1 minute read
Glucosamine is available in capsules typically in the 1500mg range split into 3-4 capsules. A typical serving size of glucosamine is 4 capsules daily with meals and each capsule ranging from 300-500mg.

Glucosamine has been shown to vary results in effectiveness with some studies saying it is an effective supplement and others saying it is not. Glucosamine supplements take about 6-8 weeks for results to be present.
Safety warnings/side effects- as of now there are no safety or severe side effects reported from people who have taken glucosamine, but if you are on warfarin common blood thinner it is recommended you stay away from glucosamine.
Warfarin-recommended to avoid due to increased effects of warfarin-increased risk of bleeding. No known food interactions with glucosamine.
My Opinion
In my opinion, I would only recommend taking this supplement if you are suffering from Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis, and my reason is that there are no significant side effects or interactions it's a safe supplement to be taking. But I would advise if no change is seen after 3 months to discontinue use and consult your lead physician. V. Sameer
According to the study done in 2012 by Yves Henrotin, Ali Mobasheri, and Marc Marty, they deemed that glucosamine does not significantly affect patients with OA or Osteoarthritis, but due to the fact that it has no significant backlash it can be used for patients with Osteoarthritis and in someone cases can be helpful for them in the management of OA.
Henrotin,Y.,Mobasheri,A.,&Marty,M.(2012,January30).Isthereanyscientific evidencefortheuseofglucosamineinthemanagementofhumanosteoarthritis? Arthritisresearch&therapy.RetrievedApril13,2023,from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3392795/ MayoFoundationforMedicalEducationandResearch.(2020,November12). Glucosamine.MayoClinic.RetrievedApril13,2023,from https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-glucosamine/art20362874#:~:text=Glucosamine%20is%20a%20natural%20compound,hydrochlor ide%20and%20N%2Dacetyl%20glucosamine.
U.S.DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices.(n.d.).Glucosamineandchondroitin forosteoarthritis.NationalCenterforComplementaryandIntegrativeHealth. RetrievedApril13,2023,fromhttps://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/glucosamine-andchondroitin-forosteoarthritis#:~:text=No%20serious%20side%20effects%20have,)%20drug%2 0warfarin%20(Coumadin).