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They haven’t got legs. They’re carnivores. They’re long. They’ve got small heads and small necks. They haven’t got ears. They have very long tails. They eat meat and small animals. They live in the savannah.

By Ana Rosa


They’re white. They’re small. They’ve got four legs. They’ve got small eyes. They’ve got samll nose. They’ve got long whiskers. They eat carrots. They live on land.

By Estefania


They’re yellow. They’ve got long tails. They’ve got small heads. They’ve got small brown spots. They’ve got small ears. They’ve got thin legs. They can run and climb trees. They eat meat and small animals. They live in the sanannah.

By Francisco Manuel

Hippos They’re grey or brown. They live in the water and on land. They eat grass. They are three metres long. They can run, but they can’t fly. They’ve got big teeth and big head. They’ve got small ears. They haven’t got long legs. It’s my favourite animal!

By Jorge


They’re flamingos. They’re pink and they’re birds. They’ve got very long necks and very long legs. They haven’t got spots and ears. They live in water and on land. They eat leaves and grass.

By Iman


They’re kangaroos. They eat leaves and grass. They’re big rabbit. They’re brown. They’ve got long legs. They’ve got big feet and they’ve got long tail. They live in the savannah.

By Azucena

Panda bear

They’re bears. They’re slow. They eat bamboo and grass. They’re black and white. They live on trees in Tanzania.

By Gabriela


They’re pink. They’ve got two long legs. They’ve got long neck. They’ve got two wings. They haven’t got horns. They haven’t got ears. They haven’t got tail. They live on land and in water. They eat grass and leaves.

By Cyntia

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