Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
CTF Calls on Harper Government to Scrap GST and HST on Digital Downloads
anadian providers collect tax on downloads while foreign providers don’t
going to buy a movie from a Canadian video-on-demand service if it “Savvy Canadian consumers use every trick in the book to dodge Cacosts 13 per cent more because of GST and HST?” nadian taxes on entertainment,” said Thomas. “It’s time the government
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on the Harper government to end the practice of forcing Canadian providers to charge GST and HST on digitally downloaded movies, TV shows and music.
Thomas dismissed the idea of trying to get offshore digital entertain- stopped turning Canadians into tax-dodgers. There should be a level ment providers to collect Canadian tax as “pie-in-the-sky fantasy.” playing field for Canadian businesses trying to compete with Netflix.”
The recommendation is contained in the CTF’s submission to the federal finance department’s consultation panel, set-up in the February 2014 budget to look into cross-border taxation issues. A study last year showed that 21 per cent of Canadian households subscribe to Netflix, the popular U.S. online service that allows unlimited viewing of its library of movies and TV shows, for $8.99 a month. Canadians can also download a wide variety of digital entertainment from U.S. services such as Apple’s iTunes, or, without GST or HST. But if Canadians download the same movies, music or TV shows from a Canadian provider, they pay the full GST or HST on the purchase. “All digital entertainment should be available tax-free to Canadians,” said CTF Federal Director Gregory Thomas. “Our tax system shouldn’t put Canadian companies at a disadvantage. “What if Canadian Tire had to charge GST or HST but not Wal-Mart or Costco?” said Thomas. “Canadian Tire would go out of business. That’s exactly what’s going to happen to Canada’s phone and cable companies if we don’t fix this. Who is
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
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lMmy smyˆ qoN GrylU KfnfjMgI df iÈkfr ieslfmI mulk ierfk ies smyˆ afpxI hoNd bcfAux leI jUJdf jfp irhf hY. swqfDfrI ivroDI jhfdI srkfrI POjfˆ nUM ipwCy Dwk ky ies dI rfjDfnI bgdfd dy nyVy phuMc gey hn. iewk pfsy suMnI jhfdIafˆ ny ierfk srkfr dI nINd hrfm kr idwqI hY, AuWQy dUjy pfsy kurd hiQafrbMd dsqy vI afpxy hwk Kfqr KVHy ho gey hn. gOrqlb hY ik suMnI musilm ieslfimk styt afP ierfk aYˆz lYvfˆq (afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYl[) dy lVfikafˆ ny lMGy somvfr qoN srkfr ivruwD Ëbrdsq muihMm ivwZI hoeI hY. Auh hux qwk AuWqrI sUby innyvIr aqy ikrkuk dy aihm Kyqrfˆ qoN ielfvf ierfkI Èihr ‘msUl` aqy afiel irPfienrI vfly ielfky bfeI jI AuWpr vI kbËf kr cuwky hn. afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYl[ dy bulfry abU muhMmd al-adnfnI ny dfavf kIqf hY ik jhfdI gruwp bÊdfd `qy kbËf krky hI dm lYxgy. ies gRih XuwD ivwc hËfrfˆ bygunfh lok mfry jf rhy hn jdoN ik lwKfˆ hI byGr ho rhy hn. ÈIaf qy suMnI iPrikafˆ dI aMdrUnI lVfeI kfrn ierfk ies vyly byhwd nfËuk dOr ivwc hY. drasl ierfk srkfr df kMtrol pyqlf pYx df aml ies sfl dI sLurUafq nfl hI afrMB ho igaf sI jdoN jhfdIafˆ ny PflUjf Èihr `qy kbËf kr ilaf sI. ieh pwCmI srkfrfˆ ivÈyÈ krky amrIkf leI iewk vwzf Jtkf sI ijhVIafˆ afpxy sOVy isafsI aqy afriQk mMqvfˆ vfsqy 2003 qoN lY ky hux qwk BfrI srmfieaf aqy POjI ÈkqI AWQy Jok cuwkIafˆ hn. iËkrXog hY ik amrIkf ny 2003 ivwc aiqvfd `qy kfbU pfAux dy pwj ierfk `qy Dfvf boilaf sI aqy rfÈtrpqI swdfm husYn df qKLqf Aultf ky afpxI kTpuqlI srkfr kfiem kIqI sI. nf kyvl ierfk blik amrIkf dy nfgirkfˆ vwloN vI ierfk dy aMdrUnI mfmilafˆ ivwc amrIkI dKl df iqwKf ivroD huMdf irhf hY. Bfry ivÈv ivafpI aqy aMdrUnI ivroD dy
iswty vjoN amrIkf ny 2011 ivwc Bfvyˆ ierfk ivwcoN POjfˆ kwZ leIafˆ sn pr ies qoN pihlfˆ Aus ny ierfkI POj nUM tryinMg aqy surwiKaf sfËo-sfmfn dyx AuWpr keI arb zflr Krc kIqy sn. ieMnf hI nhIN 2003 qoN 2011 qwk awT virHafˆ dy ierfk dy aMdrUnI XuwD ivwc 4500 dy lgpg amrIkI POjI mfry gey sn. afpxI Èrmnfk hfr aqy aMdrUnI ivroD kfrn hux amrIkf muV ierfk ivwc POjfˆ Byjx qoN ihcikcf irhf hY pr ivMgy-tyZy ZMg nfl swqfDfrI ierfk srkfr dI mdd krnI cfhuMdf hY. ierfk df mOjUdf sMkt Bfvyˆ ÈIaf aqy suMnI iÌrikafˆ drimafn vDy qxfa aqy ierfkI rfÈtrpqI dIafˆ glq nIqIafˆ pRqI pYdf hoieaf asMqoÈ hY pr asl ivwc ies dy bIj amrIkf vwloN ies dy qyl BMzfrfˆ AuWqy kbËf krn dI bdnIaq aqy nIqI ivwc pey hn. kyvl ierfk hI nhIN, amrIkf ny ierfn, imsr, sfAUdI arb, sIrIaf aqy aPgfinsqfn afid smyq drjnfˆ mulkfˆ dy kudrqI soimafˆ AuWqy kbËf krn leI AunHfˆ dy aMdrUnI gRih XuwDfˆ nUM AuqÈfihq kIqf hY. amrIkf duafrf ienHfˆ mulkfˆ dIafˆ srkfrfˆ nUM asiQr krn leI bfgIafˆ nUM BfrI afriQk aqy hiQafrfˆ dI mdd dyxI jwg Ëfhr hY. ienHfˆ mulkfˆ ivwc gRih XuwD vfly hflfq pYdf krn bfad ÈfˆqI sQfpnf dy pwj afpxIafˆ POjfˆ Byj ky AunHfˆ dI swqf `qy kMtrol krnf amrIkf dI isafsq qy sfiËÈ rhI hY. ierfk sMkt amrIkf vwloN ies dy qyl BMzfrfˆ AuWqy kbËf krn dy mnsUby df nqIjf hY ijs df ievËfnf lwKfˆ bygunfh lokfˆ nUM Bugqxf pY irhf hY. ierfk XuwD kfrn kOmfˆqrI mMzI ivwc qyl kImqfˆ ivwc vfDy qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf ijs df pRBfv Bfrq smyq keI mulkfˆ AuWqy pYxf suBfivk hY. ies siQqI ivwc sMXukq rfÈtr sMG smyq smuwcy kOmfˆqrI BfeIcfry nUM ierfk ivwc ÈfˆqI sQfpq krn leI Tos rxnIqI qYa krn dI ËrUrq hY.
À°éàÅðÆú ÒÚ Çñìðñ êÅðàÆ çÆ Ú½æÆ òÅð Úó·å AuntfrIE ivwc hoxIaF afm coxF ivwc ilbrl pfrtI sMn 2011 ivwc bhumq qoN 1 sIt Gwt geI sI ikAuNik ny bhumq hfsl kridaF cOQI vfr lgfqfr srkfr brYmlI gor mfltn qoN ilbrl nUM jgmIq isMG ny hrf sQfpq kr leI hY. ky pIl rIjLn ivwc aYn[ zI[ pI[ df Kfqf Kol idwqf sI ieh sB mfeIk hYirs vloN smfijk syvfvF Aupr clfey aqy zfltn migMtI dI srkfr nUM siQr qoN lMgVI kr kuhfVy sdkf hoieaf hY. AuntfrIE dy ieiqhfs ivwc idwqf sI. sMn 2010 ivwc zfltn migMtI GpilaF ivwc mOjUd hY ik iewQoN dy lokF ny jorjbrI srkfr nUM svIkfr Ps jfx sdkf acfnk iewk idn pRImIarisLp qoN lFBy ho nhIN kIqf. sMn 1997 ivwc ilbrl pRImIar zyivz gey, aqy kYQlIn ivn ilbrl dI afgU bx ky pRImIar pItrsn nUM lokF ny sB qoN vwD sihXog Bfv 107 coN 95 bx geI. 2014 ivwc kYQlIn ivn ny bVy ibKVy rsqy sItF dy ky bhumq idwqI sI. pr sfrI trm pUrI krn qy cwlidaF coxF lVIaF, pr Auh lokF df iDafn Aus qoN pihlF hI kfhlI kridaF agly bhumq dI lflsf dI srkfr vloN kIqy GpilaF qoN htf ky mfeIk hYirs ivwc ibnF vjfh 3 sfl bfad coxF df ibgl vjf idwqf dI cfl nfl cfl imlfAux vfly itm hUzfk vwl krn qF lokF ny zyivz pItrsn nUM Aus dI afpxI sIt qoN vI ivwc sPl ho geI. dUsry pfsy aYn[ zI[ pI[ ijs nUM hrf idwqf aqy bOb rya nUM 74 sItF idwqIaF, jdoN ik sKq cuxOqI df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf sI ikAuNik aYn[ ilbrl nUM 95 qoN Gtf ky isrP 36 sItF hI imlIaF zI[ pI[ ny byloVIaF coxF df ibgl vjfieaf sI, pr aYn[ zI[ pI[ pRImIar bOb rya qoN vI sUby df arQcfrf aYNzrIaf horvYQ dI afpxI CvI ny lokF Aupr afpxf sMBfl nf hoieaf. srkfr kfmy, XUnIan aqy ieMsorYNs asr bxfeI rwiKaf aqy Auh afpxIaF sItF siQr kMpnIaF nfl dusLmxI kridaF aglIaF coxF ivwc rwKx ivwc sPl rhI. mfeIkl hYirs df ‘kfmn sYNs rYvUlUsLn’ df nfhrf kMm kr igaf. 1995 ivwc mfeIk hYirs 82 sItF lY ienHF coxF ivwc do aOrqF kYQiln ivn aqy aYNzrIaf ky bhumq nfl srkfr bxfAux ivwc sPl ho igaf. horvYQ ny lokF df iDafn kMtrol ivwc rwiKaf aqy itn srkfr df arQcfrf zfvFzol sI aqy kuwJ sKq PYsly hUzfk dy Gfqk pRfpygMzy df asr nhIN idwqf. lYxy jLrUrI sn. pr mfeIk hYirs ny hspqfl bMd krn, nrsF Pfier krn aqy hor srkfrI ivBfgF ivwc aijhy brYmlI gor mfltn qoN jgmIq isMG dI sLfndfr ijwq kuhfVy clfey ik sUby df arQcfrf sMquilq kr idwqf, dy Kfs kfrn ieh vI mMny jf rhy hn ik kYnyzf dI lokqMqrqf ivwc bhuqI vfr pfrtI PlYg nUM hI vot pYNdI pr lokF mfeIk hYirs qoN mUMh moV ilaf. 1999 ivwc mfeIk hYirs dI srkfr dIaF sItF 82 qoN hY. hux hI qkrIbn AuntfrIE ivwc iewdF hI hoieaf Gwt ky 59 rih geIaF, pr 2003 ivwc zfltn migMtI hY, pr brYmlI gor mfltn ivwc vwzI mfqrf ivwc votF df nfhrf “cUjL cyNj” lokF Aupr asr kr igaf ijs jgmIq isMG dI pfrtI nhIN sgoN Aus dy kMmF nUM peIaF ny 72 sItF pRfpq kIqIaF, Pyr 2007, ivwc 71 aqy hn. jgmIq isMG df afto ieMsorYNs dy mihMgy pRImIam 2011 ivwc 53 sItF lY ky Gwt igxqI srkfr sQfpq aqy tYNpryrI ieMpulfeImYNt eyjMsIaF AuWpr AuTfeI kr leI. afvfjL lokF nUM afpxy vwl iKwcx ivwc kfrgr hoeI hY.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
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Punjabi Patrika
rfsLtrpqI dy BfsLx AuWpr bihs nUM smytidaF pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI vwloN sMsd nUM sMboDn krn df aMdfjL ijwQy AunHF dI bdlI hoeI sur vwl sMkyq krdf hY, AuWQy AunHF dI srkfr dIaF qrjIhF vI ibafn krdf hY. AunHF ny afpxy BfsLx ivwc nf kyvl afpxI srkfr df eyjMzf hI pysL kIqf sgoN ipClI srkfr `qy ivaMg vI kIqy pr qlKI nhIN afAux idwqI. AunHF ikhf ik Auh Bfrq dy ‘skYm ieMzIaf’ vfly aks nUM ‘sikwl ieMzIaf’ ivwc bdlx df Xqn krngy. kyNdr aqy rfjF dy suKfvyN sbMDF dI jLrUrq bfry AunHF bhuq hI BfvpUrq itwpxI kIqI ik myrI tIm myry mMqrIaF nfl nhIN sgoN rfjF dy muwK mMqrIaF nfl iml ky mukMml hovygI aqy qF hI dysL df ivkfs ho skygf. mihMgfeI, byrujLgfrI, pRsLfskI suDfr, aprfDI sMsd mYNbrF AuWpr kysF dy jldI inbyVy, aOrqF ivruwD afprfDF qy rok, hr iewk leI Gr, ibjlI aqy pKfinaF smyq hor shUlqF muhweIaf krvfAux dIaF afpxIaF srkfr dIaF qrjIhF ibafnidaF modI ny kOmI ivkfs leI sfrIaF iDrF nUM nfl lY ky cwlx df vfadf kIqf hY.
ivwc iGr geI hY. modI ny afpxy mMqrIaF nUM BfvyN afpxy njLdIkIaF nUM swqf dy nyVy rwKx qoN Kbrdfr kIqf hY pr AunHF vwloN mMqrI mMzl dI cox aqy pRmwuK skwqr dI inXukqI ies ivvfd qoN mukq nhIN hY. kunbfpRsqI aqy iBRsLtfcfr qoN dUr rihx df sMdysL bhuq hI awCf lwgdf hY pr gwl qF asl ivwc ies dy lfgU hox `qy bxygI. hfl hI ivwc sfhmxy afieaf rwiKaf rfj mMqrI vI[ ky[ isMG df muwdf vI srkfr leI cuxOqI hY aqy hux ieh vyKxf bfkI hY ik prDfn mMqrI ies bfry ikMnf spsLt aqy drusq stYNz lYxgy. mMqrIaF qoN AunHF dIaF cwl aqy acwl jfiedfdF dy vyrvy mMgxy AuWicq kdm hY pr gwl qF iBRsLt ZMg-qrIikaF nfl bxfeI geI jfiedfd nUM jLbq krn nfl hI bxnI hY. jwg jfxdf hY ik ieh kvfied pUrv pRDfn mMqrI zf[ mnmohn isMG ny vI kIqI sI pr nqIjf sB dy sfhmxy hI hY. mMqrIaF aqy aPsrsLfhI nUM iewk-dUjy dy dbfa ivwc nf rihx dI slfh qkrfrbfjLI pYdf krygI aqy kdy vI pRsLfsink qOr `qy drusq iswitaF nUM aMjfm nhIN dy skdI. ieh hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik pRDfn mMqrI afpxy mMqrIaF dy mukfbly aPsrsLfhI nUM vDyry eImfndfr smJdy modI srkfr dIaF qrjIhF bfry BfvyN rfsLtrpqI jfpdy hn jdoN ik aslIaq ieh hY ik duwD Doqf pRxb muKrjI dy BfsLx ivwc ivsQfr sihq dovF ivwcoN koeI vI nhIN hY. cfnxf pfieaf igaf sI aqy hux pRDfn mMqrI ny DMnvfdI mqy `qy bihs df jvfb idMidaF kuwl imlf ky aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr dIaF qrjIhF AunHF nUM amlI rUp ivwc lfgU krn df afpxf AuWqy koeI ikMqU-pRMqU nhIN kIqf jf skdf aqy nf sMklp pysL kIqf hY. aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr dIaF hI sucwjy leI pRDfn mMqrI duafrf jfrI kIqy gey qrjIhF aqy pRDfn mMqrI duafrf AunHF nUM pUrf idsLf-inrdysLF AuWpr AuNgl AuTfeI jf skdI hY krn dy vfady aqy dfavy mulk dIaF hux qwk pr aslI inbyVf qF amlF nfl hoxf hY. koeI dIaF sfrIaF rMg-ibrMgIaF srkfrF qoN iBMn vI srkfr kdy vI ieh nhIN kihMdI ik Auh lokF nhIN hn. aksr hr srkfr gwdI `qy bYTx nUM luwtygI, irsLvq lvygI jF lok ihwqF dI QF qoN bfad grIb lokF nUM grIbI, mihMgfeI aqy pMUjIpqIaF dy ihwqF dI rfKI krygI pr amlI byrujLgfrI afid smwisafvF qoN injfq idvfAux rUp ivwc sB kuJ ieAuN hI huMdf af irhf hY. jdoN dy sbjLbfgL idKfAuNdIaF hn. hux qwk ieh qwk srkfr dIaF nIqIaF buinafdI rUp ivwc vfady kdy vI vPf nhIN hoey. pUMjIpqIaF nUM lok pwKI nhIN hoxgIaF, AudoN qwk pRsLfsink shUlqF dyx nfl grIbF dy ihwq pRBfivq hox kfrj lok ihwqU nhIN ho skdy. iBRsLtfcfr aqy qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. modI srkfr munfPfKor pUMjIpqIaF dI mfieaf nfl lVIaF dy vfady aqy dfavy vI ies hkIkq qoN dUr jFdIaF coxF lokF dy ihwqF dI rfKI nhIN kr nhIN jfpdy. swqf AuWpr kfbjL hox qoN lY ky hux skdIaF. jykr aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr lokF nUM shI qwk modI srkfr dI kfrjsYLlI ivwc pihlIaF mfainaF ivwc sfP-suQrf pRsLfsn, iBRsLtfcfr, srkfrF qoN koeI ijLafdf aMqr mihsUs nhIN ho mihMgfeI aqy byrujLgfrI ijhIaF smwisafvF irhf. BfvyN aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr nUM swqf sMBfilaF qoN injfq idvfAuxI cfhuMdI hY qF cox suDfrF dy hly kuJ hPqy hI hoey hn aqy ieMny Gwt smyN nfl-nfl pRsLfsn ivwc pfrdrsLqf aqy nIqIaF ivwc Aus dI kfrjsLYlI bfry koeI itwpxI krnI ivwc buinafdI qbdIlI krnI hovygI. kyvl bhuqI drusq nhIN hovygI pr ieh ieh jwg afdrsLvfdI soc aqy idsLf-inrdysL, mulk dy jLfhr hY ik ieh srkfr sLurU ivwc hI ivvfdF svf arb lokF dI qkdIr nhIN bdl skdy.
Punjabi Patrika
our handbag may be carrying more than you think! Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that a high percentage of handbags have more germs than the average toilet! And, not just on the outside. They recommend cleaning your bag (in and out) regularly and sanitizing your hands after placing them inside your bag. Other high-germ sources include keyboards, earphones and headphones. Ugh!
Friday, June 20th, 2014
this narrowing of the airways has been through the use of inhalers (puffers), but a Finnish researcher has found that using vitamin C can reduce the problem by almost 50%. More work is needed to clarify this effect – stay tuned! Allergies often “surge” in the fall in response to the mold/mildew spores in fallen leaves. The primary symptoms usually include runny, itchy noses and eyes. The first line of treatment is generally antihistamines. The newer ones tend to have less side effects than ones of the past. Decongestants can also help but for persistent and unresponsive symptoms, talk to your doctor about allergy shots or prescription medications.
Singing is good for lung diseases: asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Doctors at London’s Royal Brompton Hospital have started a singing “therapy” program after finding that the breathing techniques used by singers also benefitted those with lung problems. Study Our pharmacists can provide you with a hasn’t demonstrated any changes to the variety of tips for managing your allerlung tissue itself, but the singers report gies. Much relief can be found in home that they do feel better. remedies and environmental manageMany susceptible people experience ment to reduce irritation and exposure. bronchoconstriction in response to physical exertion (also known as exercise- Article Provided by Gladwin Pharmacy, See advertisement on this page . induced asthma). In the past, managing
Mother-Child Program supports child’s best interests BC Corrections’ new Mother-Child Program (MCP) at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women (ACCW) is now in effect and will provide women in custody the opportunity to live and bond with their newborns, while still ensuring the health, safety and security of the child.
successfully transition to life outside of a correctional centre. In creating this new program, BC Corrections conducted extensive research and policy work informed by academics, subject-area experts and best practices in other jurisdictions. Going forward, BC Corrections will work closely with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Delegated Aboriginal Agencies and the Fraser Health Authority to ensure the safety and best interests of the child are being met.
Aligning with direction from the B.C. Supreme Court, the MCP is supported by comprehensive policies and procedures, staff training and a facility upgrade. The nursery includes new furniture, a kitchen and child-bathing area, as well as a playroom with child-friendly and age- Quotes: appropriate toys, books and decorations Attorney General and Minister of Justice that provide a stimulating and appropri- Suzanne Anton − ate environment for babies. “The goal of the Mother-Child Program The MCP will provide participants with is to support the bond between a mother the same prenatal and postnatal educa- and her baby. By providing access to tion available to expectant mothers in the prenatal care, parenting programs and community. Mothers will be required to community resources, this program will participate in a parenting program and help strengthen that relationship.” will have the opportunity to take classes “During a recent tour of the new facility to develop their personal and parental I had the opportunity to see how the new growth and development. Mothers also program, under the care and dedication will receive support and assistance to of BC Corrections staff, will provide a deal with social and behavioural issues in safe, secure and nurturing environment order to reduce recidivism and help them for women and their children.”
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Critical care tower at Surrey Memorial Hospital officially opens
oday, Health Minister Terry Lake, along with local MLAs and representatives from Fraser Health and the Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation, officially opened Surrey Memorial Hospital’s critical care tower, which is a part of the hospital’s $512-million redevelopment and expansion project.
dads can take a break while being just steps away from their child in hospital.
The tower also has expanded stroke and intensive care units as well as other specialized units. There is an expanded hospital laboratory that uses new robotics and automated technology, and a new neonatal and paediatric pharmacy right in the NICU, the “Thanks to this new facility, health-care first of its kind in Canada. professionals will be able to deliver the best-possible care for families in a larger, “Surrey Memorial Hospital has a proud modern environment with more beds, space, history of providing exceptional care for equipment and staff,” said Lake. “The criti- patients at every stage of life, from newcal care tower will go a long way in meeting borns to seniors. Thanks to the support of the health-care needs of the rapidly growing the community and the province, our staff and physicians now have a state-of-the-art Fraser Valley.” facility to serve the growing needs of patients The new eight-storey tower creates an ad- and families from across the region for many ditional 151 beds for Surrey Memorial, years to come,” said Ron Knight, Surrey increasing the capacity by 30%, to 650 beds Memorial Hospital Foundation board chair. and adds an additional 650 direct care staff The University of British Columbia’s faculty and over 300 clinical support staff. of medicine will be located within the tower “Residents of Surrey and other Fraser Health and will allow Fraser Health to expand Surcommunities now have an improved health- rey Memorial’s role as a clinical academic care environment that is truly patient-cen- campus. In partnership with UBC, a new tred.” said Dr. David Ostrow, Fraser Health simulation lab includes life-like manikins interim president and CEO. “Eighty per cent which can be used by physicians, staff of the tower rooms are single-patient for and students to practice clinical skills and more privacy and better infection prevention teamwork. and control. Each room includes a ‘family zone’ with a sofa bed or recliner so families In October 2013, Fraser Health, together with the Government of B.C., officially can stay close to their loved ones.” opened Surrey Memorial’s new emergency The tower will double the capacity of the department, Canada’s second-largest and the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for high- province’s busiest, with more than 117,000 risk babies and includes B.C.’s first Ronald visits last year, an increase of more than 17% McDonald Family Room where moms and from the year previous.
Budworm spraying planned for Thompson Okanagan Region
The pest management plan and maps of the treatment areas can be viewed at the Thompson Okanagan Region Forest Health Program office at 441 Columbia Street, Kamloops or online at: biological agent Foray 48B will be tHealth/Western_Spruce_Budworm_ applied by helicopter on or about June Spray_2014.htm 18 to July 5, 2014, weather permitting, Foray 48B is a biological insecticide that on about 16 sites near Menanteau Lake, is widely used in B.C. and is registered Logan Lake, Tunkwa Lake, Pinantan Lake, Paul Lake, Heffley Lake, Sullivan with the Organic Materials Review Institute. The active ingredient in Foray Lake and Isobel Lake. 48B is the naturally occurring bacterium The western spruce budworm is an insect Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk). native to B.C. and the Pacific Northwest. In its larval stage, it defoliates Douglas- This spray affects only moth and butterfir, true firs, spruce and larch trees. A fly larvae and can be used safely around budworm outbreak has the potential to humans and other animals. Birds, houseseriously harm or kill trees over large hold pets, fish and beneficial insects areas. (including honey bees) are not affected. he Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations plans to aerially treat approximately 23,600 hectares of forest in the Kamloops Timber Supply Area to reduce western spruce budworm populations.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Ã ç¶ éÅñ-éÅñ ÇòÚÅðź çÅ ÇòÕÅà òÆ ÷ð±ðÆ ietlI dy pulfV ivigafnI glYlIE nUM swc bolx dI kImq afpxI jfn dy ky cukfAuxI peI. sMn 1564 ivwc pYdf hoieaf ieh ivakqI 1642 ivwc Dfrimk kwtVvfd aqy aMD-ivsLvfs dy hnyry dI ByNt cVH igaf. glYlIE pihlf ivakqI sI, ijs ny bfeIbl dI ies Dfrnf nUM cuxOqI idwqI ik jy iksy ipMz, sLihr jF ksby `c axsuKfvIN sUrj DrqI dy cwkr lgfAuNdf hY. Aus ny Gtnf vfpr jFdI qF Auprokq aOrqF dy ieh sfbq kr idwqf ik sUrj nhIN, blik hwQ-pYr bMnH ky CwpV ivwc suwitaf jFdf, DrqI sUrj duafly GuMmdI hY. lohy dI kursI `qy ibTf ky hyTF awg bfl Aus smyN dI Dfrimk jmfq, jo bfeIbl idwqI jFdI. srIr nUM sLkMijaF ivwc kwisaf nUM rwbI bfxI mMndI sI, leI ies swc nUM jFdf. vflF vflIaF QfvF qy cmVI AuDyV suxnf musLkl ho igaf. aMqly smyN `c idwqI jFdI. lwqF-bfhF nUM iKwc ky hwzIaF glYlIE anusfr DrqI, cMn, sUrj aKOqI nUM qoV idqf jFdf, joVF `coN joV kwZ idwqf gRMQF-sLfsqrF nUM nhIN pVHdy. jo swc hY, jFdf. Auh swc hI hY. iesfeIaF dy Drm-gurU khfAux vfly lokF vwloN kuJ ielfikaF dy sQfnk AuWcqm nyqfvF qoN Tyky ley jFdy ik ies ielfky `c asIN zfiexF df nfs krFgy aqy iPr bFJ, bdsUrq, koJIaF aOrqF dI sLfmq af jFdI, AunHF `qy idl kMbfAU jLulm kIqy jFdy.
qF rUVHI vfdI aqy kwtVvfdI lokF nUM ies nUM hjLm krnf musLkl ho igaf. jIvF dI AuqpqI sbMDI muwK qOr `qy do DfrnfvF prcwlq hoeIaF. iewk ieh ik ijvyN eIsLvrvfdI kihMdy hn, ieh sfry jIv-jgq rwb ny pYdf kIqy. ikvyN pYdf hoey, ies sbMDI sfry Drm gRMQF dy ivcfr vwKry-vwKry hn. dUjI Dfrnf (jo ivigafn vwloN hY) anusfr, sfry jIv iksy iewk srl jIv qoN pIVHI-dr-pIVHI hoey pirvrqn nfl hoNd ivwc afey.
ihMdosqfn ivwc ihMdU Drm dy pYrokfrF ny boDIaF nUM qsIhy idwqy. ieslfm, ijs df arQ sLFqI hY dy pYrokfrF aqy sLfsLkF ny awlHf nUM KusL krn leI anykF dUjy DrmF dy anUXfeIaF nUM mOq dy Gft Auqfiraf. afpxy mjLhb nUM ijwQy vI ho sikaf, dUjy aijhy axmnuwKI qsIhy rwb nUM KusL krn iPrky dy lokF `qy Tosx dI koisLsL kIqI leI aKOqI Dfrimk jmfq vwloN sLfsn nfl geI. rl ky kIqy jFdy. ies nUM puMn mMinaf jFdf. XUrpIn dysLF ivwc aKOqI rwb nUM KusL krn qsIhy nf shfridaF mr jfx vflIaF leI iesfeI lok Tyky lY-lY ky kql krdy iesqrIaF nUM dosLI mMn ilaf jFdf. qsIhy rhy. iehnF dysLF ivwc bdsUrq aqy bFJ idwqy jfx vflI iesqrI dy irsLqysfr ieh aOrqF `qy cuVylF-zfiexF smJ ky qsLwdd cfhuMdy ik Auh mr jfvy, qF ju Kfndfn dI kIqf jFdf irhf. afpxy afp nUM Dfrimk iewjLq bc jfvy.
zfrivn ny lw g Bw g vIh sfl kiTn imhnq krky qwQF aqy sbUqF dy afDfr `qy jIv ivkfs df isDFq pysL kIqf, ijs nUM hr hIly mMnxf hI pYxf sI aqy mMinaf vI igaf. awj ieh skUlF-kfljF ivwc pVHfieaf jFdf hY. pr Aus smyN Dfrimk jnUMnIaF vwloN ies df zt ky ivroD kIqf igaf sI. zfrivn dI pusqk ‘Aurijn afP spfeIisjL’ nUM sfiVaf igaf, jLbq kIqf igaf. pr awj zfrivn dy isDFq nUM sB qoN pRmwuK mMinaf jf irhf hY.
dunIaF dy ieiqhfs ivwc mjhbF dy nFa `qy ijMnIaF lVfeIaF qy kql hoey hn, Auny iksy hor msly nUM lY ky nhIN hoey. aKOqI Dfrimk lokF ny afpxy-afpxy Drm nUM sLRyst afK ky dUijaF `qy Tosx vfsqy lokF nUM qsIhy dy-dy mfiraf. mMdrF vfilaF ny msijdF ZfhIaF aqy msijdF vfilaF df ijwQy jLor cwilaf, AunHF mMdrF vfilaF nUM AujfiVaf. aijhf KUn-Krfbf hmysLf mjhbI lokF vwloN hI kIqf igaf, nfsiqk lokF vwloN nhIN.
pop ny glYlIE nUM 1642 `c mOq dI sjLf suxf idwqI. pr awj sfry iesfeI jgq nUM ies glqI df aihsfs ho irhf hY ik glYlIE nUM mfrnf sfzy Dfrimk afgUaF dI glqI sI.
jIv ivkfs dy isDFq nUM pysL krn vfly mhfn ivigafnI cfrls zfrivn ny jdoN ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik jdoN vI iksy nvyN jIvF dI AuqpqI df isDFq pysL kIqf ivcfr df jnm hoieaf qF rU VHIvfdI
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
lokF vwloN Aus dI ivroDqf kIqI geI aqy bfad ivwc Dfrimk lok ies nUM afpxy - afpxy Dfrimk gR M Q dI iksy Gtnf nfl imlfAux df jqn krdy rhy. awj jdoN dUr-sMcfr dy nvIn sfDnF dI asIN gwl krdy hF qF Dfrimk lokF vwloN ieh pRcfiraf jFdf hY ik ieh ivDIaF qF pihlF hI sfzy Dfrimk gRMQF ivwc drj hn. pihlF vI sfzy Drm gurU dUr bYT ky afpxf sMdysL afpxy syvkF qwk phuMcf idMdy sn. awgy qoN vI ivigafn jdoN koeI nvIN pRfpqI krygf qF ieh lok purfqn gRMQF dy pMny Aultf-Aultf ky dyKxgy ik ies nfl rldI-imldI gwl ikwQy drjL hY. pr awj qwk Dfrimk gRMQF `coN iksy vI aijhI ivDI df pqf nhIN cwilaf, ijs nfl ijLMdgI dIaF duwK qklIPF nUM Gtfieaf jf sky. ivigafn dIaF pRfpqIaF nUM Drm gRMQF, sLfsqrF anusfr JuTlfAuNdf kUV-kuswq nhIN qF hor kI hY? ajoky smyN dOrfn afpxI ivcfrDfrf nUM shI sfbq krn leI iPrkfpRsq soc aDIn dUjy iPrky dy lokF dy kql kIqy jFdy hn. Drm dy nFa `qy iPrkfpRsq ihMdU-muslmfn ijwQy jLor cwldf hY (ijvyN bMglf dysL ivwc) ihMdU jfqI dy lokF nUM nPrq df isLkfr bxfAuNdy hn.
vfly lyKkF-KojIaF dy isrF dy Dfrimk jmfq vwloN ienfm rwKy jFdy hn. mOq dy Pqvy jfrI kIqy jFdy hn. bRihmMz df hr kx afpxf rUp vtf irhf hY. ivkfs inrMqr jfrI hY. ies ivkfs dy nfl-nfl sfnUM afpxy ivcfrF df vI ivkfs krnf pvygf. purfxIaF DfrnfvF glq sfbq huMdIaF hn aqy AunHF dI QF nvIaF ivigafnk DfrnfvF bxdIaF hn. ijLMdgI vgdy pfxIaF vFg hY. ivkfs nUM ies ivwcoN mnPI nhIN kIqf jf skdf. purfqn Dfrimk gRMQ, sLfsqr bIqy smyN dIaF gwlF hn. AunHF df smyN dy nfl-nfl ivkfs nhIN hoieaf. awj nhIN qF kwlH sfnUM ivigafnk soc dy DfrnI bxnf hI pYxf hY, ikAuNik smyN dy nfl-nfl jdoN sfzI soc ivkfs nhIN krdI jF dUsry lPjLF ivwc sfzy ivcfrF df ivkfs nhIN huMdf qF gVbV jLrUr pYdf huMdI hY. sfnUM rUVHIvfdI ivcfrF nUM Cwz ky smyN dy nfl qurnf pvygf.
Üç¯ í×ò§å îÅé é¶ ð±âÆ çÅ ìËÕ ×ÆÁð ñòÅÇÂÁÅ nvIN idwlI: afm afdmI pfrtI dy sMgrUr qoN lok sBf mYNbr BgvMq mfn ny Bfjpf dy sMsd mYNbr rfjIv pRfqp rUzI dy BfsLx dOrfn kIqIaF itwpxIaF `qy sMsd ivwc pihlI vfr boldy hoey AunHF nUM sLbd vfps lYx leI mjLbUr kr idwqf. pihlI vfr BgvMq mfn ny bihs `c afpxI hfjLr-jvfbI df sbUq idwqf. BgvMq mfn ny ikhf ik jdoN sRI rUzI ny idwlI dI arivMd kyjrIvfl dI agvfeI vflI srkfr bfry itwpxI kIqI ik ipCly idnIN kuJ Buwly-Btky lokF ny iek pfrtI nUM ijwqf idwqf sI qF BgvMq mfn ny qurMq ieqrfjL kIqf ik Auh AunHF dI pfrtI nUM 30 PIsdI qoN vwD votF pfAux vfly votrF nUM Buwly-Btky afK ky AunHF df mjLfk nf AuzfAux. BgvMq mfn ny sRI rUzI vwloN iewk sfbkf muwK mMqrI df ibnF nF ley Aus afgU vwloN afpxI pqnI nUM muwK mMqrI bxfAux bfry kIqI itwpxI `qy vI iqwKI pRqIikiraf pRgt kIqI qy biTMzf qoN sMsd mYNbr hrismrq kOr bfdl nUM mMqrI bxfey jfx dy hvfly nfl jvfb idwqf, “qusIN vI qF iewk lwK qoN vwD votF nfl sInIar jyqU afgU (rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf) nUM Cwz ky 19 hjLfr nfl ijwqx vflI nUM mMqrI bxf idwqf.” ies qkrfr ipwCoN sRI rUzI ny afpxy sLbd vfps lY ley.
pMjfbI dy inbMDkfr nirMdr isMG kpUr ilKdf hY, “lok mjhbI nsLy ivwc tuMn ho ky sO N rhy hn. jdo N ko e I iehnF nUM jgfAux dI koisLsL krdf hY qF AuWT ky Aus df kql kr idMdy hn.” so, awj afm mnuwK df aKOqI Dfrimk azMbrF, aMDivsLvfsF ijhIaF smfijk awj vI slmfn rsLdI qslImf nsrIn kurIqIaF qoN bcx leI ivigafnk soc aqy XIns syLK vrgy agFh-vDU ivcfrF df DfrnI hoxf aqI jLrUrI hY.
îÔÅåîÅ ì°µè Áå¶ ÁôàÅº× îÅð× pRfcIn smyN Bfrq ivwc do Dfrimk prMprfvF mOjUd rhIaF hn. pihlI nUM vYidk aqy dUjI nUM sLRmixk prMprf ikhf jFdf hY. dUjI prMprf ivwc do DrmF jYn Drm aqy buwD Drm df bolbflf irhf hY. buwD Drm ies prMprf ivwc jYn Drm qoN bfad ivwc afAuNdf hY pr ies dI hoNd 2500 sfl qoN vwD purfxI svIkfrI jFdI hY. Bfrq dy ies purfqn Drm df sRI gxysL mhfqmf buwD qoN huMdf hY pr ies df ieiqhfs inrivGn nhIN irhf. BfvyN bwuD dy pYrokfrF dI igxqI kfPI Gt geI hY pr ies dy isDFq ajy vI sfriQk hn. pysL hY buwD Drm df pRmuwK isDFq: buwD Drm ny mwD mfrg dy isDFq nUM apxfieaf hoieaf hY. ies isDFq dy anusfr mhfqmf buwD ny ijwQy Bog-ivlfs dy jIvn nUM rwd kIqf hY, AuWQy duwKdfeI aqy isKr dy sMjmI jIvn qoN vI iknfrf kIqf hY. AunHF ny ienHF dovF dy ivckfrlf rfh svIkfr kIqf hY ijs nUM mwD mfrg df nfm idwqf jFdf hY. buwD dy anusfr ieh mfrg sLFqI, afnMd aqy mukqI df dfqf hY. ies mfrg dy awT Bfg hn ijs krky ies nUM asLtFg mfrg vI ikhf jFdf hY. ieh Bfg hyT ilKy anusfr hn: smXk idRsLtI (swcy ivcfr), smXk sMklp (swcI nIaq), smXk vfk (swcf bol), smXk krm (swcf ivhfr), smXk afjIvkf (swcI rojLI), smXk ivaXfm (swcf Xqn), smXk simRqI (swcf mnoXog), smXk smfDI (swcf iDafn) ienHF awTF BfgF ivwc buwD mq dI sdfcfirkqf, Dfrimkqf aqy dfrsLinkqf JlkdI hY. ienHF nUM asIN sLIl, smfDI aqy pRigaf sLbdF nfl jfx skdy hF jo ajoky smyN vI mukqI aqy inrvfx df rfh drsfAuNdy hn. ies rfh `qy cwl koeI vI ivakqI ijwQy mhfqmf buwD dIaF KusLIaF pRfpq kr skdf hY AuWQy afpxf jIvn pMD vI suKflf kr skdf hY. PAGE 9
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
99 $75 1
Join us at our HIGHSTREET location on Saturday, June 21st, as we will be serving coffee & doughnuts. Live on location with SONiC 104.9
Unit C110 - 3122 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford 604.381.2802
#62 - 32700 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford 604.859.0070
1 Available at participating Rogers locations from June 3/14 until the earlier of July 13/14 or while quantities last (black only available through call centres, green/yellow colour also available in Rogers branded retail stores while quantities last) with the purchase of an eligible Android device and new activation on a 2-yr. Share Everything Plan. May not be combined with any other offer. Eligible devices: Sony Xperia Z1, HTC One (M8), Samsung GALAXY S4 and Samsung GALAXY S5; Additional eligible devices (in Rogers branded retail stores only): Google Nexus 5, Moto X, Samsung GALAXY Note 3, LG G2. If eligible plan is cancelled within first 15 days in accordance with your service agreement, Sony SmartBand SWR10 must be returned in original condition ($24.99 refunded), else the difference of $75 will be charged to customer’s account. ©2014 Rogers Communications.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
ig`l morWvwlI dI pusqk “rMgW dI mihk” irlIj
srI, bIsI –bIqy sin`crvwr kyNdrI pjMwbI lyKk sBw au~qrI vloN pMjwbI dy pRis`D ilKwrI ig`l morWvwlI dI nvI pusqk lok Arpx kIqI geI[ cwr bolIAW – pMjwbI, ihMdI, AMgryzI Aqy aurd U– iv`c ilKI geI pusqk “rMgW dI mihk” ig`l morWvwlI dI 61vIN pusqk hY jo BweIcwry dy au~Gy ibjnsmYn su`KI bwT vloN pwey AwriQk Xogdwn sdkw pwTkW dy snmu`K hoeI Aqy iek`T ivc hwzr swry mihmwnW ƒ mPuq Byt kIqI geI[ pRogrwm dI SurAUwq pRisD pjMwbI ilKwrI Aqy sBw dy aumr Br rhy pDRwn srdwr gurdyv isMG mwn ƒ Xwd krk ykIqI geI[ ies qoN bwd sBw dy pRDwn crn isMG Aqy sBw dy swbkw sk`qr hrBjn isMG mWgt dI ishqXwbI dI kwmnw kIqI geI Aqy sBw dy mOjUdw sk`qr drSn sMGw dy BYxjI dy sdIvI ivCoVy dy sMbMD ivc` ie`k imMt dw mOn r`iKAw igAw[ ipRqpwl isMG sMDU ny morWvwlI dI Zzl gwien kIqI Aqy hrcMd isMG bwgVI ny pusqk bwry jwxkwrI id`qI[ipRqpwl isMG ig`l n ypusqk bwry g`l kridAW lyKk ƒ ie`k sMvdynSIl Swier ikhw[ ies smwgm ivc ig`l morWvwlI ƒ mwlvw pjMwbI swihq sBw rwmpurw vloN ie`k snmwn icnMH Byt kIqw igAw Aqy su`KI bwT pirvwr vloN ig`l morWvwlI dw ivSyS snmwn kIqw igAw[ ig`l morWvwlI ny AwpxI nvIN pusqk bwry g`lbwq kridAW ies dy mukMml hox ip`Cy su`KI bwT vloN pwey AwriQk Xogdwn dw ivSyS qOr ’qy izkr kIqw[
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
goibMd pfrk aYbtsPorz ivc krvfey gey qfsL dy tUrnfmYNt ivc pihlf ienfm aYbtsPorz dy jsvMq isMG Kihrf aqy jgdyv isMG hIr dI tIm ny ijWiqaf. dUsrf ienfm lihMbr isMG gosl aqy amrjIq isMG qUr srI dI tIm ny ijWiqaf aqy qIsrf ienfm jsivMdr isMG idAul aqy jsmyr isMG sMDU imsLn dI tIm ny ijWiqaf. jyqU tImF nMU ienfm vMzx dI rsm jiqMdr isWDU(jqI) aqy kOslr moa igWl vloN adf kIqI geI.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
UFV team won T20 cricket tournament held at University of Victoria
s you might know that University of Victoria recently hosted the T20 Cricket tournament at the end of last month. We played two matches against them and won by 2-0. This is the biggest achievement for UFV Cricket Club in this year. After this victory, all players are more confident and waiting for FLORIDA (US)Tournament which is going to held in coming year.
Here is the list of our Winning 7. Terry Hundal Shergill Team 8. Aman Saini 1. Yadwinder Sharma (Cap9. Didar Sandhu tain) 2. Mani Brar (Vice Captain) 10. Harman Rathore 3. Bommy Ahuja ( Team 11. Jaswant Singh Manager) 12. Raspreet Gill 4. Abhijeet Sandhu
13. Pushpinder Maan
5. Satwinder Sidhu
14. Karan Vohra
6. Manjinder Randhawa
15. Jiten Singla
Langley Canada Day Celebrations Hundreds Dancers and Musicians Ready to Entertain
et ready to dance, as hundreds of dancers and musicians from different cultures will be entertaining you from the main stage of the Langley Canada Day and the Langley International Festival on June 30 from 3 to 8 pm, and July 1st from 11 to 11 pm. This is the first time when two of the biggest celebrations of Langley have merged to have one big celebration. Moreover, the Langley International Festival Society has joined hands with the Fraser Valley Regional Library, Langley Events Centre, Langley School District, Tourism
munity. The celebrations will be held at ‘Willoughby Community Park’ just outside the Langley Events Centre, located at 7888 - 200 Street. There
people from over 70 countries will be participating. Everyone is cordially invited to come and enjoy multicultural entertainment through colorful ethnic performances, visual arts, sports, visiting an international marketplace, taste different cultural foods, and many more activities.
there will be an exciting and rewarding contest for Kids aged 12 or under. If your child is a good singer, dancer or can play a musical instrument, this is a wonderful opportunity for him/her to showcase their talent. Please visit the or www. websites to find There are still a few spots available out more about the event or to contact for volunteers, sponsors, and vendors the organizers for participating in the to be a part of this celebration. Also, festival.
will be no entry fee and the parking will be free.
Over a four day celebrations, the first two days will be the sports fest, and the traditional celebrations will be held on June 30 and July 1 that will include the main stage entertainment, marketplace, vendors, international pavilions, children’s’ entertainment, Kidz Have Talent, rides, a car show, an assortment of ethnic foods, dog show and Langley, and Township of Langley to various other attractions. put on a four day, from June 28th to July 1st, spectacular celebration like The parade of nations on July 1st will never seen before in this growing com- be another entertaining activity where
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
íÅÂÆòÅñÆ çÆ Ô¯ºç ÜåÅÀ°ä ñµ×Æ ê§ÜÅì çÆ íÅÜêÅ
hflfq df vihx hmysLf iewko ijhf nhIN vg skdf. ‘kdy gwzI byVI AuWqy qy kdy byVI gwzI AuWqy’ vflf muhfvrf ies gwl df pRqIk hY ik bdldy hflfq ivwc awK nIvIN aqy awK AuWcI krky gwl krn df hwk vI iDrF bdl ky imldf hY. pMjfb ivwc BfrqI jnqf pfrtI ipCly sfl ivwc iksy igxqI ivwc nhIN sI qy akflI dl dy afgUaF ny ies rfj qy ies dI srkfr nUM afpxy leI iewk jfgIr ijhI hI smJ rwiKaf sI. clMq sfl dy pihly cfr mhIny vI ieho hfl irhf. pMjvF mhInf dovF pfrtIaF dy sbMDF ivwc Aus qbdIlI df bx igaf, ijs bfry akflI afgUaF ny kdy suPny ivwc vI nhIN sI soicaf. kwlH qwk gozIN hwQ lf ky gwl sLurU krn vfly Bfjfpf afgU acfnk hmlfvr ruK AuWqy af gey qy akflIaF nUM hwQF-pYrF dI pY geI hY. nvyN pRDFn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny hfly shuM vI nhIN sI cuwkI ik pMjfb ivwc Bfjpf afgUaF ny ieh kihky Pfier KolH idwqf ik aMimRqsr ivwc Bfjpf afgU arux jyqlI dI hfr ryqbwjrI dI blYk aqy nisLaF dy kfrn hoeI hY. agly idn ieh vI kih idwqf ik ryq-bwjrI dI blYk qy nisLaF dy kfrobfr nUM akflI afgUaF dI sLih hox kfrn vI mfr peI hY qy guMzfgrdI nUM isafsI afgUaF dI KwulHI sLih ny vI byVI zob idwqI hY. qIsry idn nUM jdoN AunHF ny akflI dl dy hlkf ieMcfrjF qwk vI gwl lY aFdI qF akflI hfeI kmFz dy iesLfry AuWqy ijlHf pwDr dy kuJ jQydfrF ny ies dy jvfb ivwc cFdmfrI krn dI koisLsL kIqI, pr ies nfl Bfjpf vfly hor iqwKy ibafn dyx vwl mUMh kr qury. AunHF dIaF mIitMgF ivwc pMjfb Bfjpf dy pRDfn nUM vI vrkr qy afgU iswDy pY gey ik Auh afpxI pfrtI dy lokF nfl qflmyl Gwt rwKdf hY qy bfdl bfp-byty dy dPLqr nUM vwD aihmIaq dyNdf hY. nqIjy vjoN Auh vI iqwKf bolx nUM mjLbUr ho igaf. akflI afgUaF ny ijhVI vwzI gwl khI, Auh ieh sI ik ijwQoN vfly Bfjpf ivDfiek pMjfb dy mMqrI bxy hoey hn, Bfjpf qy akflI dl dI hfr qF EQy vI hoeI hY. jvfb ivwc Bfjpf vfly afgU kihx lwgy ik mMqrI jLrUr sfzI pfrtI dy hn, ijhVy hyTly aPsrF ny kMm krny huMdy hn, Auh muwK mMqrI aqy izptI muwK mMqrI dy dPqr qoN hdfieqF lYNdy hn, Bfjpf mMqrI dy Pon qwk nhIN sI suxdy. ieh gwl pihlF vI sfry jfxdy sn, pr Bfjpf vfly nhIN sI kihMdy. hux nirMdr modI dy pRDfn mMqrI bxn qoN bfad Auh aMdr sMBfl ky rwKI hoeI kOV kwZ rhy hn. PAGE 16
hwd qF ieh hY ik kwlH pMjfb Bfjpf dy sB qoN sInIar afgU aqy sfbkf mMqrI blrfmjI dfs tMzn ny muwK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl dy idwlI ivwc Bfjpf dy kyNdrI mMqrI nUM iekwly imlx AuWqy vI ieqrfjL kr idwqf hY. AunHF ny ikhf hY ik jdoN Bfjpf pMjfb dI srkfr ivwc BfeIvfl hY qF muwK mMqrI vwloN iekwly jf ky kyNdr srkfr dy vjLIrF nfl gwlF krn bfry soicaf vI nhIN jf skdf. ieh hmlfvrI dI isKr hY. ipCly pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG dy vkq muwK mMqrI bfdl sfihb aqy AunHF df puwqr suKbIr isMG jdoN idl kry, idwlI jFdy aqy mn dy muqfbk mIitMgF dy gyV clf afAuNdy sn. Aus sfry dOr ivwc Bfjpf ny kdI vI ieqrfjL nhIN sI kIqf. hflfq dy nvyN dOr ivwc AunHF nUM Kud cfhIdf sI ik Bfjpf afgUaF nUM kihMdy ik quhfzI pfrtI dy lIzrF kol jf rhy hF, qusIN nfl cwlogy qF pMjfb df vI Blf hovygf qy afpxy gwTjoV df vI kyNdr aqy rfj dy lokF ivwc cMgf pRBfv pvygf. Auh pihlF vfly gyar ivwc hI gwzI BjfeI iPrdy rhy. akflI afgUaF nUM hux siQqI df aihsfs krnf cfhIdf hY. idwlI ivwc vI hux Auh pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG nhIN, ijs vwloN iksy gwl nUM mMnx ivwc iJjk ivKfAux AuWqy avqfr isMG mwkV qoN Aus dy iKlfP do ibafn jfrI krvf ky pYrF qoN kwiZaf jf skdf hY. pMjfb dI Bfjpf dy vI ijhVy ichry, qy Kfs krky muwK mMqrI bfdl df E[ aYs[ zI[ rih cuwkf pMjfb pRDfn, hux qwk AunHF nfl svyry AuWTdy sfr pUry idn dI slfh kr lYNdy sn, Auh hux pfrtI dI inqfxI hflq bx jfx kfrn afpxy pfrtI vrkrF awgy Jukdy jFdy hn. ijhVy pfrtI afgU ipCly sflF ivwc akflI dl dI lIzrisLp dI iqwKI rfjnIqk cusqI dy kfrn nuwkry lwgy pey sn, AunHF df Bfjpf dy kyNdrI lIzrF nfl iswDf sMprk hY qy Auh Aus sMprk dy kfrn hI KuwlH ky boly hn. ipCly sflF ivwc jdoN kdI Bfjpf afgU boldy sn qF akflI afgU kih dyNdy sn ik AunHF nUM gwTjoV-Drm dI pflxf krnI cfhIdI hY qy jnqk qOr AuWqy koeI mfVf pRBfv dyx qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. hux Bfjpf vfly afgU ieho slfh akflI afgUaF nUM dyx lwg pey hn. blrfm jI dfs tMzn df ieh ibafn ik muwK mMqrI sfihb nUM iekwly idwlI jfx bfry nhIN socxf cfhIdf, Bfjpf lIzrisLp dy iesy nvyN ruK df pRBfv dyNdf hY. jdoN BfeIvfl pfrtI afpxI BfeIvflI dI hoNd hux jqfAux lwgI hY, akflI lIzrisLp nMU vfhvf sMkoc nfl cWlxf pvygf.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ÇÔ§ç-ÚÆé éò¶º ÇçÃÔµÇçÁź òµñ cInI ivdyÈ mMqrI vfˆg XI aqy AunHfˆ dy BfrqI hmruqbf suÈmf svrfj drimafn srhwdI muwdy smyq duvwly mfmilafˆ bfry sdBfvnfpUrvk hoeI gwlbfq dovfˆ mulkfˆ ivckfr suKfvyˆ sbMDfˆ df nvfˆ aiDafie mMnI jf skdI hY. sMn 1962 dy XuwD qoN bfad aksr hI Bfrq vwloN cIn nUM ivroDI mulk dy qOr `qy qswvr kIqf jfˆdf irhf hY. ies XuwD AuprMq srhwdI JgVy df lMmy smyˆ qoN koeI drusq inptfrf nf hox kfrn sbMDfˆ ivwc Ktfs lgfqfr brkrfr rhI hY. ivÈvIkrn aqy AudfrIkrn dy nvyˆ Xuwg ivwc dovfˆ mulkfˆ ivwc vpfrk sbMD Bfvyˆ kuJ sflfˆ qoN cMgy cly af rhy hn pr srhwdfˆ AuWqy qxfa bixaf hoieaf hY. XU[ pI[ ey[ dI srkfr smyˆ dovfˆ mulkfˆ ivwc duvwly sbMD mËbUq krn leI keI koiÈÈfˆ hoeIafˆ sn aqy iksy hwd qwk afpsI vpfr vI viDaf sI pr srhwdfˆ AuWqy CyV-CfV kfrn sMdyhpUrn siQqI ajy vI bxI hoeI hY. nirMdr modI dI agvfeI vflI aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr ny pfiksqfn aqy cIn smyq sfry guafˆZI aqy dUjy dyÈfˆ nfl dosqfnf sbMD bxfAux dI nIqI aKiqafr krn dy sMkyq idwqy hn. shuM-cuwk smfgm ivwc sfrk mulkfˆ nUM Byjy gey swdf-pwqr ies gwl df sUck sn. ivroDI iDr ivwc rihMidafˆ Bfvyˆ Bfjpf, XU[ pI[ ey[ srkfr dI cIn pRqI nrm nIqI dI aflocnf krdI rhI hY pr swqf ivwc afAux `qy ies dy qyvr bdly hoey ids rhy hn. gOrqlb hY ik gujrfq dy muwK mMqrI huMidafˆ modI ny cInI nyqfvfˆ nfl cMgy sbMD bxfey hoey sn. Bfrq dI bdlI hoeI isafsI siQqI ivwc pyieicMg duvwly sbMD mËbUq krn dI Auqsukqf ivKf irhf jfpdf hY. ibnfˆ Èwk ies ipwCy cIn dI
ieh kUtnIqI vI ho skdI hY ik Auh Bfrq nfl sbMD suKfvyˆ bxf ky amrIkf nUM hfÈIey AuWqy rwKxf cfhuMdf hovy ikAuNik Bfrq ies smyˆ dunIafˆ dI qIjI vwzI arQivvsQf vwl vDdf jf irhf hY. Bfrq aqy cIn ivckfr ies smyˆ 65 arb zflr df duvwlf kfrobfr hY jo kuJ iewk aiVwky dUr krky duwgxf ho skdf hY. cIn dI Tos arQivvsQf df BfrqI qknIkI aqy pUMjI invyÈ dy pwK qoN kfÌI lfhf AuTf skdy hn. cIn dy ivdyÈ mMqrI vwloN Bfrq df dOrf krn ipwCy iewk kfrn rfÈtrpqI ijMnipMg dy nyV-BivwK ivwc jldI Bfrq Xfqrf dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ df pqf lgfAuxf vI mMinaf jf irhf hY. Bfrq leI ieh mfx vflI gwl hY ik bdlI hoeI isafsI siQqI ivwc ivÈv dIafˆ dovyˆ vwzIafˆ arQivvsQfvfˆ-cIn aqy amrIkf, Bfrq nfl afriQk aqy duvwly sbMD mËbUq krn leI Auqsuk hn. Bfrq dI ivdyÈ mMqrI suÈmf svrfj aqy AunHfˆ dy cInI hmruqbf vfˆg XI drimafn hfl hI ivwc hoeI mIitMg dOrfn srhwdI ivvfd, dKlaaMdfËI, vIËf pRxflI, bRhmpuwqr diraf AuWqy zYmfˆ dI AusfrI krn aqy cIn dy vD rhy pUMjI invyÈ dy ivcfry gey muwdy byhwd mhwqvpUrn hn. ies qoN ielfvf dovfˆ nyqfvfˆ ivckfr afriQk sihXog vDfAux leI Bfrq ivwc snaqI pfrk bxfAux, buinafdI Zfˆcy ivwc pUMjI invyÈ vDfAux AuWqy vI gwlbfq hoeI ijs nfl dovfˆ mulkfˆ ivwc sihXog df iewk aiDafie isrjx dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ pYdf ho geIafˆ hn. Bfrq aqy cIn dI nyVqf vDx nfl nf kyvl dovfˆ mulkfˆ dy ivkfs ivwc hI vfDf hovygf blik ies GtnfkRm df kOmfˆqrI pwDr `qy vI vrxnXog pRBfv pvygf.
Punjabi Patrika
Statement from Education Minister Peter Fassbender
E ing:
ducation Minister Peter Fass- wage offer bender has released the fol- and commits lowing statement this mornto realistic
and flexible “I appreciate that everyone -- especially parents, students and teachers solutions to – had hoped to see an agreement over address class the weekend. composition. “The bargaining teams worked hard through the weekend. When negotiations adjourned late last night it was with the expectation that talks would continue today. “Specifics around proposals will be shared when appropriate, but I can say that BCPSEA tabled a significant, affordable and creative set of proposals to help end the stalemate, get kids back in school and create long-term stability for parents, students and teachers. BCPSEA worked hard to put its best foot forward.
“BCPSEA has worked very hard to put together a settlement that is fair for teachers, fair for taxpayers, and fair to the 150,000 public-sector workers who’ve already reached agreements. “Our goal remains to get to an agreement by June 30 and put this disruption behind us. I’m certain that everyone involved wants to head into the summer with the assurance that
“They tabled a comprehensive settle- our education system is on a path to ment that includes an improved long-term stability.”
Friday, June 20th, 2014
New Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors
ognize the unique needs and contributions of this vital population. I look forward to working with the ministry and with the newly appointed Seniors Advocate, Isobel Mackenzie, as government continues to ensure the very best supports and care for B.C. “Michelle has brought passion to her seniors.” role as Parliamentary Secretary for Former parliamentary secretary for Healthy Living, “said Health Minister seniors Linda Larson will assume Terry Lake. “I am confident that Mi- a new position as Parliamentary chelle will apply the same dedication Secretary to the Minister of Social and passion as she adds the seniors’ Development and Social Innovation portfolio to her role.” for Accessibility. Stilwell was elected MLA for Parks- “One of the things I am hearing while ville-Qualicum on May 14, 2013. In touring the province and listening addition to her role as Parliamentary to seniors, is that their needs to be a Secretary, Stilwell serves as Govern- single point of access so that seniors ment Caucus Chair and is a member can easily obtain the information, of the Cabinet Committee on Secure services and supports they need,” Tomorrow and Treasury Board. said Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackffective today, Michelle Stilwell has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health for Seniors, adding this role to her existing Parliamentary Secretary for Healthy Living responsibilities.
“I am very pleased to support Health Minister Lake with my new appointment as the Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Seniors,” said Stilwell. “I represent a constituency that has one of the highest percentages of older residents in the country and rec-
enzie. “I know it will take a strong foundation of collaboration to meet the individual needs of older British Columbians and I look forward to working with the new Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors as we work together to improve seniors’ care.”
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Pilot project to facilitate business travel for Canadians
ew benefits for Canadian These travellers will also be able to business travellers to the use a Trusted Traveller kiosk and APEC region benefit from faster border clearance when returning to Canada. Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney and the Honourable Ed Fast, Our Government’s launch of the Minister of International Trade an- ABTC pilot confirms Canada’s supnounced the launch of a pilot project port of the ABTC and highlights our that makes it easier and faster for continued commitment to support Canadian business people to travel Canadian business people as they to the Asia-Pacific Economic Coop- expand their businesses’ international reach in order to create jobs eration (APEC) region. and economic growth at home. Under the pilot, Canadian business travellers who are NEXUS mem- Quick Facts bers can now apply for an APEC a.. Introduced in 1996, the ABTC is Business Travel Card (ABTC). designed to facilitate business travel The ABTC, which is valid for up and provide accredited business to three years, allows card holders people with preclearance and exto use designated APEC lines when pedited entry to participating APEC travelling within the APEC region economies. There are now 19 of 21 to participating APEC economies. participating APEC economies that
issue ABTC cards to their qualify- in the Asia Pacific Region. This is ing citizens. good news for NEXUS members who are travelling for business b.. Canada provides ABTC foreign members’ access to designated internationally and good news for APEC lines (special service coun- Canada as faster international busiters) at its eight major international ness travel supports and strengthens Canada’s economy.” airports. c.. In addition to their ABTC, foreign cardholders must still present all required documentation such as passports, visas and permits for entry into Canada. Similarly, Canadian ABTC card holders will need to present all required travel documents when entering foreign APEC economies. d.. The United States is also pursuing a domestic ABTC pilot similar to the one Canada is launching. Quotes
– Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
“Strengthening our trade and investment ties with the dynamic and fast growing Asia pacific region is a priority to create jobs and opportunities. Ensuring that hardworking Canadians and business community are able to quickly and efficiently travel across borders helps Canadian companies succeed, export and grow.”
“The ABTC pilot will make travel – Ed Fast, Minister of International easier for Canadians doing business Trade
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Friday, June 20th, 2014
ÁîðÆÕÆ Ú½èð 鱧 Ú°ä½åÆ ç¶ä ñÂÆ ÇåÁÅð Ôé ê±ðìÆ ç¶ô
zf[ svrfj isMG
huxy-huxy rUs dy pRDfn vlfdImIr puiqn ny afpxf cIn df dOrf mukMml kIqf hY. ies dOry ny ieh spwÈt kr idwqf hY ik sovIaq XUnIan dy tuwtx qoN bfad jo rUs afpxf BivwK pwCm nfl joV ky dyKx lwg ipaf sI, hux pUrI qrHfˆ afpxf BivwK pUrb nfl joV ky dyK irhf hY. Auh cIn nfl iml ky sMsfr ivcoN pwCmI pRblqf aqy amrIkn cODr `qy afDfirq iek DruvI ivvsQf nUM Kqm krky bhuDruvI sMsfirk ivvsQf sQfipq krn leI hux pwCm nUM afpxf Dwkf lfAux leI iqafr hY. ies dOry dI sB qoN vwzI pRfpqI rUs aqy cIn df kudrqI gYs bfry smJOqf khI jf skdI hY. ieh smJOqf isry cfVn leI 10 sfl gwlbfq cldI rhI. cIn rUs qoN 400 arb zflr dI kudrqI gYs agly 30 sflfˆ ivc KrIdygf. sMsfr ivc Èfied ieh pihlI vfr hY ik kudrqI gYs bfry eynf vwzf sOdf kIqf igaf hY. ieh smJOqf rUs df pwCm qoN pUrb vwl Jukfa hox df pRqIk hY. awj rUs dI gYs df 80 PIsdI ihwsf XUrp nUM vyicaf jfˆdf hY, jdoN ik hux cIn rUs dI gYs df sB qoN vwzf KrIddfr bx jfeygf. cIn rUs qoN hr sfl 38 arb ikAUibk mItr gYs 30 sfl leI KrIdygf. ieh splfeI 2018 ivc sLurU ho jfeygI.
ieQy ieh vI dwsxf bxdf hY ik isrP kudrqI gYs ivc hI nhIN, sgoN smuwcy qOr `qy cIn rUs df sB qoN vwzf vpfrk sfQI bx cuwkf hY. sfl 2013 ivc dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ivc 90 arb zflr df vpfr hoieaf. dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ny 2020 qwk afpsI vpfr nUM 200 arb zflr sflfnf qwk vDfAux df PYslf kIqf. dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ny afriQk sfˆJydfrI (Pfienfˆs), vpfr, AUrjf aqy afvfjfeI nUM vDfAux aqy duvwly vpfr leI sQfnk mudrf vrqx df smJOqf vI kIqf. AunHfˆ ny vpfr nUM sMquilq krn df vI PYslf kIqf. cIn rUs ivc afvfjfeI, hyTly Zfˆcy dy ivkfs, Kfxfˆ aqy Grfˆ dI AusfrI Kyqrfˆ ivc pYsf lfeygf. cIn, rUs ivc pYtrolIam ieMzstrI, kudrqI gYs aqy koly dIafˆ Kfxfˆ nfl sbMDq Kyqr ivksq krn ivc rUs dI shfieqf krygf. dovyˆ iml ky rUs ivc pfvr plfˆts sQfipq krngy, ijnHfˆ qoN AUrjf cIn nUM ByjI jfey g I. do v y ˆ dy È pR m fxU ÈkqI nU M ÈfˆqIpUrvk mMqvfˆ leI ivksq krn ivc sihXog pfAuxgy. iesy qrHfˆ ÈihrI hvfbfËI aqy ey a ro s py s dy mu Z ly Kyqr ivc Koj (irsrc afn byisk eyar spys) ivc vI sihXog krngy. dovyˆ qyËI nfl iek qoN dUjy dyÈ ivc afvfjfeI dy sfDn ivkisq krn df
Xqn krngy. dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ivc dirafvfˆ `qy jldI pul bxngy. rUs afpxy rylvy isstm nUM cInI mfl dI afvfjfeI nUM suKflf bxfAux leI vrqygf aqy AuWqrI smuMdrI rsqy rfhIN smuMdrI jhfËfˆ dI afvfjfeI suKflI krn df Xqn vI krygf. ieh sfry kdm rUs dy XUrp nfloN afpxf vpfr aqy afriQk inrBrqf GtfAux aqy cIn dy afpxy ivkfs leI vD rhI AUrjf dI splfeI nUM surwiKaq krn dy Xqnfˆ dy pRqIk hn. Bfvyˆ ik ies dOry dI muwK pRfpqI vpfr aqy afriQk sihXog khI jf skdI hY pr rfjnIqk msilafˆ qy rUs aqy cIn dI lgBg pUrn sihmqI vI spwÈt dyKx nUM imlI. ÈI ijnipMg dy cIn df pRDfn bxn qoN bfad ieh puiqn df pihlf cIn df dOrf sI. ieh dOrf Aus vyly hoieaf jdoN ik ÈMGfeI ivc ‘eyÈIaf sikAuirtI simt` cl irhf sI, ijs ivc puiqn vI Èfiml hoey aqy 40 dyÈfˆ dy pRqIinD vI Èfiml hoey. cIn dy pRDfn ny eyÈIafeI dyÈfˆ nUM icqfvnI idwqI ik Auh iksy qIjI iDr nfl afpxy POjI sbMD vDfAux qoN guryË krn. AunHfˆ ikhf ik eyÈIaf Kyqr dy msly aqy smwisafvfˆ eyÈIafeI lokfˆ nUM afp hI hwl krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ ikhf ik iksy gYr eyÈIafeI qIjI
iDr nfl POjI sbMD vDfAuxy ies Kyqr nUM surwiKaq bxfAux ivc shfeI nhIN huMdf. AunHfˆ ikhf ik aMq ivc ieh msly eyÈIafeI lokfˆ nUM afp hI hwl krny pYxgy aqy eyÈIaf Kyqr nUM eyÈIafeI lok afp hI surwiKaq rwK skdy hn. Ëfhr hY ik ieh icqfvnI nf isrP jfpfn, iPlpfeInË qy vIaqnfm vrgy dyÈfˆ ijnHfˆ dy cIn nfl pUrbI aqy dwKxI cInI sfgrfˆ ivc srhwdI JgVy hn, nUM idwqI geI sgoN amrIkf nUM vI idwqI geI, jo ik cIn nUM mihsUs ho irhf hY ik ienHfˆ nUM cIn ivruwD BVkf irhf hY. amrIkf leI gYr-eyÈIafeI, bfhrlI aqy qIjI iDr vrgy Èbd vrq ky amrIkf dy ies Kyqr ivc dKLl aMdfËI dy hwk nUM vI cuxOqI idwqI geI hY. rUs aqy cIn eyÈIafeI dyÈfˆ, amrIkf qy smuwcy sMsfr nUM ieh sunyhf idMdy nËr afey ik hux Auh isrP dwKxI aqy pUrbI eyÈIaf ivc hI nhIN, sgoN sMsfr dy iksy vI ihwsy ivc pwCmI pRblqf aqy amrIkI cODr nUM cuxOqI dyx leI iqafr hn. ieh iek hfdsf nhIN sI ik jdoN pRDfn puiqn afpxf dOrf Kqm kr rhy sn qfˆ rUs aqy cIn ny surwiKaf kONsl ivc pwCmI dyÈfˆ (Prfˆs) vwloN pyÈ kIqy gey sIrIaf dy msly `qy vIto kIqf. ieh lgfqfr cOQI vfr hY ik rUs aqy cIn
ny surwiKaf kONsl ivc sIrIaf dy msly `qy vIto df iesqymfl kIqf hY. ieh gwl iksy qoN CupI nhIN ik sIrIaf ivc pwCmI dyÈfˆ vwloN pRDfn asfd df qKqf pltx leI jo iDrfˆ KVHIafˆ kIqIafˆ geIafˆ sn, AunHfˆ nUM bhuq burI qrHfˆ kuwt pY rhI hY. pwCmI dyÈ hux AWuQy iswDy dKl df bhfnf bxf rhy hn. Auh sIrIaf dy msly nUM ‘ieMtrnYÈnl kRImInl kort` ivc Byjxf cfhuMdy hn pr rUs aqy cIn dovfˆ ny ies `qy vIto kr idwqf. modI ny pRDfn mMqrI bxidafˆ hI sMkyq dyxy sLurU kr idwqy hn ik Auh Bfrq nUM amrIkf aqy pwCmI dyÈfˆ vwl Aulfr qoN pUrb qy Kfs krky rUs aqy cIn vwl ilafAuxf cfhuMdy hn. mYnUM lgdf hY ik kfPI smfˆ pihlfˆ kIqI myrI BivwKbfxI ik rUs, cIn aqy Bfrq df ivÈfl pUrbI gTjoV hoNd ivc afeygf, swc hox vflI hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
‘qumny qo imrËf gLfilb kI rUh ko iËMdf kr dIaf` ienHfˆ Èbdfˆ nfl pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU ny surweIaf dI bhupwKI pRiqBf dI ÈlfGf Aus vyly kIqI sI jdoN Auh iPlm ‘imrËf gLfilb` (1954) leI Aus nUM kOmI aYvfrz nfl snmfinq kr rhy sn. pM i zq nihrU surweIaf dI ieh iPlm dyK ky aqy gIq sux ky aYny pRBfivq hoey sn ik Aus dI qfrIP krnoN rih nf sky. drasl surweIaf ijwQy iewk vDIaf gfiekf sI, AuWQy AuWc kotI dI adfkfrf vI sI. 11 vrHy dI bflVI Aumr ivwc hI Aus ny aiBnY dI dunIafˆ ivwc pYr Dr ilaf sI aqy 13 virHafˆ dI Aumr ivwc Aus ny ihMdI isnymf dy QMmH ipRQvI rfj kpUr nfl prdy `qy dsqk idwqI. Bfvyˆ surweIaf nUM KLurÈId bfno aqy nUrjhfˆ vrgIafˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ ny sdf mukfblf idwqf pr Auhny imhnq aqy lgn sdkf ienHfˆ sQfpq aiBnyqrIafˆ aqy gfiekfvfˆ ivwc afpxI vwKrI hoNd bxfeI aqy 40-50 dy dhfky ivwc sPl adfkfrf vjoN AuWBrI.
îÔÅé ×ÅÇÂÕÅ Áå¶ ÁÇíé¶åðÆ Ã°ðµÂÆÁÅ
surweIaf musilm pirvfr nfl sbMD rwKdI sI aqy Aus df pUrf nfˆ ‘su r w e Iaf Ëmfl Èy K ` sI. Aus df jnm axvMzy pMjfb dy ‘guwjrfˆvflf` ivwc 15 jUn 1929 nUM hoieaf aqy bfad ivwc Aus df pirvfr lfhOr af vwisaf sI. Auh afpxy mfipafˆ dI iekwlI DI sI. surweIaf nUM bcpn ivwc Aus dI mfˆ milkf bygm bMbeI afpxy Brf ‘ËhUr` kol lY afeI. iewQy hI surweIaf df pflx-poÈx hoieaf aqy Aus ny ‘jy[ bI[ pytfiet hfeI skUl` qoN afpxI pVHfeI pUrI kIqI. Kfs gwl ieh hY ik surweIaf ny sM g Iq dI ko e I rsmI isw i Kaf hfsl nhIN sI kIqI aqy rwbI dyx sdkf hI Aus ny bulMdIafˆ sr kIqIafˆ. AuNJ qfˆ Auhny bfl aiBnyqrI vjoN iPlm ‘Ausny ikaf socf` (1937) ivwc CotI ijhI BUimkf adf kIqI sI pr ihMdI iPlmfˆ ivwc Aus dy dfKly df ikwsf bVf idlcsp hY. iewk vfr surweIaf afpxy mfmf ËhUr, jo cMgy adfkfr sn, nfl mohn stUzIE ivwc iPlm ‘qfj
1948), ‘murlI vfly murlI vjf` (idllgI-1949), ‘brbfd myrI dunIafˆ pl Br myˆ ho geI` (nIlI1950), ‘pRIq sqfey qyrI Xfd nf jfey qyrI` (lfl kuMvr-1952) ‘idly nfdfˆ quJy hUaf ikaf hY` (imrËf gLfilb-1953) aqy ‘msq afKoN myˆ Èrfrq kBI aYsI qo nf QI` (Èmf prvfnf-1961) afid awj ihMdI iPlmI sMgIq dI gwl krIey vI sfzI jubfn `qy hn. qfˆ su r w e Iaf ny sB qo N pihlfˆ surweIaf aqy adfkfr dyv afnMd sMgIqkfr nOÈfd dy inrdyÈn ivwc df ipafr vI crcf ivwc irhf. ieh iPlm ‘neI dunIafˆ` (1942) leI dovyˆ ivafh krfAuxf cfhuMdy sn gfieaf. ies iPlm ivwc surweIaf pr surweIaf dy pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ ny ‘bUt krUM mYˆ pfilÈ bfbU` gIq ny ienHfˆ df ivafh nf hox idwqf. gfieaf. ies qoN bfad Auh ‘styÈn surweIaf ny vI afpxy pirvfr dy mfstr`, ‘Èfrdf` (1942), ies PYsly df ivroD kridafˆ kdy ‘kfnUMn`, ‘sMjog` (1943) afid ivafh nf krvfieaf. drasl iPlmfˆ leI ipwTvrqI gfiekf vjoN surweIaf, dyv afnMd qoN ivwCVn afvfË idMdI rhI. df sdmf brdfÈq nf kr skI su r w e Iaf dy Xfdgfr ngimafˆ aqy ies df iswDf asr Aus dy dI gwl krIey qfˆ ‘mn lyqf hY iPlmI krIar `qy ipaf. Au h aMgVfeI` (anmol GVI-1946), iËafdqr bImfr rihx lwgI aqy ‘E dUr jfny vfly`, ‘pIpl kI Aus dy iPlmI krIar ivwc KVoq Cfˆ v my ˆ TM Z I hvfAu N my ˆ ` (zfk afAu x lw g I. 1963 ivw c bxI bMglf-1947), ‘qyry nYnoN ny ‘ru s qm so h rfb` su r w e Iaf dI co r I kIaf` (ipafr kI jIq- aMiqm iPlm sI. ies qoN bfad mihl` (1941) dI sUitMg dyKx geI. ies iPlm dy inrdyÈk nfnU BfeI vkIl nUM surweIaf aYnI psMd afeI ik AunHfˆ ny Aus nUM ies iPlm ivw c ‘mu m qfË` dy ikrdfr dI bcpn dI BUimkf adf krn leI cux ilaf. ies qrHfˆ bflVI Aumr ivwc hI surweIaf ihMdI isnymf dy ipV ivwc af vVI sI.
Aus ny iPlm ieMzstrI qoN sMinafs lY ilaf. surweIaf ny 68 iPlmfˆ ivwc lgpg 300 dy krIb gIqfˆ nUM afpxI afvfË idwqI. ies ivwc koeI aqkQnI nhIN ik smyˆ dy QpyiVafˆ ny surweIaf dI kfblIaq `qy pRiqbMD lfieaf pr Pyr vI Auh afAux vflIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ aqy gfiekfvfˆ leI afdrÈ sfbq hoeI. 31 jnvrI 2004 nUM surweIaf ies sMsfr nUM alivdf kih geI.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Premier unveils made-in-B.C. accessibility strategy
remier Christy Clark has unveiled Accessibility 2024, a 10-year plan that responds to the voices of thousands of British Columbians who took part in a three-month long public consultation on making B.C. the most progressive place in Canada for people with disabilities.
including separating disability assistance from income assistance to recognize the requirement for longer-term financial support.
“This is more than a plan,” said Premier Clark. “It’s a shared commitment between government, businesses and communities to make our province a place where disabilities are no barrier to living full lives, contributing to communities, and where no British Columbian is ever told their goals and dreams aren’t realistic because of their disability.”
Improving supports leading to increased employment opportunities:
Today’s announcement, held at a summit in Vancouver, follows an extensive provincewide consultation led by government, alongside leaders in the business and disability communities.
Up to $1 million annually for research and innovation projects aimed at improving employment outcomes.
$3 million annually for assistive technologies that support employment goals. $1.5 million for an innovative public post-secondary training pilot in trades, technical or high labour-demand programs.
$2 million in one-time funding provided for the University of Victoria’s To move the accessibility plan forward, CanAssist program to develop new Boundary-Similkameen MLA Linda devices and technologies that help Larson has been appointed as parliaenhance independence. mentary secretary for accessibility to the Minister of Social Development “We believe business and employers and Social Innovation. Larson will play a very important role in breaking work closely with the business and down barriers and opening up oppordisability communities and a new BC tunities for increased diversity in the Accessibility Secretariat to open in workplace,” said Tamara Vrooman, the fall. CEO of Vancity and co-chair of the “We knew from the outset we could not Presidents Group. “We need to work do this alone, and now we have a shared together to create meaningful opporvision to improve the lives of nearly tunities for people with disabilities so 550,000 people in B.C. living with a they can contribute to the workforce disability, many of whom offered ideas and help build strong, healthy comthat have helped us shape the plan and munities.” drive policies of the future,” said Don “We all place value on accessibility and McRae, Minister of Social Develop- employment opportunities in terms of ment and Social Innovation. supporting increased well-being for Accessibility 2024 is designed around people with disabilities in B.C.,” said 12 building blocks – ranging from em- Carla Qualtrough, lawyer, two-time ployment to accessible service delivery Paralympian and chair of the Min– which reflect themes that emerged ister’s Council on Employment and from the public consultation. Proposed Accessibility. “This is something to be outcomes, measures and early actions supported and respected as we build are outlined under each building block. towards a more accessible B.C.” Other actions government is undertak- To view Accessibility 2024 or the Disability Consultation Report: Moving ing now include: Together Toward an Accessible B.C., Consultation on options for a made- visit: in-B.C. approach to accessibility legislation. downloads/Accessibility_Summit.pdf Committing to address income-assistance issues raised in the disability View a list of cross-government servicconsultation through policy reforms, es for people with disabilities in B.C.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Minister of Agriculture’s statement on B.C. cherry exports to China B.C. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick has issued the following statement while touring China with Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz as part of a federally led trade mission with industry and government leaders from B.C. and across Canada: “I`m pleased to report that just a few days into our mission we’re already seeing results.
blueberries, as well as working to expand the markets for B.C. pork, wine, seafood and other products. “I’d also like to congratulate the governments of Canada and China on the ongoing progress made on this trade mission towards fresh B.C. blueberries being approved for sale in the Chinese market. B.C. growers could be looking at up to $65 million worth of exports a year once the agreement is fully implemented.
“An agreement was signed between the Governments of Canada and China that will lead to full, unimpeded access for fresh B.C. cherries into China. As a result B.C. cherry growers stand to generate millions “The deals we’re making on this of dollars a year in new revenue. trade mission could easily result “The B.C. government has worked in an increase in B.C. agrifood exclosely with cherry growers, the ports of about $100 million within federal government and Chinese im- a few years. The opportunities in porters to reach this agreement. We China are huge. We’ve set record look forward to building on this mo- agrifood exports to China in each mentum and playing the same role of the last four years, and we want in helping gain access for fresh B.C. that to grow.”
fter Conservatives approved Enbridge Northern Gateway today, New Democrats committed to helping British Columbians fight the Northern Gateway pipeline, and to protect BC’s communities and environment. “Today’s decision sets a dangerous precedent for resource development in this country,” said NDP Leader Tom Mulcair. “Conservatives are telling Canadians that they will not be heard. Projects like Northern Gateway can happen anywhere, without consideration for First Nations rights, the environment, the risks or the will of the people. This decision is wrong for BC and for Canada. Allowing supertankers into the Douglas Channel would be madness and a spill would be catastrophic for the economy of the entire region. In 2015, an NDP government would set aside the approval of this project.”
opposing Northern Gateway. For the 130 First Nations that oppose this project, the Conservatives’ decision is another slap in the face. After Conservatives gutted the environmental review process, New Democrats have been pushing for a proper assessment process that listens to Canadians and considers the full environmental, social, and economic impacts of projects. The way the Conservatives have mismanaged this process undermines public confidence in future development projects.
“Today, all 21 Conservative MPs in BC showed that they serve the Prime Minister, not their constituents,” said NDP MP Nathan Cullen (SkeenaBulkley Valley). “Unlike the Conservatives, my colleagues and I have taken the time to listen to First Nations and people from all parts of BC, and they know they can count on New Democrats to defend First Nations rights and From the beginning, New Democrats title, our coast, our jobs, and our envihave stood with British Columbians, ronment. This fight is far from over.”
Punjabi Patrika
qy muV awj qfeIN nf nMdI ny afpxy mfipaF nUM Bfilaf nf AuhnF eI kdy eys ipMz vwl mUMh kIqf. nMdI nUM ieh sB XfdF ijvyN ivwsr geIaF sn, pr vwzy vwzy PwtF dy insLfnF vFg ajy vI ienHF dy insLfn sfP idsdy sn Auhdy pyikaF-vfhrI ho sdkf eI AuhdIaF cfry DIaF cMgy GrIN nhIN sI ivafhIaF geIaF. iqM n F dy qF sfk EQy krny pey sn ijwQy muMzy keI virHaF dy urky hoey sn. nMdI jgsIr dy ipAu awgy ipwt ky kih rhI sI ik jdoN DIaF aijhy nrk ivwc eI sutxIaF qF muwl ikAuN nf ilaf jfey. jdoN lok mUMh awz ky afp mMg lYNdy sn AudoN AuhnF df Drm qy nMdI
Friday, June 20th, 2014
dy pyikaF vfhrI hox dI gwl ikwDr jFdI sI? jdoN lokF df koeI Drm nhIN qF asIN eI koeI iehdf Tykf ilaf? pr Auh kdy nf mMinaf. Auh sgoN awgoN afpxf Drm-igafn Gotx lwg pYNdf, “ijs dunIaF mgr lwg ky Drm Cwz idwqf Auh koeI bMdf?” “cMdiraf, jy qUM hI myrI gwl mMn lYNdf qF hux nUM suK nfl ivhVy nUM Bfg nf lwgy huMdy.” nM d I ny ipaF-ipaF ijvy N jgsIr dy ipAu nUM sMboDn kridaF afiKaf: “iksy poqy qoN isVHI nUM hwQ luaf ky qurdf qF gq ho jFdI. hux ipaf nrkF dI awg `c sVdf hovyNgf. dws qyrf Drm qYnMU kI qfrU?” pr ‘nrk’ sLbd df cyqf krky EhnUM jfipaf ijvyN Auhny jgsIr dy ipAu df iqRskfr kIqf sI. ieh iKafl afAuNidaF eI Auhdy ichry dIaF sfrIaF JurVIaF ivwc cIsF pYx lwg peIaF qy asmfn AuhnUM awg vrgf idw s x lw g ipaf. aijhy
iKaflF qoN hux AuhnUM zr afAux lwg ipaf sI. Aus pfsf priqaf qy cuMnI nfl mUMh Zk ky cuwp kr geI. afQxy jdoN jgsIr Gr afieaf qF nMdI ajy vI mMjI AuWqy peI sI. “kI gwl aY byby, awj brq rwKx dI slfh aY? jgsIr ny TMZy hfry vwl ingfh mfr ky afiKaf. “jdoN byby isivaF `c jFdI rhI EdoN brq rwK rwK vI bQyr zwk-lIN, iksy ny nI qyry mUhry Qfl pros Drny.” nMdI ny moVvF jvfb idwqf. qurq qF jgsIr nMU mwlomwlI hfsI af geI, pr nfl dI nfl Au h df icw q BY V f pY igaf. nMdI dIaF afQx Augx dIaF aijhIaF gwlF qoN AuhnUM hux akyvF hox lw g ipaf sI. idno N idn nM d I df ieh su L d f vDdf jFdf sI. ijMnf icr jgsIr Gr rihMdf, afnI-bhfnI Auh ivMgy tyZy ZMg nfl ieho
gwl CyVI rwKdI. eysy krky jgsIr keI vfrI sfrfsfrf idn qy kdy kdy rfq vI Gr nhIN sI afAuNdf. pr nfl eI nMdI dI aijhI qrsXog hflq vI AuhqoN nhIN sI jrI jFdI. jdoN vI Auh kuJ kuvylf kr afAuNdf nMdI AuhnUM muV muV puwCdI ik Auh ikwQy igaf sI? eys puwC-puCfeI qoN vI jgsIr nUM bVf akyvF huMdf. aKIr Au h so c df, “pqf nhI hor iek do vrHy iehny ijAuxf ik nhIN hux kfhdy ipwCy iehnUM duKI krnf.” vfh lgdI Auh nMdI dIaF sfrIaF gwlF sux ky hfsy ivwc tfl idMdf. nMdI nUM pUrf Brosf sI ik Auhdf jgsIr kpuwq nhIN. “qVky mYN afpxy Kyq hl joVnf.” jgsIr ny nMdI df iDafn eyDroN htfAux leI ikhf. afpxy Kyq df nF sux ky ibMd ku qF nMdI cuwp krky peI rhI, pr Pyr afp eI AuWT ky zMgorI cuwkidaF Aus mlvIN jIB nfl ikhf: “BlI hoeI”
kIqf sI ik iehnUM Kol ky vyKy ik nMdI ny eys ivwc kU lukfieaf hoieaf sI. Pyr afpy eI AuhnUM nMdI dI Auh gwl cyqy af jFdI jo keI vrHy hoey Auhny aYvyN hfVHI dI ibjfeI vyly sMdUk KolidaF afKI sI. jdoN jgsIr Auhdy sMdUk KoldI dy kol jf KVoqf qF Auhny ikhf sI: “myry mrI ipwCoN kusL krIN, pr myry ijAuNidaF ijAuNidaF “mYN afvF byby jy ijMdrf nhIN eys sMdUk nUM hwQ nf leIN.” KulHdf qF?” jgsIr ny hfsy qy Auh idn hwd jgsIr kdy vjoN bfhroN eI afiKaf. eys sMdUk dy nyVy nhIN sI pr nMdI cuwp krky kUMjI nUM igaf. ijMdrI ivwc BuafAuNdI rhI. pl ku uipwCoN nMdI hwQ ivwc jgsIr nUM pqf sI hr hfVHI iek cFdI df rupeIaf sOxI, sfl ivwc do vfrI Auh lY ky bfhr af geI, qy ey s ijM d rI nU M Ko l H d I sI jgsIr nUM PVfAuNidaF qy Aus jgsIr nUM vI kdy bolI: “lY aiTafnI dy cOl eys sMdUk dy nyVy nhIN sI qy aiTafnI dI sLw kr lY afAux idwqf. BfvyN jgsIr af. mgr hux do eI rihnUM pqf sI ik sMdUk ivwc gy . sO x I qfeIN qF mrdI ibnF cfr purfxy kwpiVaF nhIN EdUM ipwCoN iek bcUgf qy iewk do cFdI dIaF tUmF Auhdf myry qy Kwpx pf-dIN.” qoN hor kuJ vI nhIN sI pr “qYnUM mYN iek rupeIey vflf qd vI Auhdf jIa keI vfr Kw P x pf ky qo r U M by b y ? ” ieh idn nMdI keI vrHy-idnF dy idn vrgf huMdf qy hux qwk Auh eys idn nUM iewk iqhfr vFg mnFdI afeI sI. eysy krky Auh cuwp cupIqI AuWT ky koTVI aMdr clI geI qy afpxy lwkV dy purfxy sMdUk kol jf KVoqI. afly ivwc pey iCwkU ivwcoN Aus toh-tfh ky kUMjI lwBI qy jMgfl dI KfDI ijMdrI Kolx lwg peI.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
jgsIr ny muskrf ky ikhf. “qUM vyKIN qF seI qyry qy dusfly pf ky qyrf aYsf bmfn kwZMU beI dunIaF peI dyKy.” “lY pfeIN cfhy nf pfeIN , dusfilaF nfl ikhVf gq ho-jU.” nMdI df ruK Pyr Aus pfsy hoieaf vyK ky Auh AuWT KVoqf qy rupeIaf PV ky hwtI vwl qur igaf. jgsIr jdoN svyry AuWiTaf EdoN ajy kuwkV ny pihlI bFg eI idwqI sI. hnyry pwK dI
nOvIN df cMn ajy huxy ciVHaf sI. jgsIr ny nMdI nUM afvfjL mfrI. Auh jfgdI eI peI sI. jgsIr bwkrI cox lwg ipaf qy nMdI ny cfh Dr idwqI. cfh pI ky jgsIr kfhl nfl Drm isMG dy GroN bld lYx qur ipaf. AuWQy awpV ky Auhny vyiKaf ik afpxy nym anusfr, Drm isMG ny jgsIr dy jfx qoN pihlF eI, bldF nUM pwTy pf idwqy sn. “pwTy cr-ly, bfeI, bldF ny?” jgsIr ny jFidaF eI puwiCaf.
“hF Kfsy icr dy pfey aY.” Drm isMG ny KurlI ivwc hwQ mfridaF ikhf qy bldF nUM QfpI dy ky boilaf, “hux qF kwuKF kwZI KVoqy aY lY jf.” jgsIr ny sdf vFg Drm isMG dy pYrF nUM hwQ lfey qy Drm isMG ny asIsF idwqIaF, “qyrI jVH pfqfl lwgy. idh nroeI rhy, dUxF cOxf hovyN.” jgsIr bldF ipwCy hl pf ky qur ipaf. quiraF jFidaF kdy AuhnUM Drm isMG dy vwzy puwqr BMqy dy Krvy suBf df
iKafl afAuNdf qy kdy Drm isMG dy hux qwk inBfey Drm df. Drm isMG jo ipCly qIhF virHaF qoN, jd qoN jgsIr kMm jogf hoieaf sI, sfl ivwc do idn jdoN jgsIr ikaF ny ‘afpxf Kyq’ vfhux jfxf hu M d f qVky Au W T ky bldF nUM afp pwTy pfAuNdf sI. pr BMqf vI eysy Drm isM G df pu w q r sI jIhny rfq jgsIr nUM bldF qoN vI juafb dy idwqf sI-qy Auhdf qF juafb vI ikwzf Krvf sI, ijvyN bMdy nUM Kfxf huMdf.
“aYzI CyqI kI qUM jMn cVHnYN, cfr idn Tihr ky vfh lIN . mo T ajy kw Z x vfly pey aY iehnUM afvdI lwgI peI aY-ipMz AujiVaf jfey kmlI nUM Jftf Kohx dI.” Auhdy kOVy bolF nfl jgsIr df icwq BYVf pY igaf sI. pr BMqy muV kuJ afKx qoN pihlF Drm isMG ny jgsIr nUM kih idwqf sI ik Auh qVky bld lY jfey. BfvyN BMqf idnoN idn bhuqf afkI huMdf jFdf sI, pr Drm isM G df dbfa ajy vI mMndf sI. ijAuN ijAuN
Drm isMG dI Aumr vzyrI huMdI jFdI sI Auh BfvyN Gr dIaF ijMmyvfrIaF BMqy dy isr pfAuNdf jFdf sI, pr nfl eI jdoN AuhdIaF aijhIaF inwkIaF inwkIaF gwlF vwl iDafn krdf sI qF icwq duKI ho AuWTdf, sI. smyN nfl cwlx dI AuhdI isafxp ny, hux qwk Gr ivwc koeI AulJx qF pYdf nhIN sI hox idwqI, pr AuNJ AuhnUM pqf sI ik aijhIaF AulJxF df mwuZ bwJ cuwikaf sI. (cldf)
qrksIl suswietI dI slwnw cox 28 jUn nMU qrkSIL siBAwcwrk suswietI Aw& kYnyfw rij: cox imqI 28 jUn idn, SnIvwr, Swm 5 vjy poRgrYisv klcrl sYNtr #126, 7536130 strIt srHI ivKy krvweI jw rhI hY[aus idn purwxI mYNbriS`p nivAweI jwvygI ‘qy nvIN mYNbriS`p vI BrI jwvygI[ nvIN mYNbriS`p Brn leI suswietI dy sMivDwn Aqy pRx p`qr nwl sihmqI jrUrI hY[mYNbriS`p PIs pRqI mYNbr vIh fwlr hY[ ipCly swl dIAW srgrmIAW dI slwnw irport Aqy ihswb ikqwb vI mYNbrW swhmxy pyS kIqw jwvygw[suswietI dI nwtk tIm leI klwkwrW dI vI jrUrq hY[ nojvwn muMfy kuVIAW nUM hwridk s`dw id`qw jWdw hY ik auh vI suswietI dw ih`sw bxky qrkSIl lihr nUM mzbUq krn leI Awpxw smwijk &rz jrUr Adw krn[vDyry jwxkwrI gurmyl ig`l sk`qr 778-708-5785 jW bweI Avqwr 604-7287011 nwl sMprk kro[
gurmyl bdySw 21 jUn nMU sroiqAW dy rUbrU hoxgy pMjwbI AwrsI rweItrz kl`b ieMtr. srI kYnyfw dy ivSyS s`dy ‘qy mzwhIAw ^qW nwL swihqk hlikAW ivc AwpxI v`KrI pCwx bxw lYx vwLy nOjvwn lyKk gurmyl bdySw 21 jUn, 2014 idn SnIvwr, bwAd dupihr 1 qoN Swm 4 vjy qk stUfIE sYvn dy hwl ( su`KI bwT motrz 15437 &ryzr hweIvyA Aqy 88 AYvynIaU srI dy kwrnr ‘qy ) ivKy swihq pRymIAW dy rUbrU hoxgy[ ies smwgm ivc auh Awpxy mu`Fly jIvn, Akwdimk Aqy swihqk pRwpqIAW bwry sWJ pwaux Aqy Awpxy mzwhIAw ^qW nwL iF`fIN pIVW pvwaux dy nwL-nwL hwizr mihmwnW dy svwlW dy jvwb vI dyxgy[sB nUM ies smwgm ivc phuMcx dw Ku`lHw s`dw hY[ies mOky ‘qy cwh Aqy ir&rYSmYNts dw pRbMD hovygw[ hor jwxkwrI leI jsbIr mwhl – 604-727-3540, qndIp qmMnw 604-7218843, divMdr pUnIAw – 604-768-7283 Aqy 604-832-9040 qy gurmyl bdySw nUM kwl kr skdy ho[ PAGE 25
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ivs`KI Eqy K`lsy dy jnm idn dI l@K l@K vD`eI hovy
af¤kf rfhf FrdCtrYPq ¤dpP¡fqAd DtDprBPq 2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[
susfietI smuWcI kimAUintI nfl jfxkfrI sFJI kridaF bhuq sMqusLtI mihsUs kr rhI hY ik afpxI kimAUintI df iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy 17 nvMbr, 2013 qoN cflU ho cuWikaf hY. srivs buWk krfAux vfsqy qusIN iPAUnrl hom nfl 24 GMty sWqy idn 604-746-3040 qy sMprk kr skdy ho.
d`nI s@j dy n`m ieh AuhnF pRIvfrF dy nfm hn ijnHF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ies ivwc lfeIP mYNbrisLp jF pRI-nIz kntrYkt vfsqy idwqI geI rkm sLfml nhIN. Khalsa Credit Union Wadhawan Family
$250,000 $100,000
Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford
Buttar Gurdeep S & Parmjit K
Gill Nachhatar S (Nash)
Sidhu Jatinder Singh (Jati)
Raiwal Balbir Singh Sivia Nirmal Singh Sidhu Hardev Singh Ranjit Singh Hardip Singh Kehlar Bruce & Georgina Gill Sukhi (Mid Valley and Charlesworth Insurance) Binning Jasvir Singh
$25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Baldev, Harnek, Sukhdev & Ajmer Singh Seikhon $21,000 Bhogal Family (Aldergrove & Mission) $15,000 Mission Gur Sikh Society $13,000 Gian`s Sweet Shop & Jagraon Enterprises $12,000 Sharma Darshan Kumar $11,000 Khangura Balbir S (Khangura Engineering) $11,000 Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib $11,000 Greenland Growers Nursery (Dhami) $10,100 Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami $10,100 Dhillon Harbans Singh $10,100 Saini Gurbax Singh s/o Kartar Singh $10,013 Brar Bant Singh $10,000 Abby Pharmacy $10,000 Toor Garry & Bam Sidhu $10,000 Thandi Sucha S $10,000 Thandi Gurdev S. & Sons $10,000 Sidhu Kinder & Associates $10,000 Sidhu Chamkaur S(Alamwala) $10,000 Sangha Norm S. $10,000 Sandhu Sachiar Kaur $10,000 Randhawa Harbhajan S s/o Bhan Singh $10,000
Minhas Satpal S (Satkul Development)$10,000 Manku Jasbir S $10,000 Kooner Nachhattar S (Surrey) $10,000 Heer Manmohan Singh $10,000 Gill Mohinder S & Gurdev S $10,000 Gill Baljinder S (Fraser Cedar) $10,000 Dhillon Malkiat Singh $10,000 Dhaliwal Shamsher $10,000 Brar Davinder Singh & Amarjit Singh $10,000 Banwait Jasbir Singh $10,000 Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000 Tiwana Garry Dhaliwal Baljit Singh Parhar Onkar Singh (Jashin Enterprises) Dr. Rajinder S. Bhatti Dr. Sukhdev S. Gill Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) Brar Gurnaik S Bhullar Baljeet S (Ramgarh) Romana Gurpiar S Purewal Kamalprit S Minhas Manjit Singh Mann Baljinder S Lally Tarlochan Singh (Dunamis Farms) Kular Harmel S Westberry Farms Waqat Enterises Varing Garry Toor Sadhu Singh Tiwana Parminder Singh Thind Parmjit S. Thind Hardial Singh (High Class Homes) Swaich Ekbal Singh Sood Romesh Sohi Manjit Singh Sivia Agarvir Singh Singh Satpal Singh Jiwan (Moga) Sidhu Terry (Notary Public) Sidhu Surjit K (RPR Farms) Sidhu Kulwinder S Sidhu Harbhajan K Sidhu Gogi Singh (Kanaka Creek)
$7,151 $7,111 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $5,250 $5,200 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Sidhu Dalip S. Giani Sidhu Andy & Pritam (Punjabi Patrika) Sekhon Sikander S & Jasvir S Saran Mehar S Sanghera Makhan Singh Sangha Sukhdev S Sandhu Surjit S (SD Farms) Sandhu Sukhwinder S Sandhu Ajit Singh Randhawa Rattan S (G & R Growers) Randhawa Ranjit S Phangura Tarsem S Oberoi Bhupinder Singh Neger Balwant S Neger Bhajan K Narang Gurmail Singh Narang Gurbux Singh Nanuwa Santokh S Maskeen Development Ltd. (Surrey) Marshal Pharmacy Mann Palwinder (Superstar Roofing) Mander Jeet (Sarbjeet), Balbir S Malhi Shaminder Singh Mahil Tarvain S Mahil Darshan S Lickman Food & Fuel Limited Lanji Dildar Singh Kular Harminder Kaur Kooner Kewal Singh Kooner Balraj S Khattar Ajit S Khaira Bakhshish S Judge Param Singh J’s Pizza (SFW) Heer Jarnail Singh Hayer Harbhajan S Hayer Gurmit S Harbor Trucking Grewal Surinderpal S Grewal Rajvir Singh Aldergrove Grewal Rajinder Singh Grewal Harbans Singh Grewal Davinderpal S Gladwin Pharmacy Gill Swaran S (Dhudike) Gill Surinder S. (Dhudike) Gill Satvir Singh (Sat) Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) Gill Pritam S (Karyal)
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Gill Nazar Singh Gill Nashattar S Gill Mukhtiar Singh (Aldergrove) Gill Makhan & Jaswinder Gill Jaswinder (Jas) Singh (Electrician) Gill Jarnail S. Gill Baldev S Gill Balbir Singh (Librarian) Gill Moe & Jagdish K Gill Gursewak Singh Garden Grove Nursary Aldergrove Garcha Sukhdev Singh G Mann Trucking Fraser Valley Hindu Society Dr. Shavinder S. Gill Dr. Ron Brar Dr. Manjinder S.Saini Dr. Harjit S. Lail Dr. Gagan Grover Dr. Alok Sood Dr P. K. Sidhu & Jesse Sidhu Dhillon Jagdish K Dhillon Baaga S. Dhesi Malkiat Singh & Daljit Singh Dhami Narang & Co. Dhaliwal Gurmeet Singh Mission Deol Harinder Singh Country Lumber Chohan Zora S. Cheema Manjit S ( York Home Design) Cheema Kaviraj S Cedar Park Pharmacy Butter Farms Brar Shabnam Singh Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh Brar Gurnaib Singh Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Enterprise) Braich Sher S. & Surinder K Blueridge Pharmacy Bhattal Zora S. Bhatti Opinder S Bathe Raj Bangar Raghbir Singh Bandesha Hari Bains Patvinder Singh Bains Baljinder Singh Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) Atwal Balraj S
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Gwto-Gwt 5000 zflr dfn dy ky qusIN ies susfietI dy sQfeI mYNbr bx skdy ho. ieh mYNbrisLp pIVHI dr pIVHI clygI| ienHF pRIvfrF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ieh nfm hmysLf vfsqy kMD AuWpr dfnIaF dI Xfd duafAuNdy rihxgy. nfm Aukrx dI afKrI qrIk 30 sqMbr, 2014 qWk vDf idWqI geI hY. ies qoN bfad vfly dfnIaF dy nfm ies kMD Aupr nhIN ikqy hor ilKy jfxgy. nfm Aukrn dIaF iqMn sLRYxIaF hn.
1[ 5000[00 qoN AuWpr
2[ 10,000[00 qoN AuWpr
3[ 25,000[00 qoN AuWpr
jldI qoN jldI dfn dy ky susfietI dy mYNbr bxo. dfn idWqI geI rkm dI tYks dI rsId vI idWqI jfvygI.
hor jfxkfrI leI iPAUnrl hom df Pon nMbr: 604[746[3040
Ô¯ð ÜÅäÕÅðÆ ñÂÆ ÁÅê Ô¶á ÇñÖ¶ ë¯é» Óå¶ Ã¹ÃÅÇÂàÆ ç¶ ì¯ðâ ÁÅø âÅÇÂðËÕàð÷ éÅñ ÿêðÕ Õð ÃÕç¶ Ô¯Í êÅñ òèÅòé (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD ×°ðéËì ÇÃ³Ø ìðÅó (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH ìñÇܳçð ÇÃ³Ø ì˺à (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE ÃéÆ ×ð¶òÅñ (Sonny Grewal) F@D-EAB-CDE@ ×°ðîÆå ÇÃ³Ø èÅñÆòÅñ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø Ã¯ÔÆ (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@ îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø ÇîéÔÅà (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB çðôé Õ°îÅð ôðîÅ (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@A iji(Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) Eqyqii(Nash Gill)
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
ÇÃÇÖÁÅ î§åðÆ çÅ åÅ÷Å ÇìÁÅé 16 jUn nUM svyry svyry tIcrF nfl cldy ryVky bfry ikhf ik mYN ies gwl dI kdr krdf hF ik mfpy, ividafrQI aqy aiDafpk afs krdy sn ik cwl irhf ryVkf 16 jUn dI svyr qwk Kqm ho jfvygf| smJOqf krfAux ivc sLfml tImF ny JgVy dy hwl leI awzI cotI df jLor lfieaf ; pbilk sYktr aY N p lfierjL aY s o s Iey s L n vw l o N ryVky dy hwl leI mhwqvpUrn, vfrf KFdy aqy rcnfqmk pRsqfv pysL kIqy qF jo ividafrQI skUlF ivc vfps jf skx aqy afpxy bwicaF bfry icMqfmukq ho skx | ies pysLksL ivc qnKfhF ivc
vfjb vfDy dI pysLksL aqy klfsF dI bxqr sbMDI lckdfr pysLksL sLfml sI| sfzf insLfnf ajy vI ieh hY ik jUn 30 qwk smJOqf nypry cVH sky aqy pVHfeI ivc ipaf ivGn bIqy dI Gtnf bx ky rih jfvy| mYnUM XkIn hY ik sfrIaF iDrF grm ruwq ivc ies Brosy nfl dfKl hoxf cfhuMdIaF hn ik sfzI isiKaf pRxflI icr-jIxI siQrqf dy rfh pY sky| vrxnXog hY ik mMqrI sfihb ny ikhf pysLksLF df vyrvf dyx qoN sMkoc kridaF kyvl ieMnf ikhf ik ieh vyrvy Auicq smyN nsLr kIqyjfxgy|
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sUcnf puls sLkfieq kimsLnr nUM ByjI| 23 meI nUM QFdI nUM muawql kIqf igaf| mYkzfnlz ny ikhf ik aYbtsPorz puls borz nUM QWFdI dI muawqlI dI njLrsfnI krn ieh pqf krn leI ikhf jfvy g f ik kI Au s nU M qnKfh imldI rihxI cfhIdI hY ik nhIN| AuMnHF dwisaf ik puls aYkt ivc ivvsQf hY ik aprfDk dosLF dI jFc dy nqIjy nUM pfsy rKidaF dosLI aPsr nUM nOkrIEN kwiZaf jf skdf hY jF Aus df ahudf Gtfieaf jf skdf hY|
ÁÇèÁÅêÕź çÆÁź î§×ź ìÅð¶ Õ¯ÂÆ Ôëå¶ ç¶ Á§åñ¶ Ççéƺ òÆ ëËÃñÅ éÅ Ô¯ ÃÇÕÁÅ bI sI tIcrjL XUnIan dy pRDfn ijMm afiekr ny srkfrI smJOqfkfrIaF dI qwKI aflocnf kridaF ikhf ik ivcoilaF ny donF iDrF dI afKrI imlxI ivc afKrI mOkf vI aMjfeIN gvf idwqf ikAuNik AunHF ny tybl ‘qy kuJ vI nvF nf rwiKaf | AunHF kol qnKfhF dI pihlI pysLksL qoN ielfvf hor kuJ vI nvF nhIN sI | sgoN hux qF AunHF ny 7[25% vfDy dI QF 7;00% dI hfsohIxI pysLksL kIqI| imlx vflIaF suivDfvF ivc vI kmI
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ieh muihMm sLurU kIqI jfvygy aqy bI sI srkfr vwloN Aukq pRojYkt dy ivroD ivc kIqf aYlfn muV duhrfieaf jfvygf | AunHF ikhf ik ies pRojYkt dy awgy vDx leI bI sI srkfr vwloN 60 primt idwqy jfxy jLrUrI hn| ies krky jy srkfr swc muwc ies pRojYkt dy ivruwD hY qF Auh ies nUM lMmy smyN leI rok skx dy smrwQ hY| aijhI rfiesLumfrI krvfAux leI sUby dy 85 cox hlikaF ivcoN hr hlky dy 10% rijstrz votrF dI hmfieq jutfAuxI pYNdI hY| ieh hmfieq pRfpq hox qy ivDfn sBf ivc vI ibwl pysL kIqf jf skdf hY jF pbilk voitMg krvfeI jf skdI hY|
òËéÕ±òð ÃÕ±ñ ì¯ðâ òµñ¯º àzźÃÜ˺âð éÆåÆ êzòÅé
ipCly idnIN vYnkUvr skUl borz vwloN ivvfd gRsq tRFsjYNzr nIqI pRvfn kr leI geI| borz dy ky v l do tR w s tI hI ies nIqI Dfrn krn dy Ault Bugqy| ies bfry hoeI crcf hox vyly ies nIqI dy hmfieqI aqy ivro D I sroiqaF dI vwzI igxqI hfjLr sI| ies krky nIqI dI pRvfngI smyN kfPI rOlLf rwpf ipaf| ies nIqI aDIn ividafrQIaF nUM KulH hovygI ik afpxy afp nUM ikhVf ilMgI nfm dyxf cfhuMdy hn| iewQoN qw k ik tR F sjY N z r ividafrQI afpxI mrjLI df vfsLrUm vrq aOnlfeIn kIqI sI| puls ny Aus skxgy | vY n kU v r skU l bo r z vwloN suxfeI khfxI dy afDfr ‘qy dy muKI pwtI bwcus df kihxf hY Bfl arMB kIqI aqy GMty ku ivc ik ies mqy dI slfh-msLvry cfr jfixaF nUM sxy kqUiraF iek vhIkl ivco N kfbU kr ilaf| kqUry mflk nUM vfps kr idwqy gey | 14, 16, aqy 18 sfl dy do gBrU cor hux sMnH lf ky corI krn dy dosLF df sfhmxf krngy| globl mfrikt dy ivsQfr nfl mukfblybfjLI vwD geI hY| bI sI dy kfrobfrF nUM mukfblybfjLI df cxOqIaF df sfhmxf hY | ieMnHF cxOPqIaF ‘qy ivcfr krn leI bI sI Br ivc mukfblybfjLI dy PormF kIqI geI | klfsF dy afkfr aqy df afXojn kIqf jf irhf hY | 18 bxqr bfry vI srkfr df pNYqVf jUn nUM ho rhy vYnkUvr ivcly Porm aVIal hI sI ijs bfry srkfr ivc sYrspfty aqy lGU kfrobrF nUM adflqI PYsly dI koeI prvfh dy mMqrI nfAumI Xfmfmoto muwK nhIN| srkfr qF klfsF dy sfeIjL mihmfn hoxgy| AuMnHF dy nfl nfl bfry suprIm kjort ivc kIqI bI sI cYNbr aOP kfmRs dy pRDfn apIl ijwq jfx dI hflq ivc jOn ivMtr, pRozkitvtI aYlbrtf klfsF bfry hux hox vfly smJOqy dy sI eI E lorI isLimz aqy jI nUM rwd krn dI KWulH mfnx dI gwl & aYP PfienYNsLl gruwpdy ko-sI kr rhI hY afiekr ny dosL lfieaf eI E jYwP isLAuPYlt vI hfjLr ik dUjI iDr df vqIrf lckdfr hoxgy| srkfr ieMnHF PormF dy hox dI QF kTor aqy tfl mtol afXojnF leI $67,000 dy rhI hY| 19, 25, 26 jUn vfly idnF krn vflf hY|
ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ ê°ñÃ é¶ Ú¯ðÆ ÕÆå¶ Õå±ð¶ ñµí Õ¶ îÅñÕ é±§ Ççµå¶ ipCly idnIN bRYznr eyrIey dy iek ivakqI ny aYbtsPorz puls nUM sUcnf idwqI ik Aus dy GroN pMj kqUry corI ho gey hn| Aus ny ieh vI dwisaf ik ieh corI Aus dy surwiKaq Zfry/bfrn ivc sMnH lf ky kIqI geI| ies qoN ielfvf Aus ny puls nUM ieh vI dwisaf ik ipCly idnIN keI afdmIaF ny Aus nfl kqUry muwl lYx dI gwl
Friday, June 20th, 2014
dI pRikiraf byimsfl sI| AuMnHF ikhf,” ies crcf dOrfn asIN Au n H F prvfrF dIaF khfxIaF suxIaF ijMnHF dy bwicaF nUM shfieqf dI loV sI | asIN ies hflq ivc pIVq nOjvfnF dIaF khfxIaF suxIaF| asIN iewQoN qwk suixaf ik tRFsjYNzr dy aijhy bwcy vI hn ijhVy afqm hwiqaf krn qwk bfry socx lgdy hn; skUl Cwzx bfry socx lgdy hn| AuMnHF df ivcfr hY ieh nIqI apnfAux nfl tRFsjYNzr ividafrQIaF bfry bixaf rveIaf aqy ivqkrf Kqm krn ivc shfieqf imlygI|
ñìÅÂÆ êzÆÇÖÁÅòź ç¶ àÅÂÆî à¶ìñ ly b r irly s L n bo r z vw l o N gR y z 10—12 dIaF pRIiKafvF dy ingrfnI dy kMm nUM ‘ lfjLmI syvf’ aYlfinaf igaf hY| mMglvfr, 17 jUn nUM pRkfisLq kIqy gey pRYs rIlIjL anusfr gRyz 10-12 dIaF pRIiKafvF hyT ilKy anusfr leIaF jfxgIaF aqy skUl bws syvf afm vFg ividafrQIaF nUM sUbfeI pRIiKafvF dy sYNtrF qwk lY ky jfxgIaF| gRyz 12 dy pyprF dI mfrikMg julfeI ivc hovygI aqy julfeI dy aMq qwk ividafrQIaF AuMnHF dy srtIPIkyt phuMcdy kIqy jfxgy| gRyz 10, 11 dy pRIiKaf pwqr skUl pRbMDkF vwloN 2 julfeI qwk mfrk kr idwqy jfxgy| pRMqU gRyz 10, 11 dy ividafrQI XIar aYNz irport dI AzIk nf krn|
at any time during the week) June 18- Science 10 ( only for schools that require an early session), Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 June 18—BC First Nations Studies 12 June 20- English 12, English 10, First Peoples, Communications 12, Francais premIer 10
June 23 Francais langue seconde-immersion 12, Francais langue premier 12, Scioence 10, Civics pRIiKafvF df tfeIm tybl ies Studies 11 pRkfr hovygf: June 24 English 12 First June 16-26 Appreticeship Peoples, English 10 Social a n d W o r k p l o a c e Studies 11 Mathematics 10, skUl izsitRkt PYslf krngy ik Foundations of ividafrQIaF dI pRogRYs, klfs Mathematics anf pRedy AuplbD nMbr(mfrks) aqy calculus10( schools may sUbfeI pRIiKafvF dy nqIjy bfry schedule these sessions jfxkfrI ikvyN ByjI jfvy|
Ô°ä ܶñ·Åº ÇòÚ Üéî¶ ìµÚ¶ ÕËçÆ îÅòź Õ¯ñ ÔÆ ðÇÔä׶
iek adflqI hukm dI pflxf kridaF bI sI srkfr ny jylHF ivc jnmy bwicaF nUM kYdI mfvF kol rihx dI afigaf dyx df aYlfn kIqf hY| ies qrHF aYloiet kurYksLnl sYNtr ivKy 2008 ivc kYNsl kIqf ieh pRogrfm dubfrf sQfipq hoieaf hY| ipCly sfl bI sI su p rIm ko r t ny hu k m suxfAuNidaF ikhf sI ik jylHF ivc jnmy bwicaF nUM AuMnHF dI mfqfvF ko l nf rihx dy x f aO r qF dy dOrfn kRmvfr tYrys, ipRMs jOrj, sMivDfnk hwkF dI AulMGxf hY| Port syNt jOn ivKy vI Porm kIqy ieh vI hukm idwqf sI ik ieh
pR o g rfm Cy mhIinaF dy aM d r aMdr muV cflU kIqf jfvy| ies sbMDI bI sI dI atfrnI jnrl sUjLyn aYNtn ny ikhf ik kYdI mfvF nUM Aukq shUlq dubfrf dyx df pRogrfm iqafr hY| ies mukwdmy ivc ieMtrvInr bxI bI sI isvl ilbrtIjL aYsosIeysLn df kihxf hY ik Auh muV sQfipq pRogrfm AuWqy ieh gwl XkInI mnfAux leI ingfh rwKFgy ik aOrqF dy sMivDfnk hwkF dI kdr kIqI jf rhI hY|
vYnkUvr dy kOmFqrI hvfeI awzy qoN aiDkfrIaF ny 35 iklogRfm hYroien PVHn ivwc sPlqf hfsl kIqI hY. kYnyzf dy pwCmI ihwsy ivwc ieMnIN vwzI mfqrf ivwc hYroien jL b q kIqy jfx df ieh kfPI vwzf mfmlf hY. hvfeI awzy qoN PVI geI ieh hYroien bMd pYktF rfhIN dwKxI eysLIaf qoN kYnyzf ilaFdI jf rhI sI. kYnyzf bfrzr aiDkfrIaF, afr[ sI[ aYm[ pI[
aqy vYnkUvr puils vwloN kIqy gey sFJy aprysLn ivwc do afdmIaF nUM igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY. 42 sflf rYNzI nOrmn aqy 34 sflf tYnI ilm AuWpr nsLIlIaF vsqF qskrI leI kbjLy ivwc rwKx dy dosL qYa kIqy gey hn. igRPqfr kIqy gey ivakqIaF ivwcoN iek eyarport qy hI kMm krdf hY. iehnF dI adflqI pysLI 8 julfeI nUM ircmMz ivwc hovygI.
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jfxgy| Gwto Gwt 30 kfrobfrI aqy sInIar mYnyjr vwK vwK KyqrF dIaF muwK AudXogk iekfeIaF dI pRqIinDqf kridaF ieMnHF PormF ivc sLfml hoxgy| ieMnHF KyqrF ivc inrmfn, mfeIinMg, AUrjf, hfeI tYwk aqy isLp iblizMg dy Kyqr sLfml hn| mukfblybfjLI dy rIjnF ivc kYnyzf dy aqy aMqrrfsLtrI rIjn sLfml hn| ieMnHF PormF ivc hoey ivcfr vtFdiraF dy afDfr ‘qy iek irpo r t kIqI jfvygI aqy ieh irport sUbfeI srkfrF aqy PYzrl srkfr nfl sFJI kIqI jfvygI qF jo hr pwDr dI mukblybfjLI leI koeI Xojnf iqafr kIqI jf sky|
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Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
ÁðÜ°éÅ ÁËòÅðâÆ êÇÔñòÅé ðäèÆð ÇÃ§Ø èÆðÅ çÅ ÃéîÅé
bIqy idnIN rxDIr isMG DIrf pihlvfn arjunf aYvfrzI df gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb aYbtsPorz vloN snmfn kIqf. cyqy rhy rxDIr pihlvfn ny ieMzIaf ivwc anykF ienfm aqy gurjLF ijwqIaF hn. jUnIar vrlz ivwcoN vI ies ny ieMzIaf vfsqy golz mYzl ijwiqaf sI. ies tfiem ieMzIaf ivwc kstm ivBfg ivwc bqOr ienspYkt nOkrI kr irhf hY. gurU goibMd isMG klwb dy aKfVy phuMcx `qy joigMdr isMG Kihrf, suKjIq Kihrf, bUtf isMG pihlvfn, blvIr isMG Plpoqf aqy avqfr isMG ZIzsf vloN inwGf svfgq kIqf igaf.
Punjabi Patrika
Time for Clark to make good on her Enbridge promises
ritish Columbia’s largest nonpartisan democracy group today called on Premier Christy Clark to hold fast to her election promise and stand up for British Columbia against Enbridge’s pipeline and oil tanker proposal.
Following the Kitimat plebiscite, Dogwood launched, a website where British Columbians can sign up to help run a citizens’ initiative in the event the provincial government reverses its position and supports Enbridge’s proposal.
“Premier Clark said it best. Nobody can force this pipeline through our province if the people here don’t want it,” said Dogwood Initiative’s Energy & Democracy Director Kai Nagata. “The B.C. government is about to come under enormous pressure to approve Northern Gateway. Premier Clark needs to reject the proposal once and for all and deny the provincial permits necessary for construction.”
“So far we’ve had 6,000 volunteers sign up to say they’ll canvass in their home ridings. Dogwood alone has the support of 156,000 British Columbia voters, not counting the networks of our partners and allies across the province,” said Dogwood’s Director of Organizing Celine Trojand. “One way or another, we will defeat this project democratically.” As Premier Clark considers her next move, 75 Dogwood teams are already gathering pledge signatures in communities across the province. “It just shows how hard British Columbians are willing to work when it comes to standing up for our home,” Trojand said.
“First Nations and the democratic majority of B.C. voters oppose Northern Gateway. Despite that, Ottawa still intends to ram it down our throat. Premier Clark’s only politically viable option is to join us in standing up for “We’re asking our politicians to carry out the British Columbia,” Nagata said. will of the majority, but we’re ready if they After years of heated debate over Northern let us down,” Nagata said. “Unlike voters in Gateway, a turning point was reached in April any other province, British Columbians have with a symbolic plebiscite in the coastal town the power to write our own laws. It’s how we of Kitimat. Despite the promise of jobs at got rid of the HST. If Premier Clark flip-flops the Northern Gateway tanker terminal, local and starts issuing pipeline permits, the people of B.C. will be forced to cancel them.” voters soundly rejected the project.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Competitiveness: How B.C. businesses can deal with it
ith the global marketplace ex- improve B.C’s productivity and global panding, attracting business competitiveness. and improving productivity Quotes: means being competitive. Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism What are some of challenges B.C. busiand Skills Training and Minister Responnesses face? How can a business comsible for Labour – pete? Those are a couple of questions that will be asked as part of the Competitive- “We are anticipating a time of incredible ness BC forums taking place throughout opportunity in the province and want to the province in June. make sure that B.C. businesses are ready to take advantage of markets that are Vancouver is the second stop for the expanding in Asia and elsewhere around forums. Minister of State for Tourism the world. A growing economy means and Small Business Naomi Yamamoto economic stability and jobs for British will be a guest speaker, along with BC Columbians, both are the foundation of Chamber of Commerce president John the BC Jobs Plan. The forums will allow Winter, Productivity Alberta CEO Lori us to work with the business community Schmidt and Co-CEO of G&F Financial to ensure that we understand the chalGroup Jeff Shewfelt. lenges B.C. businesses face in the need The government has provided $67,000 to compete globally.” toward funding the forums that will be Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of State for presented in collaboration with the BC Tourism and Small Business— Chamber of Commerce. The remaining forums will take place in the following “Our goal is to make B.C. the most small business-friendly jurisdiction in Canada. locations and times: Regions within Canada and abroad are June 18: Vancouver, Terminal City Club, already addressing productivity and com837 West Hastings St. at 8 a.m. petitiveness issues and we need to make June 19: Terrace, Bavarian Inn, 4332 sure B.C. businesses remain competitive and are ready for a global market.” Lakesle Ave. at 9 a.m. June 25: Prince George, Ramada Hotel, John Winter, president and CEO, BC Chamber of Commerce – 444 George St. at 9 a.m. June 26: Fort St. John, Quality Inn North- “The BC Chamber of Commerce is ern Grand, 9830 - 100th Ave. at 9 a.m. pleased to be spearheading the Competitiveness BC Initiative. Our focus is Fall dates yet to be determined for to engage business leaders from across East Kootenays, Vancouver Island and the province in looking for ways that Thompson Regions. businesses can continuously introduce innovative practices in their operations The half-day sessions will be led by a and, by doing so, improve our ability to local business leader and will include a compete in a global market.” roundtable dialogue on best practices and ideas to enhance competitiveness. Par- Quick Facts: ticipants will be surveyed for feedback Productivity/competitiveness is a major on the sessions and to offer their input cost to business growth potential. on improving competitiveness. Other regions within Canada and abroad As many as 30 business owners and seare already addressing productivity and nior managers from companies in each competitiveness issues. region are expected to attend. They will represent key industry sectors including B.C.’s productivity has increased by only manufacturing, forestry, mining, energy, 2.8% over the last five years. high tech and ship building. B.C. ranks fifth among Canadian provIn addition, the BC Chamber of Com- inces for in business productivity growth. merce will research competitiveness Ways to improve productivity and comin other regions in Canada and internapetitiveness: tionally. The results will form a report with recommendations for action. The Technology adoption, streamlining chamber also will meet with the provin- regulations, fostering innovation, hiring cial and federal governments to share top talent and supporting growth in highfindings and to develop a framework to productivity industries.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
reminder to students and parents that despite the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) strike, provincial exams for grades 10 to 12 are proceeding as scheduled and Grade 12 students can expect to receive their Official Transcript of Grades as per normal schedule and practice.
Punjabi Patrika
Information on Provincial Exams
For grades 10 to 12 students: For grades 10 and 11 students only: Expect secondary schools to be open only for the purpose Report cards are not deemed of administering provincial an essential service and parents should not expect the exams. usual year-end reporting. Provincial exams are proceeding as scheduled (see School districts will determine how to best convey schedule below). relevant information about Students writing exams are students’ progress, available entitled to a picket-free entry class marks, and provincial into their schools. exam results. In anticipation of a full withdrawal of services by Normal school bus service BCPSEA is seeking further the BCTF, the British Co- will continue for the purpose clarification from the LRB lumbia Public School Em- of transporting students to on the submission of class ployers Association (BCP- provincial exams. marks. SEA) applied to the Labour For Grade 12 students only: Expect delays in the receivRelations Board (LRB) last ing information about final week to designate provincial Grade 12 exams will be course grades. exams and final marks for marked in July and the Ofstudents in senior grades as ficial Transcript of Grades It is expected that grades 10 essential services. The LRB will be provided to students and 11 provincial exams will announced its decision on by the end of July as per nor- be marked by school adminJune 12, 2014. mal practice and schedule. istrators and the deadline for
marking has been extended June 20: from June 26 to July 2, 2014. English 12 Provincial exam courses to English 10 be administered June 16-26, 2014: First Peoples June 16-26*:
Communications 12
Apprenticeship and Work- Français langue première 10 place Mathematics 10 June 23: Foundations of Mathematics Français langue secondeand Pre-Calculus 10 immersion 12 * Schools may schedule these sessions at any time Français langue première 12 during the week Science 10 June 18:
Civic Studies 11
Science 10 (only for schools June 24: that require an early session) English 12 Apprenticeship and WorkFirst Peoples place Mathematics 10 June 19:
English 10
BC First Nations Studies 12 Social Studies 11
Punjabi Patrika
ÃòË ÇµÛÅ î½å ìÅð¶ Õ½îÆ ìÇÔà ԯò¶: âÅÕàðź çÆ ðŶ À°éàÅðÆú-Ú¯äź ÒÚ Çñìðñź 鱧 ìÔ°Ç×äåÆ êzÅêå E ê§ÜÅìÆ ÇÜµå¶ kYnyzf dy sB qoN vwzI vsoN vfly sUby AuntfrIE ivwc ilbrl pfrtI ny coxF ivwc bhumq hfsl kr ilaf hY . kY Q iln ivM n dI agvfeI vflI ilbrl pfrtI nUM lokF ny kuJ skYNzlF dy bfvjUd mjLbUq Pqvf idwqf hY. 107 sItF vflI ivDfn sBf ivwc bIqy idn peIaF votF ivwc ilbrl pfrtI nUM 59, kMjvyitvF nUM 27 aqy aYn[ zI[ pI[ nUM 21 sItF imlIaF hn. ivroDI kMjrvyitv pfrtI dy lIzr itm hUzfk ny afpxI hfr kbUlidaF lIzrI Cwzx df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. ienHF coxF ivwc vwK-vwK pfrtIaF vwloN drjn dy krIb pMjfbI AumIdvfr KVHy sn pr ijwq pMj nUM hI nsIb hoeI. iewk nUM Cwwz ky sfry jyqU pMjfbI ilbrl hn. icMqkF muqfbk kMjryvitv pfrtI nUM mfVy lIzr ny zoibaf hY, itm hUzfk dy byQvy ibafn ienHF hflfqF leI ijLMmyvfr rhy. nOjvfn hirMdr mwlI ny pYm huMdl (kMjrvyitv) qy gurpRIq iZwloN (aYn[ zI[ pI[) nUM mfq idwqI hY Auh sfbkf sMsd mYNbr gurbKsL mwlI dI DI hY. ilbrl ivwk iZwloN, rxdIp sMDU (kMjrvyitv) aqy gugnI igwl (aYn[ zI[ pI[) nUM hrf ky cOQI vfr aYm[ pI[ pI[ bixaf hY. sfbkf mMqrI hirMdr qwKr vI cOQI vfr jyqU irhf hY. aMimRq mFgt qIjI vfr ilbrl
sIt `qy kfmXfb ho e I hY Au s ny kM j rvy i tv amrjIq igw l nU M pCfiVaf. sfbkf inlbrl sMsd mYNbr zf[ kuldIp kulfr nUM zYmokryt jgmIq isMG ny dUjI vfr hrfieaf hY. bfkI hlikaF ivwc ieMdrf nfiezU, zf[ sLPIk kfdrI, dIipkf dmrylf qy Xfsr nkvI (sfry ilbrl) jyqU rhy jd ik jYk AuWpl, ajY ikRsLnn, nInf qFgVI, nIqf kMg, bObI zyz aqy aMjU iswkf nfkfmXfb rhy. dIipkf nUM 52 PIsdI, qwKV nUM 49 PIsdI, mFgt nUM 48 PIsdI, ivwk nUM 45 PIsdI, jgmIq nUM 44 PIsdI aqy mwlI nUM 39 PIsdI votF peIaF.
ìÅâÆ ÇìñÇâ§× Ú˺êÆÁéÇôê ÇòµÚ ê§ÜÅìÆ êÇÔñ¶ é§ìð Òå¶ kYnyzf ivwc KyzIaF jFdIaF srdIaF aqy grmIaF dIaF KyzF ivwcoN bfzI iblizMg dI Kyz iek invyklf hI sQfn rwKdI hY. iewQy ijLafdf afeIs hfkI, Puwtbfl, lYkrfs, bfsiktbfl, tYins ijhIaF KyzF ijLafdf prcwilq hn. bfzI iblizMg aqy GolF dy iewQoN dy lok ijLafdf sLOkIn nhIN
sfry mulk dy zfktrF dI pRqIinDqf krn vflI sMsQf ny svY iewCf mOq jF iksy vI mrIjL dy nf bcx dI AumId Kqm hox dI sUrq ivwc Aus dy lfeIP syivMg Au p krn bM d krn bfry kO m I bihs clfAux dI mMg kIqI hY. knyzIan mYzIkl aYsosIeysLn df kihxf hY ik kYnyzf ivwc iek kOmI nIqI dI loV hY ik Auh mrIjL ijnHF dI bcx dI afs nhIN rihMdI jF jo TIk hox Xog nhIN rihMdy, dI lfeIP syivMg shfieqf bMd kIqI jfvy. ies sMsQf ny iek irport vI jfrI kIqI hY, ijs muqfbk ies sMsQf dy pRDfn lUeIs hUgf
PrFisstI df kihxf hY ik ieh iblkul spsLt hY ik jdoN koeI mrIjL TIk nhIN ho skdf jF mrn iknfry ipaf hY qF zfktrF aqy pirvfr AuWqy kI bIqdI hY. Auh kihMdy hn ik pr ieh soc shI hY ik sfzy mulk dy lok drd nfl nhIN mrnf cfhuMdy. Auh afpxy pirvfr dI qklIP nhIN dy K skdy. zfktr dI shfieqf nfl mOq kYnyzf ivwc njfiejL hY pr ikAUibk ivwc ipCly mhIny ies dI iejfjLq imlx dy kfrn ivvfd pYdf ho igaf hY, hflF ik PYzrl srkfr ies nUM suprIm kort ivwc cuxOqI dyx jf rhI hY.
ÕÆ à¯ðÆ÷ 鱧 òÆ ÔîÅÇÂå ç¶ ÃÕçÆ ÔË ÁËé. âÆ. êÆ. asYks, AuntfrIE-sUby ivwc iPr dubfrf iksy vI pfrtI nUM bhumq nf imlx dI sUrq ivwc aYn[ zI[ pI[ torIjL nUM hmfieq dy skdI sI, ies bfry pwuCy gey iek svfl dy jvfb ivwc aYNzrf horvYQ ny jo jvfb idwqf, Aus nUM dyKidaF aijhIaF sMBfvnfvF qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf sI. aYn[ zI[ pI[ lIzr aYNzrf horvYQ ny spsLt kIqf ik pbilk sYktr dIaF nOkrIaF ivwc ktOqI krn dI sUrq ivwc Auh torIjL nUM hmfieq nhIN dyxgy. AuhnF ikhf ik Auh iBRsLtfcfr nfl ilbVI ilbrl srkfr nUM vI hmfieq nhIN dyxgy.
ilbrl lIzr bIbI kYQiln ivMn ny afpxy BfsLn ivwc afiKaf ik Aus dI pfrtI sUby dy hr bfisLMdy nUM nfl lY ky cwlygI aqy afpxy bjt nUM pfs krfAux leI dyr nhIN krygI. Auh sUby dy ieiqhfs ivwc pihlI muwK mMqrI hY. bjt dI vot `qy aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny hmfieq nf dy ky kYQiln dI srkfr zygI sI pr Aus nUM koeI Pfiedf hox dI QF ilbrl pfrtI bhumq iljfx `c kfmXfg ho geI. coxF qoN pihlF iblrlF kol 48, kMjLrvyitvF kol 37 aqy aYn[ zI[ pI[ kol 21 my a r rO b Po r z vI pR I mIar mYNbr sn. kY Q lIn ivn dy pfly vw l af gey njLr afAuNdy hn. AuhnF ny pRImIar nUM ijwq dI vDfeI idwqI. AuhnF ikhf ik mYN pRImIar kYQlIn ivn nUM sLfndfr ijwq ‘qy vDfeI irhf hF, ijs dy nfl srkfrI kMmF idMdf hF. Porz hfly vI mskokf ivwc KuwlHfpx afvygf. AuhnF ikhf siQq nsLf CuzfAU kyNdr ivwc hn. ik iek sfl pihlF asIN Epn Porz ny iek sQfnk mIzIaf nUM pfrlImYNt plfn iqafr kIqf sI, ijs dy qihq pfrlImYNt mYNbrF dy Krc aqy hor mwdF bfry pUrn pfrdrsLqf kfiem krn dI mMg kIqI geI hY. hfl hI ivwc AuntfrIE ivDfn sBf coxF ivwc ilbrl pfrtI nUM imlI vwzI sPlqf qoN AuqsLfihq ilbrl pfrtI dy lIzr sRI jsitn trUzo nUM hux afs hY ik iehnF hn. ipCly hI sfl kYnyzf phuMcy co x F vFg hu x ilbrl pfrtI pMjfb sUby dy jlMDr sLihr dy AuntfrIE dIaF do Aup coxF ivwc vsnIk gurcrn bflI ny albrtf vI ijwq hfsl krygI. sRI trUzo sUby aMdr ho rhI cYNpIanisLp dovyN ilbrl AumIdvfrF dy prcfr dOrfn 500 qoN vI vwD igxqI ivwc leI trFto phuMcy. AuhnF ny itRntI ihwsf lYx afey mukfblybfjLF ivwcoN spfiznf hlky ivwc cox prcfr pihlf sQfn hfsl krky afpxf, kridaF aYzm vfan dI ijwq afpxy mfipaF aqy pMjfb df nFa nUM pwkf dwisaf. AuhnF ikhf ik rOsLn kr idwqf. myrf ivcfr hY ik trFto dy lokI
ÜÃÇàé àð±â¯ òñ¯º àðźÃê¶ð˺ÃÆ ÁËÕà êÅðñÆî˺à ÒÚ ê¶ô hfAUs afP kfmnjL ivwc ilbrl lIzr jsitn trUzo trFspyrYNsI aYkt pysL krn jf rhy hn. ieh aY k t srkfr dy Kw u l H y p x aqy pfrdrsLqf dI ivvsQf krygf. ilbrl lIzr sRI trUzo ny ies ibl bfry dwisaf ik mYnUM mfx hY ik awj mYN ieh ibl pysL krn jf
Friday, June 20th, 2014
pr jykr iksy vI pfrtI nUM pUrn bhumq nhIN imldf qF gyNd iek vfr iPr aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy pfly ivwc af jfvygI aqy ies hflq ivwc ies pfrtI nUM iksy nf iksy nUM hmfieq krnI pvygI. pr jykr do pfrtIaF smJOqf krdIaF hn qf ieh gvrnr qy inrBr hovygf ik Auh Aus kulIsLn nUM bulfAuxgy jF nhIN pr jykr aYn[ zI[ pI[ afpxy ruK qy aV geI qF kI hovygf. aijhy ivwc vI PYslf lYPtInYNt gvrnr dy hwQ hovygf ik Auh sB qoN pihlF ikhVI pfrtI nUM swqf sMBflx df mOkf idMdf hY.
î¶Áð ë¯ðâ é¶ ÇçµåÆ ÕËæñÆé Çòé 鱧 òèÅÂÆ idwqI ieMtrivAU ivwc ikhf ik votr kdI vI glq nhIN huMdy aqy pRImIar ivn qoN Auh afs krdy hn ik Auh sbvya dy inrmfx ivwc mdd krngy. Porz ny kONslr pItr mYlinjL nUM vI vDfeI idwqI, jo sfbkf kONslr zMg holIzya nUM hrf ky ietoibk lyksLor qoN ivDfiek bxy hn.
À°éàÅðÆú ÇòèÅé ÃíÅ çÆ òµâÆ Çܵå 寺 À°åôÅÇÔå ԯ¶ ÜÃÇàé àð±â¯
À°éàÅðÆú ÇòèÅé ÃíÅ çÆÁź îµèÕÅñÆ Ú¯äź ÒÚ I ê§ÜÅìÆ ÇÜµå¶ kY n y z f dy afbfdI pw K o N sB qo N vwzy aqy pMjfbIaF dy chyqy pRFq AuntfrIE ivwc ivDfn sBf dI hoeI mwDkflI cox ivwc ilbrl pfrtI dI lgfqfr cOQI vfr ijwq hoeI hY. 107 ivwcoN ilbrl pfrtI nU M 58 sItF `qy sPlqf imlI hY aqy muwK mMqrI kYQiln ivwn vwloN bhu-sMmqI srkfr df gTn kIqf jfvygf. ilbrl pfrtI df 2003 qoN AuntfrIE ivwc rfj hY. pRogrYisv kMjLrvyitv pfrtI nUM 27 aqy inAU zYmokryitk pfrtI dI 21 sItF `qy ijwq hoeI hY. ilbrl pfrtI qoN hirMdrjIq isMG qwKr, aMimRq mFgt aqy ivwk iZwloN ny lgfqfr cOQI vfr imsIsfgf aqy brYNptn qoN afpxIaF sItF qoN sLfndfr ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY. hirMdr mwlI (ilbrl pfrtI) ny pMjfbIaF dy gVH brYNptnspirMgzyl hlky dI sIt ijwqI hY
aqy afpxy inkt ivroDI gurpRIq isMG iZwloN (inAU zYmokryitk pfrtI) nUM 3000 qoN vwD votF dy Prk nfl hrfieaf. pMjfbIaF dI coKI vsoN vfly iek hor hlky brY m lI-go r -mfltn qo N inAU zY m o k ry i tk pfrtI dy jgmIq isMG ny ilbrl pfrtI dy zf[ kuldIp kulfrf nUM lgBg 4700 votF dy Prk nfl mfq idwqI aqy dUsrI vfr ieh sIt ijwq leI. pfiksqfnI mUl dy sLPIk kfdrI ayq Xfsr nkvI (dovyN ilbrl pfrtI dy AumIdvfr) ny torFto (eItobIko-AuWqrI) aqy Etfvf sYNtr qoN ijwq hfsl kIqI hY. BfrqI mUl dI dIpkf dmrIlf (imsIsfgf-pUrbI kuksivl) aqy ieMdrf nfiezU (hfltn Kyqr) qoN ilbrl pfrtI leI ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY.
AuntfrIE dy pRImIar kYQlIn ivwc ijwq qoN bfad afrfm krn dy mUz ivwc nhIN hn. AuhnF ny ikhf ik Au h jldI qo N jldI nvIN srkfr df kMmkfj arBM krngy. AuhnF ikhf ik Auh 2 julfeI nUM ivDfn sBf df sYsLn swdxgy aqy AuhI bjt dubfrf iPr py s L krngy . Au h nF ikhf ik kYNsl kIqy do plFtF dI jFc
kmytI kr rhI hY aqy iehnF qy kMm jfrI hovygf. pr AuhnF suJf idwqf ik Auh pRogrYisv kMsrvyitv lIzr itmhUzfk iKlfP afpxf 2 imlIan zflr df mukwdmf vfps nhIN lY x gy . vrxnXo g hY ik iehnF coxF ivwc torIjL 10 sItF guaf cuwky hn aqy hUzfk nUM ies kfrn asqIPf dyxf ipaf hY.
kY n y z f dy sL i hr imsIsfgf dy mfltn ielfky ivw c 19 sflf iniqsL KMnf nfmk nOjvfn nUM kuwtkuwt ky kql krn dy dosL ivwc hrismrn isMG (hYrI) bwl ayq dlijMdr isMG iswDU nUM brYNptn ivKy adflq vwloN bIqy idnIN (hryk nUM) sfZy awT sfl kYd dI sjLf idwqI geI hY. PYslf idMdy hoey jwj pItr zylI ny ikhf ik sjLf Kqm hox mgroN dovF dosLiaF nUM Bfrq vfps Byijaf jfvygf. ieh Gtnf 20 jUn 2011 nUM rfq smyN tystI bfeIt rYstorYNt dy bhfr vfprI sI. srkfrI vkIl anusfr 22 sflf bwl aqy 26 sflf iswDU dy do sfQI mnjIq isMG (21) aqy
mnmIq isMG kMg (22) ajy qwk rUposL hn aqy Auh pMjfb ivwc jf ky luk gey hn.
B Ü°ñÅÂÆ é±§ ì°ñÅÇÂÁÅ ÜÅò¶×Å À°éàÅðÆú ÇòèÅé ÃíÅ çÅ ÃËôé
Õåñ նà ÒÚ ç¯ ê§ÜÅìÆÁź 鱧 ÕËç
sfzI pfrtI dI kfrgujLfrI nUM iPr dubfrf aijhf hI huMgfrf dyxgy. AuhnF ikhf ik PYzrl srkfr afm lokF dIaF musLiklF nhIN hwl afpxI cricq ikqfb nUM pRmot kr rhI, ijs krky lokI bdlfa krn dy leI sfbkf amrIkI ivdysL mMqrI ihlyrI kilMtn trFto cfhuMdy hn. phuMc gey hn. ies drimafn vrxnXog hY ik PYzrl Aup coxF AuhnF duafly mIzIaf dI BIV 30 jUn nUM hoxIaF hn. iehnF Aup hovygI aqy ieh koisLsL krygI ik coxF dy leI do hlky trFto ivwc kI Auh agly amrIkI rfsLtrpqI pYNdy hn, ijhnF ivwcoN iek itRntI leI AumIdvfr bxngy. hflF ik spfiznf hY aqy dUjf skfrbro- kilMtn ny ies bfry iPlhfl kuJ agnIkort hlkf hY. do hlky jLfhr nhIN kIqf hY, pr afpxI ikqfb nUM lY ky ijs qrHF Auh albrtf ivwc hn.
dwisaf jFdf hY ik bwl aqy Aus dy sfQIaF dI iniqsL KMnf dy DVy nfl KihbfjLI rihMdI sI. iswDU dy kYnyzf phuMcx dI KusLI ivwc bwl ny Aus nUM rYstorYNt ivwc dfavq idwqI sI. AuWQy AunHF df sfhmxf imRqk KMnf aqy Aus dy 22 sflf sfQI BUmI ptyl nfl ho igaf. rYstorYNt qoN bfhr inkl ky AunHF ny KMnf `qy bysbfl qy zMizaF nfl hmlf kr idwqf. dosLIaF ny ptyl nUM vI Gyrn dI koisLsL kIqI pr Auh bc inkilaf aqy puils nUM sUicq krn ivwc kfmXfb ho igaf sI.
ÇÕåÅì ç¶ êzÚÅð ñÂÆ ÇÔñ¶ðÆ ÕÇñ§àé àðź௠êÔ°Ú § Æ
ijLafdfqr ivwc afey hn, Aus dy mwdynjLr ho skdf hY ik Auh iek vfr iPr zYmokRyitk pfrtI vwloN AumIdvfr bxn leI mYdfn ivwc afAux. vrxnXog hY ik ihlyrI dI ieh ikqfb AuhnF dy pqI sfbkf rfsLtrpqI ibl kilMtn dy kfrjkfl vyly AuhnF dy njfiejL sbMDF df vrxn hox krky ijLafdf pRiswD ho rhI hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ñóé ë½Üź å¶ éź ÃðçÅðź çÅ
pfrlImYNt coxF lMGx dy bfad muwK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny kuJ kdm bVI qyjLI nfl ieho ijhy cuwky sn, ijnHF qoN ieh Jlkdf sI ik Auh hux ies rfj dy hflfq ivwc pY cuwky ivgfV dy suDfr leI kuJ krn vfly hn. puils aqy isvl dy aPsrF dI nkyl vI AunHF iKwcI sI. bhuq sfry aPsrF dIaF bdlIaF vI kIqIaF geIaF qy keI lfprvfh jF bdnfmI Kwtx ivwc ijLafdf awgy lMG cuwky aPsrF dy awzy vI AuKfV idwqy sn. ies qoN sfP njLr af irhf sI ik ieh aglI pIVHI vfilaF dI mrjLI dy muqfbk nhIN huMdf ipaf qy bfdl sfihb DuMdly pYNdy aks nUM sMBflx dy Xqn kr rhy hn. iqMn mMqrIaF nUM shuM cukfAuxI qy AunHF ivwc iewk pihlI vfrI mMqrI bxn vflf sLfml krnf vI iesy Kfqy ivwc igixaf igaf sI qy pihly mMqrIaF dy mihkmy bdlx vyly vI pRBfv AunHF dy iewk vfrI iPr purfxy rONa ivwc afAux vflf hI bixaf sI. iPr vI ies nfl ijhVf suKfvF pRBfv bxnf cfhIdf sI, Auh amn-kfnUMn dy pwKoN hfly nhIN bx sikaf.
kql dI KLbr af geI hY. puils nUM ieho ijhIaF KLbrF ijhf jfpx lwg pvy, EdoN vI lok pRfsLsn nUM dosL nhIN dy bfry gMBIrqf nfl bxdI kfrvfeI krnI cfhIdI hY. dyNdy, pMjfb dI srkfr bfry keI qrHF dIaF gwlF kiraf krdy hn. pMj vfrIaF ivwc pOxy do dhfky dy krIb ies muwK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl pMjfbI df ieh muhfvrf rfj dI srkfr dy muK rih cuwky pRkfsL isMG bfdl hurIN ‘lVn POjF qy nFa srdfrF df’ vI jfxdy hoxgy. AunHF nUM ies vfrI ies mfmly ivwc ijMnI cOksI dI loV hY, rfj ies df arQ pqf hY ik jdoN POj koeI mfarkf mfrdI dy kMmF vwl EnI nhIN ivKf rhy. pihlF qF ieh pRBfv hY qF ishrf POj dy nfloN vwD Aus POj dy srdfr nUM aqy sI ik AunHF ny rfj dI kmfn ax-aYlfny qOr AuWqy aglI jdoN pRsLfsn cMgf kMm kry qF ishrf pRsLfsn dy muKI pIVHI dy hvfly kr idwqI hY, pr hux jdoN ieh pRBfv hY pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI nUM imlxf huMdf hY. ies df dUsrf ik Auh hflfq suDfrnf cfhuMdy hn qF AunHF nUM ieh pRBfv arQ ieh hY ik jdoN POj, Bfv ik pRsLfsn asloN inkMmf kfiem rwKx vfsqy vfhvf iDafn dyxf pvygf.
ipCly idnF ivwc pMjfb ivwc kqlF dI igxqI vDdI geI hY. ijhVy kql prvfrF dy ivwc hoeI jFdy hn, AunHF nUM iksy vI smyN dI koeI srkfr nhIN rok skdI. koeI Brf afpxy hI Brf nUM jLmIn-jfiedfd sFBx leI afpxy Gr jF Kyq ivwc mfr dyvy jF koeI bIvI afpxy pRymI dy nfl iml ky afpxf pqI mrvf dyvy, ieh BfvyN Qfxy dy nfl vfly Gr ivwc vfpr jfvy, puils nUM pihlF pqf nhIN lwg skdf qy Auh nhIN rok skdI. ijwQy jf ky puils dI nfkfmI dI duhfeI pYx lwgdI hY, Auh rfh jFdy lokF dy kql hn. bhuq sfry kql luwtF-KohF vfsqy ho rhy hn. AunHF kqlF dy mfmly ivwc sfry pfsy lok puils dy inkMmypx df rOlf pfAuNdy hn qy puils keI hor bhfny bxf ky KihVf CuzfAux df Xqn krdI hY. ies mfmly ivwc muwK mMqrI nUM dKl dyxf cfhIdf hY. ipCly idnIN akflI dl aqy BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dy afgUaF dy do iksm dy ibafnF nUM pVH ky hYrfn hoey hF. hfkm gwTjoV dIaF dovF pfrtIaF dy afgUaF ny afpxy vrkrF nUM ikhf hY ik Auh iksy nsLIly pdfrQF dy qskrF leI mdd mMgx sfzy kol nf afAux qy nfl hI afpxI pfrtI dy sQfnk afgUaF nUM hdfieq kIqI hY ik Auh iksy ieho ijhy bMdy dI isPfrs krn leI iksy aPsr nUM Pon nf krn jF Aus dy kol nf jfx. ies df iswDf ijhf Bfv ieh inkldf hY ik hux qwk Auh afgU aqy vrkr ieho ijhy puwTy kMm krdy sn qy bdly hoey hflfq ivwc hI AunHF nUM roikaf igaf hY. ijhVI gwl nsLIly pdfrQF dy qskrF dy mfmly ivwc hY, lwgBg ieho hflfq hI cynIaF iKwcx qy prs Kohx vfly Coty-moty lutyiraF dy mfmly ivwc vI hY. ijMny vI lutyiraF vfly gYNg qury iPrdy hn, ienHF nUM iewk jF dUsrI pfrtI dy iewk jF dUsry afgU df QoVHf-bhuq QfpVf imilaf huMdf hY. ieh coxF ivwc AunHF lIzrF leI kMm krdy hn qy iPr mdd lYNdy hn. ipCly kuJ idnF qoN QF-QF huMdy kqlF dI igxqI vI vDdI jFdI hY. iewk ipMz ivwc bfbf PrId zyry dy muKI df kql ho igaf hY. puils qoN ieh sUcnf imlI hY ik Aus dy afpxy bfry vI ieh sLwk kIqf jFdf sI ik Auh pfiksqfn dI KuPIaf eyjMsI leI kMm krdf ho skdf hY. jy ieh gwl sI qF vyly isr Aus nUM hwQ pfieaf jfxf cfhIdf sI. iesy idn qrn qfrn ivwcoN isLv sYnf dy iewk sQfnk afgU dy PAGE 33
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
South Korea free trade agreement great news for B.C.
remier Christy Clark and Teresa Wat, Minister of International Trade and Minister Responsible for the Asia Pacific Strategy issued this statement today:
“British Columbia commends the Government of Canada for tabling the Text of the Final Agreement of the CanadaKorea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) in the House of Commons today. This brings Canada one step closer to implementing an agreement that stands to benefit all Canadians and give British Columbians a strategic advantage in one of our priority markets. “South Korea is British Columbia’s fourth-largest goods export market and Canada’s third-largest trading partner in Asia, with over half of Canada’s goods exports to Korea originating here in British Columbia. Last year, total goods exports to South Korea were over $1.8 billion. That’s why we operate a Trade and Investment Representative Office in Seoul, with on-the-ground experts focused on advancing trade and investment
opportunities between British Columbia and South Korea. “Once implemented, the CKFTA will further improve the province’s trade relations with our Korean partners, spurring economic growth and job creation. It will provide clear advantages for B.C. companies, with improved, real-market access opportunities, especially in the forestry, natural gas, seafood and agrifoods sectors. For example, the federal government estimates the agreement will increase merchandise exports to South Korea by 32 per cent. “We hope a finalized deal with South Korea will serve as a springboard for concluding trade agreements with our other priority markets in Asia. “As we continue to diversify our international trade portfolio and open new markets for our businesses, workers, and investors, we look forward to the increased opportunities for trade and investment that will benefit Canadians and Koreans alike.”
Punjabi Patrika
23 jUn 1985 nUM eyar ieMzIaf aqy nrIqf eyar port, dy hoey hfdisaF ivwc 331 by-ksUr lok jo mfry gey AunHF dy nF.
¶Áð ǧâÆÁÅ ÜÔÅ÷ çÅ îÅð± ÔÅçÃÅ hrcMd isMG ‘bfgVI’ iek hfdsf hoieaf BfrI, sux ky roNdI dunIaF sfrI, eyar-ieMzIaf df iewk izwgf, sfgr ivwc bvfn. idl Br Br afvy, krF ikvyN ibafn. AuWqy bldI awg dy BFbV hyTF Tiraf pfxI. ijs ny jrI pIV ipMzy `qy pIV Ausy ny jfxI. hfey ijMdf ivwcoN ikvyN inwklI hoxI jfn. idl Br Br afey krF ikvyN ibafn. iksy BYx dI rwKVI KoeI, Koieaf iksy sMDUr. iksy mF dI imwTI mmqf ho geI cUro cUr. BuwKI mOq nUM lokF dy sMg cfVH gey sLYqfn. idl Br Br afey… bMdy KfxI rUh zfier dI iks dy ivwc smfeI. jwilHaF vfly bfg dI ijs ny muV ky gwl duhrfeI. byksUry mfry Aus ny bwcy, ibrD, jvfn. idl Br Br afey… aMbr roieaf, sfgr roieaf roeI pOx ivcfrI. drdnfk ieh duwK dI JfkI ijnHF dyKI sfrI. mIlF lMmI sfgr dy ivwc pl ivwc bxI msfx. idl Br Br afey…
ê°µå îÅòź ç¶ Ú°ä Ú°ä ÔÆð¶ jsvMq kOr ‘ivrk’
eyar ieMzIaf afvy jfvy aYpr muVy nf rfhI. kI Kwitaf iksy pfp kmf ky puwCy ‘cMd PrvfhI. suK dI GVI nf mfxn ijhVy horF nUM qVPfx. idl Br Br afvy… by-ksUrf Psy nf koeI, dosLI kIqf pfvy. siqgurU myrf imhr kry qy sWc sfhmxy afvy. dosLI, duKIaF koloN afpxI kIqI Buwl bKsLfx. idl Br Br afvy… afE hIlf krIey koeI aY dunIaF dy loko. nPrq dI jo cVHI hnyrI, ies nUM hfVHf roko. suKI vsy ieh dunIaF suhxI mfxy amn-amfn. ieh mfrU hfdsy sdf leI muwk jfx.
igafn isMG ‘kotlI’ rwb dy nF qy hyrf PyrI, cMgf cwj acfr nhIN hY. Drm krm dy nf qy DMdf, cMgf kfrobfr nhIN hY.
puwqF dI dfq rwbf qUM afp vrqfvyN vy godI ivwc Kyzdy qUM afp hI iljfvyN vy Gr ivwc peIaF KUMjy lwgIaF, KyzF AunHF dIaF gwzy qy gzIhry, vy rwbf ikwQy kryN BrqI, puwq mfvF dy cux cux hIry…
hwdF vMzIaF pfVy pfAuxy, afps ivwc lVfAuxy lokIN, ies qoN vwzf pfp nf koeI, eydUM BYVI kfr nhIN hY.
tIsI vflf Puwl qUM KusL ho ky qoVyN vy cVHdI jvfnI vfly plF `c mroVy vy. vy roNdIaF ny cUVy vflIaF vyK mihMdI qy bwJy hoey klIry, vy rwbf ikwQy kryN BrqI muwC Puwt gwBrU qy awK qyrI itkdI imtdI nf ipafs qyrI nf BuwK imtdI. rih geIaF pwgF bwJIaF tMgy ikwlI qy rih gey cIry, vy rwbf ikwQy kryN BrqI, vrHy ipwCoN afAuNdIaF ny lohVIaF dIvflIaF BYxF leI rihMdIaF ny sdf rfqF kflIaF vy rwbf qYnUM kI imldf Koh ky BYxF dy kwly kwly vIry vy rwbf ikwQy kryN BrqI, ikwQoN idl ivwc iKafl qyry afey cMdry, ikAuN ‘ivrk’ dy awgy ipwCy lfey jMdry vy kuJ smJf qfN shI, ikAuN krdf eyN sKq vqIry vy rwbf ikwQy kryN BrqI, puwq mfvF dy cux cux hIry…
ö÷ñ qrlocn ‘locI’
kYsy rMg idKfey vyK mukwdr ny. sB kuJ huMidaF suMidaF vI Gr KMzr ny. qUM PuwlF dy sLihr df vfsI kI jfxy, sfnUM qF KfbF ivwc idsdy KMjr ny. mQurf ivwc Bgvfn guafcf Gr lwBy, eys glI ivwc bx gey QF-QF mMdr ny. ijMnHy myry ichry qoN qUM pVH ley ny, Aus qoN bhuqy zr qF myry aMdr ny. aYvyN ‘locI’ hvf dy GoVy ciVHaf eyN, ies imwtI dy Qwly bhuq iskMdr ny.
èðî ç¶ éź å¶ è§çÅ
puwq mfvF dy cux cux hIry vy rwbf ikwQy krNy BrqI
jy dosI hY iswK gurF df gurUaF mfP nI krnf. iqMn sO kwqI vfrI Aus ny mOq kihr dI mrnf. lwKF prdy pf ley cfhy gurU jI jfxI-jfx. idl Br Br afey… jy dosLI hY isLsL rfm df sjLf rfm ny dyxI. rfvx jYsI sjLf Aus nUM hY BugqxI pYxI. pfpI qfeIN pfp Ausy dy Aus nUM nrkI pfx. idl Br Br afvy…
Friday, June 20th, 2014
afpxI rotI sykx Kfqr, QF QF lUqI lfeI jfxI, ieh qF suhxy sfAU swcy, bMdy df ikrdfr hY. rsmF ByK pKMzI lfry, rwbI rihmq njLr suvwlI, ieh hY sfrf gorK DMdf, koeI prAupkfr nhIN hY. jgq jlMdy TMz vrqfAuxI, ipafr scfeI mfnv syvf, eydUM vD ky suhxf surgI, hor koeI Aupkfr nhIN hY. eIrKf nPrq sfVf lflc, hYNkV hAUmy mqlb KorI, bMdy dI ies Gfx-klf qy, Borf vI ieqbfr nhIN hY. pIVF nUM muskf ky sihxf, jwg pIVf nUM afpxI kihxf ies qoN vD ky suhxf koeI, swuKF df sMsfr nhIN hY. aMdroN hor qy bfhroN hor, kihxI hor qy krnI hor, iehdy nfl jo Biraf bMdf, Auh XfrF df Xfr nhIN hY.
ìÅìñ çÆ ÇÚµàÆ êµ× rxjIq ‘ikMgrf’ af idl myry dy tukiVaf, af bih jf myry kol qUM pYr jvfnI Drilaf, kuJ myry sux lf bol icwtI pwg qyry bfp dI, ikqy deIN nf Gwty rol kI kljug df dsqUr hY, ikMJ dwsF kuVy Prol kflj ivwc pVHdIey kuVIey, moVF qy KVHdIey kuVIey iesLky ivwc sVdIey kuVIey, rihxf nI kwK kuVy bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM, icwtI hI rwK kuVy moiZaF qy cuwk iKzfieaf, puwqF ijhf lfz lzfieaf bxjyN kuJ pVHny pfieaf, dyKIN qUM zolIN nf bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM, pYrF ivwc rolIN nf iPrdy ny BOr ipafsy, qwk lY qUM cfry pfsy ipafrF nUM smJx hfsy, Gwqdy vhIrF nI bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM, kr nf dyeIN lIrF nI
mrhUm poR[ mohn isMG af ik muktI iesLk dI awj sIs qyry Dr idaF. af ky qyry husn nUM awj jIAUx-jogf kr idaF. ivwCVdy sUrj ny hY pwCm df moZf rMigaf af qyry moZy qy kMbdf hwQ mYN vI Dr idaF.
sLoK idl nUM nf vlI qy nf pYgMbr PV sky. af ik qYnUM awj ieh AuWzdf ttihxf PV idaF.
rfq dI mINZI dy ivwc qfry cmk pey gorIey af qyry vflF dy ivwc mYN vI gulfb jV idaF.
af ik qYnUM Aumr dI sfrI kmfeI dy idaF. af ky qYnUM idl dI dOlq nfl mUMh mUMh Br idaF.
rfq dy kMnF dy ivwc Zldf idhuM kI kih igaf? afKyN qF ies Byd nUM awj nsLr jwg ivwc kr idaF.
af ik qyry moiZaF nUM iesLk dy KMB lf idaF. af ik qyry husn nUM awj AuWzx jogf kr idaF.
å¶ðÆ Ôð é÷î êÅåð surjIq ‘pfqr’ qyrI hr njLm pfqr ivk geI hY qyry gIqF df sOdf ho igaf hY qyrI prvfjL qoN KusL ho ky AuhnF ieh iek sony df ipMjrf Byijaf hY
myry hwQF qy imwtI ilsLkdI hY myry mwQy psInf cmkdf hY myrI pqnI dIaF qlIaF qy rwiKaf ktorf sIq jl df Clkdf hY
AunHF ny mohr lf idwqI hY afpxI qyry inMbl ijhy afkfsL AuWqy qyrI hr rfq igrvI ho geI hY qyrf hr idvs gihxy pY igaf hY
mnf cwl cwlIey afpxy vqn nUM ivCoVy ivwc sVdy Aus cmn nUM myry hoTF qy eyhI vfk afey jdoN prdysL ivwc mINh brisaf hY
AunHF dy pONz qF ijMny vI sn pr rupeIaF ivwc jdoN anuvfd hoey Auh mihMgy inwkly cMn-qfiraF qoN qy sUrj AuWTdy plVy qul igaf hY
nf jfxy BuwK ikAuN eynI sI qobf ik afpxy lPjL afpy Kf igaf mYN qy myrI ipafs kuJ aYsI sI dyKo ik sB kuJ Gol ky mYN pI ilaf hY
bVf icr hwisaf sony df jMgl jdoN ieh afK ky lwigaf mYN prqx ik qyry cFdI rMgy kMizaF ivwc myrI pgVI df sLmlf aVkdf hY
mYN supny ivwc sPr qoN prqdf hF dihl jFdf hF jo kuJ dyKdf hF cupwt KuwlHf ipaf hY Gr df bUhf ikqy ivhVy df bUtf qur igaf hY
ܯ é÷îź é×î¶ ìÖô ׶ jIvn ‘rfmpurI’
lohVy dI cVHI juafnI, awlHVy qyrI awK msqfnI lwBdI qUM idl df jfnI, krjIN nf kfhlI nI bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM kr nf dyeIN kflI nI
jo njLmF, ngmyN bKsL gey jobn qy mihkF dy mOsm. asIN jIvn Br hI lwBdy rhy AuhnF mnmohk afvfjLF nUM.
qohiPaF qy zuwlH nf jfvIN, iswikaF sMg quwl nf jfvIN kuVIey qUM Buwl nf jfvIN, DoKf nf Kf jfvIN bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM dfg nf lf jfvIN
jo bx kivqf dI ranfeI, myry ijLhn qswvr rMgdy rhy AuqsLfh dyky AuksfAuNdy rhy Auh lf sImq pRvfjLF nUM.
asIN smJ ky dfrU gLm pIqy pI pI ky gLm glqfn rhy asIN mihkF dy buwqKfny ivwc adf krdy rhy nvfjLF nUM.
iewjLq qF suwcf gihxf, isafixaF df swc hY kihxf rul geI qF Eh nhIN rihxf, ikMgry df nwk kuVy bfpU dI icwtI pwg nUM, icwtI hI rwK kuVy bfbl dI icwtI…
brPF dy dysIN icxgF bx kfmk-ikRaf qpsLfAuNdy rhy socF dy GyrIN Br mihkF mihkfieaf mn nf sfjLF nUM.
jF sMBlI hosL qF AuWT bYTy, pf ikrnF dy aihsfsF nUM, asIN muVky Bflx qur pey aF sLIrIN, idlks afvfjLF nUM.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ڧ׶ Áå¶ î§ç¶
èÆ î˺ ×ðÆì çÆ...
mf: hfkm isMG ‘sfgr’
hrbMs kOr ‘bYNs’
ibwkr isMG ‘Kosf’
ijhVf aFvdf eys sMsfr AuWqy, vfrI afAux AuWqy cfly pfeI jFdf. koeI rih gumnfm idn ktI krdf, koeI afpxf nfm cmkfeI jFdf.
DI mYN grIb dI juafn ho geI aMmIeyN iPkrF ny Kf leI qyrI jfn nI aMmIey iPkrF…
jd hr puwTI iswDI cwly hfkm dI ikAuN nf hovy bwly bwly hfkm dI
lfB afpxf sdf KudgrjL dyKy, AupkfrI dUijaF leI ijMd lfeI jFdf. sMqoKI sbr krdf hwk afpxy qy, loBI dUijaF df hwk KfeI jFdf. ihMmq vfly suhxy mihl Ausfr jFdy, kMmcor pihlF bxy vI Zfh jFdy. nfm keIaF df jwg qy amr rihMdf, bhuqy afpxf nfm imtf jFdy. kIqy vfaidaF nUM bhuqy Buwl jFdy, dy ky sIs keI vcn inBf jFdy. kwcy awD ivckfr hI zobdy ny, pwky pfr diraf qoN lf jFdy. kuwJ BwuiKaF dy hwQoN Kohx rotI, loVvMdF df keI zMg sfr jFdy. drdvMd mUMh mridaF pfAux pfxI, bydrd ijAuNidaF mfr jFdy. suKI horF nUM dyK KusL hox QoVy, bhuqy eIrKf nfl Kf Kfr jFdy. kOVy bol qpfAuNdy ihridaF nUM, imwTy qpdy idlF nUM Tfr jFdy. tky tky qy loBI eImfn vycx, isdkvfn sMqoK qy KVHy rihMdy. guxF vfly sdf inmrqf nfl rihMdy, inrgux ivwc hMkfr dy aVy rihMdy. KusLidl hsFvdy dUijaF nUM, kroDI afpxy afp ivwc sVy rihMdy. sUJvfn iksy nfl ivgfV dy nhIN, mUrK nfl gvFZIaF lVy rihMdy. grIb JuwgIaF ivwc idn ktI krdy, DnI mihlF `c Aumr gujLfrdy ny. krky imhnqF vkq lMGfAux DrmI, Twgx vfsqy dMBI ByK Dfrdy ny. DrmI prjf dy idlF qy rfj krdy, jflm Dwky nfl rfj psfrdy ny. aikRqGx nf kIqy dI sfr jfxn, nykI vfly nf kIqf ivsfrdy ny. mihk aFvdI cMdn dy bUitaF `coN, Qohr kMizaF nfl invfjdf hY. awk ivwcoN sdf inkly duwD kOVf, suhxy Puwl dyNdf bUtf gulfb df hY. isafxy swiBafcfr dI sLfn huMdy, bd huMdf klMk smfj df hY. Gogy iswpIaF pYrF ivwc rihx ruldy, hIrf bxy isLMgfr sLfhI qfj df hY. bsMq ruwq ivwc bfgIN bhfr afAuNdI, srdI afAux qy pwqJVF afAuNdIaF ny. dUr dUr qwk QlF ivwc ryq cmky, ndIaF nyV PslF lihlhfAuNdIaF ny.
kih dyeIN myry bfpU nUM nf myrf Auh iPkr kry rMby vFgUM cMzI mF ny DI dfgL nf lwgx dyvF mfipaF dI iewjq nUM sfry duwK jfvF mfey pI krky juafnI nUM muwTI dy ivwc bMd mfey mfipaF qoN krF kurbfn, vyc ky jLmIn tuwk pfilaf, pVHfieaf mYnUM bx jfvF mfipaF dI lfTI kwlI DI dy mfpy qF grIb ruwl jfxgy mYN qF bx jfAUNgI vYsfKI mYN nf kdy kwly CwzF afpixaF mfipaF nUM BfvyN gwlF kry nIN jhfn, socF ivwc ipaf rihMdF myiraf vy bfblf dws qYnUM lwgf duwK ikhVf dfj idaF BuwiKaF nfl mwQf nf qUM lfeI bfpU tohl dyeIN grIb vr myrf, kdy nF khUMgI qYnUM idwqI ikAuN grIbI mYnUM krdI rhUMgI qyrf mfx,
JolI cuwkx vfly cfVHn asmfnI guwzI izwgI BfvyN Qwly hfkm dI bolx leI sfrI Klkq dy hwQ KVHy suxI suxfeI jFdI kwly hfkm dI inaFsLflf ivwc phuMc bxf leI jd Aus ny pUC inkl geI pihly hwly hfkm dI kwlH qwk ijhVy Jwlf-Jwlf kihMdy sI jI hjLUrI krdy Jwly hfkm dI Esy vyly aPsr Jwt iml pYNdy ny jd koeI prcI aMdr Gwly hfkm dI
èµÕ¶ ÖÅ Õ¶ ì§ç¶ 鱧 ÁÕñ ÁÅÀ°ºçÆ kulvIr isMG ‘zfnsIvfl’ Dwky Kf ky bMdy nUM akl afAuNdI Kf ky jIB nUM afvy svfd Xfro sfhUkfrF nUM isry dI lor cVHdI Kf ky lokF dy koloN ivafj Xfro imwTf Kf ky sULgr df rog hovy kryly Kf ky hovy ielfj Xfro Kf ky vwZIaF aPsr ivgV jFdy nsLy Kf ky ivgVy aOlfd Xfro Kf ky ihwkF qy golIaF sLyr XoDy krn kOmF nUM sdf ajLfd Xfro
kot kcihrI hr aPsr nUM qfV rhy ilst dPqrIN kwly kwly hfkm dI
Pl Kf ky bMdy dy rog Gtdy icwtf Kf ky Gty imafd Xfro
lY iek awDI rwK lY inwq dI loV nhIN dy gMZF bMnH icwTI pwly hfkm dI
cfplUs gwlF dI Kfx KwtI Kf ky ivhlIaF iPwty ny sfD Xfro
qur gey hfkm kd rihMdy ny igxqI ivwc igxqI rihMdI kursI mwly hfkm dI
ijgrI XfrF qoN ipwTF qy Pwt Kf ky ‘zfnsIvflIaf’ hoieaf brbfd Xfro
bx ky mYN puwq qyrf pflF buwZy mfipaF nUM kdy vI nf mwQy vwt pfvF BfgF vfilaF nUM idMdf syvf df suBfg mfey TMzIaF imlxgIaF CfvF mfipaF dI cMgI iswK sdf kMm afvy mfey pfAuNdy ny isafxy ieh khfx nIN aMmIeyN iPwkrF ny Kf leI qyrI jfn.
AuWlU boldf sB nUM burf lwgy, koielF kflIaF mnF nUM BfAuNdIaF ny. hfkm isMGf zwzF mwCIaF PVy bglf, hMs moqIaF qoN ibnF sfrdf nhIN. kwCU shy df kry mukfblf nf, GoVf dOV ivwc gDy qoN hfrdf nhIN. dwuK dyxf suBfa hY kMizaF df, mihkF vMzy Puwl, kMzy iKlfrdf nhIN. BfvyN swp nUM duwD iplf dyeIey, jLihrI nfg nhIN ijhVf zMg mfrdf nhIN.
éÇôÁź é¶ Ö¯ðåÆ ÜòÅéÆ î¶ð¶ ç¶ô çÆ cftI nf mDfxI idsy nf mwJF bUrIaF KFdy nf dyKo hux dysI iGAu cUrIaF gFjf qy smYk bxI ptrfxI myry dysL dI nisLaF ny KorqI jvfnI myry dysL dI. buwZy hoey mfpy hux puwq nf sMBfldy nisLaF `c lwgy puwq jfiedfd gfldy ‘kuVI mfr’ Cp geI khfxI myry dysL dI POj leI kwd kfT gwBrU nf imldy lwKF dI qdfd ivwcoN sYNkVy hI imldy isafsq ny Kf leI ijMdgfnI myry dysL dI bjurg rl swQF ivwc bihxf hux Buwlgy bfx dy mMjy aqy crKy vI rulgy izsko qy PYsnF pwtqI jvfnI myry dysL dI
mulK rfj ‘bjfj’ pRymI golyvflf bnfAutI swsI punUM, hIr rFJf Gr Gr bxgy iewdF mjLhbF `c vMzy hoey gurU pIr bxgy jfqF ivwc vMzI geI iensfnI myry dysL dI rfKI mjlUmF Kfqr gurF cwukI qlvfr sI srbMs vfr idwqf kIqf rUhF nfl ipafr sI pRymI hux grjF dy sOdy, rulI kurbfnI myry dysL dI nisLaF ny KorqI jvfnI myry dysL dI
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
hV(imQn) 50645074 joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-832-7859 kro
myK-ishq TIk rhy. Auqsfh ivwc vfDf hovy. acwl sMpdf-lfB hovy. nvIN Xojnf qoN hfnI. pqnI-pwK qoN lfB hovy. kfrobfr ivwc vfDf hovy. jUn 20, 21, 29, 30; julfeI 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
You will be quick to react to pressure applied by somebody else, especially if you feel they expect to get on top of you. It will be easier than it has been recently for you to get them talking, so that you can gain some idea of how they are thinking. You can get new ways in place but might have to modify any rebelliousness.
Personal changes since late May are now moving onto the next stage that could have something to do with finances. Be careful here, as you may not have clear vision. There will be many new things to think about. However it is not just a case of wanting them but gathering information when it comes to the cost, particularly.
Venus moves into your sign until the 18th July, joining Mercury. This will provide plenty of opportunity to engage in matters you enjoy. You might also decide you would like to go back to something from the past, which could include reconnecting with associations. This could also have a bearing on new opportunities financially.
The New Moon this week occurs in your sign, joining Jupiter, giving this a once in a 12-year significance. This can be the beginning of developments that will see you eventually fulfilling long-term goals. There are thoughts you need to keep to yourself for now. Contemplation and patience to mid July is the way to handle it.
There is much developing behind the scenes that has a lot to do with new beginnings you will experience from your birthday this year to your birthday next year. You could be involved with groups of people to mid July. This could also include gatherings with friends. You may come across somebody from the past.
If you have been encouraged to join a new group of people, this is worth trying, as it could prove beneficial. There could be something entertaining or creative about it. Don’t be tempted to spend money on impulse, based on pressure or advice of somebody else. Your financial obligations need to come first until mid July.
Something that has been annoying you about somebody else could reach a head, mainly because of their determination to do things their way. From now to late July is the time for you to act and put things in place in such a way that you are happy to handle over the next 2 years. Take action if you have too many responsibilities.
When it comes to getting things moving, you will feel held back. It will be difficult to read the intentions of others as they are setting out to be more secretive than ever. You need to focus on new directions you want to develop and expand into the future. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination – it can open up much potential.
Involvement with others will become highly activated until mid July, making you very busy. There is an unpredictable element but this is likely to be more beneficial than otherwise. It could be that you are not sure of where you stand with others and this can have a lot to do with past experiences that do not have to repeat themselves.
New people can come into your life that will have greater long-term significance than you first imagine. There is something changing big time at an underlying level that requires you to question what has likely been past obligations. You are not in the same position any more and need to review your daily routines & patterns in life.
There can be much to enjoy to mid July, which can include finding yourself in social situations where some very interesting conversations take place. You could decide on a new health regime, particularly if you have put on weight during the last 12 months. Any focus on improving health as well could now be showing its benefits.
Pleasurable pursuits will appeal to you more than anything else. If you are involved in anything creative, you can find these reaching new heights. The only thing you have to watch is a tendency to escape from the more practical things that need to be handled. It might be helpful to go back to past methods or means of organising.
ibRK-rkq ipwq ivkfr, afriQk hfnI. inwjI lokF nfl axbx rhy. Xfqrf ivwc qklIP. nvIN Xojnf asPl rhy. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI hovy. mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL lfB hovy. jUn 15, 22, 23; julfeI 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq Krfb rhy. PjUl df Krc hovy. pirvfr ivwc klysL. gupq-dusLmx qoN sfvDfn rho. nvIN Xojnf aqy pqnI-pwK qoN lfB hovy. jUn 15, 16, 24, 25; julfeI 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
krk-rkq ipwq ivkfr. ivroDI pRbl rihx. krjLf isr cVHy. imwqr qoN shfieqf imly. kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL qbdIlI nfl acfnk lfB hovy. jUn 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28; julfeI 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn.
isMG-vfXU-rog kfrn prysLfnI hovy. ivsLysL qklIP df Xog hY. BfeI-bMDU qoN sihXog. kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI nfl lfB imly. pr mhIny dy aKIr ivwc afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. XfndurGtnf qoN sfvDfn rhy. jUn 20, 21, 29, 30; julfeI 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-sLUgr afidk rogF kfrn acfnk prysLfnI ivwc vfDf hovy, sfvDfn rihx dI loV hY. BfeIvflI dy kMm ivwc hfnI hovy. guwsy ivwc vfDf. imwqr-bMDU qoN shfieqf, kr-ivhfr ivwc qbdIlI nfl lfB hovy. jUn 15, 22, 23; julfeI 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-ishq TIk rhy. AuqsLfh ivwc vfDf hovy. kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt aqy mhIny dy aKIr ivwc PjUl Krc hovy. Xfqrf-suwK rhy. sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK. jUn 15, 16, 24, 25; julfeI 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-cmVI rog aqy ipwq ivkfr hovy. PjLUl df Krc hovy. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, pqnIpwK qoN shfieqf imly. kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL hfnI aqy rwdo-bdl hovy. sLnI-df dfn kIqf jfvy. jUn 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28; julfeI 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn.
Dn-guwsy ivwc vfDf hovy. Dn-lfB ho ky hwQoN inkly. jLmIn-jfiedfd df lfB hovy. kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. mhIny dy aMq ivwc PjLUl Krc hovy. jUn 20, 21, 29, 30; julfeI 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-axjfqy vYrI qoN hfnI-BY. cMgy lokF nfl myl hovy pr ivroDI pRbl rihx. pqnI-pwK qoN icMqf rhy. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc AuWqm lfB hovy. jUn 15, 22, 23; julfeI 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-isr aqy awKF ivwc ksLt, Dn-lfB hovy. irsLqydfrF qoN lfB. sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, vYrI kmjLor, susrfl vfilaF nfl axbx. Drm-krm ivwc rucI rhy. jUn 15, 16, 24, 25; julfeI 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
mIn-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB cMgf hovy. bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf. vYrI isr cuwkx. srkfr vwloN BY. Drm-krm ivwc rucI rhy. jUn 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28; julfeI 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ÇÕò¶º Ô¯ò¶ ÁÅî ñ¯Õź çÅ î°ÃÆìåź 寺 Û°àÕÅðÅ?
guridafl isMG
KudkuÈIafˆ bfry KLbrfˆ lgfqfr vD rhIafˆ hn. ieh vI ikhf jf irhf hY ik kuJ iksfn-mËdUr jQybMdIafˆ lokfˆ nUM KudkuÈIafˆ df ruJfn Cwz ky sMGrÈ krn leI AuqÈfihq kr rhIafˆ hn pr Auh sPl nhIN ho rhIafˆ. socx vflI gwl ieho hY ik grIb iksfn qy mËdUrfˆ dy ies ruJfn dy muwK kfrn kI hn, ijnHfˆ nUM roky ibnfˆ ies smwisaf df koeI ielfj nhIN. pihlf kfrn, ivÈyÈ krky iksfn-mËdUrfˆ dy isr cVHy, nf lfhy jf skx vfly krËy hn. pIVHI-dr-pIVHI Gt rhI ËmIn hY. ËmIn GtdI hY qfˆ Aupj vI GtdI hY. ieh Byd bhuq Gwt iksfnfˆ nUM pqf hY ik kIVymfr Ëihrfˆ qy msnUeI (bnfAutI) Kfdfˆ dIafˆ kImqfˆ hr roË vD rhIafˆ hn. vwD Aupj leI Kfdfˆ qy kIVymfr Ëihrfˆ Cwz dyx qfˆ Pslfˆ dI Aupj eynI Gt jfeygI ik iksy vI sfDfrn iksfn dIafˆ ËrUrI loVfˆ vI pUrIafˆ nhIN ho skxIafˆ. dUjy pfsy kIVymfr dvfeIafˆ qy msnUeI Kfdfˆ dIafˆ kImqfˆ ies kfrn vD rhIafˆ hn ik AunHfˆ nUM bxfAux vfly kfrKfnydfr vDyry munfPf kmfAuxf cfhuMdy hn. sfzy bhuq sfry arQ-ÈfsqrI (pYsy-tky df ihsfb rwKx vfly mfhr) ieh prcfr krdy hn ik kfrKfnydfrfˆ df qfˆ iek-dUjy qoN vDyry mfl vyc ky vDyry munfPf kmfAux dI lflsf vDx kfrn mukfblf vD irhf hY qy hr kfrKfnydfr mfl dIafˆ kImqfˆ Gtf irhf hY. jy aijhf hY qfˆ Auh ieh ikAuN nhIN dwsdy ik iPr ienHfˆ vsqfˆ dIafˆ kImqfˆ Gtx dI Qfˆ vD ikAuN rhIafˆ hn?
skdf hY. pr ies pfsy iksy srkfr df iDafn nhIN. Gwto-Gwt cOQf ihwsf anfj pwky gudfmfˆ ibnfˆ gl-sV jfˆdf hY. anfj dIafˆ kImqfˆ vD jfˆdIafˆ hn, ijs df lfB vpfrIafˆ jfˆ srkfrI mihkimafˆ nUM huMdf hY (iksfn nUM anfj dI kImq Gwt imlx kfrn nuksfn huMdf hY). svfl iksfnfˆ-mËdUrfˆ dIafˆ vDdIafˆ KudkuÈIafˆ qoN sLurU kIqf sI. vDdI afbfdI qy GtdI ËmIn (qy Krcy dy mukfbly anfj dI GtdI kImq) kfrn iksfn nUM loV smyˆ krËf lYxf pYˆdf hY. krËf koafpryitv bYˆkfˆ, srkfrI bYˆkfˆ jfˆ afVHqIafˆ qoN imldf hY, jo afpxy munfPy leI ivafj vDfeI jfˆdy hn. iksfn mËdUr (ijnHfˆ nUM mÈInI KyqI kfrn kMm nhIN imldf, jfˆ Gwt imldf hY) vDdy ivafj kfrn smyˆ isr krËf nhIN moV skdy. koeI vI Xqn krn, iksfn ËmIn gihxy Drn jfˆ vycx pr krËf ÈYqfn dI afˆq vfˆg vDI jfˆdf hY. krËfeI iksfn icMqf ivc sVdf rihMdf hY (ikAuNik icMqf nUM icKf brfbr mMinaf jfˆdf hY-qy hY vI) aKIr jdoN inrfÈf dI ijwlHx ivcoN nhIN inkl skdf qfˆ twbr nUM byshfrf Cwz ky KudkuÈI kr lYˆdf hY. iksfn-mËdUr jQybMdIafˆ lwK Xqn krn jfˆ krËfeI lokfˆ nUM sMGrÈ leI kihx qfˆ vI srkfrfˆ (rfj pRbMD) ny qfˆ vpfrIafˆ qy amIrfˆ dI shfieqf leI Xojnfvfˆ bxfAuxIafˆ hn, ikAuNik coxfˆ Auqy hox vfly nfjfieË Krcy qy rfj pRbMD leI pYsf qfˆ ienHfˆ Dnvfnfˆ qoN hI imlxf hY. tYks cfhy iksy iksm dy hox, cfhy vpfrIafˆ qy DnfZfˆ rfhIN lYxy hox pr Auh jfxy afm lokfˆ dI lhU-psIny dI kmfeI `coN hn. KLbrfˆ Bfvyˆ ieh vI afAuNdIafˆ hn ik ipMz vfilafˆ ny iksy krËfeI iksfn dI ËmIn kurk hoxoN bcfa leI. pr srkfrI amly ny qfˆ lYxdfrfˆ df pwK pUrnf hY. awgy-ipwCy iksfnfˆ nUM krËy dyxy pYxgy. jy afVHqIafˆ, bYˆkfˆ jfˆ susfietIafˆ dy idwqy krËy nf muVn qfˆ rfj prbMD nhIN cwl skdf. cfhy kyˆdrI qy rfj srkfrfˆ nUM afpxy krmcfrIafˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ, sVkfˆ, nvIafˆ kflonIafˆ kuJ rwjy-puwjy lokfˆ leI hI bxfAuxIafˆ hox pr pYsf afm lokfˆ dI kmfeI (iksfnfˆ-mËdUrfˆ) `coN hI jfxf hY.
bfËfr ivc ivkx vflI hr cIË dI kImq, Aus Auqy hox vflI lfgq kfrn vDdI, GtdI hY. lfgq df iswDf mqlb Aus Auqy hox vfly Krcy hn. Krcy do qrHfˆ dy huMdy hn. pihlf kwcy mfl dIafˆ kImqfˆ df qy dUjf Aus mfl nUM bxfAux leI mËdUrI df. mËdUrI df sbMD vI mËdUr dI srIrk qy idmfgI ÈkqI nfl hY. ieh ÈkqI mËdUrI leI KfDI jfx vflI Kurfk nfl hY. jy AuhnUM Kurfk mihMgI imlygI qfˆ mËdUrI vI vwD dyxI peygI, ijs df Krcf bxy hoey mfl dI kImq `qy peygf. ies leI ies AulJI qfxI nUM smJx leI ieh jfxkfrI ËrUrI hY. afDuink (vrqmfn) KyqI leI vrqx dI hr cIË (bIj qoN trYktr dy qyl qwk) roË mihMgI ho rhI hY jo vI rfj prbMD ipCly 67 sfl qoN ivkisq pr iksfn dI Aupj dI kImq ienHfˆ vsqfˆ dy kIqf igaf hY, Auh kfiem hI qdy rih skdf hY mukfbly bhuq Gwt imldI hY. Aupj AuWqy hox jy krËf dyx vfly ‘dlflfˆ` (vpfrIafˆ, amIrfˆ) vfly Krcy vDyry ho rhy hn. dI shfieqf nfl, iksfnfˆ-mËdUrfˆ dI kmfeI dI kxk qy Jonf (jo pUry dyÈ dI muwK Kurfk hY) hr luwt kfiem rhy. ieh srkfrfˆ iksy vI pfrtIafˆ pwkI Psl smyˆ, mMzIafˆ ivc kUVy vfˆg ruldy hn. dIafˆ hox, Auh kfiem hI qfˆ rih skdIafˆ hn, anfj KrIdx vfly mihkmy qy anfj dy vpfrI, jy ‘dlfl` ijAuNdy rihx. pihlfˆ qfˆ KrIdx vyly iksfn nUM Kwjl krdy afKrI gwl sMGrÈ dI hY. sMGrÈ dI ‘dOV` qfˆ hn (aksr, KrIdx leI irÈvq vI lYˆdy hn). ‘msIqfˆ qfeIN` hI rih geI hY. kuJ jQybMdIafˆ, iPr anfj leI bfrdfny (borIafˆ) dI smwisaf hVqflfˆ krdIafˆ qy sVkfˆ `qy Drny mfr ky kuJ afAuNdI hY. Aus ipwCoN anfj bfhr iljfx leI smyˆ leI rsqy rok idMdIafˆ hn. kuJ krmcfrI cukfeI dI muÈikl kdy hwl nhIN ho skI. Aus jfˆ nOkrIafˆ lYx leI pVHy-ilKy nOjvfn, imwtI qoN vI vwzI smwisaf anfj nUM godfmfˆ ivc sfˆBx df qyl jfˆ pYtrol dIafˆ boqlfˆ lY ky pfxI dI hY. jy pwky godfm Auqy iek sO ruipaf Krc vflIafˆ tYˆkIafˆ `qy cVH jfˆdy hn. srkfr hovy qfˆ svf-zyZ sO df anfj Krfb hoxoN bc dy puqly sfVdy hn. Drny(bfkI pMnf 48 ’qy)
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
pMjfbI iPlm vrk vYdr vfeIP df imAUjk rlIjL 29 jUn nUM kfmfgftfmfrU dI Xfd ivwc 29 jUn, idn aYqvfr mnorMjn krngy. pRogrfm dupihr do vjy, 29 jUn krvfey jf rhy rMgfrMg pRogrfm swq smuMdroN pfr idn aYqvfr bIar krIk pfrk dy hfl srI afrt ivwc pMjfbI iPlm Work, Weather, Wife sYNtr ivwc sQfink sihXogIaF, imrks lMbr, df imAUijk irlIjL hovygf.
arlier today, the Abbotsford Hospice Society announced approximately $600,000 in new donations stemming from phase two of their capital campaign for Holmberg House, which was launched earlier this year.
nance), and written greetings from the Hon. Terry Lake (Minister of Health), the event recognized eleven unique individuals and groups who have gotten behind the campaign in recent months:
Donor Dollars Gary & Carolyn Featuring remarks from Board Dickinson $125,000 Tom & IsaChair David Turchen, Abbotsford bella Yakashiro $52,000 Dennis Mayor Bruce Banman, the Hon. & July Morelli $150,000 Marshall Michael DeJong (Minister of Ficont’d on page 50
29 jUn idn aYqvfr dupihr do vjy, srI dy bIar krIk pfrk dy “srI afrt sYNtr’ ivwc afrtgy j iPL l mjL aqy dysI buafiejL vwloN sFJy qOr qy kfmfgftfmfrU dI Xfd nUM smripq iewk rMgfrMg pRogrfm krvfieaf jf irhf hY. ies pRogrfm ivwc hflIvuwz iPlm zfierYktr hrpRIq sMDU dI afAux vflI ibhqrIn pMjfbI iPlm Work Weather Wife df imAUijk vIzIEjL aqy Exclusive idRsL idKfey jfxgy. pwqrkfrF nfl gwlbfq krdy hoey iPlm inrdysLk hrpRIq sMDU ny dwisaf ik ies pRogrfm ivwc AuWGy sQfink klfkfr, rfj ZysI, cMnI cwzf, gurpRIq bYnIpfl aqy hor drsLkF df
suwKI bfT motrjL, zYltf, vYizMgjL, im[ bnvYq, afr mYs igwl trwks, afeI[ sI[ sI[ akfAUNitMg aqy krfAUn pYls hfl dy sihXog nfl krvfieaf jf irhf hY. itktF srI dy pfiel ibjLns sYNbr dy B4U VIDEO qoN iml skdIaF hn. vDyry jfxkfrI leI, hrpRIq sMDU, rfj ZysI-604763-2706, jsvIr sMDU-604-897-6512 nUM sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. afpxy sQfnk klfkfrF dI hOslf aPjfeI leI jLrUr phuMco.
VIBC- City of Bhangra Festival 2014
en days, a dozen stages, hundreds town Bhangra; and of performers, and Vancouver was to a wrap party to once again the centre of #Bhan- end all wrap parties graLove! From the magic of our May at the Copper Chimney Bar and Grill, this year’s City of Bhangra Festival was an amazing experience from start to finish!
ever. Your energy, City of Bhangra Festival (work starts enthusiasm, and no- TODAY on COB 2015!), but also by holds-barred partici- creating ongoing community engagepation guarantees our success every spring, a n d makes VIBC the vital organization it is today.
Thanks to all of our wonderful Festival performers, Be sure sponsors, supto stay in touch with 29 opening event, TransFusion, to the porters, staff, volundynamic sounds of Saanjh at the Media teers and – especially ¬ Our audiences, VIBC, as our work continues through Arts Mehfil at Surrey City Hall, to a truly for making this year’s Festival the best the year – not only in organizing the mesmerizing evening with Sufi mytic Saieen Zahoor at the Vogue; from an awe-inspiring performance by Qurat-ulAin-Balouch at the Fox Cabaret, to two lively Bhangra Village events bringing performers and audiences together for discussions of all things bhangra, to a performers’ reception; to two fantastic days of live performances by local, national and international singers, dancers, musicians, and bhangra teams at Down-
ment through building partnerships with other cultural organizations, supporting local arts initiatives, and working with professional instructors to help teach the art of bhangra to interested youth. VIBC focuses on creating programming that is accessible to the general public, engages all communities, and elevates the arts through education and experience. Our vision is to create an inclusive community for all through the celebration and joy of bhangra, and we need your ideas and support to make this happen!
Punjabi Patrika
pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl vwloN kyˆdr ivwc afpxI srkfr dy vwK-vwK mMqrIafˆ nUM iml ky sUby dIafˆ hwkI mMgfˆ qoN jfxU krvfAux dI kvfied ÈlfGfXog afKI jf skdI hY. aYn[ zI[ ey[ srkfr dy mMqrI Bfvyˆ sRI bfdl leI koeI Epry jfˆ nvyˆ nhIN hn pr iPr vI AunHfˆ vwloN ienHfˆ afgUafˆ nfl afpxI plyTI rsmI mulfkfq nUM sUby dIafˆ loVfˆ qoN jfxU krvfAux leI vrq lYxf AunHfˆ dI sUJ df pRmfx hY. ipClI XU[ pI[ ey[ srkfr smyˆ vI bfdl idwlI jfˆdy gfhy-bgfhy pMjfb leI kuJ nf kuJ lY ky hI muVdy rhy hn. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik ies dy bfvjUd pMjfb awj kMgflI dI kgfr `qy KVHf hY.
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jwg jfxdf hY ik XU[ pI[ ey[ srkfr ny pMjfb nUM nihrfˆ dI sPfeI, mnrygf, kOmI pyˆzU ishq imÈn, srv iswiKaf aiBafn afid smyq sYˆkVy Xojnfvfˆ leI BfrI grfˆtfˆ idwqIafˆ sn pr sUbf srkfr ienHfˆ dI ZuwkvIN vrqoN krn ivwc nfkfm iswwD hoeI hY ijs krky ivkfs dy qswlIbKÈ nqIjy pRfpq nhIN ho sky. iBRÈtfcfr, PjUl KrcI aqy inÈicq pRfjYktfˆ/Xojnfvfˆ dy PMzfˆ nUM hor kfrjfˆ leI vrq lYx dy ruJfn kfrn kroVfˆ dIafˆ grfˆtfˆ imlx dy bfvjUd sUby df loVINdf ivkfs nhIN ho sikaf. srkfr duafrf grfˆtfˆ dI durvrqoN aqy gYrËrUrI Kricafˆ ivwc lgfqfr vfDy kfrn sUby dI afriQkqf lIhoN lih cuwkI hY. sUbf srkfr ivwc muwK sMsdI skwqrfˆ, aYzvokyt jnrl dy dPqr
sfnUM PrnIcr PYktrI ivwc kMm krn vfilaF dI loV hY.
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hor jfxkfrI leI pfl jF prl nUM PLon kr skdy ho jF afp afky imlo.
PLon nMbr: 604-855-0309 aYzrYs hyTF iliKaf hY. Canadian Furniture Mfg. Ltd. 30552 Progressive Way, Abbotsford
Friday, June 20th, 2014
mMqrI arux jyqlI qoN AunHfˆ pMjfb df krËf muafP krn dy nfl-nfl afdmpur, jlMDr aqy hlvfrf eyarPors hvfeI awizafˆ qoN isvl hvfeI Auzfxfˆ sLurU krn dI mMg kIqI hY. kyˆdrI AUrjf mMqrI ipAUÈ goiel nfl mulfkfq dOrfn sRI bfdl ny kolf splfeI df muwdf AuTfieaf hY. kyˆdrI trfˆsport mMqrI iniqn gzkrI qoN AunHfˆ luiDafxf-qlvMzI BfeI qoN iProËpur qwk chuM-mfrgI sVk bxfAux, aMimRqsr-biTMzf aqy ËIrkpur-biTMzf sVk pRfjYktfˆ nUM CyqI sLurU krn dI mMg vI kIqI. sfry kyWITH ˆdrI mMqrIafˆEX ny sRI bfdl dIafˆ gwlfˆ iDafn nfl suFURNITU xn AuprMq pMjfb dIafˆ sfrIafˆ smwisafvfˆ hwl krn df Brosf idvfieaf hY aqy keI mMgfˆ mOky negotiabl sRI bfdl sU y dy cwpy-cwpy aqy ies dy lokfˆ dI Wages • bHelpers `qyFull pRvfn vI hoeIafˆ dwsIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. Bfvyˆ sRI Extended rg-rg qo•N jfxU hn. ieh cMgI gwl hY ik AunHfˆ bfdl dI kyˆdrI mMqrIafˆ nfl ieh rsmI mulfkfq Pre-Sanders vision car afpxI nvIN• srkfr dy zyrAssemblers y jf ky pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ sI pr pMjfb dIafˆ mMgfˆ qoN jfxUM krvf ky AunHfˆ ies Finish loVfˆ aqy mMgfˆ leI alK jgfAux ivwc PurqI nUM BfvpUrqCall bxf idwqf hY. hfl dI GVI Bfvyˆ ienHfˆ • Machine Operators 6 ivKfeI hY ikAuNik ibnfˆ mMgy qfˆ mfˆ vI bwcy nUM duwD mulfkfqfˆ ivwc hoieaf or a ivcfr-vtfˆdrf sqhI pwDr • Lacquer/Stain Sprayers nhIN idMdI. kyˆdrI KyqI mMqrI rfDf mohn isMG nUM df hI irhf hovy pr BivwK ivwc ies kvfied dy iml ky AunHfˆ PslI iviBMnqf leI mwCI pflx aqy cMgy iswty inklx qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. psU pflx DMdy nUM AuqÈfihq krn dy nfl-nfl nvIN srkfr dy mMqrIafˆ ny afpo-afpxy ivBfgfˆ bdlvIafˆ Pslfˆ ijvyˆ mwkI afid nUM Gwto-Gwt dy bjt aqy qrjIhfˆ AulIkxIafˆ hn aqy aijhf smrQn muwl Xojnf aDIn ilafAux dI mMg kIqI krn smyˆ pMjfb dIafˆ loVfˆ lfËmI AunHfˆ dy iDafn hY pr kxk aqy Jony df smrQn muwl svfmInfQn gocry rihxgIafˆ. muwK mMqrI ny kyˆdrI mMqrIafˆ nUM kimÈn dIafˆ isPfrÈfˆ anusfr inÈicq krn sUby dIafˆ loVfˆ, mMgfˆ aqy qrjIhfˆ qoN jfxU krvf df muwdf Èfied Auh Buwl hI gey hn. pfxI sroqfˆ idwqf hY aqy hux vyKxf ieh hY ik AunHfˆ dI afpxI sbMDI kyˆdrI mMqrI Aumf BfrqI kol AunHfˆ sqluj srkfr sUby dIafˆ ikMnIafˆ ku smwisafvfˆ kdoN hwl diraf nUM gMgf vfˆg sfP krn, isMcfeI pRfjYktfˆ krdI hY. sRI bfdl aqy AunHfˆ dI BfeIvflI vflI aqy Gwgr diraf df muwdf AuTfieaf hY. ivwq kyˆdrI srkfr leI ieh muwdy vwzI cuxOqI hn. ivwc kfnUMnI aiDkfrIafˆ, muwK mMqrI aqy Aup muwK mMqrI smyq keI mMqrIafˆ dy dPqrfˆ ivwc ivÈyÈ kfrjkfrI aiDkfrIafˆ dI byloVI POj srkfrI KËfny nUM cUnf lf rhI hY. nqIjy vjoN ivkfs kfrj aqy jnqk syvfvfˆ pRBfivq ho rhIafˆ hn. lok loVINdIafˆ syvfvfˆ vfsqy Kwjl ho rhy hn aqy srkfr AunHfˆ nUM drjnfˆ syvfvfˆ ËrUrI muhweIaf krvfAux dy kfgËI aYkt df ‘lOlIpop` dy rhI hY. loVINdy mulfËmfˆ aqy amly-PYly ibnfˆ syvfvfˆ ikvyˆ pRfpq ho skdIafˆ hn? aiDafpkfˆ aqy zfktrfˆ qoN swKxy skUlfˆ qy hspqflfˆ dI hoNd iemfrqfˆ qoN vwD kuJ nhIN afKI jf skdI.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ë°àìÅñ Çòôò Õµê ç¶ Ö¶â¶ ÜÅä òÅñ¶ îËÚź çÅ ò¶ðòÅ
gruwp ‘ey’ brfjIl, krolysIaf, mYrsIry, pihly gyV dy agly cfr pUl lIg mYcF dIaF imqIaF kYmrUn gruwp ‘bI’ spyn, hflYNz, icwlI, julfeI-15, 20, 25, julfeI-15, 21, 25 julfeI-16, 21, 26 julfeI-17, 22, 26 afstrylIaf gruwp ‘sI’ kolMbIaf, grIs, kOstzI, 16 Putbfl tImF dy pRIkuaftr-PfeInl mYc afeIvorI, jpfn gruwp ‘zI’ AurUguey, kysrf rIrf, ieMglYNz, 1 ey-1 bnfm jI-2 ietlI
2 sI-1 bnfm zI-2
pihly gyV dy pihly cfr pul lIg mYcF 3 bI-1 bnfm ey-2 dIaF imqIaF 4 zI-1 bnfm sI-2 jUn 12, 17, 23 jUn 13, 18, 23, jUn mYc Kyzy jfx dI imqI 28 jUn mYc Kyzy 14, 19, 24 jUn 14, 19, 24 jfx dI imqI 29 jUn gruwp ‘eI’ sivtjrlYNz, iekRafzor, 5 eI-1 bnfm aYP-2 PrFs, hobUrj 6 jI-1 bnfm aYc-2 gruwp ‘aYP’ arjntfeInf, bysnIaf7 aYc-1 bnfm eI-2 hrj, ierfn, nfiejIrIaf gruwp ‘jI’ jrmnI, purqgfl, Gfnf, 8 aYc-1 bnfm jI-2 amrIkf
mYc Kyzy jfx dI imqI 30 jUn mYc Kyzy jfx dI imqI 1 julfeI
gruwp ‘aYc’ bYljIam, aljIrIaf, rUs, Kyz zYsk dwKxI korIaf
The Abbotsford Police Department, with staff strength in excess of 300, is committed to making Abbotsford the safest city in BC. Through continuous improvement and innovation, we strive to provide the highest quality of service to our growing community. We are currently accepting applications for the following volunteer opportunity.
Reserve Constable Program Are you interested in a career in law enforcement or are you a civic minded person who wants to give back to their community? The Abbotsford Police Department is currently accepting applications for the reserve program. Minimum qualifications: • • • • • •
Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident Must be 19 years of age at time of application Grade 12 diploma or equivalent Possess good moral and ethical character Be physically fit. A valid driver's licence and a good driving record. Learner and Novice restrictions are not permitted.
Successful applicants will be required to obtain a Standard First Aid certificate with CPR and complete the Police Officer’s Physical Ability Test (POPAT). Additionally hearing, vision and medical clearance forms will be required. The successful applicants must obtain an enhanced background/security clearance, which may include a polygraph test. If this opportunity is of interest to you visit for more information and directions on “How to Apply”. Closing date: August 01, 2014 We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those applicants selected to complete the full application package will be contacted. The Abbotsford Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we encourage diversity.
Punjabi Patrika
Employment Shiva Sweet & Restaurant Need a part time server must have knowledge of English, please bring your resume or call after 4 pm. contact: 604-850-2399
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl (borizMg) kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $13[50, iqMn mhIinaF dy qjLrby vflyL nUM $14[50 pRqI GMtf aqy ijafdf qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr | aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| Pon kro: 778552-0841
Farm Workers Wanted for Eagle Mountain Farms Ltd.,41608 Lougheed Hwy, Deroche, British Columbia, Salary: $10.33/ hr.Job duties: Pruning blueberry plants, upkeep of plantings and farm area, Operating farm machinery and applying farm sprays, two years term, • Contact : Manbir Banwait 778-241-4472
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $13[00 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-5521000 jF 778-552-6269
Drivers Wanted Full Time Class 1 Driver required to run to Canada and USA for Jasiv Ent. Ltd. Pay by mile. 1 year driving experience necessary. Steady year round work. For more info, Call: 604-300-2337 or E-mail Resume at kfimaF dI loV nrsrI, Pfrm aqy grIn hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604855-1065 jF 604-556-8686
kfimaF dI loV sfnUM PryimMg kMpnI leI kfimaF dI loV hY| nvyN vrkrF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf aqy tryinMg vI idWqI jf skdI hY| aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| Pon: 604-825-0763
k`iE loV P`r i@ M kr v`l k`iE lo hY MMiE d hovg` y EYbtsPr o imSEYlfrgRoEq s qo r`I d pR hY kl` v`l fr`iev lo hY Po6-375
For Rent bysmYNt ikrfey leI 3 bYzrUm dI bysmYNt sueIt 1 julfeI qoN ikrfey leI KflI hY| 34707 vfeI roz, (kOsko dy nyVy)| pflqU jfnvr rWKx aqy isgrtnosLI leI mnfhI, ikrfieaf $750, Pon: 778-9080277
For Sale zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU nvyN vrgf zfeIinMg tybl 6 kursIaF smyqL ivkfAU hY, kImq $150, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-5041651
Services jy[jy[ jMk irmUvl asIN purfxy PirWj, stov, vfsLr, zrfier, pfxI vflyL tYNk, PrIjLr, lohf, gWdy, PrnIcr, tfhxIaF,lWkVF, gfrbyj afid vfijb ryt qy GroN cuWkdy hF aqy koeI vI CotI jOb krdy hF| Sundecks and Sidewalk Pressure Washed Jiwan Gill: 604-217-1909 jF 604-850-3127
blYk kobrf imAUjLk vIzIE ieMtrtynmYNt nUM nvyN klfkfrF dI pMjfbI nftk aqy mltI sI[zI[ vfsqy qlfsL hY| nvyN isMgr, afpxf gIq irkfrz jF vIzIE bxvf skdy hn | Pon: 604-6154952 eI-myl: mangal4952@
isvl 101.7 EYP. EYm. h I Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l|
Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
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Government Licenced
K-5 itaUSn
Government Licenced
 • 2 ½ • 2 ½ • Phonics Program • € ‹ Â? Â? Â?ˆ ‹ Â?ˆ ‚Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚  Â?Â? Â? Â?   Â? Â? Â? • €Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? Â? • ƒ Â? „ ‚ Â?  Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  Â? • Â… Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚†Â? Â? Â? ‡ Â?ˆ ‰ • Â? Â? „ (Subjects) ŠÂ? Â? ‰ Â? Â? „ Â?ˆ ‰ • Â? Â? ‚Â? Š „ Â? „ (Graduation Celebration) • • Â? Â?€ Â? Â? € (Punjabi Cultural Dance) ‚ Â?Â? Â? Â?€  € Â?Â? Â? • Â?  Â?† ĂŞzÆ ĂƒĂ•ÂąĂą Ă ĂĽÂś Çà À¹ôÊ çÆà  ĂƒÂśĂ˛Ă…Ă˛Âť ĂœÂšĂąĂ…Ă‚Ă† Ă ĂĽÂś Ă Ă—ĂƒĂĽ ÇòžÚ òÆ ùË ĂƒĂ•Ă§Âś Ô¯ Ă?
hux SnIv`r Eqy EYqv`r nUM vI pRI-skUl auplbD hY|
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(Manpreet) 604-751-3536 PAGE 47
Punjabi Patrika
PAGE 48 (pMnf 40 dI bfkI)mfrdy hn. srkfr ny aijhy sMGrÈfˆ nUM kfbU krn leI puils qy nIm-POjI dlfˆ dy muMzy-kuVIafˆ BrqI kIqy hoey hn. ijvyˆ aijhy sMGrÈ vDdy hn, Ausy ihsfb nfl, ieh ‘lfa aYˆz afrzr` kfiem rwKx leI vDyry jvfn BrqI kr ley jfˆdy hn. AunHfˆ dy vDy Kricafˆ leI dlflfˆ dI vDyry loV pYˆdI hY. Auh awgoN krËy vfps lYx leI iksfnfˆ-mËdUrfˆ `qy dbfa pfAuNdy hn. ieh ‘lukxmIcI` dI Kyz vfˆg, sMGrÈ krn vflIafˆ jQybMdIafˆ qy rfj pRbMD dI Kyz hI bxI rihMdI hY. krËy Aupj qy Krc dy Prk nfl hor vDI jfˆdy hn.
iksfn-mËdU r jQy b M d Iafˆ krËy qfˆ moV nhIN skdIafˆ, aKIr ieh AulJxfˆ ‘KudkuÈIafˆ df jMjfl` hI bx ky rih jfˆdIafˆ hn. ies AulJx df muwK kfrn qfˆ Aupjfˆ qy ‘afDuink` KyqI dy vD rhy pfVy hn, ijnHfˆ vwl iksy df iDafn nhIN. KyqI dI vwD qoN vwD Aupj leI KyqI dy Kricafˆ qy Aupj dI kImq dy vDdy Prk nUM imtfAuxf ËrUrI hY. pr koeI srkfr afvy, koeI jfvy, ieh pfVy nhIN pUr skdI. pYsy qy dlflfˆ dI loV, (afbfdI dy vfDy kfrn) qoN iksfnfˆ-mËdUrfˆ dI mukqI qoN ibnfˆ hor
koeI rfh nhIN. jy vrqmfn rfj prbMD ies smwisaf bfry socdf jfˆ kfrafmd ZMg nhIN vrqdf qfˆ nf KudkuÈIafˆ ruk skdIafˆ hn qy nf afm (afm pfrtI vflf afm nhIN) lokfˆ nUM musIbqfˆ qoN Cutkfrf iml skdf hY. ieh muÈiklfˆ vDxgIafˆ , GtdIafˆ nhIN . srkfrfˆ iksy pfrtI dIafˆ bxdIafˆ rihx, ieh musIbqfˆ vDxgIafˆ, GtxgIafˆ nhIN. (hux nvIN srkfr df pRDfn mMqrI sRI nirMdr modI jo mrËI dfavy kry, jy amIrI (dlfl) qy grIbI dy pfVy pUrI qrHfˆ imtfey nhIN jfˆdy qfˆ hflfq pihlfˆ nfloN vI ivgVngy, suDrngy nhIN.)
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ñÅñ ÇÕñ·¶ ç¶ Õì±åðź 鱧 òÆ ïÅç Ô¯ ׶ Ô¯ä׶ êzèÅé î§åðÆ ç¶ íÅôä: í×ò§å îÅé nvIN idwlI-afm afdmI pfrtI dy sMsd mYNbr BgvMq mfn ny afpxy mjLfhIaf aMdfjL ivwc sMsd `c ivaMg BrIaF itwpxIaF kIqIaF. AunHF Kud nUM afm lokF df nu m fieM d f dw s idaF idw l I ivw c ibjlI dI smw i saf bfry itwpxIaF kIqIaF aqy rfsLtrpqI bfry BfsLx dOrfn hoeI bihs `c ikhf ik inrI BfsLxbfjLI hI ho rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik pRDfn mMqrI df idwlI dy lfl iklHy `qy hox vflf BfsLx vI hux bdlx vflf ho igaf hY ikAuNik hux qF lfl iklHy dy kbUqrF nUM vI pRDfn mMqrI vfly BfsLx Xfd ho gey hn. AunHF ikhf, “BfsLx nhIN, kr ky ivKfE.” BgvMq mfn ny ikhf ik idwlI aMdr ibjlI dI smwisaf qoN qF dfidaF-pVdfidaF dy mombwqIaF vfly idn Xfd af gey hn. srkfr hux idwlI dy lokF nUM GMty leI ey[ sI[ bMd krn leI afK rhI hY aqy ds vjy qoN bfad mflF aMdr jfx qoN rok rhI hY. AunHF pMjfb srkfr qy qnj kwsidaF ikhf, “sfnUM qF pMjfb srkfr ny ibjlI ibnF rihx dI afdq pf idwqI hY pr dysL dy idl idwlI nfl qF aijhf nf kro.” AunHF afpxy Coty ijhy BfsLx ivwc ikhf, “Bfjpf ny lokF qoN 60 mhIny mMgy hn pr Auh vfady 2022 qwk dy (guslKfny bxfAux dy) kr rhy hn ijvyN ik AudoN qwk Auh iewQy hI rihxgy.” AunHF dfavf kIqf ik idwlI ivwc jdoN ‘afp’ dI srkfr sI qF ibjlI dy Bfa Gwt sn aqy ieh vwD vI imldI sI jd ik hux ibjlI dy Bfa vwD hn qy ieh Gwt iml rhI hY.
AudfsI dy sfey ivc ijLMdgI dI sLfm PAGE 48
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
ìÅñÆò°µâ çÆ ôÅé D ÖÅé awj bflIvuwz ivwc Bfvyˆ nvyˆ ichry qyËI nfl dfKl ho rhy hn qy afpxI kfblIaq sdkf drÈkfˆ df mn vI moh rhy hn, pr ieh gwl iksy qoN lukI nhIN ik lgpg 50 sfl dI Aumr nUM Zuwkx vfly bflIvuwz dy ‘Kfnfˆ` dI awj vI srdfrI kfiem hY. afimr Kfn, ÈfhruK Kfn, slmfn Kfn qy ÈYP alI Kfn aijhy isqfry hn ijnHfˆ dI cmk lMby smyˆ qwk kfiem rhygI. afpxy nfloN awDI Aumr dIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ nfl vwzy prdy `qy Dmflfˆ pf rhy ieh Kfn afpxI iPtnYs sdkf hI sPlqf dIafˆ bulMdIafˆ AuWqy phuMcy hn. ipCly sfl ‘DUm-3` iPlm rfhIN sPlqf dy JMzy gwzx vfly afimr Kfn dI gwl krIey qfˆ coxvIafˆ iPlmfˆ krn vflf ieh aiBnyqf, hr iPlm inrmfqf dI pihlI psMd irhf hY qy hr sPl aiBnyqrI Aus nfl iPlm krn dy Kvfb dyKdI hY. 49 sflf afimr ny ‘QRI iezIats`, ‘gjnI` aqy ‘DUm-3` ivc aijhy cuxOqI Bry rol inBfey, ijnHfˆ `qy Èfied hI koeI hor aiBnyqf Krf Auqrdf hovy. iPlm ‘gjnI` ivwc Aus vwloN ivKfey Brvyˆ juwsy dI koeI rIs hI nhIN kr sikaf. kYtrInf kYP aqy krInf kpUr vrgIafˆ afpxy nfloN awDI Aumr dIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ nfl ies adfkfr ny kfibly qfrIP BUimkf inBfeI. bflIvuwz df iek hor Kfn hY, ijs dI dunIafˆ dIvfnI hY. bflIvuwz ivwc dbMg dy nfm nfl mkbUl slmfn Kfn Bfvyˆ 48 sfl dy ho gey hn, pr awj vI Aus dy nfˆ df zMkf bflIvuwz ivwc vwj irhf hY. Aus ny afpxy qoN awDI Aumr dIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ, iPlm ‘dbMg` ivwc sonfkÈI isnhf aqy iPlm ‘jY ho` ivwc zyËI Èfh nUM sPlqf dIafˆ bulMdIafˆ `qy phuMcf idwqf. Aus ny krInf kpUr, kYtrInf kYP qy afisn afid aiBnyqrIafˆ nfl iPlmfˆ ivwc vwKrI Cfp CwzI hY. pMjfhfˆ nUM Zuwikaf slmfn ajy qwk kuafrf hY aqy
pRsMskfˆ qy smuwcy bflIvuwz nUM AunHfˆ dy ivafh dI AuzIk hY. bflIvuwz df iewk hor ‘Kfn` ijs nUM ‘ikMg Kfn` vI kihMdy hn, ÈfhruK Kfn hY. ieh aiBnyqf vI 48 sfl df ho cuwkf hY, pr awj vI ies isqfry dI cmk iPwkI nhIN peI. ÈfhruK ny vI afpxy qoN awDI Aumr dIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ ijvyˆ dIipkf pfdUkox, kYtrInf kYP, krInf kpUr nfl keI ihwt iPlmfˆ kIqIafˆ hn. bflIvuwz df cOQf ‘Kfn` hY sYP alI Kfn, jo 43 sfl dI Aumr ivwc vI nf kyvl afpxy nfloN Gwt Aumr dIafˆ aiBnyqrIafˆ nfl iPlmfˆ kr irhf hY, blik Aus ny qfˆ afpxy nfloN Aumr ivwc kfPI CotI aiBnyqrI krInf kpUr nfl dUjf inkfh vI rcfieaf. iPlm ‘lv afj kl`, ‘eyjMt ivnod`, ‘rys 2` aqy hflIaf iPlm ‘bulyt rfjf` ivwc cuxOqI BrIafˆ BUimkfvfˆ inBfa ky Aus ny afpxI adfkfrI df lohf mnvfieaf hY. Aus ny afpxy iPlmI krIar dI sLurUafq sfl 1992 ivwc iPlm ‘afiÈk avfrf` qoN kIqI sI. sYP df 1991 ivwc pihlf inkfh aiBnyqrI aMimRqf isMG nfl hoieaf. 2004 ivwc ies joVI df qlfk ho igaf aqy iPr Aus ny akqUbr 2012 ivwc dUjf inkfh krInf kpUr nfl krvfieaf. kuwl imlf ky ieh ikhf jf skdf hY ik bflIvuwz ivwc ienHfˆ ‘Kfn` aiBnyqfvfˆ df koeI mukfblf nhIN hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
cont’d from page 43
Aerospace Center $10,000 FVRD $50,000 Bruce Beck $11,000 Raymond Geertsma $17,500 Frances Shkuratoff $125,000 Richard Oldenborger $10,000 United Sales (Bob Johnston) $15,000 Gerry Adams $25,000
as build a great team of community leaders who are now going to help bring this campaign home! We still have a ways to go, but with Bev Brown as the executive director, and our new group of ambassadors, we really have a remarkable team in place, and personally I am excited In addition to announcing the sucabout the next 12 months.” cess-to-date of phase two, the event also included the official launching Newly appointed executive director of the campaigns “Leaders Circle”; Bev Brown – who provided closa group of community members ing remarks for the event – noted, who have agreed to come alongside “The past six to eight months seem the campaign and serve as its ambas- to have brought a great deal of sadors. These individuals include: progress and it’s exciting to be able Vijay Manuel, Michael Dick, Ken to join a campaign that has strong, Funk, Jon Eaton, Christine Wiebe, forward momentum. I’m looking George Peary, Bruce Beck, Barry forward to working alongside PatTurchen, Patricia Sapielak, Andy rick and the Leader’s Circle memSidhu, Aman Gill, Gary Dickinson bers, the board and to play my part in the process while overseeing the and Angelo Rea (board liaison). overall operation of Hospice.” Patrick Giesbrecht, who has been leading the campaign for the past Board Chair David Turchen noted, year said, “This first half of 2014 “Patrick has done a great job, Bev has been the most successful season is a fantastic addition to the team, we’ve enjoyed since moving in to and we are hugely fortunate to have phase two. We have been able to our new ambassadors in place – it’s secure several new donors, as well a really exciting time for us.”
Historic Aircraft CF-101 Welcomes Guests to Abbotsford Airport
bbotsford International on-going terminal renovations ships with all the stakeholders Airport is pleased to and upgrades occurring at the and partners involved at YXX.” announce the move of airport. The move of the aircraft occurred on Saturday, June 14th which required a 200 ton capacity crane from Eaglewest. The project was extremely challenging as the aircraft needed to be hoisted from its previous location at the airport, elevated over a light pole and a flagpole and placed on a flat deck trailer. The trailer needed to have its width the historic aircraft, the CF101 (Voodoo), to the grand “Abbotsford Airport has seen augmented by entrance leading to the terminal tremendous growth over the I-beams and announced Dave Holmberg, years, and with over 75 million steel plates to Chair of the Abbotsford Airport reinvested back into the infra- accommodate structure at YXX since 1997, we the wide landAuthority. foresee even more growth in the ing gear track of the Voodoo. The Voodoo is now located at years to come,” said Holmberg. the front entrance to the Ab- “We owe this success to the Jim Reith, President of the Abbotsford Airport as part of the professional working relation- botsford Airshow Society and
Brodie Templeton, a member of both the Airshow Society and the Abbotsford Flying club were RCAF aircrew members who flew the Voodoo in service in the 1970’s when it was a front line fighter interceptor as part of the NORAD system. Templeton actually flew in this actual airframe (035) a number of times.
took over six hours to move the aircraft, but the move went flawlessly thanks to the crew and staff at the airport.” The pictures in the backgrounder shows the aircraft being fitted with dual slings to lift the airplane without damaging it and being hoisted and placed on the
flat deck. Finally, it is hoisted a “We are very happy to see the Voodoo in its new place of second time and placed on the honour,” said Jim Reith. “It new pad at the entranceway.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, June 20th, 2014
A Real Estate Professional can help protect your equity The sale of your home affects many aspects of your life including finances, children, your equity and your future. This is one of the most important transactions of your lifetime. The average home sells for well over $100,000. For a small price, you can be assured that your investment is protected. When you are faced with a legal problem, you look to an experienced lawyer to represent your best interests. When it comes to the sale of your home, a professional Real Estate Professional is your best investment. Here are a few more ways a Real Estate Professional works to protect your equity:
evaluation, your home will be listed at the right price. You save time and trouble if your home is not listed too high or too low.
Price enhancement. A Real Estate Professional can recommend repairs or cosmetic work that can significantly enhance the salability of your home. You will not waste your time and money on non-recoverable repairs. He or she can also advise you on what items may need to be moved or put away.
Objectivity. Using a variety of informational resources, a Real Estate Professional can provide community information on utilities, zoning, schools, shopping etc. Your Real Estate Professional will place your home in the best possible light, highlighting features, benefits and the advantages a buyer would enjoy as a homeowner of “your” home.
Right price guarantee. A Real Estate Professional understands your neighborhood, as well as the overall city market. He or she is also familiar with current real estate values, taxes, utility costs, city services and facilities. Your Real Estate Professional should exercise diligence when it comes to providing an assessment of your home. This could include arranging for qualified professionals to conduct an investigation and prepare a written report. With a professional market
Your Real Estate Professional will also assist you in obtaining a report on the title of the property. By doing this review initially, you will avoid the costly and length process of sorting out the status of past owners or rights of access. While most properties have some limitations such as easements (access rights) for utilities, you will want a title that is free and clear of any debts, liens or caveats.
Negotiation and representation. When it comes to protecting your investment, there are many negotiating factors, including price, financing, terms, date of possession, repairs, furnishings or equipment. A Real Estate Professional will personally represent you during the presentation of the offer. You will get the best price and conditions on the sale of your home.
cont’d on page R3
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
Friday June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
cont’d from page R1 Maximum marketing resources. A Real Estate Professional has access to a wide variety of resources to market your property to other Real Estate Professionals and to the many qualified buyers. This includes advertising, a web site, open houses, brochures, direct mail, network contacts and an existing and former client base. In many cases, the sale of a home is made because of a Real Estate Professional contact through previous client, referrals, friends and personal contacts. Your Real Estate Professional is your personal marketing coordinator, ensuring your home receives maximum exposure to every avenue, and to utilize cooperative relationships for your benefit. Up to date information. Your Real Estate Professional will provide you with current information
on what is happening in the marketplace, with respect to price, financing, terms and condition of competing property. These are important items in selling your home quickly, at the best price, hassle-free. Smooth closing process. Details, details, details. Your Real Estate Professional will assist you in the handling of the numerous items that must be completed before the sale is final. Your Real Estate Professional will also objectively evaluate each buyer’s offer without compromising your position. He or she is also trained to write a legally binding, win-win agreement. Your Real Estate Professional can objectively handle all the closing issues and move the transaction to closing and settlement as quickly as possible.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
Friday June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
Friday June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
Friday June 20th, 2014
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
Ruptures in Arrival Art in the Wake of the Komagata Maru Exhibition (Part Two) The Komagata Maru has become a powerful symbol of resistance against discrimination. We still have racism today though it is less overt. It is a myth that Canada eliminated racism from its immigration policy when it opened the doors to coloured immigrants of the world in the 1960s. This second part of my exhibition review of Ruptures in Arrival: Art in the Wake of the Komagata Maru at the Surrey Art Gallery will feature contemporary artists who are connecting the dots between past and present Canadian immigration policies in terms of exclusion based on race. Paul Wong’s thought provoking Class of 2000 (3 channel video, 2000) presents Grade 12 students from multicultural Sir Charles Tupper School making brief personal statements as racial stereotypes replace their faces while racist slurs fly out at the viewer. As an Indo-Canadian male student says, “I am a Sikh,” a cartoon portrait of a turbaned Indian replaces his face and the word “spade” flies out at the observer at rapid speed to highlight the pain and hurt felt by the victim from acts of institutionalized racism and xenophobia prevalent today in Canadian society. This work was produced for the Canadian Race Relations Foundation’s
Paul Wong, Refugee Prisoner’s Lament (duration 2 min), part of Class of 2000, 2000. 3 channel video installation. Courtesy of the Artist. Photo of video work by Mandeep Wirk.
Unite Against Racism television campaign. Messages intended to educate such as, ‘ We can leave behind the useless blood calls of generations’, ‘ Equality for All’, ‘Make this a better place through your actions’, and ending with ‘See people for who they really are’ provide a healing antidote to the poison of racism. I am deeply moved by this video work and specially by the message urging us to look beyond social categories of race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation to see the person for who they really are no different from us. Another video presents the refugee’s lament, “ To come to this far away land we suffered and risked our lives. In this civilized country, I could not have imagined we would end up being treated this way. You saved us to be locked in your
By Mandeep Wirk
prison.....” Film footage of a boat of Chinese migrants from Fujian Province that arrived on the West Coast in 1999 is shown along with text art of emotionally loaded words ( jobs, oppression....), phrases (institutional racism, polite racism, snake heads, human rights...) and a plea, ‘Don’t send me back says Fujian woman.’ This work also references our country’s long racist past: the Chinese Exclusion Act (head tax) and the deportation and internment of Japanese-Canadians in the Second World War. At the end GG Adrienne Clarkson asks us to try to forgive the past. We need apologies to help us forgive past wrongs done to us. However, we should not forget the past, lest history repeats itself. Instead we should critically reflect on the past to learn lessons from the Komagata Maru incident and the Fujian boat people amongst others to prevent such tragic incidences from ever happening again in Canada. Evan Lee uses 3D digital modelling software DAZ to bring to life press photographs of recent arrivals of ships to our West Coast in his Migrant Ship Project. When the series of ships carrying about 600 Chinese migrants from Fujian Province arrived here in 1999 there was extensive media coverage as was the case when the MV Ocean Lady carrying 76 Tamils arrived here in 2009. These low resolution images of boat people taken for the newspaper depicted the passengers either on the ship’s deck or from a rocky shoreline waving at an approaching helicopter. I heard Evan Lee present at the Surrey Art Gallery symposium Disfiguring Identity and was surprised to learn that DAZ can be manipulated to depict how Chinese or Indian or African a face will look. Untitled Migrant Ship Project 1 shows Tamil men on deck with upturned faces waving and calling out at a helicopter that is not shown. Untitled Project II shows Chinese men and women in various sitting positions on the sea itself to emphasize the risk of such journeys. These remarkable inkjet prints use archival pigments to give a historical feel to these contemporary incidences of ship arrivals. Mass Arrival, Queen Street (collage, video) by 5 visible minority artists (Farrah Miranda, Graciela Flores, Ting Chak, Vino Shanmuganathan, Nadia Saad) calling themselves Mass Arrival as well is a brilliant counter response to the media spectacle, public outrage and our government’s overreaction to refugee ships arriving on our shores. This street performance re-enacting the 2010 arrival of cargo ship MV Sun Sea bearing 492 Tamils in British Columbia draws attention to the role that media images of large groups of racialized others have played in elevating xenophobia in mainstream
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
smuggling laws that actually punish potential refugees - it is all part of a revolving door immigration policy.”
Evan Lee, Rendering from digital 3-dimensional recreation, Untitled Migrant Ship Project 1, 2009 - present, archival pigment print. Courtesy of the Artist. Photo by Mandeep Wirk.
Canadian society. The video work looks like the ship’s bow and the walls are covered in a collage of news prints of earlier histories of mass boat arrivals to this country (Fujianese boat, 1999; MS St. Louis, 1939; Komagata Maru, 1914). As I look at the video, I am surprised to see that about a hundred ‘white people’ dressed in white T-shirts are filling up the makeshift red ship. Suddenly the ship starts to move down the street led by a flag bearer #Mass Arrival. The ‘white mass arrival’ occurs outside the Hudson Bay on Queen Street when the passengers disembark en masse. Observers are asked to pen their thoughts on the ship, tweet or blog online. Clearly this art event is recalling the arrival of white Europeans in ships since 1492 and their brutal colonization of Canada involving
Mass Arrival (Farrah Miranda, Graciela Flores, Ting Chak, Vino Shanmuganathan, Nadia Saad) Mass Arrival, Queen Street, 2013. Collage, video (duration 3 min 30 sec.) Courtesy of the Artists. Photo of video work by Mandeep Wirk. (Artist Farrah Miranda right with microphone)
a policy of cultural genocide directed at the First Nations peoples who are the original inhabitants of this land. I heard Farrah Miranda present Mass Arrival, Queen Street at the Disfiguring Identity symposium. For Miranda this installation juxtaposes a satirical mass arrival with a historic mass arrival of white settlers and invites us to contemplate the context of identity, migration and exile. Miranda notes that this installation, “draws selective amnesia into broad daylight” by showing that ships carrying large groups of white bodies also arrived on Canadian shores. She also commented on “how difficult it is to make whiteness strange.” Miranda explained, “the government and the media made references to people as cargo, as terrorists, as smugglers, as carriers of everything but human beings seeking safety.” She believes that federal immigration policy is getting worse, “ The cuts to the Federal Interim Refugee Health program, the human
Ken Lum’s Studies for Four Boats Stranded: Red and Yellow, Black and White (maquette, architectural drawings, laser jet photographs) reference boats that are of special historical significance to our region: the First Nation’s longboat or canoe, a cargo ship that carried Chinese migrants from Fujian Province to Vancouver in 1999, the Komagata Maru that brought Indian immigrants to Vancouver in 1914 but was turned back, and Captain Vancouver’s ship Discovery that successfully circumnavigated Vancouver Island in 1793. Scaled down stylized versions of the 4 boats based on these studies make up an interesting public art sculptural installation on the roof top of the Vancouver Art Gallery. I have had to encircle the art gallery looking up at the roof to see these 4 boats pointing north, south, east and west. Lum references a children’s hymn ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children’ from the American civil war period for the subtitle of this work to showcase the colonial hypocrisy of racial harmony: Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in his sight. The canoe is red in colour, the Fujian ghost ship is yellow, the Komagata Maru is black, and the Discovery is white. Lum selected the Vancouver Art Gallery for this installation because it used to be the Provincial Courthouse where Inspector Hopkinson was killed by Mewa Singh and it was the site of discriminatory action against the passengers of the Komagata Maru and other migrant peoples. It is rumoured that Hopkinson’s ghost haunts the Vancouver Art Gallery to this day. Ali Kazimi’s brilliant documentary Continuous Journey reveals echoes of the continuous journey regulation in the recently passed Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement of 2004. Refugees who arrive first in the United States cannot make a refugee claim in Canada because they did not come directly from their own country to Canada. Links can also be drawn to the rising numbers of temporary foreign workers that now exceed the number of immigrants arriving annually to Canada. On May 23, 2014 exactly 100 years to the day of the arrival of the Komagata Maru in Burrard Inlet, Ali Kazimi posted his insightful article on “Lessons from the Komagata Maru: Are there parallels between the Komagata Maru and the recent policies of the Canadian government?” in the Opinion Section of the Vancouver Observer online. Raghavendra Rao’s Visions of the Living Past, Untitled 13 (2013) shows a turbaned Sikh with a long beard climbing the ladder to get onto the Komagata Maru and Untitled 14 shows a turbaned man on the deck of the Komagata Maru looking out to sea dreaming of Canada. Both passengers are delineated with dye on canvas tarpaulin that seems to be fading with time. We need to creatively engage with the past to keep social memory alive to learn the lessons that history has to teach us.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday June 20th, 2014
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