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Uncovering volcanic Mackay

Wedge Island, off Cape Hillsborough in the Mackay Region, is special. Not just because of its stunning views, but because this tiny island in the Coral Sea marks the beginning an ancient volcanic chain that runs all the way across Australia.

Words: Parth Sonecha


North of Mackay, Cape Hillsborough and Wedge Island, off its coast, are both the result of the 34 million-yearold Cosgrove Volcanic Track. Starting here in northern Queensland, this range extends all the way down to the north coast of Tasmania.

As Associate Professor Rhodri Davies of the Australian National University’s Research School of Earth explains, this volcanic chain is unique.

“It’s the longest continental track on earth. We realised that the same hotspot had caused volcanoes in the Whitsundays and the central Victoria region, and some rare features in New South Wales, roughly halfway between them,” Rhodri says.

“It’s nearly three times the length of the famous Yellowstone hotspot track in North America.”

Running 2,000 kilometres across Australia, this track has left many interesting formations in its wake. And Cape Hillsborough is also home to another interesting – and uniquely Australian – phenomenon.

Every morning, wallabies and kangaroos come down to the beach here to gather and eat seaweed and mangrove seed pods that have been washed up overnight.

Natural diversity

Cape Hillsborough Nature Tourist Park owner Renee Atherton says the volcanic chain is the reason for the geographical diversity in the region. “The Cosgrove Volcanic Chain has helped in the formation of the natural wonder that is Cape Hillsborough,” says Renee. “It created the diverse topological terrain that attracts tourists and wildlife alike.”

Just an hour’s drive inland to the south is another interesting sight. Mount Britton was a flourishing gold mining town in the past. Even today there is still evidence of its former prosperity, with old mining gear and materials still on site.

Where this gold came from is no surprise: the shiny valuable metal is often found in close proximity to volcanoes, and Mount Britton is on the foothills of the Marling Spikes, a group of volcanic plugs belonging to the Nebo Range of the Cosgrove Volcanic Chain.

Peak attractions

From here, follow the chain as it snakes inland and south through the Mackay and Isaac Regions, and you’ll wind up among the volcanic plugs of the Peak Range National Park.

Marije Kenter is a pilot for Bush Heli-Services based in Clermont, and she says that the diversity across the Peak Range National Park leaves her passengers astonished.

“It is such an amazing area to explore. I remember the first time I flew over Wolfang and Gemini Peaks, I couldn’t stop smiling! And whenever I fly over Lords Table Mountain my passengers are always overwhelmed,” says Marije.

“What I like the most about the Peak Ranges is that it’s something most visitors don’t expect, so when I fly passengers around the national park area they are astounded.”

For Marije, Lords Table Mountain encapsulates what makes this region so special and impressive.

“Lords Table Mountain from the air is something super unique, I definitely pick that particular mountain as what makes the Peak Ranges special. It’s completely flat from the top and the cliffs just look amazing!”

As Marije mentions, the peaks in the national park differ from one and another. First named by Ludwig Leichhardt, these mountains come in all shapes and sizes.

Wolfang Peak is steep, rocky and dome shaped at 572 meters, while Lords Table Mountain forms a plateau almost 300 metres high. Not only that, but these peaks also vary in distance. There is almost a 700km gap, where no peaks exist at all.

Chain reaction

Mackay Tourism CEO Tas Webber says the volcanic chain provides both the Mackay and Isaac Region with exclusive experiences.

“The volcanic chain provides tourists with some unmatchable experiences in both the Mackay and the Isaac Regions,” Tas says. “From the diversity on show at Cape Hillsborough to the hiking experiences on offer at the Peak Range mountains, the Cosgrove chain provides tourists with both adventures and serene natural beauty.”

The Cosgrove Volcanic Chain fascinated scientists the world over for a very long time. Now that its mystery has been decoded, it continues to amaze tourists with the natural beauty it has created around it.

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