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The grass isn’t the only thing growing like crazy at our house. That honeydo list seems to have taken on a life of it’s own. Judging by the increased number of friends I’m seeing at local garden and home improvement stores, the summer rush is on. Gardening seems to be the top outdoor trend this summer. According to a GWA Garden Trends Research Report, “with vegetable gardening up almost 20 percent and community gardens up 60 percent over last, growing food for the table is certainly on the rise.” (gardencentermagazine) The garden has been planted here but the jury is still out on who will enjoy it most - our family or the deer.
Oneida County NY, Edition
Published By LISI MERCHANT SOLUTIONS, INC. Publication Franchisee, RMC David P. L isi Corporate Editor Kim L isi
David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant
I read recently that the economy is changing the deck market. Average 315-865-5845 • David@dslisi.com deck sizes are trending smaller and there’s a reported increase in deck renovations and repairs to older decks. It makes sense really. Building or updating an existing deck not only provides a great area for entertaining it can add to the value of a home. Interestingly enough, front and side porches are making a comeback. My mother-in-law and I have attempted to solve the world’s problems over spirited conversations on her welcoming porch. I’m happy to see them making a comeback. Warm weather has finally arrived and the sounds of outdoor activities once again fill the air. Central New Yorkers are on the move and the real estate market is picking up steam. If you’re buying or selling, we invite you to begin your search here and online at LifeandHomes.com where you’ll find even more local and new to the market listings.
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What Are Those Brown Spots In My Yard? It’s summertime. You’ve just returned from your relaxing family vacation at the beach. You drive up to your house and then you’re shocked by what you see - brown spots in your beautiful green lawn. You’re not losing your mind. The sprinkler system worked just fine. The kid who cuts your grass didn’t scalp it. Your lawn has a disease. You’ve got fungus. And it can spread quickly if you don’t treat it. “Lawn diseases are often caused by bad lawn care habits,” said Lance Walheim, co-author of “Lawn Care for Dummies” and lawn care expert for Bayer Advanced™. “Prevention is the key to save time, money and your lawn.” Here are a few helpful tips: • Make sure your lawn has proper drainage: If part of your lawn is constantly wet, you’ve got a breeding ground for fungus. Aerating is one of the best ways to improve drainage. But you might need to add soil and grade and replant grass in areas that are consistently wet. • Water early: Be sure to water your lawn before 10 a.m. so that it dries off in the afternoon. Deep, infrequent watering gives your grass time to dry out.
extension agent for information on turf diseases in your area.) Always read and follow label directions. • Mow at the right height for your kind of grass: Mowing too low weakens grass. Don’t cut wet grass. Wait for your lawn to dry off from the morning dew or after a rainfall. • Fertilization: You should check with your local cooperative extension service for the proper feeding schedule for your type of grass and climate. Lawn diseases sneak up quickly, even during drought conditions. So keep an eye out for them when you’re out in your yard. (NAPSI)
Uninvited Guests Crashing Your BBQ?
Many people look forward to summer because it brings the chance to host barbecues and enjoy time outdoors. Unfortunately, people aren't the only ones looking forward to the season. Warmer weather also means that flying and stinging pests are looking for places to breed and thrive, and backyards provide the habitat they need. When pests like bees and mosquitoes take over your yard, outdoor hosting and relaxing becomes much less attractive.
* Pour out water collecting in items like flower pots, dog bowls and bird baths. Standing water provides the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, so scan your yard regularly for places where water could collect. * Use a weed trimmer to thin vegetation near your home, as thick vegetation provides a place for both bees and mosquitoes to nest. * Don't leave food or drink containers uncovered for long periods of time. Pests are attracted to human food sources and stinging pests can often enter cans unseen. * Fit screens and tighten seals properly on doors and windows to prevent pests from entering into your home. * If you think you may be having an allergic reaction to a bite or a sting, consult a physician immediately. * Call a licensed pest control technician to address nests or other issues that may be causing your pest problems. Everyone is anxious to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather, so don't let summer pests force you back indoors. For more information, instructional pest safety videos or to receive a free home inspection, visit www.orkin.com. (ARA) A well-maintained lawn and landscape can add up to 15 percent to the value of a house. Eight healthy front lawns have the cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning—enough to cool 16 homes. There are over 400 National parks and sites in the U.S. For more information, visit www.us-nationalparks.net A young robin will eat as much as 14 feet of earthworms a day. www.Life and Homes .com
"A large part of minimizing biting and stinging pests in your backyard is knowing what attracts them in the first place," says Ron Harrison, Ph.D., technical director for Orkin. "Reducing the things that attract pests can make your summer safer and more enjoyable."
* Apply an EPA-approved insect repellent on clothing and exposed skin to deter bites and stings.
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While pests can make enjoying your outdoor space uncomfortable, they can also spread diseases like the West Nile virus and cause allergic reactions. It's important to take some preventative steps at the beginning of the season to make your yard a safer and more enjoyable place to be all season.
Harrison offers the following tips to help avoid flying and stinging pests:
• Prevent the problem: Bayer Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns (www.BayerAdvanced. com) cures and prevents common lawn diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, rust and others. In fact, it prevents diseases for up to 30 days. The hose-end sprayer covers a 5,000-square-foot lawn fast with one application. For best results, apply when conditions are favorable for disease development. (Contact your local cooperative
Backyard Pool Drownings Happen
"Quickly and Silently" According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of about 250 children under 5 years old drowned in pools nationwide annually. "Most people assume if their young child falls into the pool, there will be lots of splashing and screaming, and plenty of time to react," said commission Chairman Hal Stratton. "In reality, a child slips into the water and often goes under the surface. These drownings can happen quickly and silently without warning." The key to preventing these tragedies is to have layers of protection. This includes placing barriers around your pool to prevent access, using alarms on doors that access the pool, and being prepared in case of an emergency. Close supervision of young children is vital. A common scenario is that young children leave the house without a parent or caregiver realizing it. Also, just because children know how to swim, doesn't mean they are drown-proof. All children should be supervised every second while in and around the pool.
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Central New York
The commission offers these additional tips to prevent drowning: Fences and walls should be at least 4 feet high and installed completely around the pool. Fence gates should be self-closing and self- latching. The latch should be out of a small child's reach. Keep furniture that could be used for climbing into the pool area away from fences. Doors leading from the house to the pool should be protected with alarms that produce a sound when a door is unexpectedly opened. A power safety cover can be used when the pool is not in use. Keep rescue equipment by the pool and be sure a phone is poolside with emergency numbers posted. Knowing CPR can be a lifesaver. Don't leave pool toys and floats in the pool or pool area that may attract young children to the water. 4
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newsShorts For above-ground pools, steps and ladders to the pool should be secured and locked, or removed when the pool is not in use. If a child is missing, always look in the pool first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability. Pool alarms can be used as an added precaution. Look for alarms that meet the requirements of the ASTM standard. The commission advises that consumers use remote alarm receivers so the alarm can be heard inside the house or in other places away from the pool area. To prevent body entrapment and hair entrapment/ entanglement, have a qualified pool professional inspect the drain suction fittings and covers on your pool and spa to be sure that they are the proper size, properly attached, and meet current safety standards. If your pool or spa has a single drain outlet, consider installing a safety vacuum release system that breaks the vacuum to avoid potential entrapment conditions. The commission offers two free publications to help prevent child drowning: Safety Barrier Guidelines for Pools (PDF) and How to Plan for the Unexpected (PDF). Copies of these publications can be obtained at www.cpsc.gov, or by calling (800) 638-2772.
Don't Let The Heat
that echo the comfort and beauty of your indoor furniture. Elevate the luxurious feeling of your outdoor furniture by adding plush cushions, floor coverings and accent lighting. Drape your patio or deck with light, sheer fabric to evoke the feeling of curtains – and help keep insects away. When scorching days drive you inside, you savor the cool comfort of air conditioning. You can aircondition your backyard, patio or deck, too – with a portable evaporative cooler. KuulAire offers two models, the KA77 and KA55, which are both rated for outdoor use. The units can significantly lower the temperature in 150 to 600 square feet of outdoor living space – and use less electricity than it takes to run a typical hair dryer. Wheels and casters make it easy to move the units to where you need them most. (ARA)
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Relaxing on the patio, lounging by the pool, playing in the backyard with the kids – for all our anticipation of warm weather fun, summer heat can put a damper on outdoor activities. When extreme heat forces us back inside where air conditioning keeps everything cool and comfortable, it may be a challenge to remember what we love about the warmer months.
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$598,000 Russia
$269,900 Columbia
3091 Schibley Road - 260 acres of seclusion! Meticulously expanded 3,600 sq/ft farm house & barn, great rooms, incredible kitchen, ponds, trails, dog kennel & more.
5107 Military Road - Astonishing 2,516 sq/ ft colonial offers surprises throughout, lavish gardens, in ground pool, post card setting!
373 Beebe Road - Fantastic 4 BR colonial and horse or alpaca farm on 18 acres, spacious living room, 6 stall horse barn, tack room, paddocks, landscaping & gardens.
$250,000 Barneveld
$249,900 Bridgewater
$239,000 Bridgewater
$199,900 Herkimer
$187,500 Russia
West Winfield
$159,000 West Winfield
$149,900 Edmeston
$139,900 Barneveld
$129,900 West Winfield
$129,900 Waterville
West Winfield
$119,900 North Utica
$115,000 East Utica
$85,000 Otter Lake
$79,900 New Hartford (Chadwicks) $79,900 Clark Mills
2446 Timian Road - Approx 35 Acres w/ incredible hillside views! 2,152 sq/ft farmhouse, riding trails, horse paddocks, outbuildings, 3 barns, additional acreage available.
276 North Street - Stunning 3,500 sq/ft 1820’s Italianate style home, 4 plus bedrooms & in-law apartment, carriage barn w/ loft, beautiful grounds & village setting!
751 North Winfield Rd - Well kept 3 Bedroom ranch in rural 1.3 acre setting just outside village! Open kitchen & living room layout, fantastic yard & gardens!
7357 Trenton Road - 2 homes for the price of one! Stunning updated Victorian offers a gorgeous kitchen, additional 2 family home, just off Putnam Rd.
149 Truax Road - Classic 2,400 4 BR sq/ ft colonial, dramatic new kitchen & tons of updates! Minutes from Cooperstown, move in is an understatement!
2449 Route 8 - Horse & snowmobile riders’ alert! 56 gorgeous acres & hilltop views, 10 stall horse barn, fenced riding areas, 4,200 sq/ft newly constructed home.
51 Burdick Ave - Stunning kitchen w/ upgraded appliances, Mint 3 BR ranch on 3 + acres, meticulously finished lower level offers 2 cozy family rooms & more!
617 Cosby Road - Updated & expanded 3 1314 Keene Street -A move in 4 BR 1,857 BR/2 bath ranch priced to sell! Family room sq./ft. Cape Cod! Many key updates, new addition, central air, move in condition. furnace & central air, enclosed breezeway.
540 Doe Rd - Custom 2,900 sq/ft log home, large kitchen w/ center island, upgraded appliances, dramatic vaulted LR, cozy loft, 2 fireplaces, media room & more!
121 Mappa Ave - Historic 3,288 sq/ft village 2 story 2 family, large country kitchen, barn w/ loft, 3 gorgeous village acres.
14045 State Rt. 28 - Affordable 4 BR camp with lake rights! Convenient location, enjoy the seasons in your own Adirondack getaway.
901Westwood Drive - 2,900 sq/ft 4 BR contemporary, open floor plan, newer windows, roof & siding, strong curb appeal & setting.
381 Fairview Circle - Enjoy morning tea in exquisite 4 season sunroom, antique wainscoting, private bedroom balconies, quality kitchen, Spanish tile & beautiful hardwoods.
3532 Oneida Street - Looking for key updates?…stop here! gorgeous kitchen, sun room, new floors, formal dining, private yard, pride of ownership, stunning gardens.
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25 Acre Premier Lot 2 Family Machine Shop 6 Acre Parcels 19 Acre Lot 6.7 Acres
76 Millstream Court - Stunning new 1,604 sq/ft ranch! High end upgrades, central air, nice setting, $354 lot rent, mint, Clinton schools.
*Call for Price
Timian Road, Sauquoit Clementian Street, East Utica S. James Street, Rome Bray Road, Sauquoit Fiery Hill Road, Little Falls Furman Mills Rd, Brookfield
7658 Route 20 - Newer built mint ranch! Oak kitchen, efficient heating, garage, work shop, convenient 1 acre rural setting!
Other Commercial/Investment/Land Opportunities
5089 Military Road - Classic 3 BR federal style home set on park like 3.8 acres! Open kitchen, loft, sunroom, cherry hardwoods, original features, barn/garage, work shop.
Don’t Let High Commissions Take a Bite Out of Your Home’s Equity CANASTOTA
6952 Forbes Rd. - 3 bdrm., 4-years-young Contemporary, 2 1/2 baths, 2,200+ sq. ft., 1+ acre, fireplace, hardwoods. $315,000 7576 Roberts St-4 bdrm, Ranch, 6 years young, 3 baths, 1,800 sq. ft, 1+ acre, finished basement. $244,900 502 N. Main St- 4 bdrms, 1 ½ baths, 2100+ sq. ft, Carriage house, newer roof, furnace and windows. $189,900
Central New York
1136 Shells Bush Rd – 3 bdrms, 2 ½ baths, 2400 sq. ft, 2 acres, CLAYVILLE 2483 Church St-JUST lISTeD - Two Family! deck. $219,900 Separate Utilities. Great Income. Sauquoit NEW Schools. $74,900 HARTFORD 2409 Church St-JUST lISTeD - Two 101 Jewel Ridge Dr Family! Separate Utilities. Sauquoit JUST lISTeD - newer Schools. $69,900 Construction! 4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 CLINTON 6 Rose Lane - PRICe ReDUCeD - 4 bdrms, ½ baths, 3300 sq.ft, 3 baths, 2200+ sq. ft, fireplace, open floor hardwoods, central air, deck. $429,900 plan, hardwoods, deck. $229,900 31 Jordan Rd - 3 315 Stafford Circle N. - 3 bdrm., 2-year-old bdrm, Colonial, 1 ½ Ranch, 2 baths, central air, deck. $169,900 baths, 2100+ sq. ft, 3694 Route 12B - 3 bdrms, 1400+ sq. ft, fireplace, open floor deep lot. $92,900 7559 NYS Route 5 - 2 bdrms, eat-in kitchen, plan, cherry kitchen, deck, views. $284,900 hardwoods, deck, newer furnace and 10 Estates Dr - 2 windows. $84,900 bdrm, Townhouse, 2100+ sq ft, 2½ EAST UTICA baths, fireplace, master 28 Nob Rd -3 bdrms, 1 ½ baths, deck, suite. $249,000 updated windows. $172,900 711 James St. - 3 bdrms., 2 baths, newer 9363 Mallory Rd - 4 bdrm, Ranch, 2 windows and furnace. $84,900 baths, 2,800+ sq. ft, 1618 Harrison Ave - 4 bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace, 1,600+ sq. ft, hardwoods. 82,900 Master Suite, deck. $249,900 1645 Conkling Ave - 3 bdrms, updated kitchen and bath, refinished hardwoods, 1434 Graffenburg Rd - 4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 ½ baths, central air. $79,900 2, 200 sq. ft, hardwoods, 749 Rutger St. - Two units! Great income deck, newer kitchen and potential. $64,900 518-520 Nichols St. - Three Units! Updated roof. $224,900 baths. $49,900 49 Sanger Ave-JUST lISTeD Updated Village 3 FLOYD bdrm, 2 ½ baths, 1800+ sq. 8483 Edwards Rd - 4 bdrms, 2 baths, ft, heated Inground Pool, 2200+ sq. ft, 100+ acres, open floor plan, double lot. $224,900 hardwoods. $219,900 38 Janet Terrace - 4 bdrms., 8158 River Rd. - 4 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, 3 baths, 2,700 sq. ft., flexible 2,300+ sq. ft., Oriskany Schools. $124,900 floor plan, newer furnace and windows. $199,000 FRANKFORT 6 Westminster Circle - 3 bdrms, 2 ½ 227 Third Ave - 3 bdrms, 1 ½ baths, 1,400+ baths, 2,600+ sq. ft, deck, new baths and sq. ft, newer windows, deck. $69,900 windows. $189,900 12 Glencrest Blvd- 3 bdrm, Colonial, HERKIMER 2 baths, 2100+ sq. ft, cherry kitchen, 120 Church St. - 2 bdrms., 1,400+ sq. ft. deck. $189,900 $42,900 7 Christopher Circle -3 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, 2,100+ sq. ft., fireplace, hardwoods, Ilion updated kitchen and baths. $184,900
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56 S. Fifth Ave-JUST lISTeD - 3 bdrms, hardwoods, updated kitchen, new windows. $79,900 334 Otsego St-JUST lISTeD - 4 bdrms, 2 ½ baths, 2700 sq. ft, new kitchen and baths, newer windows. $129,900
We br i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
8213 Seneca Turnpike-JUST lISTeD - 4 bdrm, Stone Colonial, 2 baths, 2100+ sq. ft, Family and Formal Dining Rooms, circular driveway. $172,900 1905 Tilden Ave -3 bdrm, Sherman hills Ranch, 2 baths, fireplace, hardwoods. $149,900 1 Norwood Rd - PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrm,
1 Larchmont Dr. - PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrm. ranch. Family room, newer furnace. $87,500 6 Wilbur Rd - PRICe ReDUCeD - 2 bdrms, SOUTH UTICA open floor plan, deck. $71,000 2839 Oneida St- 3 bdrms, 2 ½ baths, 2000+ 43 Irving Rd - affordable new hartford sq. ft, hardwoods, central air, deck. $164,900 home! 1 bdrm, eat-in kitchen. $40,000 2100 Genesee St. - Commercial opportunity. 2,700 sq. ft., renovated 1st floor, new NEWPORT windows. $164,900 863 Honey Hill Rd. - PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 20 Hampden Pl- PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrms, bdrm. log home, 1,200+ sq. ft., fireplace, 1+ 1800+ sq. ft, hardwoods, updated bath, acre. $134,900 great yard. $89,900 3116 School St. - 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 104 Collier Pl - 4 bdrms, hardwoods, eat-in 2,500+ sq. ft., deck, newer windows. kitchen, Formal Dining. $84,900 $74,900 23 Irving Pl - 3 bdrm, Colonial, 1 ½ baths, 1700+ sq. ft. hardwoods, updated NORTH UTICA furnace. $74,900 504 Herkimer Rd-PRICe 2 Kenyon Ct-JUST lISTeD - 3 bdrms, 1 ½ ReDUCeD - 3 bdrms, 2 baths, baths, 1900+ sq. ft, hardwoods, newer 1500 sq. ft. master suite, new roof. $74,900 kitchen. $99,900 419 Fiore Dr-PRICe ReVERONA DUCeD - 3 bdrm, Ranch, 5600 E. Main St. - Prime commercial acreage! 1 ½ baths, central air, 2+ acres. Frontage on Rt. 365. $125,000 hardwoods, newer furnace. $89,900 WESTMORELAND 516 Deerwood Dr - 3 4863 State Route 233-PRICe ReDUCeD - 4 bdrm, Ranch, central bdrms, 2 baths, 1+ acre, 1600 sq. ft. $139,900 air, Family Room. $89,900 WEST TURIN 604 Coolidge Rd-JUST 3091 Schibley Rd. - 260 acres! Remodeled lISTeD - 3 bdrms, 1½ baths, 5 bdrm., 4 baths, 3,600 sq. ft., vaulted hardwoods, new roof and ceilings, rolling meadows and ponds, electrical. $84,900 incredible views. $550,000
Ranch, 2 baths, updated kitchen, hardwoods, central air, great lot. $139,900 5 Coxe Ave – 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 1,500+ sq. ft, Family Room, fireplace. $134,900 121 Colonial Dr - 4 bdrm, Ranch, 1 ½ baths, updated kitchen and bath, hardwoods, deck. $131,000 4 Lawrence Ave-JUST lISTeD - 3 bdrms, 1500+ sq. ft, hardwoods, updated bath, new roof and windows. $119,900 26 Paris Rd – Village Two Family! Prime location. Parking. laundry. $114,900 128 Clinton Rd. - PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrm. Ranch, 1 1/2 baths, hardwoods, deck, deep lot. $85,500
8015 Crestview Lane - 4 bdrms, 3 baths, 1900+ sq. ft, deck. $149,900 7988 Northwood Dr. - 4 bdrms., 3 baths, 2,000+ sq. ft., fireplace, deck, newer roof. $134,900 1404 Schuyler St - 3 bdrms, hardwoods, newer furnace and roof. $98,900 807 Calvert St - 3 bdrms, 1½ baths, hardwoods, newer furnace. $79,900 429 E. Locust St. - 3 bdrm. ranch, updated furnace and roof. $74,900 1017 Clinton St - 2 bdrm, Ranch, oak kitchen. $69,900 130 Victory Dr. - 3 BRs, 1,100+ sq. ft., hardwoods, newer furnace. $59,900
1223 Butternut St. -3 bdrms., formal dining, hardwoods, covered porch. $75,000 1428 Old Burrstone Rd-JUST lISTeD 4 bdrms, breakfast nook, updated bath, new carpeting. $65,900 1006 Kellogg Ave -3 bdrms, 1 ½ baths, new windows. $64,900 1326 Lincoln Ave - PRICe ReDUCeD - Two Family! Separate Utilities. Great Income. $59,900 1017 Downer Ave –PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrms, 2 new baths, new kitchen and flooring. $48,900 1015 Walnut St- Two Family! Separate Utilities. $44,900 900 Springate St-3 bdrms, newer kitchen and bath, hardwoods, deck. $39,900
570 East Main St - JUST ReDUCeD - 3 SAUQUOIT bdrm, Ranch, hardwoods, new windows 9439 Jaclyn Ave - 4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 full, 2 and roof, updated bath, views. $109,900 half baths, hardwoods, finished basement, decks, views. $259,900 WHITESBORO 3088 Oneida St. - 3 bdrms., 1,900+ sq. 17 Harts Hill Circle- PRICe ReDUCeD - 3 bdrm, ft., 1 acre, updated kitchen, new roof and Ranch, central air, hardwoods. $109,900 windows. $164,900 3281 Oneida St - 3 bdrms, 1 ½ baths, YORKVILLE 1,500+ sq. ft, hardwoods, 4+ acres, Sauquoit 6 Trinity Ave. - 2 bdrms., hardwoods, Schools. $129,900 formal dining. $64,900 Campbell Rd- 4+ acres. Views. $35,900
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Proactive Home Maintenance with
If you think home maintenance means fixing something only when it's broken, then you could be in for some costly surprises. Routine "Cars get routine maintenance from a mechanic and people get regular checkups from a doctor, but unfortunately our homes often get neglected until it's too late," says Rhonda Hills of Kudzu.com, an online resource for homeowners looking for expert home advice and local service providers. "Homes need constant attention, and in most cases regular maintenance can help save thousands of dollars by allowing owners to catch problems early or prevent them altogether." The home experts at Kudzu.com recommend completing these home projects this summer. You and your home will be thankful you did.
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Central New York
* Get your air conditioner serviced - Properly maintained heating and air conditioning systems run more efficiently and have a longer life expectancy. During a maintenance visit, your HVAC technician should check your system's refrigerant levels, clean the condenser coil, replace dirty filters and calibrate your thermostat among other things. The goal is to ensure your air conditioning system is operating properly and is in tip-top-shape for the warmer weather ahead. * Inspect the roof - Wind, rain, hail and other weather events can damage the roof and leave it susceptible to leaks. When conducting a visual inspection, try to stay off the roof. Instead, start 8
We br i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
maintenance can help identify and address home-related issues early and prevent them from becoming bigger problems later.
from the ground and look for missing or damaged shingles, discolored spots or areas of the roof that sag. * Check toilets for leaks - The average home loses 10,000 gallons of water per year to leaks, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. That's enough water to fill a swimming pool. To ensure your home is leak free, start by checking your toilet. Just drop food coloring in the toilet's tank. If after 30 minutes the water in the bowl starts to change colors, then there is a leak. This can usually be corrected by replacing the toilet's flapper. * Have your home pressure washed - Pressure washing your home can keep it looking brand new and can also extend the life of your siding or other building materials. Dirt, mold and mildew will gradually accumulate on your home, deck and other surfaces, and you may not even notice it. In some cases, these contaminants can deteriorate building materials and can create slick, unsafe walking surfaces. * Get your gutters cleaned - Gutters help capture rain that hits your home and direct it as far from the structure as possible. Clogged gutters cannot properly redirect water and can lead to water pooling against your home's foundation and leaking into your crawlspace or basement.
* Rake and aerate your lawn - Raking a winter's worth of leaves will allow sunlight and nutrients to reach your sod, and aerating the lawn will prevent soil compaction, improve drainage and promote better root development. * Have your trees trimmed - Pruning is typically done to remove dead or diseased limbs, eliminate overcrowding or to prevent potential hazards. In addition to creating a healthier tree, pruning can also allow better light penetration which can be a benefit to plants below. * Look for termites - Termites are wood-destroying pests that can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home. The most obvious sign of a termite infestation is a termite swarm, which is when winged termites take to the skies to find a mate. These winged termites are easily confused with winged ants, so if you spot a swarm, gather some of the winged specimens and immediately contact a professional pest control company so they can inspect. Visit Kudzu.com for more home improvement advice or to find a highly rated professional in your area that can help you get these projects done. (ARA)
ONEIDA BRANCH 340 Main Street Oneida, NY 13421
South Utica sweetheart with 3 BR, 1.5 BA features newer roof & furnace with central air option, many new windows, hdwd flrs, fireplace and sunroom. Shari Kimball, 264-9230.
Move-in ready bungalow offers 3 BR, 1.5 BA and fully updated over the past 14 years! Pool with 2-tier deck & great landscaping. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484.
New kit appls, huge living & dining rms, 3 BR, new windows, workout rm, screened gazebo with hot tub and many updates. Sue Rosendale, 363-8102
Spacious family room with gas fireplace, expansive deck overlooking large yard, central air & lots of storage in this 3 BR, 2 BA home. Shari Kimball, 264-9230.
4 unit multi-family including three 1 BR apts and 1 studio.Tenants are month to month, rent includes all utilities. Money maker! Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484.
Updated & well maintained 4 BR, 1.5 BA with additional 800 sq. ft. in dry basement. Light, bright & airy. Sue Rosendale, 363-8102
Oriskany Falls
4 BR, 2 BAVictorian offers natural wood trim, heated workshop, screened porch off upstairs bdrm. Shari Kimball, 264-9230.
Very well maintained stately colonial featuring 4 BR, 1.5 BA, hdwd flrs, large LR with fireplace, formal DR with French doors. Jim Lenahan, 723-2270.
Great 4 BR home close to everything &Thruway. Lovely private yard, double decking attached to pool. Sue Rosendale, 363-8102
Have you heard the buzz?
3 BR, 2 BA ranch on 1.9 acres has LR with fireplace, finished walkout basement with rec room, frplc & kitchen. Shari Kimball, 264-9230.
Great curb appeal on this 3 BR, 1.5 BA ranch with 2 stone fireplaces, refinished hardwood floors, screened porch and update kitchen. Jim Lenahan, 723-2270.
Stunning estate with large home, grounds & small pond. Private yet close to everything. Additional 1344 sq. ft. on 3rd floor. Sue Rosendale, 363-8102
Well maintained 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide with open floor plan, separate storage building, sheds, pool with deck & patio. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484.
Great home for entertaining! 4 BR, 3 BA, 3000 sq. ft., large lot, great room with beautiful bar, plus possible in-law or guest suite. Jim Lenahan, 723-2270
Beautiful home, and all new from top to bottom. Easily 5 BR if you wish. Nice yard. Close to schools, shopping, etc. Fireplace. Sue Rosendale, 363-8102
Featured Property
Plenty of room to roam on this 13.5 acre property with 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 2400+ sq. foot colonial. Jim Lenahan, 723-2270
Spacious 3 BR, 1.5 BA ranch with cherry kitchen, LR with fireplace, partially finished basement, den. Next to park. Ryan Kirch, 264-4198
Horse Lovers! 1808 Mulholland Rd.,Vienna
50+ wooded acres, fully equipped horse barn with facilities, riding arena. Nice 4 BR, 2.5 BA colonial. Sam Dalzell, 762-3185
John Chomyszak
Your Local Representative Sam Dalzell 762-3185
www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
Diane & John Brzuszkiewicz
Sam Dalzell
Nice 3 BR, 2 BA split level on dead-end street. Hardwood flrs, newer metal roof, new 1st flr bath, new kitchen appliances & much more! Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484.
Serving all of Your Real Estate Needs in Madison County
Central New York
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We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
New Porcelin flooring in kitchen, Huge sunken Family Rm with hardwoods & beautiful Stone wood burning fireplace. Pat Townsend Ext. 218
Waterfront Condo! Ground level unit w/ walk out patio, 32' boat slip in the private marina. Magnificent views of the St. Lawrence River. Debbie Roberts Ext. 239
New Hartford
WOW! 36x12 Custom designed kitchen, master bath with marble floors and jacuzzi. Great house for entertaining! Gloria Rocci
Ext. 217
IncredibleCraftsman Bungalow! Eat in Kitchen, Living room w/ fireplace, Den w/ fireplace, 5 bdrms, 2.5 baths. Jodie DeCosty
Ext. 201
West Winfield
Move right into this 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 Story home. Recent updates include furnace, bathrooms, roof, deck and front porch.
3 Bedroom ranch in rural 1.3 acre setting just outside village! Open kitchen & living room layout.
Phil Russo
Richard Parent
Ext. 212
Ext. 203
This spacious contemporary on 14 private acres features an open great room w/ gas fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, oversized formal dining room, gleaming hrdwds. Phil Russo Ext. 212
High end upgrades including custom kitchen with corian counter tops , new appliances, high efficiency furnace, on demand hot water system & central air. Debbie Roberts Ext. 239
Pristine 2 story in South Utica. Very well maintained house offers spacious eat-in kitchen, living room with fireplace and dining area, 3 bedrooms, full bath. Jodie DeCosty Ext. 201
New York Mills
Investment Opportunity. Property consists of 2 separate buildings featuring a side by side duplex w/ 2bdrms in each with separate utilities. Debbie Roberts Ext. 239
Freshly painted with decorator colors, gleaming hardwoods, central air, crown moldings, granite, updated kitchen & bath, updated windows, insulation, & roof. Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
Updated kitchen w/ plenty of cabinets, spacious living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, updated bathroom. Sliders in living room overlook great yard w/ pool. Jodie DeCosty Ext. 201
2,900 sq/ft 4 BR contemporary, open floor plan, newer windows, roof & siding, strong curb appeal & setting. Jodie DeCosty
Ext. 201
This classic home has something for everyone! 4 possible 5 bedrooms 2 full updated baths one with whirlpool. Large updated Kitchen with island and breakfast room. Laura Minard Ext. 205
Beautiful 3 Season Home in Wooded Park Setting Sharing 26.4 acres on the Cincinatti Creek. Recreation, Dining Facility & Swimming Hole trails to the creek. Pat Townsend Ext. 218
June ■
Search All Listings With The Area’s Premiere Real Estate Search Engine!
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L i f e and H o m e s
#1 Selling Company in the Mohawk Valley 2306 Genesee Street, Utica, New York
Visit www.CentralNewYork.com/Linda for the best local searches!
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Bright & shiny! Ready for new owners. Freshly painted inside and out. Over 2000 sq.ft. of living space in the 4 bedroom 1.5 bath home.
Lots of potential! Unique opportunity awaits. Income producing property. Family owned for 2 centuries. Updated for today’s lifestyle.
Central New York
Clemens-Beckley Real Estate, Inc. Rome
3 bedroom, 2 bath country ranch located just on outskirts. Large family room in basement. 1st floor laundry, 2 garages. MLS #1101280
Large formal dining, eat-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family room leads to deck & 20 x 40 in ground pool. MLS # 1101455
New Hartford
3 bedrooms, fireplace in living room, updated windows, doors, baths, and kitchen with appliances. Also 1st floor laundry, 2 car garage. MLS # 1100027
Look no further, 2 bedroom ranch with large oversized garage and full basement. LittleTLC will make this a great home! MLS # 1001643
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Well built 3bd ranch. 3 Fireplaces. Living room, den, and basement. Hardwoods. Newer roof. Central air. Deck.
Popular neighborhood in Marcy, with easy access everywhere. One owner 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch. Deck, 2 stall garage with pull down attic.
3 bedroom, 1½ bath, 2 story with 1st floor laundry, large living room, sunroom, kitchen with breakfast nook. New furnace, roof & windows. MLS #1101507
Meticulous! Private park-like setting on a cul-de-sac. Executive cape boasting 4000+ sq ft of living space. New granite counters & ceramic tile in spacious kitchen.
420 N. Washington Street ~ Rome, N.Y. 13440 ~ 315-334-1046 Barbara Clemens & Kim Beckley – Broker/Owners Edward Beer ~ Jill Shafer ~ John McMahon ~ Wendy Palinski ~ Sharron Puglio Karen Scuderi ~ Diane Dainotto ~ Gladys Winterton ~ Julie Sestito
Great 3 bedroom ranch with hardwood floors, nice dining area, full basement & great backyard. MLS #1101360
Other Great Homes for Sale
L i f e and H o m e s
Location! Seldom available in this sought after neighborhood. Sidewalks with easy access to village parking and amenities.
New Hartford
er tt Be
Associate Broker Cell: 315-527-1252 Email: LindaAPeters@gmail.com
Charming 2 story with separate entrance to in-law apartment. Easily could be turned back to single family. Hardwood floors and an updated bath. MLS # 1101355
Linda Peters
Spacious tri-level in the country. Newer windows, brand new septic, hardwood floors under carpet. MLS # 1101359
9767 State Rte 26, Lee
2 bedroom, Boonville power
5394 RomeTaberg Road, Rome
Freshly painted 3 bedroom
901W.Thomas Street, Rome
3 to 4 bedroom Cape Cod home
112 E. Sycamore Street, Rome
4 bedroom in North Rome
7803 Camroden Road, Floyd
4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch
609 Hickory Street, Rome
3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath ranch
Suzanne Fellows Sales Agent
Kay Delano
Kay Delano Real Estate
Beautiful retreat on 20 acres. Entering the drive you will enjoy complete privacy with a beautiful fence line of spruce trees. This home offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, family room with pellet stove and deck overlooking the property. Home is being sold fully applianced. 2 stall garage with workshop.
Come see this lovely 3 bedroom home on dead end street. Home has a newer kitchen, hardwood floors, vinyl windows, newer roof, furnace and water tank. First floor consists of a entry hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, 4th bedroom or den, back enclosed porch, deck and front porch.
23,900 37,000 21,000 18,000 64,900
3 Br, 1.89 Acres, Barn, Mount Markham 3 Br, 2 Bath, Furnished Single Wide, Barn, Stateland, Ohio 4-5 Br College Rental, Parking,Herkimer Cabin On 63 Acres, Views, Deerfield
Featuring a 3 unit home nestled in the country surrounded by woods. This home offers a newly remodeled kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms and two full baths on the first floor. The two upstairs apartments each have a kitchen/dining area, living room, bedroom and full bath. Each offers excellent rental income.
KAYUTA LAKE PROPERTIES 12 Acres, Hurricane Road, Norway 16 Acres, Hurricane Road, Norway 10 Acres With Wood, Conway Road, Owner Financing Available* 10 Acres, Black Creek Road, Russia 42 Acres, Views, Little Falls
Other Properties 119,000 64,000 41,000 151,000
Great starter home or rental. Excellent location. 3 Bedrooms, 1 bath, hardwood floors, full basement, partially finished. Has a lovely front porch and 2 stall detached garage. Priced to sell.
Land Listings
Sales Agent “Back in the Valley”
Railroad St, Poland, NY • 315-826-7070
Bonnie (Legg) Mahon
A new price!! Stop by. This home has 4-5 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, dining room with fireplace, built-in book shelves, LR, parlor, office, and bath and a half. Hardwood floors throughout, french doors, and gorgeous wood moldings. Featuring a 7 stall detached garage with upstairs loft. Call Bonnie at 315-867-4879.
New To The Market Is A Wonderful New Development. Located Off Browntract Road In Remsen On A New Private Road Deep In The Woods. Come Take A Look At This Paradise. All Properties Have Been Surveyed, Perked And Engineered For Your New Home Or Retreat. All Lots Are Wooded. $35,000 $55,000 $95,000 $125,000
6 Lots To Choose From, Lake Access Lots, New Road To Lake And Docks Provided. Lakefront Lot 45 Feet Of Water Frontage 2 Lakefront Lots On Culdesac 300-350 Feet Of Water Frontage Lakefront Lot With Drilled Well And Beach Area, 400 Feet Of Water Frontage
REALTY Kayuta Lake
Brown Tract Road - Modern 3 BR, 2 bath, 2 level home on 1.5 A site w/ 170’waterfront. 24’X48’heated barn.
Kayuta Lake
Beaver Trail Road - Great 4 BR, 2 1/2 bath colonial w/ 100’prime waterfront. Bright sun room. Huge FR.
North Lake
North LakeWaterfront Retreat - Furnished 3 BR ranch on secluded double lot. 200’lakefrontage. Screened porch. Solar.
5584 Lake Shore Drive Kayuta Lake, Remsen, NY
H. Edward Benn, Broker “Herb” Benn - Sales Person Dave Feikert - Sales Person June
(315) 831-5061
Ferncliff Waterfront - Beautiful, custom built, 2 level, 4 BR home, huge deck, 75’ waterfront lot. Oversized garage.
Kayuta Lake
Shore Drive - Traditional 4 BR seasonal cottage, 115’ waterfront, boat house w/ elec lift.
Kayuta Lake
Shore Drive - Large 5 BR, 2 bath cottage, fireplaced LR, one of the nicest lakefronts on the Lake.
www.bennrealty.com • 5584 Lake Shore Drive, Kayuta Lake, Remsen, NY
www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
Kayuta Lake
Mark Canter + Weichert Realtors, Campion Weeks = SOLD Campion-Weeks Mark Canter Top Producer
Whitesboro $79,900
Brantingham $249,900
MLS #1101266
MLS #1101443
MLS #1101002
MLS #1100962
MLS #1100009
MLS #1100011
Call Mark 315-794-3452 141 Genesee St., New Hartford www.campionweeks.com
1003939, Canter Highland Ave, Utica, $54,900 Mark 1003535, Capital Ave, Utica, $62,500 + Weichert Realtors, Campion Weeks = SOLD
Caroline Marino Campion-Weeks
Representing both Buyers and Sellers Experienced
Central New York
With every listing and sale, I am making a contribution to the
French Country Manor Marcy NY - $529,000
L i f e and H o m e s
European flavor abounds in this classic French Country style manor home. Exquisite detail includes spider beamed ceiling, a 13 ft. oak mantle, 5 bedrooms, and cherry kitchen with granite & stainless. Hardwoods with inlay, flared oak staircase, sunken spa, 8 zone radiant heat. 20x40 heated pool. Gazebo, Trex deck and much more. Call today for your private showing. 14
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Children’s Miracle Network in honor of my twin grandchildren who were in the Special Care Nursery.
Call Caroline 315-404-7380
Open Market Listing Service™ Agusta
LifeandHomes.com Canastota
2063 Route 26
319 Tuttle Avenue
7 Bedrooms / 5.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Jayne Wentworth • 315-363-9191
New Nest Realty
Kay Real Estate
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #41516
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76656
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
9551 Mullen Hill Road
$145,000 1200 Hardscrabble Road
215 Acres $5,000 - $25,000 per acre
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Phyllis Goworek • 315-335-2745
Mark Enjem • 315-292-3200
Oneida County - FSBO
Senshine Real Estate
FSBO • 0@0.com
Lic. R.E Salesperson • wirelessone26@yahoo.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #32673
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72444
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$15,900 Upper White Street - Building Lot
9+ acres
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Becky Smith • 315-868-3098
Barbara Frank • 315-853-4400
69 Stebbins Drive
Accent Brokerage, Inc.
Clinton Real Estate
Broker/Owner • rsmith@accentbrokerage.com
Lic. R. E. Broker • info@clintonrealestateny.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #73462
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #41611
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$249,000 2551 Beaver Creek Road
4 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Olga Grandinette • 315-794-1554
Barbara Dunn • 315-337-1677
$127,000 3706 Sweeney Road / 15 Acres
Re/Max Realty Results
Barbara Dunn Realty
Lic. R.E Salesperson • olga.grand@yahoo.com
Broker/Owner • dunrealt@aol.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76666
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #41211
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
23 Fourth Street
3708 Sweeney Road
4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Carla E. Dochterman • 315-271-8901
Barbara Dunn • 315-337-1677
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
Barbara Dunn Realty
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • DOCHTERMAN_C@YAHOO.COM
Broker/Owner • dunrealt@aol.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #77003
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #41212
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Advanced Home Inspection Service LLC
Stephen J. Bartlett Licensed Salesperson Assist 2 Sell
NEST 508-315-9967
Don Archer
Call 315-792-9029
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L i f e and H o m e s
TEXt: Professional & Courteous Real Estate Services
147 Genesee St, New Hartford, NY 13413 Phone: 315-735-9244 Cell: 315-794-4549 Email: SBartlett@Assist2Sell.com
Well flow/Septic Dye/Water Purity Testing Providing our clients with an educated inspection of their new home purchase while looking for any minor/major defects
15 years experience inspecting homes NYS Licensed/ Certified Inspector NEHA/NRPP Certified Radon Tester
Thinking of buying or selling in Central New York? Select an agent that has knowledge and experience in the local market and is ready to go to work for you! I am committed to providing the highest level of service as well as educating my clients in the buying and selling process.
LifeandHomes.com Constableville
Open Market Listing Service™ Herkimer
2025 Kotary Road
355 King Street
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc. Terry Marrone • 315-823-2838
Bruce Ward & Company
Leslie Nicolette • 315-985-0212
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #77001
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42426
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • tmarrone3@earthlink.net
Lic. R.E Salesperson • dnicolette@twcny.rr.com
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
310 Dewey Ave
4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Leslie Nicolette • 315-985-0212
Bruce Ward & Company
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Lic. R.E Salesperson • dnicolette@twcny.rr.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76649
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42504
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
61 Second Street
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Jayne Wentworth • 315-363-9191
Leslie Nicolette • 315-985-0212
Bruce Ward & Company
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Lic. R.E Salesperson • dnicolette@twcny.rr.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #73474
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #67543
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
44 South Fourth Ave
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Leslie Nicolette • 315-985-0212
Bruce Ward & Company
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Lic. R.E Salesperson • dnicolette@twcny.rr.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72019
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42065
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
3807 State Route 5
140 Circle Drive S
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Carla E. Dochterman • 315-271-8901
Jennie Chapin • 315-761-5058
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
RealtyUSA - Oneida
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • DOCHTERMAN_C@YAHOO.COM
Lic R.E Associate Broker • jennie@jenniechapin.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76859
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76646
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Central New York
5825 NY Route 46 New Nest Realty
Dorothy Neumann NeuDot Realty
Selling FSBO? This year, more than ever, is not the time to go it alone. Buyers have many homes to choose from. A realtor provides maximum exposure, screens prospects, has contacts with attorneys, home inspectors, surveyors, lenders, contractors. We guide you through the maze of contracts, disclosures, marketing, setbacks and myriad of details. More than ever, you need a friend on your side; someone who knows the market, the risks, the ropes. Now an approved HUD broker. You need Neu.Dot Realty.
5564 Canal Street Kay Real Estate
L i f e and H o m e s
540 State Route 49 Kay Real Estate
Phone: 315-527-3542 Email: dneumann@neudotrealty.com
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
on’s Farm & Garden s n e B • Ponds:
Online Defensive Driving Course • Save 10% Mandatory Auto Insurance Premium Reduction for 3 Years. • NYS DMV Approved • No Final Exams! • Convenient - Save Time!
Installation & Maintenance
• Rain Gardens • Water Features & Fountains • Rain Water Collection Systems
8400 Clark Mills Rd, Whitesboro
$38.95 with Promo Code nyicav10
Open Market Listing Service™ Marcy
LifeandHomes.com New Hartford
9762 Morgan Road
307 Higby Road
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Jodie DeCosty • 315-723-8554
Dorothy Neumann • 315-527-3542
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
NeuDot Realty
Lic RE Associate Broker • jodie.decosty@coldwellbankerprime.com
Broker/Owner • neu.dot@gmail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76860
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42017
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
New Hartford
4346 Trestle Lake Drive
2 Beckwith Circle
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Judy Noyes • 315-495-5031
Michael J Grassi • 315-725-2194
Noyes Real Estate
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
Lic. R.E Broker/Owner • judy@noyesre.com
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • mgrassi@campionweeks.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72385
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76741
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
4244 State Route 46
225 Black Creek Road
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Judy Noyes • 315-495-5031
United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc. Sharon Baisley • 315-429-9754
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76168
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #77002
Noyes Real Estate
Lic. R.E Broker/Owner • judy@noyesre.com
Lic. R.E. Broker • hbegroup@twcny.rr.com
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
s ht
New Hartford
$55,000 1914 Tilden Ave - Building Lot 1.9 Acres
Old Forge
ig rR
e at
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Re/Max Realty Results
Accent Brokerage, Inc.
Olga Grandinette • 315-794-1554
Becky Smith • 315-868-3098
Lic. R.E Salesperson • olga.grand@yahoo.com
Broker/Owner • rsmith@accentbrokerage.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76664
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #41504
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
New Hartford
179 Cliff Road
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
7 Eagle Ridge Drive
$149,900 4762 State Street - 2 Family
3 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Barbara Frank • 315-853-4400
Patricia Morreale • 315-793-7580
Clinton Real Estate
SBG Realty
Lic. R. E. Broker • info@clintonrealestateny.com
Lic. R. E. Agent • Parispm2@yahoo.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72311
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42240
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
The Area’s Finest Supplier For All Your Landscaping Needs
- Material Supply - Landscaping - Land Clearing - Hardscapes - Baseball Fields - Retaining Walls - Property Management
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www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
9546 River Road, Marcy New Location 7166 E. Dominick, Rome
Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc
- Infield Mix - Playground Mulch - Colored & Organic Mulch - Decorative Stone - Topsoil - Mushroom Compost - Field Stone
LifeandHomes.com Oneida
4 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Jennie Chapin • 315-761-5058
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #73466
Oneida Castle
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
9 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #33578
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76652
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Oneida Castle
384 Genesee Street
64 Seneca Avenue
3 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
5 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Julie Stickels • 315-363-9191
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76654
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42495
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Oriskany Falls
427 Broad Street
Valley View Road - Land
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
5 Acres, Barn, Tennis Court
Jayne Wentworth • 315-363-9191
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76657
New Nest Realty
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42335
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Oriskany Falls
139 Hunt Valley Road
158 Madison Street
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Jayne Wentworth • 315-363-9191
Jayne Wentworth • 315-363-9191
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76655 Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Central New York
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
83 Seneca Avenue
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Real Estate Law
Real estate conveyances, Landlord/ tenant law - Residential leases Evictions.
Lic R.E Associate Broker • jennie@jenniechapin.com
1094 Abes Way Kay Real Estate
L i f e and H o m e s
RealtyUSA - Oneida
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76999
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Gerald J. Pasqualetti, Esq. PO Box 1030 Rome, New York 13442
565 Stoneleigh Road
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Jerry 508-315-9967
102 Woodland Terrace Kay Real Estate
Open Market Listing Service™
Ph.: 315-271-3841 Fax: 315-337-6220
email: pasqualettilaw@gmail.com
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76659 Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Rosemary Nicotera Licensed Sales Associate Weichert Realtors Campion-Weeks
141 Genesee St, New Hartford, NY 13413 Office: 315-735-8515 Cell: 315-796-1362 Res: 315-724-8586 Toll Free: 1-800-732-8515 Fax: 315-735-9211 Email: rnicotera@gurbr.com Campion-Weeks “Independently Owned & Operated”
#1 Selling Company in Utica, Rome & Mohawk Valley Lori D’Onofrio Hamlin Associate Broker
2306 Genesee Street, Utica, New York
LoriHamlin@roadrunner.com Cell: 315-790-0990 Office: 315-735-2222 x 41
Here is what Lori’s Clients are Saying: Utica
Classic & elegant georgian brick Sherman Hills estate. Total restoration, update & expansion in the last two decades. Formal & informal space flows gracefully through this rare offering. MLS # 1001551
Nestled on a cul-de-sac 10+ acres 3-4bd 2.5Ba open floor plan ranch. Open entrance hall to formal dr, cathedral ceiling, cherry kit w/stainless steel appliances & quartz counter tops. MLS # 1100868
“Everything was excellent. Lori kept us informed on progress and updates.” -Jim C.
Beautiful updated 3bd 1.5Ba 2-story farm house on 5 acres, eat-in area with formal dining room, L shape living room, 1st floor master bedroom. MLS # 1101117
“This is the second home we listed with Lori. She is a great person. Very reliable and extremely honest and loyal to her clients. Give her a raise- she deserves it!” -Ron and Cathy J. Whitesboro
Spacious 4bd 2ba home. Double living room with gorgeous fireplace, formal dining room, 2nd floor den, eat-in kitchen, hardwood floors, and much more. Great buy!!! MLS # 1100806
Beautiful roomy bungalow, large entry hall, living and dining room. Eat-in kitchen. Newer replacement windows. Walk up attic with 3rd and possibly 4th bedroom and storage.MLS # 1003325
6377 State Route 233, Rome NY • 315-336-7323
New Listing
Immaculate 2 bedroom 2 bath. All appliances including washer/dryer, air, oversize 1 car garage, new furnace, new windows $49,900
“She provided excellent service w/ communication, professionalism. Lori is great to work with!” -Judy J.
“Every step of the way was great from sales to closing. Lori Hamlin is truly an asset to your organization.” -Tom G.
Gracious Community Living • Meticulously Maintained • Rome Water Secure • Financing Available • No Closing Costs • Westmoreland Schools Open Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat by appointment New Homes on Display from $72,000!
New Listing
Large 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch, all appliances, including washer/dryer. Handicap access, oversize 2 car garage, central air, deck, more $79,900
New Luxury Home - Now on Display
Huge custom ranch, attic with staircase, stainless steel appliances, disposal, kitchen island, ceramic backsplashes, oversize 2 car garage, much more! $99,900
Great Floor Plan Spacious 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch, 1½ Car Garage, Central Air, Large Deck, and All Appliances, Including Washer, Dryer, and Dishwasher. $49,000 www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
Near New
Newer 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch, Central Air, Open Floor Plan. Owner Anxious. $59,900 $54,900
New Listing
Very Nice 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch, Dense Woods in Back, Central Air, Deck, All Appliances, New Roof & Water Heater, W/D Included, hutch. Come See. $41,900
U eD
Serving the Mohawk Valley Since 1976
732-3113 2617 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13501 www.century21.com
2028 Tilden Ave • New Hartford • $450,000
837 Mowers Rd • Schuyler • $196,900
Jon Purdy Bill Gamett Dick Nikodem Mary Taylor Kathy Maine Tiffany Accattato Karen Basile
Art VanVechten Broker/Owner
Gorgeous Colonial boasts 5 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, top of the line cherry kitchen with stone cultured counters, family room has gas fireplace, master bath with hot tub & 3 car garage 178x400 lot. MLS: 1100300
1928 Redfield Ave • East Utica • $239,000 Sprawling ranch with 2230 square feet impeccable condition features 4 bedroom, 2 ½ baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage, meticulous landscaping including inground pool on 4 lots in a park like setting. MLS: 1101241
Beautiful 5 yrs young quality built 3 bedroom ranch home, 2016 sq ft, stainless appliances, full basement, deck & new 2 car garage. West Canada Valley Schools 5+ acres with privacy & views MLS: 1100731
Beautiful log home in Covered Bredge Estates. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 stone fireplaces! Hardwood floors, Corian counters, island & upscale appliances, side & rear porches, hot tub & 5+ acres. MLS: 1002415
MLS: 200702688 - 2002 Mulholland Rd, Vienna $349,999 MLS: 1100647 - 190 Main Street, Whitesboro $249,000 MLS: 1000366 - 6761 Crooked Brook Rd, Deerfield $250,000 MLS: 1002567 - 3300 Rt 20 & 46, Bouckville $167,500
MLS: 1100055 - 220 W. Main St, Frankfort $122,900 MLS: 1001246 - 613 N Madison St, Rome $120,000 MLS: 1001326 - 5458 Ottman Road, Vernon $129,900 MLS: 1001263 - 7480 Crooked Brook Rd, Deerfield $187,500
MLS: 1003494 - 9614 Morgan Road, Clayville $108,900 MLS:1103179 - 433 Briarcliff Ave, N. Utica $95,000 MLS:1100346 - 1680 Seymour Ave, E. Utica $45,900 MLS:1101171 - 930 Rutger St, E. Utica $69,900
MLS: 200701540 - Paris Road, MLS: 1003126 - Doyle Road, New Hartford $79,900 Brookfield $19,500 MLS: 200702937 - Ives Road MLS: 1003692 - Hawthorne Rd, Marcy $25,000 Schuyler $120,000 MLS: 1000722 - 5645 Ottman Road, Vernon $155,000 MLS: 1003611 - Doyle Road, Deerfield $30,000
Beautiful Kayuta Lake waterfront, large home with cathedral ceiling, fireplace, and wet bar in great room.
This cottage has been extensively improved over the years. The basement was raised, the wiring was updated, the kitchen has new cupboards, a new bath and new half bath were installed. The boat house was raised and repaired.
521 Doe Rd • Bridgewater • $189,500
7276 Rostiser Rd • Stittville • $137,000
Well maintained & updated ranch home with 1232 square feet, 3 bedrooms, central air, public water, full basement, 2 car garage, Holland Patent Schools and quiet country setting with views! MLS: 1101491
Great location on the Black River for boating, canoing or kayaking. Cozy manufactured home with three bedrooms and two full baths. Detached two car garage for storage. All of this on inexpensive Boonville Power.
Liz Miller Lic R.E. Broker 315-942-4408 office
info@Century21Gentry Realty.com For more information on any of these homes, visit
Central New York
L i f e and H o m e s
Cute and tidy log cabin affording both waterfrontage and privacy. Situated on over five acres, this log cabin comes furnished right down to the dishes and silverware. There is a covered porch overlooking the water. A generator powers the electric.
Sit back and enjoy the summer at this affordable Kayuta Lake property with it own dock. Inside this 4 bedroom 1 bath cottage you will find the comforts of home. Screen porch gives seasonal enjoyment away from the elements.
Unique old FireHouse waterfront overlooking the Kayuta Lake dam. One bedroom upstairs apartment with sliding glass doors to deck.
www.century21gentryrealty.com and type in the MLS#
Lee Center MLS S241410 Taberg MLS S245542 Boonville MLS S237786 Forestport MLS S250058 Brantingham MLS S233454
www.century21gentryrealty.com • 117 Main Street Boonville, NY 13309 20
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
$259,000 $59,900 $219,900 $24,500 $89,900
June â–
www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
South East Utica
Central New York
L i f e and H o m e s
Spacious 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath condo.1st flr master suite. Loft area. Steps away golf course. ‘City close yet country quiet’ in this upscale neighborhood.
Remodeled 4 bdrm year round home on a dble lot. Steps to the water. Hrdwds thruout. Front & rear decks. Bonus room garage perfect for parties. MLS #1100721
3 Bdrm 3 bth twnhse w/ balconies, skylights, walls of windows. Private back deck. Central air, cul-de-sac location & low monthly maintnc fee of $75. MLS #1100835
East Utica - Commercial $139,900
South East Utica
Fully equipped turn key tavern. Completely renovated w/2 yr old 20x20 addition, open air kitchen. MLS #1003199
Nice ranch in popular location. Lr has marble fp. Semi-finished fr in walk out bsmt. Spacious kit & bdrms. Hdwd flrs. Double lot. MLS #1100153
New Hartford
Charming village home. Meticulous 3 bdrm. Updated windows, furnace, kitchen & gleaming hrdwds. Expansion possibilities. Wonderful sunrm. MLS #1101316 ICE
North Utica
East Utica
New Hartford
Two story 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home w/ new roof and windows. Formal dr. Mostly hrdwds. Beautiful porch and new patio.
MLS #1101246
Well maintained North Utica ranch. Generously sized master bedroom, large backyard with fencing and patio area. All appliances stay. MLS #1100805
Sprawling, renovated 4 bdrm, 3bath ranch. 3 Fireplaces. Many amenities. Finished bsmnt. Large yard. Most sought after location! MLS #1100018
New Hartford
3 Bdrm, 2bth double wide in Applewood w/ carport, covered porch, central air. Beautifully maintained!
MLS #1101302
Sylvan Beach
3Bdrm, 3 bth, 1500 sq ft ranch w/updates, hrdwds, 2yr old boiler, heated inground pool & deck.
South East Utica
New Hartford Condo $210,000
MLS #1101445
English Tudor on private wooded setting. 2760 Sq ft 4 bdrm, 2 full baths, 2 ½ bths. Updated kitchen & baths. Too many amenities to mention. MLS #911363
MLS #1000563
Herthum Heights colonial on nice lot, lrg eat in kit, fm rm w/gas fp. Formal DR, 4 bdrms. Sunprch, covered patio, partially finished bsmt, new windows, most hdwds.
MLS #1101222
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Two bedroom bungalow w/finished basement, hdwd flrs, large kitchen w/ patio doors leading to deck. MLS #1101344 West Utica
Commercial building w/2nd & 3rd floor apts. Need some work. This listing includes 1027 Columbia St & 604 Saratoga St., 1 Fam w/3bdr. MLS #1100376 & 1100377
Open Market Listing Service™ Remsen
15 Scenic Acres
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Al Lindsey • 270-977-8555
Tony Abone • 315-339-2222
RE/Max All Pro
FSBO • arl@lindsey-family.com
Broker/Owner • proabone@cnymail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42445
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76663
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$39,500 104 Luquer St - Multi Family
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Tony Abone • 315-339-2222
Tony Abone • 315-339-2222
RE/Max All Pro
506 W. Park Street RE/Max All Pro
Broker/Owner • proabone@cnymail.com
Broker/Owner • proabone@cnymail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76661
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #67464
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
125 Riverview Parkway S.
Oneida County - FSBO
its Un
Starr Hill - Prime Acreage
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$62,500 500 S. Madison St. - Multi Family
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Tony Abone • 315-339-2222
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
RE/Max All Pro
Kay Real Estate
Broker/Owner • proabone@cnymail.com
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76662
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76651
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$297,500 622 West Hamilton Avenue
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
6199 Lorena Road
307 Betsinger Road
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Tracy Winterton • 315-335-3843
Jennie Chapin • 315-761-5058
1St. Rome Realty
Lic. R.E Salesperson • tlwinterton@hotmail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #33616
Lic R.E Associate Broker • jennie@jenniechapin.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76998
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
RealtyUSA - Oneida
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
8090 Passer Road
$59,900 14 Hopper Street - Commercial
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
7 Rental Units
Jodie DeCosty • 315-723-8554
Dorothy Neumann • 315-527-3542
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Lic RE Associate Broker • jodie.decosty@coldwellbankerprime.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76862
Kay Real Estate
Bill Lake Homes
A different kind of home built with pride & integrity by professionals.
Bill Lake has been the leader in building energy efficient custom homes for over 43 years. Call Dave today! KD Homes Rt 12 Waterville, NY 13480
email kdhomes@frontiernet.net web kdhomesny.com www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
126 Main St., Oneida, NY • 315.363.9191 • www.kaysteam.com
KD Homes
Kay Real Estate, established in 1983, has been serving Oneida and surrounding areas for 25 years. Their success can be partly attributed to the community itself by being centrally located between 2 major cities helping to make Oneida an excellent place to reside. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can assist you with your real estate needs.
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
215 N. James Street Rome 315-337-1677 • dunnrealt@aol.com
Broker/Owner • neu.dot@gmail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #77009
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Barbara Dunn Realty
NeuDot Realty
LifeandHomes.com Utica
9 Beverly Place
4 Story Warehouse
5 Bedrooms / 2 Baths/ 2 Half Baths
Mark Enjem • 315-292-3200
Jodie DeCosty • 315-723-8554
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
Lic. R.E Salesperson • wirelessone26@yahoo.com
Lic RE Associate Broker • jodie.decosty@coldwellbankerprime.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72445
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76863
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$150,000 Carmen Lane - Building Lot
2 Acres Cul-de-sac
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
JoAnn Longo • 315-733-5394
Jodie DeCosty • 315-723-8554
Dellecese & Longo Realty Lic. R. E. Broker • JoAnnLongoRealtor@gmail.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #77004
45 Prospect Street Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Lic RE Associate Broker • jodie.decosty@coldwellbankerprime.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76861
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
$79,900 15 Hampden Place - 2 family
6 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Tony Myers • 315-525-6291
Olga Grandinette • 315-794-1554
The Nehemiah Fund
Lic. R.E Salesperson • olga.grand@yahoo.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #32737
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76665
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
1506 Eagle Street Re/Max Realty Results
Investor • tonymyers@verizon.net
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
905 Sherman - 2 units
$59,900 905 Springate Street - 2 units
6 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
6 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Tony Myers • 315-525-6291
Tony Myers • 315-525-6291
The Nehemiah Fund
The Nehemiah Fund
Investor • tonymyers@verizon.net
Investor • tonymyers@verizon.net
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #73570
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #32023
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
3 Sherman Place
101 Dryden Avenue
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Tony Myers • 315-525-6291
Michael J Grassi • 315-725-2194
The Nehemiah Fund Investor • tonymyers@verizon.net
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #32157 Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Central New York
107 Hotel - Commercial Senshine Real Estate
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks Lic. R. E. Salesperson • mgrassi@campionweeks.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76740 Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Smith Inspection Services, llc Serving Central NY and the Mohawk Valley
Pre-Listing & Buyer Inspections Septic System Inspections & Dye Tests Water Purity & Quality Tests
L i f e and H o m e s
Open Market Listing Service™
35 Years Commercial Construction Experience 5 Years Home Inspection Experience PO Box 126, Sherrill, NY 13461
Call 315-363-8074 24
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
800-432-8669 www.SuperiorPlusEnergy.com
$159,900.00 On Your Lot
3 Bedrooms, 2 baths Full Basement, 2 Car Garage (stone optional). Not Included- Water Well Sewer, Finished Landscaping and Interior Painting
Lot #110 Birchwood Lane, Whitesboro
Or Let Us Design Your New “Dream Home.”
To Be Built - 1500 SF - 3 Bedroom Ranch, 2 Baths, Full Basement, 2 Car Garage (Stone Optional), Lot in Whitesboro’s Elegant “Hart’s View Terrace” Included. All Details Negotiable. We will build on your lot or select one of ours your plan or one we can design
Over 50 Years of Quality Custom Homes, Dependability, & Fair Prices
We Remodel Too! Hey, call us 738-9458
Phone: 738-9458 or 723-0823 Mailing Address: Box 4625 Utica, NY 13504 Email: labuildersutica@gmail.com
• Garages • Decks • Additions • Kitchens • Baths • Sunrooms
Denise Witchley Lic. Real Estate Broker/Owner
“The Key to your front door” Rome
337-0841 office 335-6971 cell Lee Center
535 W. Embargo Street
9174 Sulphur Springs Road
Adorable starter home! Nice back yard with parking area. Open kitchen. Front porch to living room. Three bedrooms upstairs with a special use room - maybe a bath? Office? Weights? Additional play? Come see!
Welcome home to this adorable 3 bedroom cape cod in the Town of Lee. Nice and bright floor plan. Well cared for. Super yard! One stall garage. Full basement. Call Denise at 315-335-6971 for complete listing details.
110 Abbe Blvd
6607 Bartlett Rd
3 bedroom, 2 full bath doublewide is waiting for you! Master suite, fireplace, central air, centrally located, move in condition, open floor plan and a super back deck - need I say more? Handicapped Accessible. Call today!
Old farmhouse and farm buildings. Needs a lot of TLC. Approx 37 acres. Nice area. Mostly pasture. Needs someone with a vision, patience, a deep wallet and the rewards will be many!
QSN#41379 For more information on any of these homes, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
www.homecomingrealty.net • 734 Erie Blvd. W, Rome, NY 13440
Open Market Listing Service™
$28,000 Cooper Street - Building Lot
3+ Acre Lot
2 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
New Nest Realty
New Nest Realty
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42052
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42155
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
7044 Lock Road
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
Janet Mautner • 315-363-9191
Julie Stickels • 315-363-9191
Kay Real Estate
Lic R.E Associate Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76653
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42217
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
308 Drive 10
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
1 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Katie Falkenmeyer • 315-363-9191
Becky Smith • 315-868-3098
Accent Brokerage, Inc.
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • kayhomes@dreamscape.com
Broker/Owner • rsmith@accentbrokerage.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #42341
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76858
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
122 Trails Crossing
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Barbara Frank • 315-853-4400
Clinton Real Estate
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Lic. R. E. Broker • info@clintonrealestateny.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #72021
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76010
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
4387 Sholtz Road
35 Ashwood Ave
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Amy La Clair • 315-790-4153
Walter Pratt • 315-520-0667
New Nest Realty
Broker/Owner • info@newnestrealty.com
Lic. R. E. Salesperson • rob@lifeandhomes.com
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #76864
Central New York
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
RADON… GONE! Design and installation of
the finest and most durable Radon Reduction Systems available. Problem So ive Home lutio ovat ns Inn
RADON NEHA #105678RMT phillipcarabin@yahoo.com 508-315-9967 We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Walter Pratt Real Estate
Visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #67364
L i f e and H o m e s
4389 RT 26 Rome Road New Nest Realty
4018 Houck Road Kay Real Estate
3851 Pratt Drive Kay Real Estate
EST 1995
4140 Churton Road
Sue Rosendale
Associate Broker, GRI, CRS Designee Hunt Real Estate ERA
• Over 15 Years of Experience • Residential and Commercial Properties • Full Time Real Estate Professional My success is all because I am committed to you and your needs as a buyer/seller. I look forward to assisting you in a successful real estate experience. 340 Main Street, Oneida, NY 13421 • 315-363-5533 x 218 Cell: (315) 374-7451 Email: srosendale@huntrealestate.com
Low Mortgage Rates • Homestead Financial 315-768-1980 Licensed Mortgage Banker NYS Banking Dept
Sell Your Home in
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Real Estate Services 315-761-7277
8469 Seneca Turnpike New Hartford
HOLDINGS, LLC Renovated Homes a t R e a s o n a b l e P r i c e s
5116 Lowell Rd, Westmoreland
Completely rebuilt farm house on 3 acres. We took this one down to the studs and started over. Huge Kitchen, beautiful hardwood floors, first floor laundry, 3 Bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Master has oversized closet. VVS Schools. This is a must see. 100% financing available for qualified first-time buyer !!!!
327 N Levittt 3 Bedroom ranch full basement and many updates, great value
6889 Greenway Rd - Completely updated 3 bedroom ranch on a nice lot. VVS school. Priced to sell! Low taxes means you can have a PITI payment of $850 +/- month!
Short Sale Experts
Too New For Photo
New London Ranch
608 Church St - Must see the inside of this 3 bedroom. New hardwoods, huge updated kitchen. Private yard. Convenient location.
Are you looking to sell your home but the mortgage is higher than the value? Call us we might be able to help!
Dix Rd - Large 3 bedroom ranch Newly remodeled with spacious rooms, fireplace new hardwoods new fully applianced kitchen, small barn.
New York Mills $134,900 11 Wadas Dr - Bedroom Cape with extra large fully applianced kitchen and finished basement. This one won’t last - call today!
June ■
Lease Option financing available www.BRANJEN.com
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Have you been turned down for a conventional mortgage? If so we may be able to help. We have a lease option program which will allow you to start building equity in a home. Call for details!
Lisa Filletti
Top Selling Realtor has Joined Coldwell Banker Faith Properties
L i f e and H o m e s
Central New York
Coldwell Banker Faith Properties is proud to welcome Lisa Filletti to our office of top real estate professionals. Lisa’s knowledge, integrity, hard work and attention to detail will make your real estate experience, whether as a Seller or a Buyer, a very successful and enjoyable one. Contact Lisa Filletti at Email: Lisa.R.Filletti@gmail.com Phone: (315) 534-3828 28
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
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www.ssimortgage.com Corporate Office 1010 James St. Syracuse NY13203 315-424-0218 or 800-448-3200 NMLS ID #134875
Roger Guerrieri Cell: 315-338-3055
#1 Selling Company in Utica, Rome, and the Mohawk Valley 2306 Genesee Street, Utica, New York
Visit www.CentralNewYork.com for the best local searches!
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Central New York
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Sandra Walser
Audrey Johnson
Cindy Lazzaro
JC Pantola
Barb Roberts
Jenny Carabin
Ben Tringo
Susan Martorell
Bitsy Maye-Rattler Bozena Sroczyk
John Brown
Patti Palumbo
Cindy Major
Judy Hinman
Cli Ganey
Keith Schuderer
Deborah Hapanowicz
Tricia Ondrako
Ted Derby
Diane Lockwood
Kelli Inserra
Linda Peters
Henri Abiyaghi
Ismail Yildirim
Lori Hamlin
Lori Scalise
Jay Groah
Michelle Thompson
Marcia Archibald Pauline Nicoterra
Veronica Coe
Rick Rodio
Kathy White
Adeline Van Dyke
Rosemarie Costello Brandon Borowiec
June â–
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L i f e and H o m e s
Campion-Weeks New Hartford
Home of distinction! Exquisite detail throughout this all stone Rnglish style colonial. 2/3 BDs, 2 baths. 11 Acres of gorgeous gardens & orchards. MLS#1101219 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
South Utica
Beautiful brick & frame colonial on a lge lot w/ inground pool. 3 BDs, 2 baths, updated kitchen w/ granite. Stainless appl. 2 new baths. 2 car gar.
MLS#1100916 www.Campionweeks.com
New Hartford
Spectacular French Country 4/5 BD w/ 3 full & 2 half baths. Vaulted great rm, DR, fabulous kit w/ granite & stainless appl. 3 car gar. Inground pool. MLS#1101522 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Exceptional 3 BD, 2.5 bath colonial on 3 acres. FR, DR, 3 car att gar. Master suite w/ jacuzzi, inground pool. Holland Patent schools. MLS#1101340 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Well appointed 4 BR, 2.5 bath colonial. Applianced kitchen, DR, FR, HW floors, 2 car garage. MLS#1002191 www.Campionweeks.com
Exceptional stone ranch. LR/DR combo w/ fpl. 3 BDs, 2 baths, 2.6 acres. 2 car attached garage. Plus lge barn/garage. Whitesboro schools. MLS#1101367 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Mark Canter
Susan Alberico
Caroline Marino
Sam Vedete
Vera Sadallah
Adeline Griffiths
Alice Donnelly
Anne Cesare
Anne Hameline
Anthony Desarro
Brett Lojewski
‘Rare Find’ 4 BD, 2.5 bath ranch in popular Devereau Estates. FR, DR, updated oak kitchen, double garage. MLS#1100802 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Spacious 5 BD, 2.5 bath ranch. DR, FR, 2 car attached garage. Quiet dead-end street. MLS#1101539 www.Campionweeks.com
North Utica
Attractive 3 BD raised ranch. Updated kitchen, furnace, roof, windows. Sunroom, garage.
Immaculate 3 BD cape with mstr BD on 2nd flr. Open floor plan. Woodstove, vinyl siding.
MLS#1101551 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS#1101199 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS#1101494 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS#1100301 www.Campionweeks.com
‘Like New’ 3 BD home. Remodeled inside & out. Fabulous kitchen, attached garage. Deck. Vinyl sided. MLS#1100962 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
North Utica
Vinyl sided 3 BD bungalow. DR, enclosed porch. Expansion attic, gar. 735-8515
New York Mills
South Utica
Vinyl sided 2 family. 2 BDs in each apt. Den. sunroom 1st floor. Separate utilities, garage.
Nice 2 story with newer roof & furnace. Formal DR, 1st floor laundry. Fenced yard.
MLS#1101004 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS#1101033 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS#1001143 www.Campionweeks.com
South Utica
Affordable 3 BD home with updated kitchen, furnace, siding, roof & some windows. DR, appliances. MLS#1100873 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
South Utica
Cream puff 4 BD, 1.5 bath colonial. DR, office, many updates, gar. Light & bright! MLS#1100922 www.Campionweeks.com
South Utica
Linda Cavalier
Linda Kuzniar
Luis Montero
Marilyn Valvo
Wonderful 2 BD, 1.5 bath townhouse. Vaulted ceiling, loft BD, sunroom, large updated kitchen. 735-8515
Kim Johnson
MaryBeth Roberts Michael Grassi
Pat LoGuidice
Paul Durrigan
Rosemary Nicotera
Ruth Fanelli
Sabrina Arcuri
Tom Conte
Tom Mazzotta
Jerry Orsaeo
Great 3 BD ranch. Combination LR/DR. Expansion attic, vinyl siding. MLS#1101081 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
L i f e and H o m e s
MLS#1100767 www.Campionweeks.com
Dave Malozzi
Super, recently remodeled 2 story. 3 BDs, 2 baths, gleaming HW floors. Appliances, double lots.
Carla Dochterman Chris Shephard
Carefree living townhouse. 2 BDs, 2.5 baths, fireplace, gar. FR, wooded backdrop.
Central New York
141 Genesee St., New Hartford www.campionweeks.com Voted Top Residential Real Estate Company
Azza Giorgi
South Utica
Nice size & condition. 3 BD, 1.5 bath home. 2 car garage. DR, lge kitchen, sunporch. MLS#1101266 www.Campionweeks.com
East Utica
Nice 2 family for live-in or investment. 6 rms and bath on each flr. Newer windows, updated kitchen and baths. MLS#1002145 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Great for snowmobiling or hunting. 2 BD mobile home. MLS#1003257 www.Campionweeks.com
West Utica
Great 4 Bd 2 story w/ spacious rooms. DR, newer vinyl siding. MLS#1100303 www.Campionweeks.com
Jonathan Smoulcey
Tom Koehler Real Estate
Mini Country Estate / Brand New Modular Ranch Investment Property $239,900 Any Location $58,995
Herkimer County - Modern 2 story house features 2 great rooms, master bedroom suite, luxury bath w/ jacuzzi, plus 4 car heated garage plus a camp cabin, plus 2 Extra Large building lots, plus a stocked fish pond. Snowmobile & ATV trails, great for horses. All this at a bargain basement price of $239,900. Interested call 315-891-3254.
Brand New Modular Colonial Any Location $93,895
New York Upstate, Brand New Modular Colonial. 3 bedrooms, 2½ baths. 1900 s/f. Delivered and set on your foundation. Free SS appliance package included. $93,895 Any Location. Interested call 315-891-3254.
New York Upstate, Brand New Modular Ranch - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Delivered and set on your foundation. Free appliance package included. Any location. Interested call 315-891-3254.
Old Forge NY Family Size Chalet
New Homes Modular Co. “The Best Homes at the Best Prices”
Land Steal - 50% off! Building Lots $14,900
Herkimer County - all remaining building lots to be sold at half price! From 5 acres to 40 acres. Prices from $14,900, Special onsite financing available. THIS IS THE BEST DEAL AROUND! Private family community for fun and investment. 35 Exceptional homesites set on 235 acres. Riding trails, stocked fish ponds, sunset views. Direct snowmobile & ATV trails. Going fast, only (6) lots remaining. Interested call 315-891-3254.
Quality Stick Built Modular Homes
Snowmobile Capital of the World. 3500 sq. ft., 3/4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Huge gameroom, custom bar, 2 stone fireplaces, large loft area, wraparound deck, 2 car attached garage, 4 zone heat, includes all new furnishings. Now $389,900. Offers welcome. Call Koehler Real Estate 315-891-3254
Old Forge Ranch Home: $229,000. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. Big bonus in basement Seller financing. Interested call 315-891-3254 Old Forge: 2.2 Acre building lot preengineered for 2 homes. Lake Rights. $69,900 Interested call 315-891-3254
Joann Longo Realty & Robert B. Dellecese Realty Remsen
Lovely property seasonal - very picturesque site with a 3 br camp, a playhouse, 1 under garage and 1 detached garage - a bbq grill. Walkway to a creek approx 100 ft. Also could be a great hunting lodge. Property has artesian well. MLS # 1100831
New Hartford
Licensed RE Brokers & Appraisers
New Location 3985 Oneida St, New Hartford, NY 13413
Just starting out or looking to down size? This is the right house! 3 br ranch lr, dining area, bath 1 car att garage Florida room & yard. Whitesboro school district. MLS # 1101176
Commercial - Formerly Gina’s Gas & Goodies. Long time convenience store. Fully equipped, walk in coolers, shelves, etc. Gas pumps can be a good investment. Owner open to offers. MLS #1001428
Lovely 3 br 1 1/2 bath ranch home offers lr, dr, fr, kit, 1 car garage, this home is near everything & yet when you are in backyard everything is worlds away. New Hartford school district. MLS # 1101102
Nicely maintained house in popular N. Utica neighborhood. Offers 3 BRs, 2 baths, full basement partially finished w/ party room. Some hardwoods, vinyl, & w/w carpet. Great starter house for family. Elementary school close by. New electric service. MLS # 1100677
Lovely South Utica house offering 3 brs 1/ 1/2 baths lr w/ fire place, dr, kit 2 car det garage, hardwoods, w/w carpet some vinyl, attic, vinyl siding. Owner moving, looking for reasonable offers. MLS # 1101487
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L i f e and H o m e s
Kinship Properties Two Locations to Serve You! St. Johnsville, N.Y. 518-568-2776 315-429-9750 NEW! Dolgeville, N.Y. www.KinshipProperties.com
Ft. Plain
Open House Saturday, June 4, 12pm - 2pm A beautiful ranch home in a country setting.This home offers 2 or 3 bedrooms, a large master bedroom, a loft, a large bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, large living room with a propane fireplace, large kitchen, and an open floor plan. Call Bob Snell 518-321-9897
“Log home retreat - a cabin in the woods” Charming four season custom-built log home is located at the foothills of the Adirondacks! A true rustic cabin with lots of charm! Call Debbie at 518-495-5770.
2002 Single wide mobile home features 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Newly built garage 25x30 with electricity. Handicap accessible. Low heating cost and drilled well. Seller is offering $500.00 towards closing cost for buyer. Call Heidi Mouyos 315-717-7269
Lovely cottage home with 2 bedrooms, 2-stall garage on a one acre lot. Home has been done over from top to bottom! Call Debbie Sicilia 518-495-5770
St Johnsville
Beautiful 3 bedroom remodeled home located within walking distance to Dolgeville School. Fully insulated and heated 2 stall garage measuring 28x32 with automatic garage opener. Oak kitchen with island has upgraded appliances included with home. Call Heidi Mouyos 315-717-7269
A very nice brick home, in a nice residential neighborhood, within walking distance to the downtown area. This home offers 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a newer roof, 5-6 year old boiler and a nice yard with a deck. Call Debbie Sicilia 518-495-5770
L i f e and H o m e s
Central New York
From our family to yours we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Call Azza 315-794-3452 + Weichert Realtors, Campion Weeks = SOLD 141 Genesee St., New Hartford www.campionweeks.com
New Hartford
3678 Snowden Hill Road
A Home of Distinction for the Discerning Buyer Magnificent English-style home, framed on 11 park-like acres, 3 bedrooms, formal dining room with stately living room for entertaining and family gatherings. Professionally landscaped and manicured grounds, with flowers, apple trees, and more. Enjoy year round with the functional and beautiful 4 seasons sunroom. MLS # 1101219
For a Private Showing Please Call
Vera Sadallah • 794-4467 Your experienced. attentive. agent.
100% Purchase Money Loans NO Downpayment • NO Monthly PMI Call for Details
315-404-5253 Mortgage Originator
Rates in the Area!
10 Main Street • Suite 200 2nd Floor Whitesboro, NY HomesteadFinancial.net www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
Adam Hearty
Licensed Mortgage Banker • NYS Banking Department
Central New York â–
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We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Open House
Rentals & Open Houses
Info at LifeandHomes.com Daily Updates
Apartments to Rent, Rent-to-Own Homes, Lease options, Seller financing, Commercial Leased properties and Lots for rent.
Sylvan Beach
For Rent
Utica Landlords Association helps property owners in Utica stay current on top concerns.
Next Meeting
503 16th Ave 3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths For more details visit www.LifeandHomes.com Type in Quick Search #32685
Oneida County Real Estate Investors Steve Ruscitto • 315-761-7277 Investor • steve@cnyres-q.com
June 20 • 6:30pm Utica Common Council City hall
Windsor Mews • Appliances • Carpeting • Dishwasher Conveniently located on (2 bdrm) • 24 hour VIP bus lines emergency maintenance 417 N. Levitt St reet • Swimming pool Rome • 336–1628 • Playground 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS
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Landscaped pool area complete with lounge chairs, tables, umbrellas.
SBG Realty
Property Management Division Specializing in
Finding Tenants Complete Management Services Including Codes & Abatement
286 Genesee St Suite 1, Utica, NY 13502
June ■
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ask the expert Questions? LIVE CHAT with a Local Business Expert! Go to www.LifeandHomes.com, select your category and click on Live Chat. Heating
Builders ADIRONDACK BUILDERS 315-942-4949 Log Homes, Basements, Custom Kitchens, Member Since 08/09
Additions, Carpentry. General Contracting. Electrical Work. Log Homes, Basements, Custom Kitchens, Additions, Carpentry. General Contracting. Electrical Work.
Closets THE HEARTH SHOP @ UNIV. BLDG SUPPLY 315-337-3340 Easy Track Closet Systems - Estimates, Design, 315-732-2350 Installation.The More Economical, Easy InstallaMember Since 02/08
MOHAWK HOME COMFORT SERVICES 800-432-8669 Heating Oil, Kerosene, Diesel, Gasoline &
CEDAR HOMES OF DISTINCTION 315-824-1571 We have our own Crew with over 25 Years Experi-
Member Since 09/07
Member Since 05/10
Member Since 04/11
of homeowners will receive a free energy audit. Comprehensive home assessment.
Environmental INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION, LLC 315-982-1372 Serving Central NY. IER offers homeowners Member Since 06/11
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Excavating Member Since 03/06
excavator, Septic, Sewer,Trenching, Posthole Drilling, Demolition
Fireplaces & Stoves THE HEARTH SHOP @ UNIV. BLDG SUPPLY 315-337-3340 CNY’s Source for Warmth! Fireplaces, stoves, 315-732-2350 inserts,logssets - biofuels, gas, pellet or wood. Also
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COUNTRY SUBURBAN HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 315-735-5300 Country Suburban will do “Whatever it
NEW HOMES MODULAR CO 315-891-3254 Serving CNY. “The Best Homes at the Best Prices.”
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Member Since 06/07
takes” to ensure that you are thrilled with your new system and energy efficiency.
HOME PRO HOME INSPECTIONS Professional & curteous service -certified & 315-768-6823 315-723-2258 insured. Inspections for buyers & sellers include: Member Since 11/07
Generations of high tech methods, knowledge and hard working values provides a stress free experience.
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
OVERHEAD DOOR CO. OF UTICA, INC 315-768-7886 Over 50 years combined door experience Member Since 05/10
with fully trained service tech’s. We offer 24 hr emergency service 7 days a week. Residential or commercial.
Radon Member Since 07/08
& Buyer inspections, Septic Systems, Inspections & Dye Tests,Water Purity.The Only Local NYS DOH ELAP Certified Continuous Monitor Radon Testing Lab in Oneida County.
PM CARABIN 315-534-1277 Member Since 04/11
SHIRE INSPECTION SERVICES, INC Performing quality inspections at a reasonable 315-420-2832 Member Since 01/09
price, I pride myself in providing a comprehensive, independent evaluation of your home!
Insulation ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTING 315-269-7900 Serving CNY. Specializing in Spray-On-Foam. Fully Member Since 09/07
Insured. Energy Saving Benefits. Free Estimates
Kitchen & Baths EMPIRE BATH & KITCHEN, INC. 315-733-0408 Empire is a locally owned company featuring
Flooring TRU-LINE LANE & FLOOR 315-735-5299 High quality dust free floor refinishing.
We will not be undersold. “Stickbuilt Quality” Modular Homes.
Overhead Doors
structural, mechanical, plumbing, radon, & water.
SMITH INSPECTION SERVICES, LLC Serving CNY and the Mohawk Valley. Pre-listing 315-363-8074
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L i f e and H o m e s
mantles, custom stone work, custom hearths. Free estimates.
ence Building Log Homes Throughout New York State Including the Adirondack Mountains.
Modular Homes
BCS EXCAVATING 315-841-3573 Deansboro • Servicing CNY. Bobcat and mini
Heating Equip. Propane in Oneida County. www.SuperiorPlusEnergy.com
Home Inspection
KALEX ENERGY COMPANY 315-733-2220 Free or reduced cost energy audits - up to 90%
Member Since 05/10
Log Homes
tion System on the Market.
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KITCHEN DESIGN CENTER Serving CNY. Check out our winning combina315-724-7049 Member Since 07/08
tion of Kitchen Design Center & Custom Stair & Millwork.We handle Yorktowne & Kraftmaid Cabinetry
Radon...Gone! Since 1995 P.M. Carabin has been eliminating problems in homes and businesses across Central NY. Problems like Radon gas, a radioactive gas proven to cause lung cancer. It is estimated that, on average, 52% of buildings in our area have an elevated Radon level. The EPA recommends levels of 4.0 pci/l be addressed through certified remediation. Most real estate home inspections now require radon testing. So, put our 100% success rate to work for you.
Swimming Pools TREEN’S POOLS 315-717-6499 Sales • Service • Repairs • Installation • Quality & Member Since 04/09
Dependable Service for 20 Years.
Waterproofing WILCOX BASEMENT SYSTEMS, INC 315-896-3979 Serving All of CNY. Basement & Crawlspace Member Since 03/07
Waterproof Solutions. Foundation Repair. www.wilcoxbasement.com
Laura Minard
4957 Commercial Drive Yorkville NY
768.1680 Ext. 205 525-1974 Cell
Featured Homes
Colonial Square Build that Dream Home!
Been house hunting lately? Do you keep saying ‘if I could have the kitchen from this one and the bath from this one and move it all over here...’ BUILD and you can have it all! We can design the home of your dreams!
Construction On Almost 3 Acres! New Buckland Estates from $269,900 $219,900 Complete 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch All the right upgrades! $329,900
Buckland Estates Ready Now!
Colonial Square from $199,900 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2 Car on full basement! Twin Home ready now! 2 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Car- Radiant Floor Heat - Twin Home! 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2 Car Detached Home full of luxury features.
Private setting, dead end street. Sound home needs your love. Priced to sell at $67,900. 3/4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Enclosed front and back porch. New electrical, newer kitchen. Can’t go wrong here!
Symphony Place, Whitesboro Your Chance to own this amazing custom home. Perfect setting, Perfect location, quality beyond imagination. If you want it all, then this is the home! 4 Bedroom, 2.5 baths. New custom kitchen, carpet, hardwood floors, top of the line baths, the list is endless. Take the time to view today!
Awesome view. Move in condition. Need a lot of space? This home has it. 4 Plus bedrooms 2 baths, Formal living & Dining. Family Room w/ Fireplace, Finished basement
Winfield Circle. This Ranch has Open floor plan 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Large Great Room cathedral ceilings. This home is just waiting for you to move in!
Charming home reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell Picture, Large corner Lot, Hardwood floors, Updated Kitchen & Baths. 4/5 bedrooms 2 full baths. New Roof most windows. Move in Ready. $124,500
Westmoreland $219,000 4 Bedroom 2.5 bath 2 car full basement
For more information on these and other homes in the area go to www.LauraMinard.com or email lauraminard@cbpp.com
QSn # 77008
For Sale
Brand new- 2,000 sq. ft. 2-story home, 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. Full Basement, porch, deck. located on eureka Rd in Westmoreland. Buyer gets to select finish floors. One year warranty.
Asking $199,900 or best offer. Brokers protected. June
105 Main Street Whitesboro, NY
www.Life and Homes .com
L i f e and H o m e s
Central New York â–
L i f e and H o m e s
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .