Pure Design Teen Mag

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letter from Pam Lozano Exective Director

Dear Readers, As we launch this very first issue of Pure Design Magazine, I am absolutely amazed at what God has brought together! A talented team of women and teens have willing volunteered to be part of this amazing project and have contributed endless hours of creativity. Our desire has been to present an excellent product to teen girls that we hope will be distributed throughout the nation, and even the world! Pure Design Magazine was launched out of Pure Design Ministries which began in January 2012. The concept of creating a magazine came from my love of writing and my heart for mentoring teen girls. I desire for teens to know that they are created with purpose and designed by God. He has a perfect plan for each one of us, and as we embrace it, we can fulfill the very purpose for which we were born. Along with my desire to write, my daughter is a fashion fanatic! By creating a teen girls’ magazine, we were both able to have a venue to speak to a wider female audience. Our hope is to inspire a generation of girls to live differently from the standards of this world, and to stay true to the principles the Bible lays out for us all. We want to demonstrate that fashion and creativity can be current, modern, and relevant while remaining within a standard of purity. While each issue may not contain specific articles entitled “Purity”, “Self Image” or “Self Worth”, these are the guidelines we will hold to for everything within the magazine. We want every article, photo, and image to communicate purity, to encourage a positive self image, and to speak of self worth. I am absolutely convinced that God is passionately pursuing us, and that He loves and adores us. When we grasp this, we are motivated to respect and abide by the standards in His word. If I realize that I have value to the God of the universe – the same God who formed and fashioned the stars in the sky, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, I am more willing to listen to HIS voice, than the chatter of the culture around me. We hope to inspire others in this way. Our mission statement reads: Pure Design Teen Mag. is an online girl’s magazine for teens by teens that inspires girls in the areas of purity, self image, and self worth. Through articles and stories of real life teenagers, through fashion and photos we desire to be a voice motivating youth in the choices they make! My prayer is that this magazine becomes a positive source of influence to the next generation. I desire that moms, teens, and youth workers will jump aboard and contribute by asking questions, sharing thoughts, and encouraging other teens to join in!! I am truly humbled and honored to be a part of something that is “set apart” from what the world has to offer. I pray you, the reader are blessed each and every time you open the cover, read through a blog, or catch a post on Facebook. We are truly honored to be serving in this way. Thanks for joining in! Please help us spread the word and tell your friends!! In His Service, Pam Lozano


NotOF by Pam Lozano

1:10 says, “He (Jesus) was in the J ohn world, and the world was made through

Him, and the world did not know Him.”

Even though Jesus came and lived life in this world, He was not of it. He went against the grain at every turn throughout his 33 years on earth, confusing and offending many along the way. Jesus reached out to the poor, to the widowed, and to the outcasts of society – the lepers, tax-collectors, traitors and thieves. Unlike many other religious teachers of His time, He talked with women and allowed children to crowd in around him. As I study the life of Jesus, I am often provoked, asking myself how do I live in this world, and yet not be “of it”? How do I continue to allow the standards of the Bible to form and shape my belief system rather than adopting those values and beliefs the world has to offer?

ery day with what the world has to say on every topic imaginable. Facebook, twitter, online news streams, billboards, radio, television, and movies invade our space minute by minute each and every day. Opinions, theologies and values are fed to us by thousands of people forming us and shaping our thought patterns whether we realize it or not.

Often, we don’t even consider what is coming at us. We just take it all in, the good, the bad and the ugly. What we have to consider is all of this information is entering our minds, and literally building a belief system on the inside. What we listen to, see, and hear take root within us, and land somewhere in there forming a value system that we build our lives upon. What we often are not aware of is that MOST of what we take in does not line up the Word of God; in fact, most of it is contrary to what God has Each of us is literally bombarded ev- to offer us. As Christians we are called

What we listen to, see, hear take root within us...

to filter EVERYTHING that we watch, with. When we conform to the patterns read, or listen to, and we are called of the world, we act just like the world, to line it up to the truth of scripture. we comply with the things it offers us, and we are in harmony with the world. Romans 12:2 says – Do not be conformed to this world, but be trans- As believers, we are called to the formed by the renewing of your mind. very opposite. We are called to

The renewing of our mind comes from reading, knowing and meditating on scripture, allowing the truth of it to sink into our hearts and minds, forming a foundation upon which we can build a solid life. To be conformed means to act in accordance with, to comply, to be in similar form, to be in harmony

be different, to stand out, and to contradict the things offered, to be a light, a standard, something for others to follow. We are called to swim upstream, fighting the cultural current in every standard of life. We are called to question things the world has to offer, and then offer

the world an alternative!! We SHOULD stand out in a crowd, we should think and act and sound differently. And people around us SHOULD NOTICE. I have been a Christian for most of my life now, and I know it is much easier to blend in and not be a “Jesus Freak”. It’s much easier to keep quiet in a crowd and not speak up and share when we have different views or opinions. I understand feeling embarrassed or unsure about how to share something, the fear of looking or sounding foolish. I am empathetic when teens share how difficult it is to stand up for their faith in public high schools, feeling isolated or absolutely alone. But I am also challenged by how radical Jesus’ love was for me. I am provoked by the fact that He came and died a brutal, embarrassing death that He did not deserve. AND He did not defend himself or speak up for Himself even once. He carried all the guilt, shame and every amount of evil and sin upon the cross. When I remember His sacrifice, and the price He paid, it quickly helps remind me that I am not my own, I have been bought with a price, and I am living in a world that is not my home! The question for you, our reader is how are YOU called to live differently in this world? How can you make a dif-

ference in your world? I am so encouraged and inspired by this generation of teens who are so motivated to go and do and be. Whether it’s volunteering at a nursing home, playing with children at a kid’s camp, loading groceries into a car for someone who is disabled, reaching out at school to those lonely and isolated, we all can do something right where we are at. The trick is making time to see and notice the needs around us, and then taking time to serve others in kindness and love. We are in this world, but are not of it, and we are called to live differently, so that others may encounter the man Christ Jesus. Will you consider living a counter-cultural life in order to impact this world and your generation?

When I remember His sacrifice, and the price he paid it quickly helps remind me that I am not my own, I have been bought with a price, and Iam living in a world that is not my home!


a light-weight sweater and a fun necklace create a great look for early fall football games


as colder weather sets in grab a pair of warm boots to perk up any outfit


a decorative scarf and a sweater with a thin belt is pleasing to the eye

PUPPY LOVE you can never go wrong with a neutral sweater that goes with everything

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “fast-food”? Do you think,” oohhhh, McDonald’s frappe’s and fries”? Or ‘oh yeah, chipotle with my besties”?

Or are you on the opposite “eewww, no way! It’s sooo bad for you!” What if I told you that you can have your cake and eat it too (or fast food and be healthy!) Healthy eating is simply eating foods that are good for you. Believe it or not, a little fat and a little chocolate is good for you... fats are necessary for healthy living! The key to healthy living is this: everything in moderation! There are numerous fast food restaurants that have healthy options. Lucky for us, 5 of them are right here in Central Ohio! Let’s talk about the best things to consider when ordering at each yummy spot.

Healthy Options fo Panera Bread has lots of options for healthy eating. Sandwiches can be made on whole grain bread, loaded up with lettuce, tomato and onion. An apple can be chosen as a side dish, or if you must choose chips, go with the baked variety. Try your dressing on the side and dip your fork into it... you’ll still have the flavor without the added calories. Choose a half sandwich and stick to soups that aren’t cream based.

Try yogurt instead of fries!

Try a veggie bowl instead of the burrito! Chipotle is known for calorie-packed burritos. While they can be, there are lots of picks that leave the calories, not flavor, behind! Try a bowl with brown rice, bet you won’t be able to tell the difference once you add your meat and salsas! They also have a delicious salad option! My favorite is a veggie bowl with brown rice, tomatoes and corn salsa (tons of flavor!), lettuce and guacamole on the side (I use half and share it with my daughter).

or Fast-Food Eats McDonalds, home of the Big Mac and Super-sizing. But wait they’ve added many healthy options. From snack wraps and healthy oils for cooking, to yogurt parfaits and did you know the egg mcmuffin is only 300 calories! Wendy’s has added natural cut fries, 100% pure potato! They offer a great variety of salads, even half sizes. Grilled chicken is a great sandwich option, with honey mustard over mayo. Always add lettuce and tomato! Noodles and Company offers yummy Asian, Mediterranean and American inspired dishes. Begin with whole grain pasta and top it with antibiotic-free chicken or organic tofu. Take half home for lunch tomorrow or add a salad and share with a girlfriend! Think about it this way, if it comes from the earth it is good for you. You can’t go wrong with all natural! Fast food can be healthy and fun. Make sure to use your will-power and don’t ‘supersize-it’... go with smaller portions. Drink water with your meals and take a girlfriend along! It’s the icing on the cake! If you want to add something sweet, split it with a friend or get a junior size!

BOOKS Crazy Love by Francis Chan You are Special by Max Lucado Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker Smart Girl Stupid World-Sarah Siegand Remember the Roses by Lynnette Lewis

MEDIA MOVIES One Night With the King Tangled Mulan Pride & Predjudice

CHRISTIAN MUSIC 10,000 Reasons-Matt Redman Like A Lion-David Crowder Band Lockstep-Will Reagan You Won’t Relent - Jesus Culture We Were Made For You-Aaron Gillespie Strong Love- Jon Thurlow Let it Out Now- Leeland

2 Timothy 3:12-13 says,“… and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution… They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.” You may feel alone, like the only one in the world who holds the morals and values you have. But you are not; isolation is one of Satan’s most common attacks. Satan’s goal is to separate you from God, or if you have never had a relationship with God, to keep it that way. It’s spiritual warfare. “For we are not fighting against fleshand-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 When you are standing up for your faith you must be leaning on God, scripture says he will never leave you. Even if you don’t feel like He’s there, He is. The foundation for a relationship with Jesus Christ can’t be purely the emotional experience; it needs to be grounded in truth. Otherwise you’ll crumble as soon as you hit a dry season or any opposition. Also, it’s important to have someone else in your life to talk to, to keep you accountable, even if they don’t go to your school. You may genuinely not have any Christian friends at school, in such a situation it’s all the more important to have someone outside of school, a friend or mentor, to talk to about what’s going on

in your life. If you only confide in nonChristians, you most likely won’t get a biblical opinion or advice; quite often you will get the exact opposite. Have you ever heard of the chair analogy? It’s awfully hard to lift someone else up onto that chair, but it’s very easy to be pulled down from the chair to the floor. If somebody else is helping to steady you on your chair, you’re less likely to fall. An outsider sees things from a different angle; they can call you out when you’re starting to fall into temptation. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble… A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided chord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12 God is always with you to love and guide you. You are not alone. So many Christians feel alone in the crowd; or like that one person in a bright blue shirt while everyone else is wearing red. I’ve felt that way. I remember a conversation within one of the first few weeks of high school at the lunch table; everyone was talking about how

much they supported homosexuality— or about how they were homosexual themselves. Being a conservative believer I don’t support that lifestyle (see Romans 1:26-27), and one girl at the table knew it. She said, “Wow Hannah, you must feel awkward!” And yes, I did. It had been loudly announced—and everyone knew I was different. Gay-hater, judgmental, mean, bigot, hypocrite, closeminded… The list of things they called me goes on. It took me a while to finally see it, but these people were bullying me. Throughout this dark time in my life, Satan blinded me to people at my school who could have been really good Christian friends. All I knew was this group of people that were pulling me down. I messed up a lot, and ended up almost walking away from my faith entirely. One thing I should have done is gotten away sooner from the bad influence. “But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, alongwith faith, love, perseverance, and

gentleness.” 1 Timothy 6:11 God tells us to run from temptation! You may think, “but these people are my friends,” just as I did, but if they are causing you to fall into temptation, then they aren’t very good friends, are they? Good friends can be hard to find, and they may not be in the ‘cool crowd’, but they are out there. We live in a fallen world; however we do not belong to it. As children of God we are in this world but not of it, and therefore the world rejects us. “If the world hates you, remember it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.” John 15:18-19 Standing up for your faith with your peers is hard, it’s absolutely terrifying. Usually, people will have no problem with you saying that you’re a Christian—they have a problem with you living it out. Christianity claims that there is one way to God, through Christ. One way. Believers in the early Roman church were arrested, thrown in jail, even killed because of what they believed.

Roman society had many gods; it would have been no problem to squeeze in just one more, Jesus. Early Christians were persecuted because they claimed that Jesus was the only way to get to heaven and because they claimed to have a foundation by which to judge the actions of others or more importantly the state. Rome could not tolerate that, and people in today’s society don’t fare

well with the idea either. My “friends” hated me for disagreeing with them about homosexuality. People don’t like to be told they’re wrong. If you start with accusations, the very people you want to reach will shut down and become defensive. Instead listen, hear them out, and make sure your responses are grounded in scripture. Let them lead— being pushy and forcing information down someone’s throat is a great way to lose any positive influence you may have had. The very best way to make an impact at school, in your neighborhood, or anywhere with your peers is to just show God’s love. Obey Him and put him first in your own life. Buy loving one another the world will

know that we are followers of Jesus. The Church loving one another within the body of Christ is a powerful testimony to the world. By obeying him we are commanded to love others and serve them, when you ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ you are showing others God’s love for them. Jesus loves us so much more than we could ever imagine, and He demonstrated that at the cross. The best witness is to show God’s love. Show His love even when you feel all alone, like the only one standing in the midst of the crowd. The same girl who called me out at the lunch table tried to tell me that the Bible doesn’t really say homosexuality is wrong, and she made me genuinely doubt that it was. She said things like, “Well, I’m a Christian and I believe homosexuality is ok, why can’t you?” This almost completely shattered my foundation. Eventually I was able to see how that argument was faulty; it’s not, what we believe that makes something true, it’s what the Bible says that makes it true, so I believe it. “Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness. May God’s grace be with you all.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21

Different FOR A REASON by Ellie Kubacki When I sat to write of the contrast between living in the United States and living abroad in a third world country, lots of thoughts came to mind including what people usually ask me about when this conversation is started such as: “Americans have so much stuff !!” or, “People in poorer countries are so friendly;” or even, “Yes, you heard me right… I do not own a television.” While all of these thoughts are valid and true (I have never seen an episode of American Idol or Jersey Shore), living cross-culturally is so much more than this. God uses new situations that are sometimes difficult and uncomfortable to build us up and allow us to grow in him. The way that God has challenged me most personally over the years has been in trying to blend in; in a place where I stand out like a… well I stand out a lot. As much as I would like to say that I stand out because “God just shines through me and everyone can see Jesus’ love erupting from deep within my soul of souls, splashing everyone around me with redhot spirituality and wisdom.” That’s not really how it works. The truth is I stand out because I have white skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. This is probably not the best combination for someone trying to blend with a crowd of dark skinned, brown eyes, and black haired people. And I am also pretty tall, so that doesn’t help either. Anyway, you get the point. I struggled with this issue of sticking out for

a long time. It bothered me. When my family and I first moved to northern Brazil in 2006, skin color seemed to be the main difference between me and the people I was in constant contact with. As time passed and I grew up, I began to realize the profound differences between cultures and how those differences affect relationships; how that affected my relationships. Not only that, but my family and I were the only ones different. Let me tell you, it’s one thing to stick out, but it’s another entirely to stick out and be alone. But this is where the growing started. As I began to feel alone and different, I began to question why I was different. I realized that this wasn’t just life throwing random curveballs at me. I was here for a reason; I was different for a reason. I was a pale, white girl in the middle of an extremely tan culture for a reason. Actually, I can now see it was probably for a thousand tiny reasons that subtly passed by instead of one big, profound reason, but I could trust that there was a plan behind it. think every girl has a time in her life when she has to accept who she is. It’s really hard to do in today’s world, I realize, with so many things telling us who we should be, but eventually you just know. I think my time of “knowing” was just a little bit more significant than it would have been if I had been living in the U.S. For me, accepting me meant being okay with being so completely different than ev-

“While all of these thoughts are valid and true (I have never seen an episode of American Idol or Jersey Shore), living cross-culturally is so much more than this.” erybody else. It was a very IN YOUR FACE kind of different. Over time, I came to know that I couldn’t help standing out, but I could help being bothered by it. I could help letting the idea of being different affect how I treat those around me. I honestly think that we all feel different, and at some times of life we feel it more strongly than others, but we need to always remember that the difference is a good thing, with a strong and divine reason behind it.

I’m so, so, so much whiter than I ever thought I was. But, I also realize that, even though I’m yet again so different (different in brand new ways within this culture) I am the same Me. I am just the same Ellie. I’ve accepted who I am, differences and all. I may be stared at more than a sick zebra at the lion’s watering hole as I walk down the street, but that’s okay. I know I’m different for a reason. And, I know that I can confidently tell other people I meet that it’s a good thing to be different.

About 4 months ago, I started experiencing a new kind of different. My family and I left what had become home in Brazil and, after a time in the U.S., moved to Angola in south-western Africa. Many aspects of living in an unfamiliar place, and an unfamiliar culture, remain. Being in Africa, I now realize

God USes New Situations that are sometimes difficult and uncomfortable to build us up and allow us to grow in Him.

Making A Difference by maddie l. Over this summer I got to spend a week in July with some of the most amazing teens, and I had the honor to serve Christ in the way He has instructed us to - through love and by action. Sometimes in our world today, we forget the fact that we don't have to leave the country to make a difference and spread God's love. We miss the whole point. God is calling us to invest time in the people around us. The poor, broken and suffering are everywhere. As Mother Teresa said "There are Calcutta's everywhere, we just need eyes to see it." Over that week in July I met several passionate people who found their Calcutta's in the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. One woman in particular was Ruth Shipley. Because of her radical foolishness for Christ, her and her family has been able to plant seeds in the hearts of children and adults alike in their community. Along with Ruth and 3 of her children, our group of 20 passionate teens journeyed to a park nearby their home to spread the love of God. Bringing music, bubbles and laughter, a few of us were dressed as clowns and others painted faces, while still others ran around playing with the children on the playground. As we moved through the park equipped with our weapons of joy and laugher, we brought giggles and smiles to the kids of that community. Who would have thought that a group of teens radical for Jesus, blowing bubbles and having fun could make a difference? I didn't, but that night I saw something in those kids that we interacted with. A icker of light, a seed being planted‌ hope. It radically changed my perspective! We were not talking about Jesus or radically praying over people. We were just loving on these kids and being a light in a dark world, without words but through action. As the night progressed, a few from our group (myself included) did a skit to the song entitled Everything, By Lifehouse. A powerful skit displaying how Christ made us, loved us and still loves us and fights for us even on our darkest days, when things are in our way from seeing him. During the skit, teenagers from the neighborhood, who were at the basketball courts, slowly gravitated towards us. You could tell by their facial expressions that most of them were mocking us. Why would a bunch of teens dance in the park to a song and make fools of themselves? Despite the fact that most were laughing, a few were actually captivated by the skit. They would watch intently, but turn away when their friends caught them, only to keep glancing over their

shoulders. As they grew bored most walked away, laughing. But others remained, captivated by the thought that even when we fall so far, and are hopeless, there is always One who comes after us. At the end of our 5 minute skit, those in it and those watching were touched by the message it carries. Afterwards, Ruth borrowed a $20 from her son and ran around the basketball courts dangling it in front of the teens’ faces. Soon enough 25 teens were clustered around Ruth. Thinking they were going to get money she told them " I can't give you any money, but what I have to offer is better than gold." and she proceeded to tell a story using the $20, how even when the $20 was ripped, crumpled and stepped on, there was nothing we could do to make it less than a $20. Even when things happen to us and we don't feel worth it, we are. In the eyes of our father we are never no less. As Ruth was telling this story, I watched these teens hardened by their life experiences, scared and feeling like they weren't worth anything begin to feel something – value and self worth. Some kids scoffed and rolled their eyes, others walked away. I believe it wasn't because what Ruth was saying was stupid or irrelevant, but because it hit home. I watched those who stayed, seeing their demeanor change, their hearts soften, and tears well up in their eyes. They were getting it. Love… unconditional and unearned. They weren't the only ones getting it either, all of us listening encountered the love of the Father that night. When we go and help others in their brokenness and pray for them, God in turn heals our own hearts. We have to remember that we are equally as broken, and we need to hear and receive that we are God's children and worth it no matter what. It was a radical experience, filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and a moment in the kingdom of God's that I was happy to take part in. It’s incredible how the little things in life can make such a difference. Like this family who is passionately in love with Jesus, putting others before themselves. It is amazing what being radical and foolish for God can do to a person, and to a community.


CONTRIBUTORS We want to say a huge thank you to all of the following people/companies who have contributed to Pure Design Teen Mag. We truly appreciate your gifts and services!

Jacqueline Dorman - jane.tv - Business Coaching/advertising

Sarah Siegand - Author of Smart Girl, Stupid World - book donation Half Price Books - Gift Card donation Kandi Mayo - makeup artist/stylist for our photoshoot Nancy Zaiser - makeup artist - photoshoot & makeup donations Jeanie Christ - hair product & jewelry donations Todd Taylor shirt company Morgan Clipner - graphic artist Jamie McKinley - purse designer - clutch purse donation Libby Johnson - artist/musician/vocalist Claire Decker - musician/vocalist - music Heather Evans - musician/vocalist - music Chris Westra musician - music Todd Taylor-MarktSolutions Jennifer Barrett-5 Talents Soapworks Kroger Sunbury, Ohio Stephen Fujii-Big Walnut High School Principal All contents copyright © 2012 by Pure Design Teen Mag. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Please write to Pam Lozano at 338 Fayburrow Dr Sunbury Ohio 43074 or email pam@puredesignministries.com

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