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YMCA of Frederick County



2019 Frederick

Most people think of the Y only as a place to go swimming or to work out; but the YMCA of Frederick County is much more than that.

Founded in 1858, the Y is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in Frederick County, and serves more than 12,000 members and more than 30,000 program participants every year.

The YMCA has as its goal strengthening and enriching the development of individuals and families by following its core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.

At the Frederick County YMCA, programs and services work to build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. The Y serves people of all backgrounds, ages, capabilities and income levels, providing financial assistance to those in need. Encouraging, supporting and improving healthy living habits, among members and throughout the community, are central to the YMCA’s purpose.

Youth development is fostered at the YMCA through a wide variety of programs such as childcare, day camps, swim lessons and organized youth sports. Staff at the Y nurtures the potential of every child and teen by supporting their unique youth development journey through holistic

YMCA of Frederick County

programming. From cradle to career, the YMCA provides all youth with the tools and resources they need to succeed in life.

The Y aims to improve the Frederick community’s health and wellbeing by providing programs and activities that promote wellness, reduce risk for disease, and help others reclaim their health. These programs and everything else the Y does are in service of making the YMCA and the larger community better. The result is a society that values health and communities that support healthy choices.

Pictured: Melissa Thorn – Economic Development Manager, Town of Mount Airy Helen Propheter – Director, Frederick County Office of Economic Development Sophie Smith – Main Street Manager, The City of Brunswick Kara Norman – Executive Director, Downtown Frederick Partnership Becky Axilbund – Main Street Manager, Town of Middletown Richard Griffin – Director, The City of Frederick Department of

Economic Development Vickie Grinder – Economic Development Manager, Town of Thurmont

1000 N Market St, Frederick • 301-663-5131 • frederickymca.org


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