18 minute read
Calendar of Events
EVENTS throughout
PLEASE NOTE: Events included on these pages were confirmed to the best of our ability at press time. Please note that event dates and times are subject to change due to COVID-19-related restrictions. Please check with organizers listed to confirm events before heading out.
June 1 through Aug. 31
,Online w https://fcpl.beanstack.org/reader365 For adults and kids. Register, log your reading, and earn points and prizes. Share what you’re reading and where you’re reading by using #FCPLSummer. July 1, 12:30 to 1 p.m., continues each Sunday year-round , Baker Park Carillon, Baker Park, Frederick O 301-788-2806 Carillon Recitals at the Joseph Dill Baker Memorial Carillon in Baker Park feature city carillonneur John Widmann on the 49-bell carillon of bronze bells played with fists and feet on a keyboard of batons and pedals. People can listen in the park and blocks away, allowing safe social distancing. July 1, 3 p.m. pratt Not sure what your next book will be? Chat live with Enoch Pratt Free Library staff for book recommendations on Crowdcast and Facebook Live. July 1, 10 to 10:30 a.m., recurring every weekday , Frederick County Libraries on Facebook Live Storytime is for children up to age 5. Enjoy, stories, finger plays, rhymes and more. Watch past storytimes on the FCPL Youtube Storytime Channel.
Live Streaming Concert: Ronn McFarlane, lutenist
July 1, 7 p.m. w http://andiemusiklive.com/events Grammy-nominated lutenist, Ronn McFarlane strives to bring the lute the most popular instrument of the Renaissance into today’s musical mainstream and make it accessible to a wider audience.
Virtual Program: Teen Cuisine Ice Cream in a Bag
July 2, 4:30 to 5 p.m. w https://www.facebook.com/FredCoLibrary Learn how to make the most of your pantry staples with simple and creative recipes. Hosted by FCPL. View past recordings of this and other virtual
Carillon Recitals in Baker Park
Book Chat with Pratt
Virtual Program: Weekday Storytime
wFacebook.com/FredCoLibrary programs on the FCPL Recent Virtual Programs page.
July First Saturday Online
July 4, 3 to 9 p.m.
,Downtown Frederick on Facebook Live O 301-698-8118 w https://downtownfrederick.org/upcomingevents/first-saturday First Saturdays have gone online. Tune in on Facebook via Downtown Frederick Partnership for local dining and shopping features, guest appearances, and conversations on how the community can band together during difficult times.

Independence Day Celebration
July 4, 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. , Catoctin Breeze Vineyard 15010 Roddy Road, Thurmont O 240-578-3831 w https://www.catoctinbreeze.com A Fourth of July celebration complete with live music and wine. David Davol will perform from 2 to 5 p.m., and John DuRant will perform from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Thurmont Main Street Farmers Market
July 4, 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays through Sept. 12 , Thurmont Municipal Parking Lot,
South Center Street, in front of the Thurmont
American Legion, Thurmont O 240-626-9980 w https://www.thurmontmainstreet.com/ events.html Large variety of fresh produce, fruit, baked goods, sauces, rubs and more.

Yoga and Wine Tasting with Morgan Dorsey
July 5, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. , Hidden Hills Farm and Vineyard 7554 Green Valley Road, Frederick O 301-660-8735 w https://hiddenhillsfarmandvineyard.com Join local yogi extraordinaire Morgan Dorsey for an outdoor yoga session that overlooks a gorgeous vineyard. Bring your own mat. Enjoy a post-yoga wine tasting.
Stress Management
July 8, 5:30 to 7 p.m.
,Online w Email VirtualSeniorCenter@
FrederickCountyMD.gov to register. Become more aware of the dangers of chronic stress to one’s physical and mental health. Learn how lifestyle factors (relationships, exercise, diet, etc.) contribute to chronic stress. Learn a variety of stress management techniques to implement in your daily life to reduce your daily stress.
Literature Night: Beat Poetry plus Open Mic
July 8, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com This event may go virtual if needed to comply with COVID-19 restrictions.
Virtual Program: Teen Cuisine Cheddar Bay Biscuit
July 9, 4:30 to 5 p.m. w https://www.facebook.com/FredCoLibrary Frederick County Public Libraries - Facebook Live Learn how to make the most of your pantry staples with simple and creative recipes. Visit FCPL’s Facebook page to attend this program.
Virtual Program: The Language of Hip Hop — Mental Health
July 9, 7 to 8 p.m. , Delaplaine Visual Art Center Zoom Webinar w https://delaplaine.org, https://us02web. zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v_EQ4W3_
TLexP4okAWXxfA Hip-hop and mental health have always had a complicated relationship. Although hinted at in music and the art of the past, a new crop of rappers and artists are speaking more freely about mental health in their lyrics and their art. This discussion will focus on mental health within the culture of hip-hop and its listeners. With Prof. Shemica Sheppard from Frederick Community College.
Walkersville Southern Railroad Train Rides
July 11, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., continues Saturdays through August
,Walkersville Southern Railroad 34 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Walkersville O 301-898-0899 w http://wsrr.org/ws/schedule Enjoy a leisurely ride in Walkersville than runs approximately 100 minutes. Capacity will be limited and social distancing observed. Check back for updates on special event trains through the summer.
Boat N Brew Beginner Whitewater — Smoketown
July 11 and 26, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. , Brunswick Family Campground 40 Canal Road, Brunswick O 301-834-9950 w https://www.rivertrail.com This guided, 4.5-mile kayaking trip begins behind Bird Sanctuary Island and continues through three Class II+ rapids and waves. After the gradual drop of Knoxville falls, the Potomac settles into an easy flow and your attention turns again to the woodlands in search of birds, wildlife and the fish that live below. After the paddle, enjoy the taste of craft beer at Smoketown Brewery and hearty appetizers of garlic knots and gourmet white pizza from Kings Pizza.

Live Streaming Concert: Bob Butta — 2020 Jazz Piano Series
July 12, 2 p.m. w http://andiemusiklive.com/events Bob Butta long ago established himself as a pianist deserving greater recognition. Now that he’s released his first recording of straight-ahead jazz as a leader, he no longer has to rely on word of mouth to promote his talent and interests. The music on “Windows” speaks volumes.
Virtual: Barre Fitness Class
July 18, 9 to 10 a.m., continues on the third Saturday of each month through Sept. 19 , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick w www.skystagefrederick.com Join local barre fitness instructor Taryn Sisco for barre classes, presented by the Frederick Arts Council. Sign up for donation-based virtual live classes and access online classes at https:// www.barremaven.com. Learn more at www. barre2go.com.
Vibrant Sexuality in Middle & Late Adulthood: You Can Achieve It!
July 22, 5:30 to 7 p.m.
,Online w Email VirtualSeniorCenter@
FrederickCountyMD.gov to register. This course provides the latest empirical research findings from the most well respected human sexuality researchers. It also explores and identifies legitimate biological and psychological problems related to the aging process, which can sometimes impact an individual’s or a couple’s sexual performance.

Sky Stage Comedy Series (Virtual)
July 24, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., recurs monthly on the fourth Friday , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com A series of stand-up and improv, showcasing regional talent, presented by the Frederick Arts Council. Check the website calendar or facebook. com/SkyStageFAC.
Back Injury Prevention & Treatment
July 24, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
,Online w Email VirtualSeniorCenter@
FrederickCountyMD.gov to register. Learn how to take care of your spine and avoid episodes of back pain. Presenter is Dr. Carol Hamilton Zehnacker, D.P.T., (“Dr. Z”), a physical therapist with more than 30 years of experience, including as director of rehabilitation at Frederick Health Hospital, owner of a private practice, and lecturer and consultant to the Arthritis Foundation and the American Running Association.
August First Saturday Online
August 1, 3 to 9 p.m.
,Downtown Frederick on Facebook Live O 301-698-8118 w https://downtownfrederick.org/upcomingevents/first-saturday First Saturdays have gone online. Tune in on Facebook via Downtown Frederick Partnership for local dining and shopping features, guest appearances, and conversations on how the community can band together during difficult times.
Tour de Frederick: Virtual 2020 Edition
Aug. 1 to 16 , Throughout Frederick County O 301-800-7778 w https://www.tourdefrederick.com Sign up to be a “distanced rider” in this year’s event. Choose how and when you ride. Participants will receive a welcome kit in the mail with some Tour de Frederick goodies. We may be physically distant, but we are together in mission as we raise money for the Boys & Girls Club of Frederick County. Aug. 1, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. , Catoctin Breeze Vineyard 15010 Roddy Road, Thurmont O 240-578-3831 The instructor will guide participants through a fun and interactive, outdoor yoga class … with goats! Bring a yoga mat, towel and water. Register online. Aug. 1, 10 a.m. to noon , University of Maryland Extension 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick O 301-600-1595 Begin to plant now for a second harvest in the fall. Find out what to plant and when to plant it. Discover the benefits of making and using row covers. Register by July 4.

Yoga and Wine Tasting with Morgan Dorsey
Aug. 2, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. , Hidden Hills Farm and Vineyard 7554 Green Valley Road, Frederick Join local yogi extraordinaire Morgan Dorsey for an outdoor yoga session that overlooks a gorgeous vineyard. Bring your own mat. Enjoy a post-yoga wine tasting.

Master Gardener Seminar: Adults Make and Take Mini-Garden
Aug. 8, 10 a.m. to noon , University of Maryland Extension 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick O 301-600-1595 w extension.umd.edu Participants will learn how to select plants and decor to design and plant their own mini-garden. Materials will be included in the cost of the class. Additional “premium” decorative items will be
Goat Yoga in the Vineyard
Frederick County Master Gardener Seminar: Fall Season Gardening
wextension.umd.edu available to purchase at discount prices.

Frederick Restaurant Week
Aug. 10 to 16 , Downtown Frederick and Frederick County O 301-600-4047 w https://www.visitfrederick.org/ restaurant-week A seven-day promotion featuring unique and fine dining options available in Downtown Frederick and the surrounding area. Participating restaurants will offer diners multi-course meals at appetizing prices.
Literature Night with Frederick Writers Salon hosts
Aug. 12, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com This event may go virtual if needed to comply with COVID-19 restrictions.
Aug. 15, 10 a.m. to noon , University of Maryland Extension 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick O 301-600-1595 w extension.umd.edu Now that you have grown it, what can you do with it? Explore different techniques for preserving your garden’s bounty of vegetables, fruits and herbs. We will discuss drying, canning and freezing; dry storage; and other tried-and-true methods.

‘The Pollinators’ Film Screening & Honey Tasting
Aug. 15, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
,Fox Haven Farm & Retreat Cente 3630 Poffenberger Road, Jefferson O 240-490-5484 w http://foxhavenfarm.org/events/ the-pollinators-film-screening-honey-tasting “The Pollinators” is a new documentary film that journeys around the United States following migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts and vegetables we all eat. Before and after the film, meet local farmers, including a honey tasting made from the pollinators that reside at Fox Haven. Enjoy a taste of local mead by Orchid Cellar throughout the film.
Suffragette Celebration: Staged Readings
Aug. 22, 7 to 9 p.m. , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 www.skystagefrederick.com This event may occur live to a limited audience or as an online event. Check back for updates at https://www.facebook.com/pg/SkyStageFAC/ events or https://www.test-p.org.
Boat N Brew Beginner Whitewater — Smoketown
Aug. 23, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. , Brunswick Family Campground 40 Canal Road, Brunswick O 301-834-9950 w https://www.rivertrail.com This guided, 4.5-mile kayaking trip begins behind Bird Sanctuary Island and continues through three Class II+ rapids and waves. After the gradual drop of Knoxville falls, the Potomac settles into an easy flow and your attention turns again to the woodlands in search of birds, wildlife and the fish that live below. After the paddle, enjoy the taste of craft beer at Smoketown Brewery and hearty appetizers of garlic knots and gourmet white pizza from Kings Pizza.
Sky Stage Comedy Series (Virtual)
Aug. 28, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., recurs monthly on the fourth Friday , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com A series of stand-up and improv, showcasing regional talent, presented by the Frederick Arts Council. Check the website calendar or facebook. com/SkyStageFAC.

Sunset Float on Potomac River
Aug. 29, 6 to 9:30 p.m. , Brunswick Family Campground 40 Canal Road, Brunswick O 301-834-9950 w https://www.rivertrail.com Enjoy paddling by the light of the setting sun and experience the serenity and wildlife of the evening river. No paddling experience or equipment required. The trip is 3 to 6 miles, depending on water levels and sunset times. To make this trip an overnighter, make reservations at the Brunswick Family campground, the launching spot for the trip. Presented by River & Trail Outfitters.
Sky Stage Concert Series: AKRA with Cody Wilt
Sept. 5, 8 to 10 p.m. , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com This event may happen live or virtually.
September First Saturday
Sept. 5, 3 to 9 p.m.
,Downtown Frederick O 301-698-8118 w https://downtownfrederick.org/upcomingevents/first-saturday First Saturday means all-day activities, late-night shopping and dining, live music on the street, and a free trolley to guide your way. During September First Saturday, celebrate all things local, including food, craft beverages, design and handmade goods. Check for updates, as this event may be held online only.
Walkersville Southern Railroad Train Rides
Sept. 5, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., continues Saturdays and Sundays through October
,Walkersville Southern Railroad 34 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Walkersville O 301-898-0899 w http://wsrr.org/ws/schedule Enjoy a leisurely ride in Walkersville than runs about 100 minutes. Capacity will be limited and social distancing observed. Check back for updates on special event trains through the summer.
Goat Yoga in the Vineyard
Sept. 5, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. , Catoctin Breeze Vineyard 15010 Roddy Road, Thurmont O 240-578-3831 w https://www.catoctinbreeze.com The instructor will guide participants through a fun and interactive, outdoor yoga class … with goats! Bring a yoga mat, towel and water. Register online.
Master Gardener Seminar: Pawpaws, a Little-Known Treasure
Sept. 5, 10 a.m. to noon , University of Maryland Extension 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick O 301-600-1595 w extension.umd.edu Discover a native gem you can grow right in your own backyard! Find out how and why to grow this large, tasty fruit — and how native plants can help your entire garden thrive. Tour the pawpaw patch in our Demo Garden.
Master Gardener Seminar: The Need for Trees
Sept. 12, 10 a.m. to noon , University of Maryland Extension 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick O 301-600-1595 w extension.umd.edu Trees play a critical role and positively impact the health of our planet. Presenters will discuss the decline in our tree canopy, the need to restore it, and how each of us can help. Attendees will learn about the importance of native trees in the landscape, how to incorporate ornamentals wisely, and how to plant, prune and maintain the health of their trees.
In The Streets
Sept. 12, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Downtown Frederick, including
Carroll Creek Linear Park O 301-600-2841 w www.celebratefrederick.com/events/ in-the-street Presented by Celebrate Frederick, Market Street and Carroll Creek in Downtown Frederick will be filled with blocks of themed fun, live entertainment on four stages, food and a variety of area resources for the 38th annual In The Streets. The festival spans from Carroll Creek to Seventh Street. Carroll Creek will be the craft drink headquarters, featuring beer and spirits from more than 10 local breweries and distilleries.
Sunflower Festival
Sept. 12, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
,Winterbrook Farm 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont O 301-465-3801 w https://winterbrookfarmsmd.com Lots of activities for all ages. New this year, a ticket-only event, Sippin’ in the Sunflowers, will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on the farm featuring a 5-acre sunflower field and Catoctin Breeze Vineyard.

Sept. 18 to Nov. 7; performances every Friday and Saturday evening, with matinees on the first, third and fifth Sunday of each month; for evening performances, doors open for dinner at 6 p.m. and show begins at 8 p.m.; for Sunday matinees, doors open at 12:30 p.m. and show begins at 2:15 p.m. , Way Off Broadway, Willowtree Plaza 5 Willowdale Drive, Frederick O 301-662-6600 w www.wayoffbroadway.com It’s a dark and stormy night, and you’ve been invited to a very unusual dinner party. Each of the guests has an alias, the butler offers a variety of weapons, and the host is, well … dead. Based on the cult classic film and the popular board game, Clue is a madcap comedy that will keep you guessing until the final twist.
Boat N Brew Beginner Whitewater — Smoketown
Sept. 19, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. , Brunswick Family Campground 40 Canal Road, Brunswick O 301-834-9950 w https://www.rivertrail.com This guided, 4.5-mile kayaking trip begins behind Bird Sanctuary Island and continues through three Class II+ rapids and waves. After the gradual drop of Knoxville falls, the Potomac settles into an easy flow and your attention turns again to the woodlands in search of birds, wildlife and the fish that live below. After the paddle, enjoy the taste of craft beer at Smoketown Brewery. Sept. 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Baker Park, near Edward P. Thomas Pool 500 Fleming Ave., Frederick, Frederick O 404-906-5566 Frederick is surrounded by some of the best cycling roads in the country. Riders can race the timed sections and cruise along with friends along a course that travels through state parks, municipal forests, protected watersheds, and the Catoctin Mountain National Park. After exploring this incredible region, riders will return back into historic downtown Frederick and enjoy finish line festivities including a raffle and a gourmet lunch from renowned chef Bryan Voltaggio!

Sky Stage Comedy Series (Virtual)
Sept. 25, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., recurs monthly on the fourth Friday , Sky Stage 59 S. Carroll St., Frederick O 301-662-4190 w www.skystagefrederick.com A series of stand-up and improv, showcasing regional talent, presented by the Frederick Arts Council. Check the website calendar or facebook. com/SkyStageFAC.

Art at the Point Festival
Sept. 26, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Point of Rocks Community Commons Park 3700 Commerce St., Point of Rocks O 240-285-1647 w http://pointofrocks.org/art The annual community festival brings together neighbors, friends and visitors in celebration of the arts and cultural heritage of southern Frederick County. As in years past, the festival features artist vendors and demonstrators working in a wide array of art media, as well as live music featuring favorite local and regional musicians, a children’s area with hands-on activities, and a variety of locally-prepared foods. This year’s event takes place at the newly completed Point of Rocks Community Commons Park, west of the historic train station and north of the C&O Canal National Historical Park in Point of Rocks. Hosted by the
Gran Fondo Maryland
whttps://www.granfondonationalseries.com Point of Rocks Ruritan Club.

Heritage Festival
Sept. 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
,Downtown Middletown 31 W. Main St., Middletown, MD 21769 O 301-371-6171 w https://www.middletownheritagefestival.com A community festival with food and music all day.
Fall Festival at Winterbrook Farms
Sept. 26 to Nov. 1, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays
,Winterbrook Farms 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont O 301-465-3801 Winterbrook is a 350-acre family farm that opens up to the public each fall to offer activities for all ages.
Murder Mystery Dinner
Sept. 26, 6 to 9 p.m , Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant 581 Himes Ave., Frederick O 410-549-2722 w https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ murder-mystery-dinner-frederick- maryland-tickets-49780281161 Whodunnit for Hire and Dutch’s Daughter present “CLUE,” the murder mystery based on the board game. Was it the Colonel in the kitchen with the candlestick? Or the Professor in the Parlor with the Lead Pipe? Guests will be asked to search for clues, interrogate suspects and solve whodunnit at this interactive dinner party. Watch out. You could be accused of the crime. Please note: If COVID-19 restrictions prevent this performance from happening onsite, the show will take place virtually via Zoom.
National Public Lands Day
Sept. 26 , Various state parks w https://dnr.maryland.gov Celebrate National Public Lands Day at stated parks across Maryland hosting various activities and volunteer work, such as planting native species and picking up litter.
Walking Tours
Walking tour dates are to be determined. Please contact venues prior to attending. Heritage Frederick Walking Tours — Various walking tours that cover women’s history, African-American history, the Civil War, Frederick architecture and more. O 301-663-1188 w https://frederickhistory.org/programs/ walking-tours. Ghost Tours of Historic Frederick — Take a journey through Frederick’s gruesome and bloody past, with true, documented stories of the paranormal. Reservations recommended. O 301-668-8922 w http://www.marylandghosttours.com. Civil War Sisters Tour — Held at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, this tour allows guests to discover how the Sisters made a difference during this pivotal time of the Civil War. Tours are held on Saturdays. O 301-447-6606 w https://setonshrine.org/civil-war-tour. Monocacy National Battlefield — Summer events, including tours and guided hikes, are to be determined. O 301-662-3515 w https://www.nps.gov/mono/index.htm.