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CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES................................................................43


This research analyzed the journalistic discourse that has been displayed on Instagram in the digital media El Comercio, on the health emergency of COVID-19, for a year (from February 2020 to January 2021). To do this, the four posts that had the most interaction in that period were selected. The study approach used is qualitative, based on descriptive research. The applied research technique is discourse analysis. For data collection, a matrix adapted to the needs of this research was used. Among the main results, it is evident that the newspaper El Comercio within the digital platform, Instagram, emits a descriptive, ethical and informative speech, respecting the provisions issued by the Organic Law of Communication (LOC), although with a certain sensationalist dose, but without reaching exaggeration, implying that the journalistic practice of this newspaper tries to approach objectivity, in times of pandemic.


Keywords: discourse, journalism, pandemic, Instagram, COVID-19.

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