Mangoes are the most delicious fruits and they are a favorite for all. There is high demand for processed and fresh mangoes all over the world. Mangoes are not produced in all the countries. Hence mangoes are vastly exported all over the world. Very few countries produce mangoes and they enjoy mangoes freshly. India is one among those countries which produces mangoes on a large scale. There is a surplus of production of mangoes, at that particular time mangoes are at its best for processing and exportation. There are many ways in which mangoes are processed. Mangoes are pulped, canned or sometimes they are used in their natural form as frozen mango slices. “Frozen mango slices�, this word might sound very simple and straight forward, but it should go through a lot of process. Since processed mangoes are used highly for exportation, industries will never compromise on quality, taste, flavor and freshness of the fruit. These days due to advanced technology, mango slices are processed with a special technology called the state of art technology. Another technology called cryogenic technology is used for freezing the mango slices. When the mango slices are sent for freezing and if thawed doest not turn soggy then the texture is changed. Then the common technique of mechanical freezing is used. A tunnel freezer which consists of liquid nitrogen is installed in the cryogenic technology.
Mango slices are successfully frozen without any contact with atmosphere because of tunnel freezer. In a single day more than 7000kgs of frozen mango slices can be produced. Since the freezing process is instinct and it doesn’t take more than 10-12min, the fruit retain all the properties as before. Exporters of frozen mango slices make sure that mango slices are processed in 5 stages perfectly. The five steps include, washing the fruits neatly in order to remove the microbial and dust particles, then mango pulp is extracted separating the skin and stone, then the pulp is cut uniformly into slices using a mechanical machine. Before freezing the mango slices, excess water content is drained and then the slices are neatly washed. As soon as the frozen mango slices are ready, they are immediately packed without any delay. Frozen mango slices made in this way can be used until 2 years. Processed mangoes have demand all over the world. Not only the countries which don’t produce mangoes, even the countries which have ample supply of mangoes also demand for mangoes. Straight from the container itself, frozen mango slices can be used for the preparation of dessert and other items. If there is no machinery equipment to make mango slices, simple process is used by cutting the mango fruit with a knife and making it into slices, then it is peeled up removing the seeds.
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