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Welcome The Up Side of Downsizing
Life and
“We downsized so we could stop worrying about paying the mortgage. Now we only worry about where to store our stuff.” Downsizing sounds like a great idea until you realize how much you’ve collected over the years. How can you face the idea of getting rid of your high school shop project or those dishes handed down from your mother? Instead of referring as it to downsizing, think of it as “rightsizing,” suggests Barry Izsak, certified organizer and owner of Arranging it All. “Rightsizing doesn’t mean you can’t own what you love, it just means owning less of it. It means focusing on what’s important and what really matters to you and letting go of the rest.” He suggests eliminating anything that is not useful, beautiful or something you love as a first step in deciding what will stay and what will go. Organization experts live by the OHIO rule: Only Handle It Once. Making a “maybe” pile only wastes time. Sort items into one of three piles; keep, discard or donate. Plan for your actual life, not your imagined one. If you aren’t using that treadmill, kick it to the curb. Keep your mostused items then let the rest go. If you have a collection, don’t take every piece with you; keep a subset - a few pieces that are representative of the set. Sell what you don’t need and bank the money. “Make the easy, unemotional decisions first and start with things that you can easily and obviously get rid of,” advises Izsak. “It’s not realistic to think that you can tackle a lifetime of possessions in a day, a week or a month. Do it in stages and allow yourself enough time.” If at all possible, start downsizing while you are still in good health, one room or area at a time. That way it won’t become an overwhelming emotional issue when you are less able to deal with it. If you’re downsizing due to a move, use your new space as a guide for determining what you’ll realistically need to keep.
Advertising Deadline David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant 315-865-5845 • David@lifeandhomes.com
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Front Cover Featured Home
February Issue January 25, 2019
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315-865-5845 FAX: 1-315-865-7418 www.LifeandHomes.net LifeandHomes™ is published monthly by Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc This information has been compiled from public records and other sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no guarantee with
Yes, downsizing can be stressful because it’s often difficult to let go of “things” but look for the upside. You can save money, time and live with less clutter. That could be just the new start you need for the new year.
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Front Cover Featured Home For more information on this Front Cover Featured Home, See Page 5
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Central New York
Richard M. Parent
Floyd (Rome) $489,900 7654 Smith Road- STUNNING 5 BR 3 BATH 3,778 SQ/FT ON ALMOST 7 ACRES! High end quality upgradesthroughout! Holland patent schools, low taxes! TRULY A PRISTINE MOVE IN HOME!
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 315-292-8617 (c) Homes@RichardParent.com
( Oneida & Herkimer Counties)
Remsen, NY 13438
315-724-7474 lawlessrealestate.com
Syracuse Capital Region Columbus Ohio
There’s A Lot More
To A Mortgage
Than Just Your Interest Rate A home mortgage is one of the biggest expenses a consumer will undertake. That’s why it’s important to look beyond interest rates to help get the lowest possible costs. “When homebuyers look purely at interest rates, they don’t get a complete picture of what they’re paying for a mortgage,” says Glenn Brunker, mortgage executive for Ally Home, the direct-toconsumer mortgage unit of Ally Bank. “Ignoring other aspects may mean you’re not getting the mortgage that’s right for your specific financial situation or leaving you without extra cash for home improvements or emergency funds.” To find a mortgage that’s right for your budget, evaluate such factors as points, loan closing fees and other funds that may be required upfront at closing. Points You might have heard someone mention “points” when talking about a mortgage. Discount points, commonly known as points, are fees borrowers pay directly to a lender at closing to get a lower interest rate. One point is equal to one percentage point of your mortgage. For example, if you have a 30-year, $275,000 mortgage and your lender charges you one point, you’ll have an upfront charge of $2,750. Points can be your friend to help lower the rate but only when you understand how points work and the right strategies to use them. Closing Costs When purchasing a home, most consumers are focused on the amount of interest on their mortgage and rightly so. But you also need to prepare for expenses associated with closing, such as appraisal fees, escrow payments and deed preparation fees.
newsShorts Zillow reports closing costs typically run around 2 to 5 percent of a home’s purchase price. But closing costs can differ from lender to lender by hundreds or even thousands of dollars—so be sure to compare fees to help keep some cash in hand. Future Expenses Buying a home comes with a variety of ongoing expenses. Repairs and potential renovations are obvious costs, but don’t forget about expenses such as homeowner’s insurance premiums and property tax. Homeowners are often required to pay these charges up front as part of their monthly mortgage payment. Lenders hold the funds in what’s called an escrow account and then make the insurance and tax payments on your behalf. This ensures these expenses are paid on time and protects the lender from tax liens and other financial losses. To understand more about the mortgage process, you can download the free Mortgage Playbook at www.ally.com/playbook. Getting the house of your dreams at a price you can afford is the smart way to truly call it “Home Sweet Home.” (NAPS)
Remodel Unused
Living Space To Maximize
Your Home’s Potential If the real estate market has you frazzled or if the notion of trading up leaves you with sticker shock, a home remodeling project may be just the right answer.
breathe or to create an income suite to offset mortgage costs. It can also offer the added benefit of bolstering the value of your home. With so many uses, a remodeled basement may be the exact solution to what your home is missing, whether it’s additional storage space, a soundproofed media room, craft room, guest room or home gym. The possibilities are practically endless. An unfinished basement, on the other hand, can be a source of energy loss, so with a remodeling you can expect to see savings on your monthly heating and cooling costs. Industry experts recommend finishing the space with the proper framing, insulation and vapor barrier to guarantee cozy and inviting rooms. Insulation plays a key role in the comfort of your newly remodeled space and although hidden within your walls, it will make sure the basement stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Unfortunately, moisture can be a common challenge in many basements. Starting with a dry space is important. As a result, builders and contractors often favor an inorganic stone wool insulation that’s resistant to mold and mildew growth, such as Rockwool Comfortboard and Comfortbatt products. Not only will they help protect indoor air quality, they’re easy to install and won’t slump in the wall cavity. This serves to ensure the comfort of your newfound living space, so you can count on long-term thermal performance for years to come. Remodeling a basement can be very worthwhile, especially when you consider that moving to a larger home can add significant bulk to your mortgage. To get the most from the project, be sure to practice due diligence, obtain the right permits, and educate yourself on building codes. If you don’t have the know-how, it’s worth the peace of mind to hire a qualified professional. For further facts, go to www.rockwool.com. (NAPS)
A finished basement, for example, can offer a little extra room to give a growing family space to
NewsShorts Sponsored by Flagstone Real Estate (See their ad on the back cover)
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Robot Mower On
The Cutting Edge The extensive use of domestic robots for various household uses such as floor cleaning, pool, gutter and window cleaning is spurring growth, in of all things,the robotic lawn mower market. Like a Roomba for your yard, these lawn mowers are autonomous in nature and function without human intervention - though you will be required to fasten down a corresponding low voltage wire, (think invisible fence) around the area you want mowed. The systems are designed to include a docking station, a mobile base, and other accessories that support its smooth functioning, and it also uses intelligent sensory feedback control programmed to mow surfaces automatically. Kids forget to put their toys away? No problem - the mowers are designed to reroute when they bump into objects. Low battery? The mower is programmed to automatically return to the base to recharge. Quieter than the gas-powered counterparts, these battery-powered mowers make about as much noise as a window air conditioning unit. Since they are relatively quiet and can be programmed to run on a schedule, imagine waking up in the morning to a freshly mowed lawn. The top players in the robotic mower field are implementing ledge sensors that improve maneuverability and offering additional features such as smart navigation, laser vision, lawn memory, mapping, and self-emptying function that will improve the efficiency and performance of these advanced devices. If you’re looking for those straight lines and total freedom from your trimmer, call your local lawn service. If you’re willing to settle for getting the job done, a robotic mower may be the answer to your lawn maintenance dreams. The technology is still being fine tuned and you can expect to lay out a lot of cash for the convenience.
Design Trends A new calendar year brings fresh design trends for homeowners to start incorporating into their homes. National homebuilder and developer Taylor Morrison offers insight into the design trends buyers are incorporating into their homes. Here are nine trends from the builder’s in-house design experts for 2019 based on the selections homebuyers are choosing today. Healthy homes. “One trend we’re seeing is a shift toward becoming eco-friendlier and bringing healthy lifestyles straight into our homes,” shares Lee Crowder, design gallery and model home branding manager for Taylor Morrison. “While there are a lot of different ways to achieve this look, one must-have is an abundance of plants. Bringing touches from the outdoors inside is not only an aesthetic choice, but real plants also provide the benefit of filtering the harmful chemicals out of your home.” Crowder also suggests opting for natural materials over manmade, ditching dirt- and dusttrapping carpet for hardwood and swapping highgloss paint for flat finishes. Low vs. high maintenance. Charlotte-based Taylor Morrison Design Consultant Brittany Wightman sees many single female buyers opting for aesthetics over easy maintenance or function. “Achieving an all-white dream living room is a little easier when there are fewer people—especially kids—living under one roof,” said Wightman. On the other hand, consumers with larger families are opting for finishes that are easier to maintain. “A simple way to make your life easier is by choosing finishes that don’t require a ton of TLC. Choosing quartz over granite and opting for larger tiles over smaller ones means less grout to clean.” Fashion-forward. “Fashion trends are bleeding into home décor and design,” said Crowder. “If you paid attention to fashion week, you would
have seen browns and tartan plaids being very prominent this year, and those are some of the same trends we’re seeing in furniture design and accessories. If you see it on the runway, you will start seeing it trickle down into home fashion shortly thereafter.” Earth tones. With many homeowners opting for an indoor-outdoor lifestyle, Wightman shared that incorporating earth tones in your home is an easy way to bring the outdoors in. There’s no place like home, so doing all that you can to ensure that it’s a safe, healthy and comfortable place will give you the peace of mind necessary to enjoy it to its fullest. Monochromatic mood. High-contrast, monochromatic looks are rising in popularity, especially in the kitchen. “Pairing dark finishes with stark white or grey cabinets will be a very popular look in the new year,” said Wightman. Pastels and jewel tones. Bring on the baby blues, mint greens and blushing pinks. “We’re calling these the ‘ice cream cone’ colors,” said Crowder. “But if pastels aren’t for you, bold jewel tones like emerald and sapphire are another popular option for the new year.” Unique finishes. Fun hardware finishes like black, rose gold and brass continue to gain popularity. “Black is a really important color for 2019 and you’ll be seeing it pop up everywhere—from countertops to hardware and faucets,” said Crowder. Flower power. “We’re seeing tons of floral patterns inspired by runway looks,” Crowder said. “Florals are a top trend in the fashion world right now, so it makes sense that floral wallpaper is making a comeback.” Cozy comforts. Also inspired by fashion runways is the Danish hygge look. Comfortable, relaxed items like cozy and soft rugs, sofas and beds are replacing the stark, tailored look. “Taylor Morrison homebuyers are investing a bit more into their larger purchases in order to ensure quality and comfort. I like to say—buy once, cry once,” said Crowder. (PRNewswire)
NewsShorts Sponsored by CB Prime Fayetteville (See their ad on the back cover) 4
Central New York
2 Pristine Homes For The Price of One Newport (Near Adirondacks), 3595 Military Road 2 PRISTINE HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! TOTAL OFFERING 3,850 SQ/FT, 10 BEDROOMS & 6 BATHS! 28 ACRES OF PRIVACY, SECLUSION & HURRICANE BROOK WATERFRONT! SAVE WITH ADVANCED RENEWABLE HYDRO & SOLAR POWER! A GREAT HIDEAWAY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENTHUSIASTS WHILE ENJOYING TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY! Located in the foothills of the Adirondacks, this property & setting alone will amaze you at every turn.
Floyd (Rome)
MAIN CHALET home offers 3 BRS & 2 baths, GREAT ROOM, loft overlook, massive deck overlooking woods and brook, GUEST HOME offers a 2 BR in law suite, attached garage & 4 BR Guest Suite! A PRIVATE BUNK HOUSE provides even more living space to just get away! Perfect for extended family living, reunions, retreats, income potential and way more! Direct TV, DSL Internet & Cellular rounds out this unique offering!
Additional Featured Listings RECENT SOLD OR SALE PENDING! LET’S GET YOUR HOME SOLD, TOO! $324,900 Cherry Valley
$239,500 Forestport (Otter Lake) $139,900
$399,900 Rome
$229,900 West Winfield
$249,000 Mohawk
$169,900 Oneida
North Bay (Waterfront) $299,900 Ilion (Farm/Acreage)
$269,900 Whitesboro
$184,900 Ilion
Springs $799,000 $167,500 Richfield 102 Route 167 -2 Homes For One! BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN ESTATE & GUEST COTTAGE on $44,900 UPDATED 12 PRIVATE ACRES, minutes from COOPERSTOWN,
$118,000 Ilion
A 97
Barneveld $399,900 396 Dover Road - HISTORIC GREEK REVIVAL UPDATED ESTATE NEAR TRENTON FALLS, 5 ACRES, 5,000 Sq./Ft. BARN with STABLES.This historic 3,252 Sq/Ft 4 BR home offers it all. QUALITY UPDATES Minutes from the Adirondacks.
Cherry Valley $239,500 4075 County Hwy 33 - 2 LEVEL 3 BR 2,744 SQ/FT CONTEMPORARY, 97 ACRES, VIEWS! Minutes from Cooperstown, attractions, trails, privacy, home office/commercial aspects, open kitchen layout, vaulted ceilings & more!
Camden $599,900 15075 Loveland Road- 4,800 SQ/FT STUNNING 2009 CONTEMPORARY CAPE ON 54 ACRES OFTOTAL PRIVACY & NEARBY STATE FORESTS! offers a CARRIAGE BARN, HORSE STABLES, over Amazing hickory quality custom kitchen with granite, stainless, dramatic vaulted sunlit great room. 3,000 Sq/Ft, 4 BR’s, gourmet kitchen.
Floyd (Rome) $489,900 7654 Smith Road- Well appointed contemporary 5 br ranch on 7 private acres, high end finishes throughout! 2 Master bedrooms! Stunning remodeled custom CHERRY KITCHEN, Granite, stainless, 100% remodeled.
Waterville $39,900 1804 Route 12 - BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME OVERLOOKING THE FALLS & 20 PICTURESQUE ACRES! Open fields, stream, waterfalls & swimming holes., about 15 minutes to Utica.
West Winfield $184,900 6890 County Hwy 18 - TRANQUIL WATERFRONT PROPERTY, PERFECT SECOND HOME OR JUST ENJOY YEAR-ROUND CHARM! 3 BR Cape,1,900 Sq/Ft, home office, garage/workshop, minutes from Utica, Cooperstown.
Rome $127,500 207 Dale Road,- 1,117 SQ/FT 3 BR RANCH, GREAT LOCATION, Spacious kitchen, private yard, central air, sunroom! Other separate lot behind this property also available, a unique offering! SOUGHT AFTER AREA!
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Gracious Community Living • Meticulously Maintained • RomeWater • Secure • Financing Available •Westmoreland Schools • Call to Schedule Appointment
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6377 State Route 233, Rome NY • 315-336-7323
2018 Gorgeous Royal Blue & Burgundy. Move in Ready! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch with LED fireplace W/Stone, Frigidaire Gold Appliance Pkg, Energy STAR Pkg, Architectural Shingles, Crescent Edge Counter Tops, Landscaping Pkg, and much, much more. $89,995
2019, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, beautiful kitchen island, top end appliances. Lots of extra’s. Side door exit for carport or garage. Price $59,900
(2011) 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch. Was over $100,000 Priced for Quick Sale. Drywall throughout, Luxury Kitchen with all appliances including Built-In Oven and Microwave, Wood-burning Fireplace (never used), Walk-In Closets, more. $59,995 $49,900
2019 3 bedroom, 2 bath, white cabinetry, beautiful built-in’s, top-end appliances, lots of extra’s, landscaping pkg. There is a side door exit for either car port or garage. $63,900
Tony Abone & Staff Wishes Everyone A Safe, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!!
7763 Turin Rd. Rome, NY 13440 Office: 315-339-2222 proabone@cnymail.com www.allprorealtyabone.com www.uticaromerealtors.com Serving Oneida County For 30 Years
Tried and True - Trust The Abone Agency With Your Real Estate Needs
343 GLEN RD. NORTH ROME $124,900
800 VALENTINE AVE. ROME $174,900
810 FLOYD AVE. ROME $79,900
9213 CAPRON RD ROME $49,900
Updated & Upgraded Ranch; 3 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Remodeled Eat-In Kitchen, Bathrooms; Hardwood Floors; New Roof, Vinyl Windows, Furnace, Central Air; Freshly Painted Interior; New Sliding Glass Doors To New Trex Deck; Finished Bonus Space In Basement With Family Room; 2-Stall Attached Garage; John Joy School.
Custom-Built Colonial; 4 Bedrooms; 2 ½ Baths; Woodmode Kitchen; Formal Dining; Family Room With Fireplace; Living Room; Beautiful Master Suite; Main Floor Laundry; Central Air, Vacuum; Finished Basement; 3-Season Room; 2-Stall Attached Garage.
Unique & Rare Find With This 30’x48’ Fully Insulated, Radiant-Heated Garage With 12’ Ceiling Height; One 8’ Overhead Door; Roughly 360 Square Feet Of Living Quarters With Full Bath; Laundry Hookups, Small Kitchen Space & Sleeping Space; Could Be Workshop, Vehicle Storage Or Mechanic’s Garage.
This Is A Super Clean & Very Well-Kept Two-Family Home With Long-Term Tenants That Would Like To Stay; Separate Utilities, Entrances, Laundry Hookups; Nice Size Yard With A 1-Stall Detached Garage; Close To Bus Stop, Schools, City Park, Griffiss Technology Park.
This Double-Wide With Addition Has Tremendous Potential; 3 Bedrooms; Living Room; Family Room; Enclosed Patio; 2-Stall Detached Garage; Fenced Backyard; Quiet Lee Center Area; Low Taxes; Great Opportunity If You’re Not Afraid To Get Your Hands Dirty
6418 WILLIAMS RD ROME $135,000
6373 MILLES DR LEE $134,900
Spacious, Pristine Townhouse; 2 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Eat-In Kitchen; Huge Living Room With Fireplace; Family Room; Vaulted Ceilings; Master Bath; Walkout Finished Basement; New Roof, Hotwater Tank, Gutters, Sliding Glass Door To Deck; 2-Stall Attached Garage.
Spacious Colonial; 4 Bedrooms; 2 ½ Baths; Beautiful Applianced Oak Kitchen With Granite Counters; Formal Dining; Family Room; Living Room; Huge Master Bedroom With Full Bath; Main Floor Laundry; Central Air; New Leachfield; 2-Stall Attached Garage; Outside Lot With Beautiful Tree Line.
Much Larger Than It Appears; 4 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Large Newer Thomasville White Cabinet Kitchen With Appliances, Corian Counters; Formal Dining; Family Room With Gas Stove; Living Room; Huge Living Room/Dining Combo; Hardwood Floors; Large Garage Outbuilding For Toys Or Workshop; 2-Stall Built-In Garage.
Rare Lakefront Buildable Lot; 120 Feet Of Frontage; Cleared Path Down To Waterfront; Electric Power & Drilled Wells Already Done; Ready To Build On!
Great Location; Corner Lot In A Quiet Area Near Lake Delta Surrounded By Beautiful Houses; Drilled Well In Place; Septic Needed; Has Lake Deeded Rights; Electricity Available At Road.
Central New York
SOLD 2018!
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The Best In The Coming Year!
740 W Liberty Street, Rome
Ready to move-in home with three bedrooms, 1.5 Baths, spacious kitchen, double living room, new carpet, central air, nice backyard, over-sized garage. MLS# 1803087
1006 Black River Blvd, Rome, NY 13440 www.1stromerealty.com Broker Fred Macchia
114 S. Crescent St, Rome
10205 Sulphur Springs Road, Lee Center
Nice ranch with two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, sun room, private yard, garage, residential area with nearby parks. $63,000 MLS# 1802011
Beautiful country ranch with three bedrooms, two full baths, gourmet kitchen with custom made cabinets travertine floor, top of the line appliances. 26 Acres | $210,000 MLS# 1803876
8655 Emerald Circle, Lee Completely furnished!! Gorgeous kitchen with granite counter tops, open floor plan, spacious living and dining rooms, four bedrooms including an expansive master suite. MLS# 1803278
Fred Macchia, CCIM Broker/Owner
Fred Macchia, CCIM 315-292-0373 Lic. RE Broker/Owner
Joann Mooney 315-886-1094 Lic. RE Salesperson
9188 Sulphur Springs Road, Lee
420 W. Bloomfield Street, Rome
109 N Jay, Rome
Very nice country home with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, kitchen w/ dining area, formal dining room w/ French door, open floor plan, office, 2 stall garage. $129,500 MLS# s1154091
Four bedroom, two bath two story home. Spacious kitchen, living room, office, nice sized backyard, central air on first level, and three stall garage. MLS#1803360
Spacious five bedroom, three full bath two-story city home!! Conveniently located to everything! Eat-in kitchen, roomy living room. Roof re-coated in 2016. $85,000 MLS# 1703507
111 Expense Street, Rome
510 North Madison, Rome
818 ERIE BLVD W, Rome
Nice two-story home with three bedrooms, bath, large eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, spacious living room, and fantastic woodwork! $65,000
Excellent two family home; rent for income or use as family guest apt. Spacious living area with three bedrooms, 1 full, 2 half baths, living, dining, and family rooms. $69,500 MLS# 1801281
Centrally located. Zoned residentialcommercial. 3 bedrms, study, one bath, eat in kitchen, formal living room, dining room with nicely installed pellet stove. $89,000 MLS# 1802148
410 W Dominick Street, Rome
612 E Dominick Street, Rome
TOTAL TURN KEY... Restaurant on Busy corner in Rome comes with ALL Appliances and Equipment...Steam Tables, Ceramic tile throughout...Newer Furnace. $139,000 MLS#31154182
This commercial building is in a great location and could accommodate many different uses from restaurant to office space. $110,000 MLS#1800042
606 Calvert Street, Rome Great commercial property with office, finished bathroom, new electric service. $69,000 MLS#1803111
105 Emerson, Rome Cute as can be with three bedrooms, bath, very spacious eat-in kitchen with lots of cabinets, living room, 1st floor laundry, deck leading to deep backyard. $78,500 MLS# 1803272
720 Erie Blvd West, Rome This property consists of a 4 bedroom, 1.5 Bath home/office and a 1400 sq. Ft. Commercial steel building with sewer and water. The steel building has two overhead doors. $98,000 MLS#1803419
9196 Main St., Westernville Established business. Turnkey opportunity. Great location!! This convenience store would make a great family business, call for more information. $395,000 MLS#1802943
210 N. George Street, Rome
808 Cypress Street, Rome
8490 TURIN ROAD, Rome
418 W Dominick Street, Rome
Location in historic district with off-street parking. $89,000 MLS# 1803563
Building area has 9900 sq ft, twenty one rooms, twelve bathrooms, and two floors. Many possibilities and a great location. $350,000 MLS# 1803888
State of the art building with high traffic count state road. Three phase 240v electric. Waste oil boiler with radiant heat in floor, office 32’ x 40’. $450,000 MLS# 1802197
This building offers three separate rental units in a busy location. Great for retail or office space. Call Fred Macchia at 315-292-0373. $190,000 MLS# 1803959
Central New York
Jim Cilente 315-225-3082 Lic. RE Assoc. Broker
Maria Dailey 315-338-1917 Lic. RE Assoc. Broker
Meghan Raposo 315-281-7550 Lic. RE Salesperson
I have Cash Buyers for Homes.
Call Fred Macchia 315-292-0373
Lisa A. Kowalczyk 315-534-1301
Martin C. Bell 315-794-6090
Rianna Lazzaro 315-525-4430
Nicholas Mancari Michele L. Bruzzese 315-725-2601 315-269-2394
Alen Zekic 315-570-0148
Barbara Goldsmith 315-794-7702
Chas Levitt 315-982-1202
Samir Kendic 315-527-4024
Theressa Bova 315-796-5369
Ed Coffin 315-725-8818
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Town & City 315-735-9850
Tony Pavia, Licensed R.E. Broker
Real Estate
$64,900 UTICA
apavia8453@aol.com | 3 Arnold Ave, Utica, NY 13501
$120,000 ILION
Central New York
Call me 315-796-2739
$47,500 ROME
$44,900 ONEIDA
$54,900 REMSEN
$50,900 ROME
Great location for this 3 bedroom bun- 2 Family. 6 rooms each flat. Separate Sauquoit Schools. 2 story, 3 bedrooms. galow. Hardwood floors, formal dining utilities. Great investment opportu- 1 stall detached garage. 1474 sq. ft. of room, bath. Detached 2 stall garage. living space. One acre lot, convenient nity. Sold As-Is. MLS# S1162855 location. MLS# S1164161
Quiet location. Ranch offering 7 rooms, Large Victorian. Approx 18 rooms. 5 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, 5.5 baths, approx. 5700+/sq.ft. 2 detached garages, 1.2 acres. deep yard. MLS# 1802154 MLS# 1803880
Graduate of Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, High Point NC.
VVS Schools. Cute Ranch offering 2 2 story home offering 3 bedrooms, bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen, 1.5 baths, attached garage, deep yard. laundry room, garage, deep yard, deck. Needs TLC. Price reduced.
One family. Large 2 story home offer- Super Buy! Large Colonial offering aping 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, proximately 2446 sq. ft. more or less. sun room. Deep yard. Over 1800 sq. ft. MLS# 1800276
Large Victorian offering 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, 3 detached garages, Needs TLC. MLS# 1803145
Large 2 story home offering approx. 1800 Fixer Uper! One 2 bedroom and 2 two sq.ft. 3 bedrooms, bath, deck, extra lot, 2 bedrooms. New on the market. stall garage. MLS# 1803299
Herkimer $69,900 205 Suiter St - Move-in Ready! New carpeting in Living Rm. Hrdwd flrs under all carpets. Large enclosed porch. Landscaped yard. Patricia D. Townsend x218
New Hartford $236,900 35 Clintonview Blvd - Raised Ranch New Hartford Schools. Inground pool, lrg deck. House offers lrg living rm w/ bamboo flooring, updated gorgeous kit w/breakfast bar. Sliders to sun rm. vaulted ceilings, new windows. Jodie M. DeCosty x201
Remsen $234,500 9657 Sixty Rd - Spacious 4 bdrm-2 bath A Frame w/vaulted ceilings w/ great windows & balconies to enjoy nature & wonderful views! Offers a living rm, dining rm, family rm, recreation rm, full basement. Diana P. Raymond x207
Melissa A. Clark Ext. 243
Rome $149,900 8463 Dawn Dr - Totally updated home w/huge yard & inground pool. OPEN" concept living room. Janice L. Cidzik x209
Branch Manager
Whitesboro $119,500 3 Orchard Ave - 3 bdrm Whitesboro ranch w/extra parcel in a sweet neighborhood. This house does need some updating but is livable as is – it’s a sound & well-built home. Diana P. Raymond x207
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Whitesboro $214,900 41 Bedford Dr - Center hall colonial offering a lrg living rm w/frpl w/ door to screened in porch, dining rm, updated eat in kit w/plenty of cabinetry, mstr bdrm w/frpl plus 2 additional bdrms, 1.5 updated baths. Jodie M. DeCosty x201
Our core values work together to create a steadfast foundation that has lasted for over 30 years in an ever-shifting world.
4848 Commercial Drive | Suite 800 New Hartford, NY 13413
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New Hartford
Large open living room/dining area overlooking backyard with a deck. Nicely appointed kitchen with breakfast area or den. Full bath on first level. Upstairs, there are 2 BD and upscale bath. Full basement. Barbara Frank, 315-725-4411
Rustic style LUXURY! Beautiful virtually new ADK cabin rebuilt 5 yrs ago! New roof, windows, appliances, propane stove/FP, hot water system, radiant heat, AC, auto generator, baths, kitchen. Barbara Frank, 315-725-4411
Corner lot located in the Village, newer roof on main house and vinyl siding. Many possibilities! Michael Mulligan, 315-794-3458
Like new only better! Older home combined with modern open concept floor plan. New roof, electric, windows, heating, gorgeous kitchen and 2 full baths. All the boxes are checked!! Barbara Owens, 315-725-3836
This 2 story home that offers 4 bedrooms and 1 bath needs a little TLC. Close to public transportation and great starter home for the handyman! Michelle Grzesik, 315-749-5076
Stately 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Colonial. 2920 Sq. Ft. With a Large 3 Stall garage, and lovely patio to enjoy in the nice weather. The “Country Living Feel” just minutes from Utica! Christine Nester Hughes, 315-794-2342
Picket fence perfection! Windows, windows let sunlight stream in - showing off hardwood floors throughout much of this home. Spacious Living room, kitchen opens to a deck overlooking the fenced in yard. Barbara Owens 315-725-3836
Charming cape located near the heart of Sylvan Beach! The home currently has 11 beds and can sleep up to 22 people! Use as a rental or just a summer get-away. Just a few steps to the beach. Numerous updates, fully furnished! Michelle Grzesik, 315-749-5076
You’ll love the homey feel of this house! 4 nice sized bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Large fenced in back yard, above ground pool with deck. Hardwood floors in most of the home, an efficient Rinnai tankless water heater & blown in insulation! Gloria DeStefanis 315-723-8593
True one level living w/ the million dollar view! 4 BR, 2 BA ranch w/ 2 stall attached garage & lg 1st flr laundry rm. Situated on 2 acres, w. add’tl garage space in bsmt & heated bonus rm. Rear deck & screen room overlooks pond! Mindy Bradley, 315-796-5619
Central New York
Fabulous location for this 4 BR, 2BA house with Central AC in wonderful condition. Freshly painted interior as well as the oak woodwork, refinished hardwoods throughout. Huge Master BR, First floor Laundry. Tim Sweetland - 315-601-5059
This 4BR, 4BA 2680 wq ft home situated right on Lake Pleasant in the Village of Speculator is what you have dreamed of! Not only a beautiful sandy beach, but huge patio overlooking the crystal clear water. Christine Nester Hughes, 315-794-2342
Adirondack home set on a 1 acre picturesque lot with a gorgeous view of the West Canada flow. 3BR, 2BA. Perfect setting for entertaining friends and family. Heated 2 stall garage with side workshop, & attached in-law suite . .Christine Nester Hughes, 315-794-2342
Ideally located on quaint Marvin Street – A Village Classic! This home features hardwood floors, formal dining room, living room, and family room. Rear sun room overlooks huge back yard! Barbara Frank, 315-725-4411
This light-filled home is sure to please! Freshly painted & polished – move-in ready. Open floor, fam rm with gas fired wood stove, hardwoods in most rooms. Dry bsmt, detached garage, private yard - & best of all reasonably priced! Barbara Owens, 315-725-3836
Lovely country setting for this updated 3BR, 2BA home! Panoramic sunrise view from the master bedroom bay window. Wonderful valley view from the front porch or 1.2 acre yard. Updated kitchen w/cathedral ceiling over the eat - in - area. Barbara Owens, 315-725-3836
Do you dream of an in-home business? Commercial zoning means it can happen here in the heart of Clinton! This building’s original use was a single family residence, however 2 businesses thrived here . Barbara Owens 315-725-3836
Located on a large corner lot; offering 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, nicely maintained. Period woodwork, newer windows, woodburning fireplace. Full DRY basement. Gloria DeStefanis 315-723-8593
4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home. REO property in need of extensive work. Sold as-is.. Mindy Bradley, 315-796-5619
Lovely ranch in a quiet neighborhood setting! Hardwood floors and Huge family room w/ fireplace. Updated kitchen and bath, newer windows, roof, heating, hot water and central air! Barbara Owens, 315-725-3836
Just starting out or downsizing? Adorable 3 BR, 1 BA ranch in Holland Patent Schools is a must see! Gorgeous red oak hardwood flrs, newer windows & storm doors, huge fenced yard, 2 yr old septic system & full dry basement! Gloria DeStefanis 315-723-8593
Beautiful ADK home situated on 9.5 acre lake, & lake rights to Piseco Lake! Open great rm, spacious kitch w/ SS appliances & granite, liv. rm. w/fireplace & french doors, huge deck overlooking lake! Christine Nester Hughes, 315-794-2342
Cute Cape in desirable North Rome neighborhood! Large yard on a corner lot, attached garage, Freshly painted throughout! Anna Storey , 315-335-8212
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Amy Abdoo
Doreen Engelhart
Licensed R.E. Broker PO Box 13 Clinton, NY
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Phone: 315-794-2653 Email: Blon316@aol.com www.dominionhomescny.com
Rt 26 - Nice flat country lot with 5.6 acres. Partially wooded and is waiting for you to make it your new home. Will need well & septic.
(315) 794-9827
5455 Woodlawn Pl - Nice bungalow on a fenced corner lot. Offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, fireplace in living room, family room and dining area. Quiet location and is centrally located. Whitesboro School District.
1 Holiday Drive, Whitesboro $142,900
2459 Main St. - Large colonial on 1.7 acres having an in-ground pool, 2 fireplaces and spacious rooms. Needing your tlc and personal touches to return this home back to its condition. Being sold as-is.
$74,900 $28,308 $45,500 $52,650 $39,900 $54,900 $24,786 $57,146
707 Nichols Street, Utica
Looking for a
AVAILABLE HOMES FOR SALE 7123 Brennon Ave, Rome 8 Front St., Vernon 29 Monticello St., Richfield Springs 8095 St. Hwy. 12, Sherburne 11298 E. Center St., Leonardsville 433 Jeanette Dr., Utica 422 N. Bellinger St., Herkimer 1018 St. Rt. 51, Ilion
2306 Genesee St, Utica NY 13502
Dedicated, Honest & Loyal Realtor®?
You've found the right person.
Give me a call today!
1012 Walnut Street, Utica
COMING SOON One Realty Partners, LLC
114 Genesee St Utica, NY 13502 & 13 New Hartford Shopping Center New Hartford, NY
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114 Genesee Street Utica NY 13502
David Anthony Paciello Lic. R.E. Broker 315-292-7272
Wishing everyone a
Paul F. Sacco Lic. R.E. Salesperson 315-525-1377
Happy & Healthy New Year from One Realty Partners
COMING SOON One Realty Partners, LLC
Gloria J. Rocci Lic. R.E. Associate Broker 14
Central New York
Nicole DiNitto
Daniel M. Gross-Brockway
Associate Broker
FREE Custom Searches FREE Home Consultations Cutting Edge Technology
We work for you, the client We Offer both Buyer & Seller Agents
(315) 732-6181
12566 State Route 46, Boonville $489,000 1105 Parkway East, Utica
6 Utica Street, Clinton
(315) 853-3535
$349,000 13 Slaytonbush Ln, New Hartford $299,500
$249,900 7205 W South St, Westmoreland $219,900
$134,900 1133 Tilden Ave, Utica
9523 Roberts Road, Sauquoit $274,500
8198 E. Floyd Rd., Floyd
$189,900 23 Geraldine Ave, New Hartford $169,000
$109,900 6547GreenwayNewLondonRd,Rome $99,000 10601 Hulser #219, Trenton
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
9 College Street Clinton, NY
Serving Oneida, Madison & Herkimer County Areas
315-853-7251 HUD Broker
Visit Us at PondrasHomes.com
Pondra Bowen
Bill Welch
Cal Lyon
Associate Broker
Associate Broker
Ernie Sportello Lic. Salesperson
John Barkett
Lic. Salesperson
Commercial Clinton
Mike Rahn
Lic. Salesperson
Gregory Sacco
Michael Teesdale
Lic. Salesperson
Lic. Salesperson
Henry Lewis
Lic. Salesperson
Angelo Gaetano Lic. Salesperson
Residential $160,000
32 Chenango Ave 3000 sq.ft. of commercial space across from the school. Ideal for offices,retail,restaurant and more. new roof in 2018, clear span space, handicap access. Durhamville
New Hartford
$250,000 New Hartford
2 Clinton Road- High traffic area (45,000 Daily), 4 parcels being sold together across from the Yahnundasis and borders Killabrew Saloon & Seneca Wines & Liquors. Brick building (2 Clinton St, 12B) has over 1900 square ft. and is in nice shape. Property has “curb cuts” on both 12B and Seneca Turnpike.
$59,900 Oriskany Falls
3314 Center Street Tastefully renovated home offering a very convenient location in Oneida City School District. This circa 1890 2 Story offers 3BR 2BA, 1st floor laundry & Formal Dining Room. Home is currently rented.
$94,900 Rome
54 Pinecrest Rd - Freshly painted, new flooring, extra space and a great neighborhood for all? Yes!! Come check out this ranch in Sunset Manor that is bigger than it looks with three bedrooms, a nice backyard, detached garage, Whitesboro Schools.
7 Birchdale Crescent Larger than it looks estate ! DYI Make this house your home with some cosmetic updates.3 bedrooms and additional family room. Oversized garage with work sace and more.
$85,000 Clinton
117 College Street - Village Victorian loaded with character, charm & potential! Enjoy this 1700 sq. ft. 4BR, 1BA home. Beautiful original moldings, pocket doors, even the original 2 seated attached outhouse for a great conversation piece. Options for 2nd bath.
1126 Center Road - Frankfort Gem! Must see renovated coun try tudor. 4BR, 2BA fireplaced Living Room; Formal Dining Room, glleaming Rochester floors. Huge Master Suite & Bath, double lot & 2 garages.
$179,900 Waterville
19 Fountain St - This historic 4 bedroom, home on 2.19 acres built in 1900 contains over 2200 sq ft of living space. Hardwood floors with 1.5 baths, 1st floor laundry. The attached 20’ x 35’ garage provides parking for up to four vehicles.
$64,900 Rome
6771 Rome Westmoreland Rd Add to your investment portfolio or do some sweat equity and call it your home and live the life! GREAT garage space with a nice wide driveway along with a nice yard.
$97,500 Frankfort
6765 Rome Westmoreland Rd Just starting out or looking to downsize? This may be the one for you! Two stall garage, one level living with hardwood floors. Do some minor work to make it your own and enjoy!
1760 Lewis Rd Embrace the panoramic views & privacy; this fabulous house is 3400 sq. ft. Victorian Home offers 4BR, 2.5BA. 12’ garage doors, great for the RV all on 3 acres of land. Waterville Schools.. Oriskany Falls
8191 Valley Road 3br. , 2 bath double wide beautiful curb appeal on an acre of land. Home interior needs a hug and a hammer but great potential and livable while you do it. Waterville schools.
Land 29 Florence Ct - Whitetail Meadows
Whitetail Meadows is a highly desired Hamlet of Chadwicks. MLS#1700063
27 Florence Ct - Whitetail Meadows
Whitetail Meadows is a highly desired Hamlet of Chadwicks. MLS#1700062
9 Florence Ct - Whitetail Meadows Marble Road, Vernon Center
Whitetail Meadows is a highly desired Hamlet of Chadwicks. MLS#1700061
Whitetail Meadows is a highly desired established subdivision with all utilities. MLS#1700059
111 Trails Crossing, Whitestown
Tilden Ave., Sherman Hills , New Hartford
Desired location! Great setting conveniently located, not far from Thruway. All plans must be approved by owner. MLS# 170099
Whitetail Meadows is a highly desired Hamlet of Chadwicks. MLS#1700060
112 Trails Crossing, Whitestown
This lot has an open invitation for your new home. All utilities included, Builders available if needed. MLS# 1801066
Ready for your new home!! Surveyed acre lot with dug well, Westmoreland School District. Property will require septic.
26 Florence Ct - Whitetail Meadows
NYS Rt 5 Clinton
Desired location! Great setting conveniently located and not far from Thruway. All plans must be approved by owner.
Central New York
Now is the time to have your favorite contractor start the building process for your new home. MLS# 1702914
Bethel Road
Awesome Northern Tier hunting land on this 166 acre parcel with plenty of timber. Put up your camp & enjoy! MLS# 174046
Rt 26, Rome
Partially Cleared Building in Westmoreland School District, 280 Feet of Frontage ! Driveway Already in ! Just Needs a Well and Septic.
Wow! What a location! New Hartford Schools, close to Herkimer County. MLS# 1801069 Location, location, location. Build your dream home in this fabulous neighborhood. MLS# 1801067
Bradley Brook Rd, Lebanon
Blue Heron Pond!! 27 acres of pure nature! Enjoy the fully stocked 14 acre Pond, yellow perch, Crappies, small mouth bass & many more!
Dominic Pavia President
Specializing in Commercial Real Estate Sales, Leasing, Consulting, Development & Management
Patrick V. Agen Brian Snow Carole Iseneker Kevin Valenti John Jweid 5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555 • PaviaRealEstate.com • Licensed in NY and PA Licensed Assoc. R.E. Broker Licensed Assoc. R.E. Broker Licensed Assoc. R.E. Broker Licensed R.E. Salesperson Licensed R.E. Salesperson
For Sale: 5 Ann Street, Mohawk ForLease:48GeneseeStreet,NewHartford For Sale: 9060 Route 365, Marcy For Sale: 1008 Cornelia Street, Utica 500-3,680 +/- SF available at Butler Hall in the Village 6,342 +/- SF building in convenient downtown Fully equipped convenience store immediately available 5,594+/-SFbuildingavailable.FormerSt.ElizabethMedical of New Hartford high traffic, great visibility. Shared location. Situated on 3 floors with 40 +/- on-site with a Sunoco branded fueling station. Operating Center with numerous offices, waiting room, & storage parking lot. Minutes from proposed hospital site. kitchen, retail store with NYS lottery & room to expand. available.CloseproximitytoHerkimer&NYSThruway. services offered if needed.
Dr. G’s Weight Loss & Wellness Center located at New Hartford Shopping Center is available with over 2,000 patients. Current location is available.
For Sale or Lease: 310-312 S. James Street, Rome For Sale: 403-409 Lenox Ave., Oneida For Sale: 7359 Route 5, Westmoreland For Lease: 2520 Genesee Street, S. Utica For Lease: 63 Calder Ave., Yorkville 14,040 +/- SF retail/warehouse building available. 14,880 +/- SF situated within 2 buildings with additional 1,400 +/- SF free standing building situated on 1.1 1,280 +/- SF recently renovated building available. 1,000 +/- SF available in South Utica location, high 1dock level and 2 ground level overhead doors. Close parking lot. Former Ye Olde Pizza Pub building and a fully +/- acre parcel. On-site parking, close proximity to NYS Consisting of 4 offices and located 2 block from Oriskany traffic, great visibility. On-site parking lot. Shared rented 2-family house included in sale. services offered if needed. Blvd. On-site parking. proximity to major retailers. Thruway.
For Sale: 71 N. Main St., Dolgeville For Lease: 350 Leland Ave. N. Utica Big Lots Plaza 1,500 – 7,100+/- SF retail space 3,224 +/- SF free standing building formally available. Great North Utica location. occupied by M&T Bank. On-site parking and driveAADT = 12,334 cars per day. thru. Situated on .45 +/- Acres.
Santina “Tina” Pavia
For Lease: 555 French Road, Bldg. A, New Hartford For Sale: 121 S. Jay Street, Rome For Sale: 10100 Church Road, Marcy 1,800 +/- SF office space available. Close proximity to 4.6 +/- acres offers a unique opportunity for pet lovers. 1,700 +/- retail building. High traffic and visibility. Slocum Dickson Medical Group, St. Luke’s Hospital & Utica The Steven Swan Humane Society Pet Cemetery is Situated on the corner of Erie Blvd. & S. Jay St., College. Located at the entrance of Utica Business Park. available. Main house can be a rental/office with garage . surrounded by national retailers.
Sabrina Arcuri
Specializing in Commercial Real Estate Sales, Leasing, Consulting, Development & Management
Licensed R.E. Broker
5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555 • PaviaRealEstate.com
5455 W. Lake Rd, Owasco Lake (Auburn)
Luxurious home situated on 10 +/- acres. Featuring 8,000 + SF of living space, boasts 4 bedrooms,5 full & 2 half baths. Open concept with gourmet kitchen overlooking large patio & Owasco Lake.
5701 Lovers Lane, Oriskany
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
2,742 +/- SF home with 5 Bedroom 2.5 baths situated on 6 +/- acres. 2 stall attached garage, fenced in yard. Located within Oriskany School District. Listing Price $195,000.
116 Hollister Road, Old Forge
4/5 bedroom 3 bath home located in Old Forge on the channel. Boating, Kayaking and waterpark all within walking distance. Close proximity to skiing & hiking. Listing Price $649,000.
2622 Route 12, Port Leyden
1,600 +/- SF home set on 37 +/- gorgeous acres! Large 2 stall built in garage with enough room for storage & workshop! 800’ +/- frontage on road & Black River. Listing Price $324,900.
10 Narla Lane, New Hartford
Major Price Reduction! 4 Bedroom 3 ½ baths contemporary home. 1st floor mater suite! Finished basement with movie theater. The possibilities with this house are endless! Listing Price $399,000.
614 N. George Street, Rome
View this beautifully designed 3 bedroom 2 ½ bath Victorian home resides in one of Rome’s wonderful historical areas. Listing Price $99,900.
2 Hills Drive, Utica
Unique home located on exclusive road in Southeast Utica. Character throughout this historical home! 3/4 Bedrooms 2 ½ baths. Living room, Dining Room, Large bar room w/ vaulted ceilings, exposed beams, wood burning fireplace. Listing Price $315,000.
For Sale: Albany Rd.-Haddad Drive, Frankfort
This 66 +/- acre parcel is located on Shaker Heights Subdivision which over looks beautiful Mohawk Valley. Property is conveniently located within close proximity to New Hartford, Sauquoit, Utica, Ilion, Herkimer. Can be subdivided. Listing Price $250,000.
Rosemary Talarico
Licensed Assoc. R.E. Broker
31 Nob Road, Utica
Contemporary style 3 bedroom 2 full bath ranch with additional living space in the walkout basement. Large deck off the kitchen with views of the valley. Basement is currently set up for in-law apartment. Listing Price $249,000.
For Sale: 2444 Albany Road, Frankfort
Dairy Farm sits on 75 +/- acres located within the Sauquoit School District. Property includes a 130 x 35 barn and 70 x 30 pole barn.
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
55 E. Main Street,
Mohawk, NY 13407
(315) 866-7702
Valerie Duncan
Janice Harter
Marjorie Case
Geri Simonette-Hendrix
Michael Steele
Clyde Diedrich /Broker 315-868-4339
Sweet three bedroom ranch with living room, eat-it kitchen and full bath, updated siding, windows and central air. Nice lot with detached garage.
Tucked away in Pullman Flatts sets this home with a spacious country kitchen, living room, four bedrooms and bath, on an oversized lot with garage.
$52,500 ILION
Put our Experience and Results to work for You!
Sweet village home with large living room, dining area, updated kitchen, two bedrooms, 1 ½ baths and first floor laundry.
Bungalow style home featuring 2 bedrooms, a full bath, large living room and open kitchen / dining area. Perfect garage for your workshop or toys, block construction,12’ ceiling.
List your home with the Valley’s Best
$92,500 ILION
Ranch style home in a private wooded setting on a 4 acre lot. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is unfinished and awaits the creative buyer.
190 US Route 11, Central Square, NY 2845 St. Rt. 49, West Monroe, NY
Heidi Westcott
Keith Brown
Old Forge, NY 13420
Lic.R.E. Salesperson
MLS# S1147710
2946 State Rt 28 • PO Box 188 Office: 315-369-ADKS (2357)
AudreyStrutynski Elaine Nelson
MaryAnn Nelson James Foley
315-559-8957 315-271-9223
315-369-8603 315-794-9460 917-698-3473
Central New York
89 Adrian Circle, Constantia
Bright & Open Floor Plan Ranch. Multi Functional Island Kitchen w/Large Walk-In Panty, Whirlpool Black Stainless Steel Appliances, ShakerStyle Hardwood Cabinet Doors w/Striking Granite Countertops & Stainless Steel Undermount Sink, Sliding Glass Door Leads To Concrete Patio. For 3D Virtual Tour visit bit.ly/89AdrianCir
Beth Roberts
Lic.R.E. Salesperson
David Bradt
Lic.R.E. Assoc.Broker Lic.R.E. Salesperson Lic.R.E. Salesperson Lic.R.E. Assoc.Broker Lic.R.E. Salesperson Lic.R.E. Salesperson
Robert Foster NYS Lic. Real Estate Broker
11098 Lake Julia Rd. Office: 315-831-5061
Natalie Roth Lic.R.E. Broker
Spacious city home featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a living room, dining room and kitchen, has replacement windows, updated electric, long driveway, private deck and yard
Your Home Connection For Central New York
H. Edward Benn
Beautiful cape with open kitchen / dining area, large living room, a bright and airy sunroom, two first floor bedrooms, a full bath and an upstairs master bedroom.
Now with 2 Locations - Remsen & Old Forge, NY Remsen, NY 13438
Country ranch on a ½ acre lot just minutes from town. Home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, updated kitchen with granite counters, and laundry room, plus detached garage.
Celebrating our 50th Year in Business
Farmhouse with a remodeled country kitchen, living room, dining room, den, 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Includes two garages, old barn and 5 acres.
8 Parkway Circle, Utica, NY 13501 • 315-792-8043 6822 Main Street, Verona Beach, NY 13162 • 315-762-0000
Associate Brokers
Celebrating 28 Years! LY MI
East Utica, 713 Lansing St.
Asking $120,000 *3 Units *Separate Gas & Electric *1,2, & 3 Bedroom Apts. *Applianced Apts. *$1,550 Rental Income per Month *Nice Rentals
E. Utica, 1224 Hammond Ave. Sylvan Beach, 713 Park Ave. Asking $166,000 *Beautiful Stone Front Cape *3 Bedrms, 1 1/2 Bath * Fam Rm w/ Fireplace * Lovely, Maintained * Hardwoods,Tiles Baths, NewerWindows & More! * 2 Stall Heated Garage
Asking $149,900 *Modern Duplex *2 Bedrooms & Bath Each Side *All Furnishings *$2,400 Weekly Income Included *Waterfront View & Access *Panorama View of Oneida Lake *Located In The Heart of Sylvan Beach *Handicapped Access & Bath
Sylvan Beach, 14 Bottini Lane Asking $58,900 * Immaculate Manufactured Home * Located in Lone Pine Campground * Turnkey. Tastefully Furnished * Florida/Sun Room Heated * Private Yard * Central Air
New Listing Sylvan Beach, 709 Park Ave
Asking $179,900 *Amazing waterfront *2 Bedrms. & Bath * All furnishings included * Shangri-La subdivision & panoramic view of Spectacular Oneida Lake sunsets * Private parking
West Utica, 1311 Oak Street
Asking $34,900 * Spacious Cape Cod * 3 Bedrooms & Bath * All Mechanics In Working Order * Sold AS IS * Needs TLC * Handyman’s Special
New Listing South Utica, 402 French Road South Utica, 405 Richmond Asking $99,900 *Cape Cod *3 Bdrms & Bath *2 car attached garage *Family-owned homestead *Needs TLC *Must Be Sold!!
Asking $84,900 * Affordable Ranch * Spacious 1,600 Sq. Ft. * 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths * Large Rear Addition * Fireplace * Full Poured Foundation
Herkimer, 106 E. Steele Street
Asking $68,000 * Nice 2 Story * 4 Bedrooms, 1½ Baths * Numerous Updates in 2014 * New Kit, Bathroom, Carpeting, Windows * New Fixtures, Door & Appliances * Well Maintained!
E. Utica, 772 Lansing St.
Asking $79,900 * Very Nice 2 Story * 3 Bedrms, 2 Baths * Beautifully Remodeled * Updated Utilities * 2 Story Garage w/ Framed Out Apt. * Pride of Ownership!
Boonville, 418 Fenton Terrace
Asking $89,900 *Beautiful Adirondack Cottage *4 Bedrms & Bath*2nd Flr offers 5th Bedrm/Gameroom *Front Yard Overlooks Black River *Yards From Snowmobile Trails *Enjoy Fishing, Swimming, Hunting
E. Utica, 508 Square St. Asking $54,900 * Investment Property * Must Be Sold! * Offers Welcome * Family Homestead * 3 Bedrm, 2- 1 bedrooms
SOLD Vernon, 45 State Street
Asking $149,900 * Beautiful Colonial * 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths * 4 Car Detached Garage * Must Be Sold! * 1st Floor Bedroom * Fireplace, Formal Dining, Family Room & Study
Marcy, 8464 Old River Road
Asking $79,900 *Cape Cod *3 Bdrms & Bath *2 car Garage *Picturesque Setting *Oriskany Schools *Motivated Sellers!
East Utica, 1122 Kossuth Ave
Asking $129,900 *Unique Complex *Residential Living Area *3 Bedroom, 2 Baths Loft *Original Beams & Woodwork *Studio, Gallery *Workshops, Office *Versatile Complex *Turn-Key
South Utica, 904 Mildred
Asking $79,900 *Very Nice 2-Story *4 Bdrms, 1 1/2 Baths *Central Air *Detached Garage *Located on Dead-End Street *Gorgeous Backyard Porch
Email: Elizabeth.zlomek@yahoo.com
We Appreciate The Opportunity To Say Thank You!
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Our Real Estate Staff :
38 Main Street - Bring Your Dreams to this 2 story commercial downtown row building (former candy/chocolate store) next to the busy Fastrac store/gas station. Main level storefront with an upstairs 2 bedroom apartment. MLS#S1162557
Bambi Norman, Broker/Owner 315-225-5181 Yvonne Carle, Associate Broker 315-727-2800 Lorie Lescenski, Associate Broker 315-225-9238 Bill Norman, Sales Agent
www.camdenny.com/wilkes www.realtor.com
11422 Meagher Wells Road-Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath Cape Cod home on 2.7 private tree lined acres! Unfinished bonus room over the huge garage. Move in Ready on a no thru traffic country road! MLS#S1158990
1405 Osceola Road-Gothic Revival style home offering 4/5 bedrooms & 2 baths. 1.3 acre level lot, vintage barn & located directly on the Osceola Snowmobile Trial System & ATV trail system. MLS#S1152618
Herder Road- A mostly wooded building lot that’s 6.74 surveyed acres with 489’ of road frontage, older dug well on property & driveway culvert already in place. MLS#S1161545
Lee Center
10251 Sulphur Springs Road-Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 Bath “Cape Cod” home on 26.8 acres! Inground pool with party deck, spacious gazebo, 2 car garage with work shop area & seasonal half bath. MLS#S1131342
A 36
1401 Osceola Rd-Osceola General Store Building has been made almost new again! Main level has several open rooms & new full bath for commercial possibilities or a home occupation. Upper level is an awesome 3 bedrm spacious apt. MLS#S1035869
9125 Main Street-Former 2 story U. S. Hotel building offers 7,000 sq. ft. of great possibilities with public sewer/ water. Use your imagination to bring this unique building back to life! MLS#S1142453
Ryan Road- Well managed & pristine 103 acres of both woods & 3 open hayfields along with 2,660’ on the East Branch of Salmon River. Conservation easement is already in place that gives some tax advantages. MLS#S1160883
10228 Glenmore Road-Double wide mobile home on 2.7 acres with frontage on Furnace Creek. Offers 3 bedroon/2 baths, oak kitchen w/ appliances, dining room, living room & back addition. High pitched newer roof & huge covered side porch & front covered deck. MLS#S1164566
Marsh Road - 95 mostly wooded acres with a few small fields that are near the road. Offers 900’ of road frontage with power & phone available at the street. Great hunting property in the northern tier & great place to build secluded home. MLS#S1131982
9169 Marsh Road-Totally “Off the Grid” unfinished efficiency home located down a long winding driveway with attached 2 car garage on 42.6 mostly wooded acres! Solar panels, inverter, deep cell batteries & back up diesel generator for those rainy/cloudy days! MLS#S1144124
4057 Willson Road East- 4 bedroom, 2 bath country colonial home with additional income from a very nice single wide mobile home to help with your mortgage. Above ground pool & 4 car garage to boot! MLS#S1146634
8769 Marsh Road- Private setting on 148.9 mostly wooded acres with one open field. Offers a vintage stone foundation barn that has been converted into a simple living space, 4 large bay garage with work shop & an old ranch home that needs to be torn down. MLS#S1131980
11585 Thompson Corners Florence Road - Adorable & well kept Mini Farm on 36 acres of fenced pasture , hay fields & woods. Newer stick build ranch home with walkout basement, lots of nice barns to work with here that are ready for your livestock! MLS#S1138211
10583 River Road-Three bedroom, one bath ranch with a full partially finished walkout basement, offers a large 1 acre lot, detached oversize 2 car garage with leanto & outdoor wood boiler that heats the home & hot water. MLS#S1070095
AC 64
1573 Osceola Road-Vintage handyman 4 bedroom farm house on 64 acres of both woods & open land with a large spring fed pond, over 3,300’ of road frontage. MLS#SS1043020
45 Harden Blvd-Commercially zoned ranch suitable for a business on a high traffic State Route #13. Offers 3 bedrooms, full bath, many hardwood floors, home office space (former beauty shop) with additional half bath. MLS#S1148406
690 Redfield Road- 1 1/2 story home in the heart of fun country! Three bedrooms, beautiful modern bath, living room, huge eat in country kitchen & main level laundry room. Enclosed porch with knotty pine bar, detached barn/garage for great storage. MLS#S1148216
Milk Road-Cozy Tug Hill Camp on the groomed snowmobile trail system with 2.9 acres! Offers a country kitchen, living room with wood stove, full bath, bunk room, storage loft & large storage shed. MLS#S1124091
4A 14
7477 Lake Street- Roomy 4 bedroom, 2 bath colonial home near Oneida Lake & NYS boat launch! Large oak kitchen with morning room & dining area off the spacious living room. Detached 2 car garage with a very nice private back yard on a quiet street! MLS#S1153706
Central New York
22 Third Street-Charming spacious 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath village home! Offer a pellet stove in the living room, family/dining room, huge kitchen with large dining area, lots of great living space to entertain & enjoy! MLS#S1155058
C 8A
1658 Osceola Road - 5 mostly wooded acres with a nice gravel clearing, old dug stone laid up well, gravel driveway with culvert already in place, power & phone available Make your plans for that Tug Hill Retreat!.. MLS#S1149338
Farm property with large 2 story dairy barn on 144 acres! Lots of road frontage & fenced pastures used for beef cattle, stream for water, hay fields & several places to build your new home. Additional adjacent parcel of 136 acres available for hunting $79,900.
Florence Hill Road - Secluded place in the woods with a 400’ gravel driveway already in place & a newly built 12’ x 20’ finish as you please building all situated on 6 wooded acres, 400’ of road frontage with power & phone available. MLS#S1135881
Barker Road- A wooded building lot that’s 5.3 acres where there is a nice place to build near some reforested pine trees. Close to the Tug Hill Snowmobile trail system & ATV trails too! MLS#S1117267
Brett Lojewski
Michael Corleto
Tabatha Trevor
Matthew Buono
(C) 315-794-4815
(C) 315-794-5887
(C) 315-601-8556
(C) 518- 542-0745
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Broker/Owner
147 Genesee Street New Hartford, NY 13413
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Michael J. Grassi
Kevin Waterman
(C) 315-725-2194
(C) 315-269-6037
Lic. R.E. Assoc. Broker
(O)315-735-4663 (F) 315-624-0412 Weichert.com ppmvrealty.com
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
(C) 315-525-7352
Tammy DesGrosielliers Lic. R.E. Salesperson
(C) 315-717-2553
(C) 315-725-9717
(C) 315-525-2766
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Roseanne Wood
Garry Williams
Lou De Michele
Lindsay Walsh
(C) 315-292-8784
(C) 315-525-9483
(C) 315-867-9111
(C) 315-527-4923
(C) 315 -527-3966
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lori Damanda
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Scott Kelley
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Mark Enjem
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
(C) 315-292-3200
Sandra Dare
Lesley Powers
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Louis Htoo
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Speaks Karen Lic. R.E. Salesperson
(C) 315-790-7947
Our homes are selling so fast! For updated listings, pictures, videos and drone photography visit us at:
Weichert Realtors - Premier Properties PropertySistersoftheMohawkValley and check out our website at:
our agents shared in
Documented OďŹƒce LEADS!!!
Buyers Agent Joelle Sebastian-Dean (315) 796-4493 joelle@pswesoldyou.com
Adeline VanDyke (315) 404-6431
Patti Palumbo (315) 272-5529
Adeline@PSWeSoldYou.com pattipalumbo1@gmail.com
Lori Dinardo-Emmerich (315) 525-2733 dinardolori@yahoo.com
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
That Knows The Adirondacks BOONVILLE
Arquette Properties
Cozy 3 bedroom home in walking distance to the village center will make a great starter home or investment property. First Floor Living with 2 bedrooms.
3 bed, 2 ½ bath Country Home on 3 private acres. Move in Ready, Totally updated and finished with granite counters, custom cabinets, oversized master.
Cute as a button little cabin with 1 bedroom, a loft and small detached cottage for overflow. Two detached garages with more than enough room for your“stuff”.
MLS# S1159123 | LINDA YOUNG (315) 371-6468
MLS# S1159814 | MARCIA BROOKS (315)727-0751
MLS# S1119728 | MARCIA BROOKS (315)727-0751
May as well call this new as it seems it. Adirondack styled 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home is worth a look. Detached 24’x 32’pole building.
3 Bedroom raised ranch with new kitchen, roof and addition with sunroom. Basement has wood stove and electric furnace. Attached garage.
Spacious Village home has 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths, attached garage and Detached garage for extra storage. Holland Patent Schools.
MLS# S1145440 | MARCIA BROOKS (315)727-0751
MLS# S1153658 | ELIZABETH MILLER (315)796-3910
MLS# S1152386 | ELIZABETH MILLER (315)796-3910
Move in ready 2010 manufactured home on 3.38 acres with new (2015) attached two stall garage. Home features 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths.
Barely lived in 2009 raised ranch on 7 +/- acres of land near the snowmobile trail. The garage has a half-bath and heated floors.
MLS#S1137485 | RIEANNA LEE (315) 223-1419
MLS# S1151924 | RIEANNA LEE (315) 223-1419
Happy New Year! from
ADIRONDACK OFFICE • 117 Main ST., BOONVILLE, NY• 315-942-4408 | CAMILLUS OFFICE • 3790 MILTON AVE., CAMILLUS, NY • 315.487.4100 FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE • 104 SALT SPRINGS ST., FAYETTEVILLE, NY • 315.446.4100 Each office is independently owned and operated. www.c21arquette.com
Central New York
One Realty Partners, LLC 114 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502
Janet L. Kipper Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Adirondack Real Estate 2730 Route 28, Old Forge, NY 13420
“Own A Piece of The Adirondacks!” Check all the listings at: www.birdsadkrealestate.com
Motivated Sellers
Business Opp W/ Living Quarters Old Forge 713 W. Liberty Street, Unit 2, Rome $52,000 HANDYMAN SPECIAL - A Must see - This 2 family unit needs some special attention, but will make a great rental or live in property! Previous listings have it listed each unit with 2 bedrooms each. However there is plenty of room for a third bedroom in each apartment. Each unit has a large Kitchen.
613 W. Dominick Street, Rome $69,900 Cute 2 Family unit on W Dominick St. Very quiet and enjoyable. Each unit has a kitchen, dining room and living room with bedrooms and full bath. Upstairs has 1-2 bedrooms and downstairs currently is being used as a 3 bedroom with washer and dryer hook ups. Great income investment!
Third Lake 3rd Lake Ranch
Marine Dealership - 2730 Rt 28 - Business Opportunity with Tuttle Rd., Old Forge -Year around 4 bedroom ranch home, eat spacious living quarters. Old Forge Marine dealership & garage in kitchen beautiful fireplace with boathouse on 100’of lakefront. includes 2 offices, 50’ X 100’ store and garage on 180ft of road Features sun porch & walk out basement facing 3rd lake. Great for frontage on Rt 28. Garage has 3 overhead doors in back and 1 in summer and winter sports! front.
Just Listed 611 W. Dominick Street, Rome $119,900 INVESTORS - NEW RENTS - HIGHER INCOME! Maintained 4 family apartment building. Owner has painted and installed new carpets in 2 of the apts, and painted and repaired fence, painting the building and awnings. Come see the improvements. Building has 4 Furnaces 2 (new) 2 at 6-10 yrs.
Coombs Road, Holland Patent $33,000 PICTURESQUE PERFECT Location for your new home! Build It Your Way on 5.81 acre, semi wooded and private piece of land with a little stream in the woods. Electric available at the road and property has already been Perc Tested.
Raquette Lake
$475,000 Raquette Lake
3 bedroom seasonal home with loft on104’ road access lakefront. 2 Acre Wooded Lot on 150’ of Waterfront on Woods Point. Boat Access Large living room / dining/ kitchen with 2 bathrooms on 1st floor. Only 1/2 drive in basement. National Grid power, well & septic sysem.
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
#1 in Mohawk Valley Sales. Locally Owned. Utica 315-735-2222
Rome 315-356-5760
Ilion 315-574-2260
Central New York
No Gimmicks. Just Great Service & Results!
For Real Estate - You Gotta Have Faith!
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
DecKa Real Estate Offer: Triangle Intersection Development site / 3+/- acres / Zoned Residential Commercial Mix use
Price Drop
State Route 11 County Route 4 and Hungary Land Rd. Central Square, NY 13036 * Traffic Count over 7,600 vehicles per day Contact: Don Bailey / Acquisitions
DecKa Real Estate Syracuse, New York 13202 315-744-6858 (Call or TEXT) E Mail: pmdbuss@yahoo.com (Inquires Submissions)
Donald Bailey / President / CEO / Founder
POWERHouse Mortgage Funding: We our Buyers of Seller Financed Notes / mortgages and institutional mortgage portfolios backed by real-estate Nationwide. Also available to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Investors and For Sale By Owner’s is our one of a kind Solution Certified Program (SCP)
MORTGAGEHouse Acquisitions: Purchasers of Non-Performing Single and Portfolio Assets. DecKa Real Estate: Buyer and sellers of residential and commercial real estate. We also provide private Funding too end buyer, if there not able to retain financing of their own to finalize the purchase, with our one of a kind Solution Certified Program (SCP) PMD Business is a Secondary Market Private Investment Firm that purchases real estate note mortgages, real estate, business notes and other assets Nationwide. We are NOT Realtors or Mortgage brokers or brokers of any kind. But without Brokers, the business industry as a whole / we wouldn’t exist. Follow us on
PMD Business Inc.
Mortgage Note Real Estate Funding Group Syracuse, NY 13202 Central New York
Introducing... New Hartford
$285,000 Whitesboro
$249,900 West Winfield
$159,000 Whitesboro
$149,900 New Hartford
Traditional Colonial 4 bedrooms 2.5 Great size and location. 4 bedroom, 2.5 Cozy 3-4 bedroom Cape Cod 2 full baths, The ultimate convenience! 2 bedroom, 2 baths Hardwoods 2960 s/f fireplace bath Colonial in Herthum Heights. large living room, large lot, 2 car garage. bath Ranch close to everything! One level!! Spacious. Updated. Move in today! MLS# S1158215 MLS# S1163767 MLS# 1803179 MLS# S1161658
$117,900 Utica
$105,000 East Utica
Super ranch with tons of updates. Remod- 3 bedroom Ranch w/eat-in kitchen. Hardeled kitchen, 3 bed, 2 bath, attached ga- wood floors, full basement, needs TLC. rage. MLS# 1803247 Nice yard. Attached garage. MLS# 1803559
$77,500 Whitesboro
Great price for this two family house in family friendly neighborhood. Minor TLC can make this it a true treasure. Rents are currently under value . MLS# S1159050
$104,900 Whitesboro
Great opportunity to own East Utica property on 4 city lots. 4 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, updated kitchen & baths. MLS# 1802449
$79,900 Middleville
$92,900 Utica
$69,900 Whitesboro
Pride of ownership 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, updated Raised Ranch. Hardwoods, Open concept! MLS# 1804259
$75,900 Frankfort
Great little two family in Whitesboro. All 2-story, 2 bedroom, dining room. Plen- 3 bedroom Village 2-story home with tiful closets, deck, view, well maintained cozy curb appeal and energy efficient separate utilities, 2 stall garage. & affordable! MLS# 1804039 upgrades. MLS# 1803416 MLS# 1803123 IAL RC ME M CO
3 bedroom Ranch with 2 full baths. Great neighborhood in NewYork Mills School District. Call listing agent for showings. Priced to sell! (315)941-2686 © MLS# S1161795
Beautiful & Meticulous Inside / Out... Updated bathrooms, Kitchen, Floors, Windows, Furnace and many More... backyard w/dbl deck completely enced... MLS# S1157002
Leona Rivkin
$49,900 Utica
Great Ilion home – affordable! New furnace, siding, windows & carpet. 4 bedrooms. MLS# 1803171
$48,900 Utica
Many updates roof, vinyl siding, windows, 1 OF 2 Heat Systems installed & hot water tanks. Deep yard, front & rear entrances to both apts. MLS#S1155934
$99,000 Ilion
3000 s/f commercial building. 1level. Currently retail. 3 rooms. Garage. Zoned C-N. Many possibilities. MLS# S1161728
Deerfield | $135,000 | MLS# 1803068
Build your dream home on 95 acres. Pole barn. Plenty of wooded area. Whitesboro schools.
Kirkland |$59,900 | MLS# 1800021
Approx 1.5 acre cleared recreational property. Property is residential w/agricultural overlay.
$119,900 South Utica $900 Month Lease
Super location for a wide range of uses. Updated mechanicals. Apartment on 2nd level. MLS# 1801258
Very affordable Whitesboro home – open concept, fireplace, hardwood floors, deep lot. MLS# 1803125
LEA Ilion
Rebecca Lyn Eastman
Lease office space available – great visibility, plenty of off street parking. MLS# 1802219
We are pleased to welcome Rebecca and Leona to our team of real estate professionals.
Congratulations Our Top Producers for November!
Rome | $27,500 | MLS# 1802935 2.5 acres residential building lot, unique country setting. Oriskany schools 250+ feet frontage w/gas, public water & electric at road.
Marcy | $10,000 | MLS# 1702653
Cleared flat lot to build on w/public utilities. Great for small home.
Whitestown | $60,000 | MLS#1803968 Great building lot in popular Herthum Hills. Public utilities. Ready to build in one of the last remaining lots.
David Meislin
Anthony Fumarola, Jr.
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
Recognized. Respected. Recommended. Your Photo Here
We’re Hiring
Free Training • Real Estate Office & Admin Support Progressive Marketing & Agent Tools • Generous Commissions Call 315-404-7380
Representing both Buyers & Sellers.
For All Your Real Estate Needs
With every listing and sale, I am making a contribution to the
Caroline E. Marino
Formerly Campion-Weeks
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY
Miracle Network
Licensed Associate R.E. Broker • Branch Manager
C:315-404-7380 • CarolineMarino@HowardHanna.com
Thinking of Buying or Selling A HOME...??? DownSizing... UpSizing.... Or Simply RightSizing...!!!
Let My Years of Experience Guide You...!!
Your Home... Your Dream... MY Commitment! It’s my Privilege to be Your REALTOR®!!
Happy New Year Everyone 141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413
Formerly Campion-Weeks AzzaGiorgi@howardhanna.com Web: AzzaGiorgi.HowardHanna.com 28
Central New York
Azza Giorgi Top Producer
(315) 534-2709 (C)
Trusted Knowledge * Proven Performance
With Much Appreciation
- Sue
hello new year, hello~
With a New Year people start thinking about their future. If you envision selling your home it is an incredible time to get it marketed. If your plans are to buy, there are things you will need to do to be prepared. My experience can move your life forward! ! I thank you for a wonderful 2018 and hope for an amazing 2019 together. - Sue
Susan Schwartz Alberico
Let My Background Move You Forward!
(315)723-0892 (C)
Whitesboro $259,900 25 Kurts Kt. Great size & location. 2700 sq.ft. 4 br 2.5 bath Colonial in popular Herthum Hills subdivision. MLS#1803965
Clark Mills $49,900 32 Pratt Ave - Why pay rent? Live in your 4 bedroom 1.5 bath home with 2 stall garage in Clinton schools. MLS# 180393
Whitesboro $209,900 40 Lyndon Road - Location Location Location !!!! Great Herthum Heights Colonial. Large Family room addition living room dining room with fireplace hardwood floors. MLS#1803262
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 141 GENESEE ST., NEW HARTFORD, NY 13413
Deerfield $135,000 6025 Johns Road - 95 acres with pole barn.
Associate Broker
Paris $214,900 2610 Rt 12 - Fabulous and immaculate 5000 sq building set up for a church but lots of other uses for your home or business. MLS#1801005
Call Mark 315-794-3452
Mark S. Canter
Marcy $10,000 Toby Road- The best buy in Marcy, building lot with all utilities.
Wishing You A Prosperous 2019
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413 • www.howardhanna.com January
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
Knowledge. Experience. Success.
Karen Basile
Joseph Neve-Rinaldo Jrtreelight@outlook.com
800 Black River Blvd., Rome, New York 13440
Licensed Broker | C: (315) 351-6401
(315) 533-7799
1103 Cederbrook Drive, Rome
Don’t miss out on this three bedroom Ranch with attached garage. Great price, nice area, no brainier. Patio off kitchen to a fabulous fenced in back yard that will make entertaining a breeze. MLS# S1159614
214 N. Jay, Rome
This two bedroom home is close to everything and priced to sell. This home offers a large living room and 2 nice size bedrooms with large closet area at the top of the stair. It needs a little work here and there. This would make a great starter home, MLS# S1162266
431 W. Court Street, Rome
429 W. Court Street Rome
Oriskany Rd., Rome
212 N Jay St., Rome
Wow the possibilities- This property is a turn key church. there is so much room it’s amazing. Worship area complete with beautiful stained glass windows and pews. Large offices with a side worship/ choir room. MLS#S1801168 ES CR
Lic. R.E. Salesperson | C: (315) 240-5722
Nice slopping property, would be perfect for your new home with basement level walkout. Acreage is wooded and backs up to state land. Water and electric at road. A septic will be needed.
Lots of space in this Hard to find 4 bedroom bedroom home with additional first floor room currently being used as 5th bedroom. Large entrance room and beautiful Hardwood floors. Come take a look. MLS# S1162276
This separate lot with garage would go well with either 214 N Jay or 429 W Court to expand the back yard. MLS# S1162286
Just amazing! 2,900 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms (1st floor master), 2 ½ baths, family room with FP, living room, dining room, kid’s game room/FR, walk-out basement, 3 car garage, fenced in private rear yard. $294,500 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
When only the best will do! 3,500 sq. ft. of gorgeous! Just like new with a new cherry kitchen, new master and guest baths! 25’x 23’family room with FP, 2 story office or den, finished basement, fenced yard. New furnace and air! $389,900 Julie Stickels, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-762-3434 (C)
Fabulous 2,934 sq. ft. of perfection. 4 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths, living room, dining room, family room, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage, 3 car detached garage, inground pool. $349,500 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
Beautiful Colonial built in 2007. 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths! Living room, dining room and eat-in kitchen with HWF. Spectacular views! Watch the sunset from your front porch, rear deck or fire pit! 3 car attached garage. $269,900 Julie Stickels, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-762-3434 (C)
Country location but convenient. 5 acres, 4 or 5 bedrooms, large living room, office, eat-in kitchen with new appliances, 2 ½ baths, finished lower level that walks out to an inground pool and party house! $304,900 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
Boasting oodles of character, this 2,490 sq. ft. 5 bedroom home is a family‘s paradise. 3 full baths, living room with fireplace, office, full dry walk out basement, 2 car garage and a pool! Beautiful location! $239,500 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
Central New York
Business Opportunity -Tug Hill Hideaway West Leyden, NY
Established Bar & Restaurant on Snowmobile and ATV Trails
A NewYearsWish!
Work Like You Don't Need The Money, Love Like You've Never Been Hurt, Dance Like No One Is Watching.
Here is your chance to acquire one of the most hopping businesses on Tug Hill. Established in 1972, the Tug Hill Hideaway in West Leyden, NY is a Full Service Bar & Grill catering to outdoorsman’s, snowmobilers, ATVers, hunters and local clientele; Open Year-Round.
Happy New Year!
The opportunities are endless; • Run it as an established profitable bar & grill • Add lodging for increased traffic and revenues • Bed & Breakfast • Make it your own private club • Convert into a one-of-a-kind private residence • Use living quarters as additional rental income
Gloria J. Rocci
Business sits on 5 acres with option to buy the surrounding 78 acres for an additional $85,000. Seller financing is NOT available. For a full description of what is included in the sale of this turn key business, visit www.tughillhideaway.com.
One Realty Partners, LLC 114 Genesee St. Utica NY 13502
Call 315-942-6860 - ask for Owners: Denis or Stephanie.
(315) 868-8686
Selling due to health issues. Business and land are priced to sell quickly.
Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker
of the
$2,995 Flat Fee
or 5% MLS
Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® www.cnyrealtor.com
Associate Real Estate Broker
Ed Kasperovich Licensed R.E. Salesperson (C) 315.534.3484
Brian McClusky Licensed R.E. Salesperson (C) 315.725.6799
2112 Sunset Ave Utica, NY 13502 • (P) 315.797.2400
SenShine Real Estate welcomes:
Merima Smajic
Alex Senn Broker (C) 315.725.7167
You can reach her at: (C) 315.272.3790 or
email at msmajic@gmail.com
Merima has an extensive real estate law background and speaks the Bosnian language.
This Month’s Featured Home
New Hartford
3563 Oneida Street- Well loved and maintained 3 bedroom home with many updates. Large yard, Sauquoit Schools, low taxes. Call 315-797-2400 for complete information.
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
Mohawk Valley Listing Service
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350
315-866-2002 • bward@brucewardusa.com • Bruce Ward, Lic. R.E. Broker Commercial
HERKIMER $185,000
This brick building offers 2 store fronts & six apartments. 2 Lake frontage on Canadarago lake. Small house with big This updated home is in move in condition. Was once a two & 1 Br apts, fully occupied. Long term tenants. 41 X 110 lot. ideas offers 3 br’s & 2 baths. This is a year round home, near family and can easily be converted to 2 family. 2 Electric Great opportunity for investment or owner utilization. Call the island. 50X350 lot. meters, spacious interior living, deep lot 50x224, extra large for income breakdown blacktop driveway. Priced to sell.
Well kept 2 br up family home w/ 2 baths, room down can be br also laundry on 1st floor. Large corner lot, enclosed sunporch & att- garage. Extra garage for storage or toys.
HERKIMER $52,000
Convenient location w/walking distance to all needs. 1St floor offers formal dining rm/lr & kitchen. Second floor 3 large br’s & bath. Motivated seller.
Let’s Turn Your Dream Of Owning A Home Into A Reality in 2019! HERKIMER $135,000
HERKIMER $79,000
Oversized raised ranch in most desirable location. Offers 3 Two family. 2 Br’s, each apt. Tenants pay own utilities. Ample Well kept single family home. 3 Br’s, applianced updated br’s, 2346 sq. Ft. Of living space. Beautiful hardwood floors. parking, close to main hgwy & roads, 40x200 lot, approx 2152 kitchen. Lr w/fireplace. Formal dining room too! Inground sq ft of living space. Come take a look asking $73,000 pool also garage 63x160 lot. Amenities include custom master bathw/jacuzzi tub and shower. Inground pool, double att. Associate Brokers: Lorraine Hartigan - 315-868-1874 Sales Agents: David Drapalski - 315-868-3233 Michele Luke - 315-868-0154 Pamela Allen - 315-717-7530 David Dudgeon - 315-866-7578 James Woodrick - 315-542-2533 Nancy Arno - 315-895-4520 Anna Duffy - 315-717-3957 Patricia Kelly - 315-717-2421
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350
315-866-2002 • bward@brucewardusa.com
Two family. 2 Br’s each apt. Live in one & rent the other to help pay mtg. New heating system, modern updated kitchens, beautiful hardwood floors, well maintained spacious yard w/ oversized detached garage. Jamie LaPorte - 315-717-3994 Monica Munford - 315-794-7618 Leslie Nicolette - 315-985-0212 Susan Schrader - 315-527-8904
The “A” Team From Your 1st Choice In The Mohawk Valley
Bruce Ward & Co.
Marie Scialdone - 315-868-5563 Carol Spisak - 315-269-6933 Debbie Weston - 315-985-0840
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350
Consider Bruce Ward & Company
*Your listings are promoted on over 50 websites, including Zillow, Trulia & Realtor.com. *Your listings are promoted through local & statewide listing services. *True independent contractor status, no minimum sales requirements, no required office hours * Over 40 years of successful transactions
Interested? Call Bruce Ward for a confidential interview
315-796-4425 • bward@brucewardusa.com
Central New York
Completely Renovated high-end classic style 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home. All new large applianced kitchen with sliding doors leading to 96 sq. ft. deck. Formal dining room, living room with beautiful bamboo floors on 1st floor. Must see this to appreciate. Great location. Call Carol Spisak for viewing.
Lic. R.E. Salesperson 315.269.6933 • carol1320@aol.com
Mohawk Valley Listing Service
Attention Real Estate Professionals Accepting New Members
CNY LifeandHomes
Listing Service
(Mohawk Valley Listing Service, Inc.)
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Agents Per Month
This Month’s New Listings QSN#
List Price
Listing Office
Office Phone
312 Margaret St.
Joe Macri Realty
434 Briarcliff Ave.
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
114 Pullman St.
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
293 Old State Road
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
205 West Main St
Bruce Ward & Company, Inc.
186 John Street
Joe Macri Realty
151 Clemons Rd
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
2211 County Hgwy 22
Bruce Ward & Company, Inc.
297 North Gage Road
Kay Delano Real Estate
489 county Hwy 119
St. Johnsville
United Country Real Estate/HBE Group Inc.
3 Prindle Ave
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
314 Railroad Street
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
719 Westwood Dr.
Bruce Ward & Company, Inc.
5 Marshall Avenue
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
135 Marginal Rd.
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
3778 State Highway 30
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
107-109 N Prospect St
Bruce Ward & Company, Inc.
417 Woodworth Lake Road
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
40 ac Louis Ridge Rd
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
15 ac Grande View Dr
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
0 Blueberry Lane Lot 17
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
Brokers $35
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32 S. Fourth Ave.
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
111 West Street
E Herkimer
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
531 Prescott Street
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
106 First Ave.
Diedrich Associates Valley Realty
75 S. Main St.
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
20 Averill Street,
St. Johnsville
United Country Real Estate/HBE Group Inc.
3 Walnut St
Richfield Springs
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
435 Prospect Street,
Joe Macri Realty
15 ac Grande View Dr
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
15 Ac. Grande View Dr.,
Van Billings Real Estate LLC
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HUNT Real Estate Corp. invites you to celebrate our 100th year in business - Proudly assisting thousands of families with all of their real estate & homeownership needs.
The Complete Real Estate Experience
26 College Street Clinton, NY 13323 Office: (315) 853-4400 James Lenahan Licensed RE Associate Broker (315) 723-2270 | jim.lenahan@huntrealestate.com Mindy Thomas Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (315) 796-5619 | mindy.thomas@huntrealestate.com
of HUNT Real Estate
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- Jim Lenahan & Mindy Thomas
We Are Expanding and Actively Seeking Agents
OPPORTUNITYAWAITS! Contact Tina Pavia 315-723-2399
Specializing in Residential Sales and Leasing, Servicing all of Central New York
5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555 • PaviaRealEstate.com 34
Central New York
Santina “Tina” Pavia Licensed R.E. Broker
Linda Toukatly Lic. R.E. Salesperson (315) 269-7487 (C)
Megan Thornley-Kempney Lic. R.E. Salesperson (315) 269-3264 (C)
Deborah Gross Lic. R.E. Salesperson (315) 525-9320 (C)
6543 Brian St. Marcy Popular Walking Meadows,S bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3,000 square feet of quality living space. Master suite main floor, 3-car garage, enjoy private trails at Walking Meadows. Call Ron Today! $429,000
Ronald Stewart Broker/Owner (315) 796-9456 (C)
70 Genesee St New Hartford, NY Phone: (315) 735-4460 Email: rstewart@mv1stchoice.com
110 Brown Rd., Schuyler Unique property that offers many possibilities. This 28 acre property offers a ranch style home w/4 bedrooms, 2 new baths, 2 fireplaces & finished basement. Oversized garage. Call Ron for private showing. $319,900
35 Wadsworth Rd., New Hartford Impressive ranch style home w/3,400 square feet. Private rear yard, beautifully remodeled home, granite kitchen, large dining & family room, in-law potential, great view. $298,500
What’s Your Home Worth? go to:
29 Stanhope Crt. New Hartford 1,460 sq ft floor plan with an additional 320 sq. ft finished basement. Quiet cul-de-sac, this home is very well maintained and offers main floor living room w/gas fireplace, open kitchen w/casual & formal dining. $215,000
17 Beaton Dr. Deerfield It’s all herel3 bedroom, 2.5 bath raised ranch with large garage and plenty of extra storage space. Enclosed deck, two fireplaces, Whitesboro schools. Call Ron. $174,900
Ask About Our
452 Ashwood Ave., Utica Here is a home that offers excellent upside with just simple cosmetic changes. This raised ranch has 3 bedrooms, 1 full & 2 half baths, 2 car garage, beautiful hardwood floors. $129,900 NIT
828 Herkimer Rd., Utica North Utica home with over 1,600 square feet w/4 bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen with open dining to living room. Hardwood floors, natural woodwork, garage, deep backyard. Call Megan for showing. $109,900
Listing Fee
51 Van Vorst St., Utica South Utica home offering 3 bedroom and 1.5 baths. Nice features with original wood staircase, hardwood floors, French doors, fireplace living room, spacious dining room & more. Call Megan. $87,000
613-619 North Main St., Herkimer Investors -Where are you? This 4 unit is a no brainer. Four 2-bedroom apartment with utilities separate except water. Tenants pay their own heat, electric & hot water. Updates include roof, windows. Call Ron. $125,000
Real Estate Opportunity Ready to learn? 25 Years Experience • Excellent Training Well-Informed • Strong lead Program
Commercial - 66-70 Genesee Street, New Hartford 8 unit commercial building in popular village of New Hartford. Great location to major high ways & excellent neighborhood traffic. Fully rented w/long term tenants, great potential for growth. $599,900
Commercial - 36 East Main St., Morrisville Opportunity for investor or small business owner seeking their own building. Located on main highway, minutes from college. Single floor, 4,000 sq.ft. Ideal for retail, restaurant, or offices. Call Ron for showing. $325,000
Call Ron Today (315) 735-4460
Commercial - 423 Trenton Ave., Utica Great opportunity for investor or owner occupant. Two buildings in high traffic location near NYS Thruway exit 31 in Utica, close to Nanno Ctr/SUNY campus. Front building w/two units. $164,900
w w w.L ifeandH om es .com
The John Brown Team
Utica 315-570-6641 Ilion 315-574-2260 Rome 315-356-5760 john@johnbrownsells.com
Michelle’s Offer Of Easy Living In Utica
10 Forey Drive Unit 104, Utica At last here is what you have searching for!! First floor 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condo tastefully done with appealing updates. Dramatic high ceilings, properly designed to afford the flexibility
$129,900 in the space you need. Spacious master w/ walk in closet. Garage & storage. Smartly priced & move in ready for your condo lifestyle.
Loft Living At It’s Best
Smith Building Bagg’s Square District, Utica month Loft style living available in the Smith Building - 412 Main Street, Utica. Gain access to this
spacious & sunny 1,500 sq. ft. loft through private stairwell & metal fire doors into your foyer. This totally renovated 1 bedroom, 1 bath loft has all new construction with Central Air and includes flex space for additional bedroom & office. There are 2 designated parking spaces, 2 entrances & 2 exits.
$1,600 Located in the historic & trendy location of Bagg Square. Offering easy access to markets, restaurants, shopping & convenient travel options. Available for immediate loft style living at $1,600 let mo. MLS# 1803127 Plan your 2019 Parties in your new loft apartment!
Michelle Gorea Thompson, REALTOR® John Brown Team Member 315-794-3260 cell | 315-735-2222 x 6647 office
2306 Genesee St, Utica NY 13502
Central New York
“Fully Committed to Bringing Outstanding Results to My Clients”
Contemporary Cape, Privacy & Seclusion On 54 Acres Camden, 10575 Loveland Road 4,800 SQ/FT STUNNING 2009 CONTEMPORARY CAPE ON 54 ACRES OF TOTAL PRIVACY & NEARBY STATE FORESTS! Offers an amazing hickory quality custom kitchen with granite, stainless, functional island, breakfast nook, dramatic vaulted sunlit great room with second floor overlook, pond, secluded park like setting, gardens and surrounding nature, 3 bedrooms (easily up to 5!) 3.5 baths, massive master bedroom suite, media room, first floor laundry, gleaming hardwoods and a getaway rear private den to cozy up to! With winter coming you’ll be impressed with your choice and savings of a conventional forced air system or an EFFICIENT outdoor wood furnace! The lower level offers an ICF (insulated concrete foundation), ground level walk out, huge family room and lots of
additional areas with great flexibility for a wide range of uses, potential in law apt, or just lots of dry storage! Other property highlights include a 50 X 32 3 car heated garage, half bath, 1,500 SQ/FT heated work shop also with strong in law apartment potential, additional 24 X 32 barn/garage, additional 13 X 40 storage wood shed and the list keeps on going! This home would be a great choice to live the dream or own an outstanding second home to enjoy all of the various NYS upstate offerings! The location offers great proximity to the Syracuse Airport, Utica & Rome, NYS Thruway & I-81, Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Oneida Lake, various tourist attractions, all season recreation with convenient access to snowmobiling, riding trails, hunting, fishing and more! STOP YOUR SEARCH TODAY!!
Georgian Style Estate, Guest Cottage, 12 Private Acres Richfield Springs, 102 Route 167 2 HOMES FOR ONE! BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN STYLE ESTATE & GUEST COTTAGE, 12 PRIVATE ACRES just minutes from COOPERSTOWN & ATTRACTIONS. Also offers a small CARRIAGE BARN with HORSE STABLES! Exquisitely updated this Nationally Registered Historic property, known as Sunset Hill, offers over 3,000 Sq/Ft, 4 BR’s, 3.5 baths, custom gourmet kitchen, cozy library, massive living room, 2 fireplaces, sunlit windows.
Enjoy private patios overlooking beautiful gardens, trees and amazing views! Sunset Hill was custom designed by Dwight James Baum in 1923. GUEST COTTAGE offers approx. 650 Sq./Ft., key updates, spacious living room, gardens, cozy front porch. Strong high end seasonal RENTAL demand from the surrounding COOPERSTOWN & Baseball markets! Excellent investment or a Perfect UPSTATE NY SECOND HOME!
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One Piece Fiberglass In-Ground Swimming Pools
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Central New York
FACTORY DIRECT = Big Savings Healthy fun for the whole family! We remember you even after the pool is in the ground.
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NEW REACH We’re Expanding And So Can You
Ask us about our new... Social Ad Campaigns Exclusive Landing Pages Dedicated Email Blasts And More! Exclusive Offer! Contact David@LifeandHomes.com or at 315-865-5845 for details. 40
Central New York
2019: Year of the
In 2019, the “space-age” home will become a reality with modern innovations that are poised to change the way we think about luxury, elegance and comfort.
Incorporating advanced technology into your home is essential when elevating its overall style, design and functionality.
With the TOTO Flotation Tub as a bathroom focal point that showcases luxurious design, add sleek accessories to enhance your space, such as a smart mirror that doubles as a TV monitor. Imagine checking the weather as you put on your makeup or watching the news as you shave, creating a dual functionality and must-have futuristic design component.
Space-Age Home
What better way to create a futuristic environment than by living like an astronaut in your own home. You can do exactly that with the new Flotation Tub with ZERO DIMENSIONfrom TOTO. Made from proprietary Galaline man-made marble, the stylish tub combines a luxury spa aesthetic with space-age technology that simulates zero gravity by offering bathers a weightless experience. After more than a decade’s research, TOTO discovered that a unique posture — with the reclining body stabilized and the hips, knees and ankles flexed — reduced the joints’ mechanical energy/load to nearly zero. Cerebral blood flow studies show activity in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for language — is dramatically reduced, enabling a meditative state.
Space-age aesthetic is all about blending minimalistic features with high-tech devices, allowing for a seamless transition between design and innovation. But why stop with just the bathroom? Consumers will continue to see a vast range of technological innovations throughout 2019, inspiring home transformations that are out of this world! To reach new worlds, innovation is key, especially when it comes to energy efficiency. For state-of-the-art elements both inside and outside your home, consider installing
the highly anticipated solar windows that will collect solar energy while remaining transparent. The windows utilize photovoltaic technology, similar to what’s being incorporated into solar blinds and solar roofs. Make everyday life more efficient with a home automation system, a rapidly growing innovative technology that allows users to manage various household settings with one single command. Users have control of their entire house at their fingertips including their security, lighting, climate and entertainment systems, even their household appliances. By incorporating an innovative and design-forward centerpiece like TOTO’s Flotation Tub, along with additional subtle, sleek tech accessories and gadgets into your living space, the space-age, futuristic home can become your reality. (BPT) -
Real Estate Professionals Gokey Real Estate 60 Clinton Street Clinton, NY 13323
Calvin Lyon
Alicia Williams
Selling your home?
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Call me for a free home market analysis and consultation
Lic. R. E. Assoc. Broker
Property Sales and Property Management Cell: 315-527-3723
MARIA E. DAILEY Associate Broker
clyon@pondrashomes.com 9 College Street Clinton, NY 13323 315-853-7251
1ST ROME REALTY Call me for a private appointment Experienced Broker with over 40 years Cell: 315–338–1917 or Office: 315–337–4390
Dependable, Conscientious Service Every Time! Keith Schuderer, CRS, GRI Lic. R.E. Assoc. Broker Over 29 Years Real Estate Experience!
Call * Email * Text
2306 Genesee St, Utica, NY
Don’t see YOURSELF in this issue?
11098 Lake Julia Rd Remsen NY 13438
Tell your Real Estate Professional you want
Natalie Roth
your house advertised in
Licensed R.E. Broker
“From waterfront homes to hunting and snowmobile cabins, we feature homes in any environmental setting!”
Contact David Lisi 315-865-5485
David@LifeandHomes.com www.LifeandHomes.com
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LifeandHomes ™
Mortgage Section
8469 Seneca Turpike 303 NEW HARTFORD, NY 13413
Live chat at
Locally and Family Owned –
We are the largest independently owned mortgage lender in Upstate NY.
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www.ssimortgage.com 8469 Seneca Turnpike, Suite 303 New Hartford, NY 13413 1-800-448-3200 NMLS ID #1481813
Syracuse Securities prides itself on being in the Mortgage Banking Industry for over 53 years. Since 1963, we have been originating AND servicing mortgages locally. Not only do you have the option of coming in to sit with your Loan Officer, we encourage it. With an on-site staff of Loan Processors and Loan Underwriters, your loan flows through the process in the most efficient way possible. Apply online in 10 minutes while rates are still low.
Lauren DiMaggio
Loan Officer 315-288-2223 • 315-225-9643 ldimaggio@ssimortgage.com NMLS ID # 1192916
The Area’s #1 Independent Mortgage Banker 42
Central New York
LifeandHomes ™
Mortgage Section
Home Ownership Made Easy! Pre-Approvals 24/7 Your LOCAL Expert Loan Officer From Application to Closing Let Upstate Premier Mortgage • Recommend the loan that fits your personal, financial goals • Educate you about your loan choices • Personally guide your through the loan process 100%
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Blake Abele
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I Strive for 45 Day Closings
NMLS # 1018489 66 Genesee Street New Hartford, NY 13413
Registered Mortgage Broker of New York Mortgages Arranged Through Third Parties
DecKa Real Estate Offer: Triangle Intersection Development site / 3+/- acres / Zoned Residential Commercial Mix use
State Route 11 County Route 4 and Hungary Land Rd.
Price Drop
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Contact: Don Bailey / Acquisitions
DecKa Real Estate Syracuse, New York 13202 315-744-6858 (Call or TEXT) E Mail: pmdbuss@yahoo.com (Inquires Submissions)
Donald Bailey / President / CEO / Founder Follow us on
PMD Business Inc.
Mortgage Note Real Estate Funding Group Syracuse, NY 13202
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Product & Service Directory
Looking for Answers to Your Home Related Questions? Search no further! Consider Your Local Business Expert! Advertise
LIFEANDHOMES™ 315-865-5845 To advertise your business in this space and be a part of Central New York’s ever growing Home Service Network, give us a call and join the LifeandHomes™ community!
Electric & Lighting
We prescreen & qualify tenants, do 315-733-7501 LIFEANDHOMES™ Member Since 08/18 background checks, leases, advertise & To advertise your -business in thisTO space and 315-865-5845 handle showings FROM START FINISH! be a part of Syracuse’s ever growing Home theapartmentconnection.org Service Network, give us a call and join the LifeandHomes™ community!
Cabinets Member Since 09/16
Indoor & Outdoor Light Design, Extensive line of products incl. ceiling, wall, exterior, lamps & more. Lamp repair on Tuesdays. www.solvayelectricsupply.com Pre/Post Move Cleanouts * Debris Removal *
Member Since 01/18
JURY DUTY 315-853-6468
Home Inspection Garage/Basement/Attic/Barn * Recycling
NHANCE WOOD REFINISHING Revolutionary Wood Refinishing. No Dust. No 315-437-0055 Mess. No Odor. Cabinet Renewal. Color Change. Floor Renewal. nhance.com/cny
CLEANOUT & cleaning Services homes • apartments • camps
Drainage & Driveway Stone Work Complete Tree Clean-Up, Property Maintenance & More at competitive prices. dougurtz@gmail.com
ADVANCED HOME INSPECTION SERVICE LLC Celebrating 22 years in business, NYS Licensed 315-792-9029 Member Since 02/17
Home Inspector, Certified Home Inspector, Certified Radon Tester, Well flow/Septic Dye/ Water Purity Testing.
Carpet • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile 315-733-3697 LAW OFFICE OF ANN MCGRATH Member Since 09/12 • Laminate • Linoleum Vinyl Tilereal estate Call Ann McGrath, Esq.• for your 315-299-3441 Member Since 10/15
mikesfloorstore@gmail.com transactions and estate planning needs. Mike SanFilippo Owner
Home Inspection ADVANCED HOME INSPECTION SERVICE, LLC 22 years experience. NYS Licensed/Certified 315-792-9029 Member Since 04/13
Inspector. NEHA/NRPP Certified Radon Inspector. Electronic Inspection Report Emailed Same Day. www.advancedhomeis.com
Real Estate Sales
SWEET HOMES CHITTENANGO LLC Real estate sales, NRPP Certified Radon Mea315-456-9009
Insurance GIGLIOTTI, SIEGFRIED, & ASSOCIATES, INC. Now that you’ve found the right home, protect 315-792-8025 Member Since 06/17
Flooring Real Estate MIKE’S FLOOR STORE Attorneys
Member Since 06/17
surement, ASHI inspector. NY Lic. 16000066882 www.sweethomeschittenango.com
it. Finding the right home can be hard work, insuring it properly can be easy. With one easy call, we can do it all! Ask how bundling can save you more! insuregsa.com
Summer Home Cleanout Service
From Trash Removal to Paint & Patch, We Do It ALL! Yes, We Even Do Windows.
Specializing in
Member Since 09/16
Cabinet renewal, color change, floor renewal. Free estimates. Serving CNY. www.nhance.com/cny
Apartment and
Member Since 04/17
EMILY B’S APT & HOME CLEANOUT SERVICE Cleanout & Cleaning Services. Apartments, 315-832-8853 Homes, Camp/Seasonal Home Openings & Closings. Paint, Patching,Windows.We do it all! Landlords-call us. References Available.
Apartment Services THEAdvertise APARTMENT CONNECTION
NHANCE 315-738-1113
EMPIRE REFINISHING Services include Excavating, Septic Services, 315-264-1099
Camp & Seasonal Home Openings and Closings References Avalable
KD Homes
Like us on Facebook
Bill Lake Modular Homes
A different kind of home built with pride & integrity by professionals.
Come See Us At The Home Show!
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Central New York
•Offering full laser etching service, in-house, to personalize your items.
Owner: Ted Greenfield
AAS in Wood Product Technology(SUNY Morrisville)
8469 Seneca Turnpike, Suite 303 New Hartford, NY 13413 1-800-448-3200 NMLS ID #1481813
Lauren DiMaggio Loan Officer
315-288-2223 • 315-225-9643 NMLS ID # 1192916
Licensed Mortgage Banker—NYS Department of Financial Services – Equal Housing Lender
Product & Service Directory
Looking for Answers to Your Home Related Questions? Search no further! Consider Your Local Business Expert! Home Inspection HOME PRO HOME INSPECTIONS LLC Full and Pre-Listing inspections including roof, 315-723-2258 Member Since 05/16
basement, heating/cooling, plumbing, electrical, fireplace and more. Serving Central NY area. NACHI-certified NYS Lic.# 16000023007
LIFEANDHOMES™ Radon testing. Single family home 315-941-4840 Member Since 11/13 To advertise your NYS business in this space and 315-865-5845 inspection $200.00 Licensed be a part of Syracuse’s ever growing Home Home Inspector #16000055082 Wood Service Network, give us a call andBob join the Specialist Certificate #1355051 Owner LifeandHomes™ community! www. woodshomeinspection.com
Insulation GREENBUSH FOAM SPRAY FOAM INSULATION Providing high-performance spray foam 518-993-2600
Cabinetsinsulation to create energy efficient homes.
Painting Manufactured Homes KD HOMES 315-841-8700 Member Since 11/13
Featuring Bill Lake Homes. A different kind of home built with pride & integrity by professionals. www. kdhomesny.com
SOLVAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY & LIGHTING Indoor & Outdoor Light Design, Extensive line of products incl. ceiling, wall, exterior, lamps & more. Lamp repair on Tuesdays. www.solvayelectricsupply.com SYRACUSE SECURITIES, INC. 315-488-3161
Member Since 01/18
Live chat at www.ssimortgage.com. Offering Home Inspection Mortgage AND Refinancing- FHA,VA, USDA,
Member Since 04/16
Member Since 02/18
Reliable service and attention to detail. NHANCE WOOD REFINISHING Call for your free estimate. Revolutionary Wood Refinishing. No Dust. No 315-437-0055 Mess. No Odor. Cabinet Renewal. Color Change. Floor Renewal. nhance.com/cny
Member Since 07/15
Electric & Lighting
Member Since 02/17
Home Inspector, Certified Home Inspector, FINANCING. Certified Radon Tester, Well flow/Septic Dye/ Water Purity Testing.
sprayers, power washers, edgers. 506 St, Utica • 1165 Erie Blvd. West, Rome
Pools/Spas Real Estate Attorneys
GLIMMERGLASS SWIM SPAS & POOLS LAW OFFICE OF ANN MCGRATH One piece fiberglass pools, 28 models to 518-993-5151 Call Ann McGrath, Esq. for your real estate 315-299-3441 Member Since 02/18 choose from. Quick installation, easy to clean, Member Since 10/15
transactions and estate planning needs. built in steps and seats, no seams. Available in white or colors. Glimmerglassspas.com
Windows R.A. DUDRAK - THE WINDOW KING 315-794-9175 Windows, Vinyl Replacement & Custom Orders, Bow, Bay & Mobile Home Windows. Vinyl Patio Real Estate Sales Doors, Exterior, Steel & Storm Doors. FREE In-
SWEET HOMES CHITTENANGO Home Estimates. LLC Real estate sales, NRPP Certified Radon Mea315-456-9009
Insurance GIGLIOTTI, SIEGFRIED, & ASSOCIATES, INC. Now that you’ve found the right home, protect 315-792-8025 Member Since 06/17
URBANIK’S PAINT CO. Largest selection of paint and wallcovering in 315-724-5129 315-336-0400 Central NY. Rentals: floor sanders, polishers, airless
Member Since 06/17
surement, ASHI inspector. NY Lic. 16000066882 www.sweethomeschittenango.com
it. Finding the right home can be hard work, insuring it properly can be easy. With one easy call, we can do it all! Ask how bundling can save
you more! insuregsa.com • Pre/Post Move Cleanouts • Debris Removal • Garage/ Basement/Attic/Barn • Recycling
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LifeandHomes Product and Service Directory ™
We Are Your
We Prescreen & Qualify Tenants,
• Do background checks • Leases • Advertise & Handle Showings - FROM START TO FINISH! BRING US YOUR PROPERTIES TO MANAGE & LET US FILL YOUR VACANCIES!
Let us find the perfect place for you!
THE APARTMENT CONNECTION Locally Owned & Operated for 25+ Years - Meet Our Team!
Andrew Samel
NY State Licensed Real Estate Broker 2033 Genesee St. Utica NY
Deborah Grossi
Angela Pohleven
CLEANOUT & cleaning Services homes • apartments • camps
Apartment and
Summer Home Cleanout Service | 315-832-8853 | Like us on Facebook
Listing Your Home for Sale?
We can help get your home ready to show. From Interior Cleanout to Paint & Patch, We Do It ALL! Yes, We even do Windows.
Moving Into A New Home?
Give yourself and your family the gift of a thoroughly clean home. Cleaning, windows, painting and patching - we can make your home truly move-in ready.
315-832-8853 46
Central New York
Need A Helping Hand? Let Us Do The Dirty Work!
Specializing in Camp & Seasonal Home Openings and Closings.
Annual Cleanings • Interior cleanout • Paint & Patching
Landlords Call Us - References Available
LifeandHomes Product and Service Directory ™
Creating Beauty with Function Ideal Heirloom Quality
Bayside’s Handcrafted Completely
Original Design Premium Handcrafted Cutting Surfaces, Wine, & Kitchen Accessories
Cedar Adirondack Style Chairs
Our Specialty Product Line Cutting & Serving Boards Edge Grain Cutting Boards & End Grain Cutting Boards Unsurpassed for durability & cutlery friendliness, our handcrafted heirloom cutting and serving boards will become the centerpiece of a kitchen for decades.
*Bayside also offers full laser etching service, in-house, to personalize your boards.*
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Bayside Wood Products Inc January
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Kim Beckley Barbara Clemens Monica Mercurio
420 N. Washington Street Rome, NY 13440 FlagstoneRealEstate.co
Wendy Palinski Julie Sestito Owner/Broker Owner/Broker C: 315-404-4660 C: 315-271-8644
11 Seldon Dr. - Large stunning home w/ wonderful architectural designs, 4 large bedrooms and 3 full and 1 half bath. Finished area in the lower level w/ an office and family room. MLS# 1802876
5999 Old Oneida Rd. - Large2storyhomecurrently a 3 family could be easily converted. Apt#3 is being remodeled. Hardwood floors in most of the home. Newsepticlinetohousein2014. MLS#1801791
7024 Stokes-Westernville Rd. -Just Reduced! 273 feet of frontage. BREATHTAKING views! Recently remodeled. NEW KITCHEN with BLACK appliances and GRANITE. MLS#1802458
146 Van Tassel Ln. -Lovely 3 bedroom with 2 full baths. Beautifully maintained, gorgeous hardwood flooring, Large kitchen with island and stainless appliances. MLS#1804261
9198 Sly Hill Rd. - Breathtaking views of Lake Delta from this lovely home set on 7 acres. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, office, LARGE kitchen w/sliders to huge deck. MLS#1804051
7909 Turin Rd. - Beautiful home on 5.3 acres. Private backyard and acreage, over 4200 feet of living space with 5 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms on the main level. MLS#1803626 IT UN TIUL
102 Walnut St. - As you walk up to this beautifully landscaped home through the arched front door you enter a charming home with many architectural details. MLS#1802235
10025 Wolcott Hill Rd.- Spacious home with almost 2500 sq. ft of living space. 4 large bedrooms with 2 and 1/2 baths, on 1.83 acres, inground pool and 3 season sunroom. MLS#1803172
Sylvan Beach
104 Victory Dr. - RARE FIND! Updated 3 bedroom / 2 bath that has a wall taken down to make it a 2/2. It could easily go back to a 3 bedroom if you need the space. Lovely kitchen . MLS# 1804177
700 Kent St. - Beautiful three bedroom two full baths with all the original woodwork throughout. Natural cherry cabinets, hardwoods throughout. MLS# S1156798
7755 Turin Rd. - 4 bedroom home with 1 1/2 baths. Large corner lot and nice sized yard. Updated kitchen with new black stainless appliances. Hardwood flooring. MLS# S1155281
928 Batavia Ave. - INVESTORS! THE RENTS COULD BE MUCH HIGHER THAN THEY ARE in this well maintained 2 family home with separate utilities Almost 2500 sq. feet. MLS# 1801830
7766 Soule Rd.- This 4 acre country property oers a unique opportunity for a small hobby farm with 30 x 60 barn/garage with area for workshop. MLS# S1161027
800 Roosevelt Ave - Lovely 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath stone home on oversized lot. Gorgeous hardwoods, brand new gas furnace and central air. Eat-in kitchen. MLS# S1160185
9036 Woods Rd. - Year round 2 bedroom ranch, overlooking the Black River with access to Kayuta Lake. About 20 mile commute to Utica or Rome. Live on the water. MLS# 1802443
100 24th Ave. - Year around home just steps from the beach. 1.5 stall garage and back covered patio. Enjoy the beach view from your covered front porch. MLS#1803189
7718 Gifford Rd. - Oversized RANCH with 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Lovely white kitchen w/ newer appliances. Great floorplan, master en suite private from the other 3 bedrooms. MLS# 1802319
723 W Dominick St. - Great income opportunity. 1st floor has operating salon, second floor is 3 bedroom apartment. This fully updated tastefully decorated building is turn key. MLS# S1162549
6315 Evergreen Dr.- Ranch in the town of Lee sits on one of the largest lots in the community. 3 bedrooms and 1 full bath. Hardwoods flooring in the living room. MLS# S1157404
Sylvan Beach
100 24th Ave. - Buildable lot in Sylvan Beach with water view and very short walk to beach. Can be purchased by itself or with house on lot #34 . MLS # 1803189
Jill Mumpton Associate Broker C: 315-225-1423
7416 Railroad St. - Large village home with 4 bedroomsand2fullbaths.Lovelyoriginalstaircase and woodwork. Holland Patent Schools. Public water and sewer. MLS# 1804201
1908 N James St. - 5 bedrooms, 2 full bath home or use one of the bedrooms as an office/den. Large living room and HUGE eat-in kitchen. MLS# S1154849
1714 N James St. - Light and bright Cape Cod has a lot of charm. Granite counter tops in the kitchen, Pella windows throughout. Beautiful hardwood floors. MLS# S1158810
503 Riverside Dr. - Large 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home on very private lot. Newer kitchen with upgrades, stainless appliances, nice floorplan. OVERSIZED family room. MLS# S1156764
6319 Kolton Dr. - Super efficient 3 bedroom 2 full bath ranch with extra blown in insulation and anderson windows., New high efficient furnace with an insulated basement. MLS#1804079
Diane Dainotto Sales Agent C: 315-525-1491
5 Dewey Ave. - SELLERS MOTIVATED DUE TO RELOCATION. Living room w/beautiful gas fireplace! Updated 2 story, flexible floor plan; have a larger living room.
Norma Warcup Associate Broker C: 315-225-1134
604 N Washington St.- Two family home is much larger than it appears! Great income from rentals and/or this centrally located property is zoned residential/professional. MLS# S1156930
Shari Viviani Sales Agent C: 315-292-8081
Central New York
J. Thomas Rahmer Sales Agent C: 315-271-5201
801 W Thomas St. -Single family 3 bedroom home on lovely 1.2 acre lot. Large detached garage and additional storage. Property backs up to creek. MLS# 1803590
Barbara Clemens Associate Broker C: 315-271-9827
Gillian Albicker Sales Agent C: 315-240-4494
120 Louisa St. - Handicap accessible ramp or just use as a deck, this 3 bedroom home, with a formal dining room has new flooring, brand new furnace, sump pump. MLS# 1803552
Lindsay Gulla Sales Agent C: 315-225-2123
Samantha Tharrett Sales Agent C: 315-617-2389
304 S Madison St. - Great property for investors. This two family home has an additional lot which is included in the lot dimensions. Close to public amenities. MLS# 1803591
Lyndsay Redmond Sales Agent C: 315-838-8039
Sarah Edwards Sales Agent C: 315-271-1271
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