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Advertising Deadline June Issue May 4, 2018 Published By LIFEandHOMES FRANCHISE, LLC PO BOX 18
David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant 315-865-5845 •
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Table of Contents News Shorts
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Product and Service Directory 14-15 Anthony Diastello - e-Merge
Corporate Editor KIM LISI
Office Manager PAM DILIBERTO 315- 865-7418 LifeandHomes™ is published monthly by LifeandHomes Franchise, LLC
Watch for a new issue of Columbus OH LifeandHomes™ each month. You’ll find some remarkable deals on real estate properties along with helpful information regarding local professional services. Welcome to Columbus OH LifeandHomes™ and thank you for your patronage.
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Tree Care
After A Storm After a storm, it is common for people claiming to be tree specialists to show up at your door offering services. Unfortunately, many of these individuals have little to no training and are simply out to make a quick profit. Legitimate arborists rarely go door-to-door.
newsShorts Don’t take chances: You can clear a small tree or branch yourself, if it has fallen all the way to the ground, but don’t try to work on a large tree or branch or one that is lying on a building or a car. If you do any work on a fallen tree or branch, keep your feet on the ground. Never climb a ladder with a chainsaw. Always think about where a branch or chunk of wood will fall once you cut it off; it can cause serious injury if it strikes a person.
• Is the person part of an established community business? Check for a reputable website or phone number. Online reviews may also be helpful.
Call a pro for big jobs: Let a professional remove trees or large branches that have fallen on buildings or cars. Trees are extremely heavy and tree work is dangerous. About 100 people are killed each year working on trees in the United States, many of them homeowners or small contractors without adequate training or safety equipment.
• Has the person provided evidence that they are regularly employed with the company? Some specialists work as independent contractors and have a limited relationship with the company they claim as their employers.
Stay clear of power lines: Keep well away from fallen trees or branches near power lines. Live wires may not be easy to see, and can be deadly if you accidentally touch them. Call the power company to handle these trees.
• Is the person up-to-date on certification? Ask for current certificates of insurance for property damage, personal liability and worker’s compensation..
5 Ways To Wake Your
Here are five questions to guide you in finding qualified tree-care specialists:
• Invest in packing supplies. This is not the time to skimp by using flimsy containers, newspapers. • Is the person a member of a professional association? While not essential, it is ideal that the individual be a part of a professional association of arborists, such as the International Society of Arboriculture, National Arborist Association or the American Society of Consulting Arborists. • Is the person offering a competitive price? If possible, obtain more than one estimate to ensure that the price offered is comparable with competitors. Clarify whether the price includes removal and clean-up.
Lawn Up for Spring
There are a lot of things people miss during the winter — flip-flops, shorts and warm sunshine. But one of the things homeowners miss the most is the sight of green grass. Once the temperature starts to rise and the days start getting longer, many are eager to get outside and restore their lawns to their former glory. In order to get a lush green lawn that is the envy of your block, it’s crucial to get to work at the beginning of spring. The lawn experts at Lowe’s have shared five key steps you can take right now to ensure you have a beautiful and healthy yard all year long
1. Tune up your equipment Before you start work on your lawn, you want to make sure your mower is ready for the season. This means changing out the oil, tightening up any loose bolts or fasteners and starting the season with fresh spark plugs. You should also make sure the air filter is clean, and don’t forget to have your blade sharpened. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Evaluate your lawn Take note of any dead spots, snow mold or raw patches of earth that need reseeding. Use a rake to clean up dead leaves or break up any thatched areas that may have formed over the winter. 3. Take care of snow mold If you find a spot of snow mold and other types of lawn fungus that are common in early spring, take a rake and gently break up the matted grass so it can dry. Oftentimes, this will be enough to dry out the mold and get the grass in the area growing again. However, depending on the extent of the damage, you might have to patch or reseed the area. 4. Reseed where needed For the bare spots as well as areas of your lawn that are looking a little thin, overseeding is a great way to return it to its full, lush state. Spread grass seed over the area you want to patch, add some fertilizer and about a half inch of topsoil and gently rake the mixture in with the grass and soil. Thoroughly water these patches every day until the seeds begin to germinate. 5. Plant while it’s still cool The cooler temperatures in spring are ideal for roots to take hold before the hot summer weather arrives. This is why spring is the best time to seed your lawn. Also, if you’ve been thinking of planting any shrubs or trees, you should do it before it gets too warm. The smell of fresh-cut grass is almost upon us! Lowe’s has all of the products and services you need to get your lawn ready for spring. (BPT)
NewsShorts Sponsored by Anthony Diastello from e-Merge Real Estate (See their ad on the back cover)
www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
How To Clean Vinyl
Vinyl siding is one of the most popular type of siding material in the United States and while it’s resilient and durable building material, some cleaning and routine maintenance may be necessary. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for tips on the care and maintenance of your siding. How do I wash vinyl siding? Wash vinyl siding with a soft cloth or ordinary long-handled, soft bristle brush. For textured surfaces, use only a soft bristle brush to keep the grooves in the texture stain-free. For best results, start at the bottom of the house and work up and rinse the cleaning solution completely before it dries. If your house has brick facing, cover the brick so that it is not affected by the runoff. But before this sticker shock scares you away, know there are secrets to saving money and still getting a beautiful bathroom. We sat down with Lynn Schrage, interior designer at Kohler Co. to learn some of her tips and tricks. Here are five of the best. Can I use a power washer? Usually, though you should read the washer instructions carefully before use. When cleaning, hold the power washer straight at eye level to keep the water on top of the siding where it can clean most effectively. Do not aim the power washer upward as water may be driven behind the siding. You should also follow the siding manufacturer’s recommendations. Some manufacturers don’t
newsShorts want pressure washers used on their products at all. Others allow them, but have limitations on the amount of pressure and the cleaners that can be used. Keep in mind that you must be cautious How do I remove mold and mildew? If you’d like to get rid of mold and mildew stains, can make your own DIY cleaning solution by combining 70% water and 30% vinegar. For a stronger cleaning formula, you can blend together one quart of liquid laundry bleach, onethird cup of powdered laundry detergent, twothirds cup of powdered household cleaner, and one gallon of water. In order to clean vinyl siding without hindering your landscaping, a solution with one cup of oxygen bleach and one gallon of water will do the trick. In addition to creating your own cleaning solution, you can purchase a general household cleanser such as Lysol or Windex to use for vigorous dirt and stains. To remove rust stains, a specialty cleanser like Instant Rust Out will be your best bet.
Rain Gutters
A $mart Choice Having properly installed and maintained rain gutters will allow them to drain rainwater away from your house, which will give you, your family and your home a lot of benefits. Soil will remain stable around the house. Gutters help prevent foundation issues, protect landscaping from damage and can prevent floods in the attic and help prevent roof rot. Sidewalk, patio, and driveway cracking can be lessened and removing standing water from around your home discourages mosquito breeding and infestation. Building standards and the way we maintain houses has changed over time. Thirty years ago, even the cheapest houses installed gutters. Many of these old houses will still be standing in a 100 years as a result of this and other good building practices.
Be sure to spot check any general or stain specific cleaner before using it on a large section of siding. After removing the stain, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not use cleaners containing organic solvents, undiluted chlorine bleach, liquid grease remover, nail polish remover, or furniture polish or cleaners. They can affect the surface of the siding.
Today, we build mansions with less concern for good building practices and expose huge areas of wall to rain. Homeowners who do not install gutters on their roofs cannot expect their walls to last a lifetime. If not attended to, repair costs will soar - and if still unattended, will seriously effect structural integrity and the value of your property.
You might decide it’s worthwhile to hire a professional to clean the siding. A professional cleaning will cost around $300 to $500 and be completed in less than a day with the support of a pressure washer.
Depending on the type of material and the amount needed for the size of your home, prices can range anywhere from $3-$25 per linear foot. It’s ultimately up to you how much you want to spend. Make sure you are buying a quality product that works efficiently, matches your home’s appearance and fits your budget.
By periodically cleaning your siding, you will maintain the beauty of your home’s exterior while increasing your home value. Visit the Vinyl Siding Institute at for additional tips and resources.
Gutters are an important feature to keeping your home dry and preventing unnecessary problems. Save money now and invest in rain gutters to make the future rainy days end!
NewsShorts Sponsored by Anthony Diastello from e-Merge Real Estate (See their ad on the back cover) 4
LifeandHomes ■ Columbus
Homebuyers Pull Out All the Stops for Hotly Competitive Spring Market The 2018 spring buying season is shaping up to be one of the most competitive seasons in years, driven by spill-over buyers from last year and record-breaking inventory lows. Despite their willingness to resort to brash tactics to get a leg up, buyers remain optimistic about closing on their dream home, according to new survey data released today by realtor. com®, a leading online real estate destination. “Holdover buyers hoping for greener pastures this spring are likely to find sparse options that require them to pay top-dollar or make other concessions,” says Danielle Hale, chief economist for®. Buyer demand is booming, which is reflected in today’s falling inventory and fast time on market. Despite record-low levels, inventory has been declining for 42 consecutive months and is currently down 8.5 percent from a year ago, according to® listing data. A large portion of this demand is being driven by buyers who are holdovers from last summer and beyond, according to an online survey of
more than 1,000 active buyers conducted in early March by Toluna Research. The survey showed 40 percent of today’s buyers have been searching for more than seven months, while an additional 34 percent have been searching for four to six months. Slightly more than a quarter – 26 percent – have been in the market three months or less. More than one-third -- 35 percent -- of those surveyed indicated they anticipate “a lot of competition” this spring, while 36 percent expect some competition, which could explain why many seem to be approaching the housing market strategically. When asked about all the strategies they are using to get ahead, 42 percent revealed they are checking listing websites every day, while 40 percent of buyers plan to put more than 20 percent cash down. The survey also revealed that 33 percent are setting price alerts, 31 percent
20285 Zion Road, Gambier $699,000
Agrarian lifestyle awaits you on this darling 39.3 acre farmstead just outside of Gambier, home of Kenyon College. Relax on your private front porch or stretch out in the screened porch. A tasteful deck offers entertainment space. Several intelligent and tastefully executed additions result in a private master suite, as well as a window filled LR with unique custom tree stairway, large LL featuring a fantastic library office wrapped with built-in shelves & cabinets.
plan to put a larger earnest money deposit down, and 26 percent are willing to offer above asking price. Only 6 percent indicated they are not planning to use any tactics to cope with competition. “The majority of buyers are aware of the tough competition they’re up against this spring. Having been in the market awhile, they’ve likely lost a few homes to better offers, which has given them more time to save and up their bidding strategies,” added Hale. Despite the competition, buyers remain confident about closing on a home and are willing to stay the course. Nineteen percent of buyers expect to close in zero to three months, 34 percent of buyers expect to close in four to six months, 18 percent anticipate closing in seven to nine months, 15 percent in 10 to 12 months, and 15 percent expect it to take more than a year. ( PRNewswire) 11300 Cochran Rd, Mount Vernon $62,000 Knox County’s finest! 5.59
acres, woods, and stocked pond. Several building sites. Located off State Route 229. Easy Columbus commute. Subject to Board of Health approval for well & septic.
Thinking of
8667 Keys Road, Mt Vernon $285,000 Well built home on stunning wooded lot located South of town. Spacious 4 bedroom home ready for new owner features wrap-around covered porch, welcoming entry foyer with gleaming hardwood floors, efficient appliance kitchen with large island and breakfast dining area adjacent to formal dining room, first floor half bath with laundry, and huge living room overlooking gorgeous property. Small barn with fenced paddocks, dog run, and outside shed. Ready to go!
1 Public Square Ste 100 Mt Vernon OH 43050 740-427-2000
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buying a home?
I can set you up to receive emails of all the latest listings that hit the market.
Nina Campbell
1 Public Square Ste 100 Mt Vernon OH 43050 740-427-2000
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The Valente Group LLC.
Wealth Management
What is a fee only d n a r e n n a l P l a i c n Fina Why Should I care? Answer: Your Fiduciary: As a registered Investment Advisor Firm, it is required of us to always act as our clients fiduciary. This means always putting our clients best interests first. This is in contrast to that of a Broker/Dealer relationship, as Broker/Dealers are only required to make “suitable” recommendations versus always being required to make recommendations that are in your best interest. Transparent: Registered Investment Advisor Firms are required to always fully disclose all fees and potential conflicts of interest to you, the client. Our
Salvatore T.Valente III, RFC® President/C.E.O
clients know exactly how much they pay for our services in a clearly spelled out written agreement – again in stark contrast to traditional Broker/Dealer representative requirements on transparancy. Fee Only: As a registered Investment Advisor Firm, we are compensated from fully disclosed fees, and accept no commissions or any other forms of third party compensation, thus eliminating any conflicts of interest. Again, as a Registered Investment Advisor Firm, we are always required to act in your best interest, and we can think of no better way than by refusing commissions and third party incentives for recommendations we make that create conflicts of interest.
In addition to all of the above, we are: Independent – We work for our clients, rather than representing a specific bank, investment or insurance company. We have no sales quotas, contests and accept no compensation from third parties, therefore we can offer our clients many, many more investment options at a much lower cost.
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Featured Realtors
e-Merge Real Estate
Jack Gabalski,
3500 N. High Columbus OH 43214
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20 years
Robert Panian
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
helping people
great homes in Central Ohio.
37 years in the military has prepared me for this challenging career!
6055 Tain Dr. Suite #101 Dublin, OH 43017
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Rashad L. Fields Licensed R.E. Salesperson
Tell your Realtor you want your house advertised in
Number 1 Realtor in town, ask around!
LifeandHomes™ The Area’s #1 Local Real Estate Publication
e-Merge Real Estate 8720 Orion Place Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43240
Contact David Lisi 315-865-7418 /
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7745 North Street -Newark
Retreat Log Home Living Gorgeous Cedar Log Home sits on almost 12 wooded acres w/mature trees & stream! Post and Beams are structured with White Pine Rafters. Fabulous home features Large Great Room with Cathedral Ceilings, Kitchen Island Bar & Eat-in Area, Suites on every floor. First-floor Master Bedroom, Large Guest Loft with Full Bath & Lower Level with Bedroom & Full Bath. The Lower Level features a Wood Burning Stove, Tiled flooring & walks out to side patio pavers! Geo Thermal Heating & Cooling! Detached 3-Car Garage with Workshop & extra storage, Lean-to & Chicken Coop! Outside Vegetable Garden with strawberries, raspberries & asparagus! This is a Spectacular private Retreat that has quick access to shopping & downtown! Take A Virtual Tour at:
13212 Grove Rd NE
Come and see this darling 3 bedroom, 2 bath cottage in Buckeye Lake! Updates include flooring, fixtures, triple filter reverse osmosis, security system, electric water heater & anode, whole house generator, metal roof. Come and enjoy the lake!
3073 Chestnut Lane NE
Liebs Island spacious home is 1 block away from Buckeye Lake & your boat dock! The whole house has new subflooring, Carpet, Tiles & Vinyl flooring! New SS Appls,Hot Tub, Vanity & Lavatory in Master BR, Maytag W/D, Cedar Ceiling in Covered Patio.
Cristland Hill Road
64.6 Crop land with GAS, ELECTRIC & WATER available. Nice area close to Buckeye Lake, boat ramps, marina, shopping, restaurants, and 5 minutes to I70!! | 614-989-7916 8
LifeandHomes â– Columbus
9800 Heron Drive, Thornville
Welcome to Buckeye Lake! COMPLETELY REMODELED!
Custom built waterfront home sits on a 1.52-acre lot in private Heron Bay! 5 Bedroom, 4 Bath, 4 car home with soaring ceilings, hardwood floors and large open spaces. The gourmet Kitchen features marble countertops, custom cabinets & Thermador Stainless Steel appliances! Enjoy 3 fireplaces, walls of windows with panoramic lake views, Theater Room, Sauna Room, built-ins, security cameras & speakers throughout with iPad control! The Master Suite overlooks main lake featuring 2 sided fireplace, cupola ceiling, and his/her closet rooms! Two living areas, Den/OďŹƒce & Teen Suite overlooking main lake! 2 BR, 1 Bath Guesthouse! Guest Boat dock w/boat & ski lift!! AND you can build more docks on your own 270-foot waterfront property!! Call Today! Leisa Davis Your resource for Buckeye Lake Waterfront Lakefront Property. Take A Virtual Tour at: | 614-989-7916
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6 Questions To Ask
When You Think
You Are Ready For
1. Why do you want to own? This may seem like a silly question but seriously, home ownership is not for everyone. I have met some great people with good jobs that are very happy with living with friends, relatives, or renting. Now if you cringed at the thought of living with someone else, then you should keep reading through the list - you are one step closer to owning a home.
2. What are your current debt obligations? The debts I am referring to here include borrowed money that you are making payments on. These debts would include installment loans and revolving debt. Installment loans include car loans, mortgage loans, and education loans. Revolving debt would include debt that you can borrow against like a credit card. Monthly obligations like your cell phone bill or internet bill are different types of obligations that are not included under the monthly debt obligations that report to your personal credit file.
Buying a home feels like one of the natural next steps in life. So how do you know when you will be ready to buy a home? If you are asking yourself this question, you are well on your way to filling your hearts dream of owning your own home!
paid on-time demonstrates your ability (and willingness) to repay your current debt obligations. According to FICO [3], the average US credit score is currently at 695. Credit scores range from 301 to 850 with 661 being considered Good Credit and 781+ being considered Excellent Credit. Credit scores below 660 are considered Fair Credit with credit scores below 600 considered poor credit.
4. Do you have any savings? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? If so, homeownership may not be for you. Even with low down payment programs, there are still hard costs associated with buying a home. A good rule of thumb is to save at least 10% for a down payment. For example, if you are looking to buy a $150,000 home, you should have $15,000 in savings. Conforming loans require 5% down compared to FHA loans requiring 3.5% down. Other costs would include an appraisal, home inspection, homeowners insurance, and real estate closing costs.
3. Are you currently paying your bills on-time? One important aspect of
5. Have you worked in the same profession for at least 2 years? Are you
qualifying for a home loan is demonstrating responsibility by paying your current debt obligation on-time. It is important to note that no credit does not equal good credit. By having debt obligations that have been
a jack of all trades? That may be handy in some circumstances, but not when buying a home. Lenders are looking for job stability of at least 2 years in the same industry. This will help by providing a
LifeandHomes â– Columbus
consistent income history that will support your ability to repay the loan. There are some exceptions to this rule if you have a specialized degree and are working in your field.
6. Are you prepared to deal with home maintenance? So we have discussed paying bills on time, saving money for a down payment, having some reserves set aside, and working on the job for at least 2 years. All of these factors are critical to getting a loan, but they do not prepare you for homeownership. Once you get your home and move in, be prepared that you will be making regular investments back into your home to keep it maintained. Paint and carpet is one thing, but replacing your roof or furnace can be costly. Just remember that all of the components that make up a home have a limited life span. Those reserves will come in pretty handy if your air conditioning breaks down on a hot summer’s day. Author Matthew Day has 18 years of experience in the real estate industry. You can contact Matthew via email at See the full article at
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Polaris Home Funding Corp. 224 E. Broadway Unit E Granville, OH 43023 *other conditions apply
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Temple of the Wood Exceptional Adirondack Style Home w/ Greek Influence
1212 Stewart’s Landing Road, Stratford, NY This property is situated on 14 acres in the Southern Adirondacks with
custom woodwork and a floor-to-ceiling stone wall with a water
approximately 600 feet of waterfront, it is surrounded by state land,
feature. The 4 Season Room and fully finished Garage w/ radiant
and is very private with plenty of wildlife for the outdoor enthusiast.
heat are adaptable to additional living space.
This home offers 3 BRs, 4 Baths, and it features a 25' x 25' great
There are extensive perennial gardens and outdoor rooms created
room w/ 14' ceilings. It opens to the upscale Kitchen w/ Island,
by the brickwork walkways, tumbled bluestone walls, and gardens.
which includes a commercial range, and double dishwashers
These include a regulation sized bocce court in the rear.
making it perfect for large gatherings. The "Four Seasons Room" which is approximately 500 square feet is superbly detailed with
4848 Commercial Drive, Ste 800 New Hartford, NY 13413 315-768-1680 12
LifeandHomes â– Columbus
Diana Raymond Associate Broker Cell: 315-725-4239
Farms for Sale
245 Posson Road, Norwich, NY 13815 David C. Posson • Lic.R.E. Broker • 607-316-3758 – David cell Kara L. Posson-Reed • Lic.Assoc. Broker • 607-316-6597 – Kara cell 2793 - Chenango County Gentlemans Farm
2791 - Chenango County - 37 Acre Farm
195 acres of beautiful land. 87 acres in hay fields grows excellent hay. Could easily be fenced for pasture. Balance woods. Some timber lots of firewood. Phenomenal hunting. Small pond. Nice well maintained 3 bdrm 2 bth Manufactured home on poured concrete basement. 2 car garage. Home has a beautiful setting overlooking the property. Views of the valley. 40x60 pole barn with 16ft doors and concrete floors, Would make a nice place to raise beef or make some hay. Asking $370,000.
2746 - 60 Beautiful Acres On Quiet Road
Flat to gently rolling land. Frontage on the Chenango River. 8 acres tillable. Excellent vegetable soils with access to river for irrigation. Balance pasture with high tensile fencing. Good single story 40x260 Dairy barn with 92 tie stalls and complete milking system. Clear span barn. Also 32x230 Virginia style barn. 40x80 Pole built shop building with power.This farm has an outstanding location for roadside business. Asking $215,000
2768 - Southern Chenango County Farm
Some open some woods. Year round stream. 36x60 2 story barn with drive in mow. 2 single story clear span addition 40x60. Very Nice remodeled 2 story 3 bdrm country home good well and septic. Outdoor Swedish sauna. Solar panels on property take care of electric bill. Very nice farm in a nice location would make a great hobby farm for animals, growing fruits and vegetables. Close to hospitals, shopping, and schools. Asking $217,900
2486 - Beautiful Otsego County NY Gentleman’s Farm
145 beautiful acres located on a quiet road. 50 acres of good tillable ground that lays nice. 30 acres of pasture with water. Balance in a hard woods. Two good homes. Good 2 story dairy barn with room for 54 head. Large drive in hay mow. Heifer barn for 20 head of heifers. 3 sided tool shed for machinery storage. 30x45 Morton building with concrete floor and power. 2 ponds. Small cabin. Would work well for beef, horses, and hay farming. Asking only $350,000
2758 – Cortland County NY
Exceptional Land and Buildings. 75 Beautiful acres bordering the Unadilla River. Good 24x42 Shop Building for storing equipment. Stock barn, storage barn. Both of these buildings are in excellent shape. Very nice 2 story Log home with a full basement. Driveway over 600 ft long to a very quiet road. Spectacular setting. Awesome location. Mins from schools, shopping, and hospitals. Mins from local Ag infrastructure and businesses. Asking $299,000
2706 – Chenango County Showplace Dairy Farm
122 acres by survey Dairy/Gentleman’s Farm. 80 acres tillable with good soils that could certify organic. Balance mostly high tensile pasture, some woods. Nice little 2 story 40 stall barn with a drive in mow. Set up for milking. Nice remodeled 2 story 6 bdrm home with 2 bth. Awesome location and beautiful setting. Mins from I81 Cortland. Syracuse, Binghamton all within minutes. Asking $425,000
2737 – Tioga County 116 Acre Free Stall Operation
Flatland well drained. Very nice 2 story dairy barn with 72 ties and a free stall addition with 65 free stalls. Large attached concrete barnyard. Big bunker silo for feed storage. Completely remodeled top to bottom 2 story home. 3 large bedrooms, big kitchen and family room with outdoor covered deck, 1 car garage, and rec room. In-ground swimming pool. 2 additional buildings for storage. Great location for farm sales. Reduced from $699,000 to $599,000
2723 – Comes With A Milk Market
Close to 50 acres tillable 20 acres of fenced pasture, balance woods. Coverall free stall barn with double 10 milking parlor. 2 story 4bdrm home. Large pond. Farm currently being run as a dairy but would also make a good beef or hobby farm or for recreation. Located in a very good area. Not far from the Thruway. 15 mins from Tioga Downs. Close to schools, shopping, hospitals. Asking $425,000.
2767 – Schoharie County - 100 acres with 60 Acres Tillable.
Active Organic Grass Fed Farm. Chenango County. 110 acres set up in the Grassland Reserve Program with high tensile fencing paddock grazing system in place with water. 40 acres of hay fields. Excellent soil. Grows tremendous grass. 2 story 100 stall dairy barn with milking equipment. Older 2 story 3 bedroom home. All on a very quiet road. Could be certified organic. Asking $310,000
2767 – Schoharie County - 100 acres with 60 acres tillable. Well-drained soils. Year round stream. Good 2 story barn with room for 40 head of young stock plus lots of hay storage. 3 sided 4 bay machinery building. Good 2 story 5 bdrm home. 2 car garage. Buildings are in excellent condition. Quiet road. Nice location. Asking $350,000, make an offer.
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Don Dwyer & Patrick Duell Owners/Artisans
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29 W. Fulton Street / Gloversville Phone: 518-725-0387 Open Daily 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Closed Sunday / Monday May
www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
LifeandHomes â– Columbus