8 minute read

scholarship winners


Best and brightest


Words: Lauren Lefever

As advancements in agriculture continue to occur, it’s important to recognise and appreciate those who are making strides to create a positive change in the industry.

The NSW Farmers Tertiary Scholarship Program has been rewarding, promoting and encouraging excellence in the agriculture sector since its creation in 1993. This year, five women were the recipients of the five different $4,000 scholarships, each being honoured for commitment to agriculture advancement of regional communities.

To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be in their first or subsequent year of study, or their second year or subsequent year of university or vocational education.

Their parents or legal guardian must also have been full producer members of NSW Farmers for two consecutive years at the time of the application.

NSW Farmers Rural Affairs committee chair Garry Grant says that the scholarship is a really great opportunity for students who are dedicated and disciplined in their agriculture studies.


Below we have covered the five different scholarships students could apply for.

The EL O’Brien Scholarship

The EL O’Brien Scholarship commemorates the commitment of EL (Dick) O’Brien, a Walgett wool grower and senior official in the United Farmers and Wool Growers Association (UFWA).

The John White Memorial Scholarship

The John White Memorial Scholarship was created in honour of former NSW Farmers’ Association Chief Executive John White. John was pivotal in the process of combining the Graziers Association and the United Farmers’ and Woolgrowers’ Association in 1978 to create NSW Farmers’ Association.

The Alan Chapman Memorial Scholarship

The Alan Chapman Memorial Scholarship honours the commitment of Alan Chapman, who served for 30 years on the NSW Farmers Council and attended 51 NSW Farmers Conferences throughout his career.

The Graham Blatch Memorial Goobang Scholarship

The Graham Blatch Memorial Goobang Scholarship pays tribute to Graham Blatch, former NSW Farmers’ Association Regional Services Manager. Graham has been a member of the Association since he was 18, and has influenced many farmers throughout NSW and spent his life committed to the advancement of agriculture.

The Paul Lockyer Memorial Scholarship

The Paul Lockyer Memorial Scholarship pays respect to the work of Paul Lockyer, an Australian television journalist for the ABC and the Nine Network. He spent much of his career reporting on regional and rural issues throughout Australia.


This year, five stellar young women were chosen based on their commitment to the farming industry and their active engagement in their studies and community.


Jessica Ryan is the winner of the EL O’Brien Scholarship and she is a student from Charles Sturt University studying agriculture business management. Jessica has spent her life tending to her family’s farm and plans to continue that work after her graduation.

“Farming is an evergrowing industry, where staying innovative is getting harder yet becoming the simplest way to be profitable. I hope to be a part of the positive change in farming, even if it is in the smallest way possible,” Jessica said.


Emme Williams was the recipient of the John White Memorial Scholarship. Emme is a student from Charles Sturt University studying for a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. Emme grew up immersing herself in agriculture and rural communities. With age and experience, her passion for the agricultural industry and working alongside farmers as a veterinarian has flourished.

“I want to give back to the industry that grew such a large personal passion for livestock, through educating others and showcasing the power of animal welfare in nutrition, genetics, environment, and husbandry,” Emma said.


The winner of the Alan Chapman Memorial Scholarship is Imogen Wilkes-Bowes, a student at the University of Sydney studying for a Bachelor of Science. Imogen has grown up working on her family farm, and regularly returns home to help her parents in the farming industry.

“I have chosen to pursue



medicine because I believe that the gap in healthcare outcomes between rural and metropolitan areas can be bridged by healthcare which focuses on prevention, education and support, which I hope to provide,” Imogen said.


The winner of the Graham Blatch Memorial Goobang Scholarship is Matilda Clifton, a student at the University of Sydney receiving a Bachelors of Science. Growing up on her family’s farm, Matilda was taught the importance of teamwork from a very young age. She is concerned with the lack of mental health resources provided to younger people, and aims to bring a change to the current state of rural healthcare.

“I look forward to moving back to the country and promoting mental health awareness, increasing accessibility and knowledge of services, as well as breaking down the stigmas that farmers and country towns have surrounding mental illness,” she said.


The recipient of the Paul Lockyer Memorial Scholarship is Sophie Cargill, a student at Charles Sturt University studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. Sophie is interested in providing more mental health resources in rural areas, and plans to improve the accessibility of health services in remote areas.

“I hope to improve the quality of life experienced by Australians living in regional and remote communities, by encouraging them to live active, safe, and healthy lifestyles,” Sophie said.

A similar story first appeared in The Farmer magazine for the NSW Farmers Association.


In a landmark case, the Munupi Clan prevented oil and gas producer Santos from drilling in the sea north of the Tiwi Islands.

Words: Lauren Lefever


On September 21, 2022, the Federal Court dismissed Santos’s attempt to drill for gas in the sea north of the Tiwi Islands. Federal Court Justice Mordecai Bromberg decided that the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA), should not have approved Santos’s request to drill off the islands, as the company neglected to discuss this decision with the Tiwi Traditional Owners. Santos was ordered to remove its rig from the island and vacate the premises by October 6.



At the beginning of the project, Santos said it had sent the Tiwi Land Council a consultation package in June 2022 regarding its plans. This was then followed up with a second email a few weeks later.

Santos said that further attempts to contact the Council were made by phone, but no response was received, giving the impression that there were no issues or concerns.

Justice Bromberg told Santos that the Tiwi Land Council did not have ultimate jurisdiction over the Sea Country, and the lack of response, “may also have raised a doubt or concern as to whether the invitation to engage in consultation had actually reached a person who was likely to have regarded the invitation as of relevance to any representative or other function that that person may have.”


The lawsuit was initially launched in June 2022 by Senior Lawman of the Munupi Clan Dennis Tipakalippa, one of the Traditional Owners of the Tiwi Islands. Dennis voiced his concern with the implications of drilling in the sea, mentioning the possibility of spill.

The Senior Lawman informed the court that he and many Traditional Owners of the islands have a spiritual connection with the Sea Country, the northern part of the island that extends into Santos’s project area. Dennis also stated that a lot of time is spent fishing and hunting in the water. The offshore project posed a risk to many food sources for those who reside in the Tiwi Islands.

In August, the federal court made a trip out to the Pitjamirra Beach on Melville Island in the Tiwi Islands to receive personal attestations from the Traditional Owners, including in the form of song and dance. While the court was making its decision, Santos agreed to cease any drilling before making contact with the gas reservoir.

Justice Bromberg stated that there is enough evidence to assume NOPSEMA did not consult the Munupi, and the sufficient Sea Country material that Santos needed to consider was not considered.


At the conclusion of the trial, Dennis stated that he was “the happiest man alive.”

“The most important thing for us is to protect our Sea Country. We want Santos and all mining companies to remember – we are powerful, we will fight for our land and Sea Country, for our future generations, no matter how hard and how long,” he stated in an interview.

EDO Special Council Alina Leikin declares this a “huge victory for the Munupi Clan and a testament to their strength and dedication in the face of one of Australia’s largest mining companies.” She predicts it will encourage future consultation with First Nations people on projects regarding their land.

Alina also expressed how much of a privilege it was to represent Dennis and the Munupi Clan throughout this process.

“Today’s decision puts oil and gas companies on notice. It sets a new standard about the depth of consultation that companies are required to conduct with Traditional Owners before they gain approval for drilling in Sea Country. It confirms that the voices of First Nations communities must be heard when their Countries and cultures are under threat,” she said in an interview.

Jason Fowler, Energy Campaigner at the Environment Centre NT, also gave his input on the situation.

“This is a historic decision that could have enormous ramifications not only for the Barossa project, which is now in disarray, but for all offshore oil and gas projects.”

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