PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
The entire e-learning course has 4 main parts as below Lectures
Details No. of slides
Session-1: Introduction and Overview of ISO 31000:2018
Session-2: Risk Management Process – Fundamentals and Steps
Session-3: ISO 31000:2018 Requirements
Session-4: ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Requirements
Session-5: Techniques Used in Risk Assessment
Session-6: Importance and Benefits of Risk Management in the Organization
Session-7: ISO 31000 Audit Process
Session - 8 Risk and Audit Records
Session-9: Steps for implementation of Risk Management system
Total no. of slides (with Audio lectures) 2.
Hand-outs (each session detail document is given in PDF and participant can download, print, or save it for future reference)
Session Exams at end of each session and Final Exam
ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Certificate
236 Approx. 116 Pages in PDF Total 10 Exams Award Certificate
For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: Part – 1 Lectures: Under this part total 9 sessions are given as Presentations with explanatory audio to understand the subject.
ďƒ˜ Session - 1 : In this session, participants will aware about ISO 31000:2018. It covers total 41 slides on below topics: 1. Introduction and Overview of ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 31010:2019 2. ISO Facts 3. What is ISO 31000 Series ? 4. What is ISO 31000 Standard? 5. Introduction to ISO 31000 Standard 6. Scope of ISO 31000:2018 Standard 7. Complete Structure of the ISO 31000:2018 Standard 8. Supporting Structure of the ISO 31010:2019 Standard 9. What is ISO 31010 Standard? 10. What Prompted Revisions in ISO 31000 Standard? 11. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 12. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 13. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 14. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 15. Risk Management Terms and Definitions 16. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 17. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 18. Benefits of ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management System 19. Main Changes Against the Previous Version of 2009 20. Risk Management Terms and Definitions (Continue..) 21. What is Risk Management 22. Why to Implement Risk Management ? 23. Risk Management Structure 24. Risk Management Process 25. Risk Management Process (Continue..) 26. Overview of ISO 31000:2018 Based Risk Management 27. Risk Management Phases For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 28. Risk Management Process Steps 29. Risk Management Approach 30. Phase-1: Risk Analysis 31. Risk Severity / Impact 32. Risk Likelihood 33. Phase 2: Risk Evaluation 34. Risk Evaluation-Managing and Qualifying Risks 35. Phase-3: Risk Monitoring and Control 36. Risk Treatment 37. Phase-4: Post-Operation Information 38. Risk Assessment Tools 39. Areas To Consider For Risk And Opportunity Identification 40. Sample Risk Areas in Any Organization 41. Challenges
Session - 2 : In this session, participants will learn about Risk Management Process – Fundamentals and Steps. It covers total 11 slides on below topics: 1. Risk Management Process – Fundamentals and Steps 2. Risk Management Process - Steps 3. Risk Management Process – Steps (Continue...) 4. Risk Management Process – Steps (Continue...) 5. Risk Management Process – Steps (Continue...) 6. Risk Management Process – Steps (Continue...) 7. Risk Management Process 8. Risk Management Steps in a Sound Risk Management Process 9. Risk Register Template - The benefits of a standardized approach 10. Risk Register Template - The benefits of a standardized approach (Continue...) 11. Risk Register Template - The benefits of a standardized approach (Continue...)
Session - 3: In this session, participants will learn about ISO 31000:2018 Requirements. It covers total 45 slides on below topics: 1. ISO 31000:2018 Requirements For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 2. ISO 31000:2018 Standard Overview 3. Structure of Standards as per ISO 31000:2018 4. Clause 1-2-3 of ISO 31000:2018 Standard 5. Clause 4.0 Principles 6. Clause 4.0 Principles (Continued..) 7. Clause 4.0 Principles (Continued..) 8. Clause 4.0 Principles (Continued..) 9. Clause 5.0 Framework 10. Clause 5.1 General 11. The Components of Risk Management Framework 12. Clause 5.2 Leadership and Commitment 13. Clause 5.3 Integration 14. Clause 5.4 Design 15. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 16. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 17. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 18. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 19. Clause 5.4 Design (Continue..) 20. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 21. Clause 5.4 Design (Continued..) 22. Clause 5.4 Design (Continue..) 23. Clause 6.0 Process 24. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued...) 25. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued...) 26. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 27. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 28. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 29. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 30. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 31. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 32. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 33. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 34. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 35. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 36. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 37. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 38. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 39. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 40. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 41. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 42. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 43. Clause 6.0 Process (Continue..) 44. Clause 6.0 Process (Continued..) 45. Clause 6.0 Process (Continue..)
ďƒ˜ Session - 4 : In this session, participants will learn about ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Requirements. It covers total 37 slides on below topics: 1. Session - 4 : ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Requirements 2. ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Standard Overview 3. Structure of ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Standard 4. Clause 1-2-3 of ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Standard 5. Clause 4.0: Core Concepts 6. Clause 4.1: Uncertainty 7. Clause 4.1: Uncertainty (continued...) 8. Clause 4.2: Risk 9. Clause 5.0: Uses of Risk Assessment Techniques 10. Clause 5.0: Uses of Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 11. Clause 5.0: Uses of Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 12. Clause 6.0: Implementing Risk Management 13. Clause 6.1: Plan the Assessment 14. Clause 6.1: Plan the Assessment (continued...) 15. Clause 6.1: Plan the Assessment (continued...) 16. Clause 6.1: Plan the Assessment (continued...) 17. Clause 6.2: Manage Information and Develop Models 18. Clause 6.2: Manage Information and Develop Models (continued...) 19. Clause 6.2: Manage Information and Develop Models (continued...) 20. Clause 6.2: Manage Information and Develop Models (continued...) For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 21. Clause 6.2: Manage Information and Develop Models (continued...) 22. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques 23. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 24. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 25. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 26. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 27. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 28. Clause 6.3: Apply Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 29. Clause 6.4: Review the Analysis 30. Clause 6.4: Review the Analysis (continued...) 31. Clause 6.5: Apply Results to Support Decisions 32. Clause 6.5: Apply Results to Support Decisions (continued...) 33. Clause 6.5: Apply Results to Support Decisions (continued...) 34. Clause 6.6: Record and Report Risk Assessment Process and Outcomes 35. Clause 7.0: Selecting Risk Assessment Techniques 36. Clause 7.0: Selecting Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...) 37. Clause 7.0: Selecting Risk Assessment Techniques (continued...)
Session - 5 : In this session, participants will learn about Techniques Used in Risk Assessment. It covers total 29 slides on below topics: 1. Techniques Used in Risk Assessment 2. Introduction to Risk Assessment Techniques 3. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation 4. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) 5. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) 6. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) 7. Technique 1 – Development of Risk assessment sheet with the mitigation (Contd..) 8. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 9. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) 10. Technique 1 – Development of Risk Assessment Sheet with the Mitigation (Contd..) 11. Sample Risk Assessment Sheet for Technique 1 12. Technique 2 – Risk Assessment with Risk Treatment 13. Technique 2 – Risk Assessment with Risk Treatment (Continued..) 14. Technique 2 – Risk Assessment with Risk Treatment (Continued…) 15. Technique 2 – Risk assessment with Risk Treatment (Continued…) 16. Technique 2 – Risk Assessment with Risk Treatment (Continued…) 17. Technique 2 – Risk Assessment with Risk Treatment (Continued…) 18. Sample Risk Assessment Sheet for Technique 2 19. Sample Risk Treatment Plan for Technique 2 20. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action 21. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 22. Technique 3 – Risk and opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 23. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued…) 24. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 25. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 26. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 27. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 28. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..) 29. Technique 3 – Risk and Opportunity – Matrix and Action (Continued..)
Session - 6 : In this session, participants will learn about Importance and Benefits of Risk Management in the Organization. It covers total 12 slides on below topics: 1. Session-6: Importance and benefits of Risk Management in the Organization 2. Importance of Risk Management 3. Importance of Risk Management (Cont..) 4. Benefits of Risk Management 5. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont..) 6. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) 7. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 8. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) 9. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) 10. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) 11. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...) 12. Benefits of Risk Management (Cont...)
ďƒ˜ Session – 7 : In this session, participants will learn about ISO 31000 Audit Process. It covers total 40 slides on below topics: 1. Session - 7 : ISO 31000 Audit Process 2. Outline of this topic 3. Audit Definition 4. What is an Audit? 5. Why Audit? 6. What is Internal Audit? 7. Overview of Internal Management System Audit 8. Key Elements of Internal Audit 9. Requirements for Internal Audit 10. Tips for Trained Internal Auditors 11. Principles of Auditing 12. Types of Audit 13. Management System Internal Audit Techniques 14. Steps Involved in Management System Audit 15. Implementing the Audit Program 16. Seven Steps of Implementation of Audit Program 17. Step no. 1- Audit Planning 18. Contents of Audit Plan 19. Step no. 2- Developing Checklists 20. Step no. 3- Conducting Opening Meeting 21. Step no. 4- Conducting the Audit 22. Interview and questioning techniques 23. Collecting Evidences of Compliance 24. Objective Evidences 25. Step no. 5- Recording Audit Findings For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 26. Identifying Non-compliances 27. Categorizing Non-Compliances 28. Nonconformity Report 29. Nonconformity Reporting 30. Step no. 6 - Conducting the Closing Meeting 31. Step no. 7 - Preparing the Audit Report 32. Contents of Audit Report 33. Conducting Audit Follow-up 34. Auditor’s Qualities 35. Auditor's Personal Behavior 36. Auditor’s Conduct 37. The Audited Persons’ Conduct 38. Overview of the Process of Collecting and Verifying Information 39. Management System Internal Audit Process 40. Reference
Session – 8 : In this session, participants will learn about Risk and Audit Records. It covers total 11 slides on below topics: 1. Session - 8 : Risk and Audit Records 2. Risk Assessment and opportunity records 3. Risk Assessment and opportunity records (continued...) 4. Internal Audit Records 5. Internal Audit Records (continued...) 6. Internal Audit Records (continued...) 7. Form No. 1 - Internal Audit Plan 8. Internal Audit Records (continued...) 9. Form No. 2 - Internal Audit Nonconformity Report 10. Internal Audit Records (continued...) 11. Form No. 3 - Clause-wise Document-wise audit review report
Session – 9 : In this session, participants will learn about Steps for implementation of Risk Management system. It covers total 10 slides on below topics: For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: 1. Steps for implementation of Risk Management system 2. Step–1: Define the end goal before starting 3. Step-2: Set a timeline 4. Step-3: Build a relationship with stakeholders 5. Step-4: Be open for advising suggestions 6. Step-5: Customize where necessary 7. Step-6: Be flexible 8. Step-7: Involve users and decision makers 9. Step-8: Communicate 10. Step-9: Implement in stages
Part – 2 Hand-outs: For each lecture, hand-out is given in PDF format. The participant can download or print any documents to read it later to get detailed knowledge of all the 9 topics. Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Name of Literature Introduction and Overview of ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Process – Fundamentals and Steps Requirements – Risk Management, ISO 31001 ISO 31010:2019 Requirements Techniques used in Risk Assessment Importance and benefits of Risk Management ISO 31000 Audit Process Risk and Audit Records Steps for Implementation of Risk Management System
Total Pages 8 5 18 21 10 4 38 9 3
Part – 3 Exams: Each session contains session exam, Participants have to pass the exam after completion of each session. After passing all session exams there is one final exam, the participant must have to pass the exam with a minimum of 60% marks. User can reappear and clears each exam to complete the course and get download/print their ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor TrainingCertificate. For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: Part – 4 Training Certificate: After passing the exam the colorful training certificate is generated and the user can download it or print it. Anyone globally can cross verify the training certificate through our LMS platform.
Chapter - 2: COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon Completion of this course, participants will be able to: Familiarize yourself with ISO 31000:2018 in detail. Familiarize yourself with Steps of Risk Management Process. Familiarize yourself with ISO 31000:2018 & ISO/IEC 31010:2019 Requirements. Understand the Techniques Used in Risk Assessment. Know about the Importance & advantages of Risk Management. Get the knowledge of auditing. Familiarize yourself with Steps for implementation of Risk Management system.
Chapter - 3: WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE? This course is developed and brought to you by Punyam Academy; Punyam Academy is registered and certified under a scheme of Personnel Certification as per ISO/IEC 17024, which offers various e-learning as well as classroom training courses for working professionals, college students, and other individuals for enhancing their career to new heights. Our elearning courses help them to succeed in today's competitive environment, to renew licenses, and to update, strengthen and add quality to their existing knowledge and skills. Our courses are also useful for those who want to get a certification or start a new profession.
For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: Chapter - 4: USER MANUAL
Compatibility and Requirements for smoothly running our course 1. Bandwidth: Internet bandwidth must me 1 MBPS or higher. 2. Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP and higher versions, iOS, Android. 3. Browser: Best viewable in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. Also supports Internet Explorer. 4. Screen Resolution: To view slides properly, you must have a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher. 5. Cookies: You must have browser cookies enabled so that we can maintain your current session as you navigate through the application. 6. JavaScript: You must have enabled JavaScript so that the application runs smoothly. 7. Adobe Acrobat Reader: Some documents in our application are in .pdf format, so you must have installed adobe acrobat reader in your computer to be able to read such documents that you download. 8. Pop-up Enable: In your browser setting, check Pop-up blocker off, or enable Pop-up window. 9. Speaker: You must have speakers or a headphone attached to your computer so that you can listen to the course lecture while learning.
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For more information about ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training Click Here E mail: Tele: +91-79-2979 5322
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PAS143: ISO 31000 Certified Risk Management Auditor Training E-learning Course Duration: 14 Hours
Website: Chapter - 5: ABOUT COMPANY Punyam Academy is registered and certified under a scheme of Personnel Certification as per ISO/IEC 17024, which offers various ISO Training Courses and conducts webinars for online certification as well as classroom training. We are a leading name in E-learning, training and certification on ISO standards and all other types of management system standards. Punyam Academy specializes in a complete range of courses on awareness, auditor and lead auditor courses on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, OHSAS 18001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021, FSSC 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 13485, ISO 20000, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO 17034, Sedex, ISO 22301, NABH, Certified Calibration Engineer and other management system training courses. We provide E-learning courses on all of these topics through effective, enjoyable and time-saving online training sessions and webinars. We have conducted more than 300 public training programs as well as online corporate training sessions in more than 45 countries.
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