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The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works

by John Shaden



I know what you're thinking, and I appreciate the single bullet you are leaving me to take the easy way out. But I will relinquish such drama and flat-out accept responsibility. Drugs, no matter how much and how hard, are no excuse for a delusion of such epic, behemoth proportions. Beyond sheer youthful naivety, I have zero excuses. I was simply and utterly stupid. Humankind has been a sort of grotesque abortion from the jump. Chicken or egg, god/s or cold evolution or both, it's been a shit show. Besides the few fleeting moments of decency or dumb luck, the equivalent of the old “a broken clock is right twice a day” miasma, humanity has been a pillaging, raping, slaughtering, torturing, and hysterical clusterbomb of fear, intellectual famine, and unequivocal failure. I could fill this entire magazine with a “greatest hits of our species” gag reel of bloopers, boners, and practical jokes. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I am on a time crunch and need to act accordingly.

Even at my most belligerent and ignorant, deep down in the swamps of my soul, I have always been a Misanthrope. A Misanthrope is defined as one who has a great dislike, distrust, and disgust of humans and/or society. Yep, that's me in a nutshell. Since I was a young child, I have always had a distrust of people. And any time I would let my guard down people took absolute carte blanche with my emotions, my physical person and possessions, or worse, forced their nonsense onto me without any consent at all. Like a leech, people would inject some numbing agent and then siphon off any and all lifeblood.

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