Purposed issue 2

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eph. 1:9

L o o s i n g y o u r. . .

i de n t i t y .

“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Romans 8:29 The overriding plan of God is to bring you into the image of Christ. His plan is lesser of you and more of Christ. In which, He will do. If you are one of His, born again, saved He will see to it, through various avenues and means to bring you into the image of His Son. Paul, states in Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Look how God himself worked and took away the Identity of Moses. He was born Hebrew and raised Egyptian but he didn't fit in with either group. The Egyptians despised him and the Hebrews murmured and complained against him. Once again after 40 years in the land of Median ties were broken and identity was lost, he was just a wandering man. A man whom God had chosen for a specific task. God striped away his identity and used him to affect millions. Moses lived a life of loneliness and with no real connection or identity with anyone. However you will not find another man in the Scriptures so closely tied with the Glory of God as Moses. The Word of God is filled with people who lost their self image. To name a few, John the Baptist, Paul, and

Peter all were men whom God took away their identity. Losing your identity is just the opposite of what is being publicized today. Everybody wants an identity or to be identified with a group, a self identity. Naturally when we promote ourselves or build a self image it is to say, “look my life!” A self image screams “Me, me, me! Look ME!” The world around us paints the picture that gratifying and enlarging ones self image brings fulfillment. Friend, it will never happen. It is nothing more that a worthless cycle of masquerades. A fulfilling of self is sought after and even desired but one is never satisfied. Only Jesus Christ can produce true satisfaction in your life. Often the image that one builds themselves does not portray who they really are but who they want everyone to think they are, a facade. The facade can even be hidden by motive and pride. Although the motive of this self image is hidden deep inside, it can build up to the place where you can’t be the real you, the one who is simply following Christ. Instead that which is sought after is followed, the self image. Its not easy to wave good bye to yourself, but the life of freedom you get in return is far better. God will get you there, you can go kicking and screaming or willingly. Recognize it is He, who is far above yet choosing to work in and through you, bringing you step by step into the fullness of the image of Jesus. Let go. Lose your identity to

Boasting in the Cross “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.� Galatians 6:14

Paul penned these words showing the only place one can boast is in the Cross and the only place one can boast in the cross, is on the cross. The boasting was not in some form of religion but in the Cross of Christ: the cross that took away our sins, the cross where Christ pleased the Father and submitted to His will. The Cross in your life, as well as in mine, carries a death penalty with it, death to self. We are asked to pick up our cross and follow the Lord. Thus a life like Christ. The Christ life doesn't exempt you from suffering and hurt, nor does it secure happiness in this present world. It will however, bring you more and more into the image of Christ. We are to be partakers of His sufferings. God made us to have an empty place in our life that only Christ Himself can fill. Too often when we experience loneliness or heartbreak we quickly want God to take us out of this state and makes us happy. How often have we rejected God and His workings in us mightily. He knows how to best bring the image of Christ to the forefront in our lives. Has it occurred to you that God has trusted you with His heart when you feel alone or heart broken. God Himself is alone and heart broken for this world to turn away from their sin and look unto Him. Then let us boast in the cross and allow God to have His perfect work in and through our life.

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