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BP Lab Services

Canada now has another third-party ELD certification organization

Canada has added another third-party organization that can certify electronic logging devices (ELDs). Along with FPInnovations and CSA Group, Albertabased Commercial Driver Technology can now verify and validate that an ELD meets Transport Canada’s technical standards.


Canada requires that all ELDs are certified by an independent entity. U.S agencies do not require such certification but any U.S.-based fleets which do business in Canada and operate across the border must use Canada approved devices. Although the ELD requirement for certification went into effect on June 12, provinces and territories are not yet enforcing the mandate. Adding another certifying organization will help as enforcement will be slowly phased in over the next year.

“We are staunch supporters of certifying ELDs to a common technical standard and have witnessed firsthand how the certification process increases the quality and trustworthiness of the product,” said Commercial Driver Technology founder Robin Doherty in a press release. “Expert third-party certification means drivers, motor carriers, and inspectors can worry less about what the ELD is doing and focus on benefits the ELD data provides.”

On its website, Commercial Driver Technology lays out the steps toward certification, including application, assessment, conformance report, certification, maintenance and surveillance.

Testing procedures are defined by Transport Canada and certification depends on the success of more than 400 technical tests on a device. ELD developers must make sure their devices remain compliant with these standards.

ELD certification organizations must also conduct surveillance audits on a yearly basis and maintenance audits each time a device is altered or upgraded.

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