The flexible periodization method

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The Flexible Periodization Method Home Register Log In Do you train athletes or clients who can benefit from TRULY individualized training programsb The Flexible Periodization Method is the FIRST complete method of periodization, dedicated to MAXIMIZING results through a PROVEN 9-Step sequence to create truly INDIVIDUALIZED training programs. After reading a few books on the subject and browsing the internet I came across your book, which seemed to collaborate the majority of periodization ideas out there. After reading the first 2 sections I can say the book is truely helpful and full of exceptional ideas. I can see myself using a lot of the strategies in preparation for my own clients. Andy Thirlwell, BA Psychology IKFF, KBI, RKC (Kettlebell specialist) All

American (University of Tennessee, Swimming) Former International Swimmer (Great Britain) A Message from Karsten Jensen, MSc. Exercise Physiology, Strength Coach to World Class and Olympic Athletes Strength and conditioning and personal training are simple. To be good at what we do we must master only four skills, CREATE, INSTRUCT, SUPERVISE and EVALUATE and refine training programs. To be useful, ANYTHING ELSE we learn must help us improve one of the above four areas. If information and knowledge stays in our heads it is of no benefit to our athletes and clients! In the late nineties, the Danish Sport System (Team Danmark) employed only part time strength coaches to make relatively generic programs and there was little follow up on the programs. The national coaches did not feel that the training programs matched the needs of their athletes and they were not happy with the results the programs produced. In a seminar in early 1999, a large number of the national coaches asked Team Danmark to hire a full time strength coach. In Novemeber 1999 one month after I completed University - I was hired by Team Danmark as their first full time strength coach to create highly individualized training programs for their novice as well as current Olympic athletes who were 15 to 30 years of age, came from 13 different sports ranging from figure skating to rowing to wrestling, had anywhere from 6-months to one week of preparation time for their next competition. At that time I had already worked with world class triathletes, badminton players, figure skaters and national/international level volley ball/beach volleyball players. However, I still remember my mentor Mikael Trolle, the national volleyball coach saying, You only get one chance at this. Being a full time strength coach for Team Danmark had been my dream job since my second year in University (1992), eight years before the position existed. Naturally, I was motivated to succeed! I knew that the training programs had to follow the principles of PERIODization Eight years earlier Tudor Bompa's books had taught me about PERIODization the division of a longer training cycle into different PERIODS, with different goals, structures and contents of the training program. I had also studied the research that shows that training programs that follow the principles of periodization are MORE EFFECTIVE than non-periodized training programs. Therefore, I knew that the training programs had to follow the principles of PERIODization. A truly effective PERIODization system must answer ALL the questions we, as strength coaches and personal trainers, need to ask when we create COMPLETELY individualized training programs. I kept studying everything on periodization that I could get my hands on. Each great book from Bompa, Zatsiorsky, Kraemer, Stone and Siff taught me valuable lessons. However, there were also MANY unanswered questions. I kept reading, applying and getting experience in the gym

and gradually I realized that I was seeing a NEW system of PERIODization. Bruce Lee said Discard what is not useful. Learn from everybody. Be ready for everything. I could not agree more! Therefore, The Flexible Periodization Method is the ONLY method that integrates the BEST of all other periodization systems - instead of wasting time with the archaic which method is best discussion - AND on top of that has added nowhere-else-to-be-found features. Very much due to the above mentioned job description, The Flexible Periodization Method became the first complete system of periodization that is dedicated to the strategies needed to create completely INDIVIDUALIZED training programs./span The Flexible Periodization Method details advanced and holistic dimensions of periodization and presents a new, comprehensive and flexible system, that will guide the approach to periodization in the future. The Flexible Periodization Method is evidence based, but also builds on extensive experience with Olympic level athletes. Marina Aagaard Master of Fitness and Exercise, Part-time Associate Professor, Aalborg University Denmark The 400 pages in The Flexible Periodization Method are structured in four (4) logically sequenced, content-rich chapters. Chapter 1 consists of 16 short sections outlining the 16 Key Principles that The Flexible Periodization Method is built upon, including Enhance results by following the natural cycles of the body in your planning. The solution to the problem of performing concurrent strength and endurance training I have never seen these ideas discussed in any other written material. How and when to use assistance exercises and compound exercises. Why several textbooks are wrong when they say explosive sports dont have a need for a maximal strength cycle. Ways to practice key movement patterns every day without overtraining - (Improve performance even on recovery days). Why ALL program variables must be periodized. Why stabilizer training is NOT for sissies. :) After reading Chapter 1, you will understand the theory behind the Flexible Periodization Method. Chapter 2 gives you all the details of the seven (7) different training templates (blocks -the corner stones of the FPM) that are combined to perfectly suit the individual athlete or client. These details include The best structure of strength training, jump/throw training and energy systems training workouts with the optimal number of exercises. The power of viewing your training sessions as blocks of various lengths. How the 7 fundamental training methods are combined in the 7 Blocks for maximal synergy and results. The rarely discussed difference between PREPARING for and SUPPLEMENTING the Sport Specific Activity. Why the key goal in plyometric training is NOT always to develop power. 59 method variations to use with strength training, jump/throw training or energy systems training. Most of these method variations are not

discussed in any other written material I have ever seen. In section 2 you can find a program used by Nicole Sydboege, Ju-Jitsu World Champion. As a ju-jitsu competitor and athlete my goals were to be strong, explosive and have great endurance. Karsten's training programs were specific to my needs and thus I experienced marked improvements in all categories. Since 2005 Karsten has had a counselling and valued role for my strength training. Nicole Sydbge World Games Champion - 2001, 2005 World Champion - 2002, 2004 Europmaster - 2001, 2003, 2005 I recommend getting a thorough understanding of all the blocks before starting to use The Flexible Periodization Method. However, Chapter 2 is more of a reference chapter that you use each time you create PERIODized training programs. You dont need to read Chapter 2 cover to cover. Chapter 3 shows you how to combine blocks to create ANY kind of macrocycle. It also covers The simple, but overlooked principle for prioritizing training components. The 5 key structures in a macrocycle that you must be able to work with. When and how to use a pure sequence or a spiralling of blocks. Optimal number of continuous weeks with each block. 3 ways to apply concentrated loading. The world class athlete's philosophy for tapering. Strategies for improving physical capacity, EVEN in the competition period. Have you ever heard the truth that athletes with almost year round, weekly competitions cant apply periodizationb In Chapter 3 you can find a unique periodization technique I developed for Professional Tennis player, Kenneth Carlsen I had Karsten Jensen as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for almost 8 years. We started working together in 1999 after I got injured in my shoulder; a long injury as it turned out. I was away from tournament tennis for 19 months. In those 19 months Karsten helped me get in the best physical shape of my life and that was of priceless importance for me; coming back to the ATP Tour as fast and good as I did. I believe that I have played better tennis after my injury and a big reason for that is Karsten's help with my strength and conditioning. Karsten is an excellent strength and conditioning coach and it's very motivating to work with him. He is very professional and incredibly good at making you push yourself to the maximum. I can highly recommend Karsten as a Strength and Conditioning Coach. Kenneth Carlsen, Professional tennis player 3-time ATP-tournament winner- 1998, 2002, 2005 Also Chapter 3 is a reference chapter that you use each time you create PERIODized training programs. Chapter 4 shows you the 9-Step sequence to create truly INDIVIDUALIZED training programs Do you currently follow a CLEAR, stepwise and effective process for creating individualised training programsb Chapter 4 shows you the 9-Step sequence to create truly INDIVIDUALIZED training programs Step 1: Establish the Type 1 goals Step 2: Perform The

Assessments Step 3: Establish The Type 2 goals - a unique goal setting system onto itself that prevents you from creating A GREAT program with the WRONG goals Step 4: Determine the Block Sequence and Number of Consecutive Weeks with Each Block Step 5: Select the Exercises and the Specific Structure of the Training Sessions Step 6: Select the Total Training Volume Step 7: Select the Method Variations Step 8: Distribute the (total) Weekly Training Volume Between Each Training Day and Select the Number of Sets and Interval Repetitions to Match the Chosen Volume for Each Training Day. Step 9: Write the Training Program If we ask an athlete or a client to perform 5 sets of 3-5 repetitions of the Deep Barbell Squat Squat with a load that (s)he initially could do 3 reps with, then we have somewhat individualized the training program. We might have 5 sets of 3-5 repetitions of the Deep Barbell Squat Squat as the STANDARD set/rep combination, but we have individualized the training load. In the view of The Flexible Periodization Method this is PARTIAL individualization, because there are some many more decisions/choices that goes into creating a training program. COMPLETE individualization the goal of The Flexible Periodization Method is to make ALL decisions on ALL of the 9 steps based on the physical status, goal and practical circumstances of the individual athlete or client. You see now that individualizing a training program is not an all or nothing scenario. There are different degrees of individualization. Thus, if you think that making a COMPLETELY individualised training program sounds overwhelming, you can start where you are at now and at your own pace - GRADUALLY create more and more individualized programs. Chapter 4 is designed to be use EVERY single time you create training programs and follow the steps. I have learned a lot from reading [The Flexible Periodization Method] and it has been of great assistance to me in improving my own training as well as that of my clients. Kirk Salmon, Certified Personal Trainer One of my spiritual mentors, world renowned Indian Doctor Deepak Chopra, has said that he only writes about topics that he wants to learn about. The principles of The Flexible Periodization have proven very effective, which is why I wanted to share them with as many like minded colleagues as possible. BUT, writing the book also challenged me to think through and clarify many of the principles in the method. The Flexible PERIODization method is about MORE than the training. It is about UNDERSTANDING what it takes to develop a truly individualized training program that fits one athlete and not the other. The Flexible Periodization Method is the heart and soul of Yes To Strength therefore I am happy that the book has been picked up by personal trainers and strength coaches in 20 different countries so far. I am also proud to have taught components of The Flexible

Periodization Method at Universities in Ontario and that the method is recommended reading by the Ontario Human Performance Association. I am also honored that the Danish Federation of Sports in the fall of 2012 commissioned me to write Optimizing Performance with Periodization for their coaches education. Albert Einstein said, As simple as necessary, as complex as possible. The skills and strategies needed to create truly individualised training programs are naturally more complex than a generic training program. Thus, The Flexible Periodization Method is about better, NOT easier. Learning to use the Flexible Periodization Method to the fullest extent WILL require time and effort. However, there are MANY SPECIFIC principles and strategies that you can take away and apply them the next day. Thus, you can benefit from The Flexible Periodization Method EVEN though; you already use another system and dont intend to make a complete shift! In well over a decade of serious training with various coaches and trainers, I must say that I was not only delighted but also extremely surprised and impressed when I began working with Karsten. I've found the methods employed by Karsten to be like nothing I'd ever experienced before. His scientifically backed scope and depth of knowledge regarding every facet and detail of strength and conditioning, coupled with his genuine care of my well being and performance is, in my experience, completely unparalleled. Karsten is MILES ahead of any trainers I've ever worked with, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with him. Jessi Lelliot, Professional Beach Volleyball Player OK - I am interested! How can I get The Flexible Periodization Methodb While I provide solid theory behind The Flexible Periodization Method. it is not the feature of theory that I hope will distinguish this book. I have never personally done any scientific studies, nor am I a PhD or a professor like Tudor Bompa, Wladimir Zatisorsky, William Kraemer or Michael Stone However, I have spent 18 years researching ALL major PERIODization systems. I have spent 1000s of hours creating long term training programs for world class and Olympic athletes and I have spent 1000s of hours in the gym helping these athletes optimize the execution of these training programs. The Flexible Periodization Method is the FIRST unified periodization system to be created by a strength coach FOR strength coaches and personal trainers to help YOU fit the system to the athlete instead of fitting the athlete to the system. The Flexible Periodization Method was created with the goal of being the MOST PRACTICAL, yet SCIENCE-BASED book on creating long-term training plans EVER to be released. I have been able to help the athletes that I have because I have had the drive to learn and improve every day. If you feel that The Flexible Periodization Method is for you, then I encourage you to take action get the book today and

start using it! The Flexible Periodization Method WILL help you create better training programs. Overall I give this book a four out of five star rating, and it belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in a practical method of periodization programming. From Book Review: The Flexible Periodization Method by Karsten Jensen Reviewed by Brian Jones, Ph.D. Quoted with permission from MILO: A Journal for Serious Strength Athletes, September 2011, Vol. 19, No. 2. Get your copy of The Flexible Periodization Method (Instant Download) To successfully growing your business, Karsten Jensen PS: The ability to create better training programs for any athlete is so valuable to MY business that I keep improving those skills on a regular basis. Creating better training programs with The 9 Key Steps of The Flexible Periodizaton Method can also help you improve your business AND get paid hundreds of dollars to create the training program. Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Karsten Jensen Powered by Global Online Solutions


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