Anniversary • 100th Year Anniversary • 100th Year Anniversary •
1921 - 2021
100th Year Anniversary
Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā Mahotsava Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja
Program Schedule &
Selected Ambrosial Quotes from the Hari-kathā of
Śrila Gurudeva Founder-Ācārya of the
International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society
hat is vyäsa? The line that touches the opposite sides of the circumference of a circle, by going through the central point, is called the diameter, or vyäsa. What is the meaning? Kåñëa is the centre of all. This circle comprises not only this world, but so many universes – crores and crores of universes. Vyäsa is touching Kåñëa and going to all the innumerable ends of material existence. Who is Vyäsa? He who is preaching the glories of Kåñëa to all, teaching everyone: “You should serve Kåñëa; otherwise no one can save you from this endless chain of birth and suffering.” Vyäsa is he who is always serving Kåñëa from one end of this creation to another – everywhere in this world. — Appearance Day of Çré Çrémad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja Singapore, 11 February 2001
n this special day, I pray to my gurudeva and our entire guru-paramparä up to Lord Brahmä, to all the associates of Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa and to all the associates of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and Çré Nityänanda Prabhu. I pray that they will sprinkle their mercy upon all of you. I pray that they will also be merciful to all the devotees in the world, wherever they may be, who are giving their puñpäìjali today. I pray that they will bestow their mercy, even upon those who are not giving any puñpäïjali, but simply remembering, wherever they are. I pray to all these associates of the Lord to be merciful and take away the entirety of your anarthas, to place vrajaprema, vraja-bhakti, in your hearts, and to sprinkle upon you the goal of our life. — Vyäsa-püjä Hilo, Hawaii, 8 February 2005
t is necessary that one understands Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé’s special contribution to our sampradäya and why Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu appeared in this world. In essence, it was to specify our life’s highest and most prominent goal: to become a particle of dust at the lotus feet of Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé, to become a maidservant of Çrématé Rädhikä under the guidance of Çréla Rüpa Maïjaré. This is the sole cherished aspiration for all our previous guru-varga. — The eve of Çré Guru-pürëimä Çré Keçavajé Gauòéya Maöha, Mathurä, 16 July 2008
ust like the omniscient Supersoul present in the core of everyone’s heart, the guru has the special characteristic of perfectly knowing our heart. He knows the eternal constitutional mood of our soul – our eternal relationship with Bhagavän – and accordingly, he connects us with Him. Then, by supplying the water of
hearing, chanting and remembering, he nourishes that relationship and cuts down anything that obstructs that nourishment with the sharp axe of his words. He does this so expertly that the sädhaka barely notices, but all the while the needful is accomplished. This is what the bona fide guru and genuine Vaiñëavas do. They do not have bodies of flesh and bone, which are subject to change and which may die at any moment. They are the eternal associates of the most merciful incarnation of Kåñëa, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, who descended to deliver the fallen souls in this age of Kali. Guru and Vaiñëavas are among the intimate companions of the Divine Couple, Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa. The way Çré Bhagavän extends His loving mercy to the souls bound by mäyä is by sending associates like these in the form of Vaiñëavas. — Çré Dämodaräñöakam, Verse 5
hat is the duty of an ideal disciple (çiñya)? He should not merely always stay with gurudeva; he should try to give his energy to trying to serve him, according to gurudeva’s desires – by body, mind and words. He should not stay close to his guru physically, anticipating some excitement, all the while remaining unenthusiastic to serve. That is not a çiñya but rather something quite opposite. A true disciple always desires, with all his heart and mind, to better serve gurudeva. If a disciple is sacrificing as my gurudeva did, keeping all difficulties to himself, never complaining but continuing to serve his gurudeva, then gurudeva will be so pleased and the disciple will get his mercy. External blessings are no blessings. When blessings pour forth from the core of the guru’s heart, then they are real blessings. — Appearance day of Çré Çrimad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja Mathurä, Kärtika 2000
ow should we sing? Praying to Kåñëa with heart – full of heart. Then Kåñëa will hear. Otherwise, you will be singing like a professional. Kåñëa doesn’t need so much music. He knows so many songs. He wants heart. A beginning devotee can sing so much, but Kåñëa wants more. When you sing any kirtan, you should be absorbed in it. If you are chanting and hearing like this, Kåñëa will at once come and give you His wealth. — Dämodara-lélä Madhuri
uru is like that. If you pray to him, new understandings will enter your heart, solely by his inspiration. Do not think he is mortal. He is like Kåñëa, and like Kåñëa, his mercy is causeless, so pray to him, and he will inspire you. — Murwillumbah, Australia, 28 April 2005
• 100th Year Anniversary • 100th Year Anniversary • 100th Year A
rom whatever position you are in, try to be in the good association of pure Vaiñëavas. Çré Kåñëa will arrange this if you pray from the core of your heart. He will send your gurudeva to your door. You cannot search for a guru. You have no idea how to recognize his qualifications. In millions and millions of births you cannot know this on your own, but Kåñëa will mercifully send a qualified guru if you are sincerely desiring this. — Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 February 2004
o not become weak. You should have strong faith in bhakti – in our Guru-paramparä. If there is no Vaiñëava association, never mind. Vaiñëavas have left Çrémad-Bhägavatam, Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Bhagavad-gétä and so many books. In their absence you can only associate with them through their books. But when the living Bhägavata is there, then you should try to hear from him. — Dämodara-lélä Madhuri
réla Gurudeva: Can you count the waves in the ocean? Servant: No, the ocean waves are unending. Çréla Gurudeva: My heart is like that. It is flowing with uncountable waves of moods for the service of Çréman Mahäprabhu and Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa, and also with waves of affection for my disciples and followers. — In the last days at Çré Jagannätha Puri-dhäma, December, 2010 The Rays of the Harmonist, No.24
ut of compassion, Çré Bhagavän, in the form of Çré Guru enacts the pastime of disappearing from this world to enter his eternal pastimes. His sole purpose in doing so is to stimulate the full service and full possessiveness of his dependents. Those fortunate enough to have taken shelter of a rüpänuga-guru during his manifest presence, experience a constant increase in their attachment to serving him. And after his disappearance, their attachment to him continues to increase many times over. Consequently, the fire of separation from him intensifies day by day; by this alone one’s bhajan remains ever-fresh. — The Rays of the Harmonist, No.15 (Except where noted, all excerpts are compliments of the Harikathä & Rays of the Harmonist teams)
Sri Giriraj Govardhan Gaudiya Math Pure Bhakti Yoga Centre 1 Banner Street ~ Murwillumbah ~ NSW ~ Australia