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---- When your best just isn’t good enough ----

You may be one of the persons who have tried something and failed. You might be told you have no talent or you are useless. You may be insulted again and again. Well don't be discouraged. Cheer up! Read these stories of other people who were told the same thing or something similar and went on to prove themselves with great success! One group of young musicians approached a recording company. The company sent them out saying "We don't like your sound and guitar music is on the way out". The rejected group sustained their efforts to become the most successful rock band of the world! - They were the Beatles.

One young man was insulted by his own father that he would amount to nothing and be a disgrace to himself and his family Charles Darwin

A music teacher teased one young musician saying "as a composer he is hopeless". The man turned to be one of the greatest composers of all times. Beethoven!

One young man was fired from a newspaper because he "lacked imagination and had no original ideas". That man became the creator of most loved cartoon characters and theme parks - Walt Disney

Two writers worked hard to write a motivational book. They were told by Publishers that "anthologies didn't sell" and the book was "too positive". The book was rejected a total of 140 times. Do you know the name of the book? Chicken Soup for the Soul. It now has 65 different titles and has sold over 80 million copies all over the world.

This book was rejected 18 times before it was published. It then sold over one million copies the first year. The book was Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

One shy boy was told by a teacher he was "too stupid to learn anything". He turned to be the greatest inventor in the whole history of mankind. Thomas Edison!

This poor boy was cut from the high school basketball team, went home, locked himself in his room and cried. He turned to be the most famous basketball player. Michael Jordan!

One book was rejected by 30 publishers. The author threw it in the trash. His wife fished the pages out of the garbage and encouraged him to improve it and resubmit it. He followed her advice and expanded it into a wonderful novel which became super hit with millions of copies. The book was Carrie - the author Stephen King

As you can see, these are just a few of the people who refused to listen to the criticism or the "experts".

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