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INDEX Ailie Cohen Puppet Maker 32 Animata – Stephen Mottram 17 Barking Dog – Nenagh Watson 35 Beady Eye Theatre – Kristin Fredricksson 32 Dan Bishop 22 Blind Summit Theatre 7 Bootworks Theatre 30 Branar Téatar do Pháistí 32 Rod Burnett 22 Clive Chandler 22 Richard Coombs 22 Cube Theatre 32 Ding Foundation 8 DNA Puppetry & Visual Theatre Company 9 Geoff Felix 22 Flabbergast Theatre 32 Folded Feather 9 Frolicked 32 Garlic Theatre 10 Gravy Boat 33 Green Ginger 11 Hand to Mouth Theatre 12 Horse + Bamboo Theatre Company 12 Indefinite Articles 13 Indigo Moon Theatre 14 Lempen Puppet Theatre Company 14 Les Enfants Terribles Theatre Company 33 Little Angel Theatre 18 Lyngo Theatre 16 Magic Book Theatre 33 Nautilus Theatre – Alexander Winfield 33 Jose Navarro 33 Neighbourhood Watch Stilts International 30 Noisy Oyster 30 Nutmeg Puppet Company 34

On The Other Hand Puppet Theatre Company – Ken Haines 34 Pangolin’s Teatime 20 Pickled Image 15 Potato Room 20 Punch and Judy 22 Puppet Pool 34 Puppet (R)Evolution – Raven Kaliana 22 Puppet State Theatre Company 23 Shona Reppe Puppets 24 Matthew Robins 24 Robert Poulter’s New Model Theatre 34 Rouge28 Theatre 25 Rough Magic 34 Sketty 35 Robert Styles 22 The Fetch 35 Theatre-Rites 26 Thingumajig Theatre 28 Tortoise in a Nutshell 35 Unpacked 28 Vagabondi 35 Vision Mechanics 31 Wattle & Daub Figure Theatre 29

Puppets Abroad is published by British UNIMA and the Puppet Centre Trust, September 2011. Inclusion in this brochure does not constitute an endorsement by either organisation. Project administration Emma Leishman, PCT. Cover designed by Dan Barber.

Puppets Abroad

Puppetry in Britain and Ireland today ranges from puppets in opera, epic street theatre and immersive installations to Punch and Judy booths on the beach and shadow shows in art galleries. Puppeteers are collaborating with dancers, opera singers, beat-boxers, jazz musicians, museum curators, scientists and visual artists. The collaborations have proved very fruitful, producing rich performances that explore emotional, political and metaphysical worlds – for both adults and children. This collection of puppet companies reflects that wide range of work. While the companies included in this brochure are based in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, they demonstrate the international nature of the artistic scene: you’ll find puppeteers, designers and directors from France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Peru, Spain and the United States who have all made their homes in these islands. They have experience of international touring and an interest in showing their work more widely. These exchanges have been nourished by a recent flowering of puppet festivals. Alongside long-established festivals such as the Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the London

International Mime Festival, we now have festivals dedicated to puppetry from around the world: Suspense (London) and Manipulate (Edinburgh) specialise in puppetry for adults, while the International Puppet Festival Ireland and the Bristol, Beverley and Skipton festivals present shows for all ages. We hope that you will enjoy this introduction to some of Britain and Ireland’s puppet companies and look forward to meeting you at one of the festivals soon. Linda Lewis, Puppet Centre Trust Eleanor Margolies, British UNIMA

Les marionnettes a l’étranger De nos jours le théâtre de marionnette au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande a investi aussi bien l’opéra, le théâtre de rue que des installations d’ar tistes contemporains. On trouve aussi bien des spectacles de Punch and Judy dans les stations balnéaires que du théâtre d’ombres dans les galeries d’art. Les marionnettistes s’associent avec des danseurs, des chanteurs d’opéra, des beat-boxers, des musiciens de jazz, des conservateurs de musée, des scientifiques et des plasticiens. Ces collaborations se sont révélées fructueuses et ont produit des créations complexes, lieux d’exploration d’univers émotionnel, politique ou métaphysique- aussi bien pour un public d’adultes que d’enfants. La sélection de compagnies britanniques de marionnettes que nous présentons reflète ce large éventail de créations. Bien que basées en Angleterre, en Irlande, en Ecosse ainsi qu’au Pays de Galles, les compagnies présentées dans cette brochure affichent la nature internationale de la scène contemporaine britannique: on y trouve des marionnettistes, des scénographes et des metteurs en scène venant de France, d’Allemagne, d’Indonésie, d’Italie, du Japon, de la Nouvelle Zélande, du Pérou, d’Espagne et des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Elles ont l’expérience des tournées internationales et la volonté de présenter leurs spectacles dans davantage de pays de par le monde. L’essor de nouveaux festivals de marionnettes depuis ces dernières années a contribué au développement de ces échanges. A coté de festivals établis de longue date tels que le Festival International d’Edimbourg, le Festival off d’Edimbourg et le Festival

International de Mime de Londres, il existe maintenant des festivals consacrés aux différents théâtres de marionnette: Suspense à Londres et Manipulate à Edimbourg sont tous deux spécialisés dans la marionnette pour adulte, tandis que le Festival International de Marionnette d’Irlande et les festivals de Bristol, Beverley et Skipton présentent des spectacles pour tous les ages. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez cette introduction à quelques-unes des compagnies de marionnettes britanniques et irlandaises et espérons vous rencontrer bientôt à l’occasion d’un de ces festivals. Translated by Claire Doucet

Puppen schwärmen aus! Das heutige Puppenspiel in Großbritannien und Irland reicht von Figurenspiel in Opern, epischem Straßentheater und Installationen zum Eintauchen bis hin zu Punch and JudyBuden am Strand und Schattenspiel in Kunstgalerien. Puppenspieler kollaborieren mit Tänzern, Opernsängern, Beat-Boxern, JazzMusikern, Museumskuratoren, Wissenschaftlern und bildenden Künstlern. Diese Zusammenarbeit hat sich als sehr fruchtbar erwiesen und vielschichtige Inszenierungen, die emotionale, politische und metaphysische Welten ausloten, hervorgebracht – für Kinder und Erwachsene. Die hier präsentierte Auswahl britischer Puppentheater spiegelt dieses weite Spektrum wider. Obwohl diese Theater alle in England, Irland, Schottland und Wales ansässig sind, zeigen sie anschaulich die internationale Natur dieser künstlerischen Szene: man findet hier Puppenspieler, Bildner und Regisseure aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Indonesien, Italien, Japan,

Neuseeland, Peru, Spanien und den Vereinigten Staaten, die auf diesen Inseln ihre Heimat gefunden haben. Alle haben internationale Gastspielerfahrung und ein großes Interesse, ihre Arbeiten einem noch breiteren Publikum vorzustellen. Der Austausch wurde durch das erst kürzliche Erblühen von Puppentheaterfestivals genährt. Neben den lang etablierten Festivals wie das Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh Fringe Festival und London International Mime Festival, gibt es nun Festivals, die sich dem Figurenspiel aus aller Welt widmen: Suspense (London) und Manipulate (Edinburgh) zielen auf ein erwachsenes Publikum, während die Programme des International Puppet Festival Ireland und der Festivals in Bristol, Beverley und Skipton Publikum jeden Alters ansprechen. Wir hoffen, dass diese Vorstellung einiger Puppen- und Figurentheater Großbritanniens und Irlands euch gefällt und hoffen euch bald auf einem der Festivals zu treffen. Translated by Christiane Klatt

Títeres en el extranjero En la actualidad, los títeres de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda abarcan desde títeres en la ópera, representaciones de teatro épico en la calle, instalaciones inmersivas, a las marionetas en la playa de Punch y Judy, así como espectáculos de sombras en galerías de arte. Asimismo, los titiriteros colaboran con bailarines, cantantes de ópera, percusionistas vocales, músicos de jazz, comisarios de museos, científicos y artistas visuales. Colaboraciones que han demostrado ser muy fructíferas, dando lugar a brillantes actuaciones que exploran el universo emocional, político y metafísico de los adultos

y niños. Esta muestra de compañías de títeres refleja esta amplia gama de trabajo. Aunque las compañías de títeres incluidas en este catálogo tienen sede en Inglaterra, Irlanda, Escocia y Gales, también son un ejemplo de la naturaleza internacional de la escena artística, puesto que trabajan con titiriteros, diseñadores y directores de Alemania, España, Francia, Indonesia, Italia, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, Perú y los Estados Unidos que han convertido estas islas en su hogar. Ellos nos traen la experiencia de haber realizado giras internacionales, así como un gran interés en mostrarnos extensamente su trabajo. Estos intercambios se han visto enriquecidos con el reciente florecimiento de los festivales de títeres. Junto a los festivales ya establecidos hace mucho tiempo, como el Festival Internacional de Edimburgo, el Festival Alternativo de Edimburgo y el Festival de Mimo Internacional de Londres, contamos ahora con la presencia de festivales dedicados a los títeres de todo el mundo: El Festival Suspense (Londres) y el Festival Manipulate (Edimburgo) especializados en títeres para adultos, mientras que el Festival Internacional de Títeres de Irlanda, y los festivales de Bristol, Beverley y Skipton presentan espectáculos para todas las edades. Esperamos que disfrute con esta presentación de algunas de las compañías de títeres de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda y asimismo esperamos verle pronto en alguno de los festivales. Translated by Gema Rodriguez

Linda Lewis, Puppet Centre Trust Eleanor Margolies, British UNIMA

Puppets Abroad


Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Blind Summit Theatre www.blindsummit.com Blind Summit Theatre are purveyors of ‘extreme puppetry’. The company was founded in 1997 by Mark Down and Nick Barnes to present Japanese Bunraku-style puppetry in new places, in new ways. Their shows include Mr China's Son, Martin's Wedding, The Spaceman and Pirate Puppetry. Their Bukowski-inspired Low Life debuted in Edinburgh Fringe in 2005 and toured the world for five years with the British Council. They collaborated with Anthony Minghella on his award-winning Madam Butterfly in London and New York. Other collaborators include Complicite, Tectonic Theatre, Akram Khan and Royal Opera House. Their new show The Table will open the London International Mime Festival 2012.

Shows available for touring Low Life (60 mins): a gin-soaked cabaret of people and puppets. 6 on the road – cast 4, crew 2. 1984 (140 mins): a witty sweaty low-tech adaptation of George Orwell's brilliant political satire. 10 on road – cast 7, crew 2. The Table (70 mins): a Beckett-inspired story of a puppet stuck on a table. Contact details Blind Summit Theatre Unit 10, Grenville Workshops, 2a Grenville Road, London, N19 4EH maeve@blindsummit.com +44 (0) 20 7272 9020

'If puppetry is ever to be the next rock'n'roll, these animators may well be its frontmen.' Time Out 'Brilliantly compulsive pissed up puppetry for grown ups.' British Theatre Guide 'Exquisite.' The Times


Puppets Abroad

The Ding Foundation www.thedingfoundation.com The Ding Foundation makes visual theatre using puppets, objects, sound, physical performance and music. They have made three productions (Being a Bird, Unexploded Bomb and Hanging by a Thread) that sit between visual art and theatre, employing a strong sense of physicality expressed through the creation of moving images and sound worlds. They have performed at the Traverse, Edinburgh, Little Angel Theatre, The Unity, Liverpool, Bath Puppet Festival, Visions Festival, Brighton and abroad at the Torun Puppet Festival, Dordrecht Micro Festival and the Warsaw School of Puppetry. The work is devised and performed by Amelia Pimlott and Hannah Marshall. ‘…where the rich world of puppetry is headed next…intensely moving’ Joyce Macmillan, The Scotsman on Hanging by a Thread

Amelia Pimlott 62 Holcombe Road, London N17 9AR +44 (0) 208 8084926 + 44 (0) 7939 522519 thedingfoundation@yahoo.co.uk


Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

DNA Puppetry & Visual Theatre

Folded Feather



Established in 1994, DNA devises and develops its performance through the physical capabilities of the puppets, objects and set design, to create an action-based stage dynamic. DNA creates experiential learning performances for early years, draws upon traditional tales in its work for children, and historical research in its work for youth and adults. ‘DNA’s wonderful blend of classic tales is one of the best children’s shows touring the UK’ The West End Centre Chicken Licken is DNA’s most popular production, touring nationally & internationally for over ten years. The production is a oneman show performed in English, French or Spanish. dna@dynamicnewanimation.co.uk +44 (0)161 408 1720

Based in London, Folded Feather is at the forefront of the UK puppetry scene, with a growing reputation for the creation of unique and exciting productions. The company has been invited to Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Fusion Festival Germany, Festival Rodara Mexico, Puppetbuskersfestival Belgium, Festival of Contemporary European Theatre Germany, Suspense London Puppetry Festival, and the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes. A combination of the talents of puppeteer Oliver Smart and musician/puppeteer Matt Short, Folded Feather was formed in 2007. ‘Absolutely exquisite.’ Total Theatre ‘Outstanding.’ Time Out London Suitcase Circus (60 mins, 2 performers) Life Still (60 mins, 2 performers + technician) Helena Richardson, 57A Leahurst Road, Hither Green, London SE13 5HX +44 (0) 20 8318 9365 or +44 (0) 7931 801091 skype: helena.richardson


Puppets Abroad

Garlic Theatre www.garlictheatre.org.uk Founded in 1997, Garlic Theatre uses image, puppet animation, movement and music. The company specializes in thought-provoking puppet theatre for young people which is also stimulating and exciting for adults. Shows have toured extensively throughout the UK and in international puppet festivals in 16 countries, including Singapore, Brazil, Italy and Denmark. Mark Pitman and Iklooshar Malara work with guest director Steve Tiplady (Indefinite Articles) and designer Michaela Bartonova (Tineola Theatre) in a collaborative artistic process.

‘Mark Pitman and Iklooshar Malara run one of England’s best companies in the field’. Penny Francis ‘The whole show burst at the seams with creativity and innovation.’ Jim Hutchon on Fiddlesticks Shows available for touring Fiddlesticks (50 mins) Puppets made from old instruments spring to life: birds fly out from music scores, a horse emerges from the bow of a violin. One performer Age 4+ George and the Dragon (45 mins) Two performers Age 5+ The Magnificent Flying Machine (50 mins) One performer Age 4+ Contact details Mark Pitman and Iklooshar Malara 15 Church Lane, Wicklewood, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9QH +44 (0)1953 609141 garlictheatre@virginmedia.com


Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Green Ginger

engineering alongside lo-fi puppetry.


Mac et le Géant (35 mins) Terry Lee’s one-man show, in French with dark English humour.

Green Ginger is based in Bristol, UK and Wiseppe, France, creating award-winning theatre and films since its formation in 1978. The company prides itself on accessibility and flexiblity, and has performed in places as diverse as the Arctic regions, Soweto and Palestinian refugee camps. ‘There is always something wonderfully anarchic about Green Ginger’s work, an inspired mix of art and lunacy. So different from almost anything else you’re ever likely to see in the theatre... a rare and wonderful thing. ‘ The Guardian ‘Psychologically astute and caustically comic.’ New York Times

Gaston (25 mins) Gaston creates instant caricatures which he gives away. He has performed in 12 languages across four continents. Contact details Green Ginger (UK), Tobacco Factory Theatre, Raleigh Rd, Bristol, BS3 1TF +44 (0)117 9225599 or +44 (0)7977 465 850 mail@greenginger.net Les Green Ginger (France), 8, Rue du Montorgeuil, Wiseppe, 55700 France +33 615 67 97 25 lesgreenginger@gmail.com

Shows available for touring Regenerator (24 hours+ non-stop) A touring installation featuring advanced robotic


Puppets Abroad

Hand to Mouth Theatre

Horse + Bamboo



Established in 1982, we create original high quality theatre with puppets for local, national and international audiences. Our policy is to produce ‘intelligent popular theatre’. We have performed at festivals and theatres in Russia, Middle East, South Korea, USA (three tours) and all over Europe. Our work is mostly nonverbal, but we can use some French, German and Spanish. All music is performed live.

Horse + Bamboo Theatre Company have been making and touring high quality visual theatre for over 30 years. Horse + Bamboo’s audiences leave with a mind full of lasting images that can rarely be compared to anything seen before or after. Our work is mostly non-verbal.

‘The best hand puppet show I’ve ever seen.’ Eric Bass, director of Sandglass Theatre ‘A fantastic, magical, mythical and multilayered show.’ Sid Langley, Birmingham Post Piggery Jokery (30 mins) 2 performers This versatile show can be performed in any space, indoors or outdoors. Martin Bridle and Su Eaton, 51 Arnold Road, Southampton, SO17 1TF +44 (0) 2380 555392 htmtheatre@btopenworld.com


Joint Ar tistic Directors Alison Duddle and Bob Frith use images and Loz Kaye and Chris Davies provide music to tell great stories. We have toured extensively in Spain, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands and Romania.

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Storm in a Teacup (45mins) 2 performers for age 4+ Red Riding Hood (45mins) 2 performers for age 4+ Angus (1hour 40 with interval) 4 performers for older children and adults Horse + Bamboo Theatre 679 Bacup Rd, Waterfoot, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 7HB +44 (0)1706 220241 info@horseandbamboo.org

Indefinite Articles www.indefinitearticles.co.uk Indefinite Articles Theatre Company was started in 1995 by sculptor Sally Todd and puppeteer Steve Tiplady. We devise theatre for all ages using objects, materials and shadows. At the heart of our work is the transformation of ordinary and everyday things into the extraordinary. The company has performed nationally and internationally: Henson Puppet Festival, New York, Lutke Ljubljana, Porto, Hundesdag Festival. Halle, National Theatre Mexico, Theatralia Festival Madrid, Royal National Theatre, Beirut Arab Puppet Theatre.

Claytime (1 hour 20 mins) 3-7 years. Improvised stories animated with clay. 2/3 performers. Pinocchio (1 hour) 4-11 years. Told with real tools from a carpenter’s workshop. 2 performers. The Magic Lamp (50 mins) Age 4+. Aladdin – a shadow show in the round, using paper and oil. 2 performers. The Chalk Giants (50 mins) Age 6+. An English folk tale in chalk and shadows, 3 performers. Penumbra (1 hour 10 mins) for age 16+. An exploration of desire and decay using the human body and shadow. 2 performers. Sally Todd and Steve Tiplady, 8 High Street, Grantchester, CB3 9NF +44 (0)1223 840792 sally.connie.todd@gmail.com/tipladysg@aol.com

‘Wonderful work that celebrates the possibilities of theatre.’ Guardian ‘Amazing…the elements of dust and light have joined with storytelling to extend the boundaries of theatre.’ The Times


Puppets Abroad

Indigo Moon Theatre

Alice & the White Rabbit (50 mins) age 4+ 2 performers. Large scale shadow theatre.

www.indigomoontheatre.com Inspired by European and Asian traditions, puppeteer Anna Ingleby combines lifelike movement with music by composer Haviel Perdana to create contemporary interactive family shows with global influences. Touring for over ten years includes Northern Ireland, Scotland, the Little Angel Puppet Theatre, Norwich Puppet Theatre, Barcelona, Singapore and Indonesia. Shows use minimal language

The Lost Forest (50 mins) age 5+ 2 performers. Wayang Golek rod puppetry, digital projection and shadows. The Worm that Squirmed (50 mins) age 5+ 2 performers. Wayang Golek, rod puppetry and shadows. Saraswati (15 mins) 2 performers. Dancing marionette from Rajasthan, accompanied by live sitar or tabla Anna Ingleby, 35 Waltham Court, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9JF +44 (0) 1482 867646 +44 (0) 7855 328552 info@indigomoontheatre.com

Lempen Puppet Theatre www.lempen.co.uk

and can be adapted for different languages, particularly French, German or Indonesian. ‘A small children’s theatre company that makes a big impact.’ William Wilson, Director of Lyth Arts Centre, Scotland. Aladdin (50 mins) age 4+ 2 performers. Large scale shadow theatre.


Lempen Puppet Theatre Company, founded in 1987, is one of Britain’s great touring theatre companies. They tour all over the UK, and have appeared in Ireland, Austria, Germany, Switzerland,, Greece, Finland, France, Italy, Denmark and the Czech Republic. They specialise in modern myths that connect the imagination to real and contemporary issues, underlined with original music, producing entertaining, quality theatre for children and family audiences. Main shows can be performed in English or German and street shows in English, French, German, Italian, Finnish and Danish.

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

‘A simple idea … created with such loving care and attention to detail that you just have to smile. Sometimes three minutes is all that’s needed!’ Dorothy Max Prior, Animations Online Journey Of Turtle (50 mins) 1 performer With shadows, table-top puppets and storytelling. Family/ age 5+ The Amazing Thing (50 mins) 1 performer A journey through well-known tales, told with puppets, acting and live music. Family/ age 5+ Ugly Beauty (50 mins) 1 performer Melo sits alone by the sea. A beautiful princess pushes him in the mud! Puppetry, shadows and original music. Family/ age 5+ Theatre For One (3min shows) 1 or 2 performers. Street theatre with a difference – for one at a time. Family/ age 4+ 28 Belgrave Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 1QB +44 (0) 1756 797 149 lempen@lempen.co.uk

Pickled Image www.pickledimage.co.uk Pickled Image has toured the world with sellout productions for the past ten years. Houdini’s Suitcase won the People’s Jury Prize in Brazil in 2007. We created and directed Hunger with Tinkerting and Nordland Visual Theatre, nominated for a Golden Award (Norway). Little Edie (2 performers; 1 technician) Made in collaboration with Nordland Visual Theatre, Little Edie is a show about love, loss and a mother-daughter relationship, aimed at an adult audience with Pickled Image’s trademark style of gloriously dark humour, wonderful puppets and set. +44 (0)117 930 0201 +44 (0)7974 147 521 mail@pickledimage.co.uk


Puppets Abroad

Lyngo Theatre www.lyngo.co.uk Patrick Lynch is the artistic director and principal actor while Marcello Chiarenza is the director and designer, with Cialdo Capelli composing all the music. Creatively rooted in Italy and touring since 2003, Lyngo make interactive shows inspired by ‘arte povera’ and ‘object theatre’. Lyngo have toured to major venues such as the Unicorn in London, the Citizen’s in Glasgow, Theatre Royal Bath, the Lowry in Manchester and the New Victory in New York and to festivals in Edinburgh, Baborò, Dublin International and the EuroFest in Washington. ‘Lyngo know the score when it comes to producing shows for the very young… delightful.’ The Stage ‘Captivating.’ British Theatre Guide ‘A celebration of theatre itself.’ Glasgow Herald


Shows available for touring Tom Thumb and The Dust Man Both for age 5+ (50 mins) 1 actor Watch the Birdy and The Fish’s Wishes Both for age 3+ (45 mins) 1 actor Room in the Sky and Snow Play Both for age 5+ (50 mins) 2 actors Hansel and Gretel Ages 5+, 1 hour, 2 actors Egg and Spoon Ages 1-5, 40 minutes, 1 actor Circus Minimus and What a Wonderful World Both for age 2-5 (40 mins) 1 actor Contact details 6 Hilltop Avenue, Cults, Aberdeen, AB15 9RJ +44 (0) 7957 134943 patrick@lyngo.co.uk

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Stephen Mottram’s Animata The company, formed in 1988, tours a number of performances using predominantly string puppets and contemporary music for adult audiences. There is no text, so no language barrier. Best known of these, after tours in 18 countries, is The Seed Carriers which has marionettes and automata combined with electroacoustic music by Glyn Perrin. ‘His artistry is formidable, like his imagination. I have never before seen the eeriness of marionettes combined so insistently with dread’. The Times ‘Mottram’s work draws its inspiration from sculpture, mime and dance and its powerful

atmospheric quality is totally captivating.’ Plays and Players ‘A richly suggestive encounter, Organillo promises to hypnotise audiences through the nooks and crannies of their unconscious.’ Time Out Shows available for touring The Seas Of Organillo: a sensual and poetic glimpse at the science of fertility with electroacoustic music by Sebastian Castagna. In Suspension: six short marionette pieces for adult audiences, performed on an open stage by Stephen Mottram. The music is by Glyn Perrin, Simon Waters and Pete McPhail. Eggbird: a children’s version of In Suspension. Contact details Stephen Mottram, 31 New High Street, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7AJ +44 (0)1865 742587 stephen.mottram@virgin.net


Puppets Abroad

Little Angel Theatre

The Little Angel Theatre has established an unparalleled reputation in the UK for quality productions of puppetry in the 50 years since it was founded by John and Lyndie Wright. The company has a reputation for producing outstanding work for both children and adults including Venus And Adonis and The Tempest, 18

both collaborations with the RSC, and recent adaptations of Alice in Wonderland and Petrushka. Peter Glanville has been Artistic Director since 2006. International transfers include Fantastic Mr Fox (Manitoba, Canada) and The Mouse Queen (New Victory, New York).

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Shows available for touring Alice In Wonderland Age 5+ 4 puppeteers 1 hour 15 mins The Tempest Age 7+ Co-produced with the Royal Shakespeare Company 7 performers 1 hour 20 mins A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez For adults and children 5+ in association with Kneehigh Theatre 4 puppeteers 1 hr 15 mins The Magician’s Daughter Age 3-6 2 puppeteers 40 mins

Contact details Miranda Pitcher miranda@littleangeltheatre.com Peter Glanville peter@littleangeltheatre.com 14 Dagmar Passage, off Cross Street, London, N1 2DN +44 (0) 207 359 8581 www.youtube.com/user/TheLittleATheatre www.littleangeltheatre.com 19

Puppets Abroad

Pangolin’s Teatime

Potato Room



Pangolin’s Teatime, established in Edinburgh in 2006, presents new writing through experimental and traditional puppetry. We primarily create work for adults, using direct manipulation, table-top, shadow, rod and glove puppets. Pangolin’s has toured throughout the UK and at festivals including the Edinburgh Festival, Suspense, and Manipulate.

Potato Room productions was created in 2010 by Gavin Glover, formerly a co-director of FaultyOptic Theatre of Animation. Still dark and humorous, cruel and experimental, Gavin Glover’s work includes actors and nontraditional puppetry, prerecorded video and roving camera techniques. 2011 tours include: London International Mime Festival, BIAM Paris, Stamsund International Theatre Festival, Norway, Charleville Mézières, France.

‘Ingenious and innovative.’ The Scotsman ‘Clearly one to watch.’ The Stage The Great Puppet Horn (60 mins) Cutting comedy from the UK’s leading satirical shadow puppet show. Age 15+. 2 performers

‘This is an important work of art, not a requiem to Faulty Optic but a glimpse of adult puppetry’s future.’ Matthew Isaac Cohen Animations Online ‘Freakish puppets and fizzing ideas.’ The Stage

Haozkla (60 mins) Age 8+. 8 performers ‘Alive and piercing.’ Total Theatre Jeremy Bidgood, 62B Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9PU +44 (0) 7718209837 info@pangolinsteatime.com


Flogging a dead horse (1hour 20mins) In English or French. 2 performers.

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Gavin Glover mrgavinglover@gmail.com Skype: gavinglover +44 (0)161 4083 808 (UK) +32 (0)484 653 682 (Belgium) 21

Puppets Abroad

Clive Chandler +44 (0) 121 441 5694 www.tiptoppuppets.co.uk Richard Coombs +44 (0)1283 792959 www.richardcoombs.co.uk

Punch and Judy Professors Celebrating his 350th birthday in 2012, Mr. Punch is the UK’s oldest and most famous puppet character. Popular with both children and adults, the traditional story of Punch and his wife Judy, a crocodile and a string of sausages is told using hand puppets and slapstick comedy. Robert Styles Performing since 1980, Styles is a secondgeneration Punch & Judy man who has travelled throughout the UK and to festivals in Marseille, Provence, Mistelbach, Segovia, Salamanca, Frankfurt, Halle, Vienna, Wels and Lubeck, as well as throughout Japan. 46a Naylor Road, London SE15 1QQ +44 (0) 207 358 1708 +44 (0) 7950 784511 robpunch@hotmail.com www.robertstyles.com Rod Burnett www.storyboxtheatre.co.uk Dan Bishop +44 (0)1822 613957 danandemmabishop@tiscali.co.uk


Geoff Felix +44 (0) 8903 3869 www.geofffelix.com

Puppet (R)Evolution http://puppetrevolution.co.uk Writer/director/puppet maker Raven Kaliana established Puppet (R)Evolution in 2008, with Luke Wallens joining as Assistant Director in 2010. The critically acclaimed Hooray for Hollywood, an expose of the child pornography industry will feature at the Charleville Festival in 2011. Fragile/Sacred tours to the Czech Republic and Denmark in 2011, and premieres in London at the Suspense Festival.

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

‘Full marks for audacity’ Time Out Fragile/Sacred (50 mins) Age 13+ 4 puppeteer/actors, 1 musician Hooray for Hollywood Age 18+ (40 mins + 30 mins post-show discussion) 5 puppeteer/actors, 1 musician Raven Kaliana, 167 Hermitage Road, Omega Works Unit 3K, London, N4 1LZ puppetrev@hotmail.co.uk +44 (0) 7504346565

and Ailie Cohen in 2006. The Man Who Planted Trees has toured across the UK and Ireland as well as in Malaysia, Bermuda, the Netherlands, USA, Canada and Australia, and in a French version at the 2011 Charleville-Mézières World Puppetry Festival. ‘Laughs, heartbreak, war, regeneration, scented breezes, sparkling wit, the best dog puppet ever. Perfect for children and grown-ups. Terrific.’ The Guardian The Man Who Planted Trees (65 mins) Age 7+ In English with some French.

Puppet State Theatre Company www.puppetstate.com Puppet State Theatre Company, based in Edinburgh, was founded by Richard Medrington. After performing his one-man puppet shows for 20 years he joined forces with Rick Conte

40/1 Woodhall Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0DU http://puppetstateblog.wordpress.com elspeth@puppetstate.com +44 (0) 131 441 9693 +44 (0) 7595 930624


Puppets Abroad

Cinderella (47 mins) Age 5+ Olga Volt The Electric Fairy (45 mins) Age 7+ Potato Needs a Bath (45 mins) Age 2 – 5years Shona Reppe Puppets c/o Paul Fitzpatrick, Catherine Wheels Theatre Company, The Brunton Theatre, Ladywell Way, Musselburgh, EH21 6AA shonareppepuppets@googlemail.com

Matthew Robins www.sadlucy.com

Shona Reppe Puppets www. shonareppepuppets.co.uk Since 1997, Shona Reppe Puppets has been dedicated to creating highly visual small-scale solo puppet productions for children and their families. Cinderella has toured all over the world including the Sydney Opera House, the New Victory Theatre, New York, Japan, Belgium, France, Israel and the UK. Awards include a Total Theatre Award 2002. ‘Cinderella is a magical and mischievous delight; combining simple storytelling with lush and inventive images’. nytheatre.com 2009 ‘I defy anyone of any age not to be entertained…witty, clever and superbly performed.’ Edinburgh Guide


Matthew has had works commissioned by the Barbican and the National Theatre in London, and the Waterfront in Belfast, and has performed his shows across Europe, including at Tate Britain and the closing night of the Aosta Valley choral festival.

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

‘Silhouettes that have something of the deft wit of Picasso sketches.’ The Guardian

Photo: Monika Kita

‘Incomparably eldritch shadow puppets: snipped with gothic delicacy from black paper, their crooked fingers reach directly into your imagination.’ Time Out Flyboy, Sad Lucy and other Stories Artist and musician Matthew Robins tells the story of Flyboy, half-boy/half-fly, in a series of romantic science-fiction shadow-puppet operas. Singing and performing live on stage with his band, Matthew projects his intricate paper cut-outs and home-made cardboard animations onto the big-screen. Running time: 100 minutes including interval, but can be tailored to fit specific requirements. Performed in English, but highly visual. Matthew Robins, 21a Prairie Street, London, UK, SW8 3PL +44 (0) 207 4984617 +44 (0)7929 673231 someone@sadlucy.com

Rouge28 Theatre

Theatres (Charleville-Mézières), Skipton International Puppet Festival, and Decibel Performing Arts Showcase (Manchester). ‘Rouge28’s true magic is in the simple moments.’ Matt Jackson, Animations Online ‘Both magical and sad.’ Louise Costelloe-Ward and Hanna Leaper, Nerves Urashima Taro (55 mins) tells the story of a poor fisherman seduced by a mysterious and cruel turtle-woman. This solo performance explores power, seduction and death, with an underlying sense of humour. Inspired by Japanese mythology, it fuses stunning visuals with human-size puppets and paper theatre. In Japanese and English. Recorded narration available in several languages. Age: 14+.

www.rouge28theatre.co.uk Founded in 2005, Rouge28 is a company of international theatre artists based in London. We fuse life-sized puppets, paper theatre, and new technologies to produce original and intriguing visual theatre. Urashima Taro has toured England since 2010 and has been selected for the World Festival of Puppet

Paul Piris, 164 Lordship Lane, London SE22 8HB +44 (0) 208 693 0070 +44 (0) 795 172 8330 paul@rouge28theatre.co.uk


Puppets Abroad

Theatre-Rites www.theatre-rites.co.uk Theatre-Rites is one of Britain’s leading theatre companies, creating touring performances and site-specific events with puppetry at their heart. Led by renowned visual theatre maker Sue Buckmaster, they produce work that has been stirring the imagination of children and adults alike since 1995. The company combines puppetry and object manipulation with different artforms including dance, live music and visual arts in order to present children with unusual and exceptional contemporary imagery. The work has little or no script and is suitable for international touring. As well as creating middle-scale tours the company is experienced at delivering commissions that respond directly to specific locations or festival themes. Previous critically acclaimed productions include the site-specific Paradise, commissioned by the Ruhrtriennale Festival, and the award-winning Mischief (pictured opposite) which has toured three times including performances at Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona and the New Victory in New York. ‘Its new touring show is one of the best times I’ve had in a theatre all year.’ The Times on Mischief


Show available for touring MOJO A Theatre-Rites, Barbican and Salzburg Festival co-production. Premiering at the Barbican Christmas 2011. Available for touring from August 2012. An enchanting new presentation for the whole family, a riot of dance, puppetry and music takes us on a spectacular journey through the magic and mayhem of growing up. Bursting with energy and evocative movement, objects come to life and characters discover their mojo, igniting stunning visual transformations devised by the award-winning team of Arthur Pita and Sue Buckmaster. A dynamic ensemble including world jazz percussionist Adriano Adewale, blues/folk, jazz singer, trumpeter and guitarist Leo Altarelli, dancers and puppeteers enliven this extraordinary world. 80 minutes, no interval. Suitable for ages 5+ Contact details Theatre-Rites, Unit 612 Erlang House, 128 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8EQ +44(0)20 7928 4875 info@theatre-rites.co.uk

Photo: Patrick Baldwin

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales


Puppets Abroad

Thingumajig Theatre www.thingumajig.info Thingumajig Theatre creates innovative puppet plays, interactive giant puppets and spectacular community events. Based in West Yorkshire, England, their plays and giant puppets have performed throughout the UK and USA and at festivals in Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Canada, Korea and Taiwan. ‘Spectacular integration of movement, music and set design. Both artists were unmatched in their performing skills.’ On The Vertigo of Sheep, awarded the UNIMA-USA Citation of Excellence.

quirky land-boat, until their lives are turned upside down by the adorable and colourful Lulu. For ages 5+. Two performers; live music; no spoken language. The Vertigo of Sheep (65 mins) A well-meaning but unreliable clown attempts to explain the Book of Genesis through household objects, puppets, physical theatre and live music, For adult audiences. Two performers; live music. Thingumajig Theatre 9 Ashenhurst Road, Todmorden, West Yorkshire, OL14 8EB +44 (0) 1706 812645 info@thingumajig.info

Hippochondriac (45 mins) A walkabout giant hippopotamus with puppet shows built into the body of the puppet. For all ages. Two performers; live music. Hullaba Lulu (50 mins) An eccentric couple travels the world in a

Unpacked www.unpacked.org Unpacked is a touring theatre company exploring theatrical storytelling through performance, live music, interaction with the audience, a distinctive puppetry aesthetic and robust physicality. Formed in 2004, the five core members met and trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama. Unpacked create work for both children and adult audiences. ‘Unpacked make the mundane magical.’ The Argus (on Robin and The Big Freeze) ‘Absolute theatrical brilliance.’ Total Theatre (on Funeral Games)


Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Robin and The Big Freeze (60 mins) 5 performers. Jumping Mouse (65 mins) 4 performers. In English. From June 2012: The Serpent (60 mins) 5 performers. Gilbert Taylor, 3 Cissbury Road, Hove, East Sussex, UK, BN3 6EN +44 (0) 7903018310 contact@unpacked.org

style. Wattle & Daub Figure Theatre was formed in 2009 by Tobi Poster and Laura Purcell Gates. ‘This bright new company is one to watch.’ Kate Yedigaroff, Co-Artistic Director, Mayfest Triptych (1 hour) 2 performers Tobi Poster, Wattle & Daub Figure Theatre, c/o Puppet Place, Unit 18, Albion Dockside Estate, Hanover Place, Bristol, BS1 6UT +44 (0) 7855 804526 tobi@wattleanddaub.co.uk

Wattle & Daub Figure Theatre www.wattleanddaub.co.uk Wattle & Daub Figure Theatre is a Bristolbased puppetry and visual theatre company that plays with strange structures, striking imagery and the interconnections of puppet and puppeteer. Their debut show, Triptych, fuses innovative storytelling and original music, featuring a 4-piece jazz combo with directmanipulation and life-size puppetry, shadow play and masks, in their signature rough-hewn


Puppets Abroad

STREET THEATRE Bootworks Theatre Bootworks Theatre is a group of multidisciplinary artists committed to creating innovative theatre and performance for unusual locations. The ‘Black Box’ is an innovative theatre installation for an audience of two people at a time. The audience members sit inside the box, while the company performs around the outside. The show is seen through a series of opening and closing shutters, and can be viewed from inside or outside. The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers (5 mins, for one young person and parent or guardian). 5 performers. Becki Haines, Bootworks Theatre c/o Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, Battersea, London SW11 5TN +44 (0)7732 818401 becki@bootworkstheatre.co.uk www.bootworkstheatre.co.uk Neighbourhood Watch Stilts International & Soznak Neighbourhood Watch Stilts International specialise in large and small scale street theatre. NWSI have been working with giant puppetry for 15 years and have performed in 40 countries worldwide. NWSI predominantly perform with concealed puppeteers, but also utilise suspension puppets and other puppets, usually performed from within by 10 or 11 puppeteers. We have launched and provided finales for major festivals worldwide. www.nwsi.co.uk/archive documents our history.


No words used. Soznak, the band, performs songs in Ncongo, Lingala, Zulu-natal, French, Portuguese, and English. Les Oiseaux de lux: interactive street intervention. 3-22 performers. 25mins; up to 3 shows per day. An invasion of giant birds. The Butterfly Collection: interactive street intervention. 3-7 performers. 30 mins; up to 3 shows per day. An invasion of giant butterflies. Dali and Gala: giant inflatable puppet dancers. 4 performers.10 mins; up to 3 shows per day. The Caterpillar: giant inflatable puppet. 10 performers.15 mins; up to 2 shows per day. Sid the spider: giant inflatable puppet. 11 performers. 15 mins. Chromarama: arena spectacle.14 performers. 25 mins; up to 2 shows per day. Grand Magix. 25 performers. 35 mins. Stilts, inflatables, helium-suspended aerial puppetry and performance pyrotechnics. Taranta. 53 performers. 50 mins. Stilts, inflatables, helium-suspended aerial puppetry and pyrotechnics. An urban invasion/ hallucination of spiders and insect life set to flamenco and the ‘compas’ of the Buleria. Paul Miskin, 10 Ravensworth Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6AU +44(0)191 2618987 +44 (0)7711 656759 nwsi@nwsi.demon.co.uk www.nwsi.co.uk Noisy Oyster Noisy Oyster, established in 2008, is Nik Palmer – puppeteer, puppet maker and musician, and Sarah Rowland-Barker – puppeteer, dancer and

Photo: Murdo Macleod

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

circus performer. Plain Bob (20 mins) No words. One visible performer and one in the audience. Dangerous Dave (45 mins) Comic puppet stunt performance performed in English and a favourite at UK puppet festivals (this year going to Bornholme). One puppeteer and one frontman. Can be performed inside or out. Noisy Oyster, 5 Albion Place, Frome, Somerset, BA11 4JZ +44 (0)1373 466933 info@noisyoyster.co.uk www.noisyoyster.co.uk Vision Mechanics The foundations of Vision Mechanics rest in the creative minds of Symon Macintyre (Artistic Director) and Kim Bergsagel (Creative

Director). Our projects combine puppetry, performance, technology and environment. We aim to engage and encourage a sense of community and create mythic events that amaze and inspire. Big Man Walking is a giant who travelled across Scotland, thrilling audiences in their thousands. Mobile promenade performance centred around an 8-metre-high puppet. Performance is suited for both day and night. Running time: 1 to 4 hours. Team of 12 (puppeteers, crew and management) plus 10 local stewards. Anne Fleming, 81 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh EH6 5HZ +44 (0) 131 554 8923 anne@visionmechanics.org


Puppets Abroad

BRIEF COMPANY LISTINGS Beady Eye Theatre www.kristinfredricksson.mfbiz.co.uk Founded in 2009 by Kristin Fredricksson, Beady Eye’s first show, Everything Must Go, was described by the Times as ‘funny, moving and unique’. It won a Total Theatre Award and the Arches Brick Award, touring the UK in 2009/ 10, including a two-week run at the Barbican, London. International touring includes the Ruhrfestspiele, Germany 2010 and Het Veem Theater, Holland in Autumn 2011. Beady Eye use various puppetry techniques and scales; currently tiny and larger-than-life figures and stop-motion animation mixed with live action. Everything Must Go (or The Voluntary Attempt to Overcome Unnecessary Obstacles). 1 hour; in English or French. Le Metre: 40 mins; in French. Kristin Fredricksson, 12 Puckle Lane, Canterbury CT1 3JX, UK +44 (0)1277 862282 +44 (0) 7900 340 663 beadyeye@live.co.uk Ailie Cohen Puppet Maker www.ailiecohen.com Ailie is an associate artist of Puppetstate Theatre Company, and co-directed and designed The Man Who Planted Trees. Other work includes Rumpelstiltskin at the Fairytale Laundry and Jazz Mouse, both of which have toured throughout the UK, Ireland and Australia. Cloud Man by Ailie Cohen and Lewis Hetherington will appear in 2012 at the Made in Scotland Showcase (Edinburgh Fringe) and at Imaginate International Children’s festival. 45 minute solo puppet piece for 4-7 year olds.


Ailie Cohen, 8b Traquair Road, Innerleithen, Peeblesshire, EH446PD, Scotland +44 (0)7946274804 ailiecohen@me.com Branar Téatar do Pháistí www.branar.ie We strive for a simple, elegant form of theatre for children that achieves intricacy through the use of puppetry. In our ten-year history we have toured throughout Ireland and have appeared regularly at all the major international children’s festivals in Ireland. Central to our practice are our collaborations with international directors from Denmark and Norway. Cube Theatre www.cube-theatre.co.uk A Cornish company specialising in ‘essential’ theatre: high quality, stylish theatre that is rooted in the written word and balanced with powerful physical action. Nix Wood, Cube theatre, Burrell Theatre, 1 Trennick Lane, Truro TR1 1TH 0044 (0) 7785 263499 admin@cube-theatre.co.uk Flabbergast Theatre www.flabbergasttheatre.co.uk Flabbergast Theatre makes uncompromising and exciting physical theatre drawing on the Bunraku style of puppetry. English language and mime. Henry Maynard, 95 Woodstock Road, London, N4 3EU +44 (0) 771 495 9892 henrymaynard@hotmail.co.uk

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Frolicked www.frolicked.co.uk Frolicked is an outdoor puppet theatre company based in Yorkshire. Beka Haigh, Unit D First Floor, Asquith Bottom Mill, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3BS +44 (0) 7947578181 admin@frolicked.co.uk Gravy Boat Puppets www.gravyboatpuppets.co.uk Gravy Boat Puppets explore the crossover between sculpture/visual arts and puppetry. Isobel Smith, Gravy Boat Puppets, 2 Newhouse Farm Cottages, Firle, East Sussex, UK, BN8 6ND +44 (0) 1273 858 336 info@gravyboatpuppets.co.uk Les Enfants Terribles Theatre Company www.lesenfantsterribles.co.uk We are dedicated to creating original, innovative and exciting theatre that challenges, inspires and entertains. Founded by Oliver Lansley, the company has performed all over the world including Poland, the Czech Republic, Dubai, Norway and Singapore, and has toured extensively in the UK. The Terrible Infants (75 mins, 5 performers); The Vaudevillains (75 mins,10 performers; 5 in band). James Seager, 29 St Mary’s Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7JH +44 (0) 7815040999 james@lesenfantsterribles.co.uk Magic Book Theatre www.magicbooktheatre.co.uk The company’s aim is to produce quality

children’s theatre that encourages inclusive play. Michele Petit-Jean, 38 Holden House, Deptford Church Street, London SE8 4SQ +44 (0) 7739 570 403 info@michelepetitjean.com Nautilus Theatre www.nautilustheatre.blogspot.com Nautilus Theatre, directed by Alexander Winfield, is a three-year-old company that produces new and original solo puppet works that simultaneously challenge and entertain their audiences. Nautilus mixes bunraku, glove and rod puppet techniques to create puppet characters of remarkable depth and originality. ‘Dark…Daring!’ Toronto Eye Weekly. ‘A hugely talented performer!’ Oxford Daily Info 26 Dennington Park Rd, NW6 1BA, London nautilustheatre@gmail.com +44 (0) 7504359656 Jose Navarro www.jose-navarro.com Jose is a solo puppeteer who works with various puppet techniques such as string, glove, shadow, body and rods. International festivals include the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Buxton Puppet Festival, LUT Puppet Festival (Bosnia), ‘Valise’ (Poland), Festival Neapolis (Tunisia), and in Brazil, Armenia, Venezuela, Iran, Serbia and Ukraine. Animalia (55 mins); A La Carte (50 mins); Amazonian Visions (5 mins); Ritual Scissors Dance (55 mins); Children of the Sun (40 mins); The Pongo’s Dream (20 mins). Jose Navarro, 45 Bannerman House, Lawn Lane, London. SW8 1UA +44 (0) 7714 508280 pishtaco1@yahoo.co.uk


Puppets Abroad

Nutmeg Puppet Company www.nutmegpuppet.co.uk Founded in 1979, Nutmeg has mainly specialised in producing original shows and workshops about the environment, for children of all ages, family audiences, and older people. meg@nutmegpuppet.co.uk +44 (0) 1502 478999 On The Other Hand Puppet Theatre www.ontheotherhand.em8z.com Founded in 1985. Ken Haines has worked in film, TV and theatre and has represented the UK at festivals in Europe in countries including Greece, Portugal, Germany, Belgium and at the Dublin International Puppet Festival. He is coauthor of The Usborne Book of Puppets. The Henry VIII Show, (75 mins) The Marvellous Magical Coat (55 mins), Tales From the Washing Line (55 mins), Moving Tales (35 mins). 2 performers. Ken Haines,1 Grange House, 229 Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16 9HL + 44 (0) 207254 5870 keninlondon@aol.com Puppet Pool www.facebook.com/pinkflamingopuppetcabaret Puppet Pool is a collective of Liverpool artists who have created the Pink Flamingo Puppet Cabaret: an evening of titillation, comedy and virtuoso puppet entertainment for adult audiences. Beccy Hillam, 24 Green Lane, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, L18 6HB +44 (0) 779 156 4759 puppetpool@googlemail.com


Robert Poulter’s New Model Theatre www.newmodeltheatre. co.uk One person operation, taking the medium of traditional toy theatre and creating new, original shows emphasising movement, lighting, recorded sound and scenic transformations. Established 30 years ago with 88 productions to date, including appearances at festivals in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain, and five Puppeteers of America festivals. All shows (except one) solo performer. Most in English with programme and synopsis in appropriate language. Mr Turner Gets Steamed Up (38 mins); The Loyal 47 (29 mins); The Great Belzoni (49 mins); Black Eye’d Susan by Douglas Jerrold (60 mins); The Buccaneer’s Bride (45 mins); Oh! Smith (55 mins.) Live show with actor Peter Baldwin; Scriabin’s Prometheus (23 mins). Robert Poulter’s New Model Theatre, 7 St Augustine’s Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9PQ + 44 (0)1843850002 RobertNMT@googlemail.com Rough Magic Theatre www.roughmagictheatre.co.uk Rough Magic Theatre was formed in Bolton in 2000. They use shadows, rods, Bunraku style, body puppets, mouth puppets, giant puppets, paper theatre etc. The work includes acting and music and is suitable for adults and children. The work is primarily in English, but accessible through visuals and music. 36 Bargh’s Meadow, High Bentham, Lancaster, North Yorkshire, LA2 7NH +44 (0) 15242 63314 +44 (0) 7901791358 roughmagic@hotmail.com

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Sketty Productions Founded in 2005, critically acclaimed Sketty Productions is a London-based company specializing in dynamic performance and puppetry. Working collaboratively with a team of actors, puppeteers and musicians the company devises highly visual work suitable for a wide range of audiences. Shows available: Imogen, Feral and Tom’s. A maximum of five performers; all shows last 1 hour. Toby Clarke, 72 Sudbourne Road, Brixton, London SW2 5AH +44 (0) 7779391165 toby@skettyproductions.co.uk alex@skettyproductions.co.uk The Fetch Theatre Company: www.thefetch.co.uk The Fetch is a touring theatre company producing a highly visual style of theatre specialising in puppetry and mask work. The Fetch produces work that engages with audiences of all ages. Available for touring overseas: The Grateful Crane. Based on a traditional Japanese story, this beautiful, mesmerizing show demonstrates the skill and style of Bunraku puppetry. A visual tale told without words and suitable for all ages. info@thefetch.co.uk +44(0) 1544 231 579 Tortoise in a Nutshell www.tortoiseinanutshell.com Tortoise in a Nutshell was established in 2008 with the aim of creating engaging visual theatre performances, primarily using the medium of puppetry. The Last Miner opened the 2011

Manipulate festival and completed a UKwide tour in Spring 2011. It utilises hand and rod puppetry with shadow play and object manipulation. 45 mins; 2 performers. Tortoise in a Nutshell, c/o Impact Arts, Arts Complex, East Wing, St Margarets House, London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE +44 (0) 7580969385 +44 (0)131 5551703 inanutshell@live.co.uk Vagabondi Theatrical Arts www.vagabondipuppets.com We perform mostly to family audiences and schools and are particularly concerned with environmental issues. Our latest show Hydroscape dives into the depths of the wonder that is H20. Our belief in puppetry and poetry harmonises with our love for live music and soundscapes. A Pirate’s Life for Me (2010) has a specially commissioned soundtrack from Barcelonian puppeteer Mina Ledergerder. We mix storytelling, puppetry and technology. Jo Munton, Vagabondi Theatrical Arts, Studio 3, Y Dolydd, Llanfyllin, Powys, SY22 5LD jo@vagabondipuppets.com +44 (0)7779893412 +44 (0)1952 40050 Nenagh Watson – Barking Dog Nenagh Watson’s background is in sculpture and theatre. She was co artistic director of doo-cot (with painter Rachael Field) 19902007. Barking Dog was established in 2008 to promote her collaborative projects. Nenagh.Watson@cssd.ac.uk nenagh.watson@yahoo.com


Puppets Abroad

FESTIVALS Beverley Puppet Festival Biennial (next festival July 2012) beverleyartstrust@hotmail.co.uk Bristol Festival of Puppetry www.puppetplace.org/festival 26 August – 3 September 2011 Buxton Puppet Festival Annual (25 – 30 July 2011) +44 (0) 1298 72050 International Puppet Festival, Ireland www.puppetfest.ie Annual (21 – 31 October 2011) Manipulate festival, Edinburgh http://manipulatefestival.org Annual (31 January – 5 February 2011) Puppet Animation Festival, Scotland www.puppetanimationfestival.org Annual (2 – 26 April 2011) Skipton Puppet Festival www.skiptonpuppetfestival.co.uk Biennial (23 – 25 September 2011) Suspense: London Puppetry Festival www.suspensefestival.com Biennial (28 October – 6 November 2011) May Fayre, London www.alternativearts.co.uk Annual (12 –13 May 2012) In 2012, we celebrate Mr. Punch’s 350th


birthday with contributions from his cousins all over the world. THEATRES Biggar Puppet Theatre, Scotland www.purvespuppets.com Puppet Tree House, Broughton Road, Biggar, Lanarkshire, ML12 6HA +44 (0) 1899 220631 The home of Purves Puppets. Their puppet shows, an important part of Scottish theatre for over 35 years, tour all over the world. The Harlequin Marionette Theatre, Wales www.puppets.uk.com Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay, North Wales +44 (0) 1492 548166 Lambert Puppet Theatre www.lambertpuppettheatre.ie Clifton Lane, Monkstown, County Dublin +44 (0) 1280 0974 Ireland’s only purpose-built puppet theatre, established in 1972, containing a theatre auditorium with capacity of 250, a small studio space and Ireland’s only museum of puppets. The Little Angel Theatre, London www.littleangeltheatre.com 14 Dagmar Passage, London, N1 2DN +44 (0) 20 7226 1787 The Little Angel Theatre is ‘the home of British puppetry’ and one of only three building-based puppet theatres in England, established in 1961. The 100-seat theatre stands side-byside with the workshop, where all our new productions and puppets are developed,

Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

carved and constructed. We are dedicated to the celebration and development of puppetry and live animation in all its diverse forms. Norwich Puppet Theatre, Norwich www.puppettheatre.co.uk St James, Whitefriars, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1TN +44 (0) 1603 629921 Norwich Puppet Theatre was founded in 1979 by Ray and Joan DaSilva and was first opened as a public venue in 1980, following the conversion of the medieval church of St. James in the heart of Norwich. It is dedicated to puppetry, and currently houses a 185-seat raked auditorium, 50-seat studio, workshops, an exhibition gallery, shop and licensed bar. Puppet Theatre Barge, London www.puppetbarge.com Theatre: Little Venice, Blomfield Road, London, W9 2PF Office: 78 Middleton Road, London, E8 4BP +44 (0) 20 7249 6876 The company presents innovative, quality theatre with a view to raising the status and profile of the marionette. It commissions new scripts and musical scores from contemporary writers and composers. The company has an active educational policy and runs a programme of work in schools, reaching large numbers of children every year. Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre, Glasgow http://scottishmaskandpuppetcentre.co.uk 8-10 Balcarres Avenue, Kelvindale, Glasgow, G12 0QF +44 (0) 141 339 6185

Over 25 years the Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre has acted as a catalyst, a resource centre and a lead agency for all those with an interest in mask and puppet theatre. The building includes a 100-seat studio theatre, exhibition, cafe, library and production and design workshops. ORGANISATIONS British Puppet and Model Theatre Guild www.puppetguild.org.uk Founded in 1925, the Guild is the longest established UK puppetry organisation. Our aims and objectives are to protect and promote the skills of puppetry and the model theatre; to improve the standards of puppetry in all its forms; to establish communication between members in both Great Britain and all parts of the world. Our membership is drawn from both professional and amateur puppeteers. Regular meetings, festivals, publications and our website keep members informed and involved. British UNIMA www.unima.org.uk British UNIMA is part of the Union Internationale de la Marionnette (UNIMA) founded in 1929 and affiliated to UNESCO. UNIMA brings together people interested in the art of puppetry and in using this art to promote peace and mutual understanding. British UNIMA offers opportunities to attend international festivals and workshops, organises an annual lecture and other events, publishes Puppet Notebook magazine and a newsletter, and reports on news, events and opportunities.


Puppets Abroad

London School of Puppetry www.londonschoolofpuppetry.com +44 (0)1756 753495 +44 (0) 207 3597357 info@londonschoolofpuppetry.com The London School of Puppetry was the first organisation to establish formal training in puppetry in the UK in 1987. We run long and short courses and the Professional Puppeteers Diploma. Courses. Punch and Judy College of Professors www.punchandjudy.org Punch and Judy College members are among the leading practitioners of Punch & Judy in the UK today and have organised, and performed at, numerous festivals locally, nationally and internationally. The College promotes the highest standards in the performance and presentation of the traditional show.

business skills for puppeteers and emerging artists as well as residency and mentoring schemes. Our e-magazine, Animations Online is published four times a year and contains interesting articles on puppetry, reviews and views on the current trends. Puppet Place www.puppetplace.org Puppet Place, Unit 18, Albion Dockside Estate, Hanover Place, Bristol, BS1 6UT +44 (0)117 929 3593 info@puppetplace.org We provide practical and strategic support to artists including rehearsal, workshop and shared office space at our base in Bristol, professional workshops and networking opportunities and advocacy for the artform.

Puppet Animation Scotland http://puppetanimation.org/ Puppet Animation Scotland provides a wide range of practical support to help the development of Scottish puppeteers and animators at all stages of their careers.

Puppeteers UK www.puppeteersuk.com info@puppeteersuk.com PuppeteersUK is the networking organisation for puppetry in the United Kingdom. It was formed in 1999 with the objective of delivering a united voice and an effective lobby for the improved recognition of puppetry.

Puppet Centre Trust www.puppetcentre.org.uk The Puppet Centre Trust, founded in 1974, is a development agency for puppetry working at a national level. The overall mission for the Puppet Centre Trust is ‘to develop and promote the art form of puppetry within the context of contemporary performance practice.The Puppet Centre runs workshops and master classes in puppetry arts and

The Punch and Judy Fellowship www.thepjf.com Established in 1980, the Punch & Judy Fellowship is the largest and oldest organisation of its kind, devoted to keeping alive the tradition of Punch & Judy shows. We aim are to develop, preserve and promote Punch & Judy and increase public understanding of its development, history and traditions.


Puppet theatre from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales


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