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The Up Side of Downsizing
“We downsized so we could stop worrying about paying the mortgage. Now we only worry about where to store our stuff.”
Downsizing sounds like a great idea until you realize how much you’ve collected over the years. How can you face the idea of getting rid of your high school shop project or those dishes handed down from your mother? Instead of referring as it to downsizing, think of it as “rightsizing,” suggests Barry Izsak, certified organizer and owner of Arranging it All. “Rightsizing doesn’t mean you can’t own what you love, it just means owning less of it. It means focusing on what’s important and what really matters to you and letting go of the rest.” He suggests eliminating anything that is not useful, beautiful or something you love as a first step in deciding what will stay and what will go. Organization experts live by the OHIO rule: Only Handle It Once. Making a “maybe” pile only wastes time. Sort items into one of three piles; keep, discard or donate. Plan for your actual life, not your imagined one. If you aren’t using that treadmill, kick it to the curb. Keep your mostused items then let the rest go. If you have a collection, don’t take every piece with you; keep a subset - a few pieces that are representative of the set. Sell what you don’t need and bank the money. “Make the easy, unemotional decisions first and start with things that you can easily and obviously get rid of,” advises Izsak. “It’s not realistic to think that you can tackle a lifetime of possessions in a day, a week or a month. Do it in stages and allow yourself enough time.” If at all possible, start downsizing while you are still in good health, one room or area at a time. That way it won’t become an overwhelming emotional issue when you are less able to deal with it. If you’re downsizing due to a move, use your new space as a guide for determining what you’ll realistically need to keep.
David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant 315-865-5845 •
Corporate Editor KIM LISI
Advertising Deadline February Issue January 18, 2018
Table of Contents News Shorts
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Richard Parent Coldwell Banker 16-17 Product & Service Directory Coldwell Banker Prime
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David Lisi, RMC
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315-744-6999 LifeandHomes™ is published monthly by Lisi Merchant Solutions
Yes, downsizing can be stressful because it’s often difficult to let go of “things” but look for the upside. You can save money, time and live with less clutter. That could be just the new start you need for the new year.
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Syracuse Central New York
Richard M. Parent
Camden $599,900 10575 Loveland Road- 4,800 SQ/FT CONTEMPORARY CAPE, 54 ACRES, PRIVACY, NEARBY STATE FORESTS! Hickory kitchen, granite, stainless, great room, master BR, media room, lower level bonus, pond, park like setting.
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 315-292-8617 (c)
( Oneida & Herkimer Counties) Remsen, NY 13438
Capital Region Columbus OH
There’s A Lot More
To A Mortgage
Than Just Your Interest Rate A home mortgage is one of the biggest expenses a consumer will undertake. That’s why it’s important to look beyond interest rates to help get the lowest possible costs. “When homebuyers look purely at interest rates, they don’t get a complete picture of what they’re paying for a mortgage,” says Glenn Brunker, mortgage executive for Ally Home, the direct-toconsumer mortgage unit of Ally Bank. “Ignoring other aspects may mean you’re not getting the mortgage that’s right for your specific financial situation or leaving you without extra cash for home improvements or emergency funds.” To find a mortgage that’s right for your budget, evaluate such factors as points, loan closing fees and other funds that may be required upfront at closing. Points You might have heard someone mention “points” when talking about a mortgage. Discount points, commonly known as points, are fees borrowers pay directly to a lender at closing to get a lower interest rate. One point is equal to one percentage point of your mortgage. For example, if you have a 30-year, $275,000 mortgage and your lender charges you one point, you’ll have an upfront charge of $2,750. Points can be your friend to help lower the rate but only when you understand how points work and the right strategies to use them. Closing Costs When purchasing a home, most consumers are focused on the amount of interest on their mortgage and rightly so. But you also need to prepare for expenses associated with closing, such as appraisal fees, escrow payments and deed preparation fees.
newsShorts Zillow reports closing costs typically run around 2 to 5 percent of a home’s purchase price. But closing costs can differ from lender to lender by hundreds or even thousands of dollars—so be sure to compare fees to help keep some cash in hand. Future Expenses Buying a home comes with a variety of ongoing expenses. Repairs and potential renovations are obvious costs, but don’t forget about expenses such as homeowner’s insurance premiums and property tax. Homeowners are often required to pay these charges up front as part of their monthly mortgage payment. Lenders hold the funds in what’s called an escrow account and then make the insurance and tax payments on your behalf. This ensures these expenses are paid on time and protects the lender from tax liens and other financial losses. To understand more about the mortgage process, you can download the free Mortgage Playbook at Getting the house of your dreams at a price you can afford is the smart way to truly call it “Home Sweet Home.” (NAPS)
Remodel Unused
Living Space To Maximize
Your Home’s Potential If the real estate market has you frazzled or if the notion of trading up leaves you with sticker shock, a home remodeling project may be just the right answer.
breathe or to create an income suite to offset mortgage costs. It can also offer the added benefit of bolstering the value of your home. With so many uses, a remodeled basement may be the exact solution to what your home is missing, whether it’s additional storage space, a soundproofed media room, craft room, guest room or home gym. The possibilities are practically endless. An unfinished basement, on the other hand, can be a source of energy loss, so with a remodeling you can expect to see savings on your monthly heating and cooling costs. Industry experts recommend finishing the space with the proper framing, insulation and vapor barrier to guarantee cozy and inviting rooms. Insulation plays a key role in the comfort of your newly remodeled space and although hidden within your walls, it will make sure the basement stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Unfortunately, moisture can be a common challenge in many basements. Starting with a dry space is important. As a result, builders and contractors often favor an inorganic stone wool insulation that’s resistant to mold and mildew growth, such as Rockwool Comfortboard and Comfortbatt products. Not only will they help protect indoor air quality, they’re easy to install and won’t slump in the wall cavity. This serves to ensure the comfort of your newfound living space, so you can count on long-term thermal performance for years to come. Remodeling a basement can be very worthwhile, especially when you consider that moving to a larger home can add significant bulk to your mortgage. To get the most from the project, be sure to practice due diligence, obtain the right permits, and educate yourself on building codes. If you don’t have the know-how, it’s worth the peace of mind to hire a qualified professional. For further facts, go to (NAPS)
A finished basement, for example, can offer a little extra room to give a growing family space to
NewsShorts Sponsored by CB Prime Fayetteville (See their ad on the back cover)
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Robot Mower On
The Cutting Edge The extensive use of domestic robots for various household uses such as floor cleaning, pool, gutter and window cleaning is spurring growth, in of all things,the robotic lawn mower market. Like a Roomba for your yard, these lawn mowers are autonomous in nature and function without human intervention - though you will be required to fasten down a corresponding low voltage wire, (think invisible fence) around the area you want mowed. The systems are designed to include a docking station, a mobile base, and other accessories that support its smooth functioning, and it also uses intelligent sensory feedback control programmed to mow surfaces automatically. Kids forget to put their toys away? No problem - the mowers are designed to reroute when they bump into objects. Low battery? The mower is programmed to automatically return to the base to recharge. Quieter than the gas-powered counterparts, these battery-powered mowers make about as much noise as a window air conditioning unit. Since they are relatively quiet and can be programmed to run on a schedule, imagine waking up in the morning to a freshly mowed lawn. The top players in the robotic mower field are implementing ledge sensors that improve maneuverability and offering additional features such as smart navigation, laser vision, lawn memory, mapping, and self-emptying function that will improve the efficiency and performance of these advanced devices. If you’re looking for those straight lines and total freedom from your trimmer, call your local lawn service. If you’re willing to settle for getting the job done, a robotic mower may be the answer to your lawn maintenance dreams. The technology is still being fine tuned and you can expect to lay out a lot of cash for the convenience.
Design Trends A new calendar year brings fresh design trends for homeowners to start incorporating into their homes. National homebuilder and developer Taylor Morrison offers insight into the design trends buyers are incorporating into their homes. Here are nine trends from the builder’s in-house design experts for 2019 based on the selections homebuyers are choosing today. Healthy homes. “One trend we’re seeing is a shift toward becoming eco-friendlier and bringing healthy lifestyles straight into our homes,” shares Lee Crowder, design gallery and model home branding manager for Taylor Morrison. “While there are a lot of different ways to achieve this look, one must-have is an abundance of plants. Bringing touches from the outdoors inside is not only an aesthetic choice, but real plants also provide the benefit of filtering the harmful chemicals out of your home.” Crowder also suggests opting for natural materials over manmade, ditching dirt- and dusttrapping carpet for hardwood and swapping highgloss paint for flat finishes. Low vs. high maintenance. Charlotte-based Taylor Morrison Design Consultant Brittany Wightman sees many single female buyers opting for aesthetics over easy maintenance or function. “Achieving an all-white dream living room is a little easier when there are fewer people—especially kids—living under one roof,” said Wightman. On the other hand, consumers with larger families are opting for finishes that are easier to maintain. “A simple way to make your life easier is by choosing finishes that don’t require a ton of TLC. Choosing quartz over granite and opting for larger tiles over smaller ones means less grout to clean.” Fashion-forward. “Fashion trends are bleeding into home décor and design,” said Crowder. “If you paid attention to fashion week, you would
have seen browns and tartan plaids being very prominent this year, and those are some of the same trends we’re seeing in furniture design and accessories. If you see it on the runway, you will start seeing it trickle down into home fashion shortly thereafter.” Earth tones. With many homeowners opting for an indoor-outdoor lifestyle, Wightman shared that incorporating earth tones in your home is an easy way to bring the outdoors in. There’s no place like home, so doing all that you can to ensure that it’s a safe, healthy and comfortable place will give you the peace of mind necessary to enjoy it to its fullest. Monochromatic mood. High-contrast, monochromatic looks are rising in popularity, especially in the kitchen. “Pairing dark finishes with stark white or grey cabinets will be a very popular look in the new year,” said Wightman. Pastels and jewel tones. Bring on the baby blues, mint greens and blushing pinks. “We’re calling these the ‘ice cream cone’ colors,” said Crowder. “But if pastels aren’t for you, bold jewel tones like emerald and sapphire are another popular option for the new year.” Unique finishes. Fun hardware finishes like black, rose gold and brass continue to gain popularity. “Black is a really important color for 2019 and you’ll be seeing it pop up everywhere—from countertops to hardware and faucets,” said Crowder. Flower power. “We’re seeing tons of floral patterns inspired by runway looks,” Crowder said. “Florals are a top trend in the fashion world right now, so it makes sense that floral wallpaper is making a comeback.” Cozy comforts. Also inspired by fashion runways is the Danish hygge look. Comfortable, relaxed items like cozy and soft rugs, sofas and beds are replacing the stark, tailored look. “Taylor Morrison homebuyers are investing a bit more into their larger purchases in order to ensure quality and comfort. I like to say—buy once, cry once,” said Crowder. (PRNewswire)
NewsShorts Sponsored by CB Prime Fayetteville (See their ad on the back cover) 4
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
Bruce Graham Real Estate LLC
5791 Route 80 • PO Box 340 Tully, NY 13159 315-696-5758 Office
Bruce Graham
315-415-5561 Cell
I am building an office where we work together toward a common goalcreating the most professional and productive team in Central New York. The tools are in place as well as the support systems. I know what it takes to be successful and that’s the piece of the puzzle I will supply that few others can offer. We’re growing.
13+ Acre Level
Lot for Residential Development, or Extra Large Building Lot!
Don’t miss an opportunity to become part of this TEAM.
313 Horan Road, Camillus $125,000
All contacts will be 100% confidential... I promise!
13.14 Acres. Two tax parcels included in sale. Level lot for residential development, or extra large building lot! Located close to 695 East on ramp and Milton Ave. Public water, gas, cable available. House has 5 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, first floor laundry, some hardwood flooring. MLS# S1116221
Donna B. Rausch, CRB, CRS Fayetteville Office Manager Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Cell: 315-569-7355
Direct: 315-671-3354
6800 E. Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties can be a great fit for YOU!
Your Home Connection For Central New York
Robert Foster
Judith M. Foster
Karen A. Gage
Vicki Genter
Kirsten Rhoades
190 US Route 11,Central Square, NY 2845 St. Rt. 49, West Monroe, NY
NYS Lic. Real Estate Broker
NYS Lic. Associate Real Estate Broker
NYS Lic. Associate Real Estate Broker
NYS Lic. Real Estate Salesperson
NYS Lic. Real Estate Salesperson
NYS Lic. Real Estate Salesperson
Chris Thrall
MLS# S1147710
89 Adrian Circle, Constantia $298,500 Bright & Open Floor Plan Ranch, Multi Functional Island Kitchen w/Large Walk-In Pantry, Whirlpool Black Stainless Steel Appliances, Shaker-Style Hardwood Cabinet Doors w/Striking Granite Countertops & Stainless Steel Undermount Sink, Sliding Glass Door Leads To Concrete Patio, LED Can Lighting, Modern Living Room w/Fireplace & Built-In Entertainment Center. For 3D Virtual Tour visit: W VIE TER A W
MLS# S1126827
915 State Route 49, Bernhards Bay $179,900 Custom Built-One Owner Home, Great Views From Every Room of This Open Floor Plan, Easy Access To Large 17 Ft x 22 Ft Deck to Above Ground Pool & Views of Oneida Lake on Both Levels, Plus 10 Feet of Deeded Lake Rights-Access From Youmans Road-A Short Walk From Property, Custom Ash Kitchen Cabinets, Butcher Block Island, Pantry, Foyer. For 3D Virtual Tour visit:
MLS# S1140460
296 Lower Rd, Constantia $229,900 Why build when you can have a pristine ranch with everything done!!! Gorgeous, open concept ranch on a peaceful, rural lot. This home has a walkout basement that is ready to be finished and easily double your square footage! ATV and sports enthusiasts, the State trail backs up to this property!! Schedule your private showing today.
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DOWNSIZING? Thinking About Buying or
Selling Your Home?
I Can Help! With 34 Years of experience, you can count on me to guide you through the process of selling or buying your home. I'll make the transaction less stressful and more successful.
Barbara B. Ferro Associate Real Estate Broker C: 315-391-5600
6866 Genesee St Fayetteville (315) 446-8291
Ronald (Ron)Dailey Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Business Opportunity -Tug Hill Hideaway West Leyden, NY
Established Bar & Restaurant on Snowmobile and ATV Trails
For Exceptional Customer Service,
Sell or Buy, Ron’s Your Guy! (315) 727-9861 6849 E Genesee St Fayetteville, NY 13066
(315) 446-4681 6
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
Here is your chance to acquire one of the most hopping businesses on Tug Hill. Established in 1972, the Tug Hill Hideaway in West Leyden, NY is a Full Service Bar & Grill catering to outdoorsman’s, snowmobilers, ATVers, hunters and local clientele; Open Year-Round.
The opportunities are endless; • Run it as an established profitable bar & grill • Add lodging for increased traffic and revenues • Bed & Breakfast • Make it your own private club • Convert into a one-of-a-kind private residence • Use living quarters as additional rental income Business sits on 5 acres with option to buy the surrounding 78 acres for an additional $85,000. Seller financing is NOT available. For a full description of what is included in the sale of this turn key business, visit
Call 315-942-6860 - ask for Owners: Denis or Stephanie. Selling due to health issues. Business and land are priced to sell quickly.
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I am a results driven person that feels why start something if it can’t be finished. As a United States Air Force Veteran, I am proud to serve and help people when searching for that just right property or investment. There are only 24 hours in a day and things need to be prioritized for the best results. I stop working when my desk is cleared and the problems are solved. Even though the real estate market has been up and down thru-out the years, you learn to adapt to the needs of the client.
Mr. Fritz Broker Associate
Cell: 315-254-3557
1629 State Route 173 (Brinkerhoff Rd) -Million dollar views throughout this large home on 2.71 acres. Owner will consider land contract or lease purchase. Open feel throughout 1st floor with tin ceiling eat in kitchen with granite counter tops.1st floor master and front to back family room. Deck with views is entered thru the dining or family room. Owner installed solar for the hot water tank which creates great savings. There is also a great room on the 2nd floor for the kids. Lower area bedroom w/ full bath and entrance. MLS# 1146072
405 Temple St. #7, Syracuse
$109,900 107 Mark Ave., Syracuse
Large 1500 sq ft 3 bedroom apartments earning $735 each. 10 Year old Updated roof with gutters and vinyl siding. Owner will lease-hold with 1/2 down for up to 5 Years. 4 family. FULLY RENTED. MLS#S1112872
849 South Ave., Syracuse
$29,900 322 Hatch St., Syracuse
Rented at $975 per month to month. 4 bedrooms, GFA furnace, plastic plumbing circuit breakers, and new front roof. Owner will lease-hold with 1/2 down for up to 5 Years. MLS#S1130672 8
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
$42,900 1225 W. Onongaga St., Syracuse
Large 3 bedroom apartments and laundry in units, updated vinyl siding and windows. Fenced yard and plenty of parking. Owner will lease-hold with 1/2 down for up to 5 Years. MLS#S1094379
Fully rented 1st floor $735, 2nd floor $700 section 8. Fully rented 2 family with open porches, circuit breakers, fireplaces, hardwood floors and beautiful architecture. Selling way below assessed value. MLS#S1094370
$39,000 419 West Ostrander Ave., Syracuse $42,900
Rented at $925 per month to month. Vinyl siding, 5 bedrooms, GFA furnace, circuit breakers, updated plumbing and rear deck. Owner will lease-hold with 1/2 down for up to 5 Years. MLS#S1131052
Rented for $935 per month to month. Updated siding, circuit breakers, GFA furnace, driveway, partially fenced yard, 4 bedrooms with 1 on 1st floor, with full bath on each level. MLS# S1131359
Liverpool Office • 7840 Oswego Road • Liverpool, New York 13090 • (315) 622-2111
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Pamela R. Sebastian 315-727-9749 C
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Green...Gold...SOLD! Fulton Office
18 Canalview Mall, Fulton, NY 13069 • 315-592-7653 •
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Just amazing! 2,900 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms (1st floor master), 2 ½ baths, family room with FP, living room, dining room, kid’s game room/FR, walk-out basement, 3 car garage, fenced in private rear yard. $294,500 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
When only the best will do! 3,500 sq. ft. of gorgeous! Just like new with a new cherry kitchen, new master and guest baths! 25’x 23’family room with FP, 2 story office or den, finished basement, fenced yard. New furnace and air! $389,900 Julie Stickels, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-762-3434 (C)
Fabulous 2,934 sq. ft. of perfection. 4 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths, living room, dining room, family room, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage, 3 car detached garage, inground pool. $349,500 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
Over 2800 sq. ft. + finished basement with 2 bedrooms and bath. Updated home with 3 bedrooms, 1st floor master and new bath. NEW: kitchen, salt water pool, pool house, 40’x 80’pole barn with lift. Gorgeous neighborhood. $479,000 Julie Stickels, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-762-3434 (C)
Country location but convenient. 5 acres, 4 or 5 bedrooms, large living room, office, eat-in kitchen with new appliances, 2 ½ baths, finished lower level that walks out to an inground pool and party house! $304,900 Jayne Wentworth, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-264-1456 (C)
1900 sq. ft. Colonial, oak kitchen opens to large family room, formal dining and living with HWF, 1st floor laundry and ½ bath, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths up. Full basement, 2 car garage and central air! $209,900 Julie Stickels, RE Broker 315-363-9191 or 315-762-3434 (C)
3044 State Route 28 (Main St) Old Forge, NY 13420
Happy New Year!
(315) 369-6910
welcome home
#162395 YEAR ROUND HOME On private wooded lot w/seasonal views of 1st Lake. Vaulted ceiling & open floor plan. Woodstove & radiant floor heat provide a cozy feel. Located on Trail 4, perfect for outdoor activities. Short walk to deeded lake rights at HH beach. $349,000.
#164313 GREAT STARTER CAMP For summer fun or a snowmobile get away! 2 bdrms, 1 bath camp with woodburning fireplace in living room, drive-thru snowmobile shed, great access to snowmobile trails & lake rights to Lake Tekini. Camp being sold “as is”. $89,000.
#164105 TIME TO ACT On an affordable year round home w/3 bdrms in Big Moose. Spacious yard, 2 car garage, close to area restaurants, marina & chapel. Trails right out the door. Great starter home, income property, or a place to enjoy the ADK’s. $189,900.
#164273 GET SET For winter fun! Affordable year round starter camp furnished & ready to enjoy. Feel at home in the woodsy interior & stay warm next to the woodstove. Well maintained w/brand new well. Prime location near snowmobiling trails & area restaurants. $89,000.
#163682 INDOOR POOL Beautiful 3 bdrm furnished home & private 1 acre setting in Old Forge. Large LR w/woodburning fireplace, pool side kitchen/dining, master suite, 2.5 baths, attached 2 stall heated garage, full basement, 20’ x 30’ storage bldg. $595,000.
#163399 LIMEKILN LAKE A short walk away, about 700’ & Moose River Plains is at your back door making this a perfect location for hikers, hunters & snowmobiliers. 4 season cottage has 3 bdrms & 1.5 baths. New septic system will be required upon sale & prior to use. $145,000.
#163165 OLD FORGE VILLAGE COTTAGE Short walk to village lake front, shops, restaurants and Rivett’s Marina. Year round 2 bdrm, full bath cottage with municipal water and sewer. Two decks with filtered/seasonal views of Old Forge Pond. $149,000.
#160655 DEEDED 4TH LAKE DOCK ACCESS 3 bdrm, 2 bath home rents for $750/week. Most furnishings will be left. Overhead balcony. Wraparound brook. Large porch with partial cover. Updated bathrooms. Full winterization feasible. Permit for back porch obtained. $239,000.
#160948 OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY At Cliff House in Inlet. Invite family & friends to enjoy this 4 bdrm, 2 bath cape w/ lake rights, sandy swimming & a boat slip 200’ from your front door. Amenities include stone fireplace, hardwood floors & wainscoting. $234,900.
#161534 PRIME LOCATION Year round cottage on Trail 4 and a short walk to 1st Lake deeded beach access w/boat launch. Spacious greatroom offers seasonal view of 1st Lake and fireview stove, 3 bdrms, deck & an entry leading to 24’ x 14’ garage. $260,000.
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
The Ridge “MWG Custom Homes helped us build our dream home! From the day we met them at a home show, to the first day we sat down with their team, to the day our home was completed, it was the easiest decision we made. We fell in love with their designs, craftsmanship and their professionalism. The entire process can be overwhelming but they helped us every step of the way...” -H. Shaffer
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Elizabeth Hulchanski
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Licensed RE Salesperson Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Select
106 S. Main Street North Syracuse, NY 13212 Office: 315-565-0772
Cell: 315-516-0966 Email: January
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LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
Gregory (Greg) Ramin Cell/Text (315) 345-8159 Direct: (315) 671-3635
2 Names you can trust for reliable Real Estate Service 8233 Park Ridge Path Liverpool, NY 13090
Completed Bella Casa Builder by Alberici Home
Completed Alberici Model Home. CLOSE IN 30 DAYS!!! This is the last 1 ACRE LOT in Talamore, a 13 Lot Double Cul-DeSac exclusive area developed and built by Bella Casa Builder by Alberici. Each home was built custom and all the homes are very distinctive and beautiful. This Model has a wonderful FIRST FLOOR design with another 3 bedrooms & charming screened in back porch. The home has a daylight lot which oers the next
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths / 2410 Sq. Ft.
owner a chance to expand this home another 1000+ sq ft. The great room is OPEN to a two story Kitchen with a neat overlook from the two bedrooms and bath on the second floor! The Master Bedroom is spacious with with Huge master closet, Huge master bath with clean stylish tile work and frameless glass. Huge garage and Mudroom, very Nicely appointed home. Back Screened-in Porch. MLS#S1158858
www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Expanded Contemporary Ranch on 6.6 Acres 7654 Smith, Floyd (Rome) STUNNING 5 BR 3 BATH 3,778 SQ/FT ON ALMOST 7 ACRES! High end quality upgrades throughout! Holland patent schools, low taxes! Offers a completely remodeled, well-appointed interior, excellent location minutes to Lake Delta & all-season recreation, Rome, Griffiss Business Park, SYRACUSE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Offers an over the top custom cherry kitchen, Castle stone walls, stainless, granite,
custom baths with seamless glass, rain fall triple shower heads, Kichler lighting, Delta Zura and upscale bathroom fixtures, TWO amazing master bedrooms. Home flows for ultimate entertaining wrapped in the privacy of a beautiful rural setting. A separate building offers a detached garage, workshop & barn addition, great business potential! TRULY A PRISTINE MOVE IN HOME!
Georgian Style Estate, Guest Cottage, 12 Private Acres Richfield Springs, 102 Route 167 2 HOMES FOR ONE! BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN STYLE ESTATE & GUEST COTTAGE, 12 PRIVATE ACRES just minutes from COOPERSTOWN & ATTRACTIONS. Also offers a small CARRIAGE BARN with HORSE STABLES! Exquisitely updated this Nationally Registered Historic property, known as Sunset Hill, offers over 3,000 Sq/Ft, 4 BR’s, 3.5 baths, custom gourmet kitchen, cozy library, massive living room, 2 fireplaces, sunlit windows.
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
Enjoy private patios overlooking beautiful gardens, trees and amazing views! Sunset Hill was custom designed by Dwight James Baum in 1923. GUEST COTTAGE offers approx. 650 Sq./Ft., key updates, spacious living room, gardens, cozy front porch. Strong high end seasonal RENTAL demand from the surrounding COOPERSTOWN & Baseball markets! Excellent investment or a Perfect UPSTATE NY SECOND HOME!
2 Pristine Homes For The Price of One Newport (Near Adirondacks), 3595 Military Road 2 PRISTINE HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! TOTAL OFFERING 3,850 SQ/FT, 10 BEDROOMS & 6 BATHS! 28 ACRES OF PRIVACY, SECLUSION & HURRICANE BROOK WATERFRONT! SAVE WITH ADVANCED RENEWABLE HYDRO & SOLAR POWER! A GREAT HIDEAWAY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENTHUSIASTS WHILE ENJOYING TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY! Located in the foothills of the Adirondacks, this property & setting alone will amaze you at every turn.
Floyd (Rome)
MAIN CHALET home offers 3 BRS & 2 baths, GREAT ROOM, loft overlook, massive deck overlooking woods and brook, GUEST HOME offers a 2 BR in law suite, attached garage & 4 BR Guest Suite! A PRIVATE BUNK HOUSE provides even more living space to just get away! Perfect for extended family living, reunions, retreats, income potential and way more! Direct TV, DSL Internet & Cellular rounds out this unique offering!
Additional Featured Listings RECENT SOLD OR SALE PENDING!
$324,900 Cherry Valley
$239,500 Forestport (Otter Lake) $139,900
$399,900 Rome
$229,900 West Winfield
$249,000 Mohawk
$169,900 Oneida
North Bay
$299,900 Ilion
$269,900 Whitesboro
$118,000 Ilion
$184,900 Ilion
Springs $799,000 $167,500 Richfield 102 Route 167 -2 Homes For One! BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN ESTATE & GUEST COTTAGE on $44,900 UPDATED 12 PRIVATE ACRES, minutes from COOPERSTOWN,
Barneveld $399,900 396 Dover Road - HISTORIC GREEK REVIVAL UPDATED ESTATE NEAR TRENTON FALLS, 5 ACRES, 5,000 Sq./Ft. BARN with STABLES.This historic 3,252 Sq/Ft 4 BR home offers it all. QUALITY UPDATES Minutes from the Adirondacks.
Cherry Valley $239,500 4075 County Hwy 33 - 2 LEVEL 3 BR 2,744 SQ/FT CONTEMPORARY, 97 ACRES, VIEWS! Minutes from Cooperstown, attractions, trails, privacy, home office/commercial aspects, open kitchen layout, vaulted ceilings & more!
West Winfield $184,900 6890 County Hwy 18 - TRANQUIL WATERFRONT PROPERTY, PERFECT SECOND HOME OR JUST ENJOY YEAR-ROUND CHARM! 3 BR Cape,1,900 Sq/Ft, home office, garage/workshop, minutes from Utica, Cooperstown.
Camden $599,900 15075 Loveland Road- 4,800 SQ/FT STUNNING 2009 CONTEMPORARY CAPE ON 54 ACRES OFTOTAL PRIVACY & NEARBY STATE FORESTS! offers a CARRIAGE BARN, HORSE STABLES, over Amazing hickory quality custom kitchen with granite, stainless, dramatic vaulted sunlit great room. 3,000 Sq/Ft, 4 BR’s, gourmet kitchen.
Floyd (Rome) $489,900 7654 Smith Road- Well appointed contemporary 5 br ranch on 7 private acres, high end finishes throughout! 2 Master bedrooms! Stunning remodeled custom CHERRY KITCHEN, Granite, stainless, 100% remodeled.
Waterville $39,900 1804 Route 12 - BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME OVERLOOKING THE FALLS & 20 PICTURESQUE ACRES! Open fields, stream, waterfalls & swimming holes., about 15 minutes to Utica.
Rome $127,500 207 Dale Road,- 1,117 SQ/FT 3 BR RANCH, GREAT LOCATION, Spacious kitchen, private yard, central air, sunroom! Other separate lot behind this property also available, a unique offering! SOUGHT AFTER AREA!
www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Adirondack Real Estate
2730 Route 28, Old Forge, NY 13420
Check all the listings at:
“Own A Piece of The Adirondacks!”
Business Opp W/ Living Quarters
Old Forge
MarineDealership-2730Rt28- BusinessOpportunitywithspacious living quarters. Old Forge Marine dealership & garage includes 2 offices, 50’X 100’store and garage on 180ft of road frontage on Rt 28. Garage has 3 overhead doors in back and 1 in front.
Third Lake 3rd Lake Ranch
Raquette Lake
Just Listed Raquette Lake
1st Lake Lot $179,000
Old Forge
Year round two story 3 bedroom, 1 bath home on Route 28. Walk to town.!
2 AcreWooded Lot on 150’ofWaterfront onWoods Point. Boat Access Only
Life and
Homes New Year
Stunning Contemporary Cape on 54 Acres Featured Home Pg. 17
New Address
Long Lake Land
Old Forge
Lake with lake rights to Hollywood Hills.
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Summit Place-This is a 1 acre cleared building lot overlooking 1st
Kickerville Rd,to Triplett Hill Way LONG LAKE: 6.4 AC wooded lot with small shed. Town water & under ground power. This property is assessed for 66,500, quite a bargin!!
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3 bedroom seasonal home with loft on104’road access lakefront. Large living room / dining/ kitchen with 2 bathrooms on 1st floor. 1/2 drive in basement. National Grid power, well & septic sysem.
Tuttle Rd., Old Forge -Year around 4 bedroom ranch home, eat in kitchen beautiful fireplace with boathouse on 100’of lakefront. Features sun porch & walk out basement facing 3rd lake. Great for summer and winter sports!
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1006 Black River Blvd, Rome, NY 13440 Broker Fred Macchia
Fred Macchia, CCIM Broker/Owner
Commercial Opportunities
Contact: Fred Macchia 315-292-0373
Building area has 9,900 sq ft, twenty one rooms, twelve bathrooms, and two floors. Many possibilities and a great location. $350,000 | MLS#1803888
6943, 6947 S. JAMES ST, ROME
Great commercial location with a high traffic count. Includes Property includes building (6943) and two lots (6947) and additional 35 x 150 lot with an address of 907 Calvert St. Bones Ave. $255,000 | MLS#1802597 Vacant lot zoned C3. $65,000 | MLS #1701578
State of the art building with high traffic count state road. Three This building offers three separate rental units in a busy locaphase 240v electric. Waste oil boiler with radiant heat in floor, tion. Great for retail or office space. Attached garage, newer office 32’ x 40’. Available for Lease. $450,000 | MLS#1802197 roof (five years). $190,000 | MLS#1803959
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THE APARTMENTS AT LEGACY DRIVE 844-733-9711 Units starting at $1105. 2 Bedroom apts, Fitness Center, Pool, Community Center, Pet Friendly, Dog Park. Superior management & 24
GIGLIOTTI, SIEGFRIED, & ASSOCIATES, INC. Now that you’ve found the right home, protect 315-792-8025 Member Since 06/17
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ONE J SERVICES Junk removal, entire house or a few items. 315-350-3777
LAW OFFICE OF ANN MCGRATH Call Ann McGrath, Esq. for your real estate 315-299-3441 Member Since 10/15
Real Estate Sales
GLIMMERGLASS SWIM SPAS & POOLS One piece fiberglass pools, 28 models to 518-993-5151
SWEET HOMES CHITTENANGO LLC Real estate sales, NRPP Certified Radon Mea315-456-9009
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Member Since 06/17
choose from. Quick Installation, easy to clean, built in steps and seats, no seams. Available in white or colors.
Create A Backyard That Makes Your Family Want To Stay Home & Relax Take 1 One-Piece Fiberglass Pool
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8196 Oswego Rd (Route 57) Liverpool, New York 13090
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Loft Living At It’s Best
Bagg Square District, Utica Loft style living available in the Smith Building - 412 Main Street, Utica. Gain access to this spacious & sunny 1,500 sq. ft. loft through private stairwell & metal fire doors into your foyer. This 1 bedroom, 1 bath loft has been totally renovated, sealed construction. Well insulated. There are 2 designated parking spaces, 2 entrances & 2 exits.
Michelle Gorea Thompson, REALTOR® John Brown Team Member 315-794-3260 cell | 315-735-2222 x 6647 office 2306 Genesee St, Utica NY 13502
LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
$1,600 month Located in the historic & trendy location of Bagg Square. Offering easy access to markets, restaurants, shopping & convenient travel options. Available for immediate loft style living at $1600 let mo. MLS# 1803127 Plan your 2019 New Years Eve Party in your new loft apartment!
“Fully Committed to Bringing Outstanding Results to My Clients”
Creating Beauty with Function Ideal Heirloom Quality
Bayside’s Handcrafted Completely
Original Design Premium Handcrafted Cutting Surfaces, Wine, & Kitchen Accessories
Cedar Adirondack Style Chairs
Our Specialty Product Line Cutting & Serving Boards Edge Grain Cutting Boards & End Grain Cutting Boards Unsurpassed for durability & cutlery friendliness, our handcrafted heirloom cutting and serving boards will become the centerpiece of a kitchen for decades.
*Bayside also offers full laser etching service, in-house, to personalize your boards.*
Ideal one-of-a-kind gift ideas Custom orders always welcome!
Why Our Chairs?
Why Completely Cedar?
Seat design change makes our chairs amazingly comfortable! Built in Beer, Soda or Wine Glass Holder. Can be Personalized. Can be Customized to Your Size/Fit.
Surprisingly Lightweight and Strong. Naturally Moisture, Mildew and Insect Resistant. Virtually Maintenance Free! Natural State - Doesn’t Require Finishing.
Spring Special - $410 Per Pair Order NOW to lock in price.
$100 Deposit for Spring completion or earlier, if desired.
Look for Bayside Wood Products at Turning Stone Home Show & Mohawk Valley Homebuilders Show! Also found at The Shoppes At Johnny Appleseed, Erieville NY
Owner: Ted Greenfield AAS in Wood Product Technology (SUNY Morrisville)
(315)529-6807 |
Bayside Wood Products Inc January
www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties 6800 East Genesee Street Fayetteville, NY 13066 Office: 315-446-2910
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David “Dave” Pridgen C: 315-657-7631
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Susan Li C: 315-278-7860
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LifeandHomes ■ Syracuse
*Ask for specific program requirements.