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Teachers’ Pets - Isabella Kwon

Mr. Farrar



PULSE: What are the names of your snake and cat?

MR. FARRAR: Snake is Brock Samson (the cartoon character) and the cat is Kitty.

PULSE: What breed of snake and cat are your pets?

MR. FARRAR: The snake is a Ball Python (called a Royal Python in Britain), and the cat is a Russian Blue Mix.

PULSE: How long have you owned them?

MR. FARRAR: I have had the snake for 11 years and the cat for five years.

PULSE: Could you describe how you decided on this strange combination of a cat and snake?

MR. FARRAR: Very weird for sure. Started with the snake because I wanted something like an aquarium but didn’t want the maintenance and cost that went along with it. Kitty was a former roommate’s, and they couldn't take her so I did.

PULSE: What is the extent of the relationship between your pets?

MR. FARRAR: They really aren't aware of each other. Brock is always in his terrarium unless I am taking him out. They have been in proximity with each other, but the cat doesn't really want anything to do with the snake. If it came down to a fight, the cat would probably be the victor.

PULSE: Do you have any memorable stories of your pets that you would be willing to share?

MR. FARRAR: So cats are mischievous, or at least mine is. She used to like sitting on the top of Brock's tank. One night, she was sitting on top of it when she inadvertently broke it and fell in! I was in bed and heard the “thunk” of her falling in and didn't think much of it because she gets into shenanigans at night all the time. When I get up the next morning, I saw that the tank was missing a lid and, more importantly, a snake! That's when I realized what I’d heard last night. The cat was fine, so I started my search for the snake. He’s really a low key guy, and just wants to hang out in a dark room all day. So I looked in the dark crevices of my place and found him in the corner, just chilling. So now with a new top, Kitty hasn't been back to check it out.

PULSE: Could you describe the personalities of your pets?

MR. FARRAR: The snake is Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, just kinda around and moving slowly about. Kitty is a kook for sure. She can be super loving when I haven't been around all day, but then she will sometimes give me a little bite out of nowhere. Thankfully the snake doesn't do that!

PETS By Isabella Kwon

Ms. MortensEn

PULSE: How many animals do you own?

MS. MORTENSEN: My husband and I have one dog, two cats, and ten fish. My mother is currently staying with us and brought her two dogs.

PULSE: What are their names and breed?

MS. MORTENSEN: Ransom is a shepherd/husky mix age 11. Luna is a black tortie calico, age 17 (and stone deaf). Koi is 14 and is a Maine Coon. The only fish we named is a white sparkly one, Elvis, and a silver one with a mask, Lone Ranger. Hubble (9) is a chow/golden retriever and Comet (6) is a chihuahua/shepherd (Mom’s dogs).

PULSE: How long have you owned your pets?

MS. MORTENSEN: I've had Luna for 16 years, Ransom for 10, Koi for 14, and the fish for 1-3 years. My mom's dogs have been here since June.

PULSE: What is the temperament of your pets?

MS. MORTENSEN: Ransom loves everyone and everything and checks on all of them constantly to make sure they are okay. Koi only loves her food, while Luna will curl up with anyone warm.

PULSE: Could you describe the personalities of your pets?

MS. MORTENSEN: Ransom is a rule follower and plays Mr. Policeman if anyone is breaking them. Luna is too old and deaf to care anymore, but she once saved my life by alerting me to a gas leak and also chased off people trying to steal my Jeep. Koi just wants food all the time. Hubble is the most stubborn animal I have ever met, but loves everyone. Comet was a rescue and is slowly becoming less afraid of the world.

PULSE: Are there any memorable moments that you have had with your animals that you’d be willing to share?

MS. MORTENSEN: We plan vacations around Ransom--last year we got a cabin in Idyllwild just so he could play in the snow. He also loves offroading with us in the Jeep. My husband was the only person I ever dated that he liked, so I knew right away he was a keeper!

PULSE: Is there anything else you would like to add?

MS. MORTENSEN: I've always been an animal lover. I grew up in Delaware on seven acres of land, and we had chickens, huskies, shepherds, tons of cats, rabbits, and a horse. Also, I would love to get a baby goat someday. I think they are hilarious.

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