PAS959 ISO 18788:2015 Certified Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 16 Hours (2 Days)
Website: Chapter - 2: COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon Completion of this course, participants will be able to: Familiarize you with ISO 18788 Private Security Operations Management Systems Give complete understanding of the requirements of ISO 18788:2015 standard Acquaint you with the management system approach, PDCA and risk-based approach of ISO 18788:2015. Familiarize you with ISO 18788 SOMS documented information. Train you on auditing process and techniques for successfully performing ISO 18788 internal audit. Familiarize you with ISO 18788:2015 clause wise audit checklist.
Chapter - 3: WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE? Individuals who want to become ISO 18788 Internal Auditor. Personnel of private security organizations, who are involved in the implementation of the ISO 18788 security operations management system within the organization. Managers of private security organizations. Any individuals who want to enhance their auditing knowledge and skills, and those looking to achieve formal recognition as certified ISO 18788 trained internal auditor. Other people who have found this course useful.
For more information about ISO 18788:2015 Certified Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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