You can never have too much cheese

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You Can Never Have Too Much Cheese

Charlotte Willcocks

First published 2018 by Penguin Books, 80 Strand London, WC2R 0RL • Text © Charlotte Willcocks• Illustrations © Charlotte Willcocks • The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted • This book has been typeset in Tahoma• Printed in Bath • All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping and recording without prior written permission from the publisher • British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data: a catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library • ISBN 978-1-2345-6789-0 • www.

You Can Never Have Too Much Cheese

by Charlotte Willcocks

Timothy loved cheese more than anything else in the world. It was his favourite food. He ate it for breakfast. He ate it for lunch. And he even ate it for dinner.

Rumble... Rumble... Rumble... Timothy woke with a rumble in his tummy. A rumble for cheese.

Cheese, cheese, oh how I love cheese, you can never have too much cheese.

But there was no cheese in his cupboard. And there was no cheese in his fridge.

They were empty. Timothy had no cheese at all. What was he going to do?

Timothy took his bright red wagon and walked down the path eager to find some cheese.

He headed towards his secret supply, a hole in the ground full to the top with cheese. He emptied the hole and filled his wagon. “What are you doing, Timothy?� Timothy jumped. Olive popped up behind a bush.

“Do you want to play, Timothy?” Olive asked. Timothy shook his head. “I don’t have time to play, I’ve got to find cheese.”

Olive looked at his wagon. “But you’ve got lots of cheese already.” “You can never have too much cheese,” said Timothy and he walked off, towards Mrs Brie’s Pizza shop.


Timothy stopped at the counter. “The cheesiest pizza you’ve got please. In fact, I’ll have all of them.” Timothy placed his coins on the side. “All of them?” Mrs Brie stared.

Timothy loves cheese more than anything, but when he discovers there is no cheese in his house, Timothy must venture out to fnd some. With the help of his friends will Timothy fnd what he needs?

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