you live happily, healthy and productive to however you define “success”? 239
naturopathic medicine, holistic nutritionists, physiotherapists and massage therapists. These centers cure, repair, restore, rebuild, and elevate people to their best. TSC’s roots are in education and today have Master Trainers teaching live Twist certifications in 30 countries along with on-line digital sport fitness certifications delivered globally. A passionate educator, Peter Twist has published over 500 papers, 14 books, 24 DVDs and 14 certifications on athlete development. He was honoured with the 2001 National Strength and Conditioning Association’s President’s Award, the 2003 CanFitPro Specialty Presenter of the Year, the 2010 IDEA Program Director of the Year, CanFitPro’s 2012 Canadian Presenter of the Year, the 2013 IDEA World Fitness Inspiration Award and in 2015 was inducted into the USA Fitness Hall of Fame. They both look forward to help direct, motivate, coach and celebrate all your successes!!
Mission Statement Master Habits is a positive supportive community built upon expert caring coaching to share with you the systems accomplished people use consistently to achieve health, happiness and 365 life performance. We invite you into this mindful space of selfexploration helping you point your compass while guiding you to integrate new advantageous habits that set you up for success. We align to help you become your highest self, living the lifestyle you
a desire.
Michele Drake and Peter Twist