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Letter from Editor
Hello Purpose Driven Women,
As we come to another month in 2021 still in a pandemic, some states and cities have experienced some of the worst winters they have experienced in years. People are tired, discouraged, and overwhelmed. But those who know Jesus knew these times were coming and we know he is still in control. Romans 8:28, says all things work for the good of them that love the Lord; so, remember your future still looks bright.
I want to encourage each of you to stay strong, trust in God, and have faith that everything will work outright. Some of the things we will experience will be hurtful, depressing, sad, and it will try to take you out; but I encourage you to stay in prayer and believe what the word of God says, He will never leave you nor forsake you. We have a God that sits high and looks low, and he watches out for His children do not let the enemy get you discouraged.
Stay prayed up my sisters, stomp on the devil's head, and stand flat-footed in position so that nothing can move you. This too shall pass!
Remember to Expect It, Believe It, Receive It!
Carmelita Mcroy