UK Theme Park Awards 2022 Programme

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2022 in association with UK Theme Park Awards Awards Ceremony Thursday 22nd September 2022 Park View Suite, Drayton Manor Hotel


We are delighted to welcome you to the UK Theme Park Awards 2022. Since July, thousands of people have been vo�ng online with over 200,000 votes cast. These votes have been combined with the scores from our expert judges to decide the winners in each category. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our headline sponsor A�rac�, our category sponsors, expert judges and everyone who voted this year.

Lawrence Roots

10am Arrivals with tea and coffee

10.30am Awards Ceremony

12.30pm Buffet Lunch

1.30pm Guided tours of the new land ‘Vikings’ at Drayton Manor

in association with
UK Theme Park Awards

Meet the Judges

Andy Hine MBE

Chairman - RCCGB (Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain)

Andy founded the Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain in 1988 with the aims of uni�ng coaster enthusiasts worldwide, promo�ng amusement parks as a fun and safe pas�me and assis�ng parks and manufacturers in the pursuit of new a�rac�ons. He has worked on many safety campaigns, ride openings and has �relessly promoted the industry through all forms of media. In 2004 he was honoured by Her Majesty the Queen of England who awarded him an MBE for his contribu�ons to the industry.

Dawn Foote

Co-Founder & CEO - Katapult

Dawn Foote is the co-founder and CEO of Katapult. An award-winning crea�ve industries leader, she has experience in guest des�na�ons, the cultural sector and strategic collabora�ons. Dawn is a board adviser for Experience UK. Dawn has worked on everything from Interna�onal projects, with Atlan�s The Palm in Dubai to the global roll out of projects for The LEGO Group & Merlin Entertainments through to a wide range of projects across the UK.

Jus�n Garvanovic

Editor - First Drop

Jus�n founded the European Coaster Club in 1996 with the magazine First Drop moving over from the RCCGB. He has wri�en and con�nues to write for various publica�ons worldwide. He is a contribu�ng editor for The Guinness Book of Records - making sure the amusement and water park records are correct. Having travelled extensively, Jus�n has visited most parks in North America and Europe, as well as parks in South Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore and The Philippines amongst others.

Lawrence Roots

Editor -

Lawrence established in 2000, making it the longest running website dedicated to UK theme parks and providing an independent guide for 22 years. He con�nues to produce detailed reviews of new rides and a�rac�ons at UK theme parks, and also travels to the US and Europe to create content for and, launched in 2010 and 2018 respec�vely.

Mark is the founder and CEO of A�rac�, the leading provider of guest-facing mobile apps to the experience economy. Mark is a regular speaker at industry events and conferences, showcasing how a�rac�ons can use mobile technology to enhance their physical experiences and generate rich guest insights that they can leverage to boost guest spending and engagement. He’s helped the UK’s biggest names, including Alton Towers, Chester Zoo and Butlin’s.

Chief Executive - BALPPA (British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions)

Paul has had a 35 year professional interest and enjoyment with Britain’s theme parks. During 15 years at Thorpe Park, Paul worked in all areas of the park’s opera�on. This proved beneficial when taking up the role of Head of Opera�ons for the opening of the London Eye in 2000. A�er 5 enjoyable years at the London Eye, more theme parks and other visitor a�rac�ons became part of a daily rou�ne whilst working as a member of the business development set up for Merlin. As CEO for BALPPA, Paul has con�nued to work in the theme park and a�rac�ons sector and gets to experience the innova�on and passion that s�ll drives this industry on a daily basis.

Best New Attraction

Presented by Convious

Best Theme Park for Families (Large)

Presented by Vennersys

Best Theme Park for Families (Small)

Presented by BoldMove Na�on

Best Theme Park for Toddlers

Presented by BALPPA

Best Theme Park for Thrills

Presented by Guinness World Records

Best Seaside Park

Presented by Semnox

Best Mascot

Best Steel Coaster

Presented by the European Coaster Club

Best Wooden Coaster

Presented by the Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain

Best Live Entertainment

Presented by TAG Live

Best Play Experience

Presented by Be.EV

Best Dark Ride

Presented by Katapult

Best Historic Ride

Presented by Rubber Cheese

Best Halloween Event

Presented by The Business Crea�ve

Best Christmas Event

Presented by Blachere Illumina�on

Best Value

Presented by Rollover

Best Customer Service

Presented by A�rac�

Best Social Media Engagement

Presented by Convious

Blogger of the Year

YouTuber of the Year

Instagrammer of the Year

Share The Moment

Please share your photos and videos from the awards, using #UKThemeParkAwards on social media.






UK Theme Park Awards 2023

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