Empower issue 4 (e version)

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EMPOWER It’s about ability, not disabilities


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30 years of inspiration



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FOREWORD >> Written by: Keith Delderfield,

Director of Operations, The Douglas Bader Foundation douglasbaderfoundation.com

06 - 10 NEWS

• ONEATHLETE: Don’t ignore your Kryptonite • DARREN PUGH: First Civilian fitted with Genium X3 • INVICTUS GAMES 2014 • WALKON CRAFTERS: NORWICH

with him until he was eventually “grounded” having suffered heart problems.


• Nigel Ackland, It’s better being bionic!


• Personal injury claims and the two tier system


• The internet is a wonderful thing


• Everything was just a normal day at the office


• Rebekah Marine: This was my purpose


• Rachael Horton: Natural freedom from phantom limb phenomena • Ask the Expert: Rachael Horton


• LimbPower: Get into Sport

53 GET FIT / GET ACTIVE • Hayley Ginn: Get Running

54 - 55 DAYS OUT & ATTRACTIONS • VisitEngland: Awards for Excellence 2014


• A guide to accessible and supported travel

63 - 65 YOUTH & FAMILY With thanks to: The Douglas Bader Foundation, oneathlete, Futurestech Ltd / Dorset Orthopaedic Ltd, Pumpkin, Adam Shelverton, Kiera Roche, Walkon Crafters, RSL Steeper, Rob Thomas, Richard Jackson, Ann Johnson, Rebekah Marine, Rachael Horton, Visit England, Heads Up Holidays, Nick Crockatt & all advertisers.

Images Supplied by: Front Cover: Bournemouth News, ©BNPS.co.uk, Darren Pugh, Dorset Orthopaedic - www.dorset-ortho.com & thanks to all other image contributors.

© Publishing Magazines Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any way without written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and although every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, the publishers take no responsibility for errors and omissions. No responsibility can be accepted by the publisher for any claims made by the advertisers in this publication.

Published & Designed by: www.publishingmagazinesltd.com © Publishing Magazines Ltd

Contact Us: sales@publishingmagazinesltd.com studio@publishingmagazinesltd.com Website: www.empowermagazine.org.uk Twitter: @EmPower_Mag

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itting here writing this forward, it seems impossible that another twelve months has slipped past since the start of our last Bader Braves season. Already in 2014 we have staged an extremely successful activity weekend at the Calvert Trust, Kielder facility which is always a hugely popular venue with our Braves and their families and now we are about to embark on our Young Aviators programme for this year which, throughout the summer months, will take us to nine different venues around the UK. The Braves programme of challenge and experience events was launched by The Douglas Bader Foundation (DBF) in 2010 to mark the centenary of the birth of Sir Douglas Bader. Douglas became a champion of the “amputee” community throughout the UK fighting employing the celebrity status that he had earned to best advantage. He took a keen interest in youth development and improving opportunities for these younger members of this community particularly in the areas of employment and life opportunities working tirelessly in the voluntary sector using his own achievements as an example to others. Douglas Bader was first and foremost an aviator; from an early age he displayed a natural ability as a pilot which, despite an accident when he was 21 leading to a bilateral lower limb amputation (if you haven’t seen it already get hold of a copy of “Reach for the Sky”!!), remained

It was therefore a relatively straightforward decision for the Trustees of DBF to choose a project that brought together all of Douglas’s interests in such a positive way as a means of commemorating his centenary. The programme started with the Young Aviators project but has now expanded to offer challenge/adventure weekends and activity events. Negotiations with KartForce are now under way with a view of introducing motor sport into the scheme before too long. The Young Aviators programme, in conjunction with flying clubs around the UK, has now flown over 600 youngsters. However, it has become increasingly difficult to identify youngsters from our primary target service group; ie. limb deficient/impaired youngsters. We receive fantastic support from the likes of Reach, STEPS and LimbPower within the voluntary sector but often that interest and support is not reflected elsewhere!! I appreciate the need and requirement of data protection and confidentiality but all too often in my quest to track down those I seek, I find that many of those with the ability to assist and guide, appear to use confines imposed as an excuse to do nothing and in their hectic working day this wonderful opportunity to put a big smile on a lot of faces gets put on the back boiler and lost in the bureaucratic cauldron!! So in a nutshell if, as you are reading this first class publication, you feel that you can help or know a youngster that would love to Reach for the Sky like Douglas, then please, PLEASE guide them to the Bader Braves pages of our website where they can register for one of our events RIGHT NOW!!


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Don’t ignore your Kryptonite


uperman had it all! I mean who wouldn’t want to fly, have extreme strength and laser eye vision! A seemingly indestructible force fighting for the good guys and saving earth on a movie-by-movie basis, but despite the unbreakable exterior it all fell apart when he came close to a small, green glowing rock. To the evil villain, Superman was invincible, unless they had Kryptonite. At oneathlete ‘Kryptonite’ is how we describe the physical things that our athletes find the most difficult and challenging. We spend a lot of time with some superhuman disabled athletes all of whom at some stage of their lives have had to confront their own big pieces of Kryptonite. Many athletes have had to break down barriers and push through hard and difficult experiences to achieve their goals and what they believed was possible. Some still have to fight against that Kryptonite every day. But they don’t give up.

Following his time as a sledge ice hockey player, Richard Whitehead was left with weakness in his wrists after being bludgeoned repeatedly by the opposition. As part of his strength and conditioning training we were working on an inverted kettlebell shoulder press. An unstable movement and weak wrists meant that this exercise became his Kryptonite. He just couldn’t do it. That might seem insignificant but actually it’s really important.

At oneathlete ‘Kryptonite’ is how we describe the physical things that our athletes find the most difficult and challenging.

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If we zoom in, the instability in the wrist and elbow was accompanied by some weakness and restriction in his shoulder. Zoom out, and when Richard is sprinting we see the arm move in a less then optimal pattern which does not fully aid in producing maximum speed. The wrist and elbow were never going to get stronger unless the shoulder could achieve a better position. The easy option would be to ignore it and move on. Put it down as just one thing impossible for Rich to do and spend time on the things he can. We say impossible… But what does that really mean? The Oxford English dictionary

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suggests ‘not able to occur, exist or to be done’. The University Press language experts haven’t given us much room for manoeuvre on that one. But, then they provide us with an example of how the word can be used in a sentence: ‘a seemingly impossible task’. Seemingly? All of a sudden that doesn’t sound so final. At oneathlete, we believe that often our personal view on what’s possible and impossible comes down to our mindset and how hard we’re willing to work at making something seemingly impossible, possible. Taking on Kryptonite is important. It’s how athletes get better. In Rich’s case, it meant fixing the problem and practicing the inverted kettlebell shoulder press, not only until he could do it but until he could do it well so that when race day came, we had done everything we could to give him the opportunity to be successful. We couldn’t afford to ignore his Kryptonite. And as a result, his focus and willingness to not give up until he could do it well certainly paid off.

Take on your Kryptonite and overcome it This principle applies to us all, not only elite athletes. By going head to head with our own personal physical challenges we can all get better. Have a look at your own training and find your Kryptonite. Then, make a plan to solve it. Whether its commitment and dedication, working with people who can help you or spending time doing things that are uncomfortable and difficult. Don’t give in to the belief that you can’t get better. There is always a way, you just have to find it. If you’re an athlete, looking to take on your Kryptonite and would like to find out more about working with us and how we could help you reach your goals, visit www.oneathlete.co.uk



Dorset Orthopaedic Fit FIRST Civilian in UK with Genium X3!


arren Pugh is the first civilian amputee in the UK to be fitted with the Genium X3; the world’s most technologically advanced prostheses!

Darren, aged 37, is the first UK civilian to have been fitted with the revolutionary Genium X3 by Dorset Orthopaedic. Originally developed for injured US and UK troops returning from Afghanistan, Ottobock’s Genium X3 has a microprocessor- controlled knee, is waterproof and completely submersible, making it one of the most versatile and durable prosthetics in the world. Dorset Orthopaedic have recently provided Darren with this ground-breaking prosthesis from Ottobock. Darren became a through knee amputee, after a motorcycle accident in 2007 and was referred to Dorset Orthopaedic through his solicitor. Dorset Orthopaedic continuously pushes the boundaries of innovation and provides their clients with the most revolutionary technology available in the industry. With a young son of 21 months old, Darren was the perfect candidate for such an advanced prosthesis that allows him to maintain an active and varied lifestyle. “With the Genium X3 I now have much more confidence to rush forward and pick up my baby boy as the Genium X3 gives me greater stability. I have more trust in the prosthesis supporting me. It is nice to be able to keep up with my son and run after him when he tries to run away as toddlers do!” Dorset Orthopaedic Prosthetist, Matthew Hughes, explains the functionality of the Genium X3; “The Genium X3 gives patients more freedom to do whatever they want. Having a microprocessor knee joint that is waterproof is a massive step forward in innovation and to what our patients can now do with their prostheses. We have always been slightly

limited before, as you have to be so careful with a microprocessor knee, but now it is so much more durable and useable. It is like the SAS of the prosthetic leg world! It will be a revolution for a lot of patients and it is very exciting for me to be fitting the first civilian unit in the UK!” Originally fitted with the standard Genium, Darren was worried about getting it wet or dirty. However the Genium X3 is completely waterproof and also boasts a number of features over and above any other prosthetic knee available worldwide. The Genium X3 microprocessor reads and records the user’s movement as data at an amazing 100 times a second. It converts that data into adjustments that control the hydraulics, which regulate the movement of the prosthesis, depending on what the user is doing such as walking, running or walking down stairs. This intelligent technology allows Darren to walk normally without having to worry about his surrounding environment. Matthew comments on the other product features; “As well as an intuitive stance to offer the security of a fully stabilised knee, it has 5 programmable activity modes and a useful silent mode. The Genium can be noisy at times but now you have the option to control this, which is great if you’re in a meeting or somewhere quiet. The Genium X3 also has a ‘walk-to-run’ mode which gives the user the ability to go from walking into jogging naturally – yet another function that increases the users freedom.” Previously Darren couldn’t be as mobile with a non-waterproof leg. The Genium X3 gives him maximum functionality so that he has the flexibility to do what he wants, when he wants. Darren is also a keen fisher and will now be able to stand in shallow water whilst enjoying his hobby.

“I want to be able to go on day-to-day walks with my family to the beach, rivers and streams without having to worry about my prosthesis. With the new leg I will be able to follow my son into water without even thinking about it. I also like to keep active. As well as going to the gym regularly, I plan to take up other sports like kayaking, which is something I didn’t think about before my amputation. But now I’m really keen to try it again to prove to myself I can still do it and set myself a challenge. I couldn’t really think about kayaking again if I didn’t have the Genium X3.” Despite his accident Darren is still keen to get back on his motorcycle and feels that the Genium X3 will give him the confidence to get back on a bike. He enjoys travelling as far as Europe to watch motorbike events and the Genium X3 will save the worry about wet weather conditions or balancing when standing on rough ground. Darren is also flying to Spain in 2 weeks on a family holiday and will be wearing his Genium X3. This is the first time he will only need to take one leg on holiday as he can now go into the pool or sea without having to change to his water activity leg; “I’m most looking forward to be being able to walk in and out of the sea at my leisure and without having to change into another prosthesis – it also saves room on baggage allowance! I went on holiday to Turkey last year with my family and felt frustrated and left out that I couldn’t go in the sea with my son. With my new leg I can run, splash around and have fun with my family and chase my son into the sea without giving it a second thought.”

Contact Dorset Orthopaedic: +44 (0) 1425 481 794 enquiry@dorset-ortho.com www.dorset-ortho.com

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INVICTUS GAMES 2014 Lambie-Nairn develops brand identity for Invictus Games launched by HRH Prince Harry


ondon 2014. Working in collaboration with The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, and the Ministry of Defence, the award-winning agency, Lambie-Nairn has announced that it’s the agency that helped develop the brand identity of the Invictus Games – a new sporting event for wounded, injured and sick servicemen and women launched by HRH Prince Harry. The sporting event’s Organising Committee chose the name Invictus Games, based on the famous poem by William Ernest Henley. Lambie-Nairn then worked with the Organising Committee to develop the brand for the Invictus Games, including the logo. The poem “Invictus Games” was recited by Nelson Mandela to himself whilst he was incarcerated for 27 years - and to other prisoners - as a way to bolster their spirits, and motivate them to press onwards. “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” So ends the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley.

Invictus is Latin for ‘unconquered’ and the logotype for the ‘Invictus Games’ captures and elevates this unerring belief in the human spirit. From a branding perspective it turns a belief into a clear purpose. It’s not what the games are endeavoring to do, but ‘why’ they’re doing it that’s ultimately important. The Invictus Games provides a platform for personal achievement; a platform for our wounded warriors to compete, not just against each other, but against themselves; and the chance to prove that ‘I AM’, sits right at the heart of the name. Jim Prior, CEO at Lambie-Nairn said: “This is an event that recognises the courage and bravery of these athletes and we’re proud to have worked with the Royal Foundation and Ministry of Defence to develop a correspondingly courageous and brave brand for the Invictus Games.”

sporting achievement that recognises the sacrifice they have made.” The Invictus Games, which will be hosted at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and is presented by Jaguar Land Rover, will see more than 400 wounded, injured and sick servicemen and women as well as veterans from 14 different nations, competing in nine different sports at a number of venues including London Aquatics Centre, Copper Box Arena and Lee Valley VeloPark, while Track and Field disciplines will run at Lee Valley Athletics Centre. Tickets now on sale for £12.85 and are available at www.invictusgames.org

Sir Keith Mills, Chairman of the Invictus Games said: “We are delighted to have worked with Lambie-Nairn who helped bring the name we chose to life through the brand. The Invictus Games embody the fighting spirit of wounded warriors, and what these tenacious men and women can achieve, post injury. The event will celebrate this through

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EMPOWER: NEWS and disabled access was poor. Meetings are now at the Wensum Community Centre at Hotblack Road in Norwich with better access and facilities. Good contact has been made with Pine Cottage Amputee Rehabilitation Centre, about 50 patients per year passing through. The group is about to expand into becoming a Service User Group, with meetings at the Julien Hospital Limb Centre yet to be organised. The activities of Walkon Crafters as a user group is largely to be separate from the support group, although under one umbrella. A press release to Archant, the local newspaper group, in the hopes that maybe a small advertisement could be placed in either the Eastern Daily Press or the Evening News. As it happened, a local TV company owned by Archant, Mustard TV, was about to begin broadcasting on Freeview for Norwich. So contact was made and filming arranged, along with a newspaper article, and has now been broadcast on Mustard TV, along with a piece in all the local newspapers and free papers in the area, resulting in new interest in the group. Most recently, linking with Legs4Africa with sponsorship, paid from Chris’s own pocket on behalf of the group, has enabled the logo to be placed on the side of the van that will be taking 500 spare prosthetic legs to Africa. The van, with logo, has appeared on BBC East Midlands News.

Walkon Crafters: Norwich


alkon Crafters, a Norwich based Amputee support group, was founded by Chris Barker, after having his leg amputated above the knee in 2011. Chris had noticed that there was no support group in the area anymore; the chairman of a previous one had passed away, and nobody took up the mantle. The new group was so named because the original support group was called Walk On, and the addition of Crafters because, after amputation there are many long hours and long days between various medical appointments during recovery and rehab., so to encourage, on a sociable basis, something that would give a sense of purpose and achievement to new amputees, to motivate, while occupying the mind with something that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with amputation or recovery; not all amputees are future paralympians in the

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making. Crafting covers a multitude of skills, from knitting, sewing, jewellery making, metalwork, woodwork, art and candlemaking to name a few. It provides a social platform and eventually it is hoped, a form of fund-raising for the group. That really is self-help. Starting the group, and gaining support hasn’t been easy. Getting members was even harder! First a start-up grant was gained through Equal Lives Norwich. This provided some much needed funding for basic equipment. Many letters were sent to hospitals and medical personnel in the area hoping to gain support and notify them that a group exists. A place for meetings was found at the Royal British Legion Hall in Norwich, but attendance had been very low, sometimes none at all,

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Walkon Crafters aims to support amputees of all ages, and their families, friends, carers. The impact of amputation, no matter what the cause or how long it’s been on the cards, is all too well understood. The first aim is to provide a comprehensive package of useful and practical assistance, with information being available right from the start, at the point of surgery or even before if it’s expected. We don’t want any families left high and dry in the way we were, not knowing where to turn to get things done and ready for the amputee to come home. The experience of amputees and their family members, close friends or carers is a valuable resource.

>> Provided by: Teresa Walker & Chris Barker of Walkon Crafters, A Norwich based support group for Amputees of all ages, and their families. For more information visit: www.walkoncraftersnorwich.co.uk


Welcome to the dark side CarbonFX® is a revolutionary range of decorative finishes designed to enhance the look of your laminated prosthetic socket. Based on carbon fibre and glass fibre materials, the final product looks eye-catching and dynamic. Currently available in six colours/designs, North Sea Plastics CarbonFX® raises the bar for prosthetic socket design.

SilverShield® antimicrobial thermoplastic - proven to prevent bacterial growth. Available on a range of North Sea Plastics products, SilverShield® contains an antimicrobial additive using Silver ion technology which inhibits bacterial growth on the surface of the material. As a result SilverShield® helps to eliminate unpleasant stale odours. Independent laboratory tests show a >99.99% reduction in the bacteria count after a 24 hour period. For more information - www.northseaplastics.com



‘bionic man’ who was suicidal after losing his lower right arm in an industrial accident has declared that he would never go back to his ‘able bodied’ days. Nigel Ackland was one of the first people ever to be fitted with a Terminator-style bebionic3 hand and is now travelling the world to speak at conferences to explain the benefits of the incredible mechanical limb. Yet just three years ago, the 54-year-old of Royston, Cambridgeshire, fell into a ‘very dark emotional state’ and was often mocked and taunted for the hook-like prosthetics he had been provided with after the accident. Nigel lost part of his arm when it became caught in an industrial blending machine at the Johnson Matthey smelting plant in Brimsdown in 2006. After undergoing months of surgery along with several less advanced prosthetics, he rediscovered everyday activities such as dressing himself, peeling vegetables and typing using a bionic limb that responds to signals from muscles in his upper arm. For most people, technology comes in the form of laptops and iPhones. For Ackland, it is literally a part of him, helping each day in ways most take for granted.However; he feels the most extraordinary thing is the psychological benefits that have lifted him from his emotional nadir. He explains: “Some people don’t understand how alienating losing a limb can be. After the accident I lost my reason to be, I just couldn’t see a future. The bebionic3 hand has given me back a life when I didn’t think one existed. “Before it, I had a simple tool, a piece of functional kit. And if I never had to wear it again, it wouldn’t bother me. I was walking around with a metal hook that looked ghastly. “People used to look at me in disgust and talk about me as if I wasn’t there - because I

“It’s better being bionic” was disabled and obviously deaf! I’ve heard everything from the mildly offensive, ‘Look at him with his hook’, to the downright abusive ‘spaz’ comments. It gets to you.

makes you so special?’ That’s just what I needed, and my friends and family have the knack of knowing what’s appropriate at what time.

“Now the reaction is completely different. People are amazed, they think it’s cool. If I go to Tesco, I have to leave my arm at home in order to get around because I have to add an hour to my time with it! Everyone I see smiles when they walk away from me. That didn’t use to happen.” He continues:

“When I came out of hospital with my arm chopped off, they stuck a blown-up rubber glove on the stump! My son, Connor, will often pull the arm off and run away!

“That kind of experience changes you. I’m totally different. I’ve got empathy now. If I saw someone in a wheelchair in the past I’d think ‘unlucky’. Now, my attitude is entirely different. I want to know how they cope, what makes them get up in the morning. I want to talk about it.” Nigel, husband to Vanessa, 52, and father to Conor, 20, now believes that his life is better, than ever before: “Of course there are things that I miss … like touch, vibration playing the saxophone, swimming, wiggling my fingers … but there are so many positives and things are improving all the time. I live in a slightly different world because of the physical limitations but if offered the opportunity to go back to the time before the accident, I don’t think I would. I’m a much better me now. I’m much happier and I’m a nicer guy than I was. Nigel realises the importance of having a strong support network of family and friends, who provide the perfect balance of tough love, humour and support. “After the accident, I did say, ‘Why me?’ You know what my wife said? ‘Why not? What

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“My best mate’s the same. He recently said, ‘How long ago did the accident happen?’ I told him it had been seven years. ‘Blimey’, he said, ‘and you’re still going on about it!’” At present, it appears the entire world is going on about it. A video and interviews of Nigel showing his bebionic3 hand have had almost three million hits on YouTube. Last year he headlined conferences in New York, Moscow, St Petersburg and Budapest. However, a recent enquirer was more interested in the man than the machine. It was Nigel’s sister, Debby, who met him for the first time in 42 years because she’d seen him in the press with his bebionic3 A welcome outcome from a media circus in which one suspects Nigel Ackland was always destined to perform. “My wife understands the benefits of the media and knows that I enjoy it but she is very protective. It’s a balance. “She knows what it’s like to be with someone who hadn’t smiled for five years.”

>> Provided by: RSL Steeper (www.rslsteeper.com)

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Ian Jones, a marathon runner himself and who recently presented at the OTWorld 2014 International Congress in Leipzig is happy to advise.

27/11/2013 10:56

Be Empowered, Feel Great, Look Great We all want to look good and feel positive, both of which rely on us feeling enabled and empowered. Conventional wheelchairs fail to offer these benefits so we decided to re-invent the wheelchair. Carbon Black is the result of a seven year development combining leading F1 composite engineers, top designers and active wheelchair users. Never before has a wheelchair received such a high level of design and development. The result is a chair that epitomises minimal, low impact simplicity. Outside the “less is more” form means more person less wheelchair is the reality. The discreet height adjustable and interchangeable backrest offers postural support and comfort beyond the conventional. The ergonomic carbon pushrims give a pleasing tactile grip for effortless pushing.

Within, Carbon Black has all the composites engineering akin to a formula 1 race car resulting in unparalleled energy efficiency, outstanding strength, minimal weight and a smooth vibration absorbing ride. This all cocooned in carbon fibre, a material that doesn’t scratch the users car or damage their home and is warm and pleasing to the touch. The sleek sexy style is far removed from the conventional wheelchair as we know it. Every chair is built bespoke to the customer’s size and configuration needs. Every chair is hand built in the UK by expert carbon fibre engineers. The minimal form of the carbon fibre monocoque gives the user easier access for transfers and a very compact, light chair to lift and stow in the car.


But the journey to develop the ultimate wheelchair had a deeper challenge than to create a technical marvel. The challenge was to empower the user and create positive perceptions towards them and their chair. Today Carbon Black is changing how many view the wheelchair, no longer a style stifling medical device but a stylish accessory that draws positive admiration from all who see it. The Carbon Black team are highly experienced and available to answer your questions and carry out a no obligation demo.

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possible to get beneficial exercise without leaving the house or even the chair you are sitting on. The HappyLegs machine is a revolutionary, new patented exercising device that can help to improve vital vascular blood flow to those who, through illness or other circumstances, cannot easily go for a walk.

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without leaving your chair!

How does it work?

Just sit down, put your feet on the happylegs and use the remote control to take yourself for a walk. This passive exercise device has been developed using the principles of walking. It alternatively moves your legs and gently massages yourOfeet while YOU WISH you you remain seated, stimulating the muscles could get more exercise, but find and sole sponge to help improve your blood it difficult? circulation. The patented device provides Do you struggle to find the time to get out gentle, consistent and vibration free for a walk, or – dueexercise to illness or for people who spend lots of–time seated incapacity it simply may not be for you. Now, for or need assistancepossible walking. The motion is the first time, you can let walk come comfortable and non-aggressive tothe both to you... ankle and knee joints.

• Uses natural physical movement to stimulate blood flow. • Has a quick set up time.

Just 30 minutes a day can improve vital blood circulation

• Can be used with socks or footwear.

HappyLegs has 3 pleasant speed settings meaning it can bwe adapted to suit the varying needs of all users.

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T o c

Po de he the lim blo se da ve ca

EMPOWER: PACE / HELEN CHAPMAN >> Pictured: Scott Richardson of Pace Rehabilitation congratulating Helen Chapman with her London Marathon 2014 medal. from Pace. Since then I’ve been able to do so much more and help others along the way”. Primarily, Helen wanted a running prosthesis for the London Marathon and hoped to beat her previous personal best time. As she recounted, “As soon as I tried the Ossur Cheetah blade, it just made my running so much easier.” She continued, “I was able to train really well for the Marathon and couldn’t wait for the race day”.

Amputee Strides Out


n the few weeks since taking delivery of her vivid pink running prosthesis, forty-six year old leg amputee Helen Chapman, from Walton-on-the-Naize (Essex), has been clocking up the miles and inspiring others. As Helen explains, “To finally have a prosthesis that allows me to run has opened up a whole new world for me.” Helen collected the prosthesis from Pace Rehabilitation’s clinic in Chesham (Bucks) in mid-March. Since then, she has participated in Limbpower’s ‘Learn to Run’ events, been classified for Paralympic athletics and was a mentor at the Amputee Games in Stoke Mandeville, not forgetting completing the London Marathon! Helen took a moment from her busy schedule to reflect on her whirlwind couple of months. “It’s been absolutely crazy!” Adding, “I spent three years being denied a running prosthesis by my NHS centre. Then a charity called Arctic ONE stepped in and helped fund my ‘blade’

Resplendent in her pink leg and shorts, with a white Limbless Association running vest, Helen embarked on the challenging race. As she recalls, “The first nineteen miles felt good, but then my stump stated to swell and cramp up, so I had ease right up. But the crowd was amazing and I determinedly ran up The Mall to cross the line in a time of 5 hours 30 minutes. Although I was disappointed not to run the whole distance and was in discomfort, I was absolutely chuffed to beat my personal best time, by an hour!” The day after the Marathon, Helen appeared on ITV’s This Morning with Pace Physiotherapist Joanna Breslin. Joanna administered some well-earned postMarathon massage therapy on Helen’s legs and said, “Helen deserved some pampering! Completing the Marathon for anyone is a huge achievement, let alone a leg amputee”. With time to reflect on her Marathon experiences, Helen has decided to focus on shorter distance, as she explains, “I’m going to stick to half marathons and am currently in training for a duatholon which is being organised by Arctic ONE. I want to show my appreciation to them and to Pace for the support they have given me. Hopefully we can encourage more people with disabilities to get into sporting activities!”

>> Provided by: Pace Rehabilitation (www.pacerehab.com)

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These prostheses are designed to go unnoticed, while helping you perform a variety of basic functional activities including pushing, pulling, stabilizing, and supporting. These life-like devices can be designed for a variety of needs including partial and whole fingers, hands and arms. You have the ability to fully customize your prosthesis, incorporating a variety of real-life features including freckles, hair and colormatching your skin tone.

A prosthesis designed for individuals with missing fingers and partial hands. The prosthesis is fully customized for your needs, acting as a tool to enhance function. With i-limb digits, you can: • Grasp an object with the digits conforming to its shape • Mimic the grasp patterns of the human hand with up to 14 different operating modes • Gradually increase the strength of grip on an object

A fuller life is within your grasp. As a leading manufacturer of upper limb prosthetic solutions, Touch Bionics understands the needs of patients with upper limb loss or deficiency. We have one goal in mind-to partner with your clinician to provide you with a solution that will help increase your function and independence in your daily life Touch Bionics, Unit 3, Ashwood Court, Oakbank Park Way Livingston EH53 0TH, Scotland, Tel: +44 1506 438 556 Email: info@touchbionics.com

www.touchbionics.com The most versatile and advanced prosthetic hand available today. These full-hand prosthetic devices closely mimic the appearance and function of a natural hand. With an i-limb ultra revolution prosthesis, you can: • Grasp an object and conform to its shape • Mimic the grasp patterns of the human hand with 24 different operating modes • Gradually increase the strength of grip on an object • Control the speed at which your fingers move to avoid crushing more delicate objects

More Rehab offer a high quality multidisciplinary therapy service to patients that require specialised neurological or respiratory care. The specialised services we offer include: • Hands-On Therapy • Exercise Programmes • Hydrotherapy • Electrical Stimulation (Upper & Lower Limb) • Gymnasium Work • Splinting (Upper & Lower Limb) • FES Bike Assessments & Programmes • Carer Training • Amputee Rehab • Accommodation Assessments • Equipment & Aids Assessments including wheelchair & posture • Vocational Rehabilitation and much more, please contact us for more details.

We have clinics in South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and the surrounding areas. We are happy to do visits to your home, school or work place.

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Photographer: Thomas Reitzer

The different grips of the i-limb hand are triggered by muscle contraction in the stump. This was a function that Claudia had until that point, but had never realised. “That was an experience when I discovered the muscles in my forearm stump.” After a short time, a lot of ambition and some exercises, you can tighten the muscles targeted by the two electrodes, allowing them to be controlled separately to trigger different functions in the hand. “Now I can put into practice things that for me, were so far unimaginable. I lead a life now with two hands and can do things with both. For example I could never run before. With my corrected posture I can now carry a box of 12 1litre bottles of water. I am definitely the proudest water box carrier in Koblenz”, she says. She now wants to pass the quality of her newfound life on to others. With her zest for life, it shows all concerned, that it is worth tackling the obstacles that they face on their journey through life, because that makes them a stronger personality. Claudia is committed to and is a role model for people with and without disabilities.

Finally: Two Hands


laudia Breidbach from Koblenz has learned to experience life with both hands. Claudia Breidbach, explains with pride: “The i-limb™ hand has changed my life”. She then pauses for a moment, looking at her new hand and smiles. She truly feels that the bionic prosthetic hand from Touch Bionics enriches her everyday life.

The diploma architect is really quite amazing because she has an unusual hobby. She has come a long way to overcome some obstacles in her life. Claudia had to learn early to live with challenges, because she was born with a dysmelia, which means she lacks her left forearm, this is replaced by a prosthesis. But with a lot of courage she faced a new challenge and fulfilled her dream, she is now a passionate licensed parachutist. Until the end of 2010, Claudia used a cosmetic prosthesis without function to manage her life independently with one hand. However, the use of her hand on just one-side made life difficult. Although regular physical therapy relieves the symptoms, it does not alleviate it permanently. Along with her orthopaedic technician, Claudia visited the OT-fair in Leipzig and discovered the state of the art bionic i-limb™ hand from Touch Bionics. Even here, she knew her life could change with this hand. At that point the will to fight in this 1.58-meter tall, powerful woman was roused again. Following the submission of the application and independent reasoning with countless opinions, her insurance company approved the i-limb™. Finally: Two Hands.

As deputy Project Manager for the redesign of the central square and the construction of culture building in Koblenz, she looks back happily on the past year. She is proud to have fulfilled her outstanding sporting career that started with training to become a parachutist in 2009. As the “one handed skydiver” she has now achieved things that were previously out of reach. In 2013, team KARMA along with their non-disabled peers took part as the world’s first 4-inclusive Canopy Formation Team, at the German Championship in skydiving. “My team represents in a perfect and unique way, inclusion for all. With our motto ‘Connecting Worlds - Crossing Borders’ We want to encourage people to push boundaries and demonstrate what is possible when you believe in yourself “ Claudia sees herself as an ambassador for the issue of inclusion and gives an insight into her new life with the ultra-modern i-Limb ultra revolution™.

If you want to learn more about Claudia and her team, you can go to: www.one-hand-skydiver.de or on the website www.karmaskydive.com Information about the i-limb revolution™ and other products from Touch Bionics can be found at: www.touchbionics.com

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residual limb skin in top condition. With its unique blend of minerals and oils a few dabs worked into the skin will keep your skin healthy, supple and Use whenever you start to feel sweat strong. building up inside *Our Limbliss Skin your gel liner, at the Replenish System comes in 50 or 150 gram pots. start of an active day and as the temperature rises For an active and healthy lifestyle and you start to we have our circulation and sweat. Sweatguard cooling rub in balms, the cooling will automatically activate to balm works through evaporation to leave the residual limb skin keep you dry and will control conditions inside your prosthesis. feeling cool and refreshed. Our Circulation balm is designed *As a Guide a 100g bottle to help encourage lost fluids will last 100 days. to your limb by stimulating deep into your limbs tissue, SKIN REPLENISH, CIRCULATION & COOLING use Limbliss Circulation to help quicken this restoration of fluid Due to the elevated sweating volume and so relieve your levels within prosthetic limbs painful as a result of the elevated limb. temperatures, it is important to manage the loss of minerals and oils to keep a healthy, strong skin. Limbliss has developed a replenishing system that deals with this loss and keeps your

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Case Management Society UK >> Written by - Adam Shelverton, Rehabilitation Consultant at QBE European Operations


ase Managers – what do they do?

To some of you Case Managers need no introduction. They are the professionals who have helped organise rehabilitation and care professionals in line with your needs and requirements to maximise your functional recovery and independence post accident. For some the relationship between themselves and their case manager covers many years and occasionally continues indefinitely. However Case Management is a relatively new specialism in the UK. Case Management is a collaborative process which: assesses, plans, implements, co-ordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individuals health, social care, educational and employment needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes.

What is CMSUK? The Case Management Society UK (CMSUK), is a non-profit association of Case Managers, committed to the delivery of quality Case Management through standards of best practice while promoting the individual and collective development of Case Management throughout the United Kingdom.

Case Management Evolution: Case Management has been practised since the early 1900s, originating in the USA and now widely used in various other countries including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. Early providers of Case Management services were community nurses and social workers who co-ordinated services through the public health sector. Following World War II, insurance companies began to employ nurses and social workers to assist with the co-ordination of care for soldiers who suffered complex injuries requiring

multidisciplinary intervention. In the early 1970s Case Management evolved within the American public health system. In general the role was to coordinate, facilitate and follow, clients using of a variety of health and social services. During this time it was acknowledged that a variety of professionals were carrying out a Case Management type role. As cost containment emerged in the health care industry, the priorities of Case Management became meeting the clients needs and making good use of community resources.

The History of CMSUK: In the late 1990’s many people started working in Case Management in the UK, primarily in the personal injury industry, became concerned at the lack of standards or structure to the Case Management profession in the UK. Many of these Case Managers were from overseas where Case Management is an accepted practice. The Bodily Injury Claims Management Association (BICMA) an organisation heavily involved in rehabilitation in the insurance industry, shared the concerns of the various Case Managers. BICMA Contacted CMSA and negotiated the purchase of the franchise and invited UK Case Managers to a meeting which in turn led to the formation of CMSUK. CMSUK was formed in 2001 and became active in January 2002 when Lord David Hunt of the Wirral became one of the founding members / directors and later became the President of the organisation. CMSUK became a charity in February 2006. As a charity our purpose is to protect and promote public well being.

Standards of Practice: The utilisation of Case Management services in the UK is proving its worth in terms of improving rehabilitation, quality of life and increasing client satisfaction. Additional benefits are improved compliance with healthcare regimes,

promoting client self-determination, facilitating client independence while reducing the overall care costs. However there can be disparity in the UK in terms of the quality of Case Management and that’s partly down to the lack of regulation. Essentially anyone could become a case manager whether they have any practical experience or clinical background or not! In 2005 and updated in 2009, CMSUK developed Standards of Practice for Case Manager’s. Case Managers can use these Standards to ensure that they are providing a quality and safe service for the benefit of service users, and commissioners can use the Standards to establish that Case Managers are able to adhere to levels of competent work developed. The Standards contain audit tools (tick box checklists) so that Case Managers can regularly monitor their performance, or have the tools available to show to others as a measure of quality. CMSUK although not a regulatory body does recommend that any purchaser of Case Management should preferably use Case Managers who are members of CMSUK, BABICM and the VRA. For the future of Case Management CMSUK, BABICM and the VRA are working together in the hope of securing a recognised professional pathway for Case Managers. CMSUK has over 500 professional members which is growing year on year. Approved Case Managers can be searched and viewed on our website. The register shows all Case Managers and corporate members that have current membership and meet the minimum requirements in terms of qualification and experience and that they adhere to the standards of practice. If anyone is interested in becoming a member or wants to find a Case Manager please find further information at www.cmsuk.org.

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Case Management & the Amputee Client >> Written by: Scott Hodder, Case Manager at Bush & Company Rehabilitation


he case manager requires a specialised set of clinical skills, experience and knowledge to best support the unique challenges and circumstances faced by the client. From the compilation of an Immediate Needs Assessment to providing ongoing case management, the individual needs of the client are central to providing appropriate and timely support whilst respecting the rehabilitation process that the client is engaged in.

case manager has a detailed understanding of their role in the provision of objective evidence and continual evaluation of rehabilitation progress. Case management of the amputee client is multifaceted, requiring an in depth knowledge of physical complications, psychological issues and environment challenges. One aim is to provide education and support with regards to rehabilitation services, equipment and prosthetics available to the client.

Whether providing case management support for a client who is pursuing a litigation claim or through direct client instruction, it is vital that the

In addition to having knowledge of cutting edge prosthetics, the case manager is aware of how this highly specialised and evolving industry is developing,

thus ensuring that the client has the opportunity to remain at the forefront of modern prosthetic provision appropriate for their individual needs. From everyday prostheses provided by the NHS to bespoke devices only available through private prosthetic clinics, developments in microprocessorcontrolled prosthetics, powered limbs, specialised functioning units and sport limbs offer so much opportunity to the client during their rehabilitation pathway. Working solely in the interest of the client, the case manager has a key role in coordinating and implementing rehabilitation services, as well as evaluating the outcome of interventions and equipment provided. Carefully considered and collaborative design of amputee rehabilitation goals and maintaining communication with all medical and nonclinical persons involved in their rehabilitation ensures that the client has the best opportunity of reaching their potential. The ultimate aim of rehabilitation is to facilitate the client in returning to as near to their pre-accident function and independence as possible. This requires the case manager to work in collaboration with the client, often requiring creativity and problem solving skills to achieve the best outcomes. Although every client is unique, there are common issues often experienced by the amputee. These range from prosthetic provision, socket management and skin care to secondary medical complications and pain management. From accommodation access, specially adapted vehicles and wheelchair provision to engagement in the community and leisure activities, provision of additional care support and assistance in returning to work, the case manager provides support with the aim of enabling the client to

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re-engage fully in their personal, family, work and social life. Whilst some clients remain highly motivated with rehabilitation, some can find the challenge of facing life as an amputee completely overwhelming. Therefore, one important remit of the amputee case manager is to help the client in accessing appropriate psychological support following their catastrophic change in life circumstances. Case managers are ideally placed to monitor the need for additional psychological support and to ensure those family members or partners closest to the client are also supported, bearing in mind the wider ramifications of the accident on all those connected to the client. The most effective case management depends on a trusting and collaborative relationship with the client. In addition, professional and active communication with all those involved with the client’s rehabilitation will provide the best situation for rehabilitation to succeed. The case manager is in a unique, privileged and greatly rewarding position to work with clients during a particularly challenging time and enable them to achieve their optimal rehabilitation potential.

Scott is just one member of the experienced case management team at Bush & Company who specialise in supporting amputee clients. For further information about our services please get in touch.

Follow us on Twitter: @Bush_Company


Bridge Case Management


ridge Case Management specialises in rehabilitation needs for people with complex orthopaedic injuries and amputations. Our team have supported many clients with personal injury claims to get the most out of their rehabilitation. We liaise with our clients’ solicitors and we know how to negotiate for funding through their personal injury claim, so you do not need to worry about the costs. We have assisted clients with enabling appropriate discharge, helped them get re-homed if necessary, and remain in regular contact so that they feel fully supported.

We support clients to get appropriate; • Medical care • Prosthetics and orthotics • Aids and adaptations • Mobility aids • Adapted transport • Assistance returning to work • Retraining for work • Psychological therapy • Support for their family • Help with returning to hobbies and pastimes If you want help with any of the above give us a call, or ask your solicitor to contact us. 01759 372222 www.bridgecasemanagement.co.uk mail@bridgecm.co.uk

Our team have supported many clients with personal injury claims to get the most out of their rehabilitation.

With Bridge Case Management you can be assured that you will receive a high level of service, and prompt, appropriate communication regarding your rehabilitation progress.

YOU WILL RECEIVE: • Continuity • Positive Input • Commitment • Experience and Knowledge • Clear rehabilitation plans • Prompt and proactive service

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T: 01759 372 222 E: mail@bridgecm.co.uk www.bridgecasemanagement.co.uk

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Personal Injury Claims and the Two Tier System >> Written by: Rob Thomas, Solictor at NewLaw


obert Thomas, Director and Court of Protection Deputy at NewLaw Solicitors, explains the differences between the two tiers of the personal injury system and how to ensure you’re getting the best support throughout the claims process.

One of the subjects I hear talked about at length these days is whether personal injury claims are a good thing or a bad thing. Some people think they are just an exercise in defrauding insurance companies or claiming money for injuries which don’t really warrant it, whereas others (myself included) would say they are an essential way of helping those who have suffered injuries to get back to the lives they knew before they had their accident.

One of the subjects I hear talked about at length these days is whether personal injury claims are a good thing or a bad thing.

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The importance of making a personal injury claim was further highlighted in a recent article in The Guardian which explained that government policy intended to stop the NHS from becoming overwhelmed has been delayed after a confidential Whitehall review concluded it would not work as hoped. Neither would it help to balance the NHS budget or bring about an intended revolution in patient care. (Denis Campbell, health correspondent The Guardian, Wednesday 7 May 2014) The £3.8bn-a-year Better Care Fund was supposed to have been launched last week, but its introduction has become mired in doubt after the Cabinet Office voiced concerns that it did not stack up and wanted “a lot more work done on the policy”. The Fund was to bring together health and social care services and fund them jointly from NHS and local authority monies in the belief that this would reduce the growing pressures on hospitals and help keep people healthier in their own homes. Suddenly we were presented with the perfect situation of NHS and local authorities talking to each other and providing a seamless service of care for injured people only for it all to be put on hold. Statutory Services seem to have become so large that they are incapable of resolving the problems that users see every day. The principle behind the fund is correct in that it seeks to get rid of the financial divide between NHS and local authority and provide more “joined up” care for those who need it. But they just don’t seem to be able to get it right. Some help is at hand through the personal injury process, but I accept absolutely that this does not help those who don’t have a claim and who are totally reliant on the state for their care and treatment.

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Pursuing a personal injury claim can mean you avoid the mine field which is the statutory services and allows an injured person to get access to insurance funds, which will provide for their reasonable treatment and support needs. This takes away the worry of who will fund the care and treatment now and in the future, NHS or local authority? It will also take away the concern as to whether the state will still provide for your needs in the years to come particularly given the cut backs we have all experienced recently. Anyone who has suffered an accident where someone else may have been at fault, whether on the road, at work or else where, should seriously consider making a personal injury claim and taking advice from a specialist solicitor. There will be occasions when you will not be able to pursue a claim because accidents where no-one was at fault do happen but if you are able to make a claim it can make a huge difference as the stories in this magazine will attest to. At NewLaw we use the best rehab providers and the best private prosthetics producers wherever possible. We are committed to making a difference to you from the outset using our welfare team to provide real support when it is needed and getting you into quality rehabilitation as soon as possible. Interim payments will ease the financial burden caused by an accident particularly if the injured person is the main breadwinner in a household. We are there to support you. For more information on how NewLaw can support you, call Rob Thomas on 0333 321 7496, or email him on Robert.thomas@new-law.co.uk or visit: www.new-law.co.uk.

At Linnitts we specialise in not only recovering you compensation but also the rehabilitation aspect involved, which is often overlooked.


Linnitt Solicitors: Specialist Amputee Lawyers

s in M on 30 ltati ee u Fr ns Co


innitts Solicitors is different to the other law firms. Why? Partly because I know what it is like to be injured and to go through a personal injury claim system, but most of all because I know how to rehabilitate successfully and get your life back on track. At Linnitts we specialise in not only recovering you compensation but also the rehabilitation aspect involved, which is often overlooked. This could include obtaining an interim payment to cover your loss of wages or working with one of my many contacts to help you rehabilitate physically and/or psychologically. For us, it not just business it’s personal. The point I am making is that you need to choose the right lawyer. Linnitts Solicitors has first hand experience of personal injury having been through it myself. This means that we truly understand what you are going through and can definitely help get the compensation and rehabilitation you need to get your life back on track. Even if you are not happy with your current solicitors, contact us to see if we can help. On 26 September 2014 I am going to join Limb Power and cycle from London to Amsterdam to raise money for the Olivia Holmes Foundation. You can monitor our progress on Facebook and donate by visiting www.justgiving.com/Chris-Linnitt If you have suffered an accident or have a legal issues and what to discuss it further, then please feel free to call me on 01626 333380 or email me at chris@linnitts.co.uk.

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Personal Injury

Scott’s Story Life for Manchester teenager, Scott Wall, was turned up-side-down when he was knocked down in a ‘hit and run’ incident just a few hundred yards from his home in Droylsden. Scott, who was 17 at the time, had been making his way to the local gym when he stopped to talk to a friend on the pavement at the side of the road. He was struck by a car driven by an uninsured, unlicensed driver which had sped out of control whilst breaching road traffic signals, pinning Scott against a wall. The driver and passenger of the vehicle fled the scene immediately after but were apprehended after police investigations. His friend managed to get out of the way of the vehicle, but Scott was not so lucky and sustained serious injuries.

He was rushed to the Accident and Emergency Department at Tameside General Hospital and had to undergo a below-the-knee amputation to his left leg. His lower right leg was also very seriously injured and emergency doctors only just managed to save it.

Positive actions From the beginning, Scott and his family received support from Irwin Mitchell’s inhouse Client Liaison Team. Scott’s Mum was determined to get the best possible care for her son and worked closely with Jonathan Betts and the team to investigate the possibilities of getting an extension annex built at the family home.

Jonathan Betts, partner and a member of Scott’s legal team, commented: “Due to the traumatic nature of Scott’s injuries he could not climb or descend stairs which was a huge issue, as at the time of the incident the only bathroom facilities were on the first floor.”

Personal Injury

“I am so lucky I had such a strong team of people around me, including Mum, who fought hard with my lawyer to ensure I received the best possible treatment.” - Scott

Working together From the outset, a collaborative approach was adopted in dealings between Irwin Mitchell and the Motors Insurers Bureau (MIB), who were ultimately responsible for handling Scott’s legal claim as the driver of the car had been uninsured. Irwin Mitchell managed to secure their agreement to implement the code of best practice for early intervention and rehabilitation. This resulted in the MIB providing case management, occupational therapy and architectural assistance together with funds to build a self contained annex to the side of the family house within just three months of the incident. The annex had its own custom built bedroom and bathroom. This was a real triumph and restored some dignity for Scott who had for a short time been living in the family dining room where all his care and personal needs were met.

The relationship between Irwin Mitchell and the MIB and subsequently their solicitors, was excellent. Interim funds were available not just for Scott’s needs but those of his family too.

Now 20 years old, Scott is currently studying Business Management at Salford Univerisity. Its only through the collective and dedicated commitment of Scott, his family, the care and legal team that Scott has progressed so far after his incident and he is now optimistic about his future.

Interim payments were also secured for surgery on a private basis and for the provision of vehicles, wheelchairs and other equipment that was needed. Scott hit the headlines in 2006 for being one of the first people in the UK to wear a bionic foot which he had fitted at a clinic in South Manchester.

Dedicated commitment The value of building links between the Irwin Mitchell legal team and that of the Motor Insurers Bureau to ensure Scott’s immediate and future needs, were considered above everything else. Crucially, this ensured that Scott and his family could concentrate on his progress.

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www.irwinmitchell.com Irwin Mitchell LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Its associated firm Irwin Mitchell Scotland LLP is a separate Scottish legal practice which is regulated by the Law Society of Scotland.

A refreshing approach to legal care Losing a limb does not mean losing your independence. At Thompsons, we have helped thousands of adults and children to adapt and enhance their lifestyles following an amputation. Our serious injury team brings together the most dedicated serious injury lawyers from every corner of the UK, so there is someone close by wherever you are.

We understand the physical, emotional and psychological impact that losing a limb can have on individuals and their families. So whether it’s helping you to come to terms with your amputation, accessing the best medical care or ensuring that you regain your independence as quickly as possible, we can put you in contact with a network of experts and support you through a compensation claim.

Aer the accident I felt so low, as I had so much taken away om me. I couldn’t work or cay out normal every day tasks such as picking up a gl…ompsons Solicitors were superb, ering suort and guidance and ultimately suring me a nancial slement that meant I could plore top-end thnology. Michal Takac Thompsons’ amputation client


ompsons Solicitors really did ght my corner; th were very patient with me as I tried to rebuild my life aer the amputation. Matthew Roache Thompsons’ amputation client

What Thompsons can do for you: Provide expertise to guide you through a compensation claim to cover lost earnings, healthcare costs, and adaptations to lifestyle Put you in touch with dedicated client support co-ordinators, occupational therapists, prosthetic specialists and the Limbless Association

Ensure your long term care and wellbeing is planned for including rehabilitation, physiotherapy, psychological and neurological treatment and cosmetic surgery Help you present the best evidence possible and advise on time limits that may apply in relation to your claim

We have expert knowledge of running military, road traffic, clinical negligence and industrial accident cases and a proven track record of success. What’s more, we work solely for people who have been injured. We never work for employers and we never work for the insurance industry. Call us on 0800 0 224 244 to get free, no obligation, advice from our specialist serious injury team.

Standing up for you

We support you


Amputee puts his best (bionic) foot forward Not so long ago, the idea of people being fitted with bionic prosthetic feet would have been confined to the realms of science fiction, but they are now being offered to amputees in the UK for the first time. Even though he lost his leg in a motorcycle accident in 2009, Jozef Metelka swore that it wouldn’t stop him fulfilling his sporting dreams. The selfconfessed adrenaline junkie from Oxford admits, “The accident turned my world upside down but as soon as I could get out of hospital I was back in the gym and trying to exercise as I was doing before. It was very frustrating in the beginning as I had to get used to the crutches and it was difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that I didn’t have my foot. My first prosthetic was from the NHS and it helped me through the first few weeks after my

new-law.co.uk |

operation but it soon became apparent that, for me to continue my sporting lifestyle, I was going to need something more”. Hilton Obery, a Solictor at NewLaw, first met Jozef in April 2009 at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. After such a traumatic event Jozef was alone in the country, with little or no understanding of what he should do next. Hilton recalls giving Jozef his mobile number in case he needed any help, “I remember he rang me on Good Friday to explain that he was going to have his amputation the following day. At this stage I was essentially offering the services of a Welfare Officer, as he didn’t have one. We very quickly appointed a Case Manager so that he could get additional support.” NewLaw assisted by directing the Case Manager to the most relevant experts in their field and organised interim

compensation payments for Jozef, allowing him to move to more appropriate accommodation in August 2009. These interim payments have not only allowed Jozef to continue to do the things that are most important to him, but also enable him to be the recipient of a rather special prosthetic. In the Summer of 2009 NewLaw referred Jozef to PACE Rehabilitation for an immediate needs assessment and, after initial fittings, the 27 year old became the first recipient in Europe of the American BiOM power assisted ankle system. After being in development for six years the BiOM has been fitted to several hundred amputees in the US and Canada, but only recently became available in the UK. Invented by Professor Hugh Hurr, himself a double leg amputee, its design evolved within the leg laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Harvard University and is the first prosthetic

...with a little help from NewLaw. foot which provides power to the user, allowing the amputee to walk faster and with less energy. His solicitor, Hilton, understands the difference this has made to Jozef, “By providing this latest prosthetic technology, we’re giving Jozef the best opportunity to return to as close to his pre-accident situation as possible. We are always looking to assist our clients in getting the newest technology and, in Jozef’s case, he’s the first person in Europe to have this prosthetic”. At £55,000 for the whole prosthesis, this latest technology is at the cutting edge of design with a price reflecting that. A representative from PACE said, “We appreciate that it will only be available to the fortunate few at this time. However, we hope that future developments will allow more accessibility for a greater number of amputees who will surely benefit from this design”.

Jozef, who has been skiing and mountain biking since he was three and playing tennis since he was six, could not imagine a life without sport. “I have been very fortunate to receive great prosthetic support and have tried to continue to lead an active life.”

“I have been very fortunate to receive great prosthetic support”

energy, but I still walk faster! It’s unlike any other design I have tried, it’s as if my amputated leg has come alive again and without NewLaw’s help, I wouldn’t be wearing it today”. Jozef has no plans to stop striving to achieve more and is looking forward to trying out the next addition to his collection, a rollerblading leg!

For more information on how NewLaw can support you,

He is now the owner of 12 specially crafted prosthetic legs, allowing him to compete in cycling races across the world and to become a professional ski instructor, but the sports lover’s favourite prosthetic is his BiOM foot. “I try to focus as much of my energy to these high level activities, so it’s important that I rest when I can. Using the BiOM foot for everyday use allows me to use less

call Rob Thomas on 0333 321 7496, or email him on Robert.thomas@new-law.co.uk

We support you

solicitors Tel: 0333 321 7496


The Internet is a wonderful thing >> Written by: Richard Jackson (Mobility Aid Services: www.mobilityaidservices.co.uk)

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It is a development that has many and varied uses and has revolutionised the way that we read books, listen to music, study for exams watch films.....and shop!


s a small high street retailer it maybe somewhat hypocritical to promote and even admit to purchasing online but there are advantages that cannot be denied. This ‘Amazon world’ enables us to source, buy and have delivered next day, almost anything without getting out of bed! What can be wrong with that? Well...what can be wrong with that is the mobility market and the faceless online shops selling products that clearly only have profit in mind. ‘Shops’ that purport to be suppliers of Independent living equipment that can be ordered with a click, without any advice or assessment to anyone with access to the internet. But is it....or even, should it be that simple? Nowadays there is a world of choice and the internet provides a portal for research into mobility aids within the home and for use outside of the home. Many people have a chronic condition or mobility issue, which causes them difficulty or even puts them at risk whilst carrying out a task or daily activity. Equipment now exists that can really give people the independence, freedom and confidence to do things they want to do in their day to day lives. The right advice and direction can really help an individual and their families make

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an informed decision – ensuring that their needs are met and their independence is maintained. However the click of a button may not always yield the best option. We all want a good deal, but when it comes to selling a product or piece of equipment to an individual, who maybe disabled and already vulnerable there should be an ethical code, outwith the legislated trading standards that ensures that the product is firstly required, adequate and meets the need of the person, but is also supported should it fail or breakdown. Fundamentally, the products in this market are bought to aid and assist an individual to live as full a life, as independently as possible, not as aspirational luxuries or bought on impulse whilst ‘surfing the net’. A television or microwave bought online will vary in price and specification but ultimately will not be life changing. However, the right wheelchair, mobility scooter or piece of moving and handling equipment will. Conversely, the wrong product could impair, hinder or even put the person at increased risk. In support of your local mobility shop, bear this in mind when shopping online ‘for a deal’ The majority of us are in the business for a reason and not

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motivated solely by profit. To that end we are available to give the advice that allows an informed decision to be made on the correct product that is suitable for the need of the customer rather than the one that gives the best ‘margin’ to the retailer.

Yes you may have to pay a little extra than an online deal... But surely the face to face advice, support and service is a price worth paying?

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Only made for you! by


ong term experience and passion towards product development and customisation is at the heart of every Berollka wheelchair made – and they are always made with only you in mind!

The rigid frame wheelchair PHOENIX features an elegant design combined with ultralight construction for highly manoeuvrable operation. The seat angle and tip resistance are easy to adjust, independently of the frame. As an option, the PHOENIX can also be supplied with the newly developed and patented UNITOMIC ergonomic seat and back system.

SLADE With its ultra-low weight, the folding wheelchair SLADE guarantees incredible driving characteristics. It combines individual character traits with a cultivated appearance. Details have also been improved and redesigned. With its low weight, the SLADE handles perfectly in any everyday situation. The new frame makes the wheelchair highly manoeuvrable with great stability.

Berollka products are developed, designed and manufactured to the highest standard in Germany. The uncompromising focus on quality and the consistent service philosophy are the keys to the success of Berollka-aktiv. Electric Mobility is proud to exclusively launch this range of German, high quality and precision rigid frame and folding wheelchairs into the UK market. The unique characteristics of these innovative wheelchairs include the extensive selection of colours and fabrics available to the customer together with the opportunity to have tailor made construction for special needs and requirements. Ultimately the achievement of a healthy sitting position with the revolutionary UNITOMIC back and seat system sets these wheelchairs apart from others in the marketplace. The UNITOMIC back and seat system supports various seating postions, offering you pressure relief and comfort at all times and is available on many of the wheelchairs within the range. Allowing enough space for the hips and the extension of the chest vertebra and the adjustment to the lumbar region are the main benefits of the UNITOMIC back and seat system. By sitting automatically in an upright position this enables the freedom of movement of your shoulders and arms. It ensures a healthy balance between the tension and the relaxation of various muscle groups, and prevents a posture with a “rounded back” and corresponding side effects, such as back pain and tension and thereby contributes to a healthy posture and ongoing well-being.


The perfection of technology and a sporty design make the folding wheelchair SPRINT an ideal companion. Perfect technology adapts to all personal situations – a free attitude towards life, indoors or out, with the ultimate in comfort and freedom of movement. The footplate holders swing away to the side and are removable. This allows the SPRINT to approach objects very closely.



With its ultralight design, the newly developed rigid frame wheelchair COBRA SPORT permits dynamic driving and easy handling. Sporty yet elegant, it is trendy and powerful. Its low weight makes it easy to handle. It is the ideal companion and guarantees ultimate comfort and driving pleasure.

* These diagrams explain the pressure relief for the unitomic seat and back system.

It is very important to us to fulfill your individual needs with a wheelchair only made for you! If you would like more information on Berollka from the Rascal Rehab range, please contact the Customer Services team at Electric Mobility.

0800 252 614 sales@electricmobility.co.uk electricmobility.co.uk www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 35


“My worries about a first visit to a mobility shop were forgotten... very friendly and interested in me AND my disability. M. Watt, Darvel




’m Richard Jackson, owner of Mobility Aid Services. I would like to share my 15 years of healthcare experience with you, as I believe it enables me to help those with a disability. After serving in the Armed Forces, I took on the role as a physiotherapy assistant with the NHS, providing exercise and rehabilitation programmes in a Hospital Outpatients department. This led to an opportunity to develop inpatient experience working on Care of the Elderly and Stroke rehabilitation wards. Following on from this I became a Technical Instructor with a community based Older Peoples Team, providing assessment, rehabilitation and support to clients in their own home.

65 Main Street | Ayr | KA8 8BU FREEPHONE 0800 084 2336 TELEPHONE 01292 288 224 www.mobilityaidservices.co.uk sales@mobilityaidservices.co.uk


After 9 years with the NHS, I moved into the commercial sector, working for an internationally recognised healthcare equipment manufacturer providing products and support to the NHS and

Social Services. This provided the insight and experience in the design, production and sales of specialist rehabilitation equipment. At the forefront of my decision to purchase Mobility Aid Services was an intention to use my experience to the benefit of the community. The vast majority of my customers have either a chronic condition or mobility issue, which causes difficulty or even puts them at risk whilst carrying out a task or activity. Mobility Aid Services provides a range of aids to daily living, mobility equipment and nursing products to help address or even prevent such issues. I provide an advice service which allows my customers and their families to make an informed decision - ensuring that needs are being met and that independence is maintained. Assessment areas have been established in the shop to highlight the use of specific equipment and provide appropriate advice.

Chic Aid Stylish crutches in a choice of colours

When crutches are a necessary part of your daily life, they become a way of defining who we are, but we don’t want to be defined by something that is grey, noisy and looks like something that your granny would be seen with. We are young and vibrant and that is how we want to be seen! Using coloured crutches can promote us as individuals. With a unique sense of style. Chic Aid Crutches have a wide stock of crutches with a range of cuffs and handle styles, all available in a choice of colours.

For more information please get in touch:

Website: www.chicaidcrutches.co.uk Page 36 -

Follow us: @Empower_Mag

Phone: 0113 264 6292


Everything was just a normal day at the office >> Provided by: Ann Johnson of Wave-length Social Marketing CIC


verything was just a normal day at the office’ was how one amputee described the day when he went into work using his wheelchair having had a problem with his prosthetic leg, ‘no one stared and some stated that until then they were not aware that I was an amputee’ It is clear that some occupations present greater challenges than others when returning to or seeking a job as an amputee. Many of those amputees I met through the course of my research into the impact, support and challenges of the workplace felt that seated jobs were much easier than others, but what if the career you planned from school, studied at college and then actively worked in for 18 years was not a desk job but in a kitchen working as a chef? This being the situation of one person I spoke to who has one fused leg and the other amputated at the knee finding the role as chef now impossible for him due to the length of time you are required to be on your feet, the constant movement and the need to transport heavy items. He explained how he now felt ‘I am having to start again from the bottom, I am finding it hard see options other than those such as call centres, general office work and check outs that I have no experience in’. Commenting on support one amputee said ‘Since my accident, I have seen great strides for disabled people in general; the Equality Act might have improved some of the basic needs that people face. But the stigma that some people attach to disability still has to play catch up. Legislation doesn’t necessarily alter the perception that some able-bodied people may have about disabled people’. I think he might be right. The need for understanding, support and reasonable adjustments is paramount in allowing people to continue to have an opportunity to demonstrate, develop their skills and add value to organisations

Many spoke of support and adjustments in place. ‘I was lucky that my workplace was wheelchair accessible anyway’. Another spoke of the positive support provided by his brother in allowing him to continue in his role in helping to run the family pub. ‘My brother understands when I need to take a brief rest’, and one amputee spoke of his wife , ’I have a very understanding wife, without her constant encouragement and support, my quality of life wouldn’t be as good as it is’. But not all felt the workplace was a supportive one with one amputee stating that he was once questioned about the length of time it took him to get to the toilet and back. Another spoke of the difficulty in having a job role modified, after being told that it is not just about being a check out person you still need to fill shelves etc. a task he would not be able to manage. There is often a need for adjustment in the workplace whether it is a new office chair or a helping hand. ‘I cannot carry soup anymore when waiting on tables, there would be none left in the bowl, but there is always another member of the team happy to carry’. An adjustment may be just allowing a bit of flexi time now and again as this is essential in keeping valued, skilled and experienced staff in post. There is much support for people with disabilities that should improve lives and opportunity whether in seeking to remain in an existing role or in finding a new one. These include Access to Work, Positive about Disabled People and many other employment support organisations including the Job Centre (JCP). Although it was interesting in my research that not all were seen as effective and a clear message needs to go to those who seek to provide such support that people need to know about it, that provision for re-training should be provided and that for those employers signing up for Positive about Disabled People need to deliver on the objectives. Also discussed was that often a one size fits all approach to support was adopted. For example one

person stated ‘in order to attend a mandatory CV writing course JCP stated that a mini bus would be provided, but I cannot access a mini bus was my reply’. Another stated that on-line application forms rarely provide the opportunity to state why you need to change career and that often employment support focuses much more on CV and interview writing techniques than supporting people with disabilities on how to re-adapt to new situations. One person said of JCP ‘I simply get told keep positive, you’re doing everything right. I can’t be doing everything right, because I’m unemployed I said’. It is clear to say that remaining in work or seeking work as an amputee is possible, there is much support to assist in doing so and much can be achieved through remaining positive but for many there is a limit to the optimism. So for those providing support, creating a positive working environment and making commitments to employ people with disabilities should ensure that measures are fit for purpose so that people feel valued for the skills, experience and knowledge they bring to the organisation.

Wave-length Social Marketing CIC would like to thank all those who contributed to this piece providing much more than space will allow. Ann Johnson Director of Wave-length a Social Enterprise which seeks to disable disability in accessing meaningful occupation and services.


www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 37

EMPOWER: REBEKAH MARINE I remember being asked to speak at an event in New York City. Until then I had never thought about sharing my story. It was a scary thought – talking about my insecurities, especially to complete strangers. Interestingly enough, that day became one of the most significant moments of my life. Shortly after my presentation, a woman approached me to tell me I’ve changed her life. And in that instant, I knew this was my purpose. It’s humbling to know my struggles have inspired so many people to live outside of their own comfort zone. Looking back at the years that I struggled with my self-confidence, I now understand that I went through them for a reason. I am carving a path for those who may not see the brighter side of the cards they were dealt.

Photography by Jason E. Wilson

Once I finally realized my “disability” could bring a lot of positivity into other people’s lives, I started to appreciate my differences. I felt valuable – like I could contribute something. This was always something I have struggled to grasp as I grew older. Since starting this new path, I have worked with Models of Diversity, the Lucky Fin Project and the Helping Hands Foundation – all great causes that help people like me feel like they’re not so alone. Some people spend an entire lifetime searching for their purpose in life. I found mine at 23 years old, and for the first time in my life, I considered myself the lucky one.

This was my purpose


hen I got the opportunity to write this article, I found myself reminiscing about the year I started this whole journey. If you had met me 5 or 6 years ago, you wouldn’t even recognize the person I am today – not because of any change in my physical appearance, but more so a change in my heart. The journey I’m referring to is the acceptance of something I thought was a major disadvantage in my life. I was born without a right forearm, just below my elbow, and for a greater portion of my life I believed I did not deserve to pursue my dream of being a model. I always joked that my biggest “disability” was my height – I’m only 5’1”. But the reality is, I struggled to convince agencies that I deserved a real shot in this industry. I’ve come to find out that being successful in this industry, or life in general, is all about finding

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>> Written by: Rebekah Marine ( facebook.com/rebekahamarine )

your niche. For me, I accept the casting calls that will never write me back, and I embrace the photographers that simply do not want to work with me. That’s the business I’m in. Sometimes we spend too much of our time focusing on the things that make us different, that we forget to see the things that make us beautiful. I spent a majority of my teenage years shying away from the camera, and all this time, I never knew my differences were more or less a blessing. It’s intriguing to me that I now find my “disability” a blessing because for the first 22 years of my life, I felt like the unlucky one. People often stared, pointed and treated me differently. “Why me?” I often cried out. But the fact is I have a gift, a rare opportunity to educate people about embracing their own struggles.

Follow us: @Empower_Mag

Photography by RichO’s Photography, Helping Hands Foundation Winter Outing (January 2014). Pictured left to right: Miss Iowa’s Nicole Kelly, MMA fighter Nick Newell, Lucky Fin Project founder Molly Stapelman and her daughter Ryan, Rebekah Marine, Ryan Haack, and Tony Memmel.



lmost a year after I had my legs amputated, I met with a member of the ‘life saving’ StairAID team. We had spent months worrying about how I would manage to finally get upstairs to bed, and after sleeping downstairs in the living room for 10 months, I was desperate to get back to some kind of normality. I also wanted to regain some sort of my independence and be able to ‘do’ things for myself again. I live in a small cottage with a narrow, steep staircase, which made the usual aids obsolete. Luckily my Occupational Therapist remembered reading about the ‘magic’ StairAID and although it wasn’t particularly designed for how we intended to use it, she gave them a call and thank goodness she did. A member of the StairAID team arrived to view the staircase and to talk to me about the product and to see what I wanted from it. For the first time in almost a year I had hope, for that reason alone I can’t thank StairAID enough. The thought of FINALLY sleeping in my own bed, of choosing what I wanted to wear, of being able to get up the stairs unaided and whenever I wanted was amazing. The team came and fitted the StairAID in less than an hour with a minimal amount of mess and fuss. I was then given a thorough demonstration of how the product worked and all of its features. The enthusiasm

and knowledge of their product further reassured me that it/I would be safe. My husband was also very reassured that I would be safe to use it without his help and that our 11 year old, who was bound to want ‘a go’ would be safe in doing so. As much as we were glad to listen to the advice, I couldn’t wait for the team to go so I could try it at my own pace, which I mean in the nicest possible way. As dramatic as it sounds, the StairAID has given me back my life. I can finally get around my house as and when I please, I can access the upstairs of my house for the first time in 11 months. All this and it’s safe and reliable. I use it knowing it’s not going to break, it’s a simple device but so very effective. More importantly it’s given me back my freedom and independence and that is priceless. We as a family are so very grateful to the StairAID team for answering all our questions, no matter how silly they were. This has given us great confidence in the StairAID and given me ‘a life’ again.

>> Written by: Vicki Marks, StairAID Customer

It’s given me back my freedom and independence and that is priceless

www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 39

EMPOWER: INDEPENDENT LIVING We work closely with Access to Work – a Government scheme which can provide funding for technology, training and support for those in the workplace. The help and support provided by this scheme allows individuals to flourish in employment, and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about this service.”

Enter and win

Hands-Free Computing is offering one lucky reader the chance to win a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess v12.5, along with a free training session worth over £700! Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess can let you edit your documents, send emails and navigate the internet using just the power of your voice!

Win a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking for your PC Hands-Free Computing is offering one lucky reader the chance to operate their computer in a whole new way...


ands-Free Computing is offering one lucky Empower reader the chance to win Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess v12.5 Speech Recognition Software for your PC along with training on how to use it!

disabilities to have full access to the world of technology. We provide software solutions and specialist training on how to use all of our products. We have a team of compassionate trainers with extensive experience of working with a range of disabilities.

Hands-Free Computing is the leading provider in assistive software and training. For over seventeen years they have been supplying software solutions that make technology accessible to everyone. Amongst the technology they provide is the acclaimed Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess speech recognition software that allows individuals to control their computer by using their voice. If you find typing difficult then this is the competition for you! This prize allows you to type and control almost every aspect of your computer, just by speaking to it!

“We have decided to launch this competition in Empower because we believe that one of its readers will really benefit from Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess and training. The software enables individuals to control almost every aspect of their PC with their voice to make writing, sending emails and browsing the internet much easier. We are delighted to be able to give someone the chance to access technology in a way they may not have been able to before.

Managing Director, Lawrence Howard, tells us some more about the company and why they are offering the fantastic prize of Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess v12.5 speech recognition software and half a day of training on how to use the product. “Hands-Free Computing was established in 1997 with the purpose of allowing those with

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“Our software and training benefits individuals with a variety of disabilities ranging from arthritis to more complex physical disabilities. One of our trainers will work alongside the winner of the competition to give them the tools they need to use the software to its full potential, as well as upto-date and relevant advice for their specific needs.

Follow us: @Empower_Mag

The three-hour, one-to-one training session will equip you with the basic knowledge and tools you’ll need to start using the software effectively, and demonstrate how Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess v12.5 can help you. We can arrange for the training to take place at your home, place of work or remotely via the internet. For a chance to win this wonderful prize simply answer the following question: What year was Hand-Free Computing Established? To enter, email your answer to sarah.kennedy@hands-free.co.uk, with subject line ‘EMPOWER COMPETITION’. All entries must include your full name, age, address and preferred telephone number and will be subject to the below terms and conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS

This competition is open to all UK residents aged 18 or over, The prize detailed in the competition cannot be exchanged for goods, or used towards the purchase of goods at any retail outlet. Dragon NaturallySpeaking ProAccess v 12.5 is compatible with PC only. The winner will receive the training within three months of winning. The winner’s computer must meet the software’s minimum system requirements [Recommended minimum specifications: 2.2 GHz Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor. 2GB RAM (Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 32-bit), 4GB RAM (Windows 7 & 8 64-bit). Supported operating systems: Windows 7 and 8 (32/64-bit), Windows Vista SP2 (32/64-bit),Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only). Internet Explorer 7 or higher. DVD-ROM drive]. Entries must be submitted via email. Any entries that do not abide by these terms and conditions will be disqualified. Prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. The decision of the judge is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

CLOSING DATE - 1st August 2014

Winners will be notified by email or telephone. Winners must also be willing to participate in a post-competition case study article with accompanying photography.





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Making computers accessible to everyone

Hands Free Computing is the leading disability software and training provider. If your disability is limiting your use of a computer, our specialised software, equipment and qualified trainers will be able to help. If you are employed or seeking employment you may be eligible for funding and support from Access to Work. For more information contact 0845 899 0880 or visit www.hands-free.co.uk

www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 41




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he iRobot® Roomba® vacuum cleaning robot removes dirt, debris and hair from all types of floors at the touch of a button.

Featuring iAdapt® Responsive Cleaning Technology, Roomba monitors the cleaning environment over 60 times per second, using multiple sensors and over 40 behaviours to maximise cleaning performance. It thoroughly cleans your carpets, hardwood, tile and linoleum floors, including in tight spots, under and around furniture and along edges. The 600 Series delivers greater ease of use with superior hair handling ability – innovatively compositioned longer-lasting brushes handle fibres more effectively than ever, whilst AeroVac™ Technology maximises air flow through the cleaning head to pull debris off the brushes and into the newly designed larger bin. The 660 can easily be scheduled to clean whenever you want – up to seven times per week, whilst the included Virtual Wall®

barrier allows you to confine Roomba to specific rooms or areas before it returns to its Home Base™ to dock and recharge between cleanings. The 660 also comes with everything you need to maintain Roomba; including extra brushes, filters, and cleaning tools. All you have to do is press “Clean” and let Roomba do the dirty work.


surface of Roomba’s bumper and walls, furniture and other objects in the room.


Includes a recessed one-hand carrying handle for easy one-handed transport of the Roomba from room-to-room or between floors.

ROOMBA 660.03 Features: •

Maximizes cleaning performance, using multiple sensors and over 40 behaviours.


Provides superior cleaning performance for picking up dirt, dust, pet hair, allergens and more from carpets and hard floors.

Vacuums on its own using iAdapt® Responsive Cleaning Technology. Works on carpet, hardwood, tile and linoleum. Automatically recharges itself between cleanings.

Cleans on a schedule that’s convenient for you.

Employs a powerful vacuum to vigorously pull debris and hair off brushes into the bin.

Stays in the rooms you want to clean and out of the ones you don’t.


Uses acoustic sensors to detect small particles and focus cleaning.


Cushions the contact made between the

“Of course, if you enjoy mopping, scrubbing and vacuuming, iRobot® might not be your thing...” It’s true. Some people actually like tedious, heavy housework. Love it, even. We don’t. We do, however, love the fresh look and feel of beautifully clean floors. If you feel the same (and our millions of happy customers suggest most people do) you might just appreciate our high-performance floor cleaning robots: • iRobot® Roomba® Vacuum Cleaning Robot vacuums everything from the hardest tiles to the thickest carpets. • iRobot® Scooba® Floor Scrubbing Robot is based on professional-grade cleaners to scrub hard floors. 140100#05B

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Innovation For Crutch Users


n crutches? Then chances are you’re reading this in the kitchen next to the kettle, sipping the cup of tea you can’t carry anywhere. Whilst crutches are useful, there’s that major drawback - carrying things. Or rather not being able to carry things. The Hopper is a new product that solves this problem, helping you manage independently on crutches. Designed by a crutch user, it has a range of pockets for carrying the essentials of daily life such as drinks, snacks, papers, ipad, mobile and just about anything else. The Hopper doesn’t get in your way and keeps everything right in front of you for easy access. It’s comfortable, durable and made from a quality waterresistant fabric.

Invented by Simon and Catherine Bland, the idea for the product came after Catherine broke her leg. “We made The Hopper so Catherine could cope on her own at home and at work while on crutches, and now we’re excited to have a product that can help so many people. It just really works. Feedback has been 100% positive and our customers love getting some independence back.” At the time of writing The Hopper is about to go on show at Naidex 2014 independent living exhibition where it has been shortlisted for the Best in Show Award.

A1 Stairlifts Services can also offer fixed price service warranties for most makes of Stairlifts, undertaking one off services and repairs for people that don’t want to commit to a contract. Our sister companies also sell or can remove unwanted Stairlifts for you; www.easystairmobility.co.uk www.unwantedstairlifts.co.uk www.completestairlifts.co.uk For advice or a free survey please contact us on 0808 102 0212 or visit A1stairlifts.co.uk



common sense on crutches

Carrying on crutches made easy

“It’s made a huge difference to the quality of my days.” Rob, London

“Life is easier now. Thanks Hopper!” Karen, Manchester

It’s available direct from www.thehopper.co.uk. You can contact Catherine and Simon at office@thehopper.co.uk. www.thehopper.co.uk

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Natural freedom from phantom limb phenomena >> Rachael Horton: Hypnotherapy expert, explains how learning to breathe deeply can reduce pain Photographer: Dik Ng

• Breathe, relax Research is ongoing into slow breathing as a method of pain reduction. Taking conscious control over your breathing, making it slower and breathing deeply from the tummy (diaphragmatic breathing), along with making exhalations 50% longer than the inhalations forces your body into a state of relaxation which can ease any discomfort. Adults typically take between 12 and 18 breaths a minute at rest. Reducing this, perhaps to as few as six a minute, could have powerful pain-busting effects.

• How does

slow breathing help minimize pain?

Have you ever noticed that when you feel tense you tend to hold your breath? Try this: Clench your fist (or toes). Notice what happens to your breathing. You’ll probably find that you hold your breath. Then when you do breathe, it tends to be with short, restricted breaths. Now relax your fist (or toes) and breathe into those sensations of clenching. Notice how much more comfortable it feels. Perhaps your fist or toes relax a little too? Your breathing has a powerful direct effect on your nervous system. Practicing controlled slow breathing has a profound effect on your health and acts as a powerful pain reliever too!

“Breathing mirrors your response to pain” • Breathe out discomfort When experiencing pain we can often get caught in a vicious cycle of tension. This impacts our breathing creating further tension and discomfort. To break this paintension cycle involves learning a new habit of breathing against the pain rather than holding the breath – just as you did when clenching your fist (or toes) in the activity above.

breathing. Then take another relaxing pause. As you focus on your breathing notice how it feels as you breathe – the warmth or coldness of the air; the expansion of your lungs and tummy as the breath becomes comfortably fuller and deeper. Notice after each breath out there’s a really comfortable pause where you can rest for a moment – then your body naturally responds as the next breath begins to form. Take a few more moments to simply observe this and the way you currently breathe before you have a go at these breathing techniques.

• Daisy breathing Take a moment to relax. Now imagine a beautiful daisy in your mind’s eye. It must have at least 10 white petals.

To help you achieve this here are a few of my favourite breathing exercises. To start with, practice these sitting down as you may feel a little dizzy from the extra oxygen. Remember to breathe from your tummy, with your chest remaining relatively still. Your breathing should be effortless and comfortable.

Now breathe in, and breathe out. As you breathe out say ‘1’ quietly to yourself and at the same time, imagine gently pulling off a petal from the daisy. Then repeat breathing in, and out, as you say ‘2’ to yourself and imagine gently tugging off the next petal. Repeat this process until you get to ‘10’. Then start back with a new daisy at ‘1’ again and repeat a few times more, or as many times as you choose.

• Getting started.

• Breathe in a symphony

Begin by focusing your attention on your breathing. Not altering it, simply observing it. Notice how quickly or slowly you’re breathing right now. Take a moment to pause.

Choose a relaxing slow symphony or a piece of music you enjoy. Inhale the soothing sound on the in breath and breathe out the relaxed tune on the outbreath. Count the breaths in and out in time with the music. Let yourself drift with the music as you breathe in, and breathe out the relaxing, soothing notes…

Mindful breathing

Now for a few breaths, focus on how deeply or shallowly you’re currently

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Check out Rachael’s 28 Day Plan

for more relaxed breathing techniques www.change-4-life.com/shop. As seen in Woman’s Own, Bella, Chat It’s Fate and Chat magazine. Now available on Kindle. Note: Rachael Horton is an expert in Hypnotherapy with a keen interest in natural techniques for pain relief rather than Phantom Limb Pain. Techniques represented here are safe and natural ways to promote comfort and symptom relief which have been trialled for use with PLP sufferers by the EmPower editorial teams. Always seek medical guidance on the suitability of techniques for you.

You can create your own breathing mantra. For instance, as you breathe in say the word ‘flow’, and as you breathe out say the words ‘let go’. You can use other calming words such as “Breathe in ‘peace’, breathe out ‘calm’.”

>> Written by: Rachael Horton, Clinical Hypnotherapist, www.change-4-life.com

• Blissful hilltop breathing For an even more relaxed experience you can combine your slow breathing with visualisation. Simply imagine sitting comfortably on a beautiful hilltop where you can see for miles. Breathe in the refreshing view as you practice your chosen breathing technique. Really enjoy relaxing in that tranquil place. The advantage of this technique is that you get to visit many different places in your mind each time you practice! With daily practice of slow controlled breathing you’ll quickly be able to release any tension and pain before it has chance to get started. A powerful pain reliever in the combat against phantom limb pain!


Growing evidence proves Mirror Therapy works and it has been described in medical literature to be of benefit to 80% of users, when used as part of a therapy programme. Read testimonials and the medical evidence at:-

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Photographer: Dik Ng

Top Tips…



Ask the EXPERT >> Rachael Horton, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Photographer: Dik Ng

Focused awareness

Put your phantom limb questions and queries to our top Hypnotherapist in the know…


“I find it really difficult to relax when experiencing phantom limb pain. Could you recommend techniques to help me relax more easily?”


Natural pain relief for overcoming chronic pain begins with learning how to relax deeply. When in pain there is a natural tendency to tense up in response to it. You may notice your breathing become fast and shallow too. Relaxation is skill that can take a little practice to learn but is fundamental for helping you better manage any discomfort. Relaxation isn’t simply about sitting still, doing nothing. In fact, if you’re not accustomed to relaxing, this can actually create more stress! So begin slowly at your own pace. Have a go at some of these techniques and choose those that work best for you and provide you with the most relief. Start by practicing each day for just 5-minutes and build it up from there. Very quickly your muscles will instantly respond to any signs of stress by relaxing without you having to even think about it! The aim is to allow your mind to become less active, slowing down thoughts and giving it a refreshing break. You should remain awake yet deeply relaxed. During this process you may notice thoughts come and go. Use all your senses to make the experience as vivid as you can. In each case when you’re ready to come out of your relaxation, slowly open your eyes as all sounds, flexibility and coordination are restored.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Begin by focusing your attention on your breathing as you allow your body to relax. Now allow a relaxed feeling to spread throughout your entire body working your way through your face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, back, abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, legs, feet. If you want to awake refreshed and alert, then relax your body from your feet up to the top of your head.

Mentally scan your body from the top of your head throughout your body to get a sense of how it’s feeling. Pay close attention any sensations and if you notice any signs of stress or tension allow a deep relaxing breath to flow through that part. Which part of your feels the most relaxed? Allow that wonderful relaxed feeling to flow through the rest of your body.

Here are a few other ideas that can help you relax or enhance your relaxation experience.

• • • • •

Relaxing visualisations

Imagine counting from 10 down to 1 and opening the door to ‘My beautiful place’. It can be any place (real or imagined) you choose. Bring in all your senses and really use your creativity to imagine this place. It may be a tropical beach, peaceful meadow or a beautiful view of a mountain perhaps. Perhaps there’s a calm stream or waterfall in that place. Notice what you see, hear, feel, smell, taste.


“Do you have any quick fix mini-relaxations I can use when I’m at work to ease my phantom limb pain?” When you’ve only got a couple of minutes to spare, try these ministress busters.

10 to 1 deepener

Count s-l-o-w-l-y from 10 down to 1 breathing in and out each number. Let the relaxation in your body double with each number.

Relaxed imagination

Recall a time when you felt deeply relaxed. Really imagine what that felt like as you allow your body to relax to that deep level. Picture yourself becoming more and more relaxed and you can even imagine relaxing in a serene place to make the experience more vivid and enjoyable.

Tensing and releasing

Choose a spot out in front of you and allows your eyes to focus on it. Count 5 s-l-o-w-l-y breaths backwards and notice how your eyes gradually close with each breath. When you get to 1, your eyes can close completely as you deeply relax.

Helping you relax

Body scan


through each muscle group in turn, from the top of your head working your way down your body tensing and releasing. Feel the sensation in each of your muscles as you tense it, feel the tension, then s-l-o-w-l-y release as you feel the relaxation.

Slow, relaxed breathing techniques. Imagining pleasant images or looking at actual pictures of relaxing places such as a meadow. Listening to relaxing music or sounds of nature. Focusing on something beautiful such as a rose. Pleasant fragrances such as essential oils, perfume or the smell of fresh flowers.

What makes you feel relaxed?

The key is to find what helps you relax the most and to set aside time each day to rest. Remember taking time for you each day is not ‘being lazy’. Instead relaxation promotes health, wellbeing and will help you better deal with and let go of phantom limb pain and sensations. Write to me to let me know how you got on and which techniques helped you most.

If you’ve got a question regarding natural relief from phantom limb phenomena you would like answering? Drop me a line at: studio@ publishingmagazinesltd.com Note: Rachael Horton is an expert in Hypnotherapy with a keen interest in natural techniques for pain relief rather than Phantom Limb Pain. Techniques represented here are safe and natural ways to promote comfort and symptom relief which have been trialled for use with PLP sufferers by the EmPower editorial teams. Always seek medical guidance on the suitability of techniques for you.

If you are able to do so comfortably, go

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Wheelchair Dance Sport


he aims of the WDSA (UK) are to promote and develop wheelchair dancing as a sport and leisure activity across the country and to raise the standard of instructors and competition in the UK and internationally at all levels. Go to the website for more information, support or advice and to see videos of their work plus case studies showing the benefits individuals have experienced by participating in WSDA (UK) activities.

For example our trainers attended a physiotherapy department as an alternative form of Physio for the regular people that attended. One of the participants was called James who was 36 and was covered in tattoos and

body piercings. James had been in a motorcycle accident and had his right leg below the knee amputated, sat on the side of the room until the trainers begrudgingly go James to agree to take part in the workshop. James was having difficulty moving the wheelchair due to the prosthetic leg he was wearing, so the trainer suggested he either tried it standing up or took the leg off. James decided to stand and although he was not steady on his feet and he was not sure that he could dance with his prosthetic leg let alone with a wheelchair user, but once he had gone around the room a couple of times with different dances and some music that he could relate to, he carried on and dancing for the rest of the day. He even took of his leg when he was tired and danced using a wheelchair, so he could still take part. When the physiotherapist returned her jaw nearly dropped to the floor at seeing James dancing. She came over to the trainers once the workshop had finished telling the trainers “that she had not expected him to

WHEELCHAIR DANCE SPORT ASSOCIATION (UK) The aims of the WDSA (UK) are to promote and develop wheelchair dancing as a sport and leisure activity across the country and to raise the standard of instruction and competition in the UK and internationally at all levels. They also aim to making dancing, fun and exciting for their members and workshop participants so that people who do wheelchair dance are proud to say “I can do that!”

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stay for longer than 10 minutes as James said that “dancing is a girl’s thing and not that hard work”. James stayed for 4 hours, and decided that he liked the sport and agreed it was not a just girls sport. James has continued to practice and joined his local group, where he has competed at National and International competitions. James is also going to become a level 2 instructor and plans on taking the course in Bedfordshire this year, to start his own group up.

If like James you want to get involved or discuss how you can be involved call the WDSA (UK) on 0300 111 30 45 or email info@wdsauk.co.uk or look at our website www.wdsauk.co.uk

LEVEL 2 INSTRUCTOR COURSE DEVON RECEIVES FUNDING! This great support given to the WDSA (UK) will mean that the courses can now be offered for £250 The fantastic course will enable you to become a qualified instructor and help you to start your own group within your community.


LimbPower: Get into sport >> Written by Kiera Roche - Limb Power (Registered charity no: 1132829)

Exercise and sport can be an incredibly rewarding, improving your fitness, increasing mobility and co-ordination, making every day activities more manageable, as well as preventing long-term health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes.


here are also social and psychological benefits to participation in sport including increased self-confidence, self-esteem and the prevention of depression. Studies have shown that fitness levels of disabled people are lower than their non-disabled peers and this is caused by a sedentary lifestyle. So how do we as amputees and ambulant disabled people go about increasing our health and fitness? According to research the major barriers to participation are the expense of taking part, a lack of self confidence, uncomfortable socket, unsure where to start, self-conscious, physical pain or not having a leg that fits properly. Expense – Not all physical activities are expensive, in fact many amputees who take part in sport have chosen a sport or physical activity that they can do on their own. According to the “Adults with a disability and sport national survey 2000-2001”, nine out of the ‘top ten’ most popular sports were activities that can be played as an individual: swimming, cue sports, cycling, aerobics, keep fit or yoga, gym, gymnastics, darts, golf and pitch & putt, football and tenpin bowling or skittles. Socket Comfort and not having a leg that fits properly– Socket comfort is key to everything. If a socket is not comfortable then mobility is restricted and taking part in physical activity become more difficult and sometimes painful. If your socket is not comfortable YOU MUST go back to your limb centre, however your discomfort may be physiological and altering the socket may not solve the problem, but there are sports you can participate in without wearing a prosthesis such as wheelchair basketball,

sitting volleyball, swimming and cycling. There are many hints and tips to help with socket comfort in between fittings to enable you to continue exercising and it is worth joining the LimbPower Facebook group or one of the other online groups to learn about these. LimbPower also have a number of fact sheets available upon request. Our prosthetic advisor Ian Jones is always willing to give free advice to LimbPower members. Lack of confidence and self-conscious – To help build self-confidence we recommend that you find a buddy to support you when you are trying a new sport. If you don’t know anyone locally you are welcome to ask if one of our members from your local area will join you. We also suggest that you come along to the LimbPower Games 17th-18th May or Junior Games 4th05th October, which are designed to help, new amputees engage in sport in a conducive and safe environment. These event are organised by amputees for amputees. Coaches from the National Governing Bodies of sport who have experience in working with disabled people attend the event to run the sessions. Unsure where to start – There is a lot of information on disability sport, it’s just a matter of finding the information, which is where LimbPower come in. Each major sport has a national governing body and many of these have a commitment to inclusion and disability sport, so it is advisable to contact the National Governing Body to find out where and when you can play. LimbPower have a full list of these National Governing bodies available upon request. Many sports have open days to introduce new people to their sport and LimbPower promote these on our website and to our online groups.

Have you heard of the Inclusive Fitness Initiative? This is managed by the English Federation of Disability Sport covering over 400 IFI Mark accredited gym facilities. These are gyms equipped with range of IFI accredited fitness equipment with highly trained gym staff who are experts in providing advice on adapted physical activity. You can search for a gym near you at www.efds.co.uk/inclusive_ fitness/ifi_gyms Many gyms offer discounted membership for disabled people. So do ask. LimbPower run a number of events throughout the year to introduce amputees and the ambulant disabled to sport, so come along to one of these events and find out more about what you can do. The LimbPower Games had 21 sports on offer. Alternatively you can visit the Parasport website and find local clubs in your area. parasport.org.uk/find-a-sport Many amputees and ambulant disabled people think that you need a bespoke prosthesis to take part in sport. This is not the case for the majority of sports and levels of amputation. Many Paralympic sports do not require a bespoke prosthesis, but they might require other equipment, such as a bespoke chair, or adaptive aids, however many of the clubs will provide this for you and you can get help with purchasing equipment. Once you are taking part at a competent level or competing you might find that you need a bespoke prosthesis. For more information please visit: www.limbpower.com

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ADVENTURE REHAB: The Re-Inspiration Process


realised today that it is 11 years to the day that I fell off a mountain route in Alaska that resulted in me being an amputee.. It’s been quite a journey since but one that now I wonder if some traumatic things are just there to give you a different view on life... My team and I have been delivering innovative rehabilitation programmes now for 4 years – I remained in the Royal Marines for 8 years as an operational Commando Officer, as an Amputee –once I had rehabilitated. In many ways I realise that 11 years on – I am still rehabilitating – or am I just living life. Perhaps its the same thing? When I came to the end of my time in the Royal Marines I had been involved in leading rehabilitation expeditions and training in a military context and setting up ADVENTURE REHAB seemed the natural progression. I wanted to build a small team to inspire and lead innovative recovery programmes for amputees. Since 2010 we have been doing exactly that. Running 1 or 2 annual programmes depending on demand we lead groups of determined amputees on residential programmes that have helped them to recover both their physical and personal confidence, skills and ability. You don’t have to have been Ranaulph Fiennes to join us – and nor is the course simply the preserve of the 21 year old motorcyclist – male or female , fit or want to be fitter – our courses will tick your need for innovation, inspiration and carefully guided recovery to return to real life – in the manner you want to live it. You will need to find your sense of humour – and we will re-model your perceptions of what you cannot do.. so be warned !? I thought we should explore a few common questions that seem to crop up when people are choosing whether a course with ADVENTURE REHAB might work for them. So why this emphasis on ADVENTURE?.. Simple – we are all creative and enjoy a challenge – many of those traumatically injured did dynamic jobs, or at least participated in dynamic activities – for some that’s exactly the reason they are amputees

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in the first place! To recover that key aspect of ourselves post injury or amputation is critical to our successful recovery. To recover that zest for life, that drive and passion for our pursuits and that professional or social self assurance we have found that ADVENTURE activities deliver all of the key aspects of good recovery plus more. They are usually reliant on a group performance and on team work. If you can then deliver adventure based team work to a peer group all experiencing similar challenges both physically and emotionally then you have powerful model to guide people through a process that supports them achieving massive gains in their confidence and their self appreciation, plus when carefully lead, the real time experience and geography has huge therapeutic value, from stress relief, to developing fitness and self confidence to improving limb fit and re-establishing our ability to make dynamic judgements and to enjoy being active again. Carefully coached and lead we have seen this process change people’s self perception and view point and recover their ‘go for’ in a very short period of time. 6-8 Months?.. I cant take that long off work!.. Why such an extended period? ADVENTURE REHAB courses extend from 6-8 months – its not continuous delivery – but it is regular residential weeks (every 4-6 weeks), in inspiring locations doing a very challenging programme of carefully guided activities. The programme is progressive – and tailored to the group, allot of planning and thought goes into ensuring that the unique needs of the individual and the group are met and that the adventure programme is led and balanced by a team of inspirational mentors and leaders. The programme and goals that individuals work towards are coached and mentored by the team between residential weeks and immediately the participants on the courses are able to support each other and gain an immediate peer support network that has been difficult up to now to engineer. Particularly with like minded individuals. We believe that this process – to be successful – needs to be delivered over an extended period of time, so that individuals and their

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families can make the adjustments to their behaviours and to their collective aspirations slowly – and to be allowed time under supported circumstances to experience and cope with the inevitable speed humps and challenges that litter the path to successful recovery. You say you involve peoples families?..Why involve families? Recovery is not a solo sport – It can’t be. If we try and maintain that it is we will most likely find the journey at best very very lonely and hard, and at worst never recover our capability and reach our potential. Our families, friends and significant others – are not only crucial in this journey with us – but also need their own support to come to terms with the circumstances and also to have some useful support in understanding how much is enough and when is it OK to just take 10 minutes to themselves and to stop worrying. Some of the most powerful moments for me on this ADVENTURE REHAB journey have been seeing injured mums and dads finding a way to go back to doing adventurous things with their kids, be it canoeing, abseiling or simply lighting a fire on a beach having taken the dinghy in from a yacht together – having the opportunity to show people that there is a way to regain this element of your life or to discover it for the first time is a very powerful tool in supporting peoples recovery and showing them that traumatic situations, whilst not what any of us would have chosen – can actually be an opportunity. Personally speaking the ADVENTURE REHAB team is all about ‘traumatic growth’ and about seeking the positive in our circumstances. So if you read this wondering if you’re going to ever get your trainers back on, or wanting to dust off that Kayak in your shed.. you should probably drop us a line.. but be prepared to re-find your sense of humour and for the journey to be.. well, an ADVENTURE like no other you’ve had.

>> By Jim Bonney: Lead coach & director of ADVENTURE REHAB Visit: www.adventurerehab.co.uk Email: info@adventurerehab.co.uk


Get Running! >> Written by: Hayley Ginn, Owner & Coach for Carbon Motion (www.carbonmotion.co.uk)


any lower limb amputees often feel they will never walk ‘normally’ again let alone have the opportunity to GET RUNNING!

Running is a skill that opens doors to many other activities and sports - yet it is something we often take for granted As toddlers we are not specifically taught to run. Our parents help us to take our first steps but eventually we find our own way to run around through trial and error and by copying those around us. Day-to-day we wouldn’t think twice about breaking into a ‘sprint’ to make sure we don’t miss the next bus! For a person with a lower limb loss or dysfunction, these bursts of activity require far more thought and effort. Although learning to run for the first time with a prosthetic limb can be a challenge, as with many skills, if we break it down into its core elements it suddenly becomes significantly less daunting. What are the benefits of running? • Improves physical fitness • Improves self-confidence • Improves mental wellbeing • Provides satisfaction and a sense of achievement • Gets you out • Gives you more freedom • Opens doors to other physical activities/ sports What are the common hurdles you might come across? • Socket Fit & Liner issues As with everyday activity, it is imperative that your socket is comfortable. When running, increased loading and impact forces are placed on the residual limb. Speak to your prosthetist if you have any concerns. • Sweating & soreness Sweating of the residual limb is common in most amputees. In the short term, the best way to deal with is to make sure you have a towel with you and take plenty of breaks to wipe down the residual limb. Not doing this can lead to soreness, an increased chance of

spots, ingrowing hairs and infections. Longterm there are a number of stump deodorant based products that can be used to help reduce sweating. Speak to your prosthetist about the options available to you. • Injury of the sound limb Injury of the sound limb or ankle in singleleg amputees is very common. This is often due to the use of compensatory movements made by the sound limb to overcome a lack of momentum or improper use of their prosthesis. If introduction to running is individual to the client, drills are executed correctly and appropriate progression is applied, then the chance of injury can be significantly reduced. What can you do to get started? 1. Talk & Ask Speak to patients & staff at your local limb centre – particularly those that may have learnt to run recently themselves and quiz them on their experiences. If you ‘don’t ask you don’t get’. 2. Inform & Seek Inform key specialists (such as your prosthetist or physiotherapist) that you plan to start running so that they can best advise you. Seek specialist guidance from an experienced running coach - preferably someone who has had experience working with amputees. 3. Understand Equipment It is important to understand that it isn’t all about having an all-singing-all-dancing running prosthesis! There is plenty you can do to get started such as mobility, strength and walking/running based drills. It is, however, important to recognise when you have reached the boundaries of your current prosthetic equipment or alignment.

technique takes dedicated time and practice. There will be times where you want to give up, but if you commit, work hard and believe it can happen - it will! Key things to be aware of • Posture & Body Awareness It is critical to develop an understanding and awareness of your own body alignment and posture. This will also help to reduce the chance of injury. As a physiotherapist may have already told you – your core stability and glute (buttock) strength are key to walking correctly and fundamental if you want to run correctly. • Symmetry This refers to many things including step and stride length, foot placement or arm action. You should always be aiming to move as symmetrically as you possibly can. Arm action is a great example of this. The action of the arms is as important as the action of your legs and or prosthesis when running. When walking, jogging or running the arms and legs move in opposition to one another. Getting this action in time with the bodies natural oscillation will help aid symmetry, balance and momentum which in turn contribute to overall economy of movement. • Progression Initial exposure to running and associated activity should be gradual. As the client makes progress, volume and intensity should never be increased at the same time - this will help keep the risk of injury low. Who else can help? Carbon Motion is a company that works with lower limb amputees: teaching them how to run and or enhancing their technique via one2one or group coaching sessions.

4. Practice Under guidance given to you by a specialist running coach or physiotherapist, take the time to practice the drills you are given. It is all designed to help you progress and skipping foundations can lead to trouble ahead! 5. Believe & Persevere Learning to run or improving your running

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VisitEngland Awards for Excellence 2014

Access for All Tourism Award visitengland.com/visitengland-awards-excellence-2014

SILVER Eureka! The National Children’s Museum is delighted to be shortlisted for the second year running in the Access for All category. A multi award winning attraction, Eureka! remains a hugely popular family day out and our Helping Hands programme ensures that inclusion is a natural element of the visitor experience. Eureka! really is for everyone, thanks to our new inclusively designed All About Me gallery, our autism and sign language training for staff, clubs for disabled children, pop up sensory room, ear defenders, consultancy initiatives with visitor groups, and not forgetting our unique Extra Pair of Hands visitor support service.

GOLD Calvert Trust Exmoor is an activity adventure centre with a difference! Not only is it the only five star activity accommodation in the country, all the facilities and activities are specifically designed and equipped to be accessible to all.

Calvert Trust Exmoor enables people with physical, learning, behavioural and sensory disabilities to experience exciting and enjoyable outdoor activity adventures in the company of their family and friends. A wide range of accessible facilities are on site, from hoists to Deafgard alarms, braille brochures to wheelchair charging facilities, and high needs wet-rooms to chefs proficient in catering for any dietary requirement.

Calvert Trust Exmoor Kentisbury, Devon calvert-trust.org.uk/exmoor

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Eureka! The National Children’s Museum Halifax, West Yorkshire eureka.org.uk


HIGHLY COMMENDED Living Options Devon: Countryside Mobility Scheme. Exeter, Devon, countrysidemobility.org

The Sandcastle Waterpark Team is passionate about delivering a fully inclusive guest experience – from Lifeguards to Caterers, Maintenance to Reception, each member of the team is keen to ensure each guest has a truly fun-filled and memorable visit. Sandcastle Waterpark has substantially invested in the accessible facilities and services it offers. Guest Service and Access for All training programmes are undertaken with mentoring from Guest Service and Inclusion Managers. Disability groups are engaged to ensure a wider spectrum of disabilities are understood and accommodated. Sandcastle Waterpark actively promotes, both nationally and internationally, a positive message for Accessibility, and puts Accessible Tourism truly at the heart of everything it does.

Sandcastle Waterpark Blackpool, Lancashire sandcastle-waterpark.co.uk

The Countryside Mobility scheme, run by charity Living Options Devon, provides easy access to the South West’s outdoor visitor attractions. Working in partnership with a wide range of organisations and tourism businesses, all-terrain mobility scooters and wheelchair accessible boats are available for use at more than 30 locations across South West England. The not-for-profit initiative enables people with limited mobility to independently explore outdoor visitor attractions regardless of their physical ability or the condition of path surfaces. The scheme allows individuals, couples, friends and families to enjoy spending time outdoors together on equal terms with other visitors.

Jurys Inn Brighton Brighton, East Sussex jurysinns.com/hotels/ brighton

Brighton is steeped both in history and fresh sea air, and nestled conveniently in the New England Quarter is our Jurys Inn hotel. This ideal location gives business guests and seaside visitors an ideal springboard to enjoy all that the city has to offer. Our award winning Brighton hotel stands as a beacon across the county of East Sussex and the south coast for its work on Accessible and Sustainable tourism and has won numerous awards including – Highly Commended Access for All at The Beautiful South Awards, Gold Responsible Business at the Sussex Business Awards, and holds 3 Gold GTBS ratings.

Curve, Leicester

Cultural Quarter, Leicester, curveonline.co.uk Curve is one of the UK’s leading producing theatres based in the heart of Leicester’s Cultural Quarter. With its impressive glass façade, Curve offers a completely unique theatrical experience with no traditional backstage area separating the magical world of theatre-making from the public. Curve’s design and complementary programmes ensure accessibility to all of Leicester’s communities through offering affordable ticket pricing, a full range of access performances and free Foyer Stage performances. Since opening in 2008 over 750,000 people have seen a production in its three theatre spaces, with a further over 50,000 having taken part in community activity.

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A summer of wildlife with the RSPB


altholme is a wildlife oasis in the heart of Teesside. The dramatic skyline contrasts sharply with the lush wet grassland reserve and provides numerous opportunities to connect with nature for novice nature enthusiasts and seasoned birders alike. This time of year is amazing on the reserve; you can’t help but experience wildlife. From the dragonflies that dart across the paths to the common terns and sand martins feeding their young, the skies are full of life. Spend a little longer exploring

Prepare for an exciting journey through 350 million years of evolution

D and you will see water rails foraging amongst the reeds, and yellow wagtails patrolling the meadows. Overhead the distinctive cry of the peregrine falcon can be heard as the adult birds teach this year’s young all they need to know to survive, and an occasional hobby swoops in, fast and low to take advantage of the bounty of dragonflies. With a range of wide bound gravel paths around the reserve and a collection of hides and screens to bring you closer to nature, this truly is a fantastic place to enjoy for everyone.

iscover the story of our planet and its people at the Great North Museum: Hancock. Highlights of this popular museum include a planetarium and a life-size T.rex dinosaur skeleton, mummies from ancient Egypt, a largescale, interactive model of Hadrian’s Wall with major displays showing the wonder and diversity of the animal and plant kingdoms. The museum has an ever changing programme of free family events, exhibitions and adult learning programmes. Great North Museum: Hancock is open seven days a week from Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm,

Saturday 10am – 4pm and Sunday 11am – 4pm and has free entry. The museum serves as a gateway to the environment and landscape of north east England, with the Hadrian’s Wall Gallery displaying exhibits from the entire length of the wall in the single greatest collection of artefacts from the World Heritage Site. The Great North Museum: Hancock was Joint Winner of the Visit England Access for All Gold Award in 2012. The museum has limited blue badge onsite parking – full accessibility details are at: greatnorthmuseum.org.uk

Visit RSPB Saltholme the wildlife reserve and discovery park Seaton Carew Road, Port Clarence, Middlesbrough. TS2 1TU rspb.org.uk/saltholme 01642 546625

What will you discover?

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Joint Winner of Visit England Access For All Tourism Gold Award 2012 See our website for full access details www.greatnorthmuseum.org.uk Great North Museum: Hancock, Barras Bridge, Newcastle, NE2 4PT Tel: (0191) 222 6765 • Textphone: 18001 0191 222 6765

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16/12/2013 11:27

Take a tour of our facilities Wheely Independent Available to hire a Motor Home bought and adapted using the knowledge and experience of John, the owner, Who is a T10 Paraplegic wheelchair user of 21 years along with the skilled workmanship of Coachbuilt GB who are experts in the adaptation of Motor homes & Caravans. I am pleased to be in partnership with Coachbuilt Accessible Vehicle Hire who will deal with hire bookings.

For further information please contact John:

07887 525159 wheelyindependent@aol.com For hire details and fees visit: www.wheelyindependent.co.uk

Sleeping Arrangements, 4 or 5 berth hire: Sleeping arrangements are flexible with one double bed in the overhead Cab, one single converted from the Side dinette and the rear has a fixed Transverse bed with wheelchair Access for easy transfers, Posture relief mattress and under bed access for hoist transfers, in the 5 berth and a central double bed and double over cab in 4 berth

The main area of the lounge is left open to allow plenty of space for a wheelchair turning circle and has flush mounted Wheelchair restraints for wheelchair travelling which ensures all passengers Travel in close proximity for social interaction and enables carers to be in close attention if required.

Front Lounge: The off side bench seat has a Removable centre cushion which When removed provides leg room for Passengers when travelling in the facing seat belted seats. Both seats have side pull out sections to give maximum flexibility providing up to four seats plus a Wheelchair around the table for dining plus the additional swivel cab seats allow many combinations for entertaining.

Bathroom: The bathroom is converted into a full wet room in both motor homes and complete with ‘Altro Marine’ flooring. The standard door remains but is complemented by a hinged corner wall section that opens up allowing full access to the toilet and bathroom. A full shower curtain is provided and use of toilet and shower facilities can be by use of the shower curtain only or standard use, fully enclosed.

Kitchen: The kitchen is fully equipped with full oven, grille, hob, sink, microwave and fridge.

59 www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 57

“Eureka! a great place for a truly inclusive family day out!� Visit England silver award winner 2014

Enjoy an Extra Pair of Hands!

We can come to you

Visit us as a family and book a trained Eureka! Enabler dedicated to you for two hours (pre-booking essential).

Experience sensory story sessions for hearing and visually impaired children at schools and nurseries.

Meet other families

Bring your support group

Enjoy fun activities and supported gallery visits, all led by our Enablers at one of our Saturday or Holiday Clubs for disabled children.

Book a Sunday club session just for your organisation. Choose from themes like Animal Adventurers, Little Monsters or Space Explorers.

For more information visit: www.eureka.org.uk/helpinghands or call 01422 330069.



Eureka! Ask the Families


ureka! The National Children’s Museum opened in 1992, the culmination of a unique vision to establish a children’s museum in the UK. Eureka!’s “hands-on” nature has always made it an accessible destination for disabled children and their families, but after twenty years we wanted to take a new proactive approach towards our disabled visitors, and decided to put their opinions right at the heart of our Helping Hands project. The success of the project has been reflected in many ways, not least in receiving a Bronze award from VisitEngland in 2013, and this year we were delighted to be awarded a Silver award in the Access for All category. We started by asking disabled children and their families what would help remove the stress from a family day. They told us that an extra pair of hands would be useful – so we gave them one! A trained and friendly member of staff (called an Enabler) to tell them all about Eureka! , explain about changing facilities, quiet spaces, galleries and special events, and help the family plan their visit. The Extra Pair of Hands Enabler meets them at the door on the day, having already sent the family a photograph of themselves,

so they know who to look out for! For the next two hours, the Enabler is all theirs – guiding them through their visit and making sure that the whole family enjoy their day. Our Extra Pair of Hands service is, we believe, unique to Eureka! Access to social activities is difficult for many disabled children and their families. A recent survey (Scope, Feb 2014) suggests that as many as 3 in 5 feel that their children don’t have fair access to leisure. So we introduced Helping Hands clubs, where disabled children participate in activities alongside non-disabled family and friends, and enjoy a supported visit to the museum galleries. We know that disabled families often experience unfriendly attitudes, not just from organisations, but from other families too. We believe the clubs also send other visitors home with a positive message about disability and Eureka’ s commitment to being an inclusive organisation. The Extra Pair of Hands service and the Helping Hands clubs are just two of the suggestions from disabled families which Eureka! has implemented. Summarising the lack of inclusive leisure opportunities, Richard Hawkes, the CEO

of Scope said: “It isn’t right that many disabled children and young people never have the opportunity to socialise and play with other children in their area…we need to see a culture change in how local groups and centres are planned and run, so that they are open to all children and families.” At Eureka!, with the help of disabled families, the culture change has begun. We know that we’ve benefited hugely by giving disabled visitors a voice in shaping our services. For other organisations thinking about changing their approach and are not sure where to begin, I’d say – where better to start than by asking the families? Trizia Wells, Helping Hands Project Lead, Eureka! The National Children’s Museum.

For more information about our services for disabled visitors, please visit www.eureka.org.uk or contact Trizia Wells, on 01422 330069 or trizia.wells@eureka.org.uk


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www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 59


A Guide to accessible and supported holidays: >> Provided by - Heads Up Holidays: For more information visit - www.headsupholidays.com

Active Breaks:

The GreatOutdoors: If you love wide-open spaces and exploring places of interest we have loads of ideas for you.

If you are active and adventurous we can arrange all sorts of things you can do whilst you are away.


This break is in the beautiful Pembrokeshire region of Wales. The accommodation is in the form of beautiful, modern wood cabins (adapted cabins available). They are based in a small private village between two valleys. There are lots of activities available such as archery, bike riding, fishing, laser clay shooting, driving range, guided walks, tennis, badminton and lots more. A selection of restaurants, bars and shops in the village, it makes it the perfect place to stay.

Lake District

The Lake District is one of England’s most stunning National Parks. Its lakes and mountains have inspired many literary giants such as William Wordsworth, John Ruskin and Beatrix Potter. There is a charm and tranquility to it’s historic towns, the narrow cobbled streets are lined with quaint shops, delightful restaurants and cafes. Not only is this district a beautiful place to visit, the activities available are endless. These include horse riding, golf lessons, cookery lessons, sailing, fishing, water sports, motor sports and archery to name a few.

Sun, Sea City Breaks: & Sand:

Exploring the sights of a city, taking in the atmosphere, visiting the theatre, galleries, concert halls or restaurants may be your want.

Relaxing by the sea in the warm summer sunshine may be your desire, that’s no problem to us, as we will make all the arrangements for you to make your dream come true.


The Algarve is a magical region of Portugal full wonderful places to visit, sights to see and entertainment to enjoy. We have found the far western area of this region the most delightful as it offers a balance of charm and history with a blend of creature comforts and facilities to please everyone.

There is so much to see and do here such as swimming with dolphins, canoeing, taking a jeep safari, zoo trips, sailing, golf, art lessons and of course, some wonderful boat trips around this breathtaking coastline.

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There’s nothing quite like heading off to the City of London for a weekend break. A city that never sleeps, there is so much to see and do you’re spoilt for choice. Imagine riding on a traditional open top red London bus, taking in the well known sites such as Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square to name a few. Maybe then you could opt for an afternoon tea at Kensington Palace and finish with a trip to the West End to see a show. We can also arrange great seats at the O2 Arena to see your favourite musicians.

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Family Holidays: You may never have been away with your family because it just seems too hard to organize everything.


A country known for its beautiful scenery, lovely traditional, cobbled towns and stunning coastal beaches. In the south Malaga, Costa del Sol, Valencia and Barcelona all offer unique qualities to a holiday that will suit everyone’s taste. They encompass amazing art galleries, relentless nightlife, exceptional live music, a feast of fine restaurants and tapas bars. Activities are plentiful from learning to dance or cook local cuisine, horse riding, boating, playing golf, visiting national parks or taking part in water sports.

Winter Breaks: You may think it impossible to take a winter holiday and experience the thrill of skiing down a mountain, well think again as we know several places who can cater for all kinds of disabilities.


Take a trip to the French Alps anytime of the year where you can explore a beautiful part of the French Aravis Mountains an hour from Geneva. The villages of Grand Bornand, St Jean de Sixt and La Clusaz have a charming, warm, French character for those who just love good food and relaxing to adventurous walkers and skiers alike. During the warmer months you can trek, Mountain bike, enjoy the sights, local culinary delights and soak up the atmosphere here.



Our holidays aim to make your dreams become a reality


eads up Holidays is the first holiday company of its kind in the world and we are proud of it. With our healthcare background, local knowledge and holiday experience we can offer a safe, supportive and exciting environment for clients.

Our holidays aim to make your dreams become a reality. We encourage independence and self-confidence through our carefully selected accommodation and activities. Our holidays are cost effective because you pay for the care at the time you need it using our experienced Support Workers.

We can also cater for around the clock nursing care. We have seen and heard our clients after their holiday experience and the results are long lasting. We know our holidays help in the long term rehabilitation process which is why we spend so much time ensuring we get each holiday itinerary just right and why Heads Up will never do package holidays. With holidays ranging from Activity Breaks, The Great Outdoors, Family, Sun-Sea & Sand, City Breaks and Winter Holidays; We are here to help you every step of the way and holidays are our passion. Visit our website for some fabulous holiday ideas...

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20/04/2012 20/04/2012 13:18 13:18

63 www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 61

EMPOWER: TRAVEL be checking in after enjoying a great night’s sleep and tucking into a delicious breakfast. A night’s stay at an airport hotel can be much cheaper than you think - with savings of up to 40%. Often, a hotel with parking for the duration of your holiday can cost little more than the parking alone.


oliday Extras is the UK’s number one provider for holiday add-ons such as airport hotels, parking and lounges. Their mission is to make travel easier for their customers.

The company offers hotels and parking that is close to most UK airports, as well as the cruise ports of Dover and Southampton. A holiday gets the best possible start when it begins with an airport hotel – particularly when there is the pressure of checking in for a flight at the crack of dawn! Instead of a stressful drive to the airport, you could

An especially convenient service is Meet and Greet or Valet parking, which can be enjoyed at most major UK airports. Meet and Greet parking is perfect for helping take the hassle out of travel for disabled travellers. Mrs Munns, a Holiday Extras customer, travelled with her family and young children. She wrote: “Valet parking at Stansted was very convenient and easy for my disabled father. No problems and easy access to the terminal on departure, and the car was ready for us on our return.” Holiday Extras also offers a bespoke holiday insurance

service. Latitude - a service designed specifically for those with pre-existing medical conditions. In 2013, Holiday Extras was awarded the title of Best Insurance Provider at the Globe Travel Awards for the sixth year in a row. As well as this, they scooped a Travel Bulletin Star Award –making them the favourite supplier of holiday insurance as voted by travel agents. Over 31 years, the company has built a reputation for providing hassle-free holidays, and the range of add-ons available at airports around the country has grown.

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15/04/2014 14:04

EMPOWER: SOFIA MAYA CROCKATT The first thing being, “How many parents get to watch their child take their first steps….TWICE!” Fast-forward 7 years, Sofia, is an energetic, positive and sports crazy 9 ½ year old with a smile to light up any room. Sofia’s first introduction to the possibilities for amputees in sport, was thanks to a fantastic charity LimbPower; run by Kiera Roche, an amputee and an inspiration in her own right! A LimbPower “Learn to Run” clinic, highlighted the limitations of Sofia’s day-to-day prosthesis. We invited Sofia’s Prosthetic Consultant, Dr Fergus Jepson, (SMRC Preston), who gave us some great advice, and offered to investigate how Sofia might have her own running leg. The NHS, thanks to Fergus, provided Sofia with her first Ossur Flex Run ® blade leg at the age of 8. Since then she has continued to embrace sport to the fullest extent. Athletics is her first love, London 2012 being a huge turning point in her life, and that of us as a family. Posters on her wall of “Justin Bieber” were ceremoniously ripped up, and replaced with images of Stefanie Reid, Richard Whitehead and Jonnie Peacock. Over the last few years, she is been fortunate to meet these phenomenal athletes, and they have each, in different ways, been a huge source of advice and motivation for Sofia and the rest of the Crockatts. 2012 Paralympic Long Jump Silver Medalist, and current T44 World Record Holder, (Not to mention Empower cover girl!) Stef Reid has been a constant motivation for Sofia, as a very strong female role model. Stef now refers to Sofia as her “Leg Sister”. Sofia is obsessed with para- athletics, attending a weekly athletics club in Blackpool, She is the only “differently abled” athlete and loves sprinting and long jumping. Sofia decided to take part in the 2013 Mini Great North Run in Gateshead – Her goal was simply to complete the run, time was irrelevant. This she completed, with an impressive sprint finish in front of the cheering crowds. Sofia raised over £10,000 for the Meningitis Research Foundation.

Age 9, Left - Below Knee Amputee. Right - Rigid Orthosis due to severe muscle and tissue damage. At the age of 2, Sofia was almost taken from us after she contracted Meningococcal Septicaemia. She survived the disease, but at the cost of her left leg. As parents, we were devastated. We sometimes wish it were possible to speak to our 2007 selves, and tell them, everything for Sofia was going to be fine.

We have learned a great deal over the last few years regarding UK prosthesis provision. We know that it is crucial to have a solid relationship with the NHS, but also, that the independent sector can pla a huge role . Sofia has an incredible HD or “Party” leg, expertly crafted by Dorset Orthopaedic who very generously provided Sofia with an additional “suction” socket blade. Research, and discussions with consultants, prosthetists and industry, confirmed that paediatric prostheses are actually limited in variety. This helped us align our expectations, and understand exactly what Sofia needed! Quite simply, it was all about the socket!! A comfortable, well fitting socket can make a huge difference. Sofia’s running blade is the prosthetic equivalent of a pair of trainers!! When we go running, I put on my trainers; Sofia puts on her “blade”. Last year, Sofia was honoured to become the Meningitis Research Foundation’s first ever Junior Ambassador. She has embraced this role with a passion, and as well as raising thousands of pounds, has also given presentations at local schools on the subject of Meningitis. Sofia would love to excel at sport in the future, and if one day she is successful and talented enough to achieve her dream and represent her country, that would be incredible. For now, we simply want her to enjoy life, play with her friends, be motivated to keep fit and healthy, and have has much fun as is humanly possible!! Sofia is without doubt driven, motivated, and surprisingly mature for her age. We are sure that sport will always be part of her life, whichever career direction she chooses.

>> Written by: Nick Crockatt, Father of Sofia Maya Crockatt.

Sofia will be taking part in the 2014 Mini Great Manchester Run, and the 2014 Mini Great North Run for a second year. Horseriding - In the early stages of Sofia’s rehabilitation this seemed an impossible dream, but now something Sofia relishes. She has ridden for over a year, at a none RDA riding school, recently attempting her first jumps. Cycling – Always a challenge for Sofia. Mainly, due to the limitations of her “remaining” leg. Most kids take this for granted, so you can imagine her frustration. This Christmas Sofia got her first hand-cycle, which is now known as “Violet”. She can be seen most weekends whizzing through the park.

www.empowermagazine.org.uk - Page 63


The leading voice and national charity for lower limb conditions in the UK


ith almost 24,000 youngsters born each year in the UK with hip dysplasia, nearly 1,000 with clubfoot / talipes and over 150 with a lower limb deficiency, STEPS Charity gives essential support and information to individuals and families.

STEPS provides: The only national telephone helpline (01925 750 271 – weekdays) A family contacts register, A professionals database, Free publications – booklets, DVDs and posters, A very active online forum via our website www.steps-charity.org.uk.

touch and we can put you in touch with other families who have faced a similiar experience.

As well as Hip Dysplasia and Talipes (Clubfoot), STEPS supports families who have a child with a Lower Limb Deficiency. They offer the following guidance:

You can call the STEPS Helpline on 01925 750271 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm) or email us at: info@steps-charity.org.uk Visit: www.steps-charity.org.uk

Depending on the type of deficiency affecting a child the options for treatment will vary depending on which bones are present, the size and shape of them and any abnormalities in other structures such as muscles and ligaments. When considering treatment options for a child it is important to remember there is not a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision. It is based on the beliefs and aspiration of each unique family and a child’s lower limb deficiency. Never feel pressured into making any quick decisions and always ensure that you have clear unbiased information about a child’s treatment plan. If you consider leg lengthening is the best treatment option for a child please call our helpline 01925 750271 and request a copy of the Parents Guide to Frames which explains the treament in detail. If you are in the process of deciding whether leg lengthening or amputation is the best choice, or if amputation is the only option, please get in

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We understand that this can be a very confusing time. If you have questions, concerns or simply feel you would like someone to talk to - please do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to help.

SCAT Bone Cancer Trust: FIRST Blade Runner in 32 years to Run the Children’s Cancer Run.


edicated Kieran Maxwell, 15, has become the first blade runner to take part in the Children’s Cancer Run to raise money for the North of England Children’s Cancer Research fund. In 2010, Kieran was diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive bone cancer – Ewings Sarcoma. This resulted in the amputation of his left leg – through the knee. Ewing’s Sarcoma is a rare disease whereby a specific form of tumour, consisting of cancerous cells, forms in the bone or soft tissue.

cause that is so important and personal to him.”

In addition, whilst fighting Ewings Sarcoma for the second time, Kieran completed the Mini Great North run in aid of Bone Cancer Research Trust and the 5k fun-run with Richard Whitehead in aid of Sarcoma UK and Scope. Admirably Kieran trained for the runs in between Chemotherapy.

Kieran completed the race whilst wearing his running blade with Custom Finish socket from Dorset Orthopaedic. Kieran, who was kindly funded for his prosthesis by SCAT Bone Cancer Trust, was delighted when he received his socket finished by the Dorset Orthopaedic team in Newcastle United’s, colours and badge!

“Kieran enjoys keeping fit and healthy and loves that he is able to run with his blade. He enjoys the freedom that running gives him and he is hoping to compete in disability athletics so that one day he can represent his country.”

“Kieran was thrilled to be asked to officially start the Children’s Cancer mini run. Kieran also took part in the event himself and completed the mile route in 12 minutes – a time he was very proud to have achieved! He found the event great fun and he always enjoys taking part in sporting events, especially when he is raising money for a

Kieran wears a High-Activity prosthesis and Custom-Finish Socket for gymnastics and the mini Great North run.

The Children’s Cancer Run is not the only impressive sporting event that Kieran has been involved in. Kieran carried the Olympic Torch in 2012, received tips on how to run on his prosthetic leg from Paralympic athletes Jonnie Peacock, Richard Whitehead and Stef Reid Lakatos, and previously won a gold medal at the Wheelchair Acrobatics Section of the NDP British Gymnastics Acrobatic National Championships!

Kieran, who only finished a high dose of Chemo with stem cell rescue in November 2013, took part in the Children’s Cancer Run on the 11th of May. The Children’s Cancer Run has been running since 1982, yet Kieran is the first blade runner ever to take part! Kieran, who is now in remission, was determined to raise money for the North of England Children’s Cancer Research Fund to support vital research into his illness.

Kieran started and took part in the event’s ‘mini run’, which begins at the final mile of the main five-mile route. Kieran’s mum Nicola comments on the event;


Kieran is truly inspirational and continues to have a positive outlook on life;

For more information about Dorset Orthopaedic and for updates about clients and clinicians visit: www.dorset-ortho.com and www.facebook.com/ DorsetOrthopaedic Contact Dorset Orthopaedic: +44 (0) 1425 481 794 enquiry@dorset-ortho.com www.dorset-ortho.com Kieran Maxwell fund: www.kieranmaxwell.com Contact SCAT: scatbonecancertrust.org

Dorset Orthopaedic support who help clients like Kieran.

Dorset-Ortho.com Contact +44 (0)1425 481794

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his year promises to be a significant one for long established disability specialist, Fish Insurance. That’s because the company is set to launch the biggest tranche of new policies in its near 40 year history.

Managing director John Garrard reports the first to arrive will be a home insurance scheme which will specifically cover adaptations and mobility aids such as ramps, stair and bath lifts, hoists and beds, chairs and other adapted furniture. John says the launches are about pushing the business forward so that it further meets the needs of disabled people. The company already protects well over 70,000 people making it one of, if not the UK’s biggest disability insurance specialist. “Our portfolio is already pretty extensive but we’ve recognised some areas where we can enhance and complement our existing proposition, home insurance being an obvious example” he says. “That recognition has come from feedback from both our existing customers and potential ones who we meet at shows such as NAIDEX and Choice Unlimited. Their opinions are invaluable.” Whilst cagey about giving away too much away on the company’s plans - rivals have a habit of stealing Fish’s ideas - the company’s trading pedigree suggests the new policies will well serve needs. Founded in 1975, specifically to assist people with disabilities or mobility issues, Fish

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pioneered “Independent Living Insurance”, the cover that protects people who make use of direct payments or other personal budget mechanisms to employ their own personal assistants. A great example of a policy developed in consultation with disabled people themselves, the policy not only offers the liability protection which is a legal necessity, but around the clock access to specialist employment law, human resources and health and safety advice. “Direct payments have been a gamechanger for many people, really liberating, but they do carry with them their own risks,” explains John. “Overnight people go from being passive service uses, recipients of council services, to commissioners of their own care, employers. In legal terms that’s a massive shift as they must assume the same responsibilities - satisfy the same legislative requirements - as many small businesses.” The aim of the Fish policy was then not just to offer straightforward insurance protection but to help policyholders avoid getting themselves into tricky situations by inadvertently breaching, say, discrimination or working time laws. It was designed specifically to meet the challenges presented by the changed environment brought about by reform of social care provision. The launch in recent years of specialist disabled car and travel insurance policies was similarly informed. The former was inspired by the market moving towards price comparison sites which targeted, frequently exclusively, mass-market standard risks. “We found that many sites either did not serve disabled drivers or served them badly,” explains John. “For example, simple online tick-box forms meant that a car adapted to accommodate a disability could be lumped in with a cars modified to enhance their performance or

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value resulting in premiums being loaded. In the worst case cover was simply refused leading to a series of challenges under the Disability Discrimination Act. “The daft thing is our experience suggests that both disabled drivers and their vehicles present a lower not higher risk and that premiums should therefore be discounted not loaded.” In response the company launched its own policy which provides new for old cover specifically protecting adaptations as well as wheelchairs and mobility aids when carried. Its disabled travel insurance followed a similar trajectory with the company responding to often heard complaints that most insurers would not cover disabilities and pre-existing conditions. Fish stepped forward with a policy that not only did that but included disabled person friendly tweaks such as cover for the emergency replacement of a carer and prescription medicines. “We’re interested only in designing cover that’s thoroughly fit for purpose, whether it’s something relatively simple such as insurance for mobility scooters, or the more complex like independent living. Every policy has to do its job and do it for an affordable price,” asserts John.

For more details of Fish’s independent living, car, travel, mobility scooter, wheelchair and mobility equipment insurance visit fishinsurance.co.uk or call 0500 432 141.

The Disabled Insurance Specialists

Fish Insurance - The Disabled Insurance Specialists One of the UK's biggest disability insurance providers Why Choose Fish Insurance? Since 1975 Fish Insurance has provided specialist protection for the disabled, elderly and people who face mobility issues. By providing specially designed, effective and affordable cover we have grown to serve over 75,000 policyholders and become one of the UK’s biggest disability and independent living insurance providers.

Disabled Car Insurance

Independent Living Insurance

Adapted Home Insurance

Mobility Scooter & Equipment Insurance

Travel Insurance

With Medical Conditions

Visit our world at fishinsurance.co.uk or call us on 0500 432 141 find us socially, search for “fish insurance”

Calls are free from most landlines but some networks and mobile operators may charge. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30pm. Calls may be recorded and monitored for your protection. Fish Insurance is a trading name of Fish Administration Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FULL_SERVICE_ADVERT_06_2014

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