2 minute read
The Courage to Rise Again
By: Kristie Kennedy Ward
As one who has battled the twins of mental illness, depression and social anxiety, for over two decades, I don't have the luxury to live casually. One ailment makes you move too slow and the other makes you move too fast. The great and never-ending challenge is finding the happy medium. I don't take medicine; the Word of God heals me. Every day, I decide to rise above the arrows of defeat. Self-love is not an option, it is a must. I am living proof that you can have a boatload of imperfections and still be powerful!
Your story is still unfolding. Allow the voice of truth to cut through perplexity just as a diamond rises from the ashes of obscurity. If not a single person recognized your worth, could you clearly articulate and appreciate the priceless value you innately possess?
You may be feeling helpless and hopeless. You may be feeling terrified to take the next step. You may be feeling as if your whole world is falling apart. You may be feeling like you can't trust yourself to do the right thing. You may be feeling frustrated from sabotaging your success. You may be feeling tired of going in circles. You may be feeling that it is hard to find a single reason to smile.
Even if you have less than an ounce of strength left, use it to fight through this!
Anatole France said, "All changes even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another." Here are five ways to remain on the up-and-up even ifyou're feeling stuck in a rut:
SHOW UP daily for divine opportunities. Position yourself for promotion, prosperity and continuous progress.
STAND UP and be seen. Your mission and your message matters. The world needs your brilliance.
SPEAK UP and state your truth even if your knees knock. Shout it loud until the mountains bow down.
SHIFT UP amongst the masses of mediocre mindsets. Stretch beyond the seat of stagnation into the clouds of elevation.
STAY UP no matter what. Life is guaranteed to challenge you from every angle. Resist the urge to quit before you reach the finish line.
Whatever negative emotion you are feeling right now, remember there is a blazing future called NEXT waiting with open arms to greet you with a kiss. Listen to HOPE whispering in your ear—yes, you can breathe again! Yes, you can believe again. Yes, you can break free again.