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P.O. Box 8061
Paducah, KY 42002 270.210.7068 admin@allgoodmedia.net
Karen Hammond
Contributing Writers
Britt Allgood, Will Brandon, Lanita Flanary, Sandra Gordon, and Cassie Johnson
Advertising Sales Director
Cassie Johnson
Art Director/Graphic Design
Kristal D. Stallion
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Mission Statement
PAFM is committed to providing free, accurate, and timely information to readers in western Kentucky, southern Illinois and all its communities. Our goal is to educate, inform, and enhance family life. We endeavor to support our communities by providing balanced and informative articles that spotlight nonprofits, local businesses, and events.
Purchase Area Family® is published bi-monthly by All Good Media, LLC. Advertising design and layout by Kristal D. Stallion. All Good Media, LLC is not responsible for any injury or harm resulting from the information or advice contained in this magazine. The articles in this issue of Purchase Family Magazine®, may not necessarily reflect the opinions of All Good Media, LLC. All subscription, editorial, and advertising inquiries should be directed to admin@allgoodmedia.net or call 270.210.7068.