1 minute read

The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works

by John Shaden


RealMisanthropesarenotfoundinSolitude,butintheworld:sinceitisanexperienceoflife &notphilosophy,whichproducesrealhatredofmankind.”




It's been said that if you scratch the surface of a cynic, underneath you’ll find a disappointed idealist. I honestly don't know whether that's the truth or if I sold myself a fable a long time ago. Hell, I’m not even sure if I was the person I remember. Were talking 15+ years and a few critical head injuries ago. It could all be a dream….. Or a nightmare. The worst nightmare. The nightmare you awake from thinking everything is fine, covered in icy beads of sweat and clinging to deep anxiety-drenched gasps of air as the illusion burns off only to realize you're still in the dream. Yes, your humble narrator, at one point, many moons ago, did in fact have faith in humanity.

I know, give yourself a moment to let that ghost pepper vomit feeling sink back into the pit of your meatsuit. It’s appalling to even think I could've been so debased as to actually think that this self-cannibalizing parasitic biomass actually stood a chance…

(continued on next page)

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