The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
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Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
Tweet by Prime Minister Harper on the death of Pat Quinn Stephen Harper @pmharper
Pat Quinn was a giant of the hockey world, on the ice and off. Laureen and I extend our condolences to his family.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ÁÖ½åÆ ìÅÇìÁź ç¶ èðî Õðî çÅ êðçÅëÅô mulk dI kfnUMn aqy pRsLfsn nUM itwc smJx vfly aKOqI bfby rfmpfl nUM BfrI jwdojihd qoN bfad afKLr pulIs igRPLqfr krn ivwc BfvyN sPLl ho geI hY pr ies smwucy GtnfkRm ny dysLvfsIaf sfhmxy keI svfl KVHy kr idwqy hn. lgpg zyZ dhfkf pihlF qk srkfrI mulfjLm rhy rfmpfl df kuJ hI sflF ivwc ieMnf sLkqIsLflI bx jfxf hYrfnIjnk qF hY hI pr nfl hI ies smy dOrfn Aus dIaF ivvfdgRsq kfrvfeIaF pRqI srkfr, pRsLfsn aqy KuPIafqMqr vwloN avysly rihxf hor vI aPsosnfk ikhf jf skdf hY. rfmpfl kol lwKF votF dy bYNk nUM isafsqdfn smyN-smyN afpxy hwk ivwc BugqfAux leI Aus pRqI nrm vqIrf apxfAudy rhy aqy rfmpfl afpxI sLkqI vDfAuNdf irhf. sMn 2006 qoN bfad rfmpfl aqy afrIaf smfjIaf ivckfr vYr-ivroD iqwKf irhf ijs ivwc lgpg pMj ivakqIaF dIaf jfnF vI geIaF. aPLsos ik hwk mMgdy lokF nUM ibnF iksy BVkfht qoN kuwt Drn vflI pulIs, pRsLfsn aqy rfj swqf ‘qy kfbjL iDrF rfmpfl df ieh prpMc sflFbwDI mUk drsLk bx ky dyKdIaF rhIaF. ies aKOqI sMq pRqI srkfr dy ies vrqfry df iswtf ieh inkilaf ik Auh pulIs-pRsLfsn qF kI, hfeIkort nUM vI itwc smJx lwg ipaf sI. ies gwl qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf ik ieh sB kuJ pulIs, pRsLfsn aqy isafsI afgUaF dy rfmpfl pRqI nrm vqIry kfrn smyN-smyN isr Aus ivrwuD loVINdI kfrvfeI nf krn krky vfpiraf hY. rfmpfl dI igRPqfrI qoN bfad hux ieh vyKxf hovygf ik kI srkfrF BivwK ivwc aijhy hor aKOqI bfibaF pRqI koeI Tos rxnIqI apxfAuxgIaF ? sfzy mulk ivc Drm dy nF ‘qy lokF nUM aMD-ivsLvfsI bxf ky luwtx vfly bfibaF dI igxqI hjLfrF ivwc hY jo lgfqfr vDdI jf rhI hY. lok anpVHqf, grIbI jF bImfr mfniskqf
ijhy kfrnF krky ienHF bfibaF dy mwkVjfl ivwc Ps jFdy hn aqy isafsI afgU ies vwzy vot bYNk nUM afpxy pwK ivwc BuMnfAux leI nf isrPL ienHF mUhr mwQy rgV ky ienHF dI sLkqI vDfAux ivwc hI mdd krdy hn sgoN ienHF pRqI pRsLfsn nUM nrm rvweIaf aKLiqafr krn leI vI idsLf-inrdysL idMdy hn. isafsI afgUaF aqy pRsLfsn dI ienHF pRqI aijhI nIqI hI asl ivc bfibaF dI igxqI, sMpqI aqy nfjLfiejL kfrobfr vDx dy kfrn hY. hYrfnI dI gwl ieh hY ik mulk dy afm sfDfrn ivakqI nUM mfmUlI gwl ipwCy sflF bwDI jylH ivwc zwk ky rwiKaf jFdf hY pr ieh bfby Gor aprfD krky vI afpxIaF DoKfDVI dIaF dukfnF inDVk ho ky clfAuNdy rihMdy hn. ipCly kuJ sflF ivwc rfmpfl ijhy keI aKOqI bfibaF dy Drm-krm df prdfPfsL hox qoN bfad smF af igaf hY ik Drm dy nF ‘qy cwl rhy ies kUV vrqfry pRqI Tos nIqI inXm qYa kIqy jfx. ibnF iksy Byd-Bfv qoN mulk dy sfry Drm sQfnF df afmdn Krc pfrdrsLI krn sbMDI kfnUMn bxfieaf jfvy. aMD-ivsLvfs PYlfAux aqy iesy rfhIN lokF nUM Twgx-luwtx vfly bfibaF ivruwD PLOjdfrI kfnUMn dIaf DfrfvF qihq kys drj kIqy jfx. ienHF nUM afpxy zyiraF nUM iklHy rUpI afsLrm bxfAux dI iejLfjq nhIN idwqI jfxI cfhIdI. AunHF dIaf gqIivDIaF AuWqy hmysLF KuPLIafqMqr dI ingrfnI rwKI jfvy qF jo Auh koeI vI gYr-smfj kfrvfeI krn qoN zrdy rihx. aijhf qF hI sMBv hovygf jy mulk dy isafsI afgU ienHF bfibaF dy vot bYNk dI Jfk Cwz ky lok-pwKI kfrjF nfl afm jnqf df idl ijwq ky votF hfsl krn dI koisLsL krngy. srkfrF df PrjL bxdf hY ik Auh lokF nUM aMD-ivsLvfs aqy pfKMzI sfDF-sMqF dy cuMgl ‘coN kwZx leI grIbI, byrujLgfrI aqy anpVHqf ijhIaF alfmqf nUM mulk ivwcoN Kqm krn leI Tos Xqn krn.
ÇÂÃåðÆ Á˵î. êÆÁź ÇòµÚ Ü°Áµðå éÔƺ åź ÁÅî Á½ðå çÅ ÕÆ? aYWn[zI[pI[ dIaF do iesqrI aYWm[pIaF ijhnF ny do ilbrl mrd aYWm[pIaF iKLlfPL mfVf vrqfa krn dy dosL lfey sn, ny hfAUs afPL kfmnjL dy borz afPL ieMtrnl iekfnmI snmuwK afpxI isLkfieq drjL krn qoN nFh kr idwqI PAGE 4
hY. sfnUM sfiraF nUM cyqy hY 22 akqUbr buwDvfr df idn. Aus idn iewk pfsy pUrf mulk pfrlImYNt AuWqy hmly ivwc mfry gey kfrpor nyQn sIrIlo dy aMqm sMskfr dIaF rsmF kfrx hYimltn sLihr AuWqy iDafn kyNdirq kr irhf sI.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
dUjy pfsy iehnF aMiqm rsmF ivwc ihwsf qoN bfad Etfvf ivKy ilbrl pfrtI dy nyqf jsitn trUzo kol aYn[zI[pI[ dIaF aOrqF aYWm[pIaF ny sMgIn isLkfieq kIqI ik ilbrl pfrtI dy aYWm[pI[ mYsImo pysYtI aqy skOt aYNzrIAU vwloN AuhnF nfl mfVf vrqfE kIqf igaf hY. ieh mfVf vrqfa kI sI, ies gwl bfry ilbrl pfrtI dy nyqf jsitn trUzo aqy sbMiDq iesqrI aYwm[pIaF qoN ielfvf hr koeI aMdfjLf hI lgf irhf hY. mfmly dI nfjLukqf nUM smJdy hoey ilbrl lIzr jsitn trUzo ny Jwt pwt dovF aYWm[pIaF nUM ilbrl kfks ivwcoN bfhr kwZ idwqf sI. trUzo vwloN kIqI geI kfrvfeI qNo bfad ies sbMDI ikMny hI muwdy KVy hox lwgy. pqf lwgf ik hfAUs afP kfmnjL ivwc iksy mY N b r vw l o N iksy ivakqI nfl DwkysLfhI krn dy ivruwD koeI isLkfieq krn sbMDI pflsI hI nhIN hY. mulk dI sB qoN vwzI kfnUMn bxfAux vflI sMsQf dy aMdr iksy ainaF df isLkfr hox vfly leI koeI ihPfjLq nhIN? ipCly idnIN sfbkf izptI pRDfn mMqrI sLIlf kOps ny sLryafm kbUl krky swBnf nUM hYrfn kr idwqf sI ik jdoN Auh pihlI vfr 28 sfl dI Aumr ivwc ‘aYWm[pI[‘ bxI sI qF iewk sfQI mrd aYWm[pI[ ny Aus nfl hfavya ivwc bdmgjLI kIqI sI. kIqI
The Patrika
vI Aus idn jdoN pfrlImYNt ivwc aOrqF ivruwD ihMsf bfry bihs ivwc Auh ihwsf lY ky vfips af rhy hn. sLIlf kOps ny ieh vI snsnIKyjL kbUl kIqf ik Ausdf isafsI kYrIar dOrfn blfqkfr vI hoieaf hY. aijhy iBafnk qwQF dy sfhmxy afAux qNo bfad smuwcy kYnyzf ivwc aOrqF dI ihPfjLq nUM lY ky crcy hox lwgy hn. afm pbilk dy mn ivwc suafl AuWTdy ik jykr sfzy mulk dIaF iesqrI aYwm[pI[ ihPfjLq mihsUs nhIN krdIaF qF afm aOrq df kI hfl afiKaf jf skdf hY? aMkVy dwsdy hn ik kYnyzf ivwc 50% aOrqF 16 sfl dI Aumr qoN bfad iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc ihMsf df isLkfr huMdIaF hn. iksy vI idwqy idn kYnyzf ivwc 3300 aOrqF nUM afpxy 3000 hjLfr dy krIb bwicaF nfl ihMsf qoN bcx leI sLYltrF df shfrf lYxf pYNdf hY. hr CyvyN idn kYnyzf ivwc iewk aOrq nUM Ausdy sfQI vwloN mfrn dI Gtnf vfprdI hY.
hY qF AuhnF 500 mUlvfsI aOrqF leI hfa df nfarf kOx mfrygf jo ipCly sflF ivwcoN agvf kr leIaf geIaF jF lfpqf ho cuwkIaF hn. jykr mulk dy aYWm[pIaF nUM AuhnF vwloN kIqy gLlq kMm dI sjLf duafAux leI iewk iesqrI aYWm[pI[ sfhmxy nhIN afAuNdI qF afm aOrq df rfKf kOx bxygf? ieh suafl hn ijhnF bfry isrP ilbrl pfrtI dy lIzr jF aYWn[zI[pI[ dIaF isLkfieqF jykr AuWc ahuidaF AuWqy bYTI aOrq krn vflIaF aYWm[pIjL nUM nhIN sgoN smUh afpxf jubfn bMd krn ivwc Blf smJdI pbilk nUM socxf cfhIdf hY. kr rhIaF ik Auhnf dy isafsI kYrIar dfa AuWqy lwg jfxgy? jykr aYWm[ pI[ ijhnF ny smwucy mulk dI afvfjL bxnf hY, Auh afpxy inwjI snmfn jF kYrIar krky cwup vwt rhIaF hn qF ies gwl nUM mMdBfgf afiKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY. kwlH nUM ieh aYm[pI[ jF AuhnF dy sfQI ikvyN kYnyzf vfsIaF nUM Brosf duafAuxgy ik Auh dwby kucly vrg Kfs krky aOrqF aqy bwicaF dy hwkF leI afvfj bulMd krngy?
iehnF drdnfk aMkiVaF dy snmuwK aYn[zI[pI[ dIaF iesqrI aOrqF df afpxy nfm nsLr nf krnf aqy isLkfieq drj nf krvfAuxf kYnyzf ivwc aOrqF dI surwiKaf bfry vwzy suafl KVy krdf hY. ikqy ieh ‘aYn[ zI[ pI[‘ isLkfieq isrPL leI drj krvfAux qoN nFh nhIN
The Patrika
o you want the good news first, or the bad news? The good news is that diabetic complications are down. A lower percentage of people with diabetes are developing kidney disease, having strokes/heart attacks or experiencing amputations. This is probably due to better care, treatments and drugs… BUT! The bad news is that the rate of diabetes itself is up – way up! More than 3 times what it was 20 years ago. Sobering. The US FDA is conducting a review of diabetes medications and has stumbled upon a possibly increased risk of heart failure with use of the drug saxagliptin (Onglyza). The medication may not be causing heart failure, but, rather, not doing a sufficiently good job of preventing it. It is not associated with other cardiovascular risks, such as heart attack. There is no recommendation to discontinue its use; just be aware. Given that diabetes is a condition intimately associated with diet, it may not be a big leap to think that disorders such as binge eating or bulimia nervosa could put one at twice
Friday, November 28th, 2014
the risk of developing diabetes. However, a recent study is showing that these eating disorders and many other mood disorders, such as depression, are inter-related and also associated with increased diabetes risk. Food for thought? Why all the concern about diabetes? Prolonged high blood sugar levels are associated with many serious complications such as blindness, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, painful peripheral neuropathy and amputations. Often by the time the signs of these conditions are apparent, the damage is already done and the best that can be hoped for is limiting the progression of the symptoms. Best to prevent diabetes – or, at least, catch it and manage it early! November is Diabetes Month. Recently, “Pre-Diabetes” has been identified in an effort to catch and treat people destined to develop full-fledged diabetes. Talk to your physician about your risk – a get ahead of the curve! Article Provided by Blueridge Pharmacy, See advertisement on page 4.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
îé°µÖÆ ÁÇèÕÅðź ç¶ ðµÇÖÁÕ ÃzÆ ×°ð± å¶ö ìÔÅçð ÃÅÇÔì
zf:jspfl isMG -Aup kulpqI, pMjfbI XUnIvristI, pitaflf.
sRI gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI sLhfdq bfry dsm ipqf sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI df Purmfn hY- ‘sIsu dIaf pr isrru n dIaf’. gurU jI ny sIs dy idw q f, isrr nhIN idwqf. pr suafl hY ik ieh isrr hY kI sI? isrr sI mnuwKI aiDkfrF dI rfKI df. mnuwK nUM aiDkfr hY ik Auh afjLfdI nfl afpxI mnmrjLI dy ivsLvfs qy akIdy df pflx kry. iesy sunihrI isDFq dI rfKI leI sRI gurU qyg bhfdr ny afpxf sIs blIdfn kIqf sI aqy ieho ‘isrr’ sI, gurU jI df. sRI gurU goibMd isMG pfqsLfh ny iewk hor bcn kIqf sI-’qygL bhfdr sI ikRaf krI nf iknhUM afn’. gurU sfihb ny Auh kfrnfmf kIqf jo hor koeI nhIN kr sikaf. ieiqhfs gvfh hY gurU sfihbfn, iqlk qy jnyAU dy DfrnI nhIN sn. krmkFz, ByKF qy ivKfvy dIaF rsmF df Auh KMzn krdy af rhy sn. pr jdoN bRfhmxI ByK dy ienHf asiqwqv icMnHF nUM
qlvfr dI nok nfl Auqfrn df Xqn kIqf igaf qF nOvyN nfnk sRI gurU qyLg bhfdr jI ny afpxf sIs sfhmxy kr idwqf. idwlI dy cFdnI cONk ivwc sLryafm srIr dI afhUqI dy ky AunHF pCfx-icMnHF nUM bcfa ilaf. ieho ijhf kfrnfmf ieiqhfs ivwc iksy ny nhIN sI kIqf. ieho ijhI sLhfdq iksy hor ny nhIN sI shyVI. hkIkqn mnuwKI aiDkfrF dI lokqMqrI bxqr df kyNdrI Durf ieho hY ik ijs ivcfr nfl asihmqI hovy Aus nUM vI kfiem rihx idwqf jfvy. pr ieh qF hor agFh dI gwl ho geI, lfimsfl kfrnfmf ho igaf ik gurU sfihb ny AunHF Dfrimk ivcfrF dI rfKI leI afpxf srIr lf idwqf, ijnHF df Auh afp aqy AunHF qoN pihlF dI gurU pRMprf ivroD krdI afeI sI. swcmwuc ieh adu w q I ikiraf sI ijhVI iksy hor ny nhIN sI kIqI. gur iblfs pfqsLfhI CyvIN
ivw c sR I gu r U qy g bhfdr sfihb dy jnm smyN dI iewk Gtnf df ijLkr imldf hY. ipqf gurU, sRI gurU hirgoibMd pfqsLfh ny bflk qyLgL bhfdr dy jnm ‘qy aiqaMq KusLI df pRgtfvf kIqf aqy bflk nUM bhuq siqkfr nfl nmskfr kIqI, jdoN ibDI cMd ny hYrfn ho ky suafl kIqf ik gurU jI qusIN ies bflk nUM nmskfr ikAuN kIqI hY? qF gurU jI ny BivwKbfxI kIqI ik ieh bflk gurU bx ky dIn dI rwiKaf krygf aqy lokF nUM sMkt qoN mukqI duafvygf: ciVXo idvs gurU jI sunXo Byjy ibDIey sMg. afey mihlI gfvhI iqRXf Dfr anMd. qb gur iss ko bMdnf kInI aiq ihq lfie. ibDIaf khy ks ibniq kI kho moih sq Bfie. qb gur kih ieh gur Bvy pFc suqn mo jfn.
dIn rC sMkt hry sdY XhI pihcfn. ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI dI ieh Bivw K bfxI ieM n -ibM n sw c sfbq hoeI aqy sRI gurU qygL bhfdr sfihb jI ny dInDrm dI rwiKaf leI, lukfeI dy sMkt kwtx leI afpxy pRfx inCfvr kr idwqy. jy rqf qih ivwc jfvfNgy qF bVI spwsLtqf nfl gurU jI dI sLhfdq dI aslIaq smJ skFgy. bRfhmxF dy jQy df afnMdpur sfihb af ky PLirafd krnf, gurU sfihb df afnMdpur qoN idwlI qur ky jfxf aqy afpxy afp nUM sLhfdq leI pysL krnf afid Aus mhfn sfky dIaF GtnfvF dI qPLsIl hY. asl ivwc, sRI gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb jI dI sL h fdq df kfrn, vyly dy hukmrfn aOrMgjLyb dI quawsb dI nIqI sI, ijs df isLkfr Aus vyly df sfrf ihMdusqfn sI. ieiqhfs dwsdf hY ik aOrMgjLyb afpxy
ipqf dI CfqI ‘qy pYr rwK ky , BrfvF df kql krky, kfjLIaF-muwilaF df eImfn KLrId ky bfdsLfhq dy qKLq ‘qy bYTf sI aqy gwdI nsLInI qoN POrn bfad Aus ny gLYr muslmfnF nUM sLfhI quawsb df isLkfr bxfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf sI. sLfhI hukmF nfl muslmfn vpfrIaF qoN mihsUl cuMgI qoN mukq kr idwqf igaf aqy ihMdUaF AuWpr mihsUl cuMgI nUM duwgxf kr idwqf igaf. ihMdU rIqI-rsmF Au W pr pfbM d IaF lw g xIaF sLurU ho geIaF, AunHF dy Drm asQfnF nUM ZFhux dy afdysL dy idwqy gey, rfg qy gfien nUM ieslfmI sLrfa ivruWD krfr dy ky pfbMdI lf idwqI geI, iPr ienHF sfrIaF quawsbI nIqIaf nUM sKLqI nfl lfgU krn leI qihsIlF qy ngrF ivwc KLfs aihlkfr mukwrr kr idwqy gey. aYsy hflfq pYdf kr idwqy gey ik sfry gLYr musilm rojLI rotI aqy jfn bKLsLI leI afpxf Drm iqafg ky ieslfm Dfrn kr
lYx. iewQoN qwk ik KwulHy iKaflF vfly sMinafsIaF,PkIrF qy sUPLIaF nUM vI dysL inkflf dy idwqf igaf aqy keI QfvF ‘qy AunHF df kql kr idwqf igaf. aYsI gLYr-mnwuKI siQqI ivwc hI smw u c y dy s L vfsIafN dI pukfr lY ky pMizq ikRpf rfm afpxy sY k Vy sfQIaF nfl afnMdpur sfihb phuMcy sn aqy afpxI duwK BrI ivwiQaf gurU pfqsLfh nUM suxfeI sI. nON sfl dy bflk goibMd rfie ny AunHF bRfhmxF dIaF iBwjIaF awKF dyK ky hI ikhf sI ik jy iksy mhFpursL dI kurbfnI nfl ieh(bfkI pMnf 25 ’qy)
The Patrika
hwzIafˆ dy aMdr nrm aqy lfl rMg dy pdfrQ nUM imwJ jfˆ bon mYro (Bone marrow) afKdy hn. jy ieMJ kih leIey ik imwJ sfzy aqI ËrUrI aMgfˆ ivwcoN iewk hY qfˆ aiqkQnI nhIN hovygI ikAuNik KUn dy sYWl jo sfzy jIvn df afDfr hn, iesy imwJ ivwc hI bxdy hn. lfl sYWlfˆ ivwc rMgdfr pdfrQ (hImogloibn), PyPiVafˆ `coN afksIjn lY ky sfry qMqUafˆ aqy sYWlfˆ qwk phuMcfAuNdf hY ijs nfl sfnUM qfkq imldI hY aqy asIN kMm krdy hfˆ. qMqUafˆ qoN kfrbn zfieafksfeIz lY ky iehI lfl sYWl PyPiVafˆ qwk phuMcfAuNdy hn jo sfh rsqy bfhr inkl jfˆdI hY. icwty sYwl (B. C’s) hr qrHfˆ dIafˆ bfhrI ienPY k Ènfˆ , kItfxU a fˆ qy ro g fxU a fˆ qoN srIr dI surwiKaf krdy hn aqy Coty-Coty plytfˆ vfly sYWl, plytlYts jfˆ (Thrombocytes) KUn nUM jmfAux dy kMm afAuNdf hY. ikqy swt lwg jfvy jfˆ EpryÈn dOrfn cIrf idwqf hovy qfˆ kuJ hI imMtfˆ ivwc afpxy afp KUn bMd ho jfˆdf hY. iehI plytlYts sYlfˆ df kMm huMdf hY, vgdy KUn nUM bMd krnf. ies qrHfˆ ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ iksmfˆ dy sYWlfˆ df muhqfj hY sfzf srIr aqy ienHfˆ sYWlfˆ dI PYktrI hY imwJ jfˆ bon mYro. jy PYktrI ivwc koeI nuks pY jfvy qfˆ pYdfvfr vI
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ÔµâÆ çÆ ÇîµÞ (ì¯é îËð¯) ÕÆ ÔË?
TIk nhIN hovygI. ijhVy sYWlfˆ dI pYdfvfr ivwc nuks pvygf, Auhdy anusfr hI rog dy lwCx hoxgy. Audfhrx vjoN lfl sYWlfˆ dI kmI kfrn pIlIaf (Anaemia), icwty sYWlfˆ dI kmI kfrn srIr keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ ienPYkÈnfˆ ivwc gRisaf jfvygf aqy plytlYts dI Gft kfrn srIr dy iksy vI ihwsy `coN KUn vg skdf hY, ijvyˆ buwtfˆ `coN, nksIr, ipÈfb jfˆ twtI rsqy afid. sYWl dI pYdfvfr krn leI ies PYktrI (Bone marrow) ivw c kw c f mfl (Immature) aqy iqafr mfl XfnI ik pUry bxy hoey sYWlfˆ dy nfl-nfl kuJ crbI vI hMdI hY. srIr nUM vfDU pwky mfl (Mature cells) dI loV hovy qfˆ ieh crbI Gt jfˆdI hY ijvyˆ EpryÈn, aYksIzYˆt jfˆ ibmfrI qoN bfad KUn sWYlfˆ dI kmI ho geI hovy qfˆ ies nUM pUrf krn leI ieh PYktrI (Marrow) vwD qoN vwD pYdfvfr idMdI hY. imwJ dy inrIKx dI ËrUrq kdoN pYˆdI hY? ies inrIKx df muwK AudyÈ KUn dI kmI dy kfrn lwBxf jfˆ KUn dy kYˆsr dIafˆ iksmfˆ bfry shI jfxkfrI pRfpq krnf huMdf hY pr keI vfr ieh vyKx vfsqy vI ik ibmfrI vD rhI hY jfˆ TIk ho rhI hY jfˆ ielfj vjoN idwqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ dvfeIafˆ
df asr vyKx leI vI bon mYro tYst kIqf jfˆdf hY. kuJ rogfˆ df qfˆ pwkf pqf lwgdf hI iesy tYst qoN hY. ieh hn:vwK vwK srIr dy kYˆsr AunHfˆ dIafˆ iksmfˆ, Kfs krky Subleukaemic leukaemia srIr dy iksy hor aMg (PyPVf, Qx, gurdf, gdUdfˆ afid) dy pRfiemrI kYˆsr dIafˆ jVHfˆ df imwJ ivwc phuMc jfxf.
plytlYt sYwlfˆ dI kmI afAux kfrn nksIr, ipÈfb rsqy ÉUn jfˆ cmVI dy hyTfˆ ÉUn df iewkTf ho ky nIly Dwby bxnf. vDI hoeI iqwlI. KUn dI kmI. keI vfr KUn dy pYrfsfeIts (rogfxU jo mnuwKI KUn ivwc pfey jfˆdy hn) ijvyˆ mlyrIaf, PfielyrIaf, kflf afËfr lwBx leI ieh tYst kIqf jfˆdf hY. tYst krn dy do qrIky hnivÈyÈ sUeI AuWqy sirMj nfl hwzI `coN sYˆpl lYxf aqy Coty EpryÈn duafrf imwJ smyq hwzI df tukVf lY ky Aus df tYst krnf. tukVf tYst qfˆ kIqf jfˆdf hY jy sUeI vflf tYst krn ivwc kfmXfbI nf imly jo Myelosclerosis and Marro aplasia vrgIafˆ hflqfˆ ivwc huMdf hY.
sUeI vflf tYst afm krky sIny dI hwzI `coN ilaf jfˆdf hY. do sfl qoN CotI Aumr dy bwicafˆ ivwc sYˆpl gozy qoN QoVHf ijhf hyTfˆ vwl nUM lwq dI hwzI `coN aqy kuJ vwzy bwicafˆ ivwc cUly dI hwzI `coN ilaf jfˆdf hY. vwK-vwK Aumr dy mrIËfˆ leI vwK-vwK bor dIafˆ sUeIafˆ AuplbwD hn. sYˆpl lYx vflI jgHf `qy cmVI nUM tIkf lgf ky suMn kr ilaf jfˆdf hY. ies kMm vfsqy zfktr muhfrq rwKdf hovy qfˆ hI TIk sYˆpl ilaf jf skdf hY. keI vfr kfPI koiÈÈ krn dy bfvjUd sUeI ivwc kuJ afAuNdf hI nhIN, ies nUM Dry Tap afKdy hn jo do kfrnfˆ krky ho skdf hY. iewk qfˆ hY ik zfktr pUrf qjrbykfr nf hovy qy sUeI dI nok TIk jgHf imwJ qwk nf phuMcy. dUjf kfrn hY Auh ibmfrIafˆ jo nrm imwJ nUM sKq bxf idMdIafˆ hn ijvyˆ Myelosclerosis
imwJ tYst dIafˆ kuJ smwisafvfˆhImoPIlIaf aqy sbMDq rogfˆ ivwc ieh tYst nhIN krnf cfhIdf. hImoPIlIaf iewk aijhI ibmfrI hY jo plytlYts dI kmI kfrn nhIN huMdI. iPr vI srIr dy aMdr keIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy KUn jmHfˆ ho jfˆdf hY Kfs krky joVfˆ dy aMdr (Hemarthrosis) qy gozy suwj jfˆdy hn. ieh rog isrP mrdfˆ ivwc huMdf hY.
zf: mnjIq isMG bwl aOrqfˆ ies nUM iewk qoN dUjI pIVHI qwk phuMcfAuNdIafˆ hn pr AunHfˆ nUM afp nUM ieh rog nhIN lwgdf. kdy kdy iewk ivÈyÈ iksm dy KUn dy kYˆsr (Promyelocytic) ivwc imwJ df sYˆpl lYx qoN bfad kfPI dyr KUn vgdf rih skdf hY. Bfvyˆ plytlYt sYWlfˆ dI Gwt igxqI kfrn KUn kfPI dyr qwk vgdf rihMdf hY, iPr vI imwJ tYst ËrUr krnf pYˆdf hY ikAuNik shI kfrn df pqf ies tYst dI irport qoN hI lwgdf hY. sYˆpl lYx qoN bfad ÈIÈy dIafˆ slfeIzfˆ `qy iKlfr ky ies dI rMgfeI (Staining) AuprMq KurdbIn inrIKx kIqf jfˆdf hY jo ik iewk mfihr, qjrbykfr aqy isw i Kaq hImfto l o i jst/pY Q flo i jst zfktr hI kr skdf hY. sYWlfˆ aqy crbI df anupfq, hr lVI dy sYWlfˆ (lfl, icwty aqy plytlYts) df aiDaYn aqy imwJ qoN bfhrI jfˆ asfDfrx sYWlfˆ (ijvyˆ dUjy aMgfˆ dy kYˆsrfˆ dy sYWlfˆ df imwJ ivwc hoxf) afid nUM ivsQfr sihq vyK ky aMqm irport iqafr huMdI hY. iesy dy afDfr `qy hI aglf ielfj sLurU kIqf jfˆdf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ìµÇÚÁź çÆ Ã§íÅñ îÅÇêÁź ñÂÆ îÇÔ§×Æ bIqy idn kYnzIan sYNtr Pfr pflsI afltrnyitvjL (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) vwloN The Parent Trap (mfipaF leI PfhI) nfmk irport jfrI kIqI geI ijs ivwc dwisaf igaf hY ik bwicaF dI sMBfl torFto, brYNptn aqy imsIsfgf ivwc kYnyzf Br nfloN mihMgI hY. irport ieh vI dwsdI hY ik cfeIlz kyar dy Krcy kYnyzf Br ivwc do sLihrF ivwc ieksfr nhIN hn. imsfl vjoN torFto ivwc iewk bwcy nUM cfeIlz kyar ivwc rwKx df pRqI mhInf 1676 zflr hY jdoN ik brYptnn ivwc ieh Krcf 1394 zflr aqy imsIsfgf ivwc 1302 zflr pRqI mhInf hY. iesdy Ault ikAUbk ivwc zya kyar df iewk mhIny df Krcf isrPL 152 zflr hY aqy ieh Krcf ivnIpYWg ivwc 651 zflr pRqI mhInf hY. jykr pirvfrF dI afmdn dy mukfbly cfeIlz kyar dy Krcy dI dr (ratio) nUM vyiKaf jfvy qF bwcy pflx df sB qoN vwD Bfr brYptn dy lok hMZfAuNdy hn. irport dwsdI hY ik brYNptn dI iewk rujLgfrsLudf mF nUM iewk bwcf cfeIlz kyar ivwc Cwzx leI afpxI afmdn df 36% ihwsf Krc krnf pYNdf hY. imsIsfgf ivwc ieh dr 32% hY. kI ieh awq dI hwd nhIN. cfeIlz kyar dy mihMgf hox kfrn bhuq sfrIaf mfvF afpxI mYtrintI lIv Kqm hox qoN bfad nOkrI AuWqy jfxf hI nhIN cfhuMdIaF. kfrn ik Auh jfxdIaF hn ik AuhnF dI afmdn df vwzf ihwsf qF bwcy dI sMBfl AuWqy Kqm ho jfxf hY. jykr iksy mF nUM do bwcy zya kyar ivwc Cwzxy pY jfx qF rwb hI rfKf hY. aYny mihMgy sOdy dy mwdynjLr brYNptn, imsIsfgf, torFto aqy hor sLihrF ivwc aijhy zya kyar sYNtrF dI Brmfr pYdf ho geI hY jo ik srkfr vwloN lfieMsYNs sLudf nhIN hn. iehnF sYNtrF ivwc bwcy dI shI sMBfl leI jrUrI shUlqF mOjUd nhIN huMdIaF ijs kfrx bwicaF df shI ivkfs nhIN ho pfAuNdf. socx vflI gwl hY ik jykr asIN afpxy
sB qoN kImqI Dn Bfv bwcy df iKafl nhIN rwK pf rhy qF smfj df ivkfs jF iks idsLf vwl irhf hY? vrnxXog hY ik sfl 2013-14 dOrfn grytr torFto eyrIaf dy gYr lfiesMssLudf zya kyar sYNtrF ivwc cfr bwcy mOq nUM ipafry ho gey sn. iehnF drdnfk vfikaF qoN bfad srkfr ny AuNtyrIE dy lok pfl Bfv EmbzsmYn (Ontario’s ombudsman) nUM cfeIlz kyar sYNtrF bfry iewk irport iqafr krn leI ikhf sI. do ku hPLqy pihlF EmbzsmYn ny afpxI irport jfrI kIqI hY ijs ivwc srkfr ny bwicaF nUM sMBfl bfry shI kdm nf cwukfx bfry cMgIaF JfVF pfeIaF geIaF sn. EmbzsmYn aYNzry mYirn ny 113 isLPfrsLF kIqIaF hn qF jo AuNtyrIE dy zya kyar sYNtrF ivc sMBfl pRfpq krn vfly 8 lwK 23 hjLfr bwicaF dI ihPfjLq XkInI bxfeI jf sky. pihlF muwdf ieh hY ik cfeIlz kyar afm mfpy dI phuMc ivwc hoxf cfhIdf hY ijs vfsqy AuNtyrIE srkfr nUM do imsflF qoN sbk lYx dI loV hY. pihlI Audfhrn ikAUbk dI hY ijsny cfeIlz kyar nuM aMqF dI sbiszI dy ky pRqI mhInf Krcf mihjL 152 zflr qwk ilaFdf hoieaf hY. dUjI imsfl mYnItobf dI hY ijwQy pRoivMsLIal srkfr ny cfeIlz kyar sYNtrF vwloN mfipaF qoN leI jfx vflI vwD qoN vwD PIs muwkrr kIqI hoeI hY. ies krky hI ivnIpYWg ivwc cfeIlz kyar leI mfipaF nUM pRqI mhInf isrP 651 zflr dyxy pYNdy hn. brYNptn, imsIsfgf, torFto prvfsIaF dy gVH vfly sLihr hn ijwQy iehnF dI igxqI 51% qoN vwD hY. prvfsIaF dI afmdn afm kYnyzIan nfloN Gwt huMdI hY iehnF nUM hI cfeIlz kyar dI mihMgI dr df sMqfp Bogxf pY irhf hY. kI cfeIlz kyar df Krcf vI afto bImf vfly mfrg AuWqy qurdf jf irhf hY? mfmly dI gMBIrqf vwl iDafn dyx leI srkfrF nUM sucyq hox dI loV hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
ê§Çâü ĂœĂ˛Ă…Ă”Ă° ùÅù ÊÇÔð¹ ĂĽÂś ĂŞzÎÅä¹ Ă€ÂąĂ°ĂœĂ… ֜üð nfkfm rhI qF nihrU inrfsL ho gey sn. prmfxU hiQafr bxfAux dI hoVH lwg geI sI. nihrU smJ gey sn ik afjLfd Bfrq nUM AUrjf dy nfl-nfl hiQafr bxfAux leI prmfxU Kyqr ivwc Koj krnI pvygI. sMn 1948 ivwc pRDfn mMqrI vjoN AunHF ny rwiKaf mMqrI bldyv isMG nUM iliKaf, “BivwK prmfxU AUrjf df Auqpfdn krn vfilaF dy hI hwQF ivwc hovygf. ieh BivwK dI mwuK kOmI skqI bxn jf rhI hY. mulk dI surwiKaf ies nfl juVI hY. iewQoN qwk ik isafsI iswty dI aihm hn.â€?
jdoN amrIkf ny hIrosImf aqy nfgfsfkI AuWqy prmfxU bNMb suwty sn qF pMzq jvfhr lfl nihrU nUM vwzf Jtkf lwigaf sI. Aus mgroN hI AunHF ny PYslf ilaf ik Auh dunIaF nUM prmfxU hiQafrF dI vrqoN nf krn leI pRyirq krngy. mrhUm pI[ aYWn[ hksr , sRImqI ieMdrf gFDI ny njLdIkIaF aqy sB qoN siqkfrq slfhkfrF ivwcoN iewk sn. 1998 ivwc iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc AunHF ny nihrU dy afKy sLbdF bfry dwsidaF ikhf, “sfnUM afAux vflIaF pIVHIaF nUM prmfxU jMg dI mfr qoN bcfAuxf cfhIdf hY. asIN nfkfm nhIN hoxy cfhIdy.� jdoN sovIaq XUnIan dy bMb bxfAux dy PYsly ‘qy idRV rihx kfrn sMXu kq rfsLtr vwloN prmfxU hiQafrF dI vrqoN ‘qy pfbMdI lvfAux dI qjvIjL
Bfrq dy prmfxU pRogrfm dy ipqfmf homI jhFgIr BFbf nUM vwzy kYnvs ‘qy socx leI AuqsLfihq krn vfly vI sRI nihrU sn. jdoN BfsLf ny prmfxU AUrjf dy Kyqr ivwc afqm-inrBr hox sbMDI Xojnf pysL kIqI qF nihrU ny bVy AuqsLfh nfl ies nUM pRvfn kIqf. iewQoN qwk ik prmfxU AUrjf kimsLn nUM iswDy qOr ‘qy pRDfn mMqrI dPLqr dy kMtrol hyT ilafdf. AunHF ny ies aPsrsLfhI vwloN idwqIaF jfx vflIaF mnjLUrIaF qoN Cot idwqI aqy ies AuWqy sMsdI njLrsfnI vI sImq kr idwqI . Bfbf nUM hukm idwqf igaf ik Bfrq sLFqI aqy (loV pYx ‘qy) jMg dovF mMqvF leI prmfxU smrwQf ivkisq kry.
AunHF ny Bfbf vwloN prmfxU AUrjf aqy bMb bxfAux ihwq vwzf muwZlf ZFcf sQfpq krn dI mihMgI Xojnf nUM mnjLUrI idwqI sI. nihrU dI ies nIqI bfry kfPI sbUq sn. sMn 1958 ivwc AunHF ny kYnyzf dI mdd nfl lfey prmfxU iraYktr sfiers ivKy bMb bxfAux Xog plUtonIam pRfpq krn dy pRfjYkt nUM hrI JMzI idwqI sI. sMn 1962 ivwc cIn dy pihlU prmfxU bMb bxfAux dy nyVy hox bfry pqf lwgx ‘qy nihrU ny Bfbf nUM sLFqIpUrvk prmfxU pRIKx leI BfrqI smrwQf CyqI ivksq krn leI ikhf . ies qoN pihlF AunHF ny Bfbf nUUM prmfxU DmfikaF ipClf BOiqk ivigafn smJx ihwq cotI dy BOiqk ivigafnIaF df Cotf ijhf gruwp bxfAux leI mnjLUrI idwqI sI.
prmfxU hiQafrF dy msly ‘qy nihrU afdrsLvfdI hox dy nfl-nfl XQfrQvfdI vI sfbq hoey. iewk pfsy Auh prmfxU bMbF dy pUrI qrHF iKlfPL sn. dUjy pfsy AunHf df mq sI ik prmfxU- mukq sMsfr df hokf dyx vfly Bfrq nUM mjLbUq rfsLtr hox dy pwK qoN prmfxU bMb bxfAuxf pvygf. nihrU dI dlIl sI: aijhf nhIN ik Bfrq bMb bxfAux dy kfibl nhIN hY pr sfzf mMnxf hY ik prmfxU hiQafrF dI hoNd DrqI AWuqy jIvn dy Kfqmy AuWqy Kqm hovygI. Bfrq dI surwiKaf dy pwK qoN amnpsMd soc kfrn nihrU dI aflocnf kIqI jFdI rhI hY pr AunHF dy 125 vyN jnm idhfVy ieh mMnxf pvygf ik nihrU ny hI Bfrq dy prmfxU sMpMn rfsLtr bxn dI nINh rwKI sI.
ieh mMinaf jFdf sI ik nihrU ny Bfbf nUM prmfxU hiQafr bxfAux dI mnfhI kIqI sI pr AunHF dI jIvnI ilKx vfly pRoPYsr aYWs[ gopfl ny dwisaf, “ieh gwl bhuiqaF nUM pqf nhIN, nihrU ny Bfbf nUM icwTI ivwc iliKaf ik Auh prmfxU hiQafrF ‘qy pfbMdI dy iKlfPL sn. AunHF dI nIqI ies nUM vrqxf nhIN sI sgoN ies dI Koj krnf sI ikAuNik asIN pUrI qrHF ies nUM iqafg nhIN skdy.� nihrU prmfxU bMb-mukq dunIaF aqy prmfxU-pRIKx ‘qy pfbMdI bfry sMDI dI hmfieq krdy sn. dUjy pfsy
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Suggestions to open an Officers Institute in Surrey B.C Surrey: Some retired senior officers of the Indian Armed forces, suggested to open an officers Institute in Surrey BC for the officers of Army , Navy, Air force and Parliamentary forces in India who can have a get together once in a month where ladies can also join the functions in the officers Institute. Although, it is very good suggestion and appreciated by maximum officers and ladies but it will require finances, volunteer manpower, resources and subscriptions and a suitable place on rent and installation of telephones.
If agreed by all the officers living in BC, then you are requested to send your suggestions in writing with your own particulars and telephone numbers to colonel Darshan Singh Sidhu at the address given below: #314-11901-89A Ave Delta B.C V4C 3G8 Phone:604-596-3327 Your suggestions should reach by 15th December, 2014. So that first function can be organized at Grand Taj Banquet Hall Surrey in the first week of January, 2015.
envision financial gives back with books for kids at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice – abbotsford
anuck Place Children’s Hospice (CPCH) is pleased to join Envision Financial this Thursday, No-
vember 27 at Chapters Langley to shop for a collection of new books. These will be used to fill the Envision Financial Family Library at CPCH’s second provincial location in Abbotsford.
A team from Envision Financial along with Canuck Place staff and volunteers will help pick out the new books and resources at Chapters Langley. Envision Financial donated $150,000 to support the expansion of Canuck Place into Abbotsford. The money will specifically help fund the construction of a family support library and nursing team lounge.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
‘Youth movement’ comes to the fore at BC Conservatives’ AGM
embers of the BC Conservative Party, meeting in Parksville this past weekend for their 2014 annual general meeting, have elected a new board of directors with a distinctly youthful outlook. “There is a youth movement underway in our Party,” said Dan Brooks, 38, Leader of the BC Conservatives. “It bodes well for our future - we are dedicated to working on behalf of British Columbia for a long, long time.”
Kristy Fredericks, 31, who has a B.Sc. in Human Ecology from the University of Alberta, won election as President of the BC Conservative Party. Fredericks also is president of her own business and consulting company, and for several years has been politically active with the BC Conservatives. The Party’s newly-elected VicePresident is Shane Smitas, 34. A selfdescribed ‘serial entrepreneur,’ Smitas is Founder and President of two com-
panies, Keitai Mobile Technologies Hoffman also was a candidate for and Oshida Real Estate Holdings Ltd. the BC Conservative Party in May Graham Plant, a 32-year old medical- 2013. A Campbell River resident, she devices professional, was elected as took 1,740 votes in Comox Valley, Secretary for the BC Conservative the second-highest total amongst the Party. He has an advanced diploma in Party’s Vancouver Island candidates. Biomedical Technology from Durham College in Oshawa, and worked for A health-industry professional, Marr many years in Ontario before he and lives and works in Prince George. He his wife moved to British Columbia. has a bachelor’s degree (honours) in Robert Boscacci, 31, won election as Biology and Psychology from the Treasurer. Boscacci is a Chartered Ac- University of Victoria, and a master’s countant and co-owner of Richmondheadquartered HME Accessibility and Mobility Ltd.
degree in Health Administration from the University of British Columbia. Olsen was the BC Conservative Party’s sole candidate in the Kootenays in May 2013, winning a respectable 1,162 votes in Columbia River-Revelstoke. A resident of Fairmont Hot Springs, Olsen worked as a Certified General Accountant and was a partner in a large Alberta printing company before he ‘semi-retired’ in 2011.
Also winning election as Directors-atLarge were Scott Anderson, Dianne Hoffman, Greg Marr and Earl Olsen. Anderson is a newly-elected councillor in the City of Vernon. In May 2013, he was a candidate for the BC Conservative Party in the riding of VernonMonashee, where he garnered 3,169 votes - the third-highest total among all BC Conservative candidates.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
å°ÔÅâÆ éðÕîÂÆ Çܧç×Æ ÇÕö Çìè îÅåÅ é¶ éÔƺ ÇñÖÆ ipCly idnIN suprIm kort ny pRDfn mMqrI qy sUibaF dy muwK mMqrIaF nUM slfh idwqI hY ik Auh lok sBf qy ivDfn sBfvF dy dfgLI mYNbrF nUM AuWc pdvIaF (mMqrI afid) ‘qy nf lfAux ikAuNik ieMj lokF dIaF afsF-AumIdF pUrIaf nhIN huMdIaF. adflq dy jwjF ny afpxI irport ivc ieh vI ikhf hY ik lok sBf ivwc 34 PLIsdI mYNbr dfgI hn qy 21 PLIsdI (iewk sO qoN vDyry) qF kqlF qy blfqkfr vrgy gMBIr jurmF ‘c Psy hoey hn( jF AunHF AuWqy dosLI hox dy mukwdmy cwl rhy hn) iewk irport anusfr, mhfrfsLtr ivDfn sBf dy mYNbrF ny 2009 dIaF coxF ivwc coxF leI jo vyrvy ilKqI rUp ‘c idwqy, AunHF anusfr 148 mYNbrF ivrwuD mukwdmy cwl rhy hn. 11 mYNbrF ‘qy kql dy dosL sn. Dn dI hflq ieh sI ik iewk mYNbr kol 126 kroV Dn hY. koeI vI pfrtI Dn kubyrF dy mfmly ‘c Gwt nhIN sI. kFgrs dy 74 PIsdI mYNbr kroVpqI sn. nYsLnl kFgrs pfrtI dy 87 PLIsdI, Bfjpf dy 61 PLIsdI, isLv sYnf dy 58 mYNbr kroVpqI sn (ijnHf Auqy mukwdmy cwl rhy hn, AunHF dI igxqI kFgrs dy 14 PLIsdI, nYsLnl kFgrs pfrtI 23 PLIsdI, Bfjpf 41 PLIsdI, isLv sYnf dy 53 PLIsdI mYNbr hn) pr suprIm kort dI Aus irport ivwc ieh spwsLt nhIN ik ieh 21 PLIsdI, 34 dfgLI mYNbrF ivc sLfiml hn jF ienHF
qoN vwKry hn. (jy vwKry hn qF aijhy dfgLI mYNbr 55 PLIsdI ho skdy hn.) pr srkfrI vkIlF dI dlIl hY ik jo vI mYNbr lokF ny cux ky Byijaf hY, Aus nUM dfgI nhIN mMinaf jf skdf, Auh qf siqkfrq ivakqI hY qy Aus nUM pRDfn mMqrI qy muwK mMqrI iksy vI ahudy ‘qy lf skdy hn. dovyN iDrF dIaF dlIlF afpo-afpxIaF hn pr smwisaf ieh hY ik aijhy dfgI bMdy, lokqMqr dI lok sBf qy sUibaF dIaf ivDfn sBfvF ivwc phuMc ikvyN jFdy hn? ies leI pihlF Auh rfjnIqk pfrtIaf ijL M m y v fr hn, ijhVIaF aijhy dfgI bMidaF nUM afpxI pfrtI vwloN AumIdvfr bxf ky coxF lVfAuNdIaF hn. Auh votr (afm lok) vI ijLMmyvfr mMny jf skdy hn, ijhVy aijhy dfgI nyqfvF nUM votF pf ky mYNbr bxf idMdy hn. aijhI hflq ies leI icM q f df kfrn hY ik aijhy dfgI mYNbrF dy AuWc pdvIaf ‘qy phuMc jfx ‘qy vI AunHF dI mfniskqf nhIN bdldI. ieh mYNbr iPr afpxy vrgy (dfgI) AunHF ‘vrkrF’ dy hI kMm krdy hn, ijnHF ny AunHF nUM votF pvfeIaF huMdIaF hn. Auh ‘vrkr’ lokF qoN ikMj votF pvfAuNdy hn, ieh koeI gwuJI -iCpI gwl nhIN hY ik aijhy lok nisLaF qy pYisaF dI vrqoN qoN lY ky afm votrF nUM zrf-Dmkf ky
(jF jfq brfdrI dy ZMg vrq ky) ikMj vDyry votF pf ky aijhy (34 PLIsdI) dfgI bMidaF nUM mYNbr bxf ky rfj pRbMD clfAux leI Byjdy hn. aijhy hflfq leI aksr ieh mMinaf jFdf hY ik dosLI Auh lok hn jo iksy nf iksy lflc (jF inwjI lfBF leI ) votF pfAuNdy hn. pr smwisaf ieh hY ik jy sfrIaf (bhuqIaF qy vwzIaF) pfrtIaF iksy KLfs ielfky ivwc, ieko ijhy dfgI bMidaF nUM itkt dy dyx qF lokF kol ieko-iek rfh rih jFdf hY ik Auh iksy nUM vI vot nf pfAux (jF ijs dy dfgI hox bfry pqf nf hovy) pr aijhI hflq ivc, cfhy afpxy inwjI kfrnF krky 10-15 PLIsdI lok vI votF pf dyx (80-90 PLIsdI nf pfAux) qF ijwq qF iPr vI iksy nf iksy pfrtI ny jfxf hY, ikAuNik sfzy ivDfn ivwc ikDry vI ieh sLrq nhI lfeI geI ik kuwl votrF ‘coN 20-25 PLIsdI qoN Gwt votF lYx vflf AumIdvfr ijwiqaf nhIN mMinaf jfeygf. ivDfn dy mwuK inrmfqf zf:aMbydkr ny sLfied kdy soicaf hI nhIN hoxf ik afjLfd dysL aMdr 67 sfl bfad aijhI hflq pYdf ho jfeygI ik eynI vwwzI igxqI ivwc dfgI AumIdvfr vI mYNbr bx skxgy qy srkfrI vkIlF dI rfie anusfr AunHF ivwcoN hI keIaF nUM pRDfn mMqrI qy mwuK mMqrI AuWc pdvIaf ‘qy lf dyxgy.
sB qoN gMBIr smwisaf ieh hY ik cfhy dfgI jF swcy-suwcy mYNbr hI AuWc ahuidaF ‘qy lfey jfx, kI dysL dI svf arb afbfdI dIaf smwisafvF hwl ho jfxgIaF? svf arb lokF leI koeI srkfr kI kMm dyvygI? (kMm qoN ibnF koeI vI ivkfs nhIN ho skdf.) pihlF kFgrs qy Aus dIaF sfQI pfrtIaf qy hux modI jI, bfhrly smirD dysLf (ijvyN jfpfn, cIn qy amrIkf afid) nUM qrwkI leI hfkF mfr-mfr ky swd rhy hn. pr kI koeI vI dysL sfzIaF musLiklF hwl krn leI kdy afieaf hY, jF afeygf? smirD dysL sfzy lokF dI ssqI mjLdUrI qy kwcy mfl nuMU vrq ky afpxy dysL nUM hor smirD bxf rhy hn qy sfnUM vDyry kMgfl bxfeI jFdy hn. ies scfeI nUM koeI JuTlf nhIN skdf ik vrqmfn smyN koeI smirD dysL iksy dI mdd krn nhIN afAuNdf, sgoN grIb dysLF dy qn dy kwpVy lfhux ivwc vI koeI nhIN iJjkdf. jy amrIkf aPLgfinsqfn qy ierfk ivwc POjLF Byjdf hY qF kI AunHF dysLF dIaf smwisafvF hwl krn dI nIaq nfl ByjdY? ierfk ivwc kwcy qyl dI luwt leI aqy aPgfinsqfn ivc dihsLqgrdF nUM mfrn leI ies vfsqy PLOj Byjdf hY ik Auh ikDry amrIkf dI hI qbfhI df kfrn nf bx jfx. iPr, kI Auh sfzy dysL dI nrk BrI
guridafl isMG
ijLMdgI dUr krn leI afeygf? cfhy zf:mnmohn isMG jI 10 sfl lfry lf ky qur gey qy cfhy hux modI afpxy ZMg nfl lokF nUM smirD bxfAux aqy ‘svwC Bfrq’ dy dfavy krdy rihx pr ibgfnI Cfh ‘qy mwuCF mnfAux qoN vwD iksy ny kuJ nhIN krnf. iPr sfzf BivwK kI hY? Auh qF idsI jFdf hY. 67 sfl dy lfiraF nfl jy hr idn sfzIaF musLklF vDdIaf hI geIaF hn qF afpy PfQVI nUM kOx Cuzfeygf? sLurU ivwc dfgI mYNbrF df jo vyrvf idwqf hY ik Auh svf arb lokF dIaF musLklF hwl krngy? sfzy dysL ivwc lokqMqr qF inrf Pokf sLbd hY, iewQy rfijaF dy rfj vFg lgBg hr Cotf vwzf nyqf afpxy pwuqr DIaF qy irsLqydfrF nUM gwdIaF sONpx ivwc koeI vI iJjk mihsUs nhIN krdf. qy lokF nUM vI iks ny ieh igafn idwqf hY ik quhfzI nrkmeI ijLMdgI dI iebfrq iksy ‘ibD mfqf’ ny nhIN ilKI, sgoN ieh quhfzy rfjsI dlF dy dfgI qy KudgrjL afgUaF ny hI ilKI hY aqy ies nUM koeI vI ‘bfbf’ bdl nhIN skdf. qusIN afp hI ies nUM bdl skogy. pr ieh qbdIlI dIaF gwlF qusIN kdoN smJ skogy, ieh qusIN jfxo! (ibD mfqf qF sdIaF qoN smfDI ivc hY!)
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
bI.sI. ilbrl PYrI ktOqIAW AwpxI b`cq qoN vD KrcIlIAW ivktorIAw-bIqy somvwr ƒ jwrI iek iv`qI AiDAYn ivc idKwieAw igAw hY ik bI. sI. ilbrl PYrI ktOqIAW kYrIbU-iclkoitn kost ielwky ivc b`cq nwloN v`D KrcIlIAW hn[ inaU fY m o k R y t AwgU jO n ho r gn ny ikhw, ‘‘ilbrlj dy vwAidAW ƒ hor mµinAw jwxw bhuq AOKw hY[ auh jwxdy hn ik kI kihxw hY, pr auh krdy auh hn jo auh cwhuµdy hn[ aunHW vwAdw kIqw sI ik auh PYrI syvwvW ivc suDwr krngy Aqy ienHW ƒ bxweI r`Kxgy pr aunHW ny iek AwriQk AiDAYn au~qy koeI icµqw nhIN kIqI Aqy PYrI rUtW ’qy BwrI ktOqIAW lgw id`qIAW[ hux swƒ pqw hY ik ieh ktOqIAW Asl ivc swfy au~qy Krcw vDwauxgIAW[’’ horgn ny ikhw ik pYsw bcwaux dI bjwey vYst iclkoitn tUirzm AYsosIeySn vloN krvwey gey AiDAYn ivc idKwieAw igAw hY ik isrP pihly vrHy dOrwn hI ifskvrI kost pYsyj rUt (rUt 40) au~qy lgweIAW geIAW ktOqIAW ies Kyqr ƒ lost ieknwimk AYktIivtI ivc 3.3 imlIAn fwlr Aqy lost tUirzm rYvIinaU ivc 3.9 imlIAn fwlr dI lwgq vwlIAW swbq hoxgIAW[ horgn ny ikhw, ‘‘ieQoN q`k ik srkwr ny vI is`DI s`t mwrI hY[ hwlWik bI.sI. ilbrlj ny ikhw sI ik aunHW syvwvW ivc ktOqI krky 7 l`K 25 hzwr fwlr hr vrHy bcwaux dw tIcw im`iQAw hoieAw sI[ pr AiDAYn drswauNdw hY ik 2014 ivc imaUNsIpl, sUbweI Aqy PYfrl tYks ivc 8 l`K 70 hzwr dw Gwtw hoieAw hY[’’ bylw kUlw vYlI ivc tvIfsmUeIr pwrk lOj dy sih-mwlk bIt stInr ny ikhw ik ieh AiDAYn ies leI krvwieAw igAw sI ikauNik srkwr ieh ktOqIAW krn qoN pihlW AwriQk pRBwv ƒ dyKx ivc AsPl rhI sI[
stInr ny ikhw, ‘‘jdik AsIN mh`qvpUrn GwitAW dw Aµdwzw lgwieAw sI[ mOjUdw ArQcwry ivc hoey Gwty ƒ jwx ky swfy fr iv`c bhuq vwDw hoieAw hY[ ienHW ktOqIAW nwl sUbweI ArQcwry ƒ b`cq dy mukwbly bhuq v`fw Gwtw hovygw[ ies nwl Awaux vwly virHAW ivc swfI SwK ƒ nukswn pu`jygw, jy syvw ivc suDwr leI qurµq kdm nw cu`ky gey[’’ bI.sI. PYrIz dy inaU fYmokRyt bulwry klyAr trYvynw ny ikhw ik ieh hor sbUq hY ik bI.sI. ilbrls kol bI.sI. PYrIz dw h`l k`Fx leI koeI Xojnw nhIN hY[ trY v y n w ny ikhw, ‘‘ku J hI hPqy pihlW trWsport mµqrI ny ieh ivcwr pyS kIqw sI ik ies syvw dy sB qoN v`D iesqymwl kIqy jwx vwly rUtW ivcoN iek dI ktOqI kIqI jwvy Aqy ieµJ l`gdw hY ik auh ivroD dw swhmxw krn ivc hYrwnI drsw irhw hY, nwl hI pRImIAr ieh kih rhI hY ik PYrI dy ikrwieAw ivc hor vwDw nhIN ho skdw[’’ ‘‘pRImIAr Aqy mµqrI ieh kihx dI koiSS kr rhy hn ik ijhVy vI lok swfy kostl hweIvy dw iesqymwl krdy hn Aqy suxnw cwhuµdy hn, pr jd qusIN aunHW dIAW kwrvweIAW ƒ dyKdy ho qW ieh swP ho jWdw hY ik qusIN aunHW dy SbdW ƒ nhIN lY skdy[’’ trYvynw ny ikhw, ‘‘bI. sI. ilbrlj iek dhwky qoN Asmwn CUµhdy ikrwey vDw rhy hn Aqy FoAw-FuAweI ivc ktOqIAW kr rhy hn, ijs nwl sUby au~qy lost ieknwimk AYktIivtI ivc 2.3 iblIAn fwlrW dw boJ ipAw hY[ hux AsIN dyKdy hW ik syvw ivc aunHW dIAW ktOqIAW aunHW dI b`cq nwloN v`D KrcIlIAW swibq ho rhIAW hn[’’
The Patrika
As the weather worsens, our driving needs to change too
ong gone are the sunny, dry days of summer. They’ve been replaced with dark and wet fall weather. Has this drastic change affected the way you drive? It should.
Here in the Lower Mainland we experience a wide variety of fall and winter weather from rain and fog to snow, ice and sleet. The key to staying safe on our roads at this time of year is to adjust
Friday, November 28th, 2014
your driving and prepare your vehicle for the road conditions you encounter each time you get behind the wheel. When it’s raining, you need
to reduce your speed and increase your following distance to four seconds because it takes much longer to slow down and stop on wet surfaces. Remember, posted speed limits are for
ideal conditions only. You is poor and visibility is reshould also make sure your duced and not only at night. windshield wipers are in good condition. If snow or ice hits this winter, staying off the road can In foggy conditions, it’s important to slow down and sometimes be a less stressful and safer option. Instead of driving, you may want to consider taking public transit if available, carpooling with a friend who’s a confident driver, taking a taxi or working from home.
scan more carefully because visibility is so limited. Turn on your headlights to help you see ahead and be seen by other drivers and road users. Consider using your headlights whenever weather
If you do venture out in snowy conditions whether close to home or for a trip out of town, make sure your vehicle is properly equipped for the weather. If you are heading out of town, keep in mind you must use winter tires on certain highways until March 31 – particularly mountain passes in the
Southern Interior and northern B.C. When it snows or roads are icy, always check the road conditions on before your head out, give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination and accelerate gently to avoid skidding or causing your wheels to spin.
The reality is that speedrelated crashes significantly increase from October to December in B.C. That’s why throughout November, police and Speed Watch volunteers across B.C. are looking for drivers travelling at unsafe speeds. When you drive too fast in poor conditions, it’s harder to react to the unexpected
like on a dark, rainy night when a pedestrian suddenly comes into view or the driver in the vehicle ahead of you slams on the brakes. At this time of year, we all need to do our part to help keep everyone on our roads safe.
ICBC’s Harvey Kooner is passionate about helping to raise road safety awareness in the community. In 2012, Harvey was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his many years of community service.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
MBB: Cascades pull away for 75-68 win over WolfPack
determined defensive performance and terrific offensive execution down the stretch powered the University of the Fraser Valley men’s basketball team to a 75-68 road win over the Thompson Rivers WolfPack on Saturday.
in the final minutes to get the win.”
UFV’s biggest lead of the night was seven points, a cushion they built midway through the first quarter after reeling off a 7-0 run to go up 15-8. But Thompson Rivers scored to next seven points to The Cascades didn’t shoot knot the score, and it was the ball terribly well, con- a back-and-forth affair verting just 38.8 per cent from there. of their attempts from the field, but they limited the The Cascades led 35-33 host WolfPack to 35.2 per at halftime, but Josh Wolcent shooting themselves. fram sparked the WolfAnd they were money on Pack in a huge way at the offence late in the fourth start of the third quarter. quarter, as great ball move- The 6’10” forward poured ment led to four assisted in 11 quick points as the layups in the last four hosts surged ahead 4839 midway through the minutes of regulation. frame. Wolfram would go UFV is the last undefeated on to finish with gameteam in the Canada West high totals of 24 points conference at 6-0, and they and 16 rebounds. own a three-game lead in the Explorers Division UFV responded with a standings. TRU is tied dominant stretch of their for second at 3-3 with the own, ending the quarter on MacEwan Griffins and the an 18-4 run to take a 57-52 Mount Royal Cougars. lead into the fourth. Kevon Parchment set the pace offensively, scoring 17 points while playing the entire 40 minutes. And all three of the Cascades’ post players notched doubledoubles: Nate Brown (12 points, 11 rebounds, four blocks), Kadeem Willis (12 points, 10 rebounds) and Jasper Moedt (10 points, 12 boards).
The WolfPack hung close, but the Cascades were surgical in their execution down the stretch. They sealed the deal on a pair of Willis baskets – first,
he laid in an alley-oop pass from Vijay Dhillon with 1:30 remaining, and he finished a textbook pick-and-roll with Manny Dulay with 51 seconds left to push the lead to 74-68.
The Cascades basketball teams wrap up their first-semester schedules at home next weekend vs. MacEwan.
Games are Friday (some 6 p.m., men 8 pm.) and Saturday (women 5 p.m., men
7 p.m.) at the Envision Athletic Centre. – with files from TRU Athletics
“We got high-percentage shots for most of the game, we thought, but we couldn’t put shots together,” Friesen analyzed. “Those days happen, particularly on the road. But defensively, we gave ourselves a chance to stay in the game.” The Cascades had a marginal 36-33 edge in total rebounds, but 15 of their boards came at the offensive end, a fact which WolfPack head coach Scott Clark bemoaned afterward. “We weren’t the greatest on the defensive glass and we need to be better,” Clark stated. “On your own glass, you can’t give them two or three chances at it. It is going to hurt you. Our level of defensive execution has to be better. Offensively, we got a bit panicky and it resulted in high-risk behaviour.
“It was definitely more of a grind,” noted UFV head coach Adam Friesen, whose team had an easier time of it on Friday when they opened an 18-point lead in the first half en route to an 83-73 win over the WolfPack. “But we learned from our preseason, when we had a few games like this where we weren’t scoring as well as we’d hoped and it led to lapses in defence and rebounding. We learned from those preseason lessons, and we kept defending and rebounding to give ourselves a chance. And we found a way to make a few more plays than them
The Patrika
îÇÔì±ìÅ î°ëåÆ é±§ Ü§î± ÕôîÆð ÒÚ à°µàò¶º ëåò¶ çÅ âð nYsLnl kfnPrMs (nYkf) -kFgrs srkfr dy ivruwD aYNtI ienkMbYNsI lihr kfrn jMmU-ksLmIr ‘c swqf ivwc afAux dy supny dyK rhI pI[zI[pI Bfjpf dy AuBfr qoN kfPI zr geI lwgdI hY. pfrtI pRDfn mihbUbf muPLqI nUM lwgdf hY ik aglIaF ivDfn sBf coxF ‘c jMmU Kyqr ‘c musilm votF vMz ho jfxgIaF, ijs kfrn sLfied iksy vI pfrtI nUM bhumq nhIN imlygf. coxF dy nqIjy 23 dsMbr nUM inklxgy. 24 nvMbr nMU 15 hlikaF ivc 71.24 % votF pol hoeIaF jo 2008 nfloN 10 % vWD hn. iek ieMtrivAU ‘c jdoN AunHF puwiCaf igaf ik swqf dI dOV ‘c AunHF df sB qoN mjLbUq ivroDI kOx hY qF AunHF ikhf ik ies vfr dIaF coxF pihlIaF sfrIaF coxF nfloN vwKrIaf hn. ies vfr mihbUbf afpxI rvfieqI ivroDI nYkf jF kFgrs dy ivrwuD coxF nhIN lV rhI. ieh spwsLt hY ik jMmU Kyqr ivc Bfjpf leI BfrI jn-smrQn KVf hY, ikAuNik kFgrs lokF dIaF AumIdF ‘qy KrI nhIN AuqrI. ieh coxF jMmU-ksLmIr dy lokF leI afpxI pCfx, isafsI aiDkfrF, sMivDfnk ivsLysLqf dI dfavydfrI Tokx df ieiqhfsk mOkf hn. mihbUbf nUM zr hY ik iksy vI pfrtI nUM PYslfkuMn Pqvf nhIN imlygf, ijs kfrx cox nqIjy sUby dy ihwqF dI rfKI, ksLmIr smwisaf dy hwl aqy BfrqI sMG aMdr jMmU-ksLmIr leI ivsLys aiDkfr surwiKaq krn dy sbMD ‘c bhuq dUrrs iswD ho skdy hn. AunHF dy ivroDIaF vwloN AunHF ‘qy dosL lgfieaf jFdf hY ik Auh aMdrKfqy Bfjpf nfl imlI hoeI hY.
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ies dosL dI pusLtI ‘c Auh ies qwQ vwl iesLfrf ivigafnk aqy qknIkI Kyqr ivwc hYrfnIjnk KojF krdy hn ik huxy-huxy hoeIaF lok sBf coxF ‘c dy bfvjUd kroVF lokF df jIvn gulfmI dIaF jMLjIrF AunHF ny Bfjpf dI aflocnf nhIN kIqI sI. ivwc jkiVaF hoieaf hY. afstrylIaf afDfirq ies dy jvfb ‘c mihbUbf ny ikhf ik lok sBf coxF ‘c AunHF dI pfrtI modI dy ivruwD nhIN, sgoN nYkf ivruwD mYdfn ivwc sI. ies leI modI nUM cox muwdf bxfAux df qF svfl hI pYdf nhIN huMdf sI. asl ‘c sUby dy mwuK mMqrI Aumr abduwlf ny hI modI nUM cox mwudf bxfieaf sI ikAuNik kFgrs qy nYkf kol kfrgujLfrI dy nF ‘qy idKfAux leI kuJ vI nhIN sI. Aumr abduwlf coxF dOrfn lokF nUM QF-QF ieho kihMdy rhy ik pI[zI[pI nUM votF nf pfE, ikAuNik Auh Bfjpf nfl imlI hoeI hY. aijhf kihMidaF Aumr ieh Bwul gey ik Auh vI kdy Bfjpf dI agvfeI vflI rfjg srkfr ‘c mMqrI sn. jdoN mihbUbf nUM ieh pwuiCaf igaf ik tuwtvF Pqvf afAux dI siQqI ‘c kI AunHF dI pfrtI coxF qoN bfad Bfjpf nfl sbMD joVygI? qF AunHF ikhf ik lok sBf coxF ‘c pI zI pI 41 ivDfn sBf hlikaF ‘c awgy rhI sI, jd ik Bfjpf 27 hlikaF ‘c. mihbUbf ny Brosf pRgtfieaf ik Bfjpf 27 sItF qo ijLafdf ijwq nhIN skdI, jd ik pI zI pI dI kfrgujLfrI nfl lokF df Aus ‘c Brosf ijLafdf mjLbUq hoieaf hY qy Aus dIaf sItF dI igxqI ‘c vfDf hoieaf hY. AunHf AumId pRgt kIqI ik jMmU-Kyqr ‘c afpxI kfrgujLfrI suDfr ky AunHF dI pfrtI afpxy blbUqy ‘qy srkfr bxfAux df ierfdf rwKdI hY. AunHF nUM Gwto-Gwt 47 sItF imlx dI AumId hY.
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Friday, November 28th, 2014
mnuwKI aiDkfr gruwp ‘vfk PrI PfAUNzysLn’ ny gulfmI sUck sbMDI jfrI irport ivwc ieh Kulfsf kIqf hY. irport anusfr sMsfr dI sB dI vwzI jmhUrIaq khfAux vfly Bfrq ivwc GrylU guLlfmI sB qoN vwD hY. dunIaF dy 167 dysLF AuWqy afDfirq ies aiDaYn anusfr sMsfr ivwc 3[6 kroV lok GrylU gulfmF vflf jIvn bsr kr rhy hn aqy ienHF ivwcoN 1[43 kroV Bfrq dy nfgirk hn. Bfrq qoN ielfvf mOrIqfnIaf, Aujbyiksqfn, hYqI aqy kqr df nMbr hY. irport anusfr bwicaF nUM ivwidaf dI bjfie kMm krn jF bfl ivafh leI mjbUr kIqf jFdf hY. purfxy pirvfrk krjLy kfrn Gwt idhfVI AuWqy iewko ivakqI jF PLrm kol kMm krn leI mjLbUr krnf, GrylU nOkrF nfl bdslUkI aqy aOrqF nUM vysvfigrI vwl Dwk dyx vrgy afDuink gulfmI dy anyk ichry sfzy mulk ivwc mOjUd hn. ieh vrqfrf dunIaF dy sfry dysLf ivwc hY. irport ivwc ies afDuink gulfmI nUM Kqm krn leI srkfrF dI BUimkf df vI ijLkr kIqf igaf hY. afstrylIaf, bRfjLIl aqy amrIkf ny ies idsLf ivwc ibhqr kMm kIqf hY. iksy vI qrHF dy sLosx iKlfP kfnUMn qF bxy hoey hn pr ienHF AuWqy aml dy mfmly ivwc srkfrF nfkfm idKfeI idMdIaF hn. Bfrq dy pMjfb vrgy agFhvDU sUby ivwc vI bfl mjLdUrI aqy afDuink gLulfmI dIaF bhuq sfrIaF GtnfvF vfprdIaf hn. hfl hI ivwc mnfey bfl mjLdUrI ivrwuD hPqy dOrfn hI vwK-vwK tImF ny 281 bfl mjLdUrF dI pCfx kIqI hY aqy sbMiDq adfiraF iKlfP kfrvfeI krn df PYslf ilaf
hY. hr sfl aijhI kfrvfeI pfAux dIaf GtnfvF dyKIaF jFdIaf hn pr bfl mjLdUrI dy Kfqmy leI mjLbUr bwicaF dI afriQk aqy smfijk dsLf suDfrn leI koeI Tos kMm nhIN ho irhf hY. mnwuKI soJI vDx dy nfl brfbrI dI Dfrnf ny jLor PVnf sLurU kr idwqf hY. gulfmI iewk qrHfN nfl swiBak smfj leI Dwbf igxI jfx lwgI hY. iksy vI qrHF dy smfijk ivqkiraF iKlfP vwK-vwK dfnsLvrF ny vwzy aMdolnF nUM jnm idwqf hY. isDFqk qOr AuWqy sMXukq rfsLtr sMG vwloN 10 dsMbr 1948 nUM mnjUr kIqy gey mnuwKI aiDkfrF dy srb-ivafpk aYlfnnfmy ivwc mnuwKI brfbrI dy isDFq nUM mnjUr kIqf igaf sI. mnwuK jnm qoN brfbr aqy afjLfd pYdf huMdy hn. sfry sbMiDq dysLF qoN ies smJOqy AuWqy aml krn dI AumId vI kIqI jFdI hY pr Bfrq smyq XU[aYWn[E[ dy sfry mYNbr dysL ies smJOqy AuWqy hsqfKr krn dy bfvjUd aml ivwc ajy bhuq ipwCy hn. mfnvqf dI vwK-vwK qrHF dI gLulfmI iKLlfP lVfeI ajy pUrI qrHF afpxI mMijLl AuWqy nhIN phuMcI. kfrporyt agvfeI vfly mOjUd ivkfs dy mfzl ivwc mnuwKI brfbrI dI Dfrnf AuWqy muV svfl AuTfey jf rhy hn. ‘vrqo aqy suwt idE’ dy isDFq aDIn jIvn dy sfry KyqrF ivwc vD rhy asQfeIpx kfrn bhuq sfry lok smfijk asurwiKaf dy zr ivwc jIvn bsr kr rhy hn. jIvn dIaf loVF pUrIaF nf hox dI mjbUrI AunHF nUM afDuink guLlfmI vwl Dwkx df afDfr bx jFdI hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc kudrq dy jLrUrq anusfr imlx aqy smrwQf anusfr kMm krn dy alOikk vrqfry nUM smJ ky nIqIaF bxfAux dI loV hY. ies leI afDuink gulfmI dIaf jLMjIrF nUM qoVn ivwc shfieqf iml skdI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
êðòÅÃÆ íÅðåÆÁź éÅñ Ô¶Ü ç¶ îÅÁé¶! afstrylIaF dy dOry dOrfn prvfsI BfrqIaF nMU vwD qoN vwD shUlqF dyx dy aYlfn qoN jfpdf hY ik pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI nMU prvfsI BfrqIaF aqy ivdysLI sYlfnIaF df kfPLI hyj af irhf hY. ies qoN pihlF vI modI srkfr ‘myk ien ieMzIaf’ muihMm qihq ivdysLIaF nUM Bfrq ivwc pUMjI invysL leI AuqsLfihq krn vfsqy keI iksm dIaf shUlqF dyx df aYlfn kr cuwkI hY. pRDfn mMqrI vwloN afstrylIafeI nfgirkF aqy sYlfnIaF nUM Bfrq phuMcx ‘qy vIjLf idwqy jfx dI shUlq, isznI ivwc swiBafcfrk kyNdr sQfipq krn, kfrobfr leI afsfn aqy pfrdrsLI nIqIaF qoN ielfvf prsn afPL ieMzIaf ErIjLn (pI[afeI[E) aqy EvrsIjL istIjLn afPL ieMzIaf (E[sI[afeI[) df jldI rlyvF aqy imafd Aumr Br krn ijhy kdm puwtxy sLlfGfXog khy jf skdy hn. nf kyvl modI blik hux qwk dI hr srkfr duafrf afpo-afpxy ZMg nfl prvfsI BfrqIaf aqy pUMjI invysLkF nUM afkrisLq krn leI Xqn kIqy jFdy rhy hn pr aml ivwc AunHF nUM drpysL smwisafvF ijAuN dIaF iqAuN hI rhIaF hn. shUlqF dy aYlfn Poky hI iswD huMdy rhy hn. mnmohn isMG dI agvfeI vflI XU[pI[ey[ srkfr ny prvfsI BfrqIaF leI pI[afeI[E[ kfrz dI suivDf dy ky ies dI imafd 15 sfl insLicq kIqI sI. hux modI srkfr vwloN ieh kfrz Aumr Br leI jfrI kr ky prvfsIaF nUM KusL krn dI koisLsL kIqI jf rhI hY. aslIaq
ieh hY ik ieh kfrz lYx dI ivDI byhwd jitl hY ijs krky lgpg awDy prvfsI BfrqIaF ny iPlhfl ies leI ko e I Au q sL f h nhI ivKfieaf. prvfsI BfrqIaF dIaF musLklF vqn prqidaF hI sLurU ho jFdIaF hn. mulk dy hvfeI awizaF qoN lY ky AunHF dy Gr phuMcx qwk, hr QF AunHF qoN pYsy btorn dI koisLsL kIqI jFdI hY. AunHF dIaF jfiedfdF dy JgiVaF dy inptfry leI koeI ivsLysL kfrjXojnf jF nIqI nhIN hY ijs dy iswty vjoN AunHF dy sky-sbMDNI hI AunHF dI jfiedfd hVwp rhy hn. iehI kfrn hY ik Auh afpxy sUby jF mulk ivwc pUMjI invysL krn qoN kMnI kqrfAuNdy hn. iewk pfsy srkr prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM mulk ivwc pUMjI invysL leI apIl kr rhI hY pr dUjy pfsy AunHF vwloN Byjy jfx vfly pYsy AuWqy syvf kr lgf idwqf igaf hY. ies dI sLurUafq BfvyN XU[pI[ey[ srkfr ny kIqI sI pr BfrI ivroD dy kfrn Aus nUM ieh vfps lYxf ipaf sI. modI srkfr iewk pfsy prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM shUlqF dyx dy dmgjLy mfr rhI hY, dUjy pfsy ies ny iesy mhIny qoN prvfsI BfrqIaF vwloN mulk ivc Byjy jfx vfly pYsy ‘qy ieh syvf kr muV lgf idwqf hY.
dy dfaivaF aqy vfaidaF dI iKwlI Auzf rhI jfpdI hY. ies df nqIjf ieh hovygf ik hux prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM afpxy sfk-sbMDIaF nUM pYsf Byjx leI jLfiejL ZMg-qrIikaF dI QF hvflf kfrobfr ijhy nfjLfiejL aqy gLlq ZMg apxfAux leI mjLbUr hox pvygf. ies qoN ielfvf Bfrq srkfr vwloN hfly vI kfPI BfrqIaF ivsLys krky iswKF aqy muslmfnF nUM kflIaF sUcIaF ivwc drj krky AunHF dy afpxI mfqBUmI afAux ‘qy pfbMdI lfeI hoeI hY. ies kfrn keI prvfsIaf dI afpxI mfqBUmI AuWpr afKrI sfh lYx dI iewCf dI vI pRdysLF ivwc hI mOq ho rhI hY.
pRDfn mMqrI modI vwloN ivdysLF ivc jf ky prvfsIaF nfl idKfieaf jFdf hyj kfbly qfrIP hY pr ies df mulk aqy prvfsIaF nUM lfB qF hI ho skdf hY jykr aYlfnF aqy aml ivwc Prk nf rhy. srkfr nUM prvfsIaF nUM drpysL musLiklF df inptfrf XkInI bxfey jfx leI Tos kfrjXojnf aqy nIqI bxfey jfx dI jLrUrq hY. AunHF nUM afpxy mulk ivwc pUMjI invys krn leI syvf kr ijhy tYksF qoN mfPI dyxI cfhIdI hY aqy aPsrsLfhI dy mfieafjfl qoN bcfAux leI vI Tos kfrvfeI krnI cfhIdI hY.
afpxI mfqBUmI qoN hjLfrF mIl dUr rih ky kIqI hwz BMnvIN ikrq ‘coN kuJ pUMjI jo Auh afpxy mulk rihMdy mfipaF jF BYx-BrfvF nUM Byjdf hY qF Aus ‘qy tYks lgfAuxf AunHF leI srfsr vDIkI hY. modI srkfr dI ieh kfrvfeI Aus vwloN prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM shUlqF idwqy jfx
The Patrika
asmesh Punjabi School (DPS) is a co-educational K - 12 school located in Abbotsford, British Columbia. DPS was established to offer a program that meets the outcomes of the BC Ministry of Education while being anchored in the Sikh faith and Punjabi language and culture. The school opened as the first Canadian Punjabi school in 1986 and is currently in its 28th consecutive year of operation as an independent school within Abbotsford. It is presently classified as a Group One school in accordance with Section 4 of the Independent School Act. It operates under the authority of the Dasmesh Punjabi Educational Association. As of September 30th, it enrolls 743 FTE students. Three international students attend the school, but no homeschoolers are currently registered. Dasmesh Punjabi School is located on a 5.3 Acre site located in Matsqui Village in rural Abbotsford. The main school building houses 14 classrooms, 3 Science Labs, one Home Economics Lab, a Computer Lab, a Library and a second floor Assembly Hall. The gymnasium and change rooms are housed in a separate building. The playing field is adjacent to the gymnasium covered outdoor play area is available as well. There are playgrounds with age-appropriate climbing/swinging/sliding apparatus on both sides of the campus. The campus features a fleet of twenty-one portable classrooms that house the primary divisions as well as the Grade four home rooms.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
During School year 2014-2015, we will have a third Graduating class from DPS. The graduates from the first two years were all successful in getting admissions in the universities of their choices. This past year, seven of our graduates were accepted in UBC, a prestigious university and well recognized world-wide. Two of them also were successful in getting acceptable at McGill, another grand achievement. Dasmesh students and their successes in education are making all of the community proud. The External Evaluation Committee (EEC) from Ministry of Education visited the school from October 20-22, 2014, and was appreciative of the welcome and hospitality offered by the principal, administrative team, staff and students alike. EEC commended Dasmesh School for the following details: EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE: • The stated educational philosophy is to create a safe and healthy environment for quality education and (Punjabi) heritage preservation. • The EEC noted that Dasmesh Punjabi School was established as the first Punjabi school in Canada.
operation of the school, particularly as it relates to the educational program.
instruction) as well as forty-eight mobile laptop computers for classroom use.
• The Principal is supported by elementary and secondary Vice Principals (.15 and .65 FTE respectively).
• The school has its own website and its own web-accessible school intranet.
• DPS also employs a full-time Administrator who oversees matters relating to building, maintenance and all financial matters. The Administrator reports directly to the Board. • The EEC commends the primary teachers for their intentional collaboration. • The EEC notes the significant amount of fiction and non-fiction books in each primary classroom. DPS is commended for the acquisition of these books in support of literature development in the primary years.
LIBRARY SERVICES • The Library is well organized and boasts a collection of 13,000 books that have been categorized according to grade and reading levels. • A new collection of eBooks is currently being introduced to the collection. • At the start of every year, students and staff are given an orientation about library services and the use of Destiny Quest and Webpath Express.
• It is the expectation of the school that all students will write the Foundation Skills Assessment in Grades 4 and 7. Participation rates over the years have been close to 100%. FSA results are published in the school newsletter and distributed to the staff. School academic goals are developed after reviewing FSA results.
• the significant amount of fiction and nonfiction books in each primary classroom to support literature and language development in the primary years and,
• Classrooms and labs throughout the school are equipped with internet-connected personal computers and ceiling-mounted video projectors.
• The school is overseen by a full-time principal. He is responsible for the overall
• There are two dedicated computer labs (one for French instruction and one for ICT
• The school program is anchored in the Sikh faith and in Punjabi language and culture.
• A local Wi Fi network is operational for staff, students and guests.
The EEC commends DPS for: • the culture of honour and respect is clearly evident throughout the school; • the collaboration, which exists among the primary and intermediate
• the wide variety of digital, commercial and web based resources in use by teachers and the integration of technology for planning, instructing, resourcing and communicating .
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
çôî¶Ã ê§ÜÅìÆ ÃÕ±ñ ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ ìÆ ÃÆ ÇÕ§âð×Åðâé 寺 ×ð¶â AB åµÕ ÇÂµÕ òèÆÁÅ ÃÕ±ñ dsmysL pMjfbI skUl (D.P.S.) aYbtsPorz bI[ sI[ ivwc siQq hY. ieh skUl bI[ sI[ iswiKaf mihkmy dy slybs anusfr pVHfeI krvfAuNdf hY. nfl hI pMjfbI BfsLf, swiBafcfr aqy iswK Drm dI pVHfeI krvfAuNdf hY. ieh ieMzIpYNzyt skUl vjoN ipCly 28 sflF qoN sPlqf nfl cwl irhf hY. ieMzIpYNzyt skUl aYkt dy dPf 4 anusfr grwup vn vjoN prvfn hY. dsLmys pMjfbI aYjUkysLn aYsLosIeysLn ies skUl nuM clfAuNdI hY. 30 sqMbr nUM 743 ividafrQI sn. iqMn ieMtrnYsLnl ividafrQI vI hn. dsmysL pMjfbI skUl mYskI pyNzU aYbtsPorz ivc 5[3 eykV jLmIn ivwc siQq hY. myn skUl iblizMg ivwc 14 klfs rUm, 3 sfieMs lYb, iewk hom ieknfimks lYb , iewk kMipAUtr lYb, iek lfiebryrI , iewk asYNblI hfl hn. skUl ijm ivwc cyNj rUm vI hn. nfl hI ply grfAUNzs hn aqy afAUt zor ply eyrIaf vI hY. ies qNo ibnF 21 portybl klfs rUm vI pRfiemrI jmfqF leI hn. sfl 2014-15 ivwc skUl dI qIsrI gryz klfs hY. ienHF sflF ivc sfzy grYjUeytsL nUM AunHF dI psMd dI XUnIvristIaF ivwc dfKlf iml igaf hY. jgq pRiswD XUnIvristI XU[ bI[ sI[ ivwc 7 grYjUeyts dfKlf lY cuwky hn. mYkigwl XUnIvristI ivwc vI 2 grYjUeyts dfKlf lY cuwky hn. sLkflrisLp vI pRfpq kIqy hn. aYbtsPorz invfsIaF nUM bVf hI mfx hY. minstrI afPL aYjUkysLn vloN External Evaluation Committee vwlNo 20 qoN 22 akqUbr 2014 qwk skUl dI ienspYksLn kIqI geI. AunHF ny ies gwl dI pRsLMsf kIqI ik ipRsIpl, tIcrjL aqy ividafrQI ny pUrI imlvrqn idwqI. eIvYlUeysLn kmytI ny kuJ gwlfN dI bVI hI pRsMLsf kIqI ik skUl dI iPLlfsPLI hY ik sFqI pUrn aqy ishqmMd vfqfvrn ivwc vDIaf ivwidaf aqy pMjfbI hYrItyjL dI iswiKaf dyxI. dsmysL pMjfbI skUl kYnyzf ivwc pMjfbI df pihlf skUl hY. skUl dy pRogrfm ivwc pMjfbI BfsLf swiBafcfr aqy Drm bfry jfxkfrI dyxI sLfml hY. skUl aYzimnistrysLn skUl dI aYziminstrysLn leI iek ipRMsIpl hY jo pUrI ijLMmyvfrI nfl skUl clfAuNdf hY. shfieqf leI iewk vfeIs ipRMsIpl hfeI klfsF vfsqy iewk pRfiemrI klfsF leI hn. iewk Puwl tfeIm eyzimnistrytr hY jo iblizMg dI AusfrI aqy murMmq PfeInYNs nUM kMtrol
ivwc rwKx leI ijLMmyvfr hY aqy iswDf borz nUM jvfb dyh hY. pRfiemrI klfsF aqy aiDafpkF df afpsI myl imlfp dI sLlfGf kIqI geI. AunHF ny pRsLMsf kIqI ik pRfiemrI klfsF ivwc iPiksLn aqy nfn-iPksLn bhuq vrqIaF jFdIaF hn skUl dI afsLf hY ik gryz 4 aqy 7 dy sfry ividafrQI aYP[aYWs[ey prIiKaf ivwc bYTxgy hux qk 100% dy lgBg ividafrQIaF ny ihwsf ilaf. tYknflojI- sfry klfs rUmF aqy lYbfrtrIaF ivwc Internet Connected Personal Contractor and coiling inverted video Projectors lfey hoey hn. do kMipAUtr lYb hn. iewk PrYNc dI pVHfeI leI iewk afeI[ sI[ tI[ ieMstrkYsLn aqy nfl hI 48 lYptfp kMipAUtr klfs rUm vrqNo leI skUl dI afpxI vYwbsfeIt aqy skUl ieMtrnYWt hY. lokl ziblAU[ afeI [ aYP[ afeI nYWtvrk stfP ividafrQIaF leI hY. lfiebryrI srivs- lfiebryrI bhuq vDIaf hY. 13,000 ikqfbF hn. ijhVIaF gryz aqy rIizMg lYvl anusfr rwKIaF hoeIaF hn. ienHF ivwc hor ikqfbF vDfeIaf jf rhIaF hn. hr sfl dy afrMB ivwc lfiebryrI srivsLj aqy zY s itnI ku a fiest aqy w e bpath express ivwc ividafrQI aqy stfP dI tryinMg idwqI jFdI hY. Report Summary and Commendation External Evaluation Committee ny dsmysL pMjfb skUl dI sLlfGf kIqI hY. ikAu N i k sfry skU l ivw c afdr siqkfr swiBafcfr ivwc spwsLt hY. pRfiemrI aqy ieMtrmIzIeysLn klfsF ivwc afpsI imlvrqn hY. pRfiemrI klfsF ivwc sfihq leI bhuq vDIaf lfiebryrI ikqfbF hn. Digital Commercial and Web board Resourace aiDafpkF vwloN vrqoN ivwc ilafey jFdy hn aqy Integration of Technology Planning Instraction resourace and Communication leI vrqy jFdy hn. mfipaF dI imlvrqn leI DMnvfdI hF.
The Patrika
rOxkI boilaf, “Pyr sfrI rfq afpxI eI aY.” “rotI dI qF rOxkf jmHF BuwK nHIN.” jgsIr ny hOlI dyxy juafb idwqf qy mMjI Auqy lMmf pY igaf. “kuVy inwky dI bhU! [[[nI mylo “hy - KF.” rO x kI ny Au h nU M dI byby.” bfhoN PV ky bYTf kridaF jgsIr nuM, AuWcI AuWcI afvfjLF afiKaf. “BYiVaf kI juafkF mfrdI, inwky ky guaFZI kfky aflIaF gw l F krdY ? aY N dI qIvIN dI afvfjL suxI qy rotI Cwizaf pUrIaF pYNdIaf Py r Au h dy gM B Ir ichry df huMdIaF, Blf?” rMg gRihx cMd vFg DuaFiKaf igaf. bUhy dy aYn koloN Auh ieMj ipCFh muiVaf ijvyN Auhdf pYr aMigafrF qy itk igaf hovy qy EQoN iswDf Gr af igaf. “qUM sfry bfr cOV-cpwt krky ikwDr AuT igaf sI?” koTVI ivwc dIvf jgfeI bYTy rOxkI ny AuhnUM bUhy vVidaF vyK ky afiKaf, “mYnUM pihr Br ho igaf AuzIkdy nUM.” pr jgsIr ibnF kuJ boly mMjI Auqy bih igaf. “lY pihlF rotI Kf lY,” rotIaF vflf poxf Auhdy mUhry DridaF
jgsIr by-vws ijhf hoieaf Au W T ky bih igaf. rO x kI rotIaF Aus awgy rK ky bfhroN pfxI df kOlf Brn clf igaf. ibMd df ibMd jgsIr ivMgIafN qy kwcIafN-ipwlIaF rotIaF vwl vyNhdf irhf qy Pyr vwzIafN-vwzIafN burkIaF qoV ky mUMh ivwc quMnx lwg ipaf. isr nIvF krIN pfxI dIaF GwutF nfl jdoN Aus iewk rotI inGfr leI qF bfkI dIaF poxy ivwc vlyt ky, dIvy dy mgr afly ivwc rwKidaF Aus afiKaf:“afh qVky LKf -lUM, hux qF aglI eI[[[“
“vfh beI vfh!” kuJ gwusy qy kuwJ ros nfl rOxkI ny AuhdI gwl ivwcoN eI tokidaF afiKaf, “qUM qF swcIN jfr inafixaf nfloN vI tpf ‘qI!” pr jgsIr ny AuhdI gwl vwl iDafn kIqy ibnF muV mMjI Auqy pYNidaF ikhf, “awj rOxkf qUM myry kol eI pY jf; gwlF krFgy.” “lY aYQy pY jfnF; EQy kI afpxIaF mohrF dwbIaF, beI rfKI pYxf pAU.” rOxkI ny juafb idwqf qy KUMjy KVI mMjI zfh ky qswlI nfl bih igaf. rOxkI dy icwq nUM awj ijvyN virHaF mgroN KusLI ijhI hoeI sI. jdoN dI sMqo geI sI AuhnUM aijhI qswlI BrI KusLI kdy nhIN sI hoeI. jgisaf, “bMdy df bMdf eI dfrU aY.” tMgxy AuWqoN iewk juwlI cwk ky mMjI qy suwtidaF rOxkI boilaf, “kwlf bMdf qF ANU Edr ky mr-jy.” “hUM.” jgsIr ny Auhdy nfl sMKyp ‘hF’ imlfeI qy jdoN tMgxy qoN rjfeI lfh ky rOxkI
Auqy lY ky ipaf qF jgsIr ny hOlI dyxy puwiCaf, “hux rOxkf kdy sMqo Pyr Xfd nhIN afeI ?” rOxkI iewk ibMd qF cuwp kr igaf, pr Pyr AuBVvfhf eI boilaf, “jfd af Cwz kdy kdy qF[[[.” qy bolidaF bolidaF ibMd ku Auh Pyr ruikaf; qy ies ipwCoN eyzI kfhlI kfhlI bolx lwg ipaf ik jgsIr nUM AuhdI pUrI gwl cMgI qrHF smJ vI nf afeI. “sMqo dy kI-kI duwK ProldYN jgisaf, mfr ky ist -gI qbfh kr ky Dr-gI, kwK nHIN Cizaf vihl ny Auhdy ihjr ny qF, ipwqf eI sfV ‘qf jgisaf, myrf rihx kI idwqf[[[“ jgsIr nUM ieMj jfipaf ijvyN rOxkI dy aMdr, pUrI qrHF pwky PoVy ivwc sUeI cuBo bYTf hovy. Au h df iKafl sI sfDfrx vFg rOxkI sMqo dI gwl hfsy pf leygf. pr jdoN rOxkI df ichrf Auhny ghu nfl qwikaf qF AuhdIaF cUhy-mwuCF Prk
Friday, November 28th, 2014
rhIaF sn, qy KodI dfVHI dy ivrly vflF ivwc iPrdIaF sfrIaF AuNglF dIvy dI loa vFg peIaF kMbdIaF sn. jgsIr kuJ icr Auhdy vwl ieMj vyNhdf irhf ijvyN Auhdy aMdrlf PoVf CyV ky pCqf irhf hovy.
ivc afpxy mn dI AulJvIN hflq nUM Buwlxf cfhuMNdf sI. pr jdo N Au h ny vy i Kaf ik rOxkI vI Auhdy vFg eI afpxy vihxF ivc vih cwilaf sI qF Ausy AudfsI ny muV Auhdy Auqy kfbU pf ilaf.
“kdy-kdy mYN aYN socdF jgisaf”, rOxkI gMBIr mUMh bxf ky Cwq vwl ingfh gwz ky JfkidaF Py r bo i laf, “beI jy afpxy vrgy bMidaF nfl rwb ny eyvyN krnI sI qF[[[qF[[[ koeI icVI jnOr dI jUn eI pf idMdf.”
iew k o geI ivhf, nO N ikDr geIaF.”
qy icVI jnOrF dy jIvn vflI Kuwl dI klpnf kridaF eI rOxkI nUM ijvyN awgoN moVvF bVf krVf, pwQr vrgf ieh iKafl afieaf: eyzI KuwlH iml ikvyN skdI aY? qy nfl dI nfl AuhdI klpnf gVy vFg buVHk ky BuMjy jf izwgI. Auh cuwp kr igaf. jgsIr ny rOxkI nUM isrP gwlIN pfAux leI eI CyiVaf sI. Auh rOxkI dy bol-bulfry
“bMidaF qyrIaF dws dyhIaF,
rOxkI ipaf-ipaf afp muhfrf eI boilaf qy ibnF jgsIr vwl qwikaf bolI igaf. “ko e I qy l I sI, jgisaf, Auhny sfrI Aumr kohlU mgr quiraf iPridaF kwZ leI. vwizaF-vzyiraF qNo suxdf irhf sI beI bMdy dI sfrI Aumr ‘c ds vfr iksmq bdldI aY-nfly kihMdy bfrHIN vrHI qF rUVI dI vI suxI jFdI aY, bMdy dI ikvyN nf suxI jfvy? pr afpxy vrgf koeI krmF df blI eI sI ijhVf sfrI Aumr Esy kVfhI ‘c qyl qwqf kr kr pfeI igaf, Kopy bld dIaF awKF qy vI afvdIaF qy vI.[[[Auhny, bld dIaf ‘qy
Friday, November 28th, 2014
cVHfeI rwKy, AuhdIaF ‘qy ‘Es’ skqy ny cVHfeI rwKy. “jdoN jgisaf, kihMdy pMjfhF swTF dy nyVy phuMicaf qF Pyr Auh kohlU mgr iPrdf ieh aKfx boilaf kry: ‘bMidaF qyrIaF ds dyhIaF: iewko geI ivhf nON ikDr geIaF ? iewk idn ikqy drgfh ivwc jf ky zMky vwjy. koeI sdfgr EDr dI Dn dIaF BrIaf KwcrF leI jFdf sI. Auh rfq kwtx Kfqr qylI dy sLihr Tihr ipaf. rfq nUM iewk Kwcr AuWT ky qylI dy bfr mUhry af KVI. qylI ny aMdr vfV ky mohrF lfhIaF qy aMdry dwb lIaF. Kwcr dy do mfry zMzy qy bfhr nUM dbwl ‘qI. “EdUM ipwCoN Auh Pyr hor aKfx bolx lwg ipaf: ‘bMidaF jd qyrI dyhI afvy, KV ky dohyN kMn hlfvy.” rOxkI ibMd ku cuwp kr igaf qy ibnF jgsIr df huMgfrf AuzIky, EvyN Cwq vwl qfVI lfeI Pyr boilaf, “Dn nUM bVIaF qPIkYN, jgisaf ieh vI bMdy dI dUjI dyhI bdl idMdf-jrm eI dUjf ho jFdF
The Patrika
! aKy jIhdI koTI ‘c dfxy Ehdy kmly vI isafxy! hux qF jgisaf dunIaF bxdI eI “pYsy dI puwq’ jFdI aY-pYsy ibnF[[[“
“kusL nHIN” bVf hYrfn ijhf ho ky Aus jgsIr vl Jfk ky juafb idwqf. “mYnUM kI hoxf sI, mYN qF qYnUM iewk bfq suxfAuNdf sI.”
rOxkI Pyr cuwp kr igaf. Auhdf sfh ijvyN ruk igaf lgdf sI.
qy Auh muV Cwq vwl Jfkx lwg ipaf qy EvyN dfVHI dy vflF nUM ProlidaF iewk zUMGf hAukf BridaF boilaf, “aYdUM vwD hor afpF nUM kI ho-jU jgisaf. jy ajy vI koeI ksr aY qF sfzI ijhVI pUC piqHAury myry qoN pwtI dI aY pwt-ly.” gwl BfvyN rOxkI ny hAukf lY ky afKI sI, pr Auhdy bol ivwc hsfAuxf rAuN vyK ky jgsIr dI mwlomwlI hfsI inkl geI. Pyr qkVI rfq qfeIN rOxkI, jgsIr nUM rUp bsMq, jfnI cor, nl-dimXMqI qy pUrn Bgq dy ikwisaf , ‘coN totky qy GtnfvF suxfAuNdf irhf . jgsIr nUM ieMj lwigaf ijvyN rOxkI AuhnUM iksy icwkV ivwcoN kwZ ky iewk EprI dunIaF ivwc lY igaf sI-bVI EprI, pr mn mohxI dunIaF ivwc, qy Es rfq jdoN Auh suwqy qF jgsIr df icwq kuJ itkfxy af igaf (cldf) sI.
“[[[jd qyrI dyh afvy, KVH ky dohyN kMn hlfvy, “pl ku mgroN Auh AuBVvfhf eI eyzI AuWcI boilaf ik jgsIr qRBk igaf. “pr sfzI qF shury myry ny pihlI dyhI vI Koh lI![[ qy nfl dI nfl Auhny eyzI AucI Thfkf mfiraf ik jgsIr ny CyqI dyxy AuWT ky Aus vl ieMj vyiKaf ijvyN swcI-mwucI AuhnUM kuJ ho igaf huMdf. pr rOxkI afpxI dfVHI dy ivrly vflF ivw c sw j y hw Q dIaF ivMgIaF AuNglF Pyrdf, Kwby nfl afpxIaF inwkIaF awKF ivwcoN vgdf pfxI pUMJI jFdf sI qy AuhdIaF muwCF hyToN, vrfCF ieMj iKlrIaF lgdIaF sn, ijvyN ajy vI hws irhf hovy. “kI gwl sI rOxkf ?” jgsIr ny hYrfnI nfl puwiCaf.
(pMnf 7 dI bfkI) q u a w s b KLqm hoxf hY qF ipqf jI quhfzy qNo vwzf mhFpursL ies Xug ivwc hor kOx hY. duKI mnF dI Pirafd ny hI sRI gurU qygL bhfdr sfihb jI nUM srv-AuWc kurbfnI leI iqafr kIqf sI aqy iPr gurU jI ny bRfhmxF rfhIN ieh sunyhf hukmrfnF aqy smuwcy dysL vfsIaF nUM idwqf sI ik Auh afpxy jLulm nfl KLUn dI ipafs buJfAuxgy aqy quawsb dI isLkfr mjLlUm jnqf ivwc nvIN rUh PUkxgy. AunHF dI sLhfdq qo bfad qu a w s b dIaF jVH F Au W KV jfxgIaF, lo k F ivw c nvIN cy q nf pY d f ho v y g I. mnw u K I aiDkfrF df hnn bM d ho jfvygf aqy afpxy hwkF, aiDkfrF qy ivcfrf dI rfKI krn leI mr-imtx vflI nvIN jQy b M d k sL k qI pY d f hovygI.
ko e I sL w k nhIN . ieho ku J hoieaf, sRI gurU qygL bhfdr sfihb dI mhfn sLhfdq qo N bfad. sR I gu r U go i bM d isMG pfqsLfh ny KMzy-bfty df aMimRq dy ky Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf kIqI aqy KLflsf pMQ
dI mwuK ijMLmyvfrI ieh lfeI ik Auh akfl purK dI PLOj bx ky mnwuKI BfeIcfry dI, iewk ipqf dI ieksfr sMqfn dy rUp ivwc, syvf kry. ikqy ivqkrf hovy, mnuwK-mnuwK ivckfr Byd krky quawsb ho irhf hovy, mnwuK dI buinafdI afjLfdI df glf Guwitaf jf irhf hovy qF sRI gurU qygL bhfdr sfihb jI dy Auh mhfn AupdysL- ‘BY kfhU kE dyq nih nih BY mfnq afin’ dI rOsLnI ivwc Auh mnwuKI axK qy afbrU dI bhflI leI afpxy pRfxF dI bfjLI lf dyvy. iewk jmfq iqafr ho geI afpxy hwkF aiDkfrF pR q I cy q M n aqy dUijaF nUM jfgrUk krn vflI. sMKyp ivwc ikhf jf skdf hY ik hwk qy swc ‘qy pihrf dyxf iswKI df buinafdI isDFq hY. afpxy ivhfr nfl, afpxf afp vfr ky hwk qy swc dI pYrvI krnf iswKI dI mirafdf hY. gurU nfnk pfqsLfh ny ies mirafdf df mw u Z bM i nH a f aqy bfbr dI jylH ivwc kYdI bx ky ies pivwqr isDFq dI gvfhI BrI sI. sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny hwk-swc dI afvfjL bulMd rwKx leI
jQybMdk ZFcy dIaF jLrUrI sMsQfvF muhweIaf krfAux df mhfn kfrj kIqf sI aqy kImq vjNo AunHF nUM qwqI qvI ‘qy bYT ky afpxy srIr dI afhUqI dyxI peI sI. sRI gurU qygL bhfdr sfihb jI ny vI hwk qy iensfPL dI inrxfiek jMg lVI aqy afpxf sIs lf ky swc dI sLhfdq BrI sI. swc kurbfnI mMgdf hY, kImq mMgdf hY, swc dy muwdeI AuWpr musIbqF afAuNdIaF hn., ieh ieiqhfs df Go i Kaf priKaf swc hY. ieiqhfs dy pMinaF ‘qy AunHF DrmI pursLF dy nFa drj hn ijnHF afpf vfiraf hY . pr inrsM d y h sRI gurU qygL bhfdr jI dI swc, hwk iensLfPL qy mnwuKI aiDkfrF dy isDFq ‘qy aizwg pihrf idMidaf sLhfdq dyx dI ivwiQaf aduwqI hY. mnwuKqf AuWpr gurU jI dy Aupkfr nUM klmbMd qF nhIN kIqf jf skdf pr kvI sYnfpqI dIaF ieh sqrF kfPL I Zu k vIaF jfpdIaF hn: pRgt Bey gur qyg bhfdr. sgl isRsit py ZfpI cfdr. krm Drm dI ijin piq rfKI. atl krI kljug my sfKI.
ÁÅú, î°ÃÕðÅÂƶ
mOjUdf smyN ijwDr vI ingHf mfrIey, koeI mnuwK iksy gLm ‘c zuwibaf hoieaf hY qy koeI iksy ibmfrI df isLkfr hY. hsrqF ijvy gfieb ho geIaF hn, KMB lf ky AuWz geIaF hn. asl ivwc muskrfht Auh hflq nhIN huMdI ijs ivwc koeI smwisaf nf hovy, sgoN Auh hflq huMdI hY jdoN imhnq nfl sfrIaF smwisafvF nUM hwl kr ilaf igaf hovy. KusLnsIb ichry Auh huMdy hn ijnHF dy mn aMdrly suwKF dI hfmI Brdy hoey njLr afAuNdy hn aqy jdoN Auh muskrfAuNdy hn qF dUijaF nUM vI kIl lYNdy hn.
pfxI vrgf kuJ inrml nhIN. pfxI df vhfa hmysLf invfx vwl huMdf hY. PlF nfl lwdy hoey drwKqF df Jukfa vI hyTF vwl huMdf hY. ijAuN-iqAuN mnuwK ijLafdf sUJvfn, ivdvfn aqy aklmMd huMdf hY, Aus TMZI sIrq dy nfl-nfl inmr aqy muskrfAuNdf njLr afAuNdf hY ikAuNik Auh hMkfr, eIrKf, guwsy afid qoN AuWpr AuWT jFdf hY. keI lok muskfn lwBx lwgy hoey hn, loV muskfn isrjx dI huMdI hY, nf ik lwBx dI. iewk isafhPLfm lVky ny inrfsL mn nfl iewk afdmI nUM ikhf, “mYN ies dysL ivwc koeI mhwqvpUrn sQfn pRfpq nhIN kr skdf.” “ikAuN nhIN?” Aus afdmI ny puwiCaf. “qusIN afp hI smJdfr ho.” lVky ny ikhf. “quM qMdrusq hY?” Aus afdmI ny ikhf. Auh lVkf muskrfieaf. “mYnUM quhfzy zOly dyKx idAu.” Aus afdmI ny ikhf. lVky ny afpxI kmIjL dIaF bfhF AuWpr kIqIaF aqy Aus afdmI ny Aus dy mjLbUq zOilaF ‘qy vDfeI idwqI.
inrlyp kOr syKoN
iewk vfr Auh iPr muskrfieaf. Aus afdmI ny ikhf, “quhfzy pfs iewk sLfndfr mkfn hY. ijs dy ichry ‘qy KUbsUrq muskfn huMdI hY, Aus nUM inrfsL nhIN hox dI loV nhIN huMdI.” “myrf rMg kflf hY.” lVky ny afpxI smwisaf dwsI. Aus afdmI ny pRiswD isafhPLfm ivakqIaF df ijLkr kIqf ijnHF ny mhfn pRfpqIaF kIqIaF sn. iPr Aus ny vwK-vwK rMgF dy gubfiraF dI Audfhrn dy ky smJfieaf ik ieh rMg ‘qy inrBr nhIN krdf ik koeI gubfrf ikMnf AuWcf jFdf hY, sgoN gubfry dy aMdr jo kuJ hY, Aus ‘qy inrBr krdf hY. jIvn mfxn leI muskfn dI loV pYNdI hY pr muskrfht nUM AupjfAux leI imhnq dI loV pYNdI hY. lVkf iPr muskrfieaf aqy muskfn dI pirBfsLf bfry smJf igaF. ies qrHF muskrfht ny lVky nUM AuqsLfihq kIqf aqy ijLMdgI ivwc iewk sPl ivakqI bxf idwqf, ijs df nF aYzvrz zUzly sI. keI vfr asIN inwkIaF-inwkIaF gwlF ‘qy Audfs ho jFdy hF pr CotIaF-CotIaF gwlF ‘qy hI asIN muskrfAuNdy hF. ijvyN sohxI aOrq isafxy pursL nUM sohxI muskrfht dI cfbI nfl KolH lYNdI hY. Aus dI suMdrqf Aus dy nYx-nksLF ivwcoN nhIN, Aus dI muskrfht ivwcoN JlkdI hY. “suMdrqf afdmI ivwc hovy jF aOrq ivwc, hmysLf muskfn df sunyhf huMdf hY. Aus muskfn kfrn hI Auh afdmI jF aOrq sfnUM suMdr lgdf hY.” iksy ny shI ikhf hY, “gulfb dI muskrfht vfsqy qRyl afp roNdI hY.”
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ikRtIkl ielnYs aqy izsaYibltI ieMsLorYNs kI hn? lfeIP ieMsLorYNs (jIvn bImf) pflsI ivwc ijwQy mOq AuprMq hI Ausdf klym imldf hY AuwyQy ikRtIkl ielnYs aqy izsaYibltI ieMsLorYNs aijhIaNf pflsIaNf hn ijhnNf df asIN afpxy jIvn kfl dOrfn hI lfB pRfpq kr skdy hNf. iksy vI pirvfr dI PfeInfsLIal plYinMg ivwc iehnf pflsIaNf df mhwqvpUrn Xogdfn huMdf hY. izsaYbiltI ieMsLorYNs aqy ikRtIkl ielnYs dovyN alwgalwg qrNf dIaNf pflsIaNf hn aqy asIN aksr iehnf dovNf nUM rlLgwz kr idMdy hNf.
Changes needed to protect young people on party buses
eeping young people safe is at the heart of the push to change how the party bus industry operates, says George Heyman, MLA for Vancouver Fairview.
“Parents, advocates, the Union of B.C. Municipalities and even the party bus industry have called for better regulation and yet no action has been taken,” said Heyman.
“The largely unregulated party bus industry in B.C. has been responsible for a number of deaths and dangerous incidents involving young people, and it’s time for this Liberal government to do something about it,” said Heyman.
“The B.C. Liberals said they want to protect kids and ensure safety in our transportation industry, they’ve even promised this to concerned parents, but they failed to act,” said Heyman.
Heyman introduced the Act to Safeguard Young People’s Future, aiming to regulate the party bus industry and ensure that minors are protected from illegal or dangerous activity which may take place on a party bus, in the legislature on Monday.
Julie Upton-Raymond and Danielle Raymond, the mother and sister of Shannon Raymond, a 16-year-old who lost her life in a party bus incident in 2008, have been working tirelessly to push for changes to this dangerous practice. They were at the legislature to support Heyman’s bill.
“A number of young people have lost their lives or been seriously injured as a result of lax regulations for this industry,” said Heyman. He noted that there have been cases of party bus drinking, fights, assaults with weapons, medical distress calls, passengers falling out of unsecured doors, passengers being ejected and left on the side of the road, and passengers being assaulted and left unconscious at unsafe locations.
“It is too late for Shannon and the others who we’ve lost,” said Upton-Raymond. “Something has to change before another tragedy occurs, and rest assured it will as long as this industry is allowed to operate the way it has been.”
ikR t Ikl ielnY s (gM B Ir ro g ) ieM s L o r Y N s Auh bImf hY ijs ivwc iksy gMBIr rog dy zfiegnojL (pCfx) hox dI hflq ivwc bImf kMpnI ijs ivakqI dI ieMsLorYNs hoeI hovy Aus nUM inrDfrq Awukf puwkf (lMp sMp) rfsLI dy idMdI hY bsLrqy ik Aukq rogI sbMDq ibmfrI dI pCfx hox bfad inrDfrq smy (lg pg 30 idn) qwk ijAuNdf rhy. iksy gMBIr rog dI pCfx hox dI sUrq ivwc ijwQy ies dy srIrk aqy mfnisk pRBfv pYNdy hn AuQy quhfnUM afriQk qMgI df vI sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. ies hflq ivwc ikRtIkl ielnYs(gMBIr rog) ieMsLorYNs quhfzy bhuq kMm af skdI hY. AudHfrx dy qOr qy jykr iksy ivakqI ny iewk lwK zflr dI ikRtIkl ielnYs(gMBIr rog) ieMsLorYNs krvfeI hovy qNf gMBIr rog dI pCfx hox dI sUrq ivwc qusIN ies rfsLI nUM iksy vI qrNf vrq skdy ho ijvyN ik quhfzI kmfeI bMd hox dI sUrq ivwc KricaNf vfsqy,ivdysL ivwc ielfjL,pRfeIvyt nrisMg hom df Krcf, mkfn dI iksLq(mortgyj pymYNt) afid. ies qrNf qusI afpxI ibmfrI dy ielfjL vwl afpxf pUrf iDafn kyNdrq kr skdy ho.
ibmfrI jNf hfdsy kfrn kMm krn dy kfbl nhI rihMdf. izsaYbiltI kfrn kMm krn dy kfbl nNf rihx df smf aOsqn 90 idn qNo lY ky lgpg 3 sfl qwk df ho skdf hY. izsaYbiltI kfrn quhfzI afmdn bMd huuMdI hY pr quhfzy ibwl nhI. izsaYibltI dI smisaf nfl nijwTx leI qusIN afpxy leI inwjI ieMsLorYNs jNf ibjLins ieMsLorYNs vI lY skdy ho qNf jo izsaYbiltI dOrfn quhfzI afriQk smisaf df hwl kIqf jf sky.qusIN BNfvy afpxy inwjI pysLy ivwc ho,krmcfrI ho jNf ibjLins dy mfilk hoo quhfzf PfienfsLIal slfhkfr quhfzy leI hr qrNf dI pflsI lY ky dy skdf hY. ibjLins mfilk huMdy hoey qusIN afpxI ajfdI aqy munfPy nUM bcfAux leI izsaYbiltI vI pflsI lY skdy ho. sfnUM kMm qy imlx vflI izsaYbiltI ieMsLorYNs (WCB) jo ik gruwp ieMsLorYNs vI ho skdI hY aksr inwjI izsaYbiltI ieMsLorYNs qoN ssqI huMdI hY. pr inwjI bImf krvfAux dy keI lfB hn ijvyN ik ies ivwc 24 GMty kvryj imldI hY aqy qusI ies nUM 60 sfl dI Aumr qwk jdoN qwk pRImIam idMdy rho vDf skdy ho jdik kMm qy imlx vflI izsaYbiltI pflsI isrP kMm Aupr hox vfly hfdisaNf leI hI muafvjf idMdI hY. quhfzI nOkrI clI jfx dI sUrq ivwc vI ieh pflsI Kqm ho jNfdI hY aqy nvI nOkrI imlx qy quhfnUM Aus smy quhfzI Aumr muqibk mihMgI pflsI vI lYxI pY skdI hY.
izsaYibltI ieMsLorYNs df pRImIam quhfzy kfrobfr,Aumr aqy ishq Aupr inrBr krdf hY. izsaYibltI bImf lYx qoN pihlNf afpxy iewQy ieh dwsxf vI jrUrI hY ik kYnyzf ivwc lfeIP ieMsLorYNs eyjMt rfhIN bImf kMpnI qoN hr sfl 70 hjLfr qoN ijafdf idl dy dOry ieh jfx lYxf bhuq jrUrI huMdf hY ik ijs (hfrt atYk), 40-50 hjLfr strok (KUun kfrobfr ivwc qusIN kMm krdy Ausdf ies dI splfeI bMd hox kfrn idmfg df kMm kfr pflsI ivwc muafvjf iml skdf hY jNf nhI iek dm bMd hoxf) aqy hr hPqy 3 hjLfr qoN qfN jo bfad ivwc iksy pRysLfnI df sfhmxf ijafdf kYNsr rogIaNf dI pCfx huMdI hY.ieh nf krnf pvy. pflsI qusI iksy vI lfeIP ieMsLorYNs eyjMt qoN lY skdy ho pr gMBIr rog pflsI lYx qoN pihlNf ieh pVqfl krnI jrUrI huMdI hY ik sbMDq kMpnI ikhVy-ikhVy rogNf dy hox dI sUrq ivwc bImf rfsLI dyvygI. ikRtIkl ielnYs bImf qusIN 5 hjLfr qoN lY ky 2 imlIan zflr qwk df vI lY skdy ho.
izsaYibltI ieMsLorYNs Auh bImf hY ijs ivwc qusIN ibmfrI jNf swt lwgx dI hflq ivwc jdoN kMm krn dy kfbl nhI rihMdy qNf bImf kMpnI quhfnUM quhfzI afmdn df kwuJ ihwsf hr mhIny muafvjy vjNo idMdI hY. aYksIzYNt aqy ibmfrI ijMdgI dI iewk swcfeI hn aqy aMimRqpfl isMG rfey “I hope that the B.C. Liberals will stand ieh iksy vI ivakqI nfl iksy vI smy vfpr with me and finally take concrete action skdy hn. iewk aMkVy muqfibk hr iqMn ivwcoN ieMsLorYNs slfhkfr,aYbtsPorz. to stop the dangerous behavior on party iewk ivakqI 65 sfl dI Aumr qoN pihlNf Pon: 604-832-1094 buses,” said Heyman.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ï±Õð¶é çŠçÕà
ies vyly sMsfr ivwc eIrfk, sIrIaf, lIbIaf, nfeIjLIrIaf aqy aPLgfinsqfn afid dy nfl-nfl XUkryn df mslf vI bhuq AuliJaf hoieaf hY. XUkryn pihlF sovIaq sMG dy aDIn huMdf sI. 1991 ivwc sovIaq sMG dy Kqm ho jfx kfrn ieh afjLfd ho igaf. ies dI rfjDfnI df nfm kIv ‘qy krMsI df nfm XUkrynIan rfeInIaf hY. ies df kuwl eyrIaf 603628 sukyar ik[mI[ ‘qy afbfdI krIb sfZy cfr kroV hY. rUs qNo bfad ieh XUrp df sB qoN vwzf dysL hY. ies dIaF hwdF rUs qoN ielfvf bYlfrUs, polYNz, slovfkIaf, hMgrI, romfnIaf aqy moldfvIaf nfl lwgdIaF hn. 17vIN sdI qwk XUkryn iewk afjLfd irafsq sI. iPr hOlI-hOlI rUs ny ies qy kbjLf krky ies nUM afpxy sfmrfj ivwc sLfml kr ilaf. rUsI kRFqI qoN bfad XUkryn sovIaq sMG df mYbr bx igaf. sovIaq sLfsLn dOrfn XUkryn qy sKqIaF df dOr cldf irhf. iesdI POj rUs qoN bfad XUrp ivwc sB qoN vwzI hY. iesdI afbfdI ivwc 77% XUkrynIan aqy 17% rUsI hn. sovIaq sMG qoN afjLfd huMdy hI rUs ‘qy XUkryn ivwc do msly pYdf ho gey. pihlf sI krImIaf, ijs qy 1954 qoN hI sovIaq sMG df iswDf sLfsn irhf sI, ‘qy dUsrf sI syvfsqopol dI bMdrgfh, ijwQy kfly sfgr dy rUsI jMgI byVy df hYWzkuafrtr hY. syvfsqopol dI rUs leI bhuq mhwqqf hY. rUs dI sLfied ieh iewko iewk bMdrgfh hY jo srdIaf ivwc vI nhIN jMmdI. dohvyN msly sLFqI pUrvk qrIky nfl sulJf ley gey. XUkryn ny rUs dI mMg qy krImIaf nUM KudmuKiqafr pRdysL df ruqbf dy idwqf ‘qy svysqopol bMdrgfh 2017 qwk rUsI jl sYnf nUM lIjL qy dy idwqI. ies qo ielfvf rUs dIaF XUrp nUM jfx vflIaF qyl aqy gYs dIaf splfeI pfeIpF XUkryn ivwcoN gujLrdIaf hn. rUs XUkryn nUM bhuq Gwt ryt qy gYs splfeI krdf sI. 1990ivaF ivwc rUs, XUkryn aqy purfxy sovIaq pRdysF ny iml ky kfmnvYlQ afPL ieMzIpYNzYt styts bxf leI. rUs aqy XUkryn dy afpsI rfjnIqk aqy vpfrk sbMD bhuq vDIaf mfhOl ivwc cwldy rhy. rUs nfl iesdy sbMD 2004 dI aOrYNj kRFqI qoN bfad ivgVny sLurU hoey. 2004 ivwc rUsI pwKI ivktr XfnUkoivc rfsLtrpqI dI cox ijwq igaf. ivroDI pfrtIafN ny pwCmI dysLF dI mdd ‘qy sLih nfl dysL Br ivwc vwzI pwDr ‘qy Drny ‘qy ivroD pRdrsLn krny sLurU kr idwqy. ivktr XfnUkoivc nUM gwdI CwzxI peI qy pwCm pwKI hfiraf hoieaf AumIdvfr ivktr XUcYnko rfsLtrpqI bx igaf. pr 2010 dI afm cox ijwq ky ivktr XfnUkoivc dubfrf XUkryn df rfsLtrpqI bx igaf.
sfbkf rfsLtrpqI ivktr XUcYnko pwCmI dysLF nfl njLdIkI sMbMD bxfAuxy cfhMdf sI. Ausdy rfj kfl smyN amrIkf ‘qy pwCmI dysLF nfl XUkryn nUM nfto aqy XUrpIn XUnIan ivwc sLfml krn dI gwlbfq cwl rhI sI. rUs nUM ieh psMd nhIN sI ik amrIkf ‘qy pwCmI dysL Ausdy purfxy aiDkfr Kyqr vfly ielfky ivwc dKl aMdfjLI krn. sovIaq XUnIan dy smyN qoN hI rUs XUkryn qy afpxf ijLafdf hwk smJdf hY. nvyN rfsLtrpqI ivktr XfnUkoivc ny rUs dy pRBfv hyT nfto aqy XUrpIn XUnIan qoN pfsf vwtxf sLurU kr idwqf. Auh rUs nfl njLdIkI sbMDF df hfmI sI. XUkryn dI jnqf nUM pwCmI mIzIaf dy pRcfr kfrn rUs nfloN nfto aqy XUrpIan XUnIan ivwc afpxf BivwK ijLafdf surwiKaq qy AuWjl idKfeI idMdf sI. 16 nvMbr 2013 qoN XUkryn ivwc pwCm pwKI ‘qy rUs ivroDI dMgy BVk pey. lokF ny srkfrI iblizMgF ‘qy kbjLy kr ley. dUjy pfsy krImIaf ‘qy hor rUsI boldy ielfikaF ivwc rfsLtrpqI ivktr XfnUkoivc dy hwk ivwc pRdrsLn hox lwgy. 16 jnvrI 2014 qoN bfad aMdoln bhuq ihMsk ho igaf. dMigaF ivwc
krIb 98 ivakqI mfry gey, 100 dy krIb lfpqf ho gey qy 15000 hjLfr dy krIb lok jKLmI ho gey. afiKLr mjLbUr ho ky pfrlImYNt ny afpxIaF hMgfmI qfkqF vrqdy hoey rfsLtrpqI ivktr XfnUkoivc nUM qKLq brdfr krky suDfrvfdI pItro pyrosLYNko nUM rfsLtrpqI inXukq kr idwqf. ivktr XfnUkoivc rUs Bwj igaf. akqUbr 2014 ivwc hoeI iewk qrPLf mwDkflI cox ivwc pItro porosLYNko rfsLtrpqI cuixaf igaf. pItro porosLYNko ny rfsLtrpqI bxdy hI rUs dy ieqrfjLF nUM dr iknfr krdy hoey pwCmI dysLF nfl dubfrf gwlbfq sLurU kr idwqI, ijs ‘qy rUs iKwJ igaf. krImIaf ivwc rUsI BfsLI bhuigxqI ivwc hn. AuhnF ny bgLfvq krky pfrlImYNt smyq srkfrI iemfrqF ‘qy kbjLy kr ley. AuhnF duafrf mdd dI apIl qy rUs dI pfrlImYNt ny rfsLtrpqI vlfdImIr puiqn nUM krImIaf ivwc PLOjI kfrvfeI krn dy aiDkfr dy idwwqy. 6 mfrc 2014 nUM krImIaf dI pfrlImYNt ny rUsI sMG ivwc sLFml hox df mqf pfs kr idwqf. rUs ivwc sLfml hox dI rfey lYx leI hiQafrbMd dsiqaF dI ingrfnI hyT irPrYNzm krfieaf igaf. ies df amrIkf ‘qy pwCmI dysLF ny bVf sKLq ivroD kIqf. pr iksy dI pRvfh nf krdy hoey, 18 mfrc 2014 nUM krImIaf aqy syvfsqopol nUM rUsI sMG sLfml kr ilaf igaf. XU[aYn[E[dI jnrl asYNblI ny ies dy iKlfPL iewk inMdf pRsqfv pfs kIqf. qkVy df swqI vIhI sO huMdf hY. jy iksy kmjoLr dysL ny aijhf kIqf huMdf qF amrIkf ny aPLgfinsqfn, ierfk, sIrIaf ‘qy lIbIaf vFg hux qk AusnUM qbfh kr dyxf sI. amrIkf ‘qy Ausdy pwCmI sfQI rUs qy kuJ afriQk pfbMdIaf lgfAux qoN ielfvf kuJ nhIN kr sky. krImIaf ivwc imlI sPlqf qoN AuqsLfihq ho ky XUkryn dy pUrbI ‘qy dwKxI rUsI bhu igxqI sUibaF, donYNsk aqy lUhFsk ivc vI bgfvq sLurU ho geI. AuQy vI hiQafrbMd imlsLIaf vwloN anykF sLihrF ivwc srkfrI iemfrqF, dPqrF, puils QfixaF, ryzIE stysLnF afid qy kbjLy kr ley gey. rUs vwloN bfgIaF dI hiQafrF qoN ielfvf hr pRkfr dI mdd kIqI jf rhI hY. bfgIaF aqy srkfrI POjF ivwc iBafnk lVfeI cwl rhI hY. dohvyN iDrF sPLlqf dy dfavy kr rhIaf hn. hux qk 5000 dy krIb POjI ‘qy isvlIan mfry jf cuwky hn. krIb sfZy swq lwK lok sLrnfrQI bx ky rUs ivwc ‘qy iewk lwK XUkryn dy hor ihwisaF ivc jf cwuky hn. 17 julfeI 2014 nUM ies gVbV dI sB qoN duKd Gtnf hoeI. bfgIaF dy kbjLy hyTly ielfky ivwco hoey imjLfeIl hmly kfrn mlysLIan eyar lfeInjL df jhfjL qbfh ho igaf, ‘qy ies ivwc svfr sfry 298 byksUr musfiPr mfry gey. dohvyN iDrF ies durGtnf leI iewk dUsry qy ieljLfm lf rhIaf hn. agsq ivwc pUrbI XUkryn dy bfgIaF dy kbjLy hyTly ielfky ivwc hoeI iewk ivvfdmeI cox qoN bfad, bfgI nyqf sfbkf ielYktRIsLIan alYkjLYNzr jfKfrcYNko nUM nv-GoisLq dysL, donYNsk pIplj irpbilk df pRDfn mMqrI cux ilaf igaf. amrIkf ‘qy XUrpIn XUnIan ny ies ielYksLn df sKLq ivroD kIqf ‘qy ies nUM gYLr-kfnUMnI GoisLq kIqf hY. AuhnF ny aYlfn kIqf hY ik jy rUs ny dKLlaMdfjLI bMd nf kIqI qF Aus qy hor vI afriQk pfbMdIaf lfeIaF jfxgIaf. ies ielYksLn nfl sLFqI dI sMBfvnf mwDm pY geI, ‘qy hux ieh sMGrsL hor vI lMbf iKwicaf jfvygf. rUs ny ies ielYksLn nUM mfnqf dy idwqI hY, ‘qy aYlfn kIqf hY ik Auh dwKx pUrbI XUkryn dy lokF dy PYsly df snmfn krdf hY. rUs muqfibk ies nfl ies iKwqy ivwc KusLhflI ‘qy siQrqf afvygI. pihlF vFg mdd jfrI rwKI jfvygI. lwgdf hY ik hOlI-hOlI krImIaf vFg rUsI bhuigxqI vfly dwKx pUrbI XUkryn nUM vI rUs afpxy sMG ivwc sLfml kr lvygf.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
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The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
mwGr (ibRsick sMkRFqI)
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-832-7859 kro
1 myK-sMpdf-hfnI, dusLmx kmjLor, pr awKF ivwc qklIP rhy. Dn-hfnI dy Xog vI hn. nvIN Xojnf bxy. AuWc-df bRihspq iewjLq-mfx aqy kfrobfr ivwc vfDf kry. dsMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
ibRK-rkq-ipq-ivkfr. PjUl df Krc ijLafdf hovy. bMDU ihwqF, sMqfn vfsqy ivsLysL Krc hovy. pqnI-ksLt. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI df ivcfr bxy. dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn. 3 imQn-ishq TIk rhy. Dn-lfB ho ky acfnk hfnI hovy. Brf nUM ksLt, sMqfn-pwK qoN KusLI hovy. pqnI-pwK qoN lfB hovy. mhIny df aKIr ksLtdfiek rhy. nvMbr 28; dsMbr 5, 6, 15 asLuwB hn. 4 krk-afls kfrn kMm pCVy. krjLf cVHy. suKdfiek Xfqrf hovy. nvIN Xojnf qoN lfBN imly. pqnI-ksLt. kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt afey. nvMbr 28, 29, 30; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn. 5
isMG-ibmfrI df zr. Dn-lfB df Xog hY. bMDU-suwK. sMqfn vwloN aqy sPl Xojnf kfrn mn pRsMn hovy. axjfxy vYrI qoN sfvDfn rho. kfrobfr vDyry krky TIk rhy. dsMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. 6
Ideas can surface at a rapid pace, especially if you have been contemplating the best direction to head in where longerterm future is concerned. You should feel naturally optimistic. There is likely to be more than one choice and this is where the difficulty can lie because you are more a single direction at a time type person.
Though others might be a mystery it seems you have little choice but to fit in as best as you can. Somehow this will work out to your benefit, perhaps even making you realise that there is a lot more in the offering than you had initially presumed. Best you keep things you are not prepared to change, no matter what, to yourself.
The Full Moon this week occurs in your sign and this can result in many things coming to a conclusion. Carefully contemplate any circumstances where you feel a need to go along with others. You must not lose sight of your own priorities and how you will fulfil them because others are determined to focus on their needs.
There is a lot developing behind the scenes and through carefully analysing details you should be able to get some idea of possible outcomes. You might also need to consider whether this falls in line with your wishes for the future. Most important is the ability to maintain a sense of independence when it comes to commitments.
There is much to enjoy as well as to be optimistic about. So much so, that it can cause distractions to routine matters that need attention on a daily basis. A situation involving a friend can reach its conclusion. It may not be what you expected and could change what was once presumed to be future directions.
You can accomplish a lot and this can result in strong feelings of satisfaction as well as quite enjoying the process. Any increase in obligations will also be easily managed – though you might look back and wonder how you did it. There could be someone who sows seeds of doubt but there is little reason for you to be affected.
Anything that involves you with friends or a group of people will be enjoyable. There certainly won’t be a shortage of ideas or conversation. Amongst this will be people out of the ordinary who can have the effect of encouraging you to think about things from a completely different perspective. This can be refreshing.
You need to be mentally disciplined. You have a natural capacity to keep yourself focussed and this is necessary for finishing something up or taking care of loose ends. Finances don’t need to be a worry but will nevertheless need some careful consideration. It might be time to take a more responsible approach to spending.
Expect a busy week that can also prove very rewarding on a personal level. People will come your way, so this is the time to push for anything you want someone else to respond to. Much pleasure can be gained long term from anything you put into place. You might have some doubts but it is important you don’t let this stop you.
While there have been new beginnings since late October, you will now find yourself under pressure to let go in some way. It is part of the process in leaving the past behind because of there being a new path to follow. This can put you under a lot of pressure on a daily basis. Be mindful of resting enough so you can keep managing.
Your focus needs to be on your priorities. Interwoven in this is action you need to take to perhaps bring something to an end so as to prepare yourself for new beginnings. This could mean it is time to consider you first. By doing this you can then find others will become more generous in their response to your needs.
Pressure can mount this week. Rather than allowing this to cause you anxiety, you should take a balanced approach to how much you are trying to handle on a daily basis – it is likely too much. Some sort of structure needs to be put in place that deals with situations that can distract you too easily from main matters of focus.
kMinaf-ivroDI pwK pRbl. Dn-lfB hovy. imwqr-bMDU qoN mdd imly. pqnI-ksLt. kfrobfr aqy sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxy. dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn. 7
qulf-ishq TIk rhy. Dn-lfB hox dy nfl hI PjUl-KrcI hovy. bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN prysLnI. gupq icMqf. kfrobfr pihlF dI qrHF. nvMbr 28; dsMbr 5, 6, 15 asLuwB hn. 8
ibRsick-ishq TIk. Dn lfB hovy. nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB. bMDU-ksLt pqnI nfl axbx rhy. PjUl df Krc hovy. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI hovy. nvMbr 28, 29, 30; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn. 9 Dn-purfxy JMJt smfpq. Dn-lfB hovy. hOslf vDy. bMDU-ksLt. nvIN Xojnf asPl. Xfqrf sUKdfiek rhy. pqnI suwK. kfrobfr qbdIl krn nfl lfB hovy. dsMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. 10 mkr-ishq TIk. krjLf isr cVHy. bMDU qoN mdd imly. pqnI-pwK qoN icMqf. dusLmx prysLn krn. sMpqI ivvfd ivwc vfDF hovy. kfrobfr qoN lfB hovy. dsMbr 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn. 11 kuMB-pyt ivwc KrfbI. Dn-lfB hovy. imwqr-bMDU qoN md dimly. lyikMn gupq icMqf rhy. kfrobfr TIk rhy. nvMbr 28; dsMbr 5, 6, 15 asLuwB hn. 12
mIn-srkfr qoN BY hY. Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI hovy. inwjIkrn-ivroD. nvIN Xojnf asPl. pqnI aqy puwqr vfsqy ivsLysL Krc hovy. kfrobfr TIk rhy. nvMbr 28, 29, 30; dsMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
The Patrika
ÇòàìÆ-Á½ôòÅ Áå¶ ÁñìðàÅ ÇòµÚ Ãøñ ðÔÆ Õ§÷ðò¶Çàò êÅðàÆ
ÕÅð ǧô¯ð˺à êzÆîÆÁî ÇòµÚ AE øÆÃçÆ Õà½åÆ torFto, 20 nvMbr : kfr ieMsLorYNs pRImIam nUM 15 PLIsdI GtfAux bfry EntfrIE lYjIlycr ivwc ibwl pfs ho igaf hY. ieh qbdIlI agly sfl 2015 dy agsq mhIny qoN lfgU hovygI. srkfr ny ikhf ik ies ibwl nfl bImf kMpnIaf nUM ryt GtfAux leI ies Kyqr ivc ho rhI DoKfDVI nUM nwQ pfAux ivc mdd imlygI. ies ibwl nUM kMjLrvyitv pfrtI vwloN smrQn hfsl hoieaf, pr inAu zYmokrYt pfrtI ny ies df ivroD kIqf. ies ibwl dy nfl hfdisaF ‘c jKLmI hoey lokF dy mfmilaF nUM CyqI hwl krn ivwc shfieqf imlygI. aYn[ zI[ pI ny 2013 dy bjt pfs krn vyly Gwt igxqI ilbrl srkfr nUM ies sLrq qy smrQn idwqf sI ik Auh kfr bImf rytF ivwc 15 PLIsdI ktOqI vfsqy rfjLI hovy. srkfr ny ies gwl df vfadf kIqf sI ik aOsq 8 PIsdI pihly
jsitn trUzo dI ilbrl pfrtI sfl ivwc ryt Gwtxgy pr ies dI AumIdvfr slInf kysr ny gwl nM mMnidaF ik hux qk isrPL ies prgxf ivwc bhuq hI sKLq 6 PLIsdI ryt hI Gty hn. mukfblf idwqf aqy sfrI rfq votF inAu zYmokrYt pfrtI dy jgmIq dI igxqI ivwc torI AumIdvfr isMG ny ikhf ik ilbrl pfrtI pYt prikns dy qkrIbn vwloN 2010 ivwc Bugqfn rfsLI nUM brfbrI qy hI rhI . sfry nqIjy awDf krn dy inXm nfl ieMsoLrYNs afAux qoN bfad kMjLrvyitv aqy kMpnIaf ny sfl dy 2 iblIan ilbrl drimafn PLfslf isrPL zflr qk bcfey hn pr ieh 8 PLIsdI votF df irhf. Pfiedf cflkF nUM hux qk nhIN ies sKL q mu k fbly qo N bfad idwqf igaf. ilbrl ny 2015 ivwc hox vflIaF ies ibwl sdkf hfdsf pIVq coxF leI hONsly bulMd ho gey hn df ielfj kr rhIafN ishq aqy kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dIaF muV sMsQfvF vloN pysL kIqy gey Krcy ijwqx dIaF AumIdF ivwc Jrnfht dI ingrfnI krn ivwc shUlq pYdf kr geI hY. ies mukfbly ivwc inAU zYmokrYt hovygI. pfrtI qIjy sQfn qy rhI aqy ies ibw l nfl jKL m I cflkF Pfslf vI kfPI vwzf irhf, ijs dy JgVy EntfrIE ieM s L o r Y N s nfl aYn[zI[pI[ nUM agly sfl rY g u l y t r qo N bdl ky mO j U d f hox vflIaF coxF pRqI icMqf pYdf itRibAUnl nUM idwqy jfxgy, ieh ho geI hY. itRibAunl atfrnI jnrl dy dPqr vloN clfieaf jFdf hY. ikhf jFdf hY ik ies nfl apIl krn dI pRikRaf ivwc iewk stYp torFto: iek iKzfrI, hYWz koc aqy jnrl mYnyjr vloN lgBg Gwtygf.
kpUrQlf dy ipCokV dy zf:isLv cOpVf, nfmvr vfqfvrnI kudrqI zf: vMdnf isLvf nfl torFto ivc iewk PUz PYstIvl ‘c Bfg lYx afey sn. bfad ‘c Auh pMjfbI BfeIcfry nfl ivcfr sFJy krn brYNptn vI
XylohYz ivKy torI AumIdvfr aqy sfbkf afr[sI[aYm[pI[ aPLsr ijMm aYgilMskI ny 64 PLIsdI vo t F lY ky ijw q hfsl kIqI. ilbrl AumIdvfr rIafn mohgn nUM iewQy isrPL 18 PLIsdI votF hI peIaF. ieHnHF dovyN prgxf ivwc peIaF kuwl votF dI igxqI bVI inrfsLfjnk hY. ivtbI-aOsLvf ivwc isrPL 30 PLIsdI votF peIaF jdik XYlohYz ivwc isrPL 15 PLIsdI vot pol hoeI. ijmnI cox ivc hoey nqIjy ies gwl df pRqIk nhIN mMNny jFdy ik agly sfl hox vflIaF coxF ivwc kI hovygf. ies kfrn ivtbIaOsLvf dIaf coxF qoN vI ieh ikafs lfAu x f mu s L k l hY ik asl coxF ivwc nqIjy kI hoxgy.
pwujy. AunHF afiKaf ik dunIaf Br dy isafsqdfn qy srkfrF vpfr jLrIey KusLhflI ilafAux dI afV ivwc iksfnf nUM dbfa rhy hn. AunHF lokF nUM smfj pRqI Xogdfn pfAux dI apIl kridaF ikhf ik srkfrF nUM lFBy CwzidaF nvF ZFcf Ausfrnf jLrUrI hY. zf: cOpVf anusfr jdoN prjf KVHI ho jfvy qF rfjy vI Juk jFdy hn. koeI cfr dhfikaF qoN Kurfk surwiKaf leI kYnyzf srkfr nfl lV rhy zf :cOpVf nUM nOkrI guafAuxI peI pr gFvF ‘c dwuD vDfAux leI lwgdy tIky (hfrmon) AunHF dI Gflxf kfrxn ‘1990’ ‘c kYnyzf nUM bMd krny pey. pMjfb qoN vYtrnrI sfieMs dI izgrI pRfpq zf:cOpVf ny 1964 ‘c kYnyzf af ky pI[ aYc[ zI (mfeIkrobfielojI) kIqI aqy “87 qoN 2004 qwk hYlQ kYnyzf ‘c nOkrI kIqI. kYnyzf srkfr dy aMdrUnI qMqr dy prdy PfsL krdI pusqk “kurwpt tU df kor” ilK ky qihlkf mcf idwqf sI. mfnsYNto vrgIaF zrw g kM p nIaf vw l o N kItnfsLkF rfhIN Kurfk aqy jLmIn ivwc GolI jf rhI jLihr iKLlfPL AunHF morcf KoilHaf hoieaf hY.
cfr dhfky aYn aYc aYl ivc ibqfAu x vfly pY t ku i eWn df 71 sfl dI Aumr ivc idhFq ho igaf. bIqy somvfr nMU hfkI hfl afP Pym aqy vYstrn hfkI lIgs vYnkUvr jfieMts vloN ieh pusLtI kIqI geI hY ik lMmI ibmfrI qoN bfad aYqvfr nMU vYnkUvr dy jnrl hspqfl ivKy pYt kuieWn df dyhFq hoieaf. kuieWn jfieMts nfl ko- Enr sn, Auh hfl afP Pym dy borz dy cyarmYn sn aqy iesdy nfl hI Auh lMmy smy qoN iesdI islYksLn
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Etfvf: bIqy bwuDvfr nUM aYn[zI[pI[ nyqf tOm mlkyar ny ikhf ik do inAU zYmokRyt mihlF lIzrF vwloN afpxy sih lIzrF ‘qy hYrfsmYNt dy lgfey gey dosLF dy bfvjUd AuhnF ‘qy ies mfmly ivwc koeI kMplYNt drj krvfAux nUM lY ky koeI jLor nhIN pfieaf jf skdf. AuhnF ikhf ik ieh inrol iehnF mihlF lIzrF df PYslf hoxf cfhIdf hY ik Auh ies mfmly ivwc koeI kfnUMnI kfrvfeI cfhuMdIaF hn jF nhIN. AuhnF dI QF ‘qy iksy vI hor ivakqI nUM ieh PYslf lYx df aiDkfr nhIN hY. mlkyar lgfqfr iehnF mihlF lIzrF df smrQn krdy af rhy
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torFto dy afs-pfs dy ielfky 2015 dIaF coxF dy sB qoN ijLafdf idlcsp hoxgy, kMsrvyitv pfrtI ies Kyqr ivwc afpxf afDfr kfiem rwKx dI koisLsL kry g I aqy afm lo k f vfsqy ENtfrIE: iewk nvyN aMqrrfsLtrI ilbrl jF inAU zYmokrYt bdlvIN pwDr dy srvyKx qoN bfad ieh iswtf sfhmxy afieaf psMd ho skdIaF hn. hY ik EN t frIE dy skU l F dy ividafrQIaF nUM kMipAUtr kmytI dy mYNbr vI sn. AunHF dI sMbMDI sB qoN vDyry jfxkfrI mOq qoN bfad hfkI hfl afP Pym hY. hflFik sUby dy bhuq sfry dy vfeIs cyarmYn ijm gRYgrI ny skUl aijhy hn, ijwQy kMipAUtr aPsos jfLhr kridaF ikhf ik, sM b M D I isw i Kaf ‘qy vDy r y jo r “asIN sfry hI pYt kuieWn dI mOq nhIN idwqf jFdf. ‘ieMtrnYsLnl nfl gihry sdmy ivc hF. pYt kMipAUtr aYNz ienPormysLn hfkI dy sB qoN hoxhfr aqy sB iltrysI stwzI’ nF df ieh qoN vDyry mfxXog ivakqI rhy srvyKx ipCly sfl 20 dysLF hn, ijnHF ny afpxf sfrf jIvn ivw c aw T vIN klfs dy lgBg iek iKzfrI, koc aqy pRbMDk 60,000 ividafrQIaF nUM lY ky vloN ies Kyz leI lgfieaf hY. kIqf igaf sI. ies srvyKx ivwc sfzIaF sLuWB ieWCfvF aqy duafvF sdf AunHF dy nfl hn. AunHF dy jfx nfl sfnMU kdy vI nf pUrf hox vflf Gftf hoieaf hY. Etfvf: mMglvfr nUM sfbkf kMjLrvyitv aYm[pI[ qoN ieMzIpYNzyNt bxy ibwl kysI vwloN nf isrP ieh ibafn idwqf igaf ik Auh abO r sL n sM b M D I mfmly ivw c hn. sfbkf lfa pRoPYsr aYn[ zI[ jsitn trUzo dy ibafn df pI[ aYm[ pI[ kryg skOt ny ipCly idnF ivwc ieh ibafn idwqf sI ik smrQn krdy hn, blik AuhnF AuhnF sfhmxy ies Gtnf nfl ieh vI ikhf ik AuhnF ny srkfr sbMiDq ijMnI vI jfxkfrI afeI vw l o N py s L kIqy gey ies ibw l hY, Aus nfl ieh pqf lwgdf hY iKlfP vI afpxI vot idwqI hY. ik iehnF dysLF ivwc Xon sLosLx dy jsitn trUzo ny ies ibwl dy dosL vI sLfiml hn. ies ibafn ivroD ivwc ieh ibafn idwqf sI qoN bfad AuhnF do aYm[pIjL[ ik ieh PYslf aOrqF df inwjI iKlfPL kfnUMnI kfrvfeI dI mMg PYslf hoxf cfhIdf hY ik Auh vI AuTI sI. ijs qoN bfad dovyN abfrsLn krvfAuxf cfhuMdIaF mihlF lIzrF dy hwkF df smrQn hn jF nhIN. iewk tYlIPon vfrqf kridaF bwuDvfr nUM sRI mlkyar dOrfn ibwl kysI ny ikhf ik, ny afpxf ieh ibafn idw q f. hflFik ies ibafn qoN pihlF “mYnUM pqf hY ik kMjLrvyitvjL aqy bfad ivwc vI iehnF mihlF vwloN ibafn idwqf jf irhf ik mYN lIzrF vwloN koeI vI ibafn nhIN mnuwKqF pwKI hF, pr mYnUM ieh idwqf igaf hY aqy nf hI koeI smJ nhIN pY N d I ik Au h nF nU M kfrvfeI kIqI geI hY. aijhIaF KbrF iml ikwQoN rhIaF
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ivtbI: bIqy somvfr nUM ivtbI aOsLvf ivKy hoeIaF ijmnI coxF ivwc kMjLrvyitv pfrtI sKq mukfbly qoN bfad ilbrl pfrtI nUM hrfAux ivwc kfmXfb rhI. ieh prgxf ipCly 10 sfl qoN kMjLrvyitv PfeInYNs minstr ijMm PlYhrtI dI sIt rhI hY.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
AUxqfeI dy bfvjUd Aus idn izAUtI ‘qy mOjUd surwiKaf sYinkF vwlo pUrI bhfdrI aqy grmjLosLI nfl ies Gtnf df sfhmxf kIqf. Auhnf ikhf ik jykr surwiKaf inXmF nUM shI ZMg nfl lfgU kIqf igaf huMdf qF Aus hiQafrbMd hmlfvr nUM bhuq pihlF hI Zyr kIqf jf skdf sI. jo hiQafr jyhfPL-bIibAU kol sI, Aus ivwc iewk vfr ivwc vwD qoN vwD isrPL awT golIaF cwl skdIaF hn aqy jyhfPL vwloN sfry Pfier kIqy jf skdy sn. ies qoN bfad AusnUM muV rIloz krn dI loV leI, jykr surwiKaf sMbMDI jfxkfrI nUM shI smyN ‘qy sYinkF qwk pwujdf kIqf jFdf qF ies smyN surwiKaf aiDkfrI vwloN AusnUM kfbU kIqf jf skdf sI.
Õ§ÇêÀ±àð ÇõÇÖÁÅ ÇòµÚ úºàÅðÆú ç¶ ìµÚ¶ Ãí 寺 Áµ×¶ ividafrQIaF dIaf kMipAUtr dy iesqy m fl sM b M D I vw K -vw K pwDr dIaF XogqfvF nUM priKaf igaf sI. ies dy nfl hI qknIk sMbMDI aiDafpkF aqy ipRMsIplF dy ivEhfr aqy jfxkfrI ‘qy vI iDafn idwqf igaf. ieh afpxI iksm df pihlf aMqrrfsLtrI pwDr df tYst sI. ENtfrIE dy skUlF dy ividafrQIaF vwloN ies tYst ivwc 600 ivwco 547 dy aOsqn skor lY ky sB qoN vDIaf nqIjy ilaFdy gey. ENtfrIE dy nfl hI afstrylIaf aqy cYk irpbilk dy ividafrQIaF vwloN vI awvl aMk hfsl kIqy gey hn.
Çìµñ Õ¶ÃÆ òµñ¯º ÜÃÇàé àð±â¯ çÅ Ãîðæé hn. sLfied kdy myry iksy kMm qoN AuhnF nUM aijhf aMdfjLf lwigaf hovy, pr mYN kdy iesdf dfavf nhI kIqf.” kysI ny ieh vI ikhf ik AuhnF nUM spwsLt rUp nfl Xfd hY ik AuhnF leI Auh voitMg vI sB qoN aOKI nhIN sI, jdoN AuhnF nUM pRDfn mMqrI stIPn hfrpr dy kOks qoN bfhr kr idwqf igaf sI, pr abOrsLn dy muwdy ‘qy kIqI geI voitMg AuhnF leI hux qwk dI sB qoN aOKI voitMg rhI hY. kysI nUM 1988 ivwc sB qoN pihlF bRfien mulronI dI pRogRYisv kMjLrvyitv srkfr ivwc bqOr aYWm[pI[ cuixaf igaf sI. AuhnF ikhf ik, “mYN 90ivaF dy smyN ivwc vI abOrsLn iKlfP vot kIqf sI aqy Auh ibwl myrI afpxI srkfr vwloN hI pysL kIqf igaf sI. mYN AudoN vI abOrsLn dy iKlfP sI aqy mYN awj vI abOrsLn dy iKlfP hF.”
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
received an interesting letter from a local reader and in her letter she writes about going to a recent Diwali function in Mission and describes that 99% of the Punjabi’s were rude. She describes that people were blocking her view and had no concern for others. She also goes on and says, that no one should be allowed to come to this country
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Herar column unless they speak one of our official languages. She also talks about how Punjabi children just entering school cannot speak English properly or do not behave and the parents pay no attention to what the teachers say. At the end of her letter she goes on and says she has many Punjabi friends and they all agree that most of the Punjabi’s have no
manners and don’t know how to behave properly. Well, enough said, I am Punjabi and I’m very proud to be one. I am not denying, we Punjabi’s don’t have any issues to overcome, like any other community group, but to say 99% of of us are rude is farthest from the truth and statistically incorrect. I do agree, we have many people that cannot speak
the English language, but that doesn’t define us as Canadians. Punjabi’s are noted to be one of most generous people on the planet, who donate annually to many charities. I posted this letter on my Facebook to gather a community response and many agreed that the Punjabi community are always willing to help to make our community a
better place. You, cannot judge a few, for many. This is the one of the difficulties of living in a multicultural community, people often get trapped with this narrowmindedness and can’t find a escape to seeing that not everyone is the same and shouldn’t be painted with the same brush. Some thought, I shouldn’t respond to her, but I believed that it was important to bring this discussion forward and create a level of understanding in a respectful manner. That’s how we’re going to see change, not by hiding it in a corner of darkness. Cycling4Diversity Executive Coordinator Anne -Marie Sjoden said: “ I had the opportunity to visit a couple of the Punjabi schools, durning our ride and each and every student spoke very good English. The teachers had amazing comments about their students. A very good friend is a principal at a Punjabi school, he has never said, there are problems with kids not knowing English in fact he has said quite the opposite and told me that the parents are very involved I would have to disagree with the comment about 99% of the Punjabi community being rude. I have always felt very welcomed at the temple and always offered .” Kevin Francis said: “In 2003, the human genome project came to what should have been a staggering conclusion: we are all related. I know from experience that adapting to a new cultural milieu is difficult without having to live up to arbitrary standards, indeed that’s why we, as a country, support multiculturalism; but integration cannot be achieved upon
a designated schedule. Each one of us learns at our own pace. Let’s not fall into the trap of intolerance because of cultural ignorance, it spawns an all too slippery slope that makes us forget what Dr. Francis Collins said at the end of the human genome project, indeed there is but one race, the human race.” After reading the strongly-worded letter it strengthened my belief in Safe Harbour training for people who don’t recognize diversity in their communities, said Rick Rake, Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) coordinator for Mission Community Services Society’s four-member Settlement and Integration Department. “For anyone sharing these kind of beliefs, I challenge them to check out the Safe Harbour, Respect for All, website atwww.,” said Rake who has witnessed far too many breaches of positive relationships with people who are different in terms of culture, ethnicities, religions, languages, abilities, ages, genders, and sexual orientations. “We should strive to connect more meaningfully with one another by making an effort to understand our differences and similarities,” he said.
Ken Herar can be reached at or view his blog at
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Five step plan to curb domestic violence in the South Asian community
ieMnHf Auprfilafˆ nfl bwicafˆ vfly pirvfrfˆ nUM aOsqn $1,140 dI bwcq hovygI sfzI 2006 qoˆ N lY ky, sfzI srkfr ny sÉq kMËrvyitv srkfr ajoky smyˆ ivwc iek imhnq krn vfly kYnyzIan pirvfrfˆ dy pirvfr dI prvirÈ krn dy Krcy nUM Dear Editor, What can be done? As a social worker who leI mhwqvpUrn tYks rfhq pRdfn kIqI smJdI hY iesy leI hI asIˆ kYnyzIanË has lived in Surrey for over twenty years, I hY asIˆ hux nvyˆ Auprfly kr rhy hfˆ There have been a number of high profile would like to put forward the following five ijs nfl mfipafˆ dI hor vI bwcq hovygI dIafˆ jybfˆ ivwc pYsy vfps pf rhy hfˆ murders in the South Asian community in Surrey over the years. Even one is too many as far as I am concerned. As a Punjabi male born into a Sikh family I am really disgusted by these acts of violence which go against everything I was taught as a Sikh. It is our call of duty to protect the marginalized, oppressed, vulnerable, and weak and advocate for equality, humanity, dignity, and respect for all. These acts of violence show a lack of respect and value for life. The community should rise to protect all vulnerable and relatively powerless people including Punjabi women. This violence, otherwise, tears apart the life of a friend, neighbour, sister, daughter, wife, and of course mothers. What is even more depressing is sometimes the immediate and extended family members support this violence to protect their relatively privileged male sons. No use denying the fact that sons are favoured in our culture, to the point where even the state of Punjab in India has one of the highest rates of female infanticide in the country. In a home where there is domestic violence, the home environment becomes toxic for the victim especially if there are children involved. They psychological and emotional damage can lead to life-long trauma and developmental difficulties for children in later life. Not to mention, what message does violence against women send to our next generation of daughters and their role and place in society? Our culture is setting them up for a potentially unsafe, toxic, and dangerous life. The violence repeats itself from generation to generation. Men and boys learn what they are taught from their fathers and families.
(5) ideas for discussion in the broader South Asian community and context. 1. After marriage, the groom can go live with the bride’s family. I don’t see why this cannot be a preferred option for the newly married couple in our culture?
2. If the above is not an option, the bride and groom can live together in their own independent home. This will make it easier for the bride if she is a victim of domestic violence to obtain a restraining order because she won’t be pressured by her in-laws to continue being a victim and suffer in silence for the sake of the family. 3. Family assets and inheritance can be equally distributed between male and female children instead of favoring the surviving sons. 4. The practice of dowry needs to be abolished in all South Asian cultures. 5. The bride’s father should not be expected to disproportionately pay for the wedding. The cost of the wedding should be paid for by the bride and groom and both sets of parents. If one parent happens to be financially well off then it makes sense for them to contribute more.
ipafry sMpfdk jI ,
ÈuwBicMqk, 1[[ asIˆ iek nvIˆ pirvfr tYks Cot (PYmlI tYks kwt ) skIm ilaf rhy hfˆ, ijs nfl Coty (nfbfilg) bwicafˆ dy mfipafˆ nUM $ 2000 qwk df tYks kRyizt imlygf I 2[[ iesdy ielfvf, asIˆ XunIvrsl cfielz kyar bYnIiPt dy ivc vI vfDf aqy PlfE kr rhy hfˆ I ies nfl 6 sfl dI Aumr qoˆ Gwt dy bwicafˆ leI pRqI sfl $1,920 aqy 6 qoˆ 17 sfl qwk dI Aumr dy bwicafˆ leI pRqI sfl $ 720 qwk muhweIaf ho skxgy • asIˆ pR q I cfielz ky a r aYkspYˆs zIzkÈn zflr (bwicafˆ dI dyK Bfl qy kIqy Krc dI tYks Xog afmdn ivcoˆ ktOqI) sImf dy ivwc vI $1000 df vfDf kr rhy hfˆ • aqy asIˆ bw i cafˆ dy iPw t nY w s tYks kRYizt nUM duwgxf kr rhy hfˆ aqy ies nUM moVvfˆ bxf rhy hfˆ The Honourable Tim Uppal mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt (MP)
There you go! Five very simple ideas that can bring about progressive social change in our community. The ideas try to get to the partial root source and provide a preventative approach to domestic violence and women’s inequality. Hopefully, these ideas will lead to more equality, fairness, and protection for vulnerable women and children in the South Asian community.
I would like to clarify that I do not wish to imply that all South Asian, Punjabi, or Sikh households have a problem with domestic violence. It could be argued that all cultures have a problem with domestic violence. What I am saying is that even one household or one victim is too many and that I would like to see a response from our South Asian community to resolve the issue before it becomes a social norm. There are many factors which contribute to violence against woman such as patriarchy, cultural and social norms, and social attitudes. I feel it’s about time to challenge these cultural factors and for the South Asian community to take steps to protect future generations of South Asian women, children, and families.
Sincerely, Alex Sangha, MSc, MSW, RSW
The Patrika
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nfl asLlIl hrkqF krn lwgf| aOrq ny ihMmq krky Aus qoN KihVf Cuzf ilaf| iPr Aus ny aOrq df ipwCf nf kIqf| hux aYbtsPorz puls ivBfg dy kRfeIm Xuint Aus 30-40 sfl dy AfdmI dI Bfl kr rhI hY | puls df kihxf hY ik jy iksy nUM ies Gtnf bfry jfxkfrI hovy qF Auh 604-859-5225 ‘qy puls nfl sMprk krn dI ikrpf kry|
apRYl 2011 ivc ivrk kuaFtiln polItYkink XU n IvristI dy bo r z aO P gvrnrjL dy vflMtIar mYNbr sn aqy afr sI aY m pI ivc bqOr ieMspYktr kMm kr rhy sn| AudoN rIjfeInf XUnIvristI dI zIn eyn lYvYk nUM kuaFtiln dI akfdimk mIq-pRDfn vjoN inXukq kIqy jfx df mslf borz dy sfhmxy sI| ieMnHF ivDfiekF ny kuJ eImylF rIlIjL kIqIaF hn ijM n H F ivc amrIk ivrk nUM Aus zIn dy mfmly ivc Bfg lYNdy ivKfieaf igaf hY | AuMnHF df ivcfr hY ik ieh eI-mylF Aus pVqfl df KMzn krdIaF hn ijs ivc ikhf igaf sI ik borz dy mYNbr sU b feI inXmF dI Au l M Gxf
krky iksy aY g jL Y k itv nU M vDyry qnKfh aqy Bwqy dyx dI pRikiraf ivc sLfml nhIN sn| ivrk dIaF eI-my l F Aus dy qnKfhF dy mfmly ivc sLfml hox df sbUq hY| AuDr ivrk sfihb df kihxf hY ik koeI ivdvfn akfdmIsLIan vrqmfn qnKfh pRvfn krn leI iqafr nhIN ; ies krky vw D qnKfh aqy Bw q y dy x f lfjL m I ho jFdf hY | pihlF vI ies qrF huMdf irhf hY | ku a Ftiln dy pR D fn aY l n zyivs nUM vI inXkq krn smyN vwD qnKfh aqy Bwqy idwqy gey sn|
KyqrF ivc bjLurgF leI nON PlU kilink muV KolHx df aYlfn kIqf hY | ieh aYlfn ishq mMqrI tYrI lyk vwloN kIqf igaf hY| ieMnHF kilinkF dy muV sQfipq krn df iek kfrn ieh vI hY ik keI PfrmysIaF bjL u r gF nU M Plu a dy tIky lgfAux dI PIs lY rhIaF jo kfnUMn dI AulMGxf hY| mMqrI ny ieh vI ikhf bjLurgF qoN PIs lYx dI sLkfieq pbilk hYlQ XUintF jF kflj aOP Pfrmfissts nUM kIqI jfvy|
ëz¶÷ ÔËñæ ç¶ éò¶º êzèÅé Çéï°Õå mfeIkl mfrcbY N k nU M zf: injl mwry dI QF PRyjL hYlQ df nvF pRDfn inXukq kIqf igaf hY| Auh 2 jnvrI, 2015 qoN ies ahudy cfrj lYxgy| AuMnHF nUM $345,000 pRqI sfl qnKfh idw q I jfvy g I| aw j klH Auh hYlQ aYNplfierjL aYsosIeysLn dy pRDfn aqy sI eI E hn| ikhf jf irhf hY ik rIjLn dy KricaF nUM srkfr vwloN pRvfn kIqy qnKfhF afid dy vfiDaF dy bfvjUd sImq rw K xf vw z I cxO q I ho v y g I|
ççìð 寺 ìÆ ÃÆ ÇòÚ ÚÅð éò¶º ÇìñÇâ§× Õ¯â ñÅ×± bI sI dy hfAUijLMg mMqrI irc kolmYn vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik 19 dsMbr, 2014 qoN bI sI ivc iemfrqI kMmF nUM cMgyrf bxfAux leI cfr nvyN koz lfgU hoxgy jo ies pRkfr hn:
XkInI bxfAx dI ivvsQf hY kyvl iensUlysLn nhIN|
AUrjf kusLlqf (ienrjI aYPIsLYNsI) : nvF kfnUMn AUrjf kusLlqf dy imafrF dy afDfr nUM hor ivsiqRq krdf hY | nvy N ko z ivc ieM s U l y s L n m hIitMg & kUilMg isstm , hft vftr tYNk, zor, ivMzo aqy skfeIlfeIt dI kusLlqf
(ryzIam gYs qwq) bfhr KulHdy rwKxy hoxgy ies df pfielt pR o j Y k t kY s lgfr aqy ipMRs jOrj ivc sLurU kIqf igaf sI| mMqrI ny ik srkfr ieh XkInI bxfAuxf cfhuMdI hY ik lok vwD qopN vwD AUrjf kusLlqf vfly GrF ivc rihx|
PRyjLr hYlQ borz dI muKI kyrn mYtI ny ies Kbr df KMzn kIqf hY ik ieh inXukqI srkfr vwloN QopI geI hY | AuMnHF ikhf ik ieh PYslf borz df hY ijs ny mfrcbYNk dy ivsLfl qjrby aqy sQfnk sbMDF dy afDfr ‘qy hor dfavydfrF nUM Cwz ky mfrcbYNk nUM cuixaf hY| AuMnHF jLor vdy ikhf ik ieh cox borz dI hY; Auh borz dy ivakqI hn; AuMnHF dy PRyjLr hYlQ nfl gUVHy sbMD hn|
vYNtIlysLn , cfielz kyar ryzn rwP ien hor iqMn koz hn| hux iblzrjL nUM ryzn vYNt pfeI
ÁËñ ÁËé ÜÆ ç¶ Çå§é êz¯ÜËÕàź 鱧 òÅåÅòðéÕ ÁÃËÃî˺à êzòÅé×Æ
ies qrF krnf koeI alokfrI vfqfvrn mMqrI mYrI polk gwl nhIN| AunNHf asqIPf dyx aqy kusrqI gYs ivkfs mMqrI irc kolmYn vwloN AuqrI bI sI qoN ienkfr kIqf|
ì÷°ðן ñÂÆ é½º ëñ± ÕÇñÇéÕ î°ó ÃæÅÇêå ipCly sfl srkfr nU M 40 kimAuintI sYntrF qoN ieh sUcnf imlI sI ik bhuq sfry lok ieMnHF sYNtrF ivc jfx dI QF PfrmysIaF aqy zfktrF kol jf ky PlU dy tIky kgvf lYNdy hn| ies sUcnf dy afDfr ‘qy ieh sYNtr bMd kr idwqy gey sn| ipCly hPqy aYn zI pI dy ivDfiekF ny ivDfn sBf ivc ies nUM muwdf bxf ky ies nIqI ‘qy muV ivcfr krn dI mMg kIqI | nqIjy vjoN hux srkfr ny bI sI dy vwKry vwKry
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ivc kudrqI qrl gYs dy iqMn pRojYktF nUM vfqfvrn asYsmYNt srtIPIkyt jfrI kIqy gey hn| ieMnHF srtIPIkytF ivc vfqfvrn bfry sLrqF nUM pUrf krnf lfjLmI krfr idwqf igaf hY| hr pRojYkt nUM awgy vDx leI keI PYzrl, sUbfeI aqy lokl srkfrF qoN primt lYxy
jLrUrI hoxgy| ieh iqMn pRojYkt hn – vYst kost kunYktr gYs & tRFsimsLn pfeIplfeIn, pY i siPk nfrQ-vY s t aY l aYn jI aYksport PisiltI ipRMs rUprt aqy ipRMs rUprt gYs tRFsimsLn pfeIplfeIn| srkfr df anumfn hY ik ieMnHF pRojYktF dy pUry hox qy hjLfrF lokF nUM rujLgfr imlygf aqy bI sI dy afrQk ivkfs nUM bhuq vwzf hulHfrf imlygf|
ñÂÆ-Ú¯í ç¶ ÚÆéÆ ÇÂñÅÜ çÆ Ç§ÃêËÕôé Áçíò bI sI ivc cInI-coB ielfj dI inrK-prK vflI sMsQf dy rijstRfr df kihxf hY ik ies ielfj dI ieMspYksLn krnI lwg-Bwg asMBv hY| PR y j L r hY l Q aQfirtI ajy vI 100 ku aijhy lokF nfl sM p rk krn df jqn kr irhf hY ijMnHF ny aYbtsPorz dI mY k w l m ro z ‘qy siQw q cfeInIjL mYzIsn sYNtr qoN ipCly ds sflF dOrfn ielfj krvfieaf hovy| ieh sYNtr PR y j L r hY l Q aQfirtI aqy kflj aOPtRYizsLnl cfeInIjL mYzIsn pRYktIsLnrjL & aY k U p M k cirsts vw l o N ies mhIny dy sLurU ivc kIqI jFc mgroN bMd kr idwqf igaf sI | ies jFc qoN pqf lwgf sI ik ies sY N t r ivc sPfeI df cMgf pRbMD nhIN; shI irkfrz nhIN rwiKaf jFdf;
sUeIaF dI TIk sMBfl nhIN rwKI jFdI aqy kuJ sUeIaF df sImq smF lMG cuwkf sI| ieh jFc koeI isLkfieq imlx ‘qy kIqI geI sI| ANuj ieh sYNtr 2005 qoN cwl irhf sI| Auprokq kflj dI rijstRfr mYrI vftsn df kihxf hY ik sImq mflI sfDnF krky ies pRxflI nfl ielfj krn vfly 1600 zfktrF dI bfkfiedf jFc krnI lwgBg asMBv hY| Aus ny ikhf ,” sfry pRoPYsLnF ivc smwisafvF hn| brnbI ivc iek afmI keI sfl zYNitst bixaf irhf| iPr vI hr sLkfieq dy invfrn leI Auicq jqn krdy rihMdy hF|” ies sYNtr dy zfktr hU nUM kuuJ sLrqF aDIn muawql kr idwqf igaf hY | Aus nUM afpxf kMm sLurU krn leI Cy sLrqF pUrIaF krnIaF pYxgIaF |
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
ê§ÜÅì ÒÚ Ú¯äź ç¶ ÚðÚ¶
ies gwl ivwc BfvNy do rfie nhIN ik akflI dl aqy BfrqI jnqf pfrtI ivcfly awj dI GVI eynI kuVwqx vD cwukI hY ik Aus qoN ipwCy muVn dI afs bhuqI nhINN jfpdI. lok qF ienHF dy gwTjoV dy iksy vyly vI tuwt jfx dIaF gwlF krn lwg pey hn qy ies ivwcoN hI sMBfvnf vI jLfhr kIqI jfx lwg peI hY ik pMjfb dI ivDfn sBf ny afpxI imafd pUrI nhIN kr skxI qy aglIaF coxF pihlF krnIaF pY jfxgIaF. ieh siQqI qoN kfhly iswty kwZx vflI gwl hY. awj dI GVI vI dovF df sMbMD tuwt jfvy qF akflI dl afpxy isr ivDfn sBf ivwc eynI bhu-igxqI rwKdf hY ik srkfr clfeI jfvy. isrPL ieko hflq ivwc coxF pihlF ho skdIaF hn ik akflI dl df koeI DVf bgLfvq kr jfvy, qy ieho ijhI koeI gwl KVy pYr jfpdI nhIN. BfvyN awj dI GVI ieho ijhI gwl nhIN jfpdI ik ivDfn sBf leI coxF CyqI ho skdIaF hn, pr ijnHF lokF leI Auh coxF iewk jF dUsry pwK qoN mhwqv rwKdIaF hn. kwlH pMjfb ivwc hoeIaF mIitMgF nUM iesy pwKoN mhwqv vflIaF ikhf jf skdf hY. dovyN mIitMgF pMjfb dI pMQk isafsq nfl sMbMDq hn. iewk mIitMg ivwc Auh DVy aqy iDrF vfly juVy hn, ijnHF nUM rfjnIqI df cskf hY, pr iksy pfrtI dy bMDyj ivwc nf rihx krky rfjnIqI qoN vwD Auh mIzIey ivwc idsdy hn. AunHF ivwc keI lok Auh hn, ijhVy pMj sfl bfdl akflI dl df ivroD krdy hn qy jdoN votF afAux qF bfdl bfp-byty dI pihlI sYnq vwjI dyK ky AunHF dy nfl qur pYNdy hn. dUsrI mIitMg ivwc Auh isafxy lok juVy sn, ijnHF nUM afpxI akl df eynf vihm hY ik hr vkq pMQk rfjnIqI dI isDFqk agvfeI krn dy suPLny lYNdy buZfpy nUM jf phuMcy hn. pihlI iDr pMQ df nFa lY ky qurI qy dUsry DrmF dy lokF dy pRqIinDF nUM kwcI kmytI ivwc pfAux qwk jf phuMcI. dUsrI iDr bfdl akflI dl AuWqy pMQk pfrtI nUM iswKI qoN dUr iljfx df dosL lf ky sLsLI kFq aqy keI hor gYLr-iswKF nUM nfl joVn qur peI hY. sfPL hY ik ieh dovyN iDrF afp hI afpxy pYNqV bfry spwsLt nhIN hn.
pwkI hox lwg peI sI ik ieh inwjI ikVF aqy cODrF dy kfrn iekwTy nhIN ho rhy aqy pMjfb qy dysL dy lokF nUM shI agvfeI nhIN imldI. hux jdoN Auh iewk sur ivwc bolx dy rfh pYx lwgy hn qF ies lihr dI cVHq df purfxf dOr vyK cuwky lokF qoN cMgf huMGfrf vI imilaf hY. coxF ajy dUr hn, pr ieh iqafrI ieh soc ky awgy pfAux dI slfh koeI nhIN dyvygf ik jdoN mokf afvygf qF vyK ilaf jfvygf. ipCly simaF dOrfn keI vfrI afKrI vkq joV-qoV leI mIitMgF krn df KimafjLf ieh pfrtIaF Bugq cuwkIaF hn. ies leI hux ienHF df vfhvf agyqy ies kMm leI Kwby pwK dy smuwcy afDfr nUM srgrm krn df Xqn sLurU krnf rfjsI pwK qoN cMgI pihl kdmI hY. jdoN ieh pfrtIaF srgrm hox lwgIaF hn, ies dy nfl hI kFgrs qy akflI dl dI lIzrisLp vI ienHF vwl afpxI bfjL awK cwukx lwgI hY, ijs df iewkoN mqlb hY ik ienHF ivwcoN iksy iewk jF dUsrI iDr nUM kuJ sItF df cogf suwt ky afpxy nfl joiVaf jfvy. kFgrs dy pMjfb dy pRDfn vwloN ies bfry iewk ibafn vI af cuwkf hY ik pIpljL pfrtI aqy lONgovfl akflI dl nfl gwl kIqI jf cuwkI hY qy Kwby pwKIaF nfl krn dI koisLsL kIqI jf rhI hY. ieh ibafn AunHF ny pihlF nhIN sI idwqf qy hux hI ikAuN idwqf hY ies bfry vI rfjsI Kyqr ivwc bihs cwl rhI hY. kuJ lokF df ieh iKLafl hY ik ijhVIaF iDrF hux kFgrs dy nfl juV rhIaF hn, AunHF ivwcoN iksy iewk dy muKI ny kFgrs dy lIzrF nUM Brosf idwqf hY ik Auh Kwby pwKIaF nfl gwl krygf. ies qrHF dI iTwbI Kwby pwKIaF ny keI vfr KfDI hoeI hY. jy koeI hux vI AunHF dI QF afpxy afp awgy ho ky ieh kMm krn qur pYNdf hY qF ieh cMgf sLgn nhIN.
ieh gwl iPr cyqy rwKx dI loV hY ik coxF smyN qoN pihlF hox dI koeI gwl hfly vI nhIN jfpdI, pr vyly qoN pihlF ijvyN rfjsI pwK qoN srgrmI sLurU hoeI hY, Aus qoN sfPL jfpdf hY ik pMjfb dy lok iksy inrxy dI GVI leI qFG rhy hn. ies vyly dI pMjfb srkfr df pRbMD ijMnf mfVf hY, Aus ies dOrfn icrF ipwCoN pihlI vfrI KwbIaF qoN lokF df Auprfm hoxf suBfvk hY. mwuK pfrtIaF ny pMjfb ivwc kuJ sfrQk ihljul mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl ies vyly pMjvIN ivKfeI hY. ijnHF lokF dI ies lihr nfl vfr ies gwdI AuWqy hn. AunHF nUM siQqI nUM hmdrdI sI, Auh ies gwloN duKI sn ik smJxf cfhIdf hY. kuJ lokF nUM lwgdf hY Kwby, swjy qy awD ivcfly dy crcy krdy ieh ik Auh hux dKLl dyx dI QF Kud vI ijvyN lok ies vyly dI hfkm jmfq jF hfkm aglIaF coxF AuzIk rhy hn. ijhVy lok pfrtI dy ivruwD jLor lfAux dI QF iewk dUsry ieho ijhI gwl kihMdy hn, Auh srkfr dI dy ivroD ivwc qfkq nsLt kr rhy hn. keI aMdrlI jo khfxI dwsdy hn, pMjfb ivclI sfl ienHF iDrF dy afgUaF qoN ieho suixaf hux dI rfjsI hlcl nUM joV ky vyiKaf jfvy jFdf irhf ik AunHF nUM iekwTy hoxf cfhIdf qF ies dy iswty srkfr dy mohrIaf leI hY, pr huMdy nhIN sn. lokF aMdr ieh soc suKfvyN sMkyq nhIN krdy.
ê§ÜÅì ÒÚ òè-ë°µñ ÇðÔÅ êµÛîÆ ÃµÇíÁÅÚÅð swiBaqf aqy swiBafcfr dy phu-Putfly vfly pMjfb dI hsIn ieiqhfsk srjLmI dI muhr Cfp iksy smyN sMsfr dy kony-kony ivc pCfxI jFdI sI. dunIaF df ieh ivlwKx qy jrKyjL iKwqf hjLfrF sfl qoN hwilaF aqy axhoxIaF df mukfm bxdf afieaf hY. ies nUUM invyklfpx, mOilkqf qy inafrypx dI bKLisLsL hY pr ajoky pMjfbIaF dI mfniskqf nUM ivdysLI swiBafcfr dy ipwClwg hox kfrn Korf lwg irhf hY. pMjfbI idnoNidn afpxIaF swiBafcfrk kdrF-kImqF nUM nsLt krdy jf rhy hn aqy ies gwl nUM gMBIrqf nfl vI nhIN ilaf jf irhf hY. tI[vI[ cYnlF rfhIN jo kuJ idKfieaf jf irhf hY, Aus ivwc sfzf nroaf swiBafcfr mnPLI hY.
hrmIq isvIaF dy nkfrqmk muwlF dI nkl kr rhI hY. pwCm qoN sfnUM bhuq kuJ skfrqimk vI iml skdf hY pr asIN rIs nfkfrqmk muwlF dI kr rhy hF. asIN nf isrPL afpxI bolI qoN munkr huMdy jf rhy hF sgoN sfzf ilbfs, Kurfk, jIvnsYlI aqy hor sB kuJ Aus ivdysLI kOm vflf huMdf jf irhf hY ijs nUM mfr BjfAux leI iewQy sdIaF qk sMGrsL cwldf irhf hY.
pMjfb ivwc ivdysLI swiBafcfr vD-Puwl irhf hY. sfzf anmol ivrsf jo afpxy lok sfihq ivwc GoVIaF, twpy, bolIaF, iswTxIaF, Zoly afid lukfeI bYTf hY, nUM pwCmI pRBfvF ny afpxI igRPLq ivwc lY ilaf hY. iksy smyN bolIaF, mfhIey, iswTxIaF afid qoN ibnF ivafh nUM aDUrf smiJaf afpxI gfiekI sbMDI swiBafcfrk qy jFdf sI. ies ivafh dI ijMd-jfn hoieaf imafrI gfiekI df iZMzorf ipwtx vfly krdf sn pr awj ieh afpxI hoNd bcfAux gfiek vI afpxy gIqF dy iPlmFkx ivwc nUM qrs rhy hn. ivafh dI KusLI mOky aFZivdysLI nfcF dI nkl krdy hn. ienHF ivwc guaFZ dIaF bjLurg aOrqF,kuVIaF rl ky idKfeIaF jFdIaF kuVIaF qf keI vfr sB ivaFh vfly Gr bolI pfAuNdIaF qy rl ky hwdF-bMnH twp jFdIaF hn. AunHF nUM dyK ncdIaF sn. awj smy dI rPqfr qy ivdysLI ky ieMj lwgdf hY ijvyN aOrq isrPL mMzI pRBfv ny afpxy byrihm pMijaF nfl ies dI iewk vsqU bx ky rih geI hovy. dUjy ipafr Bry mfhOl nUM KLqm kr idwqf hY. pfsy ajoky smfj ivwc aOrqF nfl jo kuJ jy iqMn-cfr dhfky pihlF dy smyN vwl Jfq vI duKdfeI vfprdf hY, Aus df sfrf dosL mfrIey qF pqf lwgdf hY ik pMjfbI sFJy mrd-pRDfn smfj AuWpr lgfieaf jFdf pirvfrF ivwc rihMdy hoey ikMny cfvF qy hY. jy gLOr nfl vficaf jfvy qF iksy hwd mlHfrF nfl afpxI ijLMdgI gujLfrdy sn. qk aOrqF df ieh vrqfrf vI AunHF nfl sFJf pirvfr pIVHI dr pIVHI pirvfrF nUM vfprn vflIaF CyV-CfV ijhIaF GtnfvF joVn dI pRikiraf ivwc iewk kVI dy rUp leI ijLMmyvfr hY. ijMnf icr aOrqF, iPlmf ivwc kMm krdf sI. sLrIkf-BfeIcfrf hr ivwc aMg-pRdrsLn, asLlIl nfc krdIaF duwK-suwK ivwc hwQ vtf ky kfrjF nUM sPl rihxgIaF, AudoN qwk ienHF GtnfvF ‘qy TwlH krfAuxf afpxf PLrjL smJdf sI. pfAuxI musLkl hY. awj isnymf qy tI[vI[ aijhy sfDn bx cwuky hn ijhVy lokF dI pMjfbI swiBafcfr ivwc ipMz dIaF DIaFsoc nUM plIq kr rhy hn. awj-kwlH sfzy BYxF nUM afpxIaF DIaF-iDafxIaf kih swiBafcfr dI jo qsvIr tI vI cYnlF ky pukfiraf qy siqkfiraf jFdf sI. pUry rfhIN pysL kIqI jf rhI hY Aus nUM dyK ky Bfrq dy swiBafcfr ivwcoN pMjfbI swiBafcfr ieh mihsUs huMdf hY ijvyN asIN pMjfb ivwc nUM ivlwKx qy mhfn smiJaf jFdf irhf hY nhIN sgoN iksy GtIaf smfj ivwc rih rhy pr awj jdoN asIN afpxy mhfn ivrsy vwl ingfh mfrdy hF qF Dur aMdroN hUk ijhI hoeIey. AuWTdI hY. awj asIN afpxy aslI rMgF nUM smyN dy bdlx nfl smfjk qbdIlIaF Cwz ky bdrMgF mgr Bwjy iPrdy hF. ZolafAuNdIaF rihMdIaF hn. ivigafnk Xuwg Zmwky qy igwDy-BMgVy bIqy dIaF gwlF bxdy afAux nfl jo sfkfrqimk qbdIlIaF jf rhy hn. pfxI nUM sLrbwq df drjf idwqy afeIaF, Auh smfijk ivkfs leI shfeI jfx vflI pMj dirafvF dI DrqI ivwc iswD huMdIaF hn pr ies leI afeIaF jLihr Gul irhf hY. cfry pfsy bnfvt df kuJ nfkfrqmk qbdIlIaF sfzIaF idKfvf hY. awj sfnUM sfzy ies ivrsy nUM ivrfsqI ivsLysLqfvF nUM nsLt kr rhIaF lfvfrs hox qoN bcfAux leI Auprfly krny hn. AunHF bfry gOr krnf smyN dI loV hY. cfhIdy hn qF jo lop ho rhIaF ivrfsqI pMjfbI swiBafcfr dy pRqIk ruwK, bohV, ivsLysLqfvF iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc jIvq ipwpl, inMm, byrIaF vI hux tFvy-tFvy hI rih skx ikAuNik ivrsf hI iksy kOm dI idsdy hn. ienHF qoN swKxy ho rhy pMjfb ijMd jfn huMdf hY. awj loV pMjfb nUM pihlF ivwc hux nf hI byprvfhI dy hfsy Cxkdy vrgf ivlwKx pMjfb bxf ky rwKx dI hY hn qy nf lokrMgF dI mihk iPLjLfvF ivwc qF jo smyN dIaF bdldIaF qsvIrF ies nUM GuldI hY. nOjvfn pIVHI pwCmI swiBafcfr iksy hor iKwqy df rUp nf dyx. PAGE 37
The Patrika
ܧ×éÅîÅ ÇÔ§ç-ê§ÜÅì sLfh muhMmd
huMdy afey nIN rMnF dy DuroN kfry, lMkf ivwc qF rfvx kuhfie idwqf. kOrv pFzvF nfl kI Blf kIqf, aTfrF KUhxIaF ktk mukfie idwqf. rfjy Boj dy mUMh lgfm idwqI, mfr awzIaF hosL Bulfie idwqf. sLfh muhMmdf eys rfxI ijMd kOrF, sfry dysL df PrsL AuTfie idwqf. rwb cfhy qF krygf imhrbfnI, hoieaf isMGF df kMm arfsqf eI. vwzI sFJ hY ihMdUaF muslmfnF, AunHF nfl nf iksy df vfsqf eI. Auhdy nfl nf bYT ky gwl krnI, KudI afpxI nfl mhfsqf eI. sLfh muhMmdf dOlqF jmHF krdf, sLfhUkfrF df puwq gumfsqf eI. ijhVI hoeI so leI hY vyK awKIN, awgy hor kI bxq bxfvxI jI. iek GVI dI kuJ AumId nhIN, iksy leI hfVI iksy leI sfvxI jI. inwky poc hux bYT ky krn gwlF, asF izwTI PrMgI dI CfvxI jI. sLfh muhMmdf nhIN mflUm sfnUM, awgy hor kI Kyz iKzfvxI jI. sMmq AunI sY dUsrf Auqrdf sI jdoN hoieaf PLrMgI df jMg mIaF. hYsI KUn dI Auh jLmIn ipafsI, hoieaf surK sLrfb dy rMg mIaF. DrqI vwZ ky DUV dy bxy bwdl, jYsy cVHy afkfsL pqMg mIaF. sLfh muhMmdf isrF dI lfie bfjI, nhIN moVdy sUrmy aMg mIaF,
ÃÅâÅ ÇÕðçÅð krqfr isMG ‘rozy’ srI
afpxy hI GrF ivwc iswKI nf pxp skI krdy ny dfavy asIN, vwzy ivafiKaf kfr hF.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ǧçð ÕÅÔ寺 ðÔ¶ Õ°ñÆé gurcrn ‘rfmpurI’ kukitlm myry dyviqaF dy aMdr myry vrgy loB lflsf myry vrgIaF BuwKF. bMdy vFgUM Bys vtf ky, swc lukf ky suMdr pr-nfrI dI syj hMZfey pfk pivwqr pwlU pfpI dfgL lgFdy kroDI irsLI isLkfr suMdrqf blI cVHFdy isl-pwQr krky Cwz jFdy, pr ieh pRsLn inruqr awj vI dyvrfj nuM isMGfsn qoN hyTF nhIN kfhqoN ptkFdy? adlI prHf ‘c nhIN ilaFdy. moh mwKx dy loBI igafnI cuMmx qy icwq corI krdy gAUaF nfl gorIaF cfrn. myrf rfm ablf sIqf nUM lMmy bxvfsy lMkf dy nrkoN rGU kul dy mihlINM afvx qy dMd kQf dy bolF kfrn muV ky sjLf suxfvy? prm purK Gt Gt df jfxU ‘adl’ kmfvy. bRhmf dI awK puwqrI AuWqy mYlI hovy. DI-smfn lUxf nUM rfjf syhry bMn ilafvy moh mfs ar awQry suMNdr qn dIaF loVF mrXfdf dIaF sLfhI qMdF mkr jfl AulJy pUrn nUM aMg hIn kr KUhy pfvy. mrXfdf dy BMg hox qy mfnv dIn qy nfrI ablf kul klMk kulhIn ieMdr kfhqoN rhy kulIn? myry dyviqaF df adBuq mkV-jfl ieiqhfs luBfAuxf kyhI kQf krUp suxfvy mYnUM afpxy hI pRsLnf dy sfhvyN inrAuWqr nMgf Cwz jfvy.
åÆà îÅð Öź
òÆÕ Á˺â
ö÷ñ gurdrsLn ‘bfdl’ srI
hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’ iewQy kYnyzf ivwc hr iek nUM vIk aYNz puwqF vFg ipafrf hY. loB vs mnuwK vIk aYNz vI nhIN mnfAuNdf jF kho mjLbUrI kfrn Auh isLPtF ivwc muwkI jf irhf nsLy dIaF golIaF Kf ky sony vrgI dyh nUM CwqI rog lf ky vI ‘zflr’ kmf irhf mUrKf kI kryNgf zflr KfxI qF rotI hI hY jF brYz jy dyh hI nf rhI kI kryNgf dyK gory vIk aYNz mnfAuNdy pr qUM msLIn nfl msLIn hoieaf Qwikaf tuwitaf jd Gr prqdf qF qyry afAux ‘qy qyrI bIvI rfq dI isPt qy clI jFdI hY qUM afp hI PirjL `c rwKI ipCly hPqy dI sbjI mfeIkrovyv ivwc grm krdF afp hI cfh df kwp bxfAuNdf soc kI ieh jIvn hY ikqfbF aKLbfr
BuwK koly afisLk df nfm nf lY. by-vjfh isr-iPrI df nfm nf lY. ijLMdgI ijsny bxfeI nrk sfzI, Aus dhfky, Aus sdI df nfm nf lY. Aumr sfrI mOq QIN jo jUiJaf hY. Es koly ijLMdgI df nfm nf lY. hnyr ipwCoN jy jnm lYNdf hY cfnx, hnyr hI kih, rosLnI df nfm nf lY. ho igaF munkr Kudf dI hoNd qoN hI, hor kih kuJ, bMdgI df nfm nf lY. vIr jMgl, afdmI qoN ikAuN duKI ho? ro ikhf Aus, afdmI df nfm nf lY. Kf geI ieh cMdrI prvfr myrf, ‘bfdlf’ muV-muV ndI df nfm nf lY.
ö÷ñ ibwkr isMG Kosf
ijMLdgI lMmIN buJfrq ho geI sfrf kuJ hI hfislf nfl juV igaf
bldyv ‘sIhrf’ aYbtsPorz
ikhf iksy ny jfh bfbf jI qoˆ, hOlf hwQ krf jf ky, hOly hwQ dI Qfˆ qy pr, Bfrf pYr krf ky clI geI . afeI sI hwz mfs dI puqlI, jdoˆ geI Auh pwQr sI, ieMdr dI krqUq aihwilaf isl bxf ky clI geI . Aus dI cuwp zrfAuxI idsdI, ies qy kihr bripaf hY, ihMg GuÜI ksqUrI dy ivc, mihk Auzf ky clI geI . kwl qk jo sI mkqb zyry, awj Auh mkql ho gey ny, pqf nhI pfkIËgI ieQoˆ ikAuˆ KMB lgf ky clI geI . subHf hoeI qy pY igaf rOlf, rfq kuVI iPr afeI sI, dyv rUp ivc dfnv bYTf, mfr mukf ky clI geI . Es kuVI dI ihMmq nUM inrdoÈ mYˆ lwK prxfm krfˆ, kwqIafˆ dy iekqflI jyhVI nyAuˆdf pf ky clI geI .
divMdr kOr jOhl
qn df kwjx boJ bxdf jf irhf
ikMny drd Cupf ky rwKy,
husn ivwc ikMnI njLfkq ho geI
lf nf skdf koeI ihsfb
hF jI, hF jI, cusqIaF clfkIaF
ikMny kfgjL kfly kIqy,
awj ieh vkqI jLrUrq ho geI
ajy nf muwkI ieh ikqfb
jd njLr qyrI svwlI ho geI
nfnksLfhI kYlMzr koeI cuWk qurdf, dUjf rihMdf eI ibkrmI qIk BfeI.
sUrqF dy bol bfly ho gey jy qUM kry iesLfrf qF mYN rfqI imlxy afvF mYN bx ky jugnUM iPLr rfhvF qyrIaF hI rusLnfvF
jdoN af igaf gurU df purb mUhry, sB ny imQI peI vWK qrIk BfeI.
ipafroN hIxy vsl dy bwdl koloN KflI lMGx sfvx qyry nUM bs qrsx awzIaF myrIaF bfhvF mYN jdoN vI puwiCaf koeI svfl
pwuCdf nf koeI sfnUM, ijhVf asIN ilK dyeIey, buwDI jIvI asIN hoey, nfly sfihqkfr hF.
ijhVy pMjF dI syD hn isK chuMdy, Auh jfpx pey pMj sLrIk BfeI.
sfl bIq gey ikMny hI awj sfnUM imilaF Xfrf Xfd qyrI pr awj vI qfjLf ikwdF mYN Buwl jfvF
iek kuVI pwQr dI mUrq ho geI
mnuwKqf qy Drm AuWqy, rfjnIqI hoeI BfrU, lwutI jfx lokF qfeIN, nfly kihx asIN syvfdfr hF
Kqrf kihMdy Auh sMG prvfrIaF qoN, iml ky isWKF nMU dyNdy nf bihx BfeI.
mOsm PUuwlF vfly vI bs pwqJV vFgUM lMGy qyry ibn qF ieh vI Bugqy ijwdF hox sjfvF
cfplUsF dI sdfrq ho geI
irsLvqKorI ijwQy, GpilaF dI bwly bwly, ‘rozy’ aYsy hfkmF qoN jfeIey bilhfr hF
bfeI mMjIaF afeIaF sn gurF vyly, cWldy aWj hn bfeI sO vihx BfeI.
ipafr qyrf bx kMzy cuwBdf nf iPLr kdy vI Xfrf jy qUM gl pfeIaF huMdIaF AumroN lMbIaF bfhvF dosL qyry dI sLnfKq ho geI
iewk idn iek kuVI, iek zyry afeI af ky clI geI . Auh afeI qMd sulJAux leI, qfxI AulJf ky clI geI . suixafˆ sI ies zyry ivc, ik irm iJm aimRq vrHdf hY, aYpr kfly ibsIar df zMg qn qy Kf ky clI geI .
dosqI, irsLqy iqjLfrq ho geI
hr iewk DuKdI aFdr Augly ibrhoN dIaF hfvF Zldy sUrj vFg myrIaF jfx ZldIaF CfvF
Dfgy qy qvIq dy ky, dohIN hwQIN luwtI jfx bfby qy pfKMzI sfD, nfly kihx asIN inrMkfr hF.
kyvl isMG `inrdoÈ`
kI pqf, ikwQy sLrfrq ho geI
imslF vFg hY isWKI dI vMz kIqI hr koeI afKdf Kud nMU TIk BfeI.
kOm nUM duPfV kIqf, lflcF dy vws ijnHF awj vI Auh afKdy ny, asIN jQydfr hF.
ijMLdgfnI KUbsUrq ho geI pridaF ivwc kYd sIrq ho geI
jI hjUrI krky kursI bih gey afpxI iksmq dy iglf mYnUM, bysLwk
rUh dI cfdr ClxI hoeI, ajy nf imilaf shI jvfb qn df ruwKVf KfdI hoieaf, imlI nhIN AupjfAU Kfd hnyry ivwc gujLfry ijMdgI, mVI ‘qy dIvf jgdf miraNf bfd ikAuN krdI ey Jorf ‘divMdr’, qfj mhwl nUM kr lY Xfd pwkI rhIN asUlF Auqy, rUh nUM rwKI sdf afbfd awKrF ivcoN prK lYxgy, jd koeI hwQIN PVU ikqfb
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
À°îð ç¶ Ã°§é¶ Ô¯ä׶ ðÃå¶ surjIq pfqr
Aumr dy suMny hoxgy rsqy, irsLiqaF df isafl hovygf. koeI kivqf dI sqr hovygI, jy nf hor koeI nfl hovygf. Aumr dI rfq awDINE bIq geI, idl df drvfjLf iks ny KVkfieaf. kOx hoxf hY Xfr ies vyly, aYNvy qyrf iKafl hovygf. KOP idl ivwc hY Cf irhf eydF, jfpdf Auh vI sLfm afvygI. jd asF munkrF dIaF qlIaF, ‘qy icrfgF df Qfl hovygf.
ðÅå ÚÅéäÆ î˺ à°ðÅ mrhUm isLv kumfr ‘btflvI’ rfq cfnxI mYN turf myrf nfl tury prCfvF ijMdy myrIey! glIey glI cfnx suwqy mYN iks glIey afvF ijMdy myrIey! TIkr-pihrf dyx sugMDIaF lorI dyx hvfvF ijMdy myrIey! mYN irsLmF df vfkP nfhIN ikhVI irsLm jgfvF ijMdy myrIey! jy koeI irsLm jgfvF aVIey zfZf pfp kmfvfN ijMdy myrIey!
jLwrf jLwrf jo afqmf ‘qy ikry, nfl dI nfl ies nUM sFBI cl.
zrdI zrdI turf inmfxI poly pwb itkfvF ijMdy myrIey!
vrnf imwtI aquwlvI hoToN, qYQoN isr nf AuTfl hovygf.
sfzy poqiVaF ivwc ibrhf rwiKaf sfzIaF mfvF ijMdy myrIey!
sB dI hI CF hY afpxy jogI, ruwK vI hoey bMidaF vrgy. kI pqf sI ik lMmy sfieafN df, ieh dupihrF nUM hfl hovygf. sLfm ho skdI hY iksy pl vI, mYnUM hr pl ieh Xfd rihMdf hY. mYnUM qUM acncyq mfryNgf, aYNvy qyrf iKafl hovygf.
cfnx sfzy muwZoN vYrI kIkx aMg CuhfvF ijMdy myrIey! rfq cfnxI mYN turF myrf nfl tury prCfvF ijMdy myrIey!
pr koeI hl jnfb koeI jvfb, ik sdf hI svfl hovygf.
kumfr afsU
blivMdr isMG ‘mohI’
qyrI pCfx qoN
nvIN nsl dI soc idlF nUM krdI hY bYcyn,
qyry imafr qy qyrI ivAuNq qoN
rPlF qy ipsqOlF dy nfl lYs gfixaF cON, rUh dIaF qfrF CyVdf qUM koml gIq nf Bfl. mfrDfV qy lwcrqf dI lgdI KUb numfiesL,
musLklF dy cIrfN nfl lkIiraF hwQF df vcn myrI Aumr qoN vI lMbI hY myrI vPLf dI lkIr.
lop ho geI cMn dI dfqI vfZI kr ky nHyry dI.
qusIN rojL puwCdy ho myry vPf dI Aumr? BrQrI df amr Pl kuC kihx df muhqfj hY?
dirafvF dy kMZ JUMmy, buMbl syq srUtF dy.
iesLk nUM afdq nf pfE bolx dI ajy qF lok kMnF nUM suxn dI jfc nhIN afeI lPLjF dI dOlq ibnF vI vPf hY amIr myry svfs qF mihmfn ny myry ijsm dy jf skdy ny kdy vI pr imt nhI skdf kdy qyrI myrI pRIq df simaF dI ihwk ‘qy jo pY cukf hY cIr.
pUrb dI inrml nYN Auqy kysr qurIaF qrIaF ny.
imwsy cfnx dy ivwc dgIaF, srkMzy dIaF srIaF ny. cmikaF son-pqrIaF vFgUM, rMg srINh dIaF PlIaF df. cogf Bflx pMCI inkly, KMB cmkx ijAuN jLrIaF ny. ikRsLn sfAulf kuMjI luikaf. cuk ky bsqr sKIaF dy.
hIr iksy lYlf dI nkl nhIN jF mjnUM iksy rFJy dI rIs iesLk kdy qfrIKL nUM duhrFdf nhIN iehdf hr sPf huuMdf hY by njLIr.
jmnf qt qy ngn iPrdIaF gokl dIaF gujrIaF ny
qlIaF nUM Cyk rhy ny poitaF nUM ivMnH rhy ny musLklF dy qIr, pr ivMnIaF qlIaF dy kMZy afs iewk aMgVfeI lY rhI hY iksy argvfnI svyr dI ksm JnF dIaF lihrF nhIN myrf aKIr.
idl dI mihPl nUM grmfieaf Xfd qyrI dIaF prIaF ny.
pUrb dy pt AuWqy hoieaf, nfc alOikk ikrnF df.
srGI vrgy mUMh dy bfJoN ikhVy kMm svyrf ny ? XfdF Byjy afp nf afvyN ieh khIaF idl brIaF ny?
qUM ies qrHF myry Dur aMdr AuWqr jfvyNgI
kry kbUl smfj ny hux srb-sMmqI nfl.
nfl munfPy juV igaf ieh bx mMzI df mfl.
mrhUm pRo: ‘mohn’ isMG
ik qUM myrI soc df ihwsf bx jfvyNgI
aY kivqf mYN qF nf vfikPL sI
hux nhIN mihkF vMzdf pihlF vFg sMgIq,
mrhUm aMimRqf ‘pRIqm’
kdy soicaf vI nhIN sI
gflHF vrgy gIq kdy jo idMdy lhU Aubfl,
lwcr gIqF suwt ilaf hY iehnF AuWqy jfl.
glIey glIey cfnx suwqy mYN iks glIey afvF ijMdy myrIey!
nf shI ienklfb nf hI shI, sB gLmF df ielfj nf hI shI.
×Åñ·Åº òð׶ ×Æå...
qyry nfl Kry Auqrn dy pYmfny qoN mYN zrdf sI qyry aflockF dI pwuC-pVqfl qoN qyry afAux dI KusLI ny mYnU M hr zr qy Brm ‘coN kwZ idwqf hux mYN kfiv sLfsqr dIaF bMidsLF qoN mukq hF
sohxy suQry gIqF df qF pY igaf jfpy kfl.
qy afpxI hI ivDf ‘c ilKdf hF
dwso Blf smfj df hux kI AusrU ikrdfr,
ikAuNik mYnUM sImfvF ‘c rih ky
ivafh ivwc bMdf nwcdf DI ijhI nrqkI nfl.
ilKxf nhIN afAuNdf
mihk afpxI imwtI dy gIqF ivwc lwBdI nf,
myry ivcfr qy soc afjLfd ny
‘mohI’ mF-bolI dy nfl gvweIaF cwlI koJI cfl.
afpxI gwl kihx leI
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Shah Rukh Khan’s number of fans reaches 10 million
Shah Rukh Khan who most certainly is a superstar and that has been proved with his ever increasing fan following. And we all know that he is a very active user of Twitter among all the celebrities. Being a superstar his fan following is massive in numbers and it has reached 10 million so far on Twitter. SRK seemed quite happy realizing the fact and he thanked all his fans on Twitter and tweeted, “We accept the love we deserve, I don’t know if I deserve it but I am extremely grateful. May all of you get as much of love as you give me.”
Katrina Kaif's
New Best Friend
We hear that the two ladies, Katrina Kaif and Rekha, bond very well on the sets of Fitoor and are the newest BFFs in town! So much so that they apparently ignore the lead actor of their film, Aditya Roy Kapur and he has to remind them that he is on the sets as well! Apparently, their friendship also extends beyond shooting and Rekha has been calling Kat otherwise to discuss a few things! We hear that Rekha is totally bowled over by Kat’s beauty – and she has always been generous in her compliments to younger heroines. As it turns out, before the shoot, in order to have something to talk about, Kat decided to scan through Rekha’s iconic body of work. That’s what touched Rekha most and she reciprocated by giving Kat advice on what roles to look for in the future… She is said to have told Katrina that she was happy with Kat’s work in Raajneeti and that she should opt for more such meaty roles.
Riteish’s role to be re-written for ‘Mastizaade’
Riteish Deshmukh had recently revealed that he won’t be a part of any sex comedies hence forth and because of his decision it is said that his role in the Milap Zaveri’s ‘Mastizaade’ will be rewritten. Riteish will be playing a cameo in the film and despite of that, Milap is ready for the amendments and has already re-written the script for his friend. And it is also said that Riteish being a good friend of Milap has not charged anything for his cameo role. But he somehow had to sign a contract of Re.1. The film ‘Mastizaade’ consists of lead actors like Sunny Leone, Tusshar Kapoor and Vir Das.
Female fans refuse to leave without meeting
Junior Bachchan
Jacqueline with John and Varun in Rohit Dhawan's next
We know that Varun Dhawan will be a part of brother Rohit Dhawan's untitled film that will be produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. Sajid has been associated and has worked with their father David Dhawan over a long period of time, to the extent that Varun was born in front of him in the hospital. The film that goes on floor in April 2015, is again a two-hero film with John Abraham in the lead along with Varun, much like Rohit's first film Desi Boyz.We have now exclusively learnt that the stunning Jacqueline Fernandez has been signed on as the heroine.Having now done films with heroes from Salman Khan to Varun Dhawan, it seems the Sri Lankan beauty has finally found her rightful place in Bollywood.
After the success of the film ‘Happy New Year’, Abhishek Bachchan certainly has won a lot of appreciation from his female fans. The movie also on the other hand received a lot of goodwill because of Abhishek’s nice performance. Recently, it was said that a group of females had visited Abhishek’s office, Janak, to meet him and they were headstrong to not leave without meeting him. Abhishek was very busy with two back to back story narrations at that moment when the girls had come to meet him. His staff did not inform about the girls’ presence as he was very busy, hence those girls waited there for five long hours. Later, when he learnt about their presence, he rushed down to his office lobby where those girls were waiting. He spent some time chatting with them and also clicking some pictures. Abhishek admitted that ‘Happy New Year’ has definitely increased his fan
following and it certainly has changed a lot for the entire ‘HNY’ team. He also said that he has in his entire life seen his father being nice and friendly to strangers. He also said that fans make you what you are and one should not disrespect their feelings.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
IMF Report Highlights Harper Government’s Strong Economic Record Ottawa, Ontario– Department of Finance
“Canada’s economy experienced solid growth over the past year,” the IMF Mission report stated. “An imFinance Minister Joe Oliver today proving labor market gained momenwelcomed the concluding statement tum recently, with the unemployment of the International Monetary Fund’s rate falling to a post-crisis low of 6 (IMF) annual Article IV Mission 1/2 per cent in October.” to Canada, which once again highlighted the Government’s successful The Harper Government will introlow-tax plan to create jobs, growth, duce balanced budget legislation that will require balanced budgets in and long-term prosperity. normal economic times and concrete Commenting on the strength of the timelines for returning to balance in Canadian economy, the IMF Mis- the event of an economic crisis. The sion applauded the Government’s Government welcomes the IMF recprogress in eliminating deficits, and ommendations that balanced budget recent action to lower taxes for hard- legislation be transparent, flexible working Canadian families. The IMF and “ensure convergence towards the also said that measures taken since authorities’ medium-term objectives, 2008 to ensure the long-term sus- while allowing for flexibility in the tainability of the Canadian housing face of shocks to avoid procyclicality.” market have been effective.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
he Abbotsford Kumon Math and Reading Centre (Trethewey Street location) held its annual bowling/awards event at Galaxy Bowl on Saturday, November 15th to celebrate their students’ hard work and successes. All
parents and other supporters so that they could be recognized for their academic and personal achievements throughout the year.
work habits. Abbotsford Kumon has worked with children in the Fraser Valley for over 22 years! She and her staff believe that the key to success is consistent effort which is why they focus so much on rewarding students for their dedication Shirley Tam, Director of the to the Kumon programmes. Abbotsford Kumon Math As they have done in previous years, students and Reading Centre, believes and their families gave back to the community
by contributing to the food drive to benefit the Abbotsford Food Bank. Thanks to the generosity of students and their families, over 150 food items were collected for the Abbotsford Food Bank. For more information about Abbotsford Kumon Math and Reading Centre, call us at 604-8557896 or visit our website at
vfeIPLfeI df ipwCf krdy Qwk gey ho ? iek hftspft `qy sfeIn afn kro, 45,000 qoN ijLafdf `qy afto-kUnYkt hovo.*
students were invited to enjoy disco bowling at Galaxy Bowl. Afterwards, the students who were to receive awards attended the awards ceremony with their
strongly in encouraging students to work towards the Advanced Student Honour Roll, to study challenging material, as well as to develop excellent
Çëñî Çéðç¶ôÕ ìñÜÆå ÇÃ§Ø Áå¶ òÇð§çð Õ½ð çÅ ÃéîÅé
aYbtsPorz :- kYnyzf `c ivsLysL dOry `qy afey nfmvr pMjfbI iPlm inrdysLk bljIq isMG sMdlI pYVF aqy shfiek inrdysLk virMdr kOr aYbtsPorz siQwq aYzvFs lrinMg sYNtr ivKy snmfinq kIqf igaf. *
Shaw ieMtrnYWt plYnF ivc idqf hoieaf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ì¶ÁäÖÆ ÁøÃðÆ çÅ Ôôð
ho igaf ik Aus dy aDIn cwldI sI[ bI[ afeI[ ijhVy tYlIkfm dy tU-jI spYktrm vfly Gotfly dI jFc krdI peI hY, Aus qoN Auh dUr rhygf. Aus qoN ies jFc df ijLMmf Koh ky Aus qoN hyTly drjy dy aiDkfrI nUM sONpx df ieh puafVy df mwuZ AudoN bwJf sI, jdoN mnmohn isMG dI srkfr dy smyN tYlIkfm ivBfg df tU-jI spYktrm df Gotflf jLfhr hox nfl ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI ik pOxy do lwK kroV dI hyrfPyrI kIqI geI hY. mfmlf suprIm kort ivwc clf igaf. EQoN jdoN jFc sLurU hoeI qF ieh gwl vI nfl dI nfl hI khI geI ik ies dI iswDI irport adflq nUM krnI hY, bIqy vIrvfr suprIm kort ivwcoN rxjIq isnhf nUM nf srkfr qoN koeI hdfieq nhIN lYxIaF. rxjIq isnhf iPr isrPL qkVI JfV peI, sgoN Aus leI ieh hukm vI jfrI vI srkfr qoN hdfieqF lYNdf irhf qy jdoN Byq KuwlH igaf ipCly keI icrF qoN ijs bMdy nUM hr vfrI Bfrq dI suprIm kort ivwc iJVkF pYNdIaF nUM lok vyK rhy sn, hux Aus nUM ienHF iJVkF qoN kuJ sfh afvygf, pr ijwQy bYTf Auh sfh lYx df Xqn kr irhf hovygf, EQy vI Aus dI jLmIr qVP rhI hovygI. Aus bMdy df nFa rxjIq isnhf hY. Bfrq dI sB qoN vwzI jFc eyjMsI, ijs df iksy smyN EVkF df rohb huMdf sI, ies vkq bhuq hI bysLrmI dy hflfq nUM phuMcI hoeI hY. ieh rxjIq isnhf Aus eyjMsI df zierYktr hY. agly kuJ hI idnF ivwc Auh ies syvf qoN mukq hox vflf hY, pr ieh Aus leI sLfn vflI syvf mukqI nhIN ho skxI.
qF adflq ny itwpxI kIqI ik sI[bI[afeI isafsI afgUaF dy ipMjry df qoqf jfpdI hY. EdoN vI ies eyjMsI df muKI rxjIq isnhf sI. iPr adflq ny ieh gwl PV leI ik rxjIq isnhf ny ijhVI irport adflq nUM ivKfAuxI sI, Auh mnmohn isMG srkfr dy kfnUMn mMqrI asLvnI kumfr nUM pihlF ivKf idwqI aqy Aus ny ies dI kwt-vwZ krdy hoey keI hvfly bdl idwqy sn. asLvnI kumfr mMqrI dy ahudy qoN asqIPf dy igaf aqy rxjIq isnhf adflq dIaF iJVkF Kfx leI jwjF awgy isr nINvf pfeI jf KVoqf sI. mfmly qF ieh hI bQyry sn, aglf dosL rxjIq isnhf AuWqy ieh vI lwg igaf ik ijnHF lokF dy ivruwD Auh tU-jI spYktrm mfmly ivwc jFc kr irhf hY, AunHF ivwcoN kuJ Aus dy Gr afx ky Aus nUM iml jFdy hn. ies sMbMD ivwc Auh bQyrf kihMdf irhf ik dosL swcy nhIN hn, pr adflq ny pUrI GoK mgroN dosLF df dm vyK ky Aus nUM hux ies jFc nfl sMbMDq pRikiraf qoN lFBy ho jfx df hukm dy idwqf sY. rxjIq isnhf leI ieh bhuq vwzf Jtkf hY. sfrI Aumr df Aus df sfPL aks Aus nMU Bfrq dI sB qoN vwzI jfc eyjMsI dy muwKI dy mfx vfly ahudy qwk lY igaf sI qy Aus eyjMsI df muKI huMidaF Aus ny afpxf mfx vI guaf ilaf aqy Aus eyjMsI df mfx vI bcfAux dy Xog sfbq nhIN ho sikaf. isrPL bfrF idn nOkrI rihMdI qoN Aus nUM jLlIl hoxf pY igaf hY. jdoN boPLorjL kMpnI dIaF qopF Bfrq ny rfjIv gFDI dy vkq KrIdIaf sn aqy ieh dosL lwg igaf sI ik Aus ivwcoN kimsLn KfDf igaf hY, EudoN qoN jFc eyjMsI sI[ bI[ afeI[ crcf ivwc hY. rfjIv gFDI dy bfad afey pRDfn mMqrI vI[ pI[ isMG ny ies eyjMsI nUM boProjL qop sOdy dI jFc kr ky KfDy gey kimsLn dI jfxkfrI pysL krn nUM ikhf sI, pr Aus ipwCoN hux qwk awDI drjn qoN vwD srkfrF bdl geIaF, ieh jfxkfrI dysL dy lokF sfhmxy nhIN af skI. kfrn ieho sI ik ies eyjMsI leI cuxy gey sfry aPsr afAux vyly qF bVy nfmxy vfly huMdy sn, pr nOkrI dOrfn afpxI axK nUM Bwul ky aPLsrI bKsLx vflI srkfr dy nf-aihl kfirMdy bx jFdy rhy sn. iksy vI aPsr ny Bfrq dI jnqf aqy dysL dy aks df iDafn nhIN rwiKaf qy afpxy mfn-snmfn dI vI prvfh nhIN kIqI, sgoN afpxy AuWqy imhr kr ky ieh aPsrI ahudf dyx vfilaF nUM KusL krn lwgy rhy. byaxKI aPsrI AunHF dI nOkrI dOrfn AunHF sfiraF df jlUs kZvfAuNdI rhI qy nOkrI mgroN AunHF ivwcoN keI jxy tI[vI cYnlF dI bihs qy aKbfrI lyKF rfhIN afpxy sfQIaF dy hvfly nfl asl ivwc afpxf Auh duwK drj krdy rhy, ijhVf AunHF ny nOkrI dOrfn Bugiqaf hoieaf sI. rxjIq isnhf ies mfmly ivwc pihlF nhIN, aqy sfnUM ieh vI pqf hY ik Auh afKrI nhIN ho skxf. Aus vrgy hor keI ies qrHf dI byaxKI aPsrI krdy rihxgy qy jlUs kwZvf ky qury jFdy idKfeI dyxgy. ieh vrqfrf iewk lokqMqrI dysL leI cMgf nhIN. aPsrF nUM ieh smJx df smF hI nhIN imldf jfpdf ik Auh iksy lIzr jF lIzrF dI ZfxI dy nhIN, sMivDfnk srkfr dy krmcfrI hn. AunHF nUM imldI qnKfh qy shUlqF df Krcf lIzr nhIN dyNdy, dysL dy lokF dy idwqy tYksF ivwco ieh Krc huMdf hY. jdoN AunHF nUM ieh gwl smJ af jfvygI, EdoN aPLsr byaxKy nhIN rihxgy.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
úìÅîÅ çÆ íÅðå ç½ð¶ çÆ ï¯ÜéÅ å¶ Õ±àéÆåÆ bixaf. pihlF amrIkf vfly Bfrq dy ivruwD pfiksqfn dy nfl sMsfr Br ivwc hr mMc AuWqy KVox lwg pey sn, ies krky AunHF nUM Bfrq ny swdxf nhIN sI. ies dy ipwCoN jd Bfrq ny guwt-inrpyK dy s L F df qIsrf DVf KVf kr idwqf qF amrIkf vfly Bfrq qoN hor Pfslf pf gey. rihMdI ksr EdoN inkl geI, jdoN ieMdrf gFDI dy vkq Bfrq aqy rUs dI sFJ sfry hwdF -bMny kr geI. Aus hflq ivwc amrIkf nfl ieh sFJ pYxI hI nhIN sI. isrP ipCly ds sflF ivc ieh ho skdf sI, jdoN amrIkf vwl bfhly Aulfr mnmohn isMG dy pRDfn mMqrI huMidaF aYtmI smJOqf ho igaf sI, pr EdoN vI Bfrq srkfr ny amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI nhIN sI swdy. kfrn ies df koeI vI irhf hovy, Auh nhIN sn swdy gey qy hux AudoN swdy gey hn, jdoN nirMdr modI pRDFn mMqrI hY, ijs nUM ds ieh gwl afpxI QF TIk hY ik sfl amrIkf vfilaF ny vIjLf awj qwk amrIkf df koeI vI dyx qoN ienkfr krI rwiKaf sI. rfsLtrpqI Bfrq dy gxqMqr modI ies nUM afpxI inwjI pRFpqI idvs mO k y mu w K mihmfn nhIN ies leI dwsdy hn ik Auh jdoN Bfrq dy nvyN pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI df ieh suBfa bx igaf hY ik Aus ny ijhVI vI Kfs gwl lokF qwk KVy pYr pucfAuxI hovy, Aus dy bfry nf afp boldf hY qy nf afpxy dPqr ivwcoN ibafn jfrI krvfAuNdf hY, iswDf tivwtr AuWqy tvIt kr dyNdf hY. afey idn Aus vwloN kIqy jFdy ieho ijhy tvIts ivco N ies hPqy ijhVf tvIt sfiraF qoN vwD cricq hoieaf, Auh ieh sI ik CwbI jnvrI dy idn agly sfl jdoN Bfrq df irpbilk zya mnfieaf jfvygf, Edo N amrIkf df rfsL t rpqI eyQy muwK mihmfn bx ky sLfiml hovygf. ieh pihlf mOkf hovygf, jdoN amrIkf df rfsLtrpqI ies idvs mOky muwK mihmfn bxygf. Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ies qoN bfgo-bfg hY. Aus ny ijs qrHF tvIt kIqf, Aus qoN ieh pRBfv vI igaf hY ik Auh ies nUM afpxI inwjI pRfpqI smJdf hY.
lY ky modI iewk jlsy ivwc hfsfmKOl vI krn qwk phuMc igaf sI. ieh duvwly kfrobfr dI sFJ hY. jdoN kfrobfrI lokF ny mfl vycxf jF iksy QF qoN loV jogf mfl lYxf kI nirMdr modI dI rfjsI phuMc hovy, Auh eydF dIaF rsmF inBf ivwc koeI qbdIlI afeI hY? ieho skdy hn. ijhf kuJ nhIN idwsdf, qy Aus dI iPr vI ijhVI gwl ies dy Ehly nIqI vFg hI amrIkI nIqIaF cwl rhI iewk Kfs kUtnIqI dI ivwc vI koeI qbdIlI afeI nhIN hY, Aus nUM awKoN proKy nhIN kIqf suxI geI. qbdIlI iewko hY ik hux jf skdf. nirMdr modI pRDfn mMqrI hY qy Aus dysL dI kmfn Aus dy hwQ ivc Bfrq nUM dihsLqgrdI dy Esy hY, ijs dy iewk sO pMJI kroV lok ruJfn qoN Kqrf hY, ijs qoN amrIkf amrIkf nUM isrPL lok nhIN, afpxy vfilaF dy hwzF dIaF swtF pIV mfl dy gRfhk ivKfeI idMdy hn. jy krdIaF hn. dovyN ieh gwl Auh hux qk modI nfl Eho purfxI jfxdy hn ik ies dihsLqgrdI nIqI sfhmxy rwK ky isrP ahudy df aslI Durf Bfrq df gvFZI dI hwd qwk vrqx qF Auh ies dysL hY. Bfrq ies lVfeI ivwc dysL ivwc afpxf mfl sOKI qrHF amrIkf dy nfl hY. amrIkf ies nhIN suwt skxgy. ies leI modI lVfeI ivwc Aus isrV nfl Bfrq nfl nyV dI loV hY. awj brfk dy nfl nhIN inB irhf, ijs nfl Ebfmf leI nirMdr modI XfrF Bfrq inBx nUM iqafr hY. kfrn vrgf hY, ijs nUM Aus ny ‘mYn afP ieh hY ik amrIkf nUM vyly-kuvyly aYksLn’ afK ky vizafieaf hY. afpxI eysLIaf ivclI kUtnIqI dUsry pfsy modI leI afstrylIaf leI keI QF pfiksqfnI hkUmqF df pRDfn mMqrI tonI aYbt XfrF dI vrqoN krn jF AunHF dy dysL dy vrgf ho igaf hY, ijs df nFa hvfeI awzy qy CFAuxIaF vrqx amrIkf gey qF rfsLtrpqI Ebfmf ny bVI inwjI nyV vflf ivhfr kIqf sI, pr ies ivhfr df kfrn vI Au n H F nU M smJxf cfhIdf hY.
dI loV pYNdI hY. Auh Bfrq dy nfl nyVqf dI pRikRiraf dy dOrfn vI pfiksqfn nUM eynf nfrfjL kdy nhIN krygf ik awgoN leI awzf Kuws jFdf hovy. Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI KusL hY, qy Aus nUM KusL hoxf cfhIdf hY, ikAuNik sMsfr dI Aus supr pfvr df muKI Aus dy iewk tYlIPon kfrn Au W qy Bfrq dy gxqM q r idvs mOky afAux mMn igaf hY, ijhVI supr pfvr pihlF Aus nUM vIjLf nhIN sI idMdI. ieh Aus dI inwjI KusLI hY. nirMdr modI nUM prvfr dy moh qoN mukq ikhf jFdf hY. sMsfr kUtnIqI ivwc Aus nUM prvfr dy moh vFg inwjI KusLI dy moh qoN AuWpr AuWTx dI loV pYxI hY. afgU ikwzf vI vwzf hovy, ijs dysL ivwc lok rfj hovy, EQy koeI afgU lokF qoN vwzf nhIN ho skdf. ijnHF lokF ny modI nUM dysL dI agvfeI sONpI hY aqy ies leI sONpI hY ik Auh Bfrq df mfx vDfvygf, AunHF dy ihwqF bfry cyqf Aus nUM afpxI inwjI KusLI qoN pihlF rwK ky cwlxf pvygf, aqy ieh afs krIey ik Auh eydF hI krygf.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Employment cont’d
kfimaF dI loV
Workers Wanted
zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:778-552-5400 jF 604-825-3508
Aldergrove nursery requires full time seasonal farm workers, min. 40 hrs./ week, weekends and evenings as required, starting March 2015 thru October. $10.25 per hour Duties include pruning, planting, cultivating, trees and shrubs. Some heavy lifting; loading/unloading stock and farm related duties Fax resume to 604-856-1683 or email info@aldergrovenursery. com Aldergrove Nursery Ltd., 28080 Fraser hwy, Abbotsford, BC, V4X 1K7
Workers Wanted Mountain View Produce Inc. requires greenhouse vegetable workers January 2015; $10.49/hr, min. 40 hrs/week. Duties include plant, prune, tie, harvest, sort, pack vegetable crops; general farm related duties. Must be able to lift 30 lbs; work at heights, repetitive tasks Fax resume to 604-857-0845 or mail to: Mountain View Produce Inc. 29585 Downes Road, Abbotsford, BC, V4X 1S3
Nursery workers wanted Duties include plant, transplant, prune, weed, irrigate, load and unload nursery stock; some heavy lifting; Full time seasonal min. 40 hrs./week, weekends and evenings as required. $10.25 per hour starting March 2015. Fax 604-8560941 or email kulwantdhami2003@ to Greenland Growers Nursery Ltd., 3834-272 St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 1R7
Gr aqy kMm dI Bfl ivWc ho? jy Pfrm qy rihxf aqy kMm krnf cfhMudy ho? 18 eykV bilAUbyrI Pfrm dI sFB sMBfl krn leI kfmy dI loV hY aqy pirvfr dy rihx leI alWg Gr df vI muPq ieMqjfm hY| lgBwg $20,000 df pY k j| Po n : sY l : 778-889-2020
sikAUirtI gfrz dI jrUrq Pst gruWp sikAuirtI nUM sikAuirtI gfrz dI iclfvYk aqy hop vfsqy qurMq jrUurq hY| | dPqr ivWc kMm krn leI PuWl tfeIm vrkr dI vI jrUUrq hY| Pon: 604-825-3708 jF 604-870-4776 jF 604870-1184
Workers Wanted Farm workers wanted for M&G Brothers Farms Ltd, $10.49/Hr., must be hard working, energetic & willing to work in all weather conditions. Duties include: planting, weeding, harvesting and packing of berries, 50-60 hrs/wk starting in April and ending in October. Send resumes to: 143 Mt. Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC, V4X 2L5
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14.00 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778552-6269 Nursery Workers needed Workers needed for Digging and harvesting,heavy lifting,outside work with fastpaced work, 40 hrs/ wk $10.33 per hour.
Services bflgF leI aMgryjI dIaF klfsF(eI[aYs[aYl)
Evergreen Propagators Ltd 10236 McGrath Rd, Rosedale.BC Fax 604-850-7546 Phone:604-850-7539
aWj hI rijstr kro, hor jfxkfrI leI sfzI vYbsfeIt vyKo:
jF Pon: 604-755-7976 jF eImyl:
Change of Name I, KASHMIRI LAL MALHI, residing at 35165 Page Rd., Abbotsford, BC V3G 1N8, have changed my name to KASHMIRI SINGH MALHI with immediate effect.
Services cont’d kMipAUtr irpyar asIN kMipAUtr qy lYptop irpyar krdy hF| Virus Removal, Speed Increase, Old computer sale and purchase. $39.99 Phone: 604-300-0732
Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental
$25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs 101.7 EY P .EY m . Matrimonial h I zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 cMgI hflq ivWc 4 kursIaF vflLf vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU hY| kImq klsI n`l| $150, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-2880
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
ÍËâðù ĂƒĂ°Ă•Ă…Ă° ĂŠÂś ĂŤÂ˝ĂœĂ†Ă Ă…Âş çÆ ĂŽĂ…ĂŠĂ‡ĂƒĂ• Ă‡ĂƒĂ”ĂĽ ùÂÆ B@@ ÇÎùÆà Ê âÅùð çœä çÅ ÕÆüÅ òÅà çÅ Etfvf: PYzrl srkfr vloN imltrI mYNbrF, vYtrnF aqy AunHF dy pirvfrF dI mfnisk ishq aqy idmfgI ielfj leI 2 imlIan zflr dI shfieqf krn df aYlfn kIqf igaf hY. izpfrtmYNt afPL nYsLnl izPYNs aqy kYnyzIan afrmz Poriss vloN vI aYqvfr nMU POjIaF, vYtrnF aqy AunHF dy pirvfrF dI mfnisk ishq leI idWqI jFdI rfsLI ivc 16.5 imlIan zflr df vfDf kIqy jfx df aYlfn kIqf igaf. srkfr vloN ieh sUcnf idWqI geI hY ik ieh rfsLI ivcoN kuJ ihWsf inrol rUp nfl isrP srivs mYNbrF dy idmfgI ielfj, bRyn iemyijMg tYknflojI aqy imltrI mYNbrF dy pirvfrF leI irsors sYNtr bxfAux leI rWiKaf jfvygf. ies dy nfl hI idmfgI ielfj dy Kyqr ivc vDIaf ielfj aqy nvIN iksm dI Koj ‘qy vI jLor idWqf jfvygf.
Abby Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Ltd.
Furniture Mfg. Ltd.
sfnUM PrnIcr PYktrI ivwc kMm krn vfilaF dI loV hY.
ijvyN: • msLIn Eprytr,pRI-sYNzr,pyNtr (styn qy lYkur spryar ) • PrnIcr jVn dy mfhr hox • qnKfh Xogqf qy qjLrby anusfr aqy sfry Bwqy aqy kvryjL imlygI.
Paul 604-832-3771 Manpreet 604-751-35
hor jfxkfrI leI pfl jF prl nUM PLon kr skdy ho jF afp afky imlo.
• Boiler and Furnace Replacement • New Construction and Renovations • Hot Water Tank (Same Day Replacement) • Leaking Faucets • Hot Water Heating Repairs
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quh`fIE~ plMimMg, hIitMg (Paul)
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For all your plumbing, heating or gas fitting needs call us first!
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The Patrika The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014 Friday, August 22nd, 2014
ÇÔ§ç°ÃåÅé ÇòµÚÁÅî î±ðÖÁÅçîÆ ìäé é± òÅñ¶ Á§è-ôðèÅñ± § Á÷ÅçÆ Õ篺 Çîñ¶í×åź ×Æ? çÆ æ¯ó· éÔƺ, ìäÅÀ°ä òÅñÅ Ô¯äÅ ÚÅÔÆçÅ
jiqMKodhr leI pnUM geI Bfrq dI aËfdI dy 67 sfl bIqx aOrqfˆ nUM pirvfr df pyt pflx `qy mYl Zoa ky afpxf iZwz Brdy sBfvfˆ dy ivDfiek aqy sMsd lMGx dI afËfdI dy bfvjUd mulk dy bhuqy lok leI ijsm qwk vycxy pYd ˆ y hn. hr hn. bwcy kUVy dy Zyrfˆ qoN kfgË ivwc bYTy sMsd mYˆbr afpxIafˆ hY. jnqk adfirafˆ nUM pRfeIvyt dI sLrDf nUM vI afpxI golI clf idwqI geI, EdoN mwuK rfm vI ieho bcpn nf smJx dI bhuqI iewCf hI idwqI hY. afsf asIN ‘prsU , lprsf, muwZlIafˆ shU qfˆ leIprs qrs rhy Ty kridafˆ guËfrdy sfl lwKfˆ tn anfj gudfmfˆ ivwc iekw shUlqfˆ leI iewkmuwT ho jfˆdy hn lokfˆ kol kOzIafˆ dy Bfa vyicaf ijhy zrfmy krdf sI, pr QoVHy mfnisk iqRpqI vfsqy rwj mMqrI kol koeI rfh nhIN sI rwKdI jfpdI hY. rfm’ df mu h fvrf icrF qo N hn. dyÈ dI iËafdfqr jnqf sVdf hY pr srkfrI nIqIafˆ ies hn. igrigt vfˆg rMg bdldy jdoN ik lokfˆ dIafˆ shUlqfˆ vfly jf irhf hY. ienHfˆ nUM KrIdx vfly Prk nfl. iewk QF Aus dy ky vriqaf. ijs aflIsLfn rih igaf. Aus ny iPr vI kuJ suxdy afey sF. ipCly sflF grIbI, by r u Ë gfrI, mihM grfmpfl feI nUM nFa df ieh dybMd fMhhYivwc nhIN pYx isafsI afgU rfjnIiqk lfB lYx ibwl sflfˆ qwkrn iksy grIb mU rihMrfj dy hn. qoN pihlF dy mMqvI rI mMqrIafˆ dy irÈqydfr aqy cyilaF ny iewk rfj Grfxy dI mhwl ivwc Auh rihMdf sI, k ltkdy ivwc Bfrq dy lokF ny ‘afsU kI fsI? dI srkfr qy BuwKmrI dI iÈkfr hY. ienH ˆ idMhirafxy leI Bo l y Bfly lo k fˆ nU M nfl lY dIafˆ. ieMnf hI nhIN aO anfj È ivwrc jzvI bhumIitM qy mnu sMgI sfQI hI hn. dyÈ ivwc bfl l dI g wKqofˆ N dI pRvfngI rq nUdI M ikhf ik rfj pirvfr EQoN iewk surMg AusdyafsL m awmM mwl’ nUM afsf rfm qoN bfad jUnIar ieMbfhrly jInIar.dyÈfˆ qoN anfj ky ros pRdrÈn krdy hn. ieh iËMdgI dI leI lokfˆ nUM jIvn ijAUx leI ËrUdfrIiewkGft dw s ky aihmIaq jfnvrfˆ mËdUrfˆ dI gMBIr smwisaf hY. sI, ikAuNik Aus nUM zr dy jfiedfd dy JgVy ivwc dy hr kmry dy koloN jF hyToN ‘bfpU afsf rfm’ bxdf vI iew k vfrI crcf cwjfˆ ldpeI sfDn vI Au p lbD nhIN ho e y . afgU aksr dl bdlI vI krdy afXfq kIqf f hY aqy kimÈn nflo N vI Gw t hY . jfnvr mrn `qy sI ik Bfjpf ivcly Au s AudynHfˆ qoN idn Br kMm ilaf jfˆdf hY afsf rfm qy r I mdd kry g f, dI bxfeI geI sI, ijs vyK ilaf. hux afsf rfm ik ies nUM srkfr nOkrI qo afriQk ivkfs dy dfavy krn hn aqy rfqo rfq iew k nM b r dI nfl afpxIafˆ iqjOrIafˆ DI ies kfrvfeI dU mËdUrI bhuq Gwt idwqI jfˆdI bhumGo q vfr bvfl AuWTdf hY prnUM ihMpr qUM BrIafˆ siqsMg clI jfh. EQy dy gupq drvfjLy jF ry ivro jylH ivwc bYTf hY. ijs qrHF kwZx df iKafl bxf rhI hY. vflIafˆ srkfrfˆ nU M qrH ieh duÈmx ivroDI pfrtI sMq dIdybymrn iewjLq`qy I dfkomweudI f bxf kQf krdy rfm aqy ny AusdyÈ kmiraF jfˆdIafˆ hn. grIb ivakqI idn afsf afm sn. ivakqIafˆ ivw c inkldy Au h jylH ivw c hY, Esy F sB hY . dyÈ ivwc kfnUMn dy bfvjUd bfl rfmpfl ny vkq qoN pihlF nËr nhIN af irhf. Au n H f ˆ nU M qfˆ ienH f ˆ nU M jfn qo N ipafrI lw g x skdy hn. bIbI df nFa lY ky pu k firaf Br,idwhwqzf qy BMnsMvINq imhnq krky do s vI pRgt nhIN kIqf jfˆdf. ivafh dI pRQf kfiem hY. ieh crcf ieh hY ik AuaPso nHF rfhIN hux iewk hor sMq ByK vflf asqIPf bx hoeI qF ijMny mUMh, EnIaf kyvl vwvI zIafˆ IafˆMicaf iemfrqfˆ vkq g jfˆ q y pirvfrfˆ qyikl jdonfl N Auh lw bIbI AudWTII hY qF. bhu rfmpfl mn-psM d sL r DFlU rfmpfl jyl-H vw jfzphu dI ro t I vI bVI mu È ies dy È ivwienH c mMF qidnF rIafˆivwnUcM GuiewtkflyhYrfnI ikho ijhI afËfdI hY ijs ivwc dyÈ igaf. Au s ny pR c fr ieh gwlF’. ijMny mIzIaf cYnl qy afsf rfm kihx ik K aOmYrˆbqF nËr afAu NdIafˆ ivwclwgqfˆipaf vwK-vw r nUvwM Kafpxy -vwK kolkrn, idivafsrkfrI hYhI. rfmpfl dI cVH q dfhn ikwpr sf iksy . dUjleI y pfsyAubhu krmcfrIafˆ dI awDaKL I abfdI BuwK nfl mr rhI jnk ikw sf vfpiraf. ijs kIqf ikKfˆd sMfqhYbxn s qy srkfrI bfrF dy irportr, Eny ies mhfrfxIrfjnIiqk sfihbf ny sfrI grIb, prsf, dI kuwlprs I vwlrfm’ kdy dI AunHfˆ dI aPsr srkfr qoN qnKfh pfrtIafˆ ivwdyc bhfny bYTy buaqy drsL n l f ilaf ‘prsU vI aPsrfˆ nU M irÈvq lY x , idn hirafxf puils ny hfeI ny srkfrI nO k rI nU M lw q hY aqyqrH rsU hn. F dyKvfn kIVy mËy jf lwlYBrhy y. sfdgI jfiedfd sfzy afsLrm dy nFa qy smysI. nËr nhINcVHgeI. jn hYlY. ˆdiew ˆ anu sfr dy rfmpfl iKLlfPL rkort lgfqfr q dfjdo nfN vI ho ko kyeI mfrI y hn aqy qoloN kcfr fˆ dy kMm krn hoey hn aqy loV krdf imlfvtKo fˆ nUM imlfvt nUM bhfnfkrn kIqf dy ikÈ afËfd k bIbI ho x qo N bfad sfirafˆ dy AupdysL dyx vfly rfmpfl dfn kr idwqI hY. rfxI nhINsmwisafvfˆ dI gwlrfmpfl, krdf hY eyqfˆ y hn. s bxylY,ˆdijnH F ivwc,kql df rfmpfl ies dI QF ‘bfbf ibmfr hYjfn , srkfr kV jLdymIn mwulirÈvq lY leI,vI prlYˆdy hn. dyÈ afpxf AuWlU iswDfkykr zfktrfˆ nU M mrIËfˆ dI bdly nU M brfbrI df N hwidw ksimlxf df bfhro df zyrfcfhIdf aMdroN nhIN kih ky lokF nUM swc dwsx sYˆkVy smfijk srkfr afriQk dymvfDypRdI vI sI. Auhnfl jLmfnq Bgvfn rfmpfl ivkfs qy muljL dypul buIs l frynUM nyjnqf Au s `qy df nFa cfr ieh bIbIqrH ny fˆ lfgU kIqf dyÈ ivwc PYlIafˆ mfmlf Ky z x, ivwc kIqf kfnUMnikies sI pr aw j amIr ho r amIr hu Mdf dO l q df Zy r aqy aw X fsL I df lw g I qF Au s dI afvfjL dw b x dr df gux kurIqIafˆ ijvyˆ jfq f, dfjaf igaf. ies ‘rfmpfl jI mhfrfj’ swidaf. krvfpRkyQbfhr rfmpfl’ df-gfx sPrkrn krdflwg hY.pYˆdjLI hY mIn sM rfmpfl dI mihmf awiqafcfr krn qy Tykydfrfˆ nUM jf irhf jfq irhf hY ik amIr jur m krky aw z f inkilaf. by s L r mI ey QoN leI Au W c I afvfjL ivw c jY k fry hY aqy grIb ho r grIb. CoN AupRsQnyf, adflq jdoN ikrfm mulhokvdI abfdIqonU afsf y jFiËafdf rfmpfl, bfl jfxf bMd kfrvfeI leI Gyrf pY cuwkx N pRM Bfivq ho kyjfˆdfn qI grIb ibnfˆ pRQf, bfl ivafh,ipwsqI GtIaf kMm krn dI afËfdI imlI ijMnI qwdykr ik vI bc df dyhY idw pr aO r qF dy bfQrU Cw z rhy afsf rfm dy gu M z y Au s qwk sfry nfgirkfˆ m nUM krjfq idwqdy f. nf doawvjF AuvIWqy pIx kys vwvflf Ko-vwsfP K iksm pfxI aqy mËdUrI, Drm aqy nfmpiuls sKqI mgroN srkfr df bulfrf ‘sMq hY. afpxI kflI kmfeI ies AuWqdf y kYmaiDkfr ry lf ky pRaMfpq dr nhIN vwl ho e I hY . aprfD qo N hI Ps jfˆ d f hY . aw j nU M bFho N PV ky bfhr lY gey . brfbrI , nf srkfr dyishq hn, shU pr lbyqfˆ sLrpR mIfpq dovFnhIN dy hn. AuWqy kIqy jf rhy awkry iqafcfr bhuqy krn dyvy. rfmpfl’ kihM d f irhf qy jLmIn dI KrId ivwc Cupf ky nUd M GuoN qw Mmfey hoey sn.afËfdI df sMq dI pulIs jnqf AuWqy aMgaw ryjËfˆdynflo N afpxy NBgqF qoN adflq ies gwloN nfrfjL k aijhI k f ridn f ˆ sjdo f rN fkfrvfeI k u J hohuxMdf Au pwkro ly VpeI hY . isrPL ienH F do agly Krc kIqI, bIbI nUM blYk fˆ lokfˆ kol awj vI rihx rfjnIiqk afgU afˆ leI isrP cox m O j U d fho s r dfn vI ies qrH F Dw k y nfl vI vwD julm krdI hY. koeI Ìfiedf aqy dyduÈsihry leI ky piuisw lsiKaf nUM peI jixaF dy nhINnhIN , Bfrq c Au R f e I v y t lwkgrpeI, ky a x I adyf ˆ puils Bfrq dInhIN rfjnIqI Edof pN rfj mnI leI mkfn hn ivwaqy h kmfAux df mOkf dy idwqf krvf lYNdy hn. muwdf hI rihMdy hn. df qF pkfrvfeI krnI mjbU r I bx geI, pr keI ho r sfDF dy pw l y vI ieho mnfAu x dI sO L N k In hY . ieh mw u K I ny pihlI vfr ‘aiBXu k q ku r bfn ho x vfly ÈhIdfˆ dy su pny qy sfry hirafxy ivw c gu w z I sfrIafˆ iËM m y v frIafˆ qo N mu k q mM q rI afpxy afp nU M kfnU M n qo N PuwtpfQfˆ aqy rylvy styÈnfˆ afid aiDkfr hkIkq ivwc lfgU nhIN ies ivw c vI jw k o qw k y dI lM m I ijhI by s L r mI pY cw u k I hY , pihlF iew k rfvx dy bw u q rfmpfl’ dy sL b d cu x ky afpxy kbIrhYjIaqy df bwcy skUl jfx dI ho x f cfhu M d Iafˆ hn. srkfrI aDUry rihxgy. ÈhIdfˆ dy supdI cVH geI ijhfhn. sMq ieh ny AuWpikr ieho smJdy lwKafp fˆ- nUhoM irhf `qy rfqfˆ kwtx leI mjbUr hn. khfxI hY . Bfjpf mw u K mM q rI pr Bfrq dI jnqf nf ies isrjxf krdI hY . jdo N Au h vrqy , ijs df pM j fbI ivw c pY r o k fr dw s x vfly rfmpfl pY d f ho i eaf hY , ijs dy qpAu d o N hI pU r y ho x gy jdo N dy È df afm mihkimafˆ nU M mu n fPfKo r bxfieaf ivkisq dyÈfˆ dI lVI ivwc Èfml kroVfˆ dy Gutfly krky vI afËfd Qfˆ rotI dI Bfl ivwc kMm krdy krnanUfˆ M mMjf ndfirhf nhINhY. sVkfˆ rfvx qoafriQk N vwD zrfAuaqy xf mqlbnU‘do LI rfmpfl’ Mdf aslI vrqfry nUM smJ qrHF hn. df sMieh sfrIsB suwKkuJ kfrvfeI qyjL qoGu N pRMmBdyfivq ky bIbI smfijk, M pRsfeIvy t hwQfˆ huivakqI hnhoaqy kfnUMn ny df hr mËfk hox jf rhy BfrqskI ivwc hYaOrqyqfˆ aqy isafsI afgU hY . iPr Au s dy zy r y dI qlfsL I jfpx lw g pvy , iPr Au s sI. jdo N zy r y ivw c o N pu i ls Au W q y mfxn dy nfl afpxy ipClw g F ny cfr ey k V jL m In dfn dy bwcy kupoÈx df iÈkfr hn. keI AuzfAuNdy hn. grIb awj vI isr nUM nËr nhIN af irhf. ivDfn ivwc dy ky afm lokfˆ dI sVkfˆ qoN rfjnIiqk qOr `qy afËfd hovygdyf.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
ivrwuD agnI dy bfx clf ky ‘bdI AuWqy nykI dI ijwq’ df pRBFv idMdI hY. ijvyN hr vrHy hr iksy sLihr ivwc nvyN isirEN bxf ky rfvx df bwuq sfiVaf jFdf hY , ievy N hI BfrqI rfjnIqI eydF dy rfvx afpxy afp isrjdI qy iPr rfjsI loV df mhUrq inkly qoN sfVdI rihMdI hY. jdoN ieh bfby iksy zyry dI AusfrI krdy qy Aus ivwc surMgF Bory pwutx qoN hiQafrF df BMzfr krn qwk dy kMm krdy hn, Edo isafsI afgU ienHF kol jFdy aqy pYrIN hwQ lf ky sLrDf df pRgtfvf krdy hn. ijvyN iewk bIbI vwloN jLmIn dfn krn dI khfxI sux ky keI aMnHy sLrDflU eydF dfn krn lwg jFdy hn, AuvyN hI bfby awgy lIzrF nUM lytdf vyK ky afm lokF dI kqfr EDr nUM lMmI ho jFdI hY. lMmI kQf hY ies qrHF dy bfibaF dI, ijhVy AuWBr ky iksy hvfeI jLhfjL vFg asmfn vwl cVHy qy iPr jLmIn AuWqy af gey sn. asIN DIryNdr bRhmcfrI dI khfxI nhIN pfvFgy, ijhVf iksy smyN ieMdrf gFDI dy leI rfjsI nusKy iqafr krdf
huMdf sI. cMdrf svfmI df cyqf vI bhuqf nhIN krfAuxf cfhuMdy, ijhVf iksy smyN pRDfn mMqrI nrismhf rfE dy pRohq qoN lY ky swqf dy dlfl qwk df kMm krdf irhf sI. rfmdyv dI khfxI vI dwwsx dI loV nhIN, ijhVf pihlF kFgrsIaF df joVIdfr sI, iPr EQoN loV jogf Gwtf JfVy jfx ipwCoN hux Bfjpf nfl juiVaf ipaf hY. agnIvysL dI crcf krn dI vI loV nhIN, ijhVf keI mfmilaF ivwc afp vI cricq hY qy Aus dI smfj-syvI sMsQf vI. sony dI cwpl pfAux vfly swiqaf sfeI bfbf dI crcf vI byloVI hY qy sLMkrfcfrIaf jYieMdr dI crcf vI kIqI qF adflqF dy purfxy kysF dy iKwdoN dIaF lIrF PolxIaF pYxgIaF. iewk gwl hor ieh hY ik ienHF ivwcoN ijs iksy nUM kdy kfnUMn vwlo hwQ pfieaf igaf, Aus vyly kdy kFgrs vfilaF ny vI ivroD kIqf ho v y g f, bhu q I vfrI Bfjpf ny ies nUM ihMdU sMqF dI byiewjLqI krfr idwqf hY, qy jdoN Bfjpf nUM kdy Kud nUM ieho ijhy hflfq df sfhmxf krnf ipaf, ienHF ihMdU sMqF nUM Aus
dI srkfr ny vI PiVaf hY. ies sMbMD ivwc vI sMqF dIaF igRPLqfrIaf dI iewk lMmI lVI pysL kIqI jf skdI hY. dwKx df iewk sMq inwiqafnMd iew k vfrI keI pw u T y - isw D y cwkrF ivwc AulJ igaf qF kfnUMn df sfhmxf krn dI QF Prfr ho igaf. ieh kys krnftk ivw c Au d o N drj ho e y sn jdo N Bfjpf afgU XydIXurwpf dI srkfr sI, igR P qfrI vI Edo N ho e I qy PiVaf Aus nUM Aus ihmfcl pRdysL qoN igaf sI, ijwQy Bfjpf dy pRym kumfr DUml dI srkfr huMdI sI. svfmI jYieMdr srsvqI dI igR P L q frI df kMm qfimlnfzU dI jYlilqf srkfr ny kIqf sI qy idwlI ivwc jMqr mMqr vflI rYlI ivwc Bfjpf lIzrF ny ieh ikhf sI ik ieh igRPqfrI sonIaf gFDI ny kih ky krvfeI hY. jdoN inwiqafnMd dI igRPqfrI krn dI nObq afeI, EdoN krnftkf qy ihmfcl pRdysL dovF rfjF dy mwuK mMqrI Bfjpf dy hox kr ky ieho ijhf koeI mwudf nhIN sI bx sikaf, ijvyN hux rfmpfl df vI nhIN bx sikaf.
afsU mwl qo bfpU afsf rfm bx ky ijs bMdy ny Bfjpf leI keI coxF ivwc muihMm clfeI hoeI sI, Aus dy kIqy jurmF dy pihly kys mwD pRdysL qy gujrfq dIaF Bfjpf srkfrF ny drj kIqy sn qy Aus df gu j rfq vflf afsL r m vI nirMdr modI dI srkfr ny Zfihaf sI. jdoN idwlI ivwcoN Ausy afsf rfm nUM igRPqfr kIqf igaf, EQy Edo piuls ikAu N i k kFgrsI agvfeI vflI kyNdr srkfr dy aDIn sI, ies leI sfDvI Aumf BfrqI vI BVk peI. afsf rfm nUM rfjsQfn srkfr nUM sONipaf igaf qF EQy ies dI igRPqfrI dy ivroD ivwc iqMn Bfjpf ivDfiekF dI agvfeI hyT ros pRgtfvy ho gey, pr jdoN ieh vyiKaf ik Bfjpf lIzrisLp hI afsf rfm nUM jylH ivwc rwKx dy pwK ivwc hY, iPr Bfjpf dy Auh sfry ivDfiek cwup vwt gey, ijnHF ivwc iewk bIbI vI sI. svfl iPr ieh pYdf huMdf hY ik ies nfl Prk kI ipaf? rfmpfl PiVaf jfx ipwCoN vI Aus dy cyly kihMdy hn ik Bgvfn nUM kOx PV skdf hY,
afpxI mrjLI nfl jylH ivwc igaf hY qy jdoN Aus df idl kry g f, sfzy ivcfly afx drsLn dyvygf. afsf rfm dy sLrDflU iPr Aus dy nfl KVy hn aqy KVy rihx df aYlfn krI jFdy hn. inwiqafnMd dy sfhmxy KFdy-pINdy GrF dIaF pVHIaF-ilKIaF aOrqF smfDI lf ky awj vI bYTdIaf hn qy imrgI dy mrIjL vFg hlUxy mfrn qoN sLurU krky sfry qrHF dy kucwj krI jFdIaF hn. cMdrf svfmI ijwQy jFdf hY, Aus dy BgqF dI BIV huMdI hY. pMjfb df ajokf muwK mMqrI vI kuJ sfl pihlF cMdrf suafmI qoN hvn krfAux dy kfrn cricq irhf sI. eyny pwkf gfhkF vflf ieh sMqigrI df DMdf Bfrq ivwc cwldf hY qy cwldf hI rihxf hY. Blf ikAuN? iewk purfxf ikwsf hY ik iewk myly ivwc af ky iewk sfD ny pihlF smfDI leI, iPr jdoN lokF dI BIV juVI vyK leI qF AuWT ky aYlfn kr idwqf ik ihmflIaf phfV AuWqy mYN smfDI lfeI sI, EQy iewk bRhm irsLI imly sn. Auh mYnUM iewk mMqr dy gey sn. ijhVf
bMdf qVky AuWT ky iesLnfn krky ies mMqr nUM pMj vfr pVHygf, Aus dy Gr dOlq dy Zyr lwg jfxgy, mMqr ieh bhuqf mihMgf nhIN, sMqF ny ies dI kImq isrPL sO rupey rwKI sI. eyny sOKy ryt AuWqy iksmq KuwldI vyK ky BIV ivwcoN do ku sO bMidaF ny sO-sO rupey df mMqr KrId ilaf. sMq ny pwkI kr idwqI ik kwlH qVky KolHxf hY, jy iksy ny pihlF KoilHaf qF anrQ ho jfvygf. lok mMqr lY ky cly gey. agly idn sB ny qVky AuWT ky iesLnfn kiqf qy mMqr vflf kfgjL KolH ky pVHn lwg pey, Aus AuWqy iliKaf hoieaf sI: ‘ihMdusqfn ivwc mUrKF dI kmI qF hY nhIN, mUrK bxfAux vflf hoxf cfhIdf hY.’ ieh ijMny vI sfD afpxy BgqF dI BIV nfl TwgIaf mfrn df cwkr clf rhy hn, ies leI clf rhy hn ik AunHF ny TwgI df Auh mMqr pVH rwiKaf hY. jdoN qwk Bfrq dy lok qrksLIlqf dy rfh nhIN qur pYNdy, AunHF dIaf awKF AuWqy sLrDf dI pwtI bMnH ky sMq aqy rfjsI afgU eydF hI AunHF nUM lwutdy rihxgy.
Asa Singh Johal-Lumber Baron and Philanthopist
rominent businessman and philanthropist Asa Singh Johal arrived in Vancouver, B.C., and Canada with his parents on February 15, 1924. The one and one half year old baby was destined to become one of the most respected and outstanding citizens in his adopted country. Asa began to attend a school in the Marpole neighbourhood at an early age. He recalls that he was the only Indo-Canadian student in the school. The school had a large number of Japanese students. He states that during his two years at that school he didn’t learn anything. His father, Partap
Singh Johal, wasn’t happy about Asa’s lack of progress in school and moved him to David Lloyd George School in Vancouver. Eventually, he quit school at age 14 and went to work. His first job was as a spare clean up guy at the giant Fraser Mills which had 1,500 employees at that time. After working for a few years, Asa made enough money to travel to India in 1948 and got married to Kashmir Kaur from his neighbouring town Bundala (District Jalandhar). Upon his return to Canada, Asa got busy in gaining experience in the business he liked and excelled in. Ini-
tially, he bought a truck to haul wood. However, his ambition to build a sawmilling business always kept him motivated. Eventually, Asa and his family started a mill in 1962 on Mitchell Island in nearby Richmond. This laid the foundation of a very successful Terminal Sawmill Group of Companies. Over the years, Asa’s hard work, business sense and expertise has made him as one of the leading businessmen in the province. In addition to the Terminal Sawmill, to-day Asa and his family are the proud owners of two sawmills and remanufacturing plant in Washington State in the U.S. as well as Mainland Forest Products, a company Asa bought in 1974. Close to 500 employees work at several of these operations. Asa Singh Johal has not only excelled in his business acumen but also he stands at the front line of philanthropy. This soft spoken stalwart of the Indo-Canadian community has donated millions of dollars to various worthwhile causes and organizations. Be it the Children’s Hospital, UBC, Cancer Society, or any
other cause, Asa is there to help. He has donated more than $4 million to the BC Children’s Hospital so far and has committed to donated $100,000 in each of the following four years. Furthermore, Asa and his family have donated $1.5 million to the Cancer Centre beside the VGH. On top of that he has donated generously to UBC for various projects including scholarships for students. He donated land substantial funding for the India Cultural Centre of Canada’s Gurdwara Nanak Niwas on Richmond’s Highway to Heaven (#5 Road). He is the founding chairman of India Cultural Centre of Canada. The Johal Family answered the call/request for an auditorium in Asa’s hometown Jandiala (Jalandhar) by building an impressive auditorium at a cost of $165,000 at Girls Higher secondary School. This school serves more than 750 students over an 18 kilometer radius around Jandiala. Along with Balbir Jawanda and Sohan Basi, I had the honour to participate in the opening ceremonies at the school in February earlier
this year. It is an impressive facility designed to serve the growing needs of the school. The school principal and other prominent members of the town expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Johal and his family for this generous gift to the school. Not only that, whenever there is a worthwhile cause Asa and his family are there to help. Once talking to this writer, Asa mentioned that it gives him great pleasure when he is able to help the causes dear to his heart. Asa keeps himself active physically, mentally and socially. He is an avid traveller. After getting married in India in 1948 he didn’t visit the country of his birth for 24 years. So he went back in 1972 and liked it so much that he went every year after that for ten years. He has travelled widely all around the globe. In a recent conversation with this writer Mr. Johal stated that Venice (Austria) and Switzerland are some of his favourite places. The family go to their condo in Palm Springs quite regularly. The family is looking forward to visiting a number of places in
South and Central America including the Panama Canal. The Johal family’s acts of kindness have earned Mr. Johal various awards and recognitions. These include Order of British Columbia, Order of Canada. He was awarded Doctor of Law by the University of British Columbia for his generosity and community service. In short, Asa Singh Johal and his loving and dedicated wife Kashmir Kaur Johal and their family continue to work hard in making not only their community but also this province and Canada a better place to live.
Balwant Sanghera (Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist)
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Offer ends December 1
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Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
8th Annual Victor Ghirra Toy Drive kicks off!
enevolent Brotherhood Society (BBS) is helping the Ghirra family, The Co-operators Insurance branches and Vancity branches organize a toy drive in memory of Victor Ghirra. This will be the 8th annual Victor Ghirra Toy Drive – in memory of the man with a golden heart. Newly wrapped toys can be dropped off at Riverside Banquet Hall, Vancity and all The Co-operators Insurance branches from December 1st – December 13th. The toys will be distributed to the following organizations: Children’s Hospital, Richmond Christmas Fund, Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, Keys Solutions (helping families in Whalley), Nightshift Ministries – Care Centre and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Over the last 7 years, Victor’s name has been kept alive in the community by:
Over 18,650+ toys collected for: Children’s Hospital, Lower Mainland Salvation Army, Richmond Christmas Fund, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, an orphanage in Kenya, Guru Nanak Free Kitchen – downtown eastside, Umoja Operation, Richmond families in need, GirlKIND foundation – helping abandoned girls in India and Helping Hands Victor honoured by the Trinjan Society for his community work - $500 donation to the Richmond Fire Fighters Global Village project in Victor’s name “Victor Ghirra Scholarship Community Award” created by the Ghirra family at McNair Secondary School awarding $500 to a deserving graduating student since 2008 Victor was involved in many charitable initiatives, but one charity that Victor was really touched by was the BC Children’s Hospital. A heart warming story that depicts Victor’s character was when he would every Christmas, buy thousands of dollars of toys and go to Children’s Hospital to donate them to needy children. When they would ask, “Who are you and where are these toys from, which organization?” Victor would simply reply, “It doesn’t matter who I am or where I am from, these toys are for the kids and that’s all you need to know.” It was found out that Victor made trips to the hospital for over a dozen years. Victor was just being Victor, he didn’t tell anyone what he was up to. “Sitting amongst the hundreds of mourners at Victor’s funeral in October there was one thing that was clear: his giving spirit must live on. Speech after speech, in one of the most emotional funerals anyone has been to, all resonated the same feelings; it was not fair that Victor left this world at the tender age of 37,” says Harvey Kooner, Cofounder of BBS. This year everyone in the community is invited to enjoy some Christmas festivities at two toy count events in Surrey and Richmond. Bring a new, unwrapped toy and enjoy kids’ activities, food and even get a picture taken with Santa from 11am to 3pm on: Sunday, Dec 7th, 2014 at India Banquet Hall (13030 76 Ave, Surrey) and on Saturday Dec 13th, 2014 at Riverside Palace Banquet Hall (14431 Knox Way, Richmond). Victor’s brother Bobby Ghirra believes, “My younger brother can not imagine looking at Victor, without looking at that smile, the smile that could make a slow morning brighter or stressful day peaceful because it renewed my sense of hope. The meaning of the smile, will never lose its power, it will forever warm my heart in the coldest of times.” Everyone is encouraged to bring new and unwrapped gifts to the following locations: Riverside Hall, 14500 River Road, Richmond, Bobby Ghirra, 604.244.7755,
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
ÁËìÆ ðËÃÇñ§× Õñµì òñ¯º Fòź Õ°ôåÆ à±ðéÅî˺à F ççìð 駱 aYbI rYsilMg klWb, aYbtsPorz vloN 6vF kusLqI tUrnfmYNt 6 dsMbr nMU aYbI trzIsLnl sYkMzrI skUl, ivMzsr strIt, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf. ies tUrnfmYNt ‘c bI sI rYsilMg mYNbrF vjoN pRvfinq sfry vjLn aqy vrgF ‘c pihlvfn ihWsf lY skxgy. tUrnfmYNt dy inrdysLk asLok sLrmf, hrbMs isMG iZWloN, rijMdr isMG bfjvf aqy tonI mWlHI ny jfxkfrI idMidaF dWisaf ik tUrnfmYNt leI pRI- rijstrysLn 4 dsMbr nMU sLfmI 6 vjy qk hovygI. jyqUaF nMU golz mYzlF smyq kImqI ienfm aqy srtIiPkyt idWqy jfxgy.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Çñìðñ êÅðàÆ é¶ ÃðÆ ÇéÀ±àé ÇÂñÅÕ¶ 寺 ðµÖ èÅñÆòÅñ Áå¶ òÕÆñ ðÖçÆê ÇÃ§Ø ÃðŶ 駱 éÅîÆé¶ôé ñÂÆ ÔðÆ Þ§âÆ srI: PYzrl ilbrl pfrtI ny agly sfl hox vflIaF PYzrl coxf dy leI srI dy vkIl rxdIp isMG srfey aqy sfbkf aYm pI suWK DflIvfl nMU AumIdvfr dI nfmInysLn leI hrI JMzI dy idWqI hY. ieh dovyN srI dy do hlikaF qoN AmIdvfrI dy leI muihMm clfAuxgy. srfey jo ik ies vkq tI bI aYs lfierjL vloN 128vIN vfr strIt ‘qy kMm kr rhy hn, ny dWisaf ik AunHF df nF inAUtn nOrQ zYltf sIt dy leI nfmInysLn leI cuixaf igaf hY. ieh sIt ies vkq aYn dI pI dy ijMnI ismj kol hY. AunHF nUM 2005 ivc ikWqfmuKI glqIaF kfrn lfa susfietI bI sI vloN dosLI Tihrfieaf
sI, ijs krky AunHF dI pRYkits iek sfl leI rok idWqI geI sI. hlFik srfey df kihxf hY ik pihlIaF glqIaF df sfzy hmfieqIaF ‘qy asr nhIN hoxf cfhIdf ikAuNik Auh dubfrf lfa susfietI vloN inrdosL Tihrfey gey hn. AunHF dWisaf ik AunHF dI Aumr 39 sfl hY aqy nOjvfn hox dy nfl pVHy ilKy vI hn. AunHF nMU ibjLns dI pUrI jfxkfrI hY. AunHF ikhf ik pihlF myry qoN glqI ho geI sI aqy kMm kridaF glqI iksy qoN vI ho jFdI hY. AudoN mYN pUrI qrHF qjLrbf pRfpq nhIN sI. ies krky aijhI glqI hoeI.
iek sfl sspYNz rihx qoN bfad srfey ny du b frf iPr mY N b risL p 2010 ivc pR f pq kr leI. lfa susfietI dy pYnl ny AunHF dI aYplIkysLn svIkfr kr leI hY aqy pfieaf ik AnHF ny ieh jfx buWJ ky nhIN kIqf, blik iek glqI sI. afpxy ivvhfr ivc Auh pUry iemfndfr hn. AunHF ikhf ik srI inAUtn dy leI AunHF df nF suJfieaf igaf sI, jo ik ilbrl sIt mMnI jfdI hY. srI qoN srfey dy nfl DflIvfl hn, jo ik pihlF vI 2006 qoN 2011 drimafn aYm pI rhy hn. ies qoN bfad sLRI ismj hWQoN Auh hfr gey sn. ipCly sfl tYks cfrjF dy kfrn
AunHF ny 2013 ivc ikRstI klfrk dI agvfeI ivc sUbfeI coxf qoN ipWCy htx df PYslf kIqf sI. hfl dy sflF ivc DflIvfl ienkm tYks aYkt dy qihq dosLI vI Tihrfey aqy AunHF nMU jurmfnf vI kIqf igaf sI. AunHF dI pqnI ronI nMU vI 14 mfmilaF ivc cfrj kIqf sI, ijnHF ivcoN 5 ivc dosLI Tihrfieaf igaf sI aqy 5 hjLfr jurmfnf kIqf igaf sI. DflIvfl aqy srfey hfl hI dy do ilbrl AumIdvfr hn, jo srI inAUtn qoN AumIdvfrI leI hux nfmInysLn hfsl krn leI sMGrsL krngy.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
B.C. protects old-growth forests in Sea to Sky region The B.C. government has taken another step to promote biodiversity and protect old-growth forests by creating an additional 329 old growth management areas, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced.
Quick Facts: There are currently about 49,000 old growth management areas in B.C., covering almost 3.1 million hectares.
British Columbia’s newest old growth management A total of about 4.5 million hectares of areas are in the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District old-growth forest are protected within and cover about 12,117 hectares, representing over old growth management areas, provincial 13% of the 90,587 hectares of Crown forest land base in six landscape units.
parks, national parks, ecological reserves, land conservancies and recreational areas in British Columbia. The Sea to Sky Natural Resource District covers about 1.1 million hectares of land on B.C.’s south coast, east and north of Howe Sound: dsq/
Currently, over 37% of the South Coast Region (which includes the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District) is designated as parks, protected areas or conservation areas. Communities in the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District include Whistler, Pemberton, Mt. Currie, D’Arcy, Lions Bay and Squamish.
Establishing old growth management areas help protect the biological diversity of old-growth forests by ensuring that forest stands from all ecosystem types are protected and land use objectives are met. These areas are excluded from commercial timber harvesting, which helps preserve plant ecosystems, wildlife habitat and cultural values. Over 9% of the new old growth management areas contain rare ecosystems. The 329 newly designated old growth management areas are located within six different landscape units. Some of them are within existing provincial parks, public recreation sites, trails, campsites, community watersheds, wildlife habitat areas, ungulate winter ranges, land conservancies or First Nations cultural areas. •
Tuwasus Landscape Unit: 1,828 hectares, southeast of Garibaldi Provincial Park and west of the Lillooet River
Sloquet High Landscape Unit: 1,252 hectares southeast of Garibaldi Provincial Park and west of the Lillooet River
Sloquet North Landscape Unit: 797 hectares southeast of Garibaldi Provincial Park and west of the Lillooet River
Sloquet South Landscape Unit: 1,084 hectares southeast of Garibaldi Provincial Park and west of the Lillooet River
Lizzie Landscape Unit: 1,868 hectares on the east side of Lillooet Lake, from Highway 99 to the Baptiste Smith Indian Reserve at the south end of Little Lillooet Lake
Mamquam Landscape Unit: 5,287 hectares north of Squamish, from the Mamquam River and Cheakamus River watersheds to Rubble Creek at the south end of Daisy Lake
The process to set the boundaries of these areas began in 2011, in accordance with the Land Act, the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Land Use Objectives Regulation, and the Sea to Sky Land and Resource Management Plan. It also relied on input from natural resource professionals, forest tenure holders and First Nations. A 60-day public review and comment period concluded on July 25, 2014. The creation of more old growth management areas in the Sea to Sky Natural Resource District reflects the B.C. government’s ongoing commitment to protect old-growth forests, promote biodiversity and preserve valuable ecosystems for the enjoyment of all British Columbians.
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
After Election Celebration of School Trustee Preet Rai with Colleagues and Friends
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
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Friday, November 28th, 2014
Friday, November 28th, 2014
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 28th, 2014
jwrj mYkI lwiebRyrI ivc pMjwbI BwSw bwry gMBIr ivcwr vtWdrw
fYltw: hr mhIny dy qIjy mMglvwr, jwrj mYkI lwiebRyrI fYltw ivc mnweI jWdI swihqk Swm,18 nvMbr nUM pMjwbI BwSw dy do nwmvr ivdvwnW, fw. swDU isMG Aqy fw. rGbIr isMG isrjxw sMg mnweI geI[
GG & Co. Generic Ad (Conceptual)
ADVOCACY & GOVERNMENT RELATIONS • Advocacy campaigns • Advocating to municipal government. • Working with government and non-governmental organizations • Navigating bureaucracy • Inter-governmental communications. Justin P. Goodrich Managing Partner
Patrick Giesbrecht Senior Partner
COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS • Creation and execution of strategic communications plans • Message creation and implementation • Crisis communications • Press releases / speech writing • Spokesperson services / media relations • Coaching for media interaction / public speaking • Moderating public forums / open-houses • Reputation / risk management assessment • Working with primary and secondary stakeholder groups • Conflict resolution / facilitation
Giesbrecht, Goodrich & Co. Phone: 604.746.4030 Email: Website:
ies smy fw. swDU isMG ny ivrsy, ivrwsq qy siBAwcwr dI g`l kridAW ikhw ik pMjwbI Awpxy ivrsy, ivrwsq Aqy siBAwcwr bwry Brm ivc hn[ ies p`KoN pRgqIvwdI vI BulyKy ivc hn[ auh Acyq rUp ivc srmweydwrI dw KMfx krdy hoey jwgIrdwrI kdrW kImqW dw DRAFT smrQn kr jWdy hn[ ivkws smyN smyN dI DurI hY[ ivkws dy nwl smwj ivc qbdIlI AwauxI hI huMdI hY[ ivkws nwl ivrwsq qy siBAwcwr ivc qbdIlI vI AwauxI hY[ qbdIlI AwauxI cMgI g`l hY[ zubwn nUM Drm nwl joVnw byvkUPI hY[ iksy iek iK`qy dI iek zubwn huMdI hY ijs ivc keI DrmW dy lok vsdy huMdy hn[ mDkwl
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Who is GG & Co.? Giesbrecht, Goodrich & Co. is a consulting firm specializing in advocacy, communications, and public & government relations. Located in Abbotsford, Giesbrecht, Goodrich & Co. services clients throughout the Fraser Valley and the rest of British Columbia.
tions Studies, as well as a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from UFV. An academic at heart, he is currently pursing his Master of Laws in Diplomacy & International Law from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom.
Founded in July of 2012 by Patrick Giesbrecht and Justin P. Goodrich, both of these men bring with them various credentials and relationships that provide both value and benefit to the firm's clients.
An entrepreneur at heart, Giesbrecht has held interests in three different companies, all the while developing his passion for governance, policy, advocacy and communications. Most notably, Patrick is the former President of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce where his work earned him provincial recognition and saw him elected to the BC Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. As a result, Giesbrecht has become a trusted advisor to leaders from various stakeholder groups through the province, and is often sought after to provide counsel on various matters.
Goodrich – who serves as the firms Managing Partner – has worked in political communications for over a decade. His credits include: newspaper columnist, radio host, television host, moderator, keynote speaker and strategist. Additionally, he has also served as a Communications Officer at the BC Legislature. Goodrich is also well known throughout the Fraser Valley because of his role as Board Chair of the University of the Fraser Valley Alumni Association. Goodrich received both an Associate of Arts Degree in Media & Communica-
When asked about their vision, Goodrich said “our goal is to be the premier consulting firm outside of Metro Vancouver by providing 'big city' services with an understanding of the challenges and opportunities unique to the communities of the Fraser Valley.”