Special Edition
October/November 2016
Julia Duke
I’m a
Survivor A Testament of a Woman Who Survived Cancer
Change Your
THINKING Change Your
GodHealer! Is A
Publisher Kimi Johnson
Executive Editor Ann Marie Bryan
Cover Designer Kimi Johnson
Kayla Nickles Javashea Gallon LaShae Roberts Nicole Mason Carla Cannon Latracia Tolbert-Brite Trecia Ayers Rhoda Whitfield
Cover Feature Julia Duke
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Purpose Driven Women Magazine is the woman's guide to connecting to and thriving in their purpose. We are a bi-monthly digital faith based magazine designed to provide inspiration for women on their purpose journey. Our publication is published by PurposePals, LLC on the first Tuesday of every odd month.
OUR MISSION Imagine a world where every woman knew exactly why they were created. Despite their economical background, past failures, trials, or tribulations they believed they were more than enough to thrive as the person God created them to be with ease and flow. Our Vision is to create an international publication that creates unification and connection amongst women from different walks of life, giving them an opportunity to uplift each other by sharing stories, resources, products, and expertise.
Share My Story Features Nicole Mason Tanya Mihomme-Simmons
Purpose Driven Women Magazine is a publication of PurposePals, LLC. The information in this publication is presented in good faith. The publisher does not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Copyright 2020 © PurposePals, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in part or in whole, without expressed written consent of the Publisher is prohibited.
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OUR VISION Purpose Driven Women Magazine’s Mission is to inspire and encourage women to discover and surrender to the plan God has for their life. We give everyday women a voice and platform by means of testimonials, interviews, training, resources, and informative articles to share stories of how their faith helped them to overcome hardship. EBSITE: pdwag.com
“Life is much more fun when you. are connected to your purpose!”
Purpose Driven Women Magazine’s founder Kimi Johnson was originally led by the Lord to become a publisher when she was a single mom with her six-week old son. She says, “I was at a really low place in my life. The last thing I thought I was good enough to do was publish a magazine. I had been a licensed cosmetologist for 10 years and had absolutely no experience in the magazine industry. I thought, ‘Me? Do a magazine? But how Lord? I'm not good enough.’ I started thinking about everything I didn’t have that I thought I needed. Well, those thoughts carried on for years until one day my pastor walked into my office and said, ‘I’m not sure why I’m showing you these but…’ and he placed a stack of magazines that he had published on my desk. That’s right you heard me! The Holy Spirit knows how to get your attention. I burst in tears and that was the day I connected to my PURPOSE! It wasn’t long before I found out I was more than enough to operate in my purpose. All I needed to do was step out on faith and God would do the rest. Now I have embarked on a movement to let women all around the world know they are more than enough!” Kimi launched the first issue of Purpose Driven Women Magazine in April 2015.
From My Heart to Yours
God is a HEALER! Dear Purpose Driven Woman, Fall is by the lovely season of them all. If you live in Florida, you know exactly what I mean. The colors of the leaves change from bright green to beautiful golden rays of orange. Although shorter, the days are filled with clement winds that gently brush across your face. During this time of the year I find myself yielding to the soft call of nature. Transferring my thoughts to paper, I relish sitting on a blanket at the park under my favorite tree. Deeply immersed in thoughts of reflection, my heart is filled with thanksgiving and praise.
This year there were several occurrences that happened in my life that caused some major shifts. I wasn’t aware of how much pain I was carrying until one day my emotions got the best of me. In that moment of despair, I realized my heart had been broken, the walls were up, and I was slowing becoming a woman I never wanted to be, bitter. I had to have a serious come to Jesus moment and let those issues go. Praise the Lord for healing! As you scroll through this issue of Purpose Driven Women Magazine I want to challenge you to take some time to reflect on the times God was a healer in your life. Maybe you have never experienced the healing power of God. Maybe you need to be healed by God right now. What are you dealing with? Is it a broken heart? Have you been diagnosed with a terminal disease? Did the doctor just tell you there was nothing else he could do? Maybe you are dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety. Did you know our God is a HEALER? I want to encourage you girlfriend. Our Lord can do exceedingly and abundantly, above all we could ever ask or think according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:10). Isn’t that awesome? Raise up your faith! Expect a supernatural move of God. He is more than able and He is moved by our faith. In the words of Evangelist Julia Duke, “God is not just a healer in the Bible, He is healing right now.” Trust in the Lord purpose driven woman and receive your healing! God Bless, Kimi Johnson
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Julia Duke
A testament of a woman who survived breast cancer.
Cover Feature
I AM A SURVIVOR! Interview by Kimi Johnson
“God is not just a healer in the Bible, He is healing right now.� -Julia Duke I pray this testimony of healing, determination, and faith not only blesses your soul, but also activate a faith level inside of you that ignites prayers that will shift your life as well as those around you. I pray that after reading this testimony those who are on the verge of giving up on God will believe again and experience miracles. ~Kimi Johnson~ The sounds of worship filled the room as we were serenaded by skillful piano tunes and Heavenly pitched praise. Across from me sat a beautiful, sophisticated, and poised woman. Even in her relaxed attire she looked gorgeous. A woman empowered with wisdom and faith, Evangelist Julia Duke has proven herself to be a survivor. A born again child of God dedicated to a life of faith and native of St. Louis Missouri, Evangelist Duke now resides in Miami, Florida. She is the wife of Kenneth A. Duke, who is the pastor of the New Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church and Vice President of the National Primitive Baptist Convention, USA. She is a mother of two sons and one daughter, a grandmother to three, an educator by profession, a youth director with a love for children, and a psalmist, just to name a few. The list could go on and on but it ends with one sure thing; she is a woman with a testimony. I could feel the anointing as the Holy Spirit began to take control.
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“At 52 years old God has been good to me, He really has. This interview is not a coincidence. Purpose Driven Women—God has given me a purpose,” says Evangelist Duke. “My purpose at this point of my life is to sound the alarm and really share the good news. My purpose is to win as many souls for Christ as possible, to be an encourager. God has really put me on the spot, I know He is setting me up.” As we got acquainted with one another I sensed this interview was about to be different. This was more than an interview for Purpose Driven Women Magazine. This was a divine appointment set by God to release a word to His people that would shift their faith. Rooted in the Lord at a young age, she was faced with some news that would surely test her faith. “It was 1990, Christmas night when I found a lump in my breast.” Wasting no time, she made an appointment to see what was going on. "I waited to get an appointment and when I went in the doctor did a needle stick test and there was no fluid so they sent me to the surgeon for a biopsy. My God mother actually worked for the surgeon and I knew all of her friends that worked in this office. I saw Joe. I saw Lenora. They were all around me. I noticed they were crying but I didn’t think anything of it. I was 27 years old," says Evangelist Duke as she gave praises to the Lord. “So the doctor came in the room and said, “Well, I have to share something with you. I just want to let you know what I found. It was breast cancer. I said, Okay, but let me tell you this, you are not God. I trust God.” As time moved on. Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and going through treatments was tough. But God sustained her. “I have crazy faith. I truly believed God was
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going to heal me without any doubt. God did not tell me not to take treatment. So I did six months of chemo therapy radiation.” God said He was going to heal her and he did! 25 years God has kept her breast cancer free, and she has been walking in her healing and sharing her story. “God is not just a healer in the Bible, He is healing right now,” declares Evangelist Duke. Clasping her testimony, she began sharing her story with women every chance she got. She has accepted engagements from women and youth conferences to marriage retreats. Recently accepted at Virginia Union, Evangelist Duke desired to return to school to get a Masters in Religion. “I was so excited about going to school and starting a new chapter in my life,” she shares. But God had other plans. “God is something,” she says as she laughs softly, “a major setback has taken place in my life, but it is really a setup. I could easily lose it; easily not trust God and allow Satan to derail me, but God has shown me. Even for me to be presented with this opportunity amongst others has been the move of God. After this interview was confirmed, a young lady invited me to share my gift in October and this weekend I've been invited to preach. I wasn’t even on the slate to do these things, but God. It’s like God is setting me up.” As I heard more of her story, I understood exactly what she meant. Before heading out on a 7-day cruise, she got a call from her mom. “My mom called and said to me she wanted me to go back to the doctor to get checked again because she did not feel comfortable.” Despite the random request, Evangelist Duke obliged, assuring her mom she would go as soon as she returned. Upon arriving back from the cruise, she had a bad cold. “I probably would not have gone to the doctor when I did had it not been for the cold,” says Evangelist Duke. “At my visit, I shared with the
doctor my concerns and to be safe she sent me to have a mammogram and ultrasound done. "Unbeknownst to Evangelist Duke, a new form of cancer had come upon her and her faith was being tested once again. With a bold and confident response, she affirmed to the doctor, “I respect who you are as a physician, but I have a Father. My Father gives you knowledge. I am already cured. I have been for 25 years. I am walking in my healing. God does not renege. It is not what you think it is. It is for men and women to see God as a healer!” Positioned in her faith, she refused to receive the doctor’s report. This was too much like Deja vu, and she knew personally her God was a healer. If he did it once, he would definitely do it again! Choosing to take a different perspective and see the bigger picture, Evangelist Duke knows this journey isn’t just for her. “It’s not about me. This storm I am going through is not about me. God sent Purpose Driven Women Magazine to me. I have to talk to people and let them know God is not a God of yesterday. He is healing right now. God healed me; he has already done it. The manifestation of the healing that is about to take place is not for me. It is for those that are around that need to know God is real. People have lost hope in this world. We are living in a world where mothers are against daughters, fathers against sons. We are living in a world where same-sex marriages are acceptable, where people can’t even walk down the street in certain places. People need hope. And if God has to use me to show He is real I told Him I would be the sacrificial lamb. Purpose Driven Woman, that’s me. I’m driven by Him and His purpose. God has ordered my steps and kept me. God has already healed me, but I want others to be healed as well. Not a temporary healing. I do have weak moments because I am human, but I have not lost hope. On Christ the solid rock
I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” Never denying the process ahead she has made up her mind to keep her eyes on the Lord. “I have to go through what I am going through, but I will see this through in faith to the end. I see what God is doing. He is doing some magnificent things, and it is all to bring Him glory. People need to know who God is and that he is a present help in the time of trouble. He is our present and our future. He knows the plans he has for us. Plans for good and not evil, plans to bring us an expected end. God already knows what He has in store for me." Some may say she’s a Jesus freak, but she says, “Who else am I going to depend on? There is nobody like God and He has not failed me yet. I have been through some stuff and saw God do some awesome things. I don’t think He is going to stop now. I have crazy faith to believe there is more to come. There will be a praise after this. There will be a testimony after this!"
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Healing the Matters of the Heart by: Kimi Johnson
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute describes a heart as “a muscular organ that pumps blood to your body. It lies at the center of your circulatory system.” Approximately the size of a fist, the heart can give life and abruptly take life away. Weighing in at about 10 ounces, this small organ is powerful! Not only is the heart a vital organ physically, it is just as important spiritually. Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." It’s the place where spiritual strong holds reside, sometimes an entire lifetime. What are the matters of your heart? Examples of Matters of the Heart Brokenness Abandonment Rejection Forgiveness Bitterness Unforgiveness Fear Low Self-esteem Hurt Matters of the heart cause our hearts to suffer from built up hurt and pain, hindering us from developing flourishing relationships. The enemy is very strategic in his approach as it relates to inflecting matters of the heart into your live. Sometimes they are planted during the earlier years of your live. Other times life’s happenstances such as death, disappointments, and betrayal can plant these vicious seeds. I call then identity robbers because they literally smoother your identity causing you to be who you think you should be rather than who you were created to be. To fully operate in your purpose, you must first tend to the matters of your heart. This my friend, takes work. So how do we deal with matters of the heart? Here are three steps to deal with the matters of your heart.
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1. Be Honest First you must be honest with ourselves and with the Lord. In other words, we must confess our issues to God. Don’t be afraid to be transparent. After all, nothing is hidden from Him The bible tells us in the book of Psalm, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there," Psalm 139:7-8 There is healing in your confession.
2. Invite the Holy Spirit The next step is to invite the Holy Spirit to walk with you during your healing process. There will be times when you feel like you are being smothered in your emotions, but you must keep pushing. Face the pain and the lies confessing God’s truth over your life. 3. Commit to the Journey Lastly, you must commit to the journey. As you commit to this journey forgive yourself and embrace your unique scars. Sharing your story will help other women heal. As you deal with the matters of your heart remember God isn’t only healing His people physically, but He is healing emotionally as well. If you desire to operate fully in your purpose say this prayer with me: Father, in the name of Jesus, I invite you to come into my heart and make me whole. I release (insert the matter of your heart here.) I declare that by your strips I am healed. In the mighty name of Jesus, AMEN. If you said this prayer with sincerity in your heart expect to be made whole. Confess healing over yourself. Your life will never be the same as you evolve into the woman God created you to be.
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The Virtuous Woman is Respectful- Proverbs 31:11-12 The best way to show respect to others is to listen to them, encourage them, and be grateful for them.
The Virtuous Woman has Wisdom- Proverbs 31:36 The best way to show wisdom is to THINK before you speak. T- (is it TRUE?) H- (is it HELPFUL?) I- (is it INSPIRING?) N- (is it NECESSARY?) K- (is it KIND?)
The Virtuous Woman has Strength- Proverbs 31:17, Isaiah 41:10 The best way to have good strength is to be healthy inside and out. Exercise, eat right, meditate on scripture and sharpen that sword! The Virtuous Woman is Diligent – Proverbs 31:27 The best way to be diligent is to always do for others. If you’re always thinking of what you can do for other people and getting it done, then you won’t ever remain idle. The Virtuous Woman is Rare – Proverbs 31:10 The best way to be rare is to have all of these virtues along with your own uniqueness. Be yourself, but always strive to have virtues like the Virtuous Woman!
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success tools
Lessons Aspiring Entrepreneurs Can Learn from “The Sharks� by: Carla R. Cannon
One of the shows I thoroughly enjoy watching is Shark Tank (an Emmy-winning ABC show where over 45,000 entrepreneurs applied for an audience with some of the world’s most famous investors.) Only 150 people were selected and 115 made it to the air in which their businesses were seen in millions of homes. The show consists of 6 moguls (known as sharks): Mark Cuban – Owner of the 2011 NBA champion Dallas Mavericks as well as owner & chairman of AXS TV. Kevin O’Leary- AKA Mr. Wonderful: venture capitalist Daymond John- FUBU clothing founder and branding expert Barbara Corcoran- Real estate mogul Robert Herjavec- founder of the global IT security company the Herjavec Group Lori Greiner- QVC home-shopping queen
Barbara Corcoran says deep-seated insecurity has been the driving force of her success. From being a nun in the 5th grade who was told she was stupid because she couldn’t read (she is dyslexic) to the boyfriend and real estate business partner who left her for her secretary to every fancy cocktail party that’s made her feel insignificant because of her learning curve; has actually caused her to have great compassion and motivation to stand tall in her own right and un-apologetically the right to be compared or treated less than in any area of her life. Story continues on page 18.
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Success Tools
A key to success is to develop tough skin,” Barbara says. In other words, don’t let everything shake you. Become unmovable. Own your strengths but don’t deny your weaknesses. They are there to keep you grounded and to remind you that it is not within your own strength that you are able to function and expand your brand, business or ministry but it’s by HIS power, might and spirit. How you respond to insecurity is the key. So what you may have a disability; that makes you no less of a human being than anyone else. It just means you learn differently. And most millionaires I learned of or read about were often labeled with some sort of learning disability.
Daymond John Released a book entitled, “The Power of Broke.” He says, He goes on to say,
When Daymond started FUBU in 1992 his funds were extremely limited and for 2 years he took the same 10 shirts with him whenever he could sneak his way onto a music video shoot. If he could convince a rapper or dancer to wear the shirt in a video, he’d take it back when the shoot was over. “We didn’t’ have the money to give shirts away, but we were in about 30 videos; and the perception grew that we were this huge clothing company.”- says Daymond. All it takes is ONE opportunity for your brand, ministry or business to explode! But you must be willing to do the work.
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“Allow the person you are today to sit down so the person you were called to be can rise up!”- Carla R. Cannon
Through great sacrifice and out of the box thinking, FBUW grossed over $350 million in sales in 1998.
Be resilient: The sharks can move forward with confidence despite their fear because they have faith in their own resilience, the ability to recoup from failure and move on to new challenges. “You get a lot of chances in life,” Robert Herjavec says, “Even if you fail in one, you’ve got to keep going!”
Lori Greiner- Tested her product by boldly approaching strangers for their opinions.
If you have products do not be afraid to give it away in order to gain reviews and testimonials. Free doesn’t mean you gain NOTHING! Develop a strategy, develop a plan then EXECUTE IT!!! Get rid of poverty thinking and begin to think like the millionaire you are!
Kevin O’Leary- sees failure (even million-dollar failure) as a learning opportunity. “You must be willing to lose.” Truth is, as an entrepreneur we do not always win but actually in the end we do. We take risks, we invest in projects and people that don’t always work out but the wisdom and knowledge we gain from each decision and endeavor is worth it.
Perseverance is an essential attribute when starting a business, but so are firm deadlines that measure your progress.
Robert Herjavec says: “A goal without a time line is just a dream.”
About the Writer: Carla R. Cannon also known as “The Trailblazer” is indeed one of God’s Moguls in the making. With her eloquent yet transparent approach, bubbly personality, and contagious spirit, she is committed to empowering global women from the pulpit to the marketplace on how to operate authentically and unapologetically in their divine calling with a spirit of excellence. carlacannon.com
“A goal without a strategic plan of action is simply a wish!”-Carla R. Cannon
Don’t despise fear:
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Love andrelationships It’s Time to be Healed by: LaShae Roberts
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You have probably heard the saying, “Time heals all wounds”. I am here to tell you that time is not enough. Not only do you need time, but you need perspective, forgiveness, and love. John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly”. My sister, if you are walking about life carrying the hurt of your past, you are doing yourself a disservice The primary goal of the enemy is to weigh you down with worry, anger, bitterness, self-loathing, low self-esteem, frustration, hopelessness, helplessness, self-doubt: do I need to keep going? He places all of these burdens on you so that you do not have the strength and energy to fulfill the will of God. He’s clever. He does not just study your weaknesses; he studies your strengths too. As a matter of fact, he knows what you are capable of before you even know. This is why he tries to entangle your mind and emotions in battles that will keep you in distress longer than its intended season. So Shae, how do I move past wounds and receive healing? I am so glad you asked! Let’s consider the ingredients for healing and keep it simple. Time. While wallowing in hurt is not going to help you, sweeping trauma under the rug is not healthy either. If you need to grieve, do so. Do not ignore the process, embrace it. It’s going to hurt, I know, but sometimes you have to get cut to be healed. It is not fair to your loved ones or your significant other to receive the aftershocks of your despair. Regardless of whether it was a violation of your rights, a bad break-up or death – take the time you need to heal so that you can be healthy and available in your relationships and your purpose. And no, there is no timeline, but if you’re intentional about your healing, you
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Love and Relationship So Shae, how do I move past wounds and receive healing? I am so glad you asked! Let’s consider the ingredients for healing and keep it simple. Time. While wallowing in hurt is not going to help you, sweeping trauma under the rug is not healthy either. If you need to grieve, do so. Do not ignore the process, embrace it. It’s going to hurt, I know, but sometimes you have to get cut to be healed. It is not fair to your loved ones or your significant other to receive the aftershocks of your despair. Regardless of whether it was a violation of your rights, a bad break-up or death – take the time you need to heal so that you can be healthy and available in your relationships and your purpose. And no, there is no timeline, but if you’re intentional about your healing, you will know when it’s time to move on. Perspective. Take the lesson, no the pain. What can you glean from this experience? It could be a revelation about another person, yourself, your circumstance, your drive, your motivation or your character. Have you noticed that a lot of the perspective has to do with you? Let me share this quote from a book I read, “God doesn’t waste pain”. I am not implying you caused it; I am simply saying that if it happened, God allowed it, and there is something He needs you to glean from it. And remember, God is the originator of “No Child Left Behind”. He is not going to advance you to the next level if you don’t pass or get what you need from this one level. He doesn’t want you illiterate or ill prepared in your next season. Forgiveness. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Forgiveness is not about them; it’s about you. As long as you hold things in, you give someone the authority to dictate your destiny. If every time you think about the one who has wronged you and you have an aggressive or agitated reaction, you haven’t forgiven them. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I held onto stuff because I did not want the responsibility that came with forgiveness. As long as you withhold it, you have the “right” to shame them, ridicule them, treat them badly and you feel justified in doing all of this.
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Once you forgive, you lose all of that justification, and you’re now made responsible for how you treat them. I am here to tell you that there are so much joy and peace on the other side of forgiveness. Love. From whom? You and God. Love yourself enough to know that you’re worth having peace of mind. Love yourself more than the discontent you have for someone else. Whatever you give energy to will live and flourish. If you feed hatred, it’ll grow, and it will consume you more than the person it’s aimed towards. By loving yourself more, you recognize that you are deserving of the abundant life that God has promised. By loving yourself, you take power from the enemy and your enemies. And lastly, always remember that Daddy God loves you more than you can ever love yourself! Pray for God to help you and overshadow you with His love. In His love is peace, joy, grace, mercy, patience, and everything else you need. It’s time for you to be healed for real. Let’s start today.
About the Writer: LaShae Roberts is a life coach who desires to restore broken and strained families, especially women. Through her mentoring, she has learned that every woman has a story and seeks to empower them so they can live their best lives. You can read more of LaShae's writings at www.lashaeroberts.com
Just Simply Saying with Rhoda Whitfield Topic: How should you manage money in a marriage, jointly or separately? Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
can you separate your sand from his? Separating the sand will be unattainable. That’s becoming one.
Though we know becoming one is not accomplished overnight, it is God’s expectation for a husband and a wife to become one. Becoming one should take place in all aspects of your marriage. You can’t decide to be one in decision making, raising the children, sharing responsibilities or in the bedroom and then say no you keep your account, and I’ll keep mine. At the beginning of each month, we’ll sit down and bring our bill money to the table. For real!!! So are you working your marriage like roommates? Becoming one covers every aspect of your marital journey, even your finances. The world is going to try and pull you apart by saying you are you, and he is he. In other words, they will try to convince you that your money is your money, and his money is his. But guess what? When we got married and became one, it became ours. Therefore, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. If you’re broke, I’m broke. If I’m broke, you’re broke. If you have, I have. If I have, you have. When pooling our money together, it goes further. Stop focusing on who makes the most money. You knew who made the most money before you got married. During the wedding ceremony, many people light the unity candle. As each mother is escorted down the aisle, she lights a candle for the bride and the groom to light the unity candle. At a point in the ceremony, the bride and the groom walk over to the unity candle, pick the lit candle up and began to light the candle in the center. Who lit the center candle? They both did. Another ceremony commonly used at weddings to create a visual demonstration of the concept of becoming one is the sand ceremony. Here the bride and the groom have their container with sand, and they would pour their sand together into an empty vase. My question to you now is,
Not only is that becoming one, but it also supports everything that I have previously said. The Bible says, and the two shall become one. Stop trying to live as if you are still boyfriend and girlfriend. Those are two separate individuals. But a husband and wife are one. The idea of becoming one flesh within a covenant marriage is that the bride and groom make a forever team. As you journey into the experience of marriage and becoming one flesh, my question for you now is, do you and your spouse have a single joint checking account? Or do you choose to keep separate bank accounts? When this subject comes up with other couples, I’m amazed at some of the dialogs that take place when the conversation begins. Joint accounts foster unity not only in your finances but your marriage as well. This account also allows the two of you, to work together to meet goals that you wish to reach as a couple in the future.
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Setting up a household budget is a great place to get started. It helps to keep things on track and allows you to see what’s being spent monthly. Allot money every month that each of you will get that can be used however you please. This is your HAPPY MONEY, and it doesn’t take care of anything that is covered in the budget. Even your haircuts and salon visits are included in the budget. You also want to have money that is placed in savings for emergencies and vacations. The more you embrace the mystery of how two become one, you will find yourselves learning together, working on your oneness together, growing closer, growing stronger as a couple and loving each other unconditionally. So don’t let finances be a disagreement in your marriage. I’m Just Simply Saying. If you have a topic or a question you would like to have answered email: justsimplysaying@gmail.com
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About the Writer: Rhoda Whitfield graduated from Florida A&M University in education and is a retired educator that has a deep passion for marriage. She believes in order to maintain a successful marriage you have to nurture your marriage daily. She is a Co-host of Women of Wisdom Marriage Empowerment. Learn more about Rhoda at www.dannyandrhodawhitfield.com
w w w. v i r t u o u s m a m a . o r g
family Fall on Your Knees By: Javashea Gallon
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Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year. There are so many things that I enjoy about the fall season. I love the cool air, fall wardrobe and fall décor. I love that it’s the beginning of the football and holiday season. I love the new spiced candle fragrances that come out. I also love that fall brings more activities to do with your family such as football games, pumpkin patches, holiday parties and the fair. While I was reflecting on all of the reasons I love fall and all of the things I wanted to enjoy with my family this year as we welcome the fall season, I was reminded that the most important thing that I can do for my family is to fall on my knees in prayer. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that a Purpose Driven Woman has in her arsenal. Prayer invites God into our situations and gives Him the opportunity to do the impossible. Prayer has the power to produce miracles from Heaven. But how often do we fail at keeping our families covered in prayer and seeking God on their behalf? Prayer and seeking God is the best gift that we can give to our families. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 NKJV). The Bible states that we should pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV). That means that we should be in constant communication with God. We can go to Him about any and everything any time of the day and night. With the times we are living in and all the evil going on in the world, it is even more imperative that we stay before God on behalf of our families. God can do things for our families that we cannot. We are not able to keep a watchful eye on our families and protect them 24/7 but God can. We are
not able to fix all of our family’s problems but God can. We are not able to heal their bodies, but God is able. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV). Lifting our families up to God will not only help them, but it will also give us peace knowing that God is in control. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV). As we welcome in the fall season and plan all of our fall activities, let us not forget to fall on our knees for our families. Cover them in prayer and give every situation that arises to God. As we strive to be Purpose Driven, let us not forget to pray for our families into their purpose as well. Remember, God is always willing and waiting to hear us no matter the situation or time of day. Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2 NKJV)
Javashea Gallon is a blogger at gallonsoflove.blogspot.com. She uses her blog as an avenue to encourage and inspire others through the love of Jesus Christ. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from Florida State University and aspires to one day operate a Christian Counseling Center. She is also a devoted wife and stepmom to an awesome teenage son. Read more of Javashea's writings at: gallonsoflove.blogspot.com
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Let Your Voice Be Heard by: Latracia Tolbert- Brite
It’s election season! Many people are at odds of who they will vote for. People are posting inappropriate things on social media about the candidates and the candidates ignoring the issues we face by talking down on one another trying so desperately to get votes. Our country is still facing racism, gun violence (schools and community), healthcare problems, education issues and I could go on. We complain when we don’t get the results we want. What Are We Doing Locally To Ensure Our Communities Are Safe And Working Effectively? We all want to see a change in this life. Why not be that change. What Can You Do To Make A Difference In Your Community? As we all know, voting is serious! During the Civil
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Rights Movement, many people sacrificed their lives so that we could have the right to vote. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a voice for African-Americans and all Americans. He fought for our right to vote nonviolently. Some people were for this, and some were against it. He saw what could be. People from all over the world saw Greatness in him and Believed the Dream he had for us all. If we want to be a positive influence in our communities, get involved and be a catalyst for change. Facilitating community forums, get out in the community and find out what the people want and need. We can’t assume; we need everyone to help make our communities better, stronger, and safer. For us to get where we have never
been, we must do something we have never done. We Have To Pull Up Our Sleeves And Be That Change!!! I was blessed with the opportunity to be on a campaign in my community for a candidate from my local school board. I really wasn’t sure what role I could play to help with the campaign, but I used my strengths I possessed, and I became a pro at it. I was active on social media promoting the candidate and what she stood for in relation to our students and putting them first. We went to different communities and found out what was needed and made efforts to make sure we would be a voice for our students. I also was blessed to teach at Christian Leadership School (The Experience) at The Fort Valley State University. The theme was “My Voice, My Vote.” We taught on the importance of voting, citizenship, the voting process, and practiced registering students to vote. I came up with this chant and song the students really liked.
Chant: We Just Rocked The Vote! You Can Too. Let Your Voice Be Heard, Now Not Later. Every Vote Counts! Every Vote Matters! Song: Rock The Vote Chorus: Rock The Vote 4x Go To The Polls 2x Make A Difference 2x It’s All Up To You, What Are You Going To Do Rock The Vote
God’s says in Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NLT) “Write my answers plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. The vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.” After doing this, trust God and ask him to direct your steps. He will give you the desires of your heart. There is a leader in you! Unleash the leader and allow your voice to be heard. Do something now not later. Change starts with you!
About the Writer: Latracia Tolbert- Brite is a Purpose Driven Woman, who loves the Lord. She loves to teach, spend time with family and friends, sing, write songs, devotionals, articles and be of service to her church and community. Latracia's motto is "You are no one until you fight for the cause of someone."
We all have a voice. If you don’t speak up, you will never know the impact you can have on your community, peers, schools, students, coworkers, church and family. God created us all. We are uniquely made by Him. He has given us ideas to be creative and make a difference in this world. Everyone isn’t going to like your input or visions but pursue them anyway. If you allow fear to creep in you are not being all God called you to be in the earth.
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
share my story Snatched from the Hands of the Enemy By: Nicole Mason
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Your life really can change in a split second! I know this all too well. On May 7, 1992, I celebrated one of the greatest milestones in my life. I graduated from Howard University. I had aspirations of attending law school. I wanted to be a lawyer since I was nine years old and in the 3rd grade. I was well on my way, or so I thought. Before I tell you what happened to me, let me tell you a little bit about me. You see, at that time in my life, I was living in two worlds. These worlds were contradictory in huge ways, but I couldn’t see it at the time. One world was filled with promise and success. The other world was filled with fast cars, fast money and a definite path to destruction. Now, before you judge me, this is a reality that many people, particularly those that live in urban cities across the nation face regularly. So much so, most become accustomed to and numb from all of the destruction around them. It becomes the norm. But, there are always a few people in the neighborhood with discernment and the “eyes to see” who is on the path to promise and success, who is on the road to destruction and who is straddling both worlds. Unfortunately, those who straddle the fence are in worse shape because the result of their choices can end up being very, very tragic. We have all heard stories about individuals with so much potential and promise ending up dead or in jail with lengthy prison sentences because of poor choices. Well, that was almost my lot in life! My grandmother would always tell me that, “Trouble is easy to get into but hard to get out of.” She told me that I wasn’t like some of the people I insisted on hanging around. But, I didn’t listen!!! She told me when she realized that I was hellbent on doing life my way, “Experience is the best teacher.” She was absolutely correct. On June 7, 1992, exactly 29 days after graduating from
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
college, my life changed in a split second. I was heading to a pool party that night and decided to ride through the neighborhood to see who was hanging out on the corner. I was actually looking for one guy in particular. We liked each other since we were kids and decided to act on our lust. There wasn’t any love involved, and we certainly were not in a committed relationship. It was straight sex. So, my ride through the neighborhood was actually a “booty call.” Hello, are you still with me?! Okay, take a deep breath. There won’t be any further references to sex, but it is important for you to understand fully where I was in my thought process at that time in my life. As I stated when I started, I was living in 2 different worlds. When I pulled up to the corner, there he was, and he hopped into the car, as he had done on many other occasions. We sat there talking, but this conversation was a whole lot different than any of our other conversations. He kept telling me he was tired. His eyes were bloodshot red as if he had either been crying or was in need of lots of sleep. I chose the latter explanation to dwell on. I told him he just needed to get some rest. His next response was a sign of monumental proportion. He said, “You don’t understand. I am tired.” Well, as the night and days ahead would unfold, I would come to realize that his statement to me was a cry of his soul and not just his flesh. He started talking about changing his life, and me being me, I listened and offered many suggestions and recommendations. We were riding around the block having this conversation. Now, when I picked him up from the corner, there were many, many people standing out there. The police pulled up a few minutes after I did. When we got back around the block to the corner, it was totally cleared out. Now, in the words of my Mom, “Nicole, you should have known that was not a good sign.” In hindsight, the reality was I wasn’t as “street smart” as I thought I was. I parked the car, and my friend got out of the car. It felt like a western when a dual was planned. It was eerily silent, but I was none the wiser. As he got out of the car, someone in the cloak of darkness called out his name and asked him a question. His response to the question was, “Hell no!” He went into a house, and I sat in the car waiting for
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him to return. As I sat there waiting for him to return to the car, “something told me” to leave, to pull off right then. I’ve come to know now that the voice I heard was the voice of the Lord. I wasn’t connected to the Lord then, so I didn’t know that it would be in my best interest to listen and obey. I allowed my flesh to override the “still, small voice” inside of me that kept speaking with a sense of urgency. I didn’t obey!! This would be a very hard pill to swallow in the days ahead. My friend was in the house for just a few minutes. When he came back to the car, I told him I needed to leave. Again, his response was unusual. He wanted me to stay and talk with him for a while longer. I dismissed the urgency to leave and proceeded to keep talking to him. He reclined the seat, and the conversation ensued. Not too long later, I could see another guy we grew up with walking on the sidewalk near my car. When I mentioned the guy’s name to my friend, he jumped up and things appeared to go in fast and slow motion, all at the same time. It was at that very moment that I saw the barrel of a gun pointing at my right rear passenger window and then the shots began ringing out in rapid succession. I covered my head and started hollering JEEESSSUUSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know angels are real because I don’t remember opening my car door. I felt as if I blacked out, but I could literally feel a force picking me up and pushing me down the street. When I “came to myself,” I was running for my life. I could still hear shots being fired behind me. I ran for about 1 ½ blocks, and I just couldn’t run any further. I was panting for air. My legs were weak. In my mind I thought I had been shot, so my body began to respond to my thoughts. Although it felt like a “ghost town,” there were two people standing on a porch, a man and a woman. The woman reminded me of the lady in the Pine Sol commercials. The man was short with a round face and a perfect bush. As I approached them, I started screaming, “Am I shot? Am I shot?” Then, I told them, “They shot him! They shot him!”
They never asked me any questions. They didn’t ask me if anyone was chasing me. Nor did they seem concerned about anyone chasing me. They told me to come inside and lay down on the floor. The man called 911 to report the shooting. They told him that someone else had already reported it. I remember seeing a lot of white in the room. There were white lacey curtains and white doilies on the floor. The woman was very gentle with me, and she just kept telling me that everything was going to be okay. I called my older sister, who lived around the corner from where the shooting occurred. In fact, I was trying to run to her house, but my body would not let me. I called her to pick me up so I could go back to the scene to let the police know that I was the owner of the car. I gave her the address. Wasting no time she picked me up and took me back to the scene of the crime. When we turned on the block where my car was parked, it was sheer pandemonium!!! It looked like everybody in the entire neighborhood had descended on that one block. I jumped out of the car and told the first police officer I could find that I was the owner of the vehicle where the shooting had occurred. The car door to my car was still open with the key still in the ignition. The officer proceeded to put me in the police car right next to my car with the opened door. I looked over, and there was my friend slumped over in the driver’s seat. He was riddled with bullets, and so was the driver’s seat of my car where I was just sitting. I totally lost it!!!! My mind just couldn’t seem to wrap around all that had transpired in that short window of time. The detectives whisked me off to the police station and questioned me until the breaking of dawn. In less than 30 days after I graduated from college, I found myself in a world of trouble as a witness in a murder case!!! WOW!!! The guy that killed my friend was apprehended and charged with his murder. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to prison for what I considered to be a short amount of time for intentionally murdering someone.
learned after the fact that there was a gang feud going on in the neighborhood. I didn’t have a clue. Remember, I was living in 2 worlds. I was on a campus pursuing my degree, while some of the people in the neighborhood were on a path to destruction. I jumped on and off this path when I wanted to but didn’t have a clue of all that was going on nor did I understand the rules of that world. My grandmother was right on all levels. “Trouble was easy to get into and hard to get out of.” “I was on a different path than those I wanted to hang around.” And most important of all, “Experience is the best teacher.” I eventually got on the path to promise and success and stayed on it. I went to law school. I passed the bar exam. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I answered the call of the Lord on my life and went into the ministry preaching whenever and wherever I am given an opportunity. I write, practice law, host an international internet radio show, serve on a national board of directors of an organization with a mission to end sex discrimination and to advance the professional careers of women and I help others through coaching and mentoring. God is great, and I am confident I was saved for a time such as this! By the way, 2 weeks after the shooting my mother went back to the house where the 2 people let me in and helped me. She wanted to thank them for helping me on that fateful night. The person that answered the door said that no one ever lived there that fit the description of the 2 people that helped me that night. I know that angels are real. There were angels watching over me that night.
Psalm 43:2 rings true in my life, “When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through the fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you.”
It took me many years to put the pieces of my life back together. I was angry at the shooter and my friend. I
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Share My Story
Ten Life Lessons from Nicole Mason, Esq.
1. Listen to the people in your life that you know care about you.. They are not your enemy.
2. There are some experiences that you don’t have to go through if you will just listen to those in your life who care about you.
3. Stay alert to the signs around you. The details are vitally important to your success.
4. Stay in your lane. You must know your
environment and which environments will cause you to thrive and which ones you need to run away from.
5. Listen to the still, small voice on the inside of
yourself. I am referring to your first thought, your intuition. It will never steer you the wrong way.
6. Keep your mind strong by feeding it positive
thoughts, affirmations and stories. Everything in your life is a result of the way you think.
7. Think long and hard about every choice you make in your life. It can determine success or failure.
8. Forgive others and God will forgive you. 9. Accept the decisions you’ve made in the
past. Do not allow them to hold you hostage. You did it, and it didn’t work out the way you thought it would. Release it and let it go!
10. Learn the lessons and apply them to your life.
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Nicole S. Mason is wife to her college sweetheart, mother of 3 sons, author, attorney, powerful preacher, executive leadership coach and confidante to high achieving women. Simply put, Nicole is a Leader's Leader. She is a bearer of truth and a woman that operates in excellence. She leads by example and encourages other women to create success on their own terms by living the life they want utilizing their gifts, talents and abilities, without apology. Find out more about Nicole Mason at www.nicolesmason.com.
Tanya Mihomme-Simmons: The Joy of the Lord is my Strength By Kimi Johnson
When I received the "Share My Story" request from Kay Martinek. I was in absolute amazement as I read about her friend Tanya Milhomme-Simmons. Tanya has what is called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Yes, you heard me right. This isn't something you hear of all the time, is it? That's exactly why I knew Purpose Driven Women Magazine had to contact Kay and Tanya to hear more. Check out their amazing story.
Tanya went from doctor to doctor seeking medical insight about what had taken place. No one had a clue of what was going. "I had a positive ANA, but no one could tell me what was wrong until 1998." Tonya was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1998.
It all started in 1994; it was Christmas Eve. Tanya tried getting out of bed when she realized something drastic had happened. "I tried to get out of bed and couldn't move. I was stiff as a board, and every bone in my body hurt. I was enjoying the holidays when out of nowhere joint pains, fatigue, malaise, cold bluish discoloration of my toes and fingers rendered me helpless; and riddled with excruciating pain. My body was under attack, and I was not equipped at that time to deal with the war that was raging inside of me. I was in Law School at the time and could not afford to be sick." Unanswered questions lingered for four years as
I've been told I have a nice shaped head. Thank God!" Tanya shares.
From 1998 to 2012 Tanya went on with her life determined to fight through the pain. "There were times I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up. The pain was unlike "If I had a dime for every time I heard "you don't look any pain I had felt. On a scale of 1-10, my pain level was sick" over the years, I probably wouldn't have to work 15. Medications in the form of narcotics, steroids, chemoanymore. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease is an therapy, and biologics were my only options so that I could autoimmune disease in which the body's defense system have a quality of life. It became apparent to me, that the attacks itself. Most of the times the abbreviation MCTD is doctors and I had a difference of opinion on the definition used to refer to this disease. Unfortunately for me, I of quality of life. The list of medications that I have had to couldn't just have one disease on the list of autoimmune ingest will blow your mind. I take over 20 different diseases. I have several. MCTD is referred to as an overlap medications. Some daily, some weekly, and some were disease because the signs and symptoms are a combination every six months. I would be remised if I didn't mention of disorders, Lupus, Scleroderma and Polymyositis. People the weekly chemo, Methotrexate, which is partially with MCTD may have a combination of various responsible for the loss of all my hair. That's what 15 years autoimmune diseases. " of ingesting this medication can do.
When Tanya lost all of her hair her longtime friend and hairstylist Kay was devastated. "Tanya always had very full and thick hair," says Kay. "So when she started losing all of her hair I was devastated." One night the Lord put it in Kay spirit to do a 5K walk. With Kay being a runner and a hairstylist the Lord couldn't have given her a better idea.
Embracing the vision, Kay pitched the idea to a few friends and everyone was on board. "The Lord has October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
ordained this event," Kay declares. "The support is amazing." Amazing it is! Kay has successfully organized the very first 5K HAIR PEACE 5K RUN/WALK event. Women of H.O.P.E. (Health Occupations Promoting Education) in collaboration with Paradise Spa Salon, where Kay is currently a hairstylist, will be hosting HAIR PEACE 5K RUN/WALK at the Miramar Regional Park on Saturday, October 22, 2016. The main goal of this run/walk is to help bring awareness and support to those who live with autoimmune diseases that result in devastating hair loss. This life changing event aims to bring people together to celebrate the lives of those currently battling an auto-immune disease, remember loved ones lost, and helping to raise funds for hair prostheses (wigs) for women and men with hair loss due to an autoimmune disease(s). Walkers, runners, joggers, and rollers (baby strollers and wheelchairs) of all ages are all invited to come out and participate. Even if you can't join in the race, come support a great cause and have a good time doing so! Since 2012 Tanya has stopped fighting the path God had placed her on, saying yes to her call as an intercessory prayer warrior. "God has a sense of humor Tanya says laughing. "Here I am in need of prayer and yet He has me praying for others." She found herself praying for everyone. "God started waking me up at 3 am to pray. Sometimes it was for people I knew and sometimes it was for people I did not know. If I knew them I would have to call them and encourage them," Tanya says. Not only did Tanya accepted her calling, she was able to finish law school in two and a half years instead of the four years that is generally required, and has been sharing her story to help encourage women that have an autoimmune disease. "I can probably say how I feel when I have a flare, the feeling of guilt I have knowing I can't actively participate in regular familial activities. They didn't sign up for this. I could share when I am in bed crying because the pain is so intense I pray for God to take me at that very moment. I could tell you about how I spend time dreaming about how I was going to be a powerful attorney, a force to be reckoned with. I'm grateful to God that I was able to obtain my Law degree, work for some firms, and now I have my own firm. Honestly, telling you these things will
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not assist anyone who has an autoimmune disease/ disorder." When asked what advice Tanya would give others who are battling an illness she replies, "If I had to impart some advice to those who are battling an illness; learn to speak healing, joy, and happiness into your life. On those challenging days when you are asked how you are feeling; respond with a positive attitude. This response will help you conquer your obstacles and help you have a great day. You will have "good days" and "great days." When life gives you lemons, take out the seeds, plant them, so you have your own lemons. That way not only can you make lemonade; you can make a pie, you can sell some lemons, and get paid. My point is don't let your illness stop you from fulfilling your dreams. You just have to trust God, be creative, and believe in yourself. You are not the disease that ravages your body, and creates challenges out of menial, daily tasks. You are a strong individual who on a daily basis must mentally, physically, and spiritually choose joy, peace, happiness, and love; in order to enjoy the quality of life that you were blessed with. MCTD is not me, it's just a reminder of how beautifully flawed I am; and allows me to accept the beautiful flaws in those around me."
Kay Martinek,, hairstylist and friend of Tanya.
health and fitness
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October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Health and Fitness
Heal Thy Self with a Healthy Self By: Trecia Ayers
Everyone knows as the seasons change, many become susceptible to sickness because different viruses flourish in different types of weather. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can put you ahead of the game and thwart off those seasonal illnesses. Need some reasons why you should HEAL THY SELF with a HEALTHY SELF….LET’S GO!
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Sleep apnea
Living a healthy lifestyle has numerous benefits, let’s focus on Disease prevention.
Do you or anybody you know suffer from these? A common statement that many, not all, suffers of these diseases hear from their physician…”LOSE WEIGHT.”
Did you know many of the common health problems and chronic diseases can be traced back to subpar lifestyle choices and a poor diet?
Losing weight may:
According to the CDC, chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability, with 70% of annual deaths being due to chronic diseases. Yes, 70%!!!! Unreal stats to say the least, but the good news is YOU can help prevent yourself from getting these diseases by embracing a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help you get to, and maintain, a healthy weight. Obesity and being over-weight has real life implications. Extra weight takes a toll on your body, in more ways than just your physical appearance.
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help prevent or even delay the onset of diabetes
lower high blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels and blood sugar, this only can lower your risk for stroke
lower your chance of developing heart disease, with losing as little as 5 to 10 pounds
help decrease inflammation and neck size, which usually improve sleep apnea
lower the risk of cancers including colon and rectum
Eating healthy and exercising are very important. Not just because you want to lose weight or are trying to fit the “mold”, but because you love yourself!! I know for me, simply knowing that increased weight comes with so
many implications, I will make a change. I want to live a better lifestyle for myself and my family. Things to remember:
Start with small changes
Set realistic goals
Take it one day at a time
Get a workout/accountability partner
Celebrate your progress along the way
Keep trying
Your life depends on it. Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be bland and boring. Don’t think of it as punishment or that you’re giving up on something. Honestly it’s the exact opposite. You’re gaining so much more than you’re “giving up.” A peace of mind is priceless. We hear it all the time, “eating healthy is expensive.” Food for thought…a grocery bill is less than a medical bill. HEAL THY SELF from the inside out.
About the Writer: A woman truly walking in her purpose, Trecia Ayers is a proud mother, an empowerment coach, health and beauty advocate and an IT professional. She is the owner of TA Creative Concepts, LLC and an Independent Distributor for It Works! Global.
October 2016 Special Edition PDWMAG.COM
Providing Inspiration for Your Purpose Journey